public function __construct($config, $log) { if (!is_a($config, '\\Sauce\\Object', true)) { $config = Ar($config); } // Set session hash function to SHA1 ini_set('session.hash_function', 1); if (!isset($config['key'])) { throw new \Exception('No session key set, please place one in your config.'); } $this->log = $log; $this->key = $config->key; if (isset($config->timeout)) { $this->timeout = intval($config->timeout); } if (isset($config->refresh_timeout)) { $this->refresh_timeout = intval($config->refresh_timeout); } if (isset($config->name)) { $this->name = $config->name; } else { $this->name .= $this->key; } if (!$this->created_at) { $this->start(); } $this->regenerate(); $this->refresh(); $this->last_used_at = time(); }
public function __construct($message = '', $code = 0, $previous = null) { if (is_an_array($message)) { $error = Ar($message); $this->column = $error->column; $this->message = $error->message; } else { $this->column = '(column not set)'; } return parent::__construct($this->message, $code, $previous); }
public function __construct($session, $config, $log) { if (!$config instanceof \Sauce\Object) { $config = Ar($config); } $this->session = $session; $this->base_uri = $config->base_uri; $this->base_controller = $config->base_controller; $this->paths = $config->paths; $this->log = $log; $this->_request = Ar($_REQUEST); $this->_request->merge($_SERVER); }
public function __construct($config, $log) { if (!is_a($config, '\\Sauce\\Object', true)) { $config = Ar($config); } if (!isset($config['key'])) { throw new \Exception('No authcookie key set, please place one in your config.'); } $this->log = $log; $this->key = base64_decode($config->key); if (isset($config->timeout)) { $this->timeout = intval($config->timeout); } }
public static function info($path) { return Ar(pathinfo($path)); }
public function index() { if (!file_exists(\Sauce\Path::join(APP_ROOT, 'Views/NotFound/index.tpl'))) { return new \Bacon\Presenter\NotFoundHtml(null, Ar($this->params)); } }
define('HTDOCS', APP_ROOT . '/htdocs/'); } $log = new \Bacon\Log($config->logging); Bacon\ORM\DatabaseSingleton::set_logger($log); if (is_cli()) { $session = new \Sauce\Object(); } else { $session = new \Bacon\Session($config->session, $log); } $authcookie = new \Sauce\Object(); if (!empty(\Config\Base::$auth)) { $config->auth = \Config\Base::$auth; $authcookie = new \Bacon\AuthCookie($config->auth, $log); } $params = Ar($_REQUEST); $env = Ar($_ENV); $env->mergeF($_SERVER); /* PHP's builtin webserver doesn't know FallbackResource. So we have to do it on our * own in this case. * * Check whether given URI maps to a file or is to be handled by us. */ if (is_cli_server()) { $path = $params->request_uri; if (empty($path) || $path === null) { $path = $env->request_uri; } /* Remove any GET parameters (<uri>?foo=bar) if present. */ $question_mark = strpos($path, '?'); if ($question_mark !== false) { $path = substr($path, 0, $question_mark);