public function register(Application $app)
     $app['publisher'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $outputFormat = $app->edition('format');
         switch (strtolower($outputFormat)) {
             case 'pdf':
                 $publisher = new PdfPublisher($app);
             case 'html':
                 $publisher = new HtmlPublisher($app);
             case 'html_chunked':
                 $publisher = new HtmlChunkedPublisher($app);
             case 'epub':
                 $publisher = new Epub2Publisher($app);
             case 'mobi':
                 $publisher = new MobiPublisher($app);
                 throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unknown "%s" format for "%s" edition (allowed: "pdf", "html", "html_chunked", "epub", "mobi")', $outputFormat, $app['publishing.edition']));
         if (true != $publisher->checkIfThisPublisherIsSupported()) {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Your system doesn't support publishing books with the '%s' format\n" . "Check the easybook documentation to know the dependencies required by this format.", $outputFormat));
         return $publisher;
 public function register(Application $app)
     $app['slugger.options'] = array('separator' => '-', 'prefix' => '');
     // stores all the generated slugs to ensure slug uniqueness
     $app['slugger.generated_slugs'] = array();
     $app['slugger'] = $app->share(function () use($app) {
         return new Slugger($app['slugger.options']);
 private function getApplication($configFileName)
     $app = new Application();
     $configurator = $this->getMock('Easybook\\Configurator\\BookConfigurator', array('loadBookFileConfiguration'), array($app));
     $configurator->expects($this->any())->method('loadBookFileConfiguration')->will($this->returnValue(Yaml::parse($this->fixturesDir . '/' . $configFileName) ?: array()));
     $app['configurator'] = $configurator;
     return $app;
 public function register(Application $app)
     $app['parser.options'] = array('markdown_syntax' => 'easybook', 'code_block_type' => 'markdown');
     $app['parser'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $format = strtolower($app['publishing.active_item']['config']['format']);
         if (in_array($format, array('md', 'mdown', 'markdown'))) {
             return new MarkdownParser($app);
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unknown "%s" format for "%s" content (easybook only supports Markdown)', $format, $app['publishing.active_item']['config']['content']));
 public function testBookWithNoConfigFile()
     $app = new Application();
     $app[''] = uniqid('this-path-does-not-exist');
     $app[''] = 'book_with_no_config_file';
     try {
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('\\RuntimeException', $e);
         $this->assertContains("There is no 'config.yml' configuration file", $e->getMessage());
 public function __construct()
     $this->fileCount = 0;
     $this->filesystem = new Filesystem();
     $this->rootDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../');
     // needed to get easybook version
     $app = new Application();
     $this->version = $app->getVersion();
     // temp directory to copy the essential easybook files
     $this->packageDir = $this->rootDir . '/app/Cache/easybook';
     // delete the directory if it existed previously
     if (file_exists($this->packageDir)) {
 public function register(Application $app)
     $app['prince.path'] = null;
     // the common installation dirs for PrinceXML in several OS
     $app['prince.default_paths'] = array('/usr/local/bin/prince', '/usr/bin/prince', 'C:\\Program Files\\Prince\\engine\\bin\\prince.exe');
     $app['prince'] = $app->share(function () use($app) {
         $princePath = $app['prince.path'] ?: $app->findPrinceXmlExecutable();
         // ask the user about the location of the executable
         if (null == $princePath) {
             $princePath = $app->askForPrinceXMLExecutablePath();
             if (!file_exists($princePath)) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("We couldn't find the PrinceXML executable in the given directory (%s)", $princePath));
         $prince = new Prince($princePath);
         return $prince;
 public function register(Application $app)
     $app['twig.options'] = array('autoescape' => false, 'charset' => $app['app.charset'], 'debug' => $app['app.debug'], 'strict_variables' => $app['app.debug']);
     $app['twig.loader'] = $app->share(function () use($app) {
         $theme = ucfirst($app->edition('theme'));
         $format = Toolkit::camelize($app->edition('format'), true);
         $loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem($app['app.dir.themes']);
         // Base theme (common styles per edition type)
         // <easybook>/app/Resources/Themes/Base/<edition-type>/Templates/<template-name>.twig
         $baseThemeDir = sprintf('%s/Base/%s/Templates', $app['app.dir.themes'], $format);
         $loader->addPath($baseThemeDir, 'theme');
         $loader->addPath($baseThemeDir, 'theme_base');
         // Book theme (configured per edition in 'config.yml')
         // <easybook>/app/Resources/Themes/<theme>/<edition-type>/Templates/<template-name>.twig
         $bookThemeDir = sprintf('%s/%s/%s/Templates', $app['app.dir.themes'], $theme, $format);
         $loader->prependPath($bookThemeDir, 'theme');
         $userTemplatePaths = array($app['publishing.dir.templates'], sprintf('%s/%s', $app['publishing.dir.templates'], strtolower($format)), sprintf('%s/%s', $app['publishing.dir.templates'], $app['publishing.edition']));
         foreach ($userTemplatePaths as $path) {
             if (file_exists($path)) {
         $defaultContentPaths = array(sprintf('%s/Base/%s/Contents', $app['app.dir.themes'], $format), sprintf('%s/%s/%s/Contents', $app['app.dir.themes'], $theme, $format));
         foreach ($defaultContentPaths as $path) {
             if (file_exists($path)) {
                 $loader->prependPath($path, 'content');
         return $loader;
     $app['twig'] = $app->share(function () use($app) {
         $twig = new \Twig_Environment($app['twig.loader'], $app['twig.options']);
         $twig->addExtension(new TwigCssExtension());
         $twig->addGlobal('app', $app);
         if (null != ($bookConfig = $app[''])) {
             $twig->addGlobal('book', $bookConfig['book']);
             $publishingEdition = $app['publishing.edition'];
             $editions = $app->book('editions');
             $twig->addGlobal('edition', $editions[$publishingEdition]);
         return $twig;
  * It highlights the given code using the given programming language syntax
  * and decorates the result with the Twig template associated with the
  * code fragments.
  * @param string $code     The source code to highlight and decorate
  * @param string $language The programming language associated with the code
  * @param Application $app The application object needed to highlight and decorate
  * @return string The resulting code after the highlight and rendering process
 public function highlightAndDecorateCode($code, $language, Application $app)
     if ($app->edition('highlight_code')) {
         // highlight code if the edition wants to
         $code = $app->highlight($code, $language);
     } else {
         // escape code to show it instead of interpreting it
         // yaml-style comments could be interpreted as Markdown headings
         // replace any starting # character by its HTML entity (&#35;)
         $code = '<pre>' . preg_replace('/^# (.*)/', "&#35; \$1", htmlspecialchars($code)) . '</pre>';
     $code = $app->render('code.twig', array('item' => array('content' => $code, 'language' => $language, 'number' => '', 'slug' => '')));
     return $code;
 public function testTwoSidedPrintedBookIncludeBlankPages()
     $app = new Application();
     $app[''] = $this->getBookConfig(true);
     $app['publishing.edition'] = 'print';
     $bookCss = $app->render('@theme/style.css.twig');
     $this->assertContains(".item {\n    page-break-before: right;", $bookCss, "Two-sided books include blank pages when needed.");
  * @dataProvider getValuesForGetAndSetMethods
 public function testSetMethod($key, $expectedValue)
     $app = new Application();
     $app->set($key, $expectedValue);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $app[$key]);