function lance_install($lang, $DEBUG = FALSE)
    include CONFIG_PATH . 'dbconnect.php';
    include ROOT_PATH . 'version.php';
    //verif si create / alter table possible !!!
    if (!test_create_table($DEBUG)) {
        echo "<font color=\"red\"><b>CREATE TABLE</b> " . _('install_impossible_sur_db') . " <b>{$mysql_database}</b> (" . _('install_verif_droits_mysql') . " <b>{$mysql_user}</b>)...</font><br> \n";
        echo "<br>" . _('install_puis') . " ...<br>\n";
        echo "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"POST\">\n";
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('form_redo') . "\">\n";
        echo "</form>\n";
    } elseif (!test_drop_table($DEBUG)) {
        echo "<font color=\"red\"><b>DROP TABLE</b> " . _('install_impossible_sur_db') . " <b>{$mysql_database}</b> (" . _('install_verif_droits_mysql') . " <b>{$mysql_user}</b>)...</font><br> \n";
        echo "<br>" . _('install_puis') . " ...<br>\n";
        echo "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"POST\">\n";
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('form_redo') . "\">\n";
        echo "</form>\n";
    } else {
        //on execute le script [nouvelle vesion].sql qui crée et initialise les tables
        $file_sql = "sql/php_conges_v{$config_php_conges_version}.sql";
        if (file_exists($file_sql)) {
            $result = execute_sql_file($file_sql, $DEBUG);
        // FIN : mise à jour de la "installed_version" et de la langue dans la table conges_config
        $sql_update_version = "UPDATE conges_config SET conf_valeur = '{$config_php_conges_version}' WHERE conf_nom='installed_version' ";
        $result_update_version = SQL::query($sql_update_version);
        $sql_update_lang = "UPDATE conges_config SET conf_valeur = '{$lang}' WHERE conf_nom='lang' ";
        $result_update_lang = SQL::query($sql_update_lang);
        $tab_url = explode("/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        $url_accueil = implode("/", $tab_url);
        // on prend l'url complet sans le /install/install.php à la fin
        $sql_update_lang = "UPDATE conges_config SET conf_valeur = '{$url_accueil}' WHERE conf_nom='URL_ACCUEIL_CONGES' ";
        $result_update_lang = SQL::query($sql_update_lang);
        $comment_log = "Install de php_conges (version = {$config_php_conges_version}) ";
        log_action(0, "", "", $comment_log, $DEBUG);
        // on propose la page de config ....
        echo "<br><br><h2>" . _('install_ok') . " !</h2><br>\n";
        echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"2; URL=../config/\">";
function e2_drop_table_historique_ajout($DEBUG = FALSE)
    if (test_create_table($DEBUG)) {
        if (test_drop_table($DEBUG)) {
            $sql_drop_1 = "DROP TABLE `conges_historique_ajout`";
            $result_drop_1 = SQL::query($sql_drop_1);
 * Run Tests of main bridge functionality
function run_self_test()
    global $limit_query_size;
    if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
        echo '<b>PHP CURL extension is disabled.</b><br />Please contact your hosting provider to enable PHP CURL extension. It is necessary for bridge self test only.';
    $html = '<h2>' . basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) . ' Self Test Tool</h2>';
    $html .= '<div style="padding: 5px; margin: 10px 0;">This tool checks your website to make sure there are no problems in your hosting configuration.<br />Your hosting support can solve all problems found here.</div>';
    $html .= '<table cellpadding=2>' . '<tr>' . '<th>Test Title</th>' . '<th>Result</th>' . '</tr>';
    $html .= '<tr><td>Bridge Version</td><td>' . $GLOBALS['version'] . '</td><td></td></tr>';
    $html .= '<tr><td>Temporary Directory Exists and Writable</td><td>' . (($res = test_temp_directory()) ? TEST_YES : TEST_NO) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td width=450>Create temporary dir ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmp and set permissions to write</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td>Temporary Directory has enough free space </td><td>' . (($res = test_temp_free_space()) ? TEST_YES : TEST_NO) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Delete unused and temporary files or request more disk space from your hosting provider.</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td><a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=post_max_size+php+&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=" target="_blank">Post Maximum Size</a> </td><td>' . ini_get('post_max_size') . '</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td><a href="http://php.net/manual/en/book.zlib.php" target="_blank">Zlib PHP Extension</a> Loaded</td><td>' . (($res = test_is_gz_avaliable()) ? TEST_YES : TEST_NO) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Ask your hosting provider to enable Zlib php extension</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td><a href="http://www.modsecurity.org/documentation/modsecurity-apache/2.5.12/modsecurity2-apache-reference.html" target="_blank">Apache mod_security</a> Disabled</td><td>' . (($res = test_apache_mod_security()) ? TEST_YES : test_is_cgi_mode() == true ? TEST_SKIP : TEST_NO) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Ask your hosting provider to disable mod_security extension for bridge.php</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td><a href="http://www.hardened-php.net/suhosin/" target="_blank">Suhosin PHP extension</a> Disabled</td><td>' . (($res = test_suhosin_extension_loaded()) ? TEST_YES : TEST_NO) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Ask your hosting provider to disable Suhosin extension for bridge.php
						or set suhosin.request.max_value_length equal 1048576 (currently ' . intval(ini_get('suhosin.request.max_value_length')) . ')
    $html .= '<tr><td>Default Login and Password Changed</td><td>' . (($res = test_default_password_is_changed()) ? TEST_YES : TEST_NO) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Change your login credentials in bridge.php to make your connection secure</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td><a href="http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.php" target="_blank">Magic Quotes GPC/Runtime</a> disabled</td><td>' . (($res = test_magic_quotes()) ? TEST_YES : TEST_NO) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Ask your hosting provider to disable Magic Quotes php extension</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td><a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=post+multipart+form-data&aq=f&aqi=g2g-m8&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=" target="_blank">Post (multipart/form-data)</a> Allowed</td><td>' . (($res = test_post_to_self()) ? TEST_YES : TEST_NO) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Method POST is not allowed. Please check your Apache configuration or contact your hosting provider to solve this problem.</td>';
    if ($limit_query_size) {
        $html .= '<tr><td>Size of database data at one query</td><td>' . $limit_query_size . 'Kb</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td>Check Default Timezone Set</td><td>' . (ini_get('date.timezone') != "" ? '<span style="color: #008000;">Ok</span> (' . date_default_timezone_get() . ')' : '<span style="color: #007000;">Ok</span> (' . date_default_timezone_get() . ')') . '</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td><b>Database Permissions Check</b></td><td></td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Create Table</td><td>' . (($res = test_create_table()) ? TEST_OK : TEST_FAIL) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Error details: "' . $GLOBALS['testResult'] . '"</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td>Insert Data Row</td><td>' . (($res = test_insert_row()) ? TEST_OK : TEST_FAIL) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Error details: "' . $GLOBALS['testResult'] . '"</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td>Update Data Row</td><td>' . (($res = test_update_row()) ? TEST_OK : TEST_FAIL) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Error details: "' . $GLOBALS['testResult'] . '"</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td>Delete Data Row</td><td>' . (($res = test_delete_row()) ? TEST_OK : TEST_FAIL) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Error details: "' . $GLOBALS['testResult'] . '"</td>';
    $html .= '<tr><td>Drop Table</td><td>' . (($res = test_drop_table()) ? TEST_OK : TEST_FAIL) . '</td>';
    if (!$res) {
        $html .= '<td>Error details: "' . $GLOBALS['testResult'] . '"</td>';
    $html .= '</table><br /><br />' . '<a href="?phpinfo">More information about your PHP configuration</a><br /><br />' . 'Log file path: ' . realpath(m1BridgeGetTempDir() . '/bridge_log.txt') . '<div style="font-size: 12px;">Type: ' . getCartType() . '</div>' . '<div style="margin-top: 15px; font-size: 13px;">PHP MySQL Bridge by <a href="http://emagicone.com" target="_blank" style="color: #15428B">eMagicOne</a></div>';
    echo $html;
function lance_maj($lang, $installed_version, $config_php_conges_version, $etape, $DEBUG = FALSE)
    if ($DEBUG) {
        echo " lang = {$lang}  ##  etape = {$etape} ## version = {$installed_version}<br>\n";
    include CONFIG_PATH . 'dbconnect.php';
    //*** ETAPE 0
    if ($etape == 0) {
        //avant tout , on conseille une sauvegarde de la database !! (cf vieux index.php)
        echo "<h3>" . _('install_maj_passer_de') . " <font color=\"black\">{$installed_version}</font> " . _('install_maj_a_version') . " <font color=\"black\">{$config_php_conges_version}</font> .</h3>\n";
        echo "<h3><font color=\"red\">" . _('install_maj_sauvegardez') . " !!!</font></h3>\n";
        echo "<h2>....</h2>\n";
        echo "<br>\n";
        echo "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}?lang={$lang}\" method=\"POST\">\n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"etape\" value=\"1\">\n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"version\" value=\"{$installed_version}\">\n";
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('form_continuer') . "\">\n";
        echo "</form>\n";
        echo "<br><br>\n";
    } elseif ($etape == 1) {
        //verif si create / alter table possible !!!
        if (!test_create_table($DEBUG)) {
            echo "<font color=\"red\"><b>CREATE TABLE</b> " . _('install_impossible_sur_db') . " <b>{$mysql_database}</b> (" . _('install_verif_droits_mysql') . " <b>{$mysql_user}</b>)...</font><br> \n";
            echo "<br>puis ...<br>\n";
            echo "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}?lang={$lang}\" method=\"POST\">\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"etape\"value=\"1\" >\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"version\" value=\"{$installed_version}\">\n";
            echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('form_redo') . "\">\n";
            echo "</form>\n";
        } elseif (!test_alter_table($DEBUG)) {
            echo "<font color=\"red\"><b>ALTER TABLE</b> " . _('install_impossible_sur_db') . " <b>{$mysql_database}</b> (" . _('install_verif_droits_mysql') . " <b>{$mysql_user}</b>)...</font><br> \n";
            echo "<br>puis ...<br>\n";
            echo "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}?lang={$lang}\" method=\"POST\">\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"etape\"value=\"1\" >\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"version\" value=\"{$installed_version}\">\n";
            echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('form_redo') . "\">\n";
            echo "</form>\n";
        } elseif (!test_drop_table($DEBUG)) {
            echo "<font color=\"red\"><b>DROP TABLE</b> " . _('install_impossible_sur_db') . " <b>{$mysql_database}</b> (" . _('install_verif_droits_mysql') . " <b>{$mysql_user}</b>)...</font><br> \n";
            echo "<br>puis ...<br>\n";
            echo "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}?lang={$lang}\">\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"etape\"value=\"1\" >\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"version\" value=\"{$installed_version}\">\n";
            echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('form_redo') . "\">\n";
            echo "</form>\n";
        } else {
            if (!$DEBUG) {
                echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$PHP_SELF}?etape=2&version={$installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?etape=2&version={$installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">" . _('install_etape') . " 1  OK</a><br>\n";
    } elseif ($etape == 2) {
        // si on part d'une version <= v1.0 : on travaille sinon, on passe à l'étape 3
        if (substr($installed_version, 0, 1) == "0" || $installed_version == "1.0") {
            //verif si la copie de l'ancien fichier de config est présent et lisible (install/config_old.php)
            if (!test_old_config_file($DEBUG)) {
                echo "<font color=\"red\">\n";
                echo _('install_le_fichier') . " \"<b>install / config_old.php</b>\" " . _('install_inaccessible') . " !<br>\n";
                echo _('install_maj_conserv_config') . "<br>\n";
                echo _('install_maj_copy_config_file') . " \"<b>install</b>\" " . _('install_maj_whith_name') . " \"<b>config_old.php</b>\" " . _('install_maj_and') . "<br>\n";
                echo _('install_maj_verif_droit_fichier') . " <br>\n";
                echo "</font><br> \n";
                echo "<br>" . _('install_puis') . " ...<br>\n";
                echo "<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}?lang={$lang}\" method=\"POST\">\n";
                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"etape\"value=\"2\" >\n";
                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"version\" value=\"{$installed_version}\">\n";
                echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('form_continuer') . "\">\n";
                echo "</form>\n";
            } else {
                if (!$DEBUG) {
                    echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$PHP_SELF}?etape=3&version={$installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
                } else {
                    echo "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?etape=3&version={$installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">" . _('install_etape') . " 2  OK</a><br>\n";
        } else {
            if (!$DEBUG) {
                echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$PHP_SELF}?etape=3&version={$installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?etape=3&version={$installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">" . _('install_etape') . " 2  OK</a><br>\n";
    } elseif ($etape == 3) {
        // ATTENTION on ne passe cette étape que si on est en version inferieure à 1.0 ! (donc en v0.xxx) (sinon on passe à l'étape 4)
        if (substr($installed_version, 0, 1) != "0") {
            if (!$DEBUG) {
                echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$PHP_SELF}?etape=4&version={$installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?etape=4&version={$installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">" . _('install_etape') . " 3  OK</a><br>\n";
        } else {
            //on lance l'execution de fichier sql de migration l'un après l'autre jusqu a la version 0.10.1 ..
            $db_version = explode(".", $installed_version);
            $db_sub_version = (int) $db_version[1];
            for ($i = $db_sub_version; $i <= 10; $i++) {
                if ($i == 10) {
                    // si on en est à v0.10 on passe en v1.0
                    $sql_file = "sql/upgrade_v0.10_to_v1.0.sql";
                } else {
                    $j = $i + 1;
                    $sql_file = "sql/upgrade_v0." . $i . "_to_v0." . $j . ".sql";
                if ($DEBUG) {
                    echo "sql_file = {$sql_file}<br>\n";
                execute_sql_file($sql_file, $DEBUG);
            if (!$DEBUG) {
                echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$PHP_SELF}?etape=4&version=1.0&lang={$lang}\">";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?etape=4&version=1.0&lang={$lang}\">" . _('install_etape') . " 3  OK</a><br>\n";
    } elseif ($etape == 4) {
        // on est au moins à la version 1.0 ....
        // ensuite tout se fait en php (plus de script de migration sql)
        // on determine la version la + élevée entre $installed_version et 1.0  , et on part de celle là !
        if (substr($installed_version, 0, 1) == "0") {
            $start_version = "1.0";
        } else {
            $start_version = $installed_version;
        //on lance l'execution (include) des scripts d'upgrade l'un après l'autre jusqu a la version voulue ($config_php_conges_version) ..
        if ($start_version == "1.0") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.0.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.1";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.0 (vers la suivante (1.1))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.1") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.1.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.1.1";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.1 (vers la suivante (1.1.1))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.1.1") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.1.1.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.2";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.1.1 (vers la suivante (1.2))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.2") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.2.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.2.1";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.2 (vers la suivante (1.2.1))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.2.1") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.2.1.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.3.0";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.2.1 (vers la suivante (1.3.0))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.3.0") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.3.0.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.3.1";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.3.0 (vers la suivante (1.3.1))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.3.1") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.3.1.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.3.2";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.3.1 (vers la suivante (1.3.2))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.3.2") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.3.2.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.4.0";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.3.1.2 (vers la suivante (1.4.0))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.4.0") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.4.0.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.4.1";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.4.0 (vers la suivante (1.4.1))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.4.1" || $start_version == "1.4.2") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.4.2.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.5.0";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.4.2 (vers la suivante (1.5.0))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.5.0" || $start_version == "1.5.1") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.5.0.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.6.0";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.5.0 (vers la suivante (1.6.0))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } elseif ($start_version == "1.6.0") {
            $file_upgrade = 'upgrade_from_v1.6.0.php';
            $new_installed_version = "1.7.0";
            // execute le script php d'upgrade de la version1.6.0 (vers la suivante (1.7.0))
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$file_upgrade}?version={$new_installed_version}&lang={$lang}\">";
        } else {
            if (!$DEBUG) {
                echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"0; URL={$PHP_SELF}?etape=5&version=1.4.1&lang={$lang}\">";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?etape=5&version=1.5.0&lang={$lang}\">" . _('install_etape') . " 4  OK</a><br>\n";
    } elseif ($etape == 5) {
        // FIN
        // test si fichiers config.php ou config_old.php existent encore (si oui : demande de les éffacer !
        if (test_config_file($DEBUG) || test_old_config_file($DEBUG)) {
            if (test_config_file($DEBUG)) {
                echo _('install_le_fichier') . " <b>\"config.php\"</b> " . _('install_remove_fichier') . ".<br> \n";
            if (test_old_config_file($DEBUG)) {
                echo _('install_le_fichier') . " <b>\"install/config_old.php\"</b> " . _('install_remove_fichier') . ".<br> \n";
            echo "<br><a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?etape=5&version={$config_php_conges_version}&lang={$lang}\">" . _('install_reload_page') . " ....</a><br>\n";
        } else {
            // mise à jour de la "installed_version" et de la langue dans la table conges_config
            $sql_update_version = "UPDATE conges_config SET conf_valeur = '{$config_php_conges_version}' WHERE conf_nom='installed_version' ";
            $result_update_version = SQL::query($sql_update_version);
            $sql_update_lang = "UPDATE conges_config SET conf_valeur = '{$lang}' WHERE conf_nom='lang' ";
            $result_update_lang = SQL::query($sql_update_lang);
            $comment_log = "Mise a jour de php_conges (version {$installed_version} --> version {$config_php_conges_version}) ";
            log_action(0, "", "", $comment_log, $DEBUG);
            // on propose la page de config ....
            echo "<br><br><h2>" . _('install_ok') . " !</h2><br>\n";
            echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=\"2; URL=../config/\">";
    } else {
        // rien, on ne devrait jammais arriver dans ce else !!!