 public function getUserNameFormattedForLookup()
     if (!$this->getPrimaryKey()) {
         return null;
     $va_values = $this->getFieldValuesArray();
     foreach ($va_values as $vs_key => $vs_val) {
         $va_values["ca_users.{$vs_key}"] = $vs_val;
     return caProcessTemplate(join($this->getAppConfig()->getList('ca_users_lookup_delimiter'), $this->getAppConfig()->getList('ca_users_lookup_settings')), $va_values, array());
  * Takes a string and returns an array with the name parsed into pieces according to common heuristics
  * @param string $ps_text The name text
  * @param array $pa_options Optional array of options. Supported options are:
  *		locale = locale code to use when applying rules; if omitted current user locale is employed
  *		displaynameFormat = surnameCommaForename, forenameCommaSurname, forenameSurname, original [Default = original]
  * @return array Array containing parsed name, keyed on ca_entity_labels fields (eg. forename, surname, middlename, etc.)
 static function splitEntityName($ps_text, $pa_options = null)
     global $g_ui_locale;
     $ps_text = $ps_original_text = trim(preg_replace("![ ]+!", " ", $ps_text));
     if (isset($pa_options['locale']) && $pa_options['locale']) {
         $vs_locale = $pa_options['locale'];
     } else {
         $vs_locale = $g_ui_locale;
     if (!$vs_locale && defined('__CA_DEFAULT_LOCALE__')) {
         $vs_locale = __CA_DEFAULT_LOCALE__;
     if (file_exists($vs_lang_filepath = __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/ca/Utils/DataMigrationUtils/' . $vs_locale . '.lang')) {
         /** @var Configuration $o_config */
         $o_config = Configuration::load($vs_lang_filepath);
         $va_titles = $o_config->getList('titles');
         $va_ind_suffixes = $o_config->getList('individual_suffixes');
         $va_corp_suffixes = $o_config->getList('corporation_suffixes');
     } else {
         $o_config = null;
         $va_titles = array();
         $va_ind_suffixes = array();
         $va_corp_suffixes = array();
     $va_name = array();
     // check for titles
     //$ps_text = preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{N} \-]+/u', ' ', $ps_text);
     $vs_prefix_for_name = null;
     foreach ($va_titles as $vs_title) {
         if (preg_match("!^({$vs_title})!i", $ps_text, $va_matches)) {
             $vs_prefix_for_name = $va_matches[1];
             $ps_text = str_replace($va_matches[1], '', $ps_text);
     // check for suffixes
     $vs_suffix_for_name = null;
     if (strpos($ps_text, '_') === false) {
         foreach (array_merge($va_ind_suffixes, $va_corp_suffixes) as $vs_suffix) {
             if (preg_match("!({$vs_suffix})\$!i", $ps_text, $va_matches)) {
                 $vs_suffix_for_name = $va_matches[1];
                 $ps_text = str_replace($va_matches[1], '', $ps_text);
     if ($vs_suffix_for_name) {
         // is corporation
         $va_tmp = preg_split('![, ]+!', trim($ps_text));
         if (strpos($va_tmp[0], '.') !== false) {
             $va_name['forename'] = array_shift($va_tmp);
             $va_name['surname'] = join(' ', $va_tmp);
         } else {
             $va_name['surname'] = $ps_text;
         $va_name['prefix'] = $vs_prefix_for_name;
         $va_name['suffix'] = $vs_suffix_for_name;
     } elseif (strpos($ps_text, ',') !== false) {
         // is comma delimited
         $va_tmp = explode(',', $ps_text);
         $va_name['surname'] = $va_tmp[0];
         if (sizeof($va_tmp) > 1) {
             $va_name['forename'] = $va_tmp[1];
     } elseif (strpos($ps_text, '_') !== false) {
         // is underscore delimited
         $va_tmp = explode('_', $ps_text);
         $va_name['surname'] = $va_tmp[0];
         if (sizeof($va_tmp) > 1) {
             $va_name['forename'] = $va_tmp[1];
             if (sizeof($va_tmp) > 2) {
                 if (in_array(mb_strtolower($va_tmp[2]), $va_ind_suffixes)) {
                     $va_name['suffix'] = $va_tmp[2];
                 } else {
                     $va_name['middlename'] = $va_tmp[2];
         $vs_surname = array_shift($va_tmp);
         $vs_forename = array_shift($va_tmp);
         $ps_original_text = trim("{$vs_forename} {$vs_surname}" . (sizeof($va_tmp) > 0 ? ' ' . join(' ', $va_tmp) : ''));
     } else {
         $va_name = array('surname' => '', 'forename' => '', 'middlename' => '', 'displayname' => '', 'prefix' => $vs_prefix_for_name, 'suffix' => $vs_suffix_for_name);
         $va_tmp = preg_split('![ ]+!', trim($ps_text));
         if (($vn_i = array_search("&", $va_tmp)) !== false) {
             if (sizeof($va_tmp) - ($vn_i + 1) > 1) {
                 $va_name['surname'] = array_pop($va_tmp);
                 $va_name['forename'] = join(' ', array_slice($va_tmp, 0, $vn_i));
                 $va_name['middlename'] = join(' ', array_slice($va_tmp, $vn_i));
             } else {
                 $va_name['surname'] = array_pop($va_tmp);
                 $va_name['forename'] = join(' ', $va_tmp);
         } else {
             switch (sizeof($va_tmp)) {
                 case 1:
                     $va_name['surname'] = $ps_text;
                 case 2:
                     $va_name['forename'] = $va_tmp[0];
                     $va_name['surname'] = $va_tmp[1];
                 case 3:
                     $va_name['forename'] = $va_tmp[0];
                     $va_name['middlename'] = $va_tmp[1];
                     $va_name['surname'] = $va_tmp[2];
                 case 4:
                     if (strpos($ps_text, ' ' . _t('and') . ' ') !== false) {
                         $va_name['surname'] = array_pop($va_tmp);
                         $va_name['forename'] = join(' ', $va_tmp);
                     } else {
                         $va_name['forename'] = array_shift($va_tmp);
                         $va_name['middlename'] = array_shift($va_tmp);
                         $va_name['surname'] = join(' ', $va_tmp);
     switch ($vs_format = caGetOption('displaynameFormat', $pa_options, 'original', array('forceLowercase' => true))) {
         case 'surnamecommaforename':
             $va_name['displayname'] = (strlen(trim($va_name['surname'])) ? $va_name['surname'] . ", " : '') . $va_name['forename'];
         case 'forenamesurname':
             $va_name['displayname'] = trim($va_name['forename'] . ' ' . $va_name['surname']);
         case 'surnameforename':
             $va_name['displayname'] = trim($va_name['surname'] . ' ' . $va_name['forename']);
         case 'original':
             $va_name['displayname'] = $ps_original_text;
             if ($vs_format) {
                 $va_name['displayname'] = caProcessTemplate($vs_format, $va_name);
             } else {
                 $va_name['displayname'] = $ps_original_text;
     foreach ($va_name as $vs_k => $vs_v) {
         $va_name[$vs_k] = trim($vs_v);
     return $va_name;
  * @param $ps_field -
  * @param $pa_options -
  *		returnAsArray - 
  * 		delimiter -
  *		template -
  *		locale -
  *		returnAllLocales - Returns requested value in all locales for which it is defined. Default is false. Note that this is not supported for hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy).
  *		direction - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this determines the order in which the hierarchy is returned. ASC will return the hierarchy root first while DESC will return it with the lowest node first. Default is ASC.
  *		top - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this option, if set, will limit the returned hierarchy to the first X nodes from the root down. Default is to not limit.
  *		bottom - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this option, if set, will limit the returned hierarchy to the first X nodes from the lowest node up. Default is to not limit.
  * 		hierarchicalDelimiter - Text to place between items in a hierarchy for a hierarchical specification (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) when returning as a string
  *		removeFirstItems - If set to a non-zero value, the specified number of items at the top of the hierarchy will be omitted. For example, if set to 2, the root and first child of the hierarchy will be omitted. Default is zero (don't delete anything).
  *		checkAccess = array of access values to filter results by; if defined only items with the specified access code(s) are returned. Only supported for <table_name>.hierarchy.preferred_labels and <table_name>.children.preferred_labels because these returns sets of items. For <table_name>.parent.preferred_labels, which returns a single row at most, you should do access checking yourself. (Everything here applies equally to nonpreferred_labels)
  *		sort = optional bundles to sort returned values on. Only supported for <table_name>.children.preferred_labels. The bundle specifiers are fields with or without tablename.
  *		sort_direction = direction to sort results by, either 'asc' for ascending order or 'desc' for descending order; default is 'asc'
  *		convertCodesToDisplayText = if true then non-preferred label type_ids are automatically converted to display text in the current locale; default is false (return non-preferred label type_id raw)
 public function get($ps_field, $pa_options = null)
     $vs_template = isset($pa_options['template']) ? $pa_options['template'] : null;
     $vb_return_as_array = isset($pa_options['returnAsArray']) ? (bool) $pa_options['returnAsArray'] : false;
     $vb_return_all_locales = isset($pa_options['returnAllLocales']) ? (bool) $pa_options['returnAllLocales'] : false;
     $vs_delimiter = isset($pa_options['delimiter']) ? $pa_options['delimiter'] : ' ';
     $vb_convert_codes_to_display_text = isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText']) ? (bool) $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'] : false;
     if ($vb_return_all_locales && !$vb_return_as_array) {
         $vb_return_as_array = true;
     // if desired try to return values in a preferred language/locale
     $va_preferred_locales = null;
     if (isset($pa_options['locale']) && $pa_options['locale']) {
         $va_preferred_locales = array($pa_options['locale']);
     // does get refer to an attribute?
     $va_tmp = explode('.', $ps_field);
     if ($va_tmp[1] == 'hierarchy' && sizeof($va_tmp) == 2) {
         $va_tmp[2] = 'preferred_labels';
         $ps_field = join('.', $va_tmp);
     $t_label = $this->getLabelTableInstance();
     $t_instance = $this;
     if (sizeof($va_tmp) >= 3 && ($va_tmp[2] == 'preferred_labels' && (!$va_tmp[3] || $t_label->hasField($va_tmp[3]))) || $va_tmp[1] == 'hierarchy') {
         switch ($va_tmp[1]) {
             case 'parent':
                 if ($this->isHierarchical() && ($vn_parent_id = $this->get($this->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD')))) {
                     $t_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($this->tableNum());
                     if (!$t_instance->load($vn_parent_id)) {
                         $t_instance = $this;
                     } else {
                         $va_tmp = array_values($va_tmp);
             case 'children':
                 if ($this->isHierarchical()) {
                     // remove 'children' from field path
                     $va_tmp = array_values($va_tmp);
                     $vs_childless_path = join('.', $va_tmp);
                     $va_data = array();
                     $va_children_ids = $this->getHierarchyChildren(null, array('idsOnly' => true));
                     if (is_array($va_children_ids) && sizeof($va_children_ids)) {
                         $t_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($this->tableNum());
                         $vb_check_access = is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_instance->hasField('access');
                         $va_sort = isset($pa_options['sort']) ? $pa_options['sort'] : null;
                         if (!is_array($va_sort) && $va_sort) {
                             $va_sort = array($va_sort);
                         if (!is_array($va_sort)) {
                             $va_sort = array();
                         $vs_sort_direction = isset($pa_options['sort_direction']) && in_array(strtolower($pa_options['sort_direction']), array('asc', 'desc')) ? strtolower($pa_options['sort_direction']) : 'asc';
                         $qr_children = $this->makeSearchResult($this->tableName(), $va_children_ids);
                         $vs_table = $this->tableName();
                         while ($qr_children->nextHit()) {
                             if ($vb_check_access && !in_array($qr_children->get("{$vs_table}.access"), $pa_options['checkAccess'])) {
                             $vs_sort_key = '';
                             foreach ($va_sort as $vs_sort) {
                                 $vs_sort_key .= $vs_sort ? $qr_children->get($vs_sort) : 0;
                             if (!is_array($va_data[$vs_sort_key])) {
                                 $va_data[$vs_sort_key] = array();
                             $va_data[$vs_sort_key] = array_merge($va_data[$vs_sort_key], $qr_children->get($vs_childless_path, array_merge($pa_options, array('returnAsArray' => true))));
                         if ($vs_sort_direction && $vs_sort_direction == 'desc') {
                             $va_data = array_reverse($va_data);
                         $va_sorted_data = array();
                         foreach ($va_data as $vs_sort_key => $va_items) {
                             foreach ($va_items as $vs_k => $vs_v) {
                                 $va_sorted_data[] = $vs_v;
                         $va_data = $va_sorted_data;
                     if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                         return $va_data;
                     } else {
                         return join($vs_delimiter, $va_data);
             case 'hierarchy':
                 $vs_direction = isset($pa_options['direction']) ? strtoupper($pa_options['direction']) : null;
                 if (!in_array($vs_direction, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
                     $vs_direction = 'ASC';
                 $vn_top = (int) isset($pa_options['top']) ? strtoupper($pa_options['top']) : 0;
                 if ($vn_top < 0) {
                     $vn_top = 0;
                 $vn_bottom = (int) isset($pa_options['bottom']) ? strtoupper($pa_options['bottom']) : 0;
                 if ($vn_bottom < 0) {
                     $vn_bottom = 0;
                 $vs_pk = $this->primaryKey();
                 $vs_label_table_name = $this->getLabelTableName();
                 $t_label_instance = $this->getLabelTableInstance();
                 if (!$vs_template && ($vs_display_field = $t_label_instance->hasField($va_tmp[2]) ? $t_label_instance->tableName() . "." . $va_tmp[2] : ($this->hasField($va_tmp[2]) ? $this->tableName() . "." . $va_tmp[2] : null))) {
                     $vs_template = "^{$vs_display_field}";
                 $vn_top_id = null;
                 if (!($va_ancestor_list = $this->getHierarchyAncestors(null, array('idsOnly' => true, 'includeSelf' => true)))) {
                     $va_ancestor_list = array();
                 // TODO: this should really be in a model subclass
                 if ($this->tableName() == 'ca_objects' && $this->getAppConfig()->get('ca_objects_x_collections_hierarchy_enabled') && ($vs_coll_rel_type = $this->getAppConfig()->get('ca_objects_x_collections_hierarchy_relationship_type'))) {
                     require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_objects.php';
                     if ($this->getPrimaryKey() == $vn_top_id) {
                         $t_object = $this;
                     } else {
                         $t_object = new ca_objects($vn_top_id);
                     if (is_array($va_collections = $t_object->getRelatedItems('ca_collections', array('restrictToRelationshipTypes' => $vs_coll_rel_type)))) {
                         require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_collections.php';
                         $t_collection = new ca_collections();
                         foreach ($va_collections as $vn_i => $va_collection) {
                             if ($va_collections_ancestor_list = $t_collection->getHierarchyAncestors($va_collection['collection_id'], array('idsOnly' => true, 'includeSelf' => true))) {
                                 $va_ancestor_list = array_merge($va_ancestor_list, $va_collections_ancestor_list);
                             // for now only process first collection (no polyhierarchies)
                 // remove root and children if so desired
                 if (isset($pa_options['removeFirstItems']) && (int) $pa_options['removeFirstItems'] > 0) {
                     for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < (int) $pa_options['removeFirstItems']; $vn_i++) {
                 if ($vs_display_field != $va_tmp[2]) {
                     if ($this->hasField($va_tmp[2])) {
                         $vs_display_field = $va_tmp[2];
                 $vb_check_access = is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $this->hasField('access');
                 if ($vb_check_access) {
                     $va_access_values = $this->getFieldValuesForIDs($va_ancestor_list, array('access'));
                     $va_ancestor_list = array();
                     foreach ($va_access_values as $vn_ancestor_id => $vn_access_value) {
                         if (in_array($vn_access_value, $pa_options['checkAccess'])) {
                             $va_ancestor_list[] = $vn_ancestor_id;
                 if ($vs_template) {
                     $va_tmp = caProcessTemplateForIDs($vs_template, $this->tableName(), $va_ancestor_list, array('returnAsArray' => true));
                 } else {
                     $va_tmp = $this->getPreferredDisplayLabelsForIDs($va_ancestor_list, array('returnAsArray' => true, 'returnAllLocales' => $vb_return_all_locales));
                 if ($vn_top > 0) {
                     $va_tmp = array_slice($va_tmp, sizeof($va_tmp) - $vn_top, $vn_top, true);
                 } else {
                     if ($vn_bottom > 0) {
                         $va_tmp = array_slice($va_tmp, 0, $vn_bottom, true);
                 if ($vs_direction == 'ASC') {
                     $va_tmp = array_reverse($va_tmp, true);
                 if (caGetOption('returnAsLink', $pa_options, false)) {
                     $va_tmp = caCreateLinksFromText(array_values($va_tmp), $this->tableName(), array_keys($va_tmp));
                 if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                     return $va_tmp;
                 } else {
                     $vs_hier_delimiter = isset($pa_options['hierarchicalDelimiter']) ? $pa_options['hierarchicalDelimiter'] : $pa_options['delimiter'];
                     return join($vs_hier_delimiter, $va_tmp);
     switch (sizeof($va_tmp)) {
         case 1:
             switch ($va_tmp[0]) {
                 # ---------------------------------------------
                 case 'preferred_labels':
                     if (!$vb_return_as_array) {
                         $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_instance->getPreferredLabels(), null, $va_preferred_locales);
                         $vs_disp_field = $this->getLabelDisplayField();
                         $va_values = array();
                         foreach ($va_labels as $vn_row_id => $va_label_list) {
                             foreach ($va_label_list as $vn_i => $va_label) {
                                 if ($vs_template) {
                                     $va_values[] = caProcessTemplate($vs_template, $va_label, array('removePrefix' => 'preferred_labels.'));
                                 } else {
                                     $va_values[] = $va_label[$vs_disp_field];
                         return join($vs_delimiter, $va_values);
                     } else {
                         $va_labels = $t_instance->getPreferredLabels(null, false);
                         if ($vb_return_all_locales) {
                             return $va_labels;
                         } else {
                             // Simplify array by getting rid of third level array which is unnecessary since
                             // there is only ever one preferred label for a locale
                             $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_labels, null, $va_preferred_locales);
                             $va_processed_labels = array();
                             foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_id => $va_label_list) {
                                 $va_processed_labels[$vn_label_id] = $va_label_list[0];
                             return $va_processed_labels;
                     # ---------------------------------------------
                 # ---------------------------------------------
                 case 'nonpreferred_labels':
                     if (!$vb_return_as_array) {
                         $vs_disp_field = $this->getLabelDisplayField();
                         $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_instance->getNonPreferredLabels(), null, $va_preferred_locales);
                         $t_list = new ca_lists();
                         if ($vb_convert_codes_to_display_text) {
                             $va_types = $t_list->getItemsForList($this->getLabelTableInstance()->getFieldInfo('type_id', 'LIST_CODE'), array('extractValuesByUserLocale' => true));
                         $va_values = array();
                         foreach ($va_labels as $vn_row_id => $va_label_list) {
                             foreach ($va_label_list as $vn_i => $va_label) {
                                 if ($vs_template) {
                                     $va_label_values = $va_label;
                                     $va_label_values['typename_singular'] = $va_types[$va_label['type_id']]['name_singular'];
                                     $va_label_values['typename_plural'] = $va_types[$va_label['type_id']]['name_plural'];
                                     if ($vb_convert_codes_to_display_text) {
                                         $va_label_values['type_id'] = $va_types[$va_label['type_id']]['name_singular'];
                                     $va_values[] = caProcessTemplate($vs_template, $va_label_values, array('removePrefix' => 'nonpreferred_labels.'));
                                 } else {
                                     if ($vb_convert_codes_to_display_text && $vs_disp_field == 'type_id') {
                                         $va_values[] = $va_types[$va_label[$vs_disp_field]]['name_singular'];
                                     } else {
                                         $va_values[] = $va_label[$vs_disp_field];
                         return join($vs_delimiter, $va_values);
                         $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_instance->getNonPreferredLabels(null, false));
                         $vs_disp_field = $this->getLabelDisplayField();
                         $va_processed_labels = array();
                         foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_id => $va_label_list) {
                             foreach ($va_label_list as $vn_i => $va_label) {
                                 $va_processed_labels[] = $va_label[$vs_disp_field];
                         return join($vs_delimiter, $va_processed_labels);
                     } else {
                         $va_labels = $t_instance->getNonPreferredLabels(null, false);
                         if ($vb_return_all_locales) {
                             return $va_labels;
                         } else {
                             return caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_labels, null, $va_preferred_locales);
                     # ---------------------------------------------
         case 2:
         case 3:
             if ($va_tmp[0] === $t_instance->tableName()) {
                 switch ($va_tmp[1]) {
                     # ---------------------------------------------
                     case 'preferred_labels':
                         if (!$vb_return_as_array) {
                             if (isset($va_tmp[2]) && $va_tmp[2]) {
                                 $vs_disp_field = $va_tmp[2];
                             } else {
                                 $vs_disp_field = $this->getLabelDisplayField();
                             $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_instance->getPreferredLabels(), null, $va_preferred_locales);
                             $va_values = array();
                             foreach ($va_labels as $vn_row_id => $va_label_list) {
                                 foreach ($va_label_list as $vn_i => $va_label) {
                                     if ($vs_template) {
                                         $va_values[] = caProcessTemplate($vs_template, $va_label, array('removePrefix' => 'preferred_labels.'));
                                     } else {
                                         $va_values[] = $va_label[$vs_disp_field];
                             return join($vs_delimiter, $va_values);
                         } else {
                             $va_labels = $t_instance->getPreferredLabels(null, false);
                             if (!$vb_return_all_locales) {
                                 // Simplify array by getting rid of third level array which is unnecessary since
                                 // there is only ever one preferred label for a locale
                                 $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_labels, null, $va_preferred_locales);
                                 $va_processed_labels = array();
                                 foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_id => $va_label_list) {
                                     $va_processed_labels[$vn_label_id] = $va_label_list[0];
                                 $va_labels = $va_processed_labels;
                             if (isset($va_tmp[2]) && $va_tmp[2]) {
                                 // specific field
                                 if ($vb_return_all_locales) {
                                     foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_id => $va_labels_by_locale) {
                                         foreach ($va_labels_by_locale as $vn_locale_id => $va_label_list) {
                                             foreach ($va_label_list as $vn_i => $va_label) {
                                                 $va_labels[$vn_label_id][$vn_locale_id][$vn_i] = $va_label[$va_tmp[2]];
                                 } else {
                                     // get specified field value
                                     foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_id => $va_label_info) {
                                         $va_labels[$vn_label_id] = $va_label_info[$va_tmp[2]];
                             return $va_labels;
                         # ---------------------------------------------
                     # ---------------------------------------------
                     case 'nonpreferred_labels':
                         if (!$vb_return_as_array) {
                             if (isset($va_tmp[2]) && $va_tmp[2]) {
                                 $vs_disp_field = $va_tmp[2];
                             } else {
                                 $vs_disp_field = $this->getLabelDisplayField();
                             $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_instance->getNonPreferredLabels(), null, $va_preferred_locales);
                             $t_list = new ca_lists();
                             if ($vb_convert_codes_to_display_text) {
                                 $va_types = $t_list->getItemsForList($this->getLabelTableInstance()->getFieldInfo('type_id', 'LIST_CODE'), array('extractValuesByUserLocale' => true));
                             $va_values = array();
                             foreach ($va_labels as $vn_row_id => $va_label_list) {
                                 foreach ($va_label_list as $vn_i => $va_label) {
                                     if ($vs_template) {
                                         $va_label_values = $va_label;
                                         $va_label_values['typename_singular'] = $va_types[$va_label['type_id']]['name_singular'];
                                         $va_label_values['typename_plural'] = $va_types[$va_label['type_id']]['name_plural'];
                                         if ($vb_convert_codes_to_display_text) {
                                             $va_label_values['type_id'] = $va_types[$va_label['type_id']]['name_singular'];
                                         $va_values[] = caProcessTemplate($vs_template, $va_label_values, array('removePrefix' => 'nonpreferred_labels.'));
                                     } else {
                                         if ($vb_convert_codes_to_display_text && $vs_disp_field == 'type_id') {
                                             $va_values[] = $va_types[$va_label[$vs_disp_field]]['name_singular'];
                                         } else {
                                             $va_values[] = $va_label[$vs_disp_field];
                             return join($vs_delimiter, $va_values);
                         } else {
                             $va_labels = $t_instance->getNonPreferredLabels(null, false);
                             if (!$vb_return_all_locales) {
                                 $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_labels, null, $va_preferred_locales);
                             if (isset($va_tmp[2]) && $va_tmp[2]) {
                                 // specific field
                                 if ($vb_return_all_locales) {
                                     foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_id => $va_labels_by_locale) {
                                         foreach ($va_labels_by_locale as $vn_locale_id => $va_label_list) {
                                             foreach ($va_label_list as $vn_i => $va_label) {
                                                 $va_labels[$vn_label_id][$vn_locale_id][$vn_i] = $va_label[$va_tmp[2]];
                                 } else {
                                     // get specified field value
                                     foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_id => $va_label_info) {
                                         foreach ($va_label_info as $vn_id => $va_label) {
                                             $va_labels[$vn_label_id] = $va_label[$va_tmp[2]];
                             return $va_labels;
                         # ---------------------------------------------
     return parent::get($ps_field, $pa_options);
  * Process template expression, replacing "^" prefixed placeholders with data values
  * @param string $ps_placeholder An expression with at least one placeholder. (Eg. "^1"). Can also be a text expression with embedded placeholders (Eg. "This is ^1 and this is ^2). The placeholders are valid specifiers for the data reader being used prefixed with a caret ("^"). For flat formats like Excel, they will look like ^1, ^2, etc. For XML formats they will be Xpath. Eg. ^/teiHeader/encodingDesc/projectDesc
  * @param array $pa_source_data An array of data to use in substitutions. Array is indexed by placeholder name *without* the leading caret.
  * @param array $pa_item The mapping item information array containing settings for the current mapping.
  * @param int $pn_index The index of the value to return. For non-repeating values this should be omitted or set to zero. For repeating values, this is a zero-based index indicating which value is returned. If a value for the specified index does not exist null will be returned. If the index is set to null then an array with all values is returned.
  * @param array $pa_options An array of options. Options include:
  *		reader = An instance of BaseDataReader. Will be used to pull values for placeholders that are not defined in $pa_source_data. This is useful for formats like XML where placeholders may be arbitrary XPath expressions that must be executed rather than parsed. [Default is null]
  *		returnAsString = Return array of repeating values as string using delimiter. Has effect only is $pn_index parameter is set to null. [Default is false]
  *		delimiter = Delimiter to join array values with when returnAsString option is set; or the delimiter to use when breaking apart a value for return via the returnDelimitedValueAt option. [Default is ";"]
  *		returnDelimitedValueAt = Return a specific part of a value delimited by the "delimiter" option. Only has effect when returning a specific index of a repeating value (Eg. $pn_index is not null). The option value is a zero-based index. [Default is null – return entire value]
  * @return mixed An array or string
 public static function parsePlaceholder($ps_placeholder, $pa_source_data, $pa_item, $pn_index = 0, $pa_options = null)
     $o_reader = caGetOption('reader', $pa_options, null);
     $ps_placeholder = trim($ps_placeholder);
     $vs_key = substr($ps_placeholder, 1);
     if ($ps_placeholder[0] == '^' && strpos($ps_placeholder, '^', 1) === false) {
         // Placeholder is a single caret-value
         if ($o_reader) {
             $vm_val = $o_reader->get($vs_key, array('returnAsArray' => true));
         } else {
             if (!isset($pa_source_data[substr($ps_placeholder, 1)])) {
                 return null;
             $vm_val = $pa_source_data[substr($ps_placeholder, 1)];
     } elseif (strpos($ps_placeholder, '^') !== false) {
         // Placeholder is a full template – requires extra processing
         if ($o_reader) {
             $va_tags = array();
             // get a list of all tags in placeholder
             if (preg_match_all(__CA_BUNDLE_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE_TAG_REGEX__, $ps_placeholder, $va_matches)) {
                 foreach ($va_matches[1] as $vn_i => $vs_possible_tag) {
                     $va_matches[1][$vn_i] = rtrim($vs_possible_tag, "/.");
                     // remove trailing slashes and periods
                 $va_tags = $va_matches[1];
             // Make sure all tags are in source data array, otherwise try to pull them from the reader.
             // Some formats, mainly XML, can take expressions (XPath for XML) that are not precalculated in the array
             foreach ($va_tags as $vs_tag) {
                 if (isset($pa_source_data[$vs_tag])) {
                 $va_val = $o_reader->get($vs_key, array('returnAsArray' => true));
                 $pa_source_data[$vs_tag] = $va_val[$pn_index];
             $vm_val = caProcessTemplate($ps_placeholder, $pa_source_data);
         } else {
             // Is plain text
             if (!isset($pa_source_data[substr($ps_placeholder, 1)])) {
                 return null;
             $vm_val = $pa_source_data[substr($ps_placeholder, 1)];
     } else {
         $vm_val = $ps_placeholder;
     // Get specific index for repeating value
     if (is_array($vm_val) && !is_null($pn_index)) {
         $vm_val = isset($vm_val[$pn_index]) ? $vm_val[$pn_index] : null;
     // If we're returning the entire array, do processing on members and return
     if (is_array($vm_val)) {
         foreach ($vm_val as $vn_i => $vs_val) {
             if (is_array($pa_item['settings']['original_values']) && ($vn_ix = array_search(mb_strtolower($vs_val), $pa_item['settings']['original_values'])) !== false) {
                 $vs_val = $pa_item['settings']['replacement_values'][$vn_ix];
             $vm_val[$vn_i] = trim($vs_val);
         $vm_val = caProcessImportItemSettingsForValue($vm_val, $pa_item['settings']);
         if (caGetOption("returnAsString", $pa_options, false)) {
             $va_delimiter = caGetOption("delimiter", $pa_options, ';');
             if (is_array($va_delimiter)) {
                 $vs_delimiter = array_shift($va_delimiter);
             } else {
                 $vs_delimiter = $va_delimiter;
             return join($vs_delimiter, $vm_val);
         return $vm_val;
     if (!is_null($pn_index) && !is_null($vs_get_at_index = caGetOption('returnDelimitedValueAt', $pa_options, null)) && ($va_delimiter = caGetOption("delimiter", $pa_options, ';'))) {
         if (!is_array($va_delimiter)) {
             $va_delimiter = array($va_delimiter);
         foreach ($va_delimiter as $vn_index => $vs_delim) {
             if (!trim($vs_delim, "\t ")) {
             $va_delimiter[$vn_index] = preg_quote($vs_delim, "!");
         $va_val = preg_split("!(" . join("|", $va_delimiter) . ")!", $vm_val);
         $vm_val = isset($va_val[$vs_get_at_index]) ? $va_val[$vs_get_at_index] : null;
     $vm_val = trim($vm_val);
     if (is_array($pa_item['settings']['original_values']) && ($vn_i = array_search(mb_strtolower($vm_val), $pa_item['settings']['original_values'])) !== false) {
         $vm_val = $pa_item['settings']['replacement_values'][$vn_i];
     $vm_val = caProcessImportItemSettingsForValue($vm_val, $pa_item['settings']);
     return trim($vm_val);
 private static function _processChildren(SearchResult $pr_res, $po_nodes, array $pa_vals, array $pa_options = null)
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = [];
     if (!$po_nodes) {
         return '';
     $vs_acc = '';
     $ps_tablename = $pr_res->tableName();
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     $t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($ps_tablename, true);
     $ps_delimiter = caGetOption('delimiter', $pa_options, '; ');
     $pb_is_case = caGetOption('isCase', $pa_options, false, ['castTo' => 'boolean']);
     $pb_quote = caGetOption('quote', $pa_options, false, ['castTo' => 'boolean']);
     $pa_primary_ids = caGetOption('primaryIDs', $pa_options, null);
     $pb_include_blanks = caGetOption('includeBlankValuesInArray', $pa_options, false);
     $vn_last_unit_omit_count = null;
     foreach ($po_nodes as $vn_index => $o_node) {
         switch ($vs_tag = strtolower($o_node->tag)) {
             case 'case':
                 if (!$pb_is_case) {
                     $vs_acc .= DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, $pa_vals, array_merge($pa_options, ['isCase' => true]));
             case 'if':
                 if (strlen($vs_rule = $o_node->rule) && ExpressionParser::evaluate($vs_rule, $pa_vals)) {
                     $vs_acc .= DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, DisplayTemplateParser::_getValues($pr_res, DisplayTemplateParser::_getTags($o_node->children, $pa_options), $pa_options), $pa_options);
                     if ($pb_is_case) {
                         break 2;
             case 'ifdef':
             case 'ifnotdef':
                 $vb_defined = DisplayTemplateParser::_evaluateCodeAttribute($pr_res, $o_node, ['index' => caGetOption('index', $pa_options, null), 'mode' => $vs_tag == 'ifdef' ? 'present' : 'not_present']);
                 if ($vs_tag == 'ifdef' && $vb_defined || $vs_tag == 'ifnotdef' && $vb_defined) {
                     // Make sure returned values are not empty
                     $vs_acc .= DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, DisplayTemplateParser::_getValues($pr_res, DisplayTemplateParser::_getTags($o_node->children, $pa_options), $pa_options), $pa_options);
                     if ($pb_is_case) {
                         break 2;
             case 'ifcount':
                 $vn_min = (int) $o_node->min;
                 $vn_max = (int) $o_node->max;
                 if (!is_array($va_codes = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node)) || !sizeof($va_codes)) {
                 $pa_check_access = $t_instance->hasField('access') ? caGetOption('checkAccess', $pa_options, null) : null;
                 if (!is_array($pa_check_access) || !sizeof($pa_check_access)) {
                     $pa_check_access = null;
                 $vb_bool = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesBooleanModeAttribute($o_node);
                 $va_restrict_to_types = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node, ['attribute' => 'restrictToTypes']);
                 $va_exclude_types = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node, ['attribute' => 'excludeTypes']);
                 $va_restrict_to_relationship_types = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node, ['attribute' => 'restrictToRelationshipTypes']);
                 $va_exclude_to_relationship_types = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node, ['attribute' => 'excludeRelationshipTypes']);
                 $vm_count = $vb_bool == 'AND' ? 0 : [];
                 foreach ($va_codes as $vs_code) {
                     $va_vals = $pr_res->get($vs_code, ['checkAccess' => $pa_check_access, 'returnAsArray' => true, 'restrictToTypes' => $va_restrict_to_types, 'excludeTypes' => $va_exclude_types, 'restrictToRelationshipTypes' => $va_restrict_to_relationship_types, 'excludeRelationshipTypes' => $va_exclude_to_relationship_types]);
                     if (is_array($va_vals)) {
                         if ($vb_bool == 'AND') {
                             $vm_count += sizeof($va_vals);
                         } else {
                             $vm_count[$vs_code] = sizeof($va_vals);
                 if ($vb_bool == 'AND') {
                     if ($vn_min <= $vm_count && ($vn_max >= $vm_count || !$vn_max)) {
                         $vs_acc .= DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, DisplayTemplateParser::_getValues($pr_res, DisplayTemplateParser::_getTags($o_node->children, $pa_options), $pa_options), $pa_options);
                         if ($pb_is_case) {
                             break 2;
                 } else {
                     $vb_all_have_count = true;
                     foreach ($vm_count as $vs_code => $vn_count) {
                         if (!($vn_min <= $vn_count && ($vn_max >= $vn_count || !$vn_max))) {
                             $vb_all_have_count = false;
                             break 2;
                     if ($vb_all_have_count) {
                         $vs_acc .= DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, $pa_vals, $pa_options);
                         if ($pb_is_case) {
                             break 2;
             case 'more':
                 // Does a placeholder with value follow this tag?
                 // NOTE: 	We don't take into account <ifdef> and friends when finding a set placeholder; it may be set but not visible due to a conditional
                 // 			This case is not covered at the moment on the assumption that if you're using <more> you're not using conditionals. This may or may not be a good assumption.
                 for ($vn_i = $vn_index + 1; $vn_i < sizeof($po_nodes); $vn_i++) {
                     if ($po_nodes[$vn_i] && $po_nodes[$vn_i]->tag == '~text~' && is_array($va_following_tags = caGetTemplateTags($po_nodes[$vn_i]->text))) {
                         foreach ($va_following_tags as $vs_following_tag) {
                             if (isset($pa_vals[$vs_following_tag]) && strlen($pa_vals[$vs_following_tag])) {
                                 $vs_acc .= DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, $pa_vals, $pa_options);
                                 if ($pb_is_case) {
                                     break 2;
             case 'between':
                 // Does a placeholder with value precede this tag?
                 // NOTE: 	We don't take into account <ifdef> and friends when finding a set placeholder; it may be set but not visible due to a conditional
                 // 			This case is not covered at the moment on the assumption that if you're using <between> you're not using conditionals. This may or may not be a good assumption.
                 $vb_has_preceding_value = false;
                 for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < $vn_index; $vn_i++) {
                     if ($po_nodes[$vn_i] && $po_nodes[$vn_i]->tag == '~text~' && is_array($va_preceding_tags = caGetTemplateTags($po_nodes[$vn_i]->text))) {
                         foreach ($va_preceding_tags as $vs_preceding_tag) {
                             if (isset($pa_vals[$vs_preceding_tag]) && strlen($pa_vals[$vs_preceding_tag])) {
                                 $vb_has_preceding_value = true;
                 if ($vb_has_preceding_value) {
                     // Does it have a value immediately following it?
                     for ($vn_i = $vn_index + 1; $vn_i < sizeof($po_nodes); $vn_i++) {
                         if ($po_nodes[$vn_i] && $po_nodes[$vn_i]->tag == '~text~' && is_array($va_following_tags = caGetTemplateTags($po_nodes[$vn_i]->text))) {
                             foreach ($va_following_tags as $vs_following_tag) {
                                 if (isset($pa_vals[$vs_following_tag]) && strlen($pa_vals[$vs_following_tag])) {
                                     $vs_acc .= DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, $pa_vals, $pa_options);
                                     if ($pb_is_case) {
                                         break 2;
             case 'expression':
                 if ($vs_exp = trim($o_node->getInnerText())) {
                     $vs_acc .= ExpressionParser::evaluate(DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, DisplayTemplateParser::_getValues($pr_res, DisplayTemplateParser::_getTags($o_node->children, $pa_options), $pa_options), array_merge($pa_options, ['quote' => true])), $pa_vals);
                     if ($pb_is_case) {
                         break 2;
             case 'unit':
                 $va_relative_to_tmp = $o_node->relativeTo ? explode(".", $o_node->relativeTo) : [$ps_tablename];
                 if ($va_relative_to_tmp[0] && !($t_rel_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_relative_to_tmp[0], true))) {
                 $vn_last_unit_omit_count = 0;
                 // <unit> attributes
                 $vs_unit_delimiter = $o_node->delimiter ? (string) $o_node->delimiter : $ps_delimiter;
                 $vb_unique = $o_node->unique ? (bool) $o_node->unique : false;
                 $vb_aggregate_unique = $o_node->aggregateUnique ? (bool) $o_node->aggregateUnique : false;
                 $vs_unit_skip_if_expression = (string) $o_node->skipIfExpression;
                 $vn_start = (int) $o_node->start;
                 $vn_length = (int) $o_node->length;
                 $pa_check_access = $t_instance->hasField('access') ? caGetOption('checkAccess', $pa_options, null) : null;
                 if (!is_array($pa_check_access) || !sizeof($pa_check_access)) {
                     $pa_check_access = null;
                 // additional get options for pulling related records
                 $va_get_options = ['returnAsArray' => true, 'checkAccess' => $pa_check_access];
                 $va_get_options['restrictToTypes'] = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node, ['attribute' => 'restrictToTypes']);
                 $va_get_options['excludeTypes'] = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node, ['attribute' => 'excludeTypes']);
                 $va_get_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'] = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node, ['attribute' => 'restrictToRelationshipTypes']);
                 $va_get_options['excludeRelationshipTypes'] = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($o_node, ['attribute' => 'excludeRelationshipTypes']);
                 if ($o_node->sort) {
                     $va_get_options['sort'] = preg_split('![ ,;]+!', $o_node->sort);
                     $va_get_options['sortDirection'] = $o_node->sortDirection;
                 if (sizeof($va_relative_to_tmp) == 1 && $va_relative_to_tmp[0] == $ps_tablename || sizeof($va_relative_to_tmp) >= 1 && $va_relative_to_tmp[0] == $ps_tablename && $va_relative_to_tmp[1] != 'related') {
                     $vs_relative_to_container = null;
                     switch (strtolower($va_relative_to_tmp[1])) {
                         case 'hierarchy':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".hierarchy." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                         case 'parent':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".parent." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                         case 'children':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".children." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                         case 'siblings':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".siblings." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                             // If relativeTo is not set to a valid attribute try to guess from template
                             if ($t_rel_instance->isValidMetadataElement(join(".", array_slice($va_relative_to_tmp, 1, 1)), true)) {
                                 $vs_relative_to_container = join(".", array_slice($va_relative_to_tmp, 0, 2));
                             } else {
                                 $va_tags = caGetTemplateTags($o_node->getInnerText());
                                 foreach ($va_tags as $vs_tag) {
                                     $va_tag = explode('.', $vs_tag);
                                     while (sizeof($va_tag) > 1) {
                                         $vs_end = array_pop($va_tag);
                                         if ($t_rel_instance->isValidMetadataElement($vs_end, true)) {
                                             $va_tag[] = $vs_end;
                                             $vs_relative_to_container = join(".", $va_tag);
                                             break 2;
                             $va_relative_ids = array($pr_res->getPrimaryKey());
                     // process template for all records selected by unit tag
                     $va_tmpl_val = DisplayTemplateParser::evaluate($o_node->getInnerText(), $ps_tablename, $va_relative_ids, array_merge($pa_options, ['sort' => $va_get_options['sort'], 'sortDirection' => $va_get_options['sortDirection'], 'returnAsArray' => true, 'delimiter' => $vs_unit_delimiter, 'skipIfExpression' => $vs_unit_skip_if_expression, 'placeholderPrefix' => (string) $o_node->relativeTo, 'restrictToTypes' => $va_get_options['restrictToTypes'], 'excludeTypes' => $va_get_options['excludeTypes'], 'isUnit' => true, 'unitStart' => $vn_start, 'unitLength' => $vn_length, 'relativeToContainer' => $vs_relative_to_container, 'includeBlankValuesInTopLevelForPrefetch' => false, 'unique' => $vb_unique, 'aggregateUnique' => $vb_aggregate_unique]));
                     if ($vb_unique) {
                         $va_tmpl_val = array_unique($va_tmpl_val);
                     if ($vn_start > 0 || !is_null($vn_length)) {
                         $vn_last_unit_omit_count = sizeof($va_tmpl_val) - ($vn_length - $vn_start);
                     if (caGetOption('returnAsArray', $pa_options, false)) {
                         return $va_tmpl_val;
                     $vs_acc .= join($vs_unit_delimiter, $va_tmpl_val);
                     if ($pb_is_case) {
                         break 2;
                 } else {
                     switch (strtolower($va_relative_to_tmp[1])) {
                         case 'hierarchy':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".hierarchy." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                         case 'parent':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".parent." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                         case 'children':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".children." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                         case 'siblings':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".siblings." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                         case 'related':
                             $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".related." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                             $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                             if (method_exists($t_instance, 'isSelfRelationship') && $t_instance->isSelfRelationship() && is_array($pa_primary_ids) && isset($pa_primary_ids[$t_rel_instance->tableName()])) {
                                 $va_relative_ids = array_values($t_instance->getRelatedIDsForSelfRelationship($pa_primary_ids[$t_rel_instance->tableName()], array($pr_res->getPrimaryKey())));
                             } else {
                                 $va_relative_ids = $pr_res->get($t_rel_instance->primaryKey(true), $va_get_options);
                                 $va_relative_ids = is_array($va_relative_ids) ? array_values($va_relative_ids) : array();
                     $va_tmpl_val = DisplayTemplateParser::evaluate($o_node->getInnerText(), $va_relative_to_tmp[0], $va_relative_ids, array_merge($pa_options, ['sort' => $va_unit['sort'], 'sortDirection' => $va_unit['sortDirection'], 'delimiter' => $vs_unit_delimiter, 'returnAsArray' => true, 'skipIfExpression' => $vs_unit_skip_if_expression, 'placeholderPrefix' => (string) $o_node->relativeTo, 'restrictToTypes' => $va_get_options['restrictToTypes'], 'excludeTypes' => $va_get_options['excludeTypes'], 'isUnit' => true, 'unitStart' => $vn_start, 'unitLength' => $vn_length, 'includeBlankValuesInTopLevelForPrefetch' => false, 'unique' => $vb_unique, 'aggregateUnique' => $vb_aggregate_unique]));
                     if ($vb_unique) {
                         $va_tmpl_val = array_unique($va_tmpl_val);
                     if ($vn_start > 0 || !is_null($vn_length)) {
                         $vn_num_vals = sizeof($va_tmpl_val);
                         $va_tmpl_val = array_slice($va_tmpl_val, $vn_start, $vn_length > 0 ? $vn_length : null);
                         $vn_last_unit_omit_count = $vn_num_vals - ($vn_length - $vn_start);
                     if (caGetOption('returnAsArray', $pa_options, false)) {
                         return $va_tmpl_val;
                     $vs_acc .= join($vs_unit_delimiter, $va_tmpl_val);
                     if ($pb_is_case) {
                         break 2;
             case 'whenunitomits':
                 if ($vn_last_unit_omit_count > 0) {
                     $vs_proc_template = caProcessTemplate($o_node->getInnerText(), array_merge($pa_vals, ['omitcount' => (int) $vn_last_unit_omit_count]), ['quote' => $pb_quote]);
                     $vs_acc .= $vs_proc_template;
                 if ($o_node->children && sizeof($o_node->children) > 0) {
                     $vs_proc_template = DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($pr_res, $o_node->children, $pa_vals, $pa_options);
                 } else {
                     $vs_proc_template = caProcessTemplate($o_node->html(), $pa_vals, ['quote' => $pb_quote]);
                 if ($vs_tag === 'l') {
                     $va_proc_templates = caCreateLinksFromText(["{$vs_proc_template}"], $ps_tablename, [$pr_res->getPrimaryKey()], null, caGetOption('linkTarget', $pa_options, null), array_merge(['addRelParameter' => true, 'requireLinkTags' => false], $pa_options));
                     $vs_proc_template = array_shift($va_proc_templates);
                 } elseif (strlen($vs_tag) && $vs_tag[0] !== '~') {
                     if ($o_node->children && sizeof($o_node->children) > 0) {
                         $vs_attr = '';
                         if ($o_node->attributes) {
                             foreach ($o_node->attributes as $attribute => $value) {
                                 $vs_attr .= " {$attribute}=\"" . htmlspecialchars(caProcessTemplate($value, $pa_vals, ['quote' => $pb_quote])) . "\"";
                         $vs_proc_template = "<{$vs_tag}{$vs_attr}>{$vs_proc_template}</{$vs_tag}>";
                     } elseif ($o_node->attributes && sizeof($o_node->attributes) > 0) {
                         $vs_attr = '';
                         foreach ($o_node->attributes as $attribute => $value) {
                             $vs_attr .= " {$attribute}=\"" . htmlspecialchars(caProcessTemplate($value, $pa_vals, ['quote' => $pb_quote])) . "\"";
                         switch (strtolower($vs_tag)) {
                             case 'br':
                             case 'hr':
                             case 'meta':
                             case 'link':
                             case 'base':
                             case 'img':
                             case 'embed':
                             case 'param':
                             case 'area':
                             case 'col':
                             case 'input':
                                 $vs_proc_template = "<{$vs_tag}{$vs_attr} />";
                                 $vs_proc_template = "<{$vs_tag}{$vs_attr}></{$vs_tag}>";
                     } else {
                         $vs_proc_template = $o_node->html();
                 $vs_acc .= $vs_proc_template;
     return $vs_acc;
  * Tweet on save of item
 public function hookSaveItem(&$pa_params)
     $t_subject = $pa_params['instance'];
     // get instance from params
     $bitly = new bitly('collectiveaccess', 'R_8a0ecd6ea746c58f787d6769329b9976');
     // check access
     $va_access_values = $this->opo_config->getList($t_subject->tableName() . '_tweet_when_access');
     if (is_array($va_access_values) && sizeof($va_access_values)) {
         if (!in_array($t_subject->get('access'), $va_access_values)) {
             // Skip record because it is not publicly accessible
             return $pa_params;
     // check update threshold (prevents repeated tweeting when a record is repeatedly saved over a short period of time)
     if (($vn_threshold = $this->opo_config->get($t_subject->tableName() . "_tweet_update_threshold")) <= 0) {
         // seconds
         $vn_threshold = 3600;
         // default to one hour if no threshold is specified
     $vb_access_changed = $t_subject->get('access') != $this->opn_old_access_value;
     $this->opn_old_access_value = null;
     if (!$vb_access_changed && time() - $this->opn_last_update_timestamp < $vn_threshold) {
         return $pa_params;
     // Get Twitter token. If it doesn't exist silently skip posting.
     if ($o_token = @unserialize(file_get_contents(__CA_APP_DIR__ . '/tmp/twitter.token'))) {
         try {
             $o_twitter = new Zend_Service_Twitter(array('consumerKey' => $this->opo_config->get('consumer_key'), 'consumerSecret' => $this->opo_config->get('consumer_secret'), 'username' => $this->opo_config->get('twitter_username'), 'accessToken' => $o_token));
             // Post to Twitter
             $vn_id = $t_subject->getPrimaryKey();
             $vs_url = $this->opo_config->get($t_subject->tableName() . '_public_url') . $vn_id;
             $vs_url_bitly = $bitly->shorten($vs_url);
             $vs_tweet = $this->opo_config->get($pa_params['is_insert'] ? $t_subject->tableName() . '_new_message' : $t_subject->tableName() . '_updated_message');
             if ($vs_tweet) {
                 // substitute tags
                 $vs_tweet = caProcessTemplate($vs_tweet, array('BITLY_URL' => $vs_url_bitly, 'URL' => $vs_url, 'ID' => $vn_id), array('getFrom' => $t_subject, 'delimiter' => ', '));
                 if (mb_strlen($vs_tweet) > 140) {
                     $vs_tweet = mb_substr($vs_tweet, 0, 140);
                 $o_response = $o_twitter->status->update($vs_tweet);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Don't post error to user - Twitter failing is not a critical error
             // But let's put it in the event log so you have some chance of knowing what's going on
             //print "Post to Twitter failed: ".$e->getMessage();
             $o_log = new Eventlog();
             $o_log->log(array('SOURCE' => 'twitter plugin', 'MESSAGE' => _t('Post to Twitter failed: %1', $e->getMessage()), 'CODE' => 'ERR'));
     return $pa_params;
  * @param string $ps_source
  * @param string $ps_mapping
  * @param array $pa_options
  *		user_id = user to execute import for
  *		description = Text describing purpose of import to be logged.
  *		showCLIProgressBar = Show command-line progress bar. Default is false.
  *		format = Format of data being imported. MANDATORY
  *		useNcurses = Use ncurses library to format output
  *		logDirectory = path to directory where logs should be written
  *		logLevel = KLogger constant for minimum log level to record. Default is KLogger::INFO. Constants are, in descending order of shrillness:
  *			KLogger::EMERG = Emergency messages (system is unusable)
  *			KLogger::ALERT = Alert messages (action must be taken immediately)
  *			KLogger::CRIT = Critical conditions
  *			KLogger::ERR = Error conditions
  *			KLogger::WARN = Warnings
  *			KLogger::NOTICE = Notices (normal but significant conditions)
  *			KLogger::INFO = Informational messages
  *			KLogger::DEBUG = Debugging messages
  *		dryRun = do import but don't actually save data
  *		environment = an array of environment values to provide to the import process. The keys manifest themselves as mappable tags.
  *		forceImportForPrimaryKeys = list of primary key ids to force mapped source data into. The number of keys passed should equal or exceed the number of rows in the source data. [Default is empty] 
  *		transaction = transaction to perform import within. Will not be used if noTransaction option is set. [Default is to create a new transaction]
  *		noTransaction = don't wrap the import in a transaction. [Default is false]
 public static function importDataFromSource($ps_source, $ps_mapping, $pa_options = null)
     ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors = 0;
     ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed = 0;
     ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped = 0;
     ca_data_importers::$s_import_error_list = array();
     $opa_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager();
     $va_notices = $va_errors = array();
     $pb_no_transaction = caGetOption('noTransaction', $pa_options, false, array('castTo' => 'bool'));
     $pa_force_import_for_primary_keys = caGetOption('forceImportForPrimaryKeys', $pa_options, null);
     if (!($t_mapping = ca_data_importers::mappingExists($ps_mapping))) {
         return null;
     $o_event = ca_data_import_events::newEvent(isset($pa_options['user_id']) ? $pa_options['user_id'] : null, $pa_options['format'], $ps_source, isset($pa_options['description']) ? $pa_options['description'] : '');
     $o_trans = null;
     if (!$pb_no_transaction) {
         if (!($o_trans = caGetOption('transaction', $pa_options, null))) {
             $o_trans = new Transaction();
     $po_request = caGetOption('request', $pa_options, null);
     $pb_dry_run = caGetOption('dryRun', $pa_options, false);
     $pn_file_number = caGetOption('fileNumber', $pa_options, 0);
     $pn_number_of_files = caGetOption('numberOfFiles', $pa_options, 1);
     $o_config = Configuration::load();
     if (!is_array($pa_options) || !isset($pa_options['logLevel']) || !$pa_options['logLevel']) {
         $pa_options['logLevel'] = KLogger::INFO;
     if (!is_array($pa_options) || !isset($pa_options['logDirectory']) || !$pa_options['logDirectory'] || !file_exists($pa_options['logDirectory'])) {
         if (!($pa_options['logDirectory'] = $o_config->get('batch_metadata_import_log_directory'))) {
             $pa_options['logDirectory'] = ".";
     if (!is_writeable($pa_options['logDirectory'])) {
         $pa_options['logDirectory'] = caGetTempDirPath();
     $o_log = new KLogger($pa_options['logDirectory'], $pa_options['logLevel']);
     $vb_show_cli_progress_bar = isset($pa_options['showCLIProgressBar']) && $pa_options['showCLIProgressBar'] ? true : false;
     $o_progress = caGetOption('progressBar', $pa_options, new ProgressBar('WebUI'));
     if ($vb_show_cli_progress_bar) {
         $o_progress->set('outputToTerminal', true);
     if ($vb_use_ncurses = isset($pa_options['useNcurses']) && $pa_options['useNcurses'] ? true : false) {
         $vb_use_ncurses = caCLIUseNcurses();
     $vn_error_window_height = null;
     $vn_max_x = $vn_max_y = null;
     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
         $r_screen = ncurses_newwin(0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_border(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_getmaxyx($r_screen, $vn_max_y, $vn_max_x);
         $vn_error_window_height = $vn_max_y - 8;
         $r_errors = ncurses_newwin($vn_error_window_height, $vn_max_x - 4, 4, 2);
         ncurses_wborder($r_errors, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_wattron($r_errors, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_errors, 0, 1, _t(" Recent errors "));
         ncurses_wattroff($r_errors, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         $r_progress = ncurses_newwin(3, $vn_max_x - 4, $vn_max_y - 4, 2);
         ncurses_wborder($r_progress, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_wattron($r_progress, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_progress, 0, 1, _t(" Progress "));
         ncurses_wattroff($r_progress, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         $r_status = ncurses_newwin(3, $vn_max_x - 4, 1, 2);
         ncurses_wborder($r_status, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         ncurses_wattron($r_status, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_status, 0, 1, _t(" Import status "));
         ncurses_wattroff($r_status, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
     $o_log->logInfo(_t('Started import of %1 using mapping %2', $ps_source, $t_mapping->get("importer_code")));
     $t = new Timer();
     $vn_start_time = time();
     $va_log_import_error_opts = array('startTime' => $vn_start_time, 'window' => $r_errors, 'log' => $o_log, 'request' => $po_request, 'progressCallback' => isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback']) ? $ps_callback : null, 'reportCallback' => isset($pa_options['reportCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['reportCallback']) ? $ps_callback : null);
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     // constant locale set by index.php for web requests
     $vn_locale_id = isset($pa_options['locale_id']) && (int) $pa_options['locale_id'] ? (int) $pa_options['locale_id'] : $g_ui_locale_id;
     $o_dm = $t_mapping->getAppDatamodel();
     $o_progress->start(_t('Reading %1', $ps_source), array('window' => $r_progress));
     if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) {
         $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, 0, 100, _t('Reading %1', $ps_source), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), 0, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors);
     // Open file
     $ps_format = isset($pa_options['format']) && $pa_options['format'] ? $pa_options['format'] : null;
     if (!($o_reader = $t_mapping->getDataReader($ps_source, $ps_format))) {
         ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t("Could not open source %1 (format=%2)", $ps_source, $ps_format), $va_log_import_error_opts);
         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
         if ($o_trans) {
         return false;
     if (!$o_reader->read($ps_source, array('basePath' => $t_mapping->getSetting('basePath')))) {
         ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t("Could not read source %1 (format=%2)", $ps_source, $ps_format), $va_log_import_error_opts);
         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
         if ($o_trans) {
         return false;
     $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished reading input source at %1 seconds', $t->getTime(4)));
     $vn_num_items = $o_reader->numRows();
     $o_progress->start(_t('Importing from %1', $ps_source), array('window' => $r_progress));
     if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) {
         $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, 0, $vn_num_items, _t('Importing from %1', $ps_source), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), 0, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors);
     // What are we importing?
     $vn_table_num = $t_mapping->get('table_num');
     if (!($t_subject = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_table_num))) {
         // invalid table
         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
         if ($o_trans) {
         return false;
     $vs_subject_table_name = $t_subject->tableName();
     $t_label = $t_subject->getLabelTableInstance();
     $vs_label_display_fld = $t_subject->getLabelDisplayField();
     $vs_subject_table = $t_subject->tableName();
     $vs_type_id_fld = $t_subject->getTypeFieldName();
     $vs_idno_fld = $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD');
     // get mapping rules
     $va_mapping_rules = $t_mapping->getRules();
     // get mapping groups
     $va_mapping_groups = $t_mapping->getGroups();
     $va_mapping_items = $t_mapping->getItems();
     // Mapping-level settings
     $vs_type_mapping_setting = $t_mapping->getSetting('type');
     $vn_num_initial_rows_to_skip = $t_mapping->getSetting('numInitialRowsToSkip');
     if (!in_array($vs_import_error_policy = $t_mapping->getSetting('errorPolicy'), array('ignore', 'stop'))) {
         $vs_import_error_policy = 'ignore';
     if (!in_array($vs_existing_record_policy = $t_mapping->getSetting('existingRecordPolicy'), array('none', 'skip_on_idno', 'skip_on_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno', 'merge_on_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno_with_replace', 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'overwrite_on_idno', 'overwrite_on_preferred_labels', 'overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels'))) {
         $vs_existing_record_policy = 'none';
     // Analyze mapping for figure out where type, idno, preferred label and other mandatory fields are coming from
     $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_idno_mapping_item_id = null;
     $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids = array();
     $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids = array();
     $va_mandatory_fields = $t_subject->getMandatoryFields();
     foreach ($va_mapping_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
         $vs_destination = $va_item['destination'];
         if (sizeof($va_dest_tmp = explode(".", $vs_destination)) >= 2) {
             if ($va_dest_tmp[0] == $vs_subject_table && $va_dest_tmp[1] == 'preferred_labels') {
                 if (isset($va_dest_tmp[2])) {
                     $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids[$vn_item_id] = $va_dest_tmp[2];
                 } else {
                     $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids[$vn_item_id] = $vs_label_display_fld;
         switch ($vs_destination) {
             case 'representation_id':
                 if ($vs_subject_table == 'ca_representation_annotations') {
                     $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id;
             case "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_type_id_fld}":
                 $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id;
             case "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_idno_fld}":
                 $vn_idno_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id;
         foreach ($va_mandatory_fields as $vs_mandatory_field) {
             if ($vs_mandatory_field == $vs_type_id_fld) {
             // type is handled separately
             if ($vs_destination == "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_mandatory_field}") {
                 $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids[$vs_mandatory_field] = $vn_item_id;
     $va_items_by_group = array();
     foreach ($va_mapping_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
         $va_items_by_group[$va_item['group_id']][$va_item['item_id']] = $va_item;
     $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished analyzing mapping at %1 seconds', $t->getTime(4)));
     // Set up environment
     $va_environment = caGetOption('environment', $pa_options, array(), array('castTo' => 'array'));
     if (is_array($va_environment_config = $t_mapping->getEnvironment())) {
         foreach ($va_environment_config as $vn_i => $va_environment_item) {
             $va_env_tmp = explode("|", $va_environment_item['value']);
             if (!($o_env_reader = $t_mapping->getDataReader($ps_source, $ps_format))) {
             if (!$o_env_reader->read($ps_source, array('basePath' => ''))) {
             switch (sizeof($va_env_tmp)) {
                 case 1:
                     $vs_env_value = $o_env_reader->get($va_environment_item['value'], array('returnAsArray' => false));
                 case 2:
                     $vn_seek = (int) $va_env_tmp[0];
                     $o_reader->seek($vn_seek > 0 ? $vn_seek - 1 : $vn_seek);
                     $vs_env_value = $o_env_reader->get($va_env_tmp[1], array('returnAsArray' => false));
                     $vs_env_value = $va_environment_item['value'];
             $va_environment[$va_environment_item['name']] = $vs_env_value;
     // Run through rows
     $vn_row = 0;
     ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed = 0;
     while ($o_reader->nextRow()) {
         $va_mandatory_field_values = array();
         $vs_preferred_label_for_log = null;
         if ($vn_row < $vn_num_initial_rows_to_skip) {
             // skip over initial header rows
         $o_log->logDebug(_t('Started reading row %1 at %2 seconds', $vn_row, $t->getTime(4)));
         $t_subject = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_table_num);
         if ($o_trans) {
         // Update status display
         if ($vb_use_ncurses && ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed) {
             ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_status, 1, 2, _t("Items processed/skipped: %1/%2", ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . _t("Errors: %1 (%2)", ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors, sprintf("%3.1f", ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors / ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed * 100) . "%") . str_repeat(" ", 6) . _t("Mapping: %1", $ps_mapping) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . _t("Source: %1", $ps_source) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . str_repeat(" ", 5));
         // Get data for current row
         $va_row = array_merge($o_reader->getRow(), $va_environment);
         // Apply rules
         foreach ($va_mapping_rules as $va_rule) {
             if (!isset($va_rule['trigger']) || !$va_rule['trigger']) {
             if (!isset($va_rule['actions']) || !is_array($va_rule['actions']) || !sizeof($va_rule['actions'])) {
             $vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_rule['trigger'], $va_row);
             if (!ExpressionParser::hadError() && (bool) $vm_ret) {
                 foreach ($va_rule['actions'] as $va_action) {
                     if (!is_array($va_action) && strtolower($va_action) == 'skip') {
                         $va_action = array('action' => 'skip');
                     switch ($vs_action_code = strtolower($va_action['action'])) {
                         case 'set':
                             $va_row[$va_action['target']] = $va_action['value'];
                             // TODO: transform value using mapping rules?
                         case 'skip':
                             if ($vs_action_code != 'skip') {
                                 $o_log->logInfo(_t('Row was skipped using rule "%1" with default action because an invalid action ("%2") was specified', $va_rule['trigger'], $vs_action_code));
                             } else {
                                 $o_log->logDebug(_t('Row was skipped using rule "%1" with action "%2"', $va_rule['trigger'], $vs_action_code));
                             continue 4;
         // Perform mapping and insert
         // Get minimal info for imported row (type_id, idno, label)
         // Get type
         if ($vn_type_id_mapping_item_id) {
             // Type is specified in row
             $vs_type = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_type_id_mapping_item_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment));
         } else {
             // Type is constant for all rows
             $vs_type = $vs_type_mapping_setting;
         // Get idno
         $vs_idno = null;
         if ($vn_idno_mapping_item_id) {
             // idno is specified in row
             $vs_idno = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment));
             if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default']) && !strlen($vs_idno)) {
                 $vs_idno = $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default'];
             if (!is_array($vs_idno) && $vs_idno[0] == '^' && preg_match("!^\\^[^ ]+\$!", $vs_idno)) {
                 // Parse placeholder when it's at the beginning of the value
                 if (!is_null($vm_parsed_val = BaseRefinery::parsePlaceholder($vs_idno, $va_row, $va_item, null, array('reader' => $o_reader, 'returnAsString' => true)))) {
                     $vs_idno = $vm_parsed_val;
             // Apply prefix/suffix *AFTER* setting default
             if ($vs_idno && isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix'])) {
                 $vs_idno = $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix'] . $vs_idno;
             if ($vs_idno && isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix'])) {
                 $vs_idno .= $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix'];
             if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) {
                 $vs_idno = caProcessTemplate($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], $va_row);
         } else {
             $vs_idno = "%";
         $vb_idno_is_template = (bool) preg_match('![%]+!', $vs_idno);
         // get preferred labels
         $va_pref_label_values = array();
         foreach ($va_preferred_label_mapping_ids as $vn_preferred_label_mapping_id => $vs_preferred_label_mapping_fld) {
             $vs_label_val = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment));
             // If a template is specified format the label value with it so merge-on-preferred_label doesn't fail
             if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) {
                 $vs_label_val = caProcessTemplate($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], $va_row);
             $va_pref_label_values[$vs_preferred_label_mapping_fld] = $vs_label_val;
         $vs_display_label = isset($va_pref_label_values[$vs_label_display_fld]) ? $va_pref_label_values[$vs_label_display_fld] : $vs_idno;
         // Look for existing record?
         if (is_array($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys) && sizeof($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys) > 0) {
             $vn_id = array_shift($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys);
             if (!$t_subject->load($vn_id)) {
                 $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of forced primary key \'%1\' does not exist', $vn_id));
                 // skip because primary key does not exist
         } elseif ($vs_existing_record_policy != 'none') {
             switch ($vs_existing_record_policy) {
                 case 'skip_on_idno':
                     if (!$vb_idno_is_template) {
                         $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                         if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                             continue 2;
                             // skip because idno matched
                 case 'skip_on_preferred_labels':
                     $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                     if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                         continue 2;
                         // skip because label matched
                 case 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels':
                 case 'merge_on_idno':
                 case 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace':
                 case 'merge_on_idno_with_replace':
                     if (!$vb_idno_is_template) {
                         $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                         if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Merged with existing record matched on identifer by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                     if (in_array($vs_existing_record_policy, array('merge_on_idno', 'merge_on_idno_with_replace'))) {
                     // fall through if merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels
                 // fall through if merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels
                 case 'merge_on_preferred_labels':
                 case 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace':
                     $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                     if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Merged with existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                 case 'overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels':
                 case 'overwrite_on_idno':
                     if (!$vb_idno_is_template && $vs_idno) {
                         $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                         if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                             $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
                             if ($t_subject->numErrors()) {
                                 ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Could not delete existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                                 // Don't stop?
                             } else {
                                 $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Overwrote existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                     if ($vs_existing_record_policy == 'overwrite_on_idno') {
                     // fall through if overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels
                 // fall through if overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels
                 case 'overwrite_on_preferred_labels':
                     $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids')));
                     if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                         $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
                         if ($t_subject->numErrors()) {
                             ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Could not delete existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
                             // Don't stop?
                         } else {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Overwrote existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy));
         $o_progress->next(_t("Importing %1", $vs_idno), array('window' => $r_progress));
         if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) {
             $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, $vn_num_items, _t("[%3/%4] Processing %1 (%2)", caTruncateStringWithEllipsis($vs_display_label, 50), $vs_idno, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, $vn_num_items), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors);
         $vb_output_subject_preferred_label = false;
         $va_content_tree = array();
         foreach ($va_items_by_group as $vn_group_id => $va_items) {
             $va_group = $va_mapping_groups[$vn_group_id];
             $vs_group_destination = $va_group['destination'];
             $va_group_tmp = explode(".", $vs_group_destination);
             if (sizeof($va_items) < 2 && sizeof($va_group_tmp) > 2) {
             $vs_target_table = $va_group_tmp[0];
             if (!($t_target = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_target_table, true))) {
                 // Invalid target table
                 $o_log->logWarn(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because target %3 is invalid', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_target_table));
             if ($o_trans) {
             $va_group_buf = array();
             foreach ($va_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
                 if ($vb_use_as_single_value = caGetOption('useAsSingleValue', $va_item['settings'], false)) {
                     // Force repeating values to be imported as a single value
                     $va_vals = array(ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_item, $o_reader, array('delimiter' => caGetOption('delimiter', $va_item['settings'], ''), 'returnAsArray' => false)));
                 } else {
                     $va_vals = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_item, $o_reader, array('returnAsArray' => true, 'environment' => $va_environment));
                 if (!sizeof($va_vals)) {
                     $va_vals = array(0 => null);
                 // consider missing values equivalent to blanks
                 // Do value conversions
                 foreach ($va_vals as $vn_i => $vm_val) {
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['default']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['default']) && !strlen($vm_val)) {
                         $vm_val = $va_item['settings']['default'];
                     // Apply prefix/suffix *AFTER* setting default
                     if ($vm_val && isset($va_item['settings']['prefix']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['prefix'])) {
                         $vm_val = $va_item['settings']['prefix'] . $vm_val;
                     if ($vm_val && isset($va_item['settings']['suffix']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['suffix'])) {
                         $vm_val .= $va_item['settings']['suffix'];
                     if (!is_array($vm_val) && $vm_val[0] == '^' && preg_match("!^\\^[^ ]+\$!", $vm_val)) {
                         // Parse placeholder
                         if (!is_null($vm_parsed_val = BaseRefinery::parsePlaceholder($vm_val, $va_row, $va_item, $vn_i, array('reader' => $o_reader, 'returnAsString' => true)))) {
                             $vm_val = $vm_parsed_val;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) {
                         $vm_val = caProcessTemplate($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], array_replace($va_row, array((string) $va_item['source'] => ca_data_importers::replaceValue($vm_val, $va_item))), array('getFrom' => $o_reader));
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'])) {
                         if (is_array($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'])) {
                             foreach ($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'] as $vn_regex_index => $va_regex) {
                                 if (!strlen($va_regex['match'])) {
                                 $vm_val = preg_replace("!" . str_replace("!", "\\!", $va_regex['match']) . "!" . (isset($va_regex['caseSensitive']) && (bool) $va_regex['caseSensitive'] ? '' : 'i'), $va_regex['replaceWith'], $vm_val);
                     $va_vals[$vn_i] = $vm_val;
                     if ($o_reader->valuesCanRepeat()) {
                         $va_row[$va_item['source']][$vn_i] = $va_row[mb_strtolower($va_item['source'])][$vn_i] = $vm_val;
                     } else {
                         $va_row[$va_item['source']] = $va_row[mb_strtolower($va_item['source'])] = $vm_val;
                 // Process each value
                 $vn_c = -1;
                 foreach ($va_vals as $vn_i => $vm_val) {
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['convertNewlinesToHTML']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['convertNewlinesToHTML'] && is_string($vm_val)) {
                         $vm_val = nl2br($vm_val);
                     // Get location in content tree for addition of new content
                     $va_item_dest = explode(".", $va_item['destination']);
                     $vs_item_terminal = $va_item_dest[sizeof($va_item_dest) - 1];
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes']) && !in_array($vs_type, $va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because of type restriction', $vs_idno, $vn_row));
                         continue 4;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 is empty', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id));
                         continue 4;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 matches value %5', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id));
                         continue 4;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && !in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 is not in list of values', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id, $vm_val));
                         continue 4;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 is empty', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal));
                         continue 3;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression']) && strlen(trim($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression']))) {
                         if ($vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression'], $va_row)) {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because expression %3 is true', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression']));
                             continue 3;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 matches value %4', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal, $vm_val));
                         continue 3;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && !in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue'])) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 matches is not in list of values', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal));
                         continue 3;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression']) && strlen(trim($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression']))) {
                         if ($vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression'], $va_row)) {
                             $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped mapping because expression %2 is true', $vs_idno, $va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression']));
                             continue 2;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) {
                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped mapping because value for %2 is empty', $vs_idno, $vs_item_terminal));
                         continue 2;
                     if ($vn_type_id_mapping_item_id && $vn_item_id == $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id) {
                     if ($vn_idno_mapping_item_id && $vn_item_id == $vn_idno_mapping_item_id) {
                     if (is_null($vm_val)) {
                     // Get mapping error policy
                     $vb_item_error_policy_is_default = false;
                     if (!isset($va_item['settings']['errorPolicy']) || !in_array($vs_item_error_policy = $va_item['settings']['errorPolicy'], array('ignore', 'stop'))) {
                         $vs_item_error_policy = 'ignore';
                         $vb_item_error_policy_is_default = true;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['relationshipType']) && strlen($vs_rel_type = $va_item['settings']['relationshipType']) && $vs_target_table != $vs_subject_table) {
                         $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_relationship_type'] = $vs_rel_type;
                     // Is it a constant value?
                     if (preg_match("!^_CONSTANT_:[\\d]+:(.*)!", $va_item['source'], $va_matches)) {
                         $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $va_matches[1];
                         // Set it and go onto the next item
                         if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) {
                             $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val;
                     // Perform refinery call (if required) per value
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['refineries']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['refineries'])) {
                         foreach ($va_item['settings']['refineries'] as $vs_refinery) {
                             if (!$vs_refinery) {
                             if ($o_refinery = RefineryManager::getRefineryInstance($vs_refinery)) {
                                 $va_refined_values = $o_refinery->refine($va_content_tree, $va_group, $va_item, $va_row, array('mapping' => $t_mapping, 'source' => $ps_source, 'subject' => $t_subject, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'reader' => $o_reader, 'valueIndex' => $vn_i));
                                 if (!$va_refined_values || is_array($va_refined_values) && !sizeof($va_refined_values)) {
                                     continue 2;
                                 if ($o_refinery->returnsMultipleValues()) {
                                     foreach ($va_refined_values as $va_refined_value) {
                                         $va_refined_value['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy;
                                         if (!is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) {
                                             $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array();
                                         $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array_merge($va_group_buf[$vn_c], $va_refined_value);
                                 } else {
                                     $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy;
                                     $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $va_refined_values;
                                 if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) {
                                     $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val;
                                 continue 2;
                             } else {
                                 ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Invalid refinery %2 specified', $vs_idno, $vs_refinery));
                     if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) {
                         $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val;
                     $vn_max_length = !is_array($vm_val) && isset($va_item['settings']['maxLength']) && (int) $va_item['settings']['maxLength'] ? (int) $va_item['settings']['maxLength'] : null;
                     if (isset($va_item['settings']['delimiter']) && $va_item['settings']['delimiter']) {
                         if (!is_array($va_item['settings']['delimiter'])) {
                             $va_item['settings']['delimiter'] = array($va_item['settings']['delimiter']);
                         if (sizeof($va_item['settings']['delimiter'])) {
                             foreach ($va_item['settings']['delimiter'] as $vn_index => $vs_delim) {
                                 $va_item['settings']['delimiter'][$vn_index] = preg_quote($vs_delim, "!");
                             $va_val_list = preg_split("!(" . join("|", $va_item['settings']['delimiter']) . ")!", $vm_val);
                             // Add delimited values
                             foreach ($va_val_list as $vs_list_val) {
                                 $vs_list_val = trim(ca_data_importers::replaceValue($vs_list_val, $va_item));
                                 if ($vn_max_length && mb_strlen($vs_list_val) > $vn_max_length) {
                                     $vs_list_val = mb_substr($vs_list_val, 0, $vn_max_length);
                                 $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array($vs_item_terminal => $vs_list_val, '_errorPolicy' => $vs_item_error_policy);
                             // Don't add "regular" value below
                     if ($vn_max_length && mb_strlen($vm_val) > $vn_max_length) {
                         $vm_val = mb_substr($vm_val, 0, $vn_max_length);
                     switch ($vs_item_terminal) {
                         case 'preferred_labels':
                         case 'nonpreferred_labels':
                             if ($t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_target_table, true)) {
                                 $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$t_instance->getLabelDisplayField()] = $vm_val;
                             if ($o_trans) {
                             if (!$vb_item_error_policy_is_default || !isset($va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'])) {
                                 if (is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) {
                                     $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy;
                             if ($vs_item_terminal == 'preferred_labels') {
                                 $vs_preferred_label_for_log = $vm_val;
                             $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $vm_val;
                             if (!$vb_item_error_policy_is_default || !isset($va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'])) {
                                 if (is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) {
                                     $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy;
                 // end foreach($va_vals as $vm_val)
             foreach ($va_group_buf as $vn_group_index => $va_group_data) {
                 $va_ptr =& $va_content_tree;
                 foreach ($va_group_tmp as $vs_tmp) {
                     if (!is_array($va_ptr[$vs_tmp])) {
                         $va_ptr[$vs_tmp] = array();
                     $va_ptr =& $va_ptr[$vs_tmp];
                     if ($vs_tmp == $vs_target_table) {
                         // add numeric index after table to ensure repeat values don't overwrite each other
                         $va_parent =& $va_ptr;
                         $va_ptr[] = array();
                         $va_ptr =& $va_ptr[sizeof($va_ptr) - 1];
                 $va_ptr = $va_group_data;
         // Process out self-relationships
         if (is_array($va_content_tree[$vs_subject_table])) {
             $va_self_related_content = array();
             foreach ($va_content_tree[$vs_subject_table] as $vn_i => $va_element_data) {
                 if (isset($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])) {
                     $va_self_related_content[] = $va_element_data;
             if (sizeof($va_self_related_content) > 0) {
                 $va_content_tree["related.{$vs_subject_table}"] = $va_self_related_content;
         $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished building content tree for %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4)));
         $o_log->logDebug(_t("Content tree is\n%1", print_R($va_content_tree, true)));
         // Process data in subject record
         $opa_app_plugin_manager->hookDataImportContentTree(array('mapping' => $t_mapping, 'content_tree' => &$va_content_tree, 'idno' => &$vs_idno, 'transaction' => &$o_trans, 'log' => &$o_log, 'reader' => $o_reader, 'environment' => $va_environment, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row));
         if (!sizeof($va_content_tree) && !str_replace("%", "", $vs_idno)) {
         if (!$t_subject->getPrimaryKey()) {
             $o_event->beginItem($vn_row, $t_subject->tableNum(), 'I');
             $t_subject->set($vs_type_id_fld, $vs_type);
             if ($vb_idno_is_template) {
             } else {
                 $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_idno, array('assumeIdnoForRepresentationID' => true, 'assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true));
                 // assumeIdnoStubForLotID forces ca_objects.lot_id values to always be considered as a potential idno_stub first, before use as a ca_objects.lot_id
             // Look for parent_id in the content tree
             $vs_parent_id_fld = $t_subject->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD');
             foreach ($va_content_tree as $vs_table_name => $va_content) {
                 if ($vs_table_name == $vs_subject_table) {
                     foreach ($va_content as $va_element_data) {
                         foreach ($va_element_data as $vs_element => $va_element_content) {
                             switch ($vs_element) {
                                 case $vs_parent_id_fld:
                                     if ($va_element_content[$vs_parent_id_fld]) {
                                         $t_subject->set($vs_parent_id_fld, $va_element_content[$vs_parent_id_fld], array('treatParentIDAsIdno' => true));
             foreach ($va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids as $vs_mandatory_field => $vn_mandatory_mapping_item_id) {
                 $t_subject->set($vs_mandatory_field, $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_mandatory_field], array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true));
             if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not insert new record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                 ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                 if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                     $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                     $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                     if ($o_trans) {
                     return false;
             $o_log->logDebug(_t('Created idno %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4)));
         } else {
             $o_event->beginItem($vn_row, $t_subject->tableNum(), 'U');
             // update
             if ($vb_idno_is_template) {
             } else {
                 $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_idno, array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true));
                 // assumeIdnoStubForLotID forces ca_objects.lot_id values to always be considered as a potential idno_stub first, before use as a ca_objects.lot_di
             if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not update matched record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                 ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                 if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                     $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                     $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                     if ($o_trans) {
                     return false;
             if (sizeof($va_preferred_label_mapping_ids) && $t_subject->getPreferredLabelCount() > 0) {
                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not update remove preferred labels from matched record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                     if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                         if ($o_trans) {
                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                         return false;
             $o_log->logDebug(_t('Updated idno %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4)));
         if ($vs_idno_fld && ($o_idno = $t_subject->getIDNoPlugInInstance())) {
             $va_values = $o_idno->htmlFormValuesAsArray($vs_idno_fld, $t_subject->get($vs_idno_fld));
             if (!is_array($va_values)) {
                 $va_values = array($va_values);
             if (($vs_proc_idno = join($o_idno->getSeparator(), $va_values)) && $vs_proc_idno != $vs_idno) {
                 $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_proc_idno);
                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could update idno"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                     if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                         if ($o_trans) {
                         return false;
         $va_elements_set_for_this_record = array();
         foreach ($va_content_tree as $vs_table_name => $va_content) {
             if ($vs_table_name == $vs_subject_table) {
                 foreach ($va_content as $vn_i => $va_element_data) {
                     foreach ($va_element_data as $vs_element => $va_element_content) {
                         if (is_array($va_element_content)) {
                             $vs_item_error_policy = $va_element_content['_errorPolicy'];
                         } else {
                             $vs_item_error_policy = null;
                         switch ($vs_element) {
                             case 'preferred_labels':
                                 $t_subject->addLabel($va_element_content, $vn_locale_id, isset($va_element_content['type_id']) ? $va_element_content['type_id'] : null, true);
                                 if ($t_subject->numErrors() == 0) {
                                     $vb_output_subject_preferred_label = true;
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add preferred label to %2. Record was deleted because no preferred label could be applied: ", $vs_idno, $t_subject->tableName()), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => false));
                                     if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy %1', $vs_import_error_policy));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                                     continue 5;
                             case 'nonpreferred_labels':
                                 $t_subject->addLabel($va_element_content, $vn_locale_id, isset($va_element_content['type_id']) ? $va_element_content['type_id'] : null, false);
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add non-preferred label to %2:", $vs_idno, $t_subject->tableName()), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                                 if ($t_subject->hasField($vs_element)) {
                                     $t_subject->set($vs_element, $va_element_content[$vs_element], array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true));
                                 if ($vs_subject_table == 'ca_representation_annotations' && $vs_element == 'properties') {
                                     foreach ($va_element_content as $vs_prop => $vs_prop_val) {
                                         $t_subject->setPropertyValue($vs_prop, $vs_prop_val);
                                 if (is_array($va_element_content)) {
                                     $va_element_content['locale_id'] = $vn_locale_id;
                                 if (!isset($va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element]) && !$va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element] && in_array($vs_existing_record_policy, array('merge_on_idno_with_replace', 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace'))) {
                                     $t_subject->removeAttributes($vs_element, array('force' => true));
                                 $va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element] = true;
                                 $t_subject->addAttribute($va_element_content, $vs_element, null, array('showRepeatCountErrors' => true, 'alwaysTreatValueAsIdno' => true));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Failed to add value for %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, $vs_element, ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Invalid %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, $vs_element, ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
             } else {
                 // related
                 $vs_table_name = preg_replace('!^related\\.!', '', $vs_table_name);
                 foreach ($va_content as $vn_i => $va_element_data) {
                     $va_match_on = caGetOption('_matchOn', $va_element_data, null);
                     $vb_dont_create = caGetOption('_dontCreate', $va_element_data, null);
                     $va_data_for_rel_table = $va_element_data;
                     $va_nonpreferred_labels = isset($va_data_for_rel_table['nonpreferred_labels']) ? $va_data_for_rel_table['nonpreferred_labels'] : null;
                     $va_data_for_rel_table = array_merge($va_data_for_rel_table, ca_data_importers::_extractIntrinsicValues($va_data_for_rel_table, $vs_table_name));
                     switch ($vs_table_name) {
                         case 'ca_objects':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_object_lots':
                             $vs_idno_stub = null;
                             if (is_array($va_element_data['idno_stub'])) {
                                 $vs_idno_stub = isset($va_element_data['idno_stub']['idno_stub']) ? $va_element_data['idno_stub']['idno_stub'] : '';
                             } else {
                                 $vs_idno_stub = isset($va_element_data['idno_stub']) ? $va_element_data['idno_stub'] : '';
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectLotID($vs_idno_stub, $va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno_stub']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object lot with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_entities':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getEntityID($va_element_data['preferred_labels'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related entity with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_places':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getPlaceID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related place with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_collections':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getCollectionID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, $vs_rel_type, null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related collection with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, $vs_rel_type), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_occurrences':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getOccurrenceID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, $vs_rel_type, null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related occurrence with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, $vs_rel_type), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_storage_locations':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getStorageLocationID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related storage location with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_list_items':
                             $va_data_for_rel_table['is_enabled'] = 1;
                             $va_data_for_rel_table['preferred_labels'] = $va_element_data['preferred_labels'];
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID($va_element_data['_list'], $va_element_data['idno'] ? $va_element_data['idno'] : null, $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related list item with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_object_representations':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectRepresentationID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels, 'matchMediaFilesWithoutExtension' => true))) {
                                 $t_subject->linkRepresentation($vn_rel_id, null, null, null, null, array('type_id' => trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), 'is_primary' => true));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object representation with:", $vs_idno), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                             // 									if (($vs_subject_table_name == 'ca_objects') && $va_element_data['media']['media']) {
                             // 										unset($va_data_for_rel_table['media']);
                             // 										foreach($va_data_for_rel_table as $vs_key => $vm_val) {
                             // 											// Attributes, including intrinsics are in two-level format, eg. idno is $va_attributes['idno']['idno']
                             // 											// but addRepresentations() expects intrinsics to be single level (eg. $va_attributes['idno']) so
                             // 											// we do some rewriting here
                             // 											if (is_array($vm_val) && isset($vm_val[$vs_key])) {
                             // 												$va_data_for_rel_table[$vs_key] = $vm_val[$vs_key];
                             // 											}
                             // 										}
                             // 										if (!($t_subject->addRepresentation($va_element_data['media']['media'], isset($va_element_data['_type']) ? $va_element_data['_type'] : caGetDefaultItemID('object_representation_types'), $vn_locale_id, 0, 0, true, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on)))) {
                             // 											$vs_error = join("; ", $t_subject->getErrors());
                             // 											ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                             // 											if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                             // 												$o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                             // 												if($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); }
                             // 												if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); }
                             // 												return false;
                             // 											}
                             // 										}
                             // 									}
                         case 'ca_loans':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getLoanID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related loan with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                         case 'ca_movements':
                             if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getMovementID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) {
                                 if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) {
                                 $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial']));
                                 if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related movement with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                     ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                                     if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
                                         $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
                                         if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                                         if ($o_trans) {
                                         return false;
                     if (is_array($va_element_data['_related_related']) && sizeof($va_element_data['_related_related'])) {
                         foreach ($va_element_data['_related_related'] as $vs_rel_rel_table => $va_rel_rels) {
                             foreach ($va_rel_rels as $vn_i => $va_rel_rel) {
                                 if (!($t_rel_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_table_name))) {
                                     $o_log->logWarn(_t("[%1] Could not instantiate related table %2", $vs_idno, $vs_table_name));
                                 if ($o_trans) {
                                 if ($t_rel_instance->load($vn_rel_id)) {
                                     if ($t_rel_rel = $t_rel_instance->addRelationship($vs_rel_rel_table, $va_rel_rel['id'], $va_rel_rel['_relationship_type'])) {
                                         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Related %2 (%3) to related %4 with relationship %5', $vs_idno, $o_dm->getTableProperty($vs_rel_rel_table, 'NAME_SINGULAR'), $va_rel_rel['id'], $t_rel_instance->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR'), trim($va_rel_rel['_relationship_type'])));
                                     } else {
                                         if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related %2 (%3) to related %4 with relationship %5:", $vs_idno, $o_dm->getTableProperty($vs_rel_rel_table, 'NAME_SINGULAR'), $va_rel_rel['id'], $t_rel_instance->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR'), trim($va_rel_rel['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                                             ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
         // $t_subject->update();
         // 			if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Invalid %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, 'attributes', ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
         // 				ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
         // 				if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') {
         // 					$o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy'));
         // 					if($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); }
         // 					$o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
         // 					if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); }
         // 					return false;
         // 				}
         // 			}
         $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished inserting content tree for %1 at %2 seconds into database', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4)));
         if (!$vb_output_subject_preferred_label && $t_subject->getPreferredLabelCount() == 0) {
             $t_subject->addLabel(array($vs_label_display_fld => '???'), $vn_locale_id, null, true);
             if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add default label", $vs_idno), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) {
                 ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts);
                 if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') {
                     $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy'));
                     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
                     $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno));
                     if ($o_trans) {
                     return false;
         $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Imported %2 as %3 ', $vs_idno, $vs_preferred_label_for_log, $vs_subject_table_name));
         $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, _t('Imported %1', $vs_idno));
     $o_log->logInfo(_t('Import of %1 completed using mapping %2: %3 imported/%4 skipped/%5 errors', $ps_source, $t_mapping->get('importer_code'), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors));
     //if ($vb_show_cli_progress_bar) {
     if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) {
         $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, $vn_num_items, $vn_num_items, _t('Import completed'), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors);
     if (isset($pa_options['reportCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['reportCallback'])) {
         $va_general = array('elapsedTime' => time() - $vn_start_time, 'numErrors' => ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors, 'numProcessed' => ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed);
         $ps_callback($po_request, $va_general, ca_data_importers::$s_import_error_list, true);
     if ($vb_use_ncurses) {
     if ($pb_dry_run) {
         if ($o_trans) {
         $o_log->logInfo(_t('Rollback successful import run in "dry run" mode'));
     } else {
         if ($o_trans) {
     return true;
 public function getOrderTransactionUserName()
     if (!($t_trans = $this->getOrderTransaction())) {
         return null;
     if (!($t_user = $t_trans->getTransactionUser())) {
         return null;
     $va_values = $t_user->getFieldValuesArray();
     foreach ($va_values as $vs_key => $vs_val) {
         $va_values["ca_users.{$vs_key}"] = $vs_val;
     return caProcessTemplate(join($this->getAppConfig()->getList('ca_users_lookup_delimiter'), $this->getAppConfig()->getList('ca_users_lookup_settings')), $va_values, array());