private function getUserInfo($o) { global $_W, $_GPC; checkaccount(); if (empty($o)) { message('重要参数丢失..', '', 'error'); exit; } if (empty($_W['account']['key']) || empty($_W['account']['secret'])) { $user = pdo_fetch('SELECT from_user,weid,nickname,avatar FROM' . tablename('fans') . "WHERE weid = :weid AND from_user = :from_user", array(':from_user' => $o, ':weid' => $_W['weid'])); if (empty($user)) { $user = array('weid' => $_W['weid'], 'from_user' => $o, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); /* pdo_insert('fans',$user); */ } if (empty($user['nickname'])) { $user['nickname'] = 'Anonymous-' . substr($o, -4); } if (empty($user['avatar'])) { $user['avatar'] = './source/modules/winestore/template/style/null_header.png'; } return $user; } else { $access_token = account_weixin_token($_W['account']); $content = ihttp_get(sprintf($this->getUserInfoUrl, $access_token, $o)); if ($content['errcode'] != 0) { message(account_weixin_code($content['errcode']), '', 'error'); } $record = @json_decode($content['content'], true); if ($record['subscribe'] == '1') { $user = array('weid' => $_W['weid'], 'from_user' => $record['openid'], 'nickname' => $record['nickname'], 'gender' => $record['sex'], 'residecity' => $record['city'], 'resideprovince' => $record['province'], 'nationality' => $record['country'], 'avatar' => $record['headimgurl'], 'createtime' => $record['subscribe_time']); if (pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE `from_user` = '{$record['openid']}'")) { pdo_update('fans', $user, array('from_user' => $record['openid'])); } else { pdo_insert('fans', $user); } } if (empty($user['nickname'])) { $user['nickname'] = 'Anonymous_' . substr($o, -4); } if (empty($user['avatar'])) { $user['avatar'] = './source/modules/winestore/template/style/null_header.png'; } return $user; } }
public function jboauth() { global $_GPC, $_W; $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($user_agent, 'MicroMessenger') === false) { die("本页面仅支持微信访问!非微信浏览器禁止浏览!"); } $serverapp = $_W['account']['level']; if ($serverapp == 4) { $appid = $_W['account']['key']; $secret = $_W['account']['secret']; } else { $cfg = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename($this->table_oauth) . " where 1=1 and weid={$_W['weid']}"); $appid = $cfg['appid']; $secret = $cfg['secret']; } $info = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename($this->table_info) . " where logoopenid = :logoopenid and uniacid =:uniacid", array(':logoopenid' => $_W['openid'], ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if (!empty($info)) { $user['mk_nickname'] = $info['nickname']; $user['mk_openid'] = $info['openid']; $user['mk_headimgurl'] = $info['headimgurl']; } else { $code = $_GPC['code']; if (empty($code)) { $url = $_W['siteroot'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url = str_replace("//app", "/app", $url); $this->getOauthCode($url, $appid); } else { if (empty($code)) { $url = $_W['siteroot'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this->getOauthCode($url); } else { $key = $appid; $secret = $secret; $url = '' . $key . '&secret=' . $secret . '&code=' . $code . '&grant_type=authorization_code'; $data = ihttp_get($url); if ($data['code'] != 200) { message('诶呦,网络异常..请稍后再试..'); } $temp = @json_decode($data['content'], true); $access_token = $temp['access_token']; $openid = $temp['openid']; $user_url = '' . $access_token . '&openid=' . $openid; $user_temp = ihttp_get($user_url); if ($user_temp['code'] != 200) { message('诶呦,网络异常..请稍后再试..'); } $user = @json_decode($user_temp['content'], true); if (!empty($user['errocde']) || $user['errocde'] != 0) { message(account_weixin_code($user['errcode']), '', 'error'); } if (empty($fromuser)) { $from_user = $openid; } } $datainfo = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'logoopenid' => $_W['openid'], 'openid' => $user['openid'], 'nickname' => $user['nickname'], 'headimgurl' => $user['headimgurl']); if (empty($info)) { pdo_insert($this->table_info, $datainfo); } else { $wheredata = array('id' => $info['id']); pdo_update($this->table_info, $datainfo, $wheredata); } } } return $user; }
public function doWebqunsend() { global $_W, $_GPC; checklogin(); $message = $_GPC['message']; if (!empty($message)) { $groupid = $_GPC['gid'] ? $_GPC['gid'] : 0; $page = intval($_GPC['page']); $page = empty($page) ? 0 : $page; $imgcode = $_GPC['imgcode']; $pagesize = intval($_GPC['pagesize']); $pagesize = empty($pagesize) ? 10 : $pagesize; //查出48小时内活动过的用户 $towday = TIMESTAMP - 2 * 86400; $alist = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stat_msg_history') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND createtime>'{$towday}' GROUP BY from_user ORDER BY createtime DESC "); //增加判断未匹配用户组 if ($groupid == -1) { //不选择分组 $userlist = pdo_fetchall("SELECT from_user FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $page . ',' . $pagesize); $userlist = array_intersect_assoc($alist, $userlist); //$total= pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' "); $total = count($userlist); $pageCount = $total / $pagesize - 1 > 1 ? $total / $pagesize - 1 : 1; //print_r('total'.$total.'pageCount'.$pageCount);exit; } else { //按分组发送 $userlist = pdo_fetchall("SELECT from_user FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND groupid='{$groupid}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $page . ',' . $pagesize); //$total= pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND groupid='{$groupid}'"); $userlist = array_intersect_assoc($alist, $userlist); $pageCount = $total / $pagesize - 1 > 1 ? $total / $pagesize - 1 : 1; } $tj = ''; if ($page >= 0 && $pageCount >= $page) { if ($groupid == -1) { //高级接口 $ms['type'] = 'text'; $ms['content'] = $message; foreach ($userlist as $uid) { $reinfo = gjjk_send($ms, $uid); $info = json_decode($reinfo['content'], true); $ts = account_weixin_code($info['errcode']); if ($info['errcode']) { $tj .= '发送给' . $uid['from_user'] . '出错码:' . $info['errcode'] . '错误:' . $ts . '<br />'; } else { $tj .= '发送给' . $uid['from_user'] . '成功<br />'; } } } else { //高级接口 $ms['type'] = 'text'; $ms['content'] = $message; foreach ($userlist as $uid) { $reinfo = gjjk_send($ms, $uid); $info = json_decode($reinfo['content'], true); $ts = account_weixin_code($info['errcode']); if ($info['errcode']) { $tj .= '发送给' . $uid['from_user'] . '出错码:' . $info['errcode'] . '错误:' . $ts . '<br />'; } else { $tj .= '发送给' . $uid['from_user'] . '成功<br />'; } } } if ($pageCount == $page) { message($tj . '本次群发任务结束!', create_url('site/module/qunchat', array('name' => 'kf')), 'success'); } else { message($tj . '请勿关闭浏览器还在群发中...!', create_url('site/module/qunsend/', array('name' => 'kf')) . '&page=' . ($page + 1) . '&message=' . $message . '&pagesize=' . $pagesize . '&gid=' . $groupid, 'success'); } } else { message('参数错误!', create_url('site/module/qunchat', array('name' => 'kf')), 'error'); } } else { message('需要发送的内容不能为空!', create_url('site/module/qunchat', array('name' => 'kf')), 'error'); } }
public function doWebsend() { global $_W, $_GPC; if (checksubmit('submit')) { $data['touser'] = $_GPC['openid']; $data['msgtype'] = 'text'; $data['text']['content'] = urlencode($_GPC['content']); $dat = json_encode($data); $dat = urldecode($dat); $url = sprintf($this->gateway['send'], $this->token); $content = ihttp_post($url, $dat); $dat = $content['content']; $result = @json_decode($dat, true); if ($result['errcode'] == '0') { message('发送消息成功!', referer(), 'success'); } else { message("公众平台返回接口错误. <br />错误代码为:{$result['errcode']}<br />错误信息为: {$result['errmsg']} <br />错误描述为: " . account_weixin_code($result['errcode'])); } } $openid = $_GPC['openid']; $list = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE `from_user` = '{$openid}'"); include $this->template('send'); }
public static function getOuser() { global $_W, $_GPC; $code = $_GPC["code"]; if (empty($code)) { self::createOuath(); } $data = $_GPC['profileInfo']; if (empty($data)) { $o2 = self::checkOauth(); $key = $o2['key']; $secret = $o2['secret']; $url = '' . $key . '&secret=' . $secret . '&code=' . $code . '&grant_type=authorization_code'; $data = ihttp_get($url); $temp = @json_decode($data['content'], true); $access_token = $temp['access_token']; $openid = $temp['openid']; isetcookie('profileInfo', base64_encode(json_encode(array('openid' => $openid, 'access_token' => $access_token))), 6600); } else { $profile = json_decode(base64_decode($data), true); $access_token = $profile['access_token']; $openid = $profile['openid']; } $user_url = '' . $access_token . '&openid=' . $openid; $user_temp = ihttp_get($user_url); $user = @json_decode($user_temp['content'], true); if ($user['errcode'] == '40001') { isetcookie('profileInfo', '', -86400); self::getOuser(); } elseif ($user['errcode'] != 0 && $user['errcode'] != '40001') { self::logError(account_weixin_code($user['errcode'])); isetcookie('profileInfo', '', -86400); message(account_weixin_code($user['errcode']), '', 'error'); exit; } $oauther = self::getOauther(); $config = empty($settings['ising']) ? 1 : $settings['ising']; if (!empty($oauther) && $oauther['type'] && $config != 1) { pdo_update('oauther', array('sum' => $oauther['sum'] + 1), array('weid' => $_W['weid'])); } $user['nickname'] = emoji_unified_to_html($user['nickname']); return $user; }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); $message = $this->message; $key = $message['content']; $lastmessage = TIMESTAMP; $user = pdo_fetch("SELECT id,nickname,from_user FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE from_user ='******'from']}' LIMIT 1"); $zt = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kflog') . " WHERE oid='{$this->message['from']}' AND weid='{$_W['weid']}' LIMIT 1"); //搜索自动应答设置 $kfwenda = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id,name,displayorder,description FROM " . tablename('article_category') . " WHERE parentid ='{$row['cateid']}' AND weid='{$_W['weid']}'"); //$kfwenda=0;//暂时设定不用自动应答 //增加查询是否是客服,方便后面设置上下文时长 $kfuid = pdo_fetch("SELECT uid,formoid,oid FROM " . tablename('kf_kfuser') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND oid='{$this->message['from']}' LIMIT 1 "); if ((!$kfwenda || $row['cateid'] == 0) && ($key != '人工' || $key != '客服管理')) { //无自动应答,自动开始上下文锁定. $kfwenda = 0; $this->beginContext($row['timeout']); //END } if (!$this->inContext) { //人工服务开始前 $tips = $this->kfbefore($kfuid['uid'], $user, $kfwenda, $row['wechattype'], $row['timeout']); //print_r($tips);exit; if (is_array($tips)) { return $this->respNews($tips); } else { return $this->respText($tips); } } else { //开始上下文会话 $kfu = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kfuser') . " WHERE uid='{$user['id']}' AND weid = '{$_W['weid']}' LIMIT 1 "); if ($key == '客服管理') { //print_r($kfu);pdo_debug();exit; if ($kfu) { $_SESSION['kfid'] = $kfu['uid']; $_SESSION['kfzt'] = 1; //设置客服状态,1:空闲,2:锁定,0:离线,但不对外(空OID)发送消息 if ($kfu['formoid']) { pdo_update('kf_kfuser', array('kfzt' => 2), array('uid' => $_SESSION['kfid'])); $workid = pdo_fetch("SELECT workid FROM " . tablename('kf_work') . " WHERE oid='{$kfu['formoid']}' AND weid = '{$_W['weid']}' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 1 "); $_SESSION['workid'] = $workid['workid']; } else { pdo_update('kf_kfuser', array('kfzt' => 1, 'formoid' => 0), array('uid' => $_SESSION['kfid'])); } //增加客服在线状态 if ($row['wechattype']) { $data = array('uid' => $user['id'], 'oid' => $this->message['from'], 'wxusr' => $user['nickname'], 'lastmessage' => $lastmessage, 'type' => 'kf', 'weid' => $_W['weid']); } else { $data = array('uid' => $user['fakeid'], 'oid' => $this->message['from'], 'wxusr' => $user['nickname'], 'lastmessage' => $lastmessage, 'type' => 'kf', 'weid' => $_W['weid']); } /*客户人员就不放入在线用户了 //下面执行插入用户在线状态数据。 if(!$zt){ pdo_insert('fans_status', $data); } else { $joinuid=$data['uid']; unset($data['uid']); pdo_update('fans_status', $data,array('uid'=>$joinuid)); } $onlineuser=pdo_fetchall("SELECT uid FROM ".tablename('fans_status')." WHERE WEID='{$_W['weid']}' AND type='kf' "); cache_write('kf:'.$_W['weid'], $onlineuser); //客服在线状态增加完成 */ return $this->respText('亲爱的' . $user['nickname'] . '您已经进入客服管理平台,请保持在线,等待用户发送消息过来。若已经下班,请输入:[下线]退出客服管理'); } else { //pdo_debug();exit; return $this->respText('亲爱的' . $user['nickname'] . '您不是客服人员,不能进行此操作!'); } } if ($key == '再见' && $_SESSION['kfid'] && $kfuid) { //更新客服的状态为在线非锁定(当然暂时只有高级号才有这操作) $kfusr = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kfuser') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND uid='{$_SESSION['kfid']}' LIMIT 1 "); gjjk_send($message, $kfusr['formoid']); pdo_update('kf_kfuser', array('kfzt' => 1, 'formoid' => 0), array('uid' => $_SESSION['kfid'])); $_SESSION['kfzt'] = 1; unset($_SESSION['workid']); return $this->respText('亲爱的' . $user['nickname'] . '您已经断开和该用户的对话状态!'); } if ($key == '下线' && $_SESSION['kfid'] && $kfuid) { $kfusr = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kfuser') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND uid='{$_SESSION['kfid']}' LIMIT 1 "); if ($kfuid) { gjjk_send($message, $kfusr['formoid']); pdo_update('kf_kfuser', array('kfzt' => 0, 'formoid' => 0), array('uid' => $user['id'])); $this->endContext(); return $this->respText('亲爱的' . $user['nickname'] . '您已经进下线成功。'); } else { return $this->respText('亲爱的' . $user['nickname'] . '您不是客服人员,不能进行此操作!'); } } //END高级帐号的客服管理 if ($key == '人工' && !$_SESSION['RG']) { //$this->beginContext(1200); //若无自动应答,或者用户选择了输入人工,则执行下面的操作 //作了高级认证号权限和非权限号判断来处理用户信息记录 $_SESSION['RG'] = 1; $workid = 'kf' . $_W['weid'] . '_' . random(3) . TIMESTAMP . random(5, 1); $_SESSION['workid'] = $workid; //查询该用户有没有在日志表中有记录,未用增加,有更新来访次数 $kflog = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kflog') . " WHERE oid ='{$this->message['from']}' AND weid='{$_W['weid']}' LIMIT 1"); if ($kflog) { $datalog['num'] = $kflog['num'] + 1; $datalog['lasttime'] = $lastmessage; $datalog['bak'] = '第' . ($kflog['num'] + 1) . '来访'; $datalog['status'] = 1; pdo_update('kf_kflog', $datalog, array('oid' => $this->message['from'], 'weid' => $_W['weid'])); } else { $datalog['oid'] = $this->message['from']; $datalog['num'] = 1; $datalog['cattype'] = 'new'; //默认为新客户分类,具体客户类别在模块设置里面设置 $datalog['bak'] = '初次来访'; $datalog['lasttime'] = $lastmessage; $datalog['weid'] = $_W['weid']; $datalog['status'] = 1; pdo_insert('kf_kflog', $datalog); } if ($row['wechattype']) { $data = array('uid' => $user['id'], 'oid' => $this->message['from'], 'wxusr' => $user['nickname'], 'lastmessage' => $lastmessage, 'type' => 'kf', 'weid' => $_W['weid']); } else { $data = array('uid' => $user['fakeid'], 'oid' => $this->message['from'], 'wxusr' => $user['nickname'], 'lastmessage' => $lastmessage, 'type' => 'kf', 'weid' => $_W['weid']); } /*原来的用户在线状态取消 //下面执行插入用户在线状态数据。 //$zt = pdo_fetch("SELECT uid,lastmessage,type FROM ".tablename('fans_status')." WHERE uid ='{$data['uid']}' AND weid='{$_W['weid']}' LIMIT 1"); if(!$zt){ pdo_insert('fans_status', $data); }else{ $joinuid=$data['uid']; unset($data['uid']); pdo_update('fans_status', $data,array('uid'=>$joinuid)); } $onlineuser=pdo_fetchall("SELECT uid FROM ".tablename('fans_status')." WHERE WEID='{$_W['weid']}' AND type='kf' "); cache_write('kf:'.$_W['weid'], $onlineuser); */ //高级帐号才执行此操作 if ($row['wechattype']) { //查询在线客服 $kfuser = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kfuser') . " WHERE WEID='{$_W['weid']}' AND kfzt=1 limit 0,30 "); if (!$kfuser) { //无客服时返回:分是客服进入还是非客服进入时回复不同内容 if (!empty($kfuid)) { $tips = "\n请发送[ 客服管理 ],进行客服工作."; } else { $tips = "\n对不起暂时没有客服空闲,请等待,\n或者请发送:【退出】,作其他操作。下次再来"; } //$_SESSION['kfid']=$user['id']; $workdata = array('workid' => $workid, 'oid' => $this->message['from'], 'kfid' => $kfuid, 'status' => 0, 'weid' => $_W['weid'], 'ctime' => TIMESTAMP); } else { //有客服时回复 foreach ($kfuser as $u) { $kf[] = $u['uid']; } // print_r($kf); $kfid = $kf[array_rand($kf)]; $tips = ' 工号:' . $kfid . "为您服务,请问有什么需要我帮您的呢?\n\n如果您觉得不需要人工服务,请发送:【退出】"; //设定客服状态为锁定服务状态 $datakf = array('kfzt' => 2, 'formoid' => $user['from_user']); pdo_update('kf_kfuser', $datakf, array('uid' => $kfid)); $_SESSION['kfid'] = $kfid; $message['type'] = 'text'; $message['content'] = "用户:" . $user['nickname'] . "请求您人工帮助,快给他打招呼吧\n如果回复内容出现其他系统自动回复,非提示回户用户成功!\n请重新发送:[ 客服 ] 再发送 [ 客服管理 ] \n 就能正常给用户回复内容了。 "; $kfusr = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kfuser') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND uid='{$kfid}' LIMIT 1 "); //print_r($kfuser.'OID:'.$kfusr['oid']); $reinfo = gjjk_send($message, $kfusr['oid']); $workdata = array('workid' => $workid, 'oid' => $this->message['from'], 'kfid' => $kfid, 'status' => 0, 'weid' => $_W['weid'], 'ctime' => TIMESTAMP); } pdo_insert('kf_work', $workdata); } //END高级权限号操作 return $this->respText('亲爱的' . $user['nickname'] . $tips); } if ($key == '退出' || $key == '再见' && !$kfuid) { if ($_SESSION['RG']) { $datalog['lasttime'] = TIMESTAMP; $datalog['status'] = 0; $status = pdo_update('kf_kflog', $datalog, array('oid' => $this->message['from'])); } else { $status = 1; } if ($status) { //更新客服的状态为在线非锁定(当然暂时只有高级号才有这操作) if ($_SESSION['RG'] && !$kfuid) { //不是客服才执行退出命令 pdo_update('kf_kfuser', array('kfzt' => 1, 'formoid' => 0), array('uid' => $_SESSION['kfid'])); $kfusr = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kfuser') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND uid='{$_SESSION['kfid']}' LIMIT 1 "); gjjk_send($message, $kfusr['oid']); } $this->endContext(); return $this->respText($row['send_tips']); } else { //$this->endContext(); return $this->respText('退出操作失败,重新发送[退出]'); } } //高级帐号才执行此操作 //以下执行的是进入人工或者客服管理模式后,用户间发送消息处理 if ($_SESSION['kfid']) { $kfusr = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('kf_kfuser') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND uid='{$_SESSION['kfid']}' LIMIT 1 "); $usr = pdo_fetch("SELECT nickname,id,from_user FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND from_user='******'formoid']}' LIMIT 1 "); if ($kfusr['uid'] == $user['id']) { //如果发来消息的OID和客服OID相等就为客服人员发送的消息 if ($kfusr['formoid']) { if (empty($_SESSION['workid'])) { $workid = pdo_fetch("SELECT workid FROM " . tablename('kf_work') . " WHERE oid='{$kfusr['formoid']}' AND weid = '{$_W['weid']}' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 1 "); $_SESSION['workid'] = $workid['workid']; } $message['content'] = $kfusr['nickname'] . "说:" . $message['content']; $reinfo = gjjk_send($message, $kfusr['formoid']); $ts = '发送给用户:' . $usr['nickname'] . '的消息>'; //更新工单状态为受理 pdo_update('kf_work', array('status' => 1), array('workid' => $_SESSION['workid'])); } else { //如果暂时没有客户咨询,回复 $ts = '暂时未有客户咨询,请等待……'; } //如果发送成功就插入客服消息状态到历史消息记录 $histroy = array('weid' => $_W['weid'], 'module' => $kfusr['nickname'] . '工号' . $kfusr['uid'], 'from_user' => $kfusr['formoid'], 'rid' => intval($this->params['rule']), 'kid' => $this->keyword['id'], 'type' => 'wxlkf', 'createtime' => $this->message['time']); $kfmessage = array('workid' => $_SESSION['workid'], 'oid' => $kfusr['formoid'], 'type' => 'kf', 'messagecat' => $this->message['type'], ctime => $this->message['time'], 'kfid' => $kfusr['uid'], 'weid' => $_W['weid']); } else { //用户发送给客服的消息 $message['content'] = $user['nickname'] . "说:" . $message['content']; $reinfo = gjjk_send($message, $kfusr['oid']); $ts = '发送给客服:' . $kfusr['uid'] . '的消息>'; $kfmessage = array('workid' => $_SESSION['workid'], 'oid' => $this->message['from'], 'type' => 'usr', 'messagecat' => $this->message['type'], ctime => $this->message['time'], 'kfid' => $kfusr['uid'], 'weid' => $_W['weid']); } //转化消息结口发送消息结果。 if ($reinfo) { $info = json_decode($reinfo['content'], true); $message2 = account_weixin_code($info['errcode']); $msg = array('ret' => $info['errcode'], 'message' => $message2); if (!$info['errcode']) { //$msg=array('ret'=>0,'message'=>'成功'); //转化其他消息类(非文本)型内容 switch ($this->message['type']) { case 'image': $content = $this->message['picurl']; break; case 'location': $content = iserializer(array('x' => $this->message['location_x'], 'y' => $this->message['location_y'])); break; case 'link': $content = iserializer(array('title' => $this->message['title'], 'description' => $this->message['description'], 'link' => $this->message['link'])); break; case 'event': $content = iserializer(array('event' => $this->message['event'], 'key' => $this->message['eventkey'])); break; default: $content = $this->message['content']; } $kfmessage['content'] = $content; pdo_insert('kf_statmessage', $kfmessage); //下面为照顾旧版插入客服消息到历史消息记录表。 if (!empty($histroy) && is_array($histroy)) { $histroy['message'] = $content; pdo_insert('stat_msg_history', $histroy); } } } if ($_SESSION['RG'] || $_SESSION['kfzt']) { //用户已经在客服或者人工状态且SESSION未超时回复 //print($ts.$msg['message']); return $this->respText($ts . $msg['message']); } //增加判断超时,执行用户在线信息. if (!empty($row['timeout']) && $row['timeout'] > 0 && TIMESTAMP - $zt['lasttime'] >= $row['timeout']) { $this->endContext(); $datalog['lasttime'] = TIMESTAMP; $datalog['status'] = 0; $status = pdo_update('kf_kflog', $datalog, array('oid' => $this->message['from'])); if ($status) { //更新客服的状态为在线非锁定(当然暂时只有高级号才有这操作) pdo_update('kf_kfuser', array('kfzt' => 1, 'formoid' => 0), array('uid' => $_SESSION['kfid'])); } return $this->respText('由于您长时间未操作,请重新发送:客服 重新进入系统!'); } //用户超时 return $this->respText('请发送[人工]或者[客服管理]后再进行操作'); } //用户在客服或者人工服务状态下操作完成. //如果未进入该状态.发送提示为以下操作 //如果直接输入客服,需要作的应答. //print_r($kfwenda); $tips2 = $this->kfbefore($kfuid['uid'], $user, $kfwenda, $row['wechattype'], $row['timeout']); if (is_array($tips2)) { return $this->respNews($tips2); } else { return $this->respText($tips2); } } }
private function wechatText($msg, $o) { global $_GPC, $_W; $token = account_weixin_token($_W['account']); if (empty($token)) { $token = account_weixin_token($_W['account']); } if (empty($msg)) { message('诶呦,厉害啦..消息还能为空了?'); } if (empty($o)) { message('诶呦,厉害啦..发送对象还能为空了?'); } $sendurl = ""; $url = sprintf($sendurl, $token); $dat = urldecode(json_encode(array('touser' => $o, 'msgtype' => 'text', 'text' => array('content' => urlencode($msg))))); $data = ihttp_post($url, $dat); if ($data['code'] != 200) { message('网络不畅..请稍后再尝试...'); } $content = json_decode($data['content'], true); if ($content['errcode'] != 0) { message(account_weixin_code($content['errcode'])); exit; } else { return 'ok'; } }