Пример #1
  * Constructs a count command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * hint (string|document): The index to use. If a document, it will be
  *    interpretted as an index specification and a name will be generated.
  *  * limit (integer): The maximum number of documents to count.
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run.
  *  * readConcern (MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern): Read concern.
  *    For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored as read concern is not
  *    available.
  *  * readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference): Read preference.
  *  * skip (integer): The number of documents to skip before returning the
  *    documents.
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $filter         Query by which to filter documents
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter = [], array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($filter) && !is_object($filter)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$filter', $filter, 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['hint'])) {
         if (is_array($options['hint']) || is_object($options['hint'])) {
             $options['hint'] = \MongoDB\generate_index_name($options['hint']);
         if (!is_string($options['hint'])) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"hint" option', $options['hint'], 'string or array or object');
     if (isset($options['limit']) && !is_integer($options['limit'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"limit" option', $options['limit'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && !is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['readConcern']) && !$options['readConcern'] instanceof ReadConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readConcern" option', $options['readConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadConcern');
     if (isset($options['readPreference']) && !$options['readPreference'] instanceof ReadPreference) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readPreference" option', $options['readPreference'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadPreference');
     if (isset($options['skip']) && !is_integer($options['skip'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"skip" option', $options['skip'], 'integer');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->filter = $filter;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #2
  * Constructor.
  * @param array $index Index specification
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(array $index)
     if (!isset($index['key'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Required "key" document is missing from index specification');
     if (!is_array($index['key']) && !is_object($index['key'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"key" option', $index['key'], 'array or object');
     foreach ($index['key'] as $fieldName => $order) {
         if (!is_int($order) && !is_float($order) && !is_string($order)) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('order value for "%s" field within "key" option', $fieldName), $order, 'numeric or string');
     if (!isset($index['ns'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Required "ns" option is missing from index specification');
     if (!is_string($index['ns'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"ns" option', $index['ns'], 'string');
     if (!isset($index['name'])) {
         $index['name'] = \MongoDB\generate_index_name($index['key']);
     if (!is_string($index['name'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"name" option', $index['name'], 'string');
     $this->index = $index;
Пример #3
  * Constructs a findAndModify command for replacing a document.
  * Supported options:
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation.
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run.
  *  * projection (document): Limits the fields to return for the matching
  *    document.
  *  * returnDocument (enum): Whether to return the document before or after
  *    the update is applied. Must be either RETURN_DOCUMENT_BEFORE or
  *  * sort (document): Determines which document the operation modifies if
  *    the query selects multiple documents.
  *  * upsert (boolean): When true, a new document is created if no document
  *    matches the query. The default is false.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern. This option
  *    is only supported for server versions >= 3.2.
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $filter         Query by which to filter documents
  * @param array|object $replacement    Replacement document
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, $replacement, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($filter) && !is_object($filter)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$filter', $filter, 'array or object');
     if (!is_array($replacement) && !is_object($replacement)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$replacement', $replacement, 'array or object');
     if (\MongoDB\is_first_key_operator($replacement)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('First key in $replacement argument is an update operator');
     $options += ['returnDocument' => self::RETURN_DOCUMENT_BEFORE, 'upsert' => false];
     if (isset($options['projection']) && !is_array($options['projection']) && !is_object($options['projection'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"projection" option', $options['projection'], 'array or object');
     if (!is_integer($options['returnDocument'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"returnDocument" option', $options['returnDocument'], 'integer');
     if ($options['returnDocument'] !== self::RETURN_DOCUMENT_AFTER && $options['returnDocument'] !== self::RETURN_DOCUMENT_BEFORE) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid value for "returnDocument" option: ' . $options['returnDocument']);
     if (isset($options['projection'])) {
         $options['fields'] = $options['projection'];
     $options['new'] = $options['returnDocument'] === self::RETURN_DOCUMENT_AFTER;
     unset($options['projection'], $options['returnDocument']);
     $this->findAndModify = new FindAndModify($databaseName, $collectionName, ['query' => $filter, 'update' => $replacement] + $options);
Пример #4
  * Constructs a update command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation.
  *  * multi (boolean): When true, updates all documents matching the query.
  *    This option cannot be true if the $update argument is a replacement
  *    document (i.e. contains no update operators). The default is false.
  *  * upsert (boolean): When true, a new document is created if no document
  *    matches the query. The default is false.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $filter         Query by which to delete documents
  * @param array|object $update         Update to apply to the matched
  *                                     document(s) or a replacement document
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, $update, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($filter) && !is_object($filter)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$filter', $filter, 'array or object');
     if (!is_array($update) && !is_object($update)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$update', $filter, 'array or object');
     $options += ['multi' => false, 'upsert' => false];
     if (isset($options['bypassDocumentValidation']) && !is_bool($options['bypassDocumentValidation'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bypassDocumentValidation" option', $options['bypassDocumentValidation'], 'boolean');
     if (!is_bool($options['multi'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"multi" option', $options['multi'], 'boolean');
     if ($options['multi'] && !\MongoDB\is_first_key_operator($update)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('"multi" option cannot be true if $update is a replacement document');
     if (!is_bool($options['upsert'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"upsert" option', $options['upsert'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && !$options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->filter = $filter;
     $this->update = $update;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #5
  * Constructs an insert command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation.
  *  * ordered (boolean): If true, when an insert fails, return without
  *    performing the remaining writes. If false, when a write fails,
  *    continue with the remaining writes, if any. The default is true.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.
  * @param string           $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string           $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array[]|object[] $documents      List of documents to insert
  * @param array            $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, array $documents, array $options = [])
     if (empty($documents)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$documents is empty');
     $expectedIndex = 0;
     foreach ($documents as $i => $document) {
         if ($i !== $expectedIndex) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('$documents is not a list (unexpected index: "%s")', $i));
         if (!is_array($document) && !is_object($document)) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$documents[%d]', $i), $document, 'array or object');
         $expectedIndex += 1;
     $options += ['ordered' => true];
     if (isset($options['bypassDocumentValidation']) && !is_bool($options['bypassDocumentValidation'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bypassDocumentValidation" option', $options['bypassDocumentValidation'], 'boolean');
     if (!is_bool($options['ordered'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"ordered" option', $options['ordered'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && !$options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->documents = $documents;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #6
  * Constructs a listDatabases command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run.
  * @param array $options Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(array $options = [])
     if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && !is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer');
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #7
  * Constructs a dropDatabase command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * typeMap (array): Type map for BSON deserialization. This will be used
  *    for the returned command result document.
  * @param string $databaseName Database name
  * @param array  $options      Command options
 public function __construct($databaseName, array $options = [])
     if (isset($options['typeMap']) && !is_array($options['typeMap'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #8
  * Constructs a listIndexes command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run.
  * @param string $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array  $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, array $options = [])
     if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && !is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #9
  * Constructs an update command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation.
  *  * upsert (boolean): When true, a new document is created if no document
  *    matches the query. The default is false.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $filter         Query by which to filter documents
  * @param array|object $replacement    Replacement document
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, $replacement, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($replacement) && !is_object($replacement)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$replacement', $replacement, 'array or object');
     if (\MongoDB\is_first_key_operator($replacement)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('First key in $replacement argument is an update operator');
     $this->update = new Update($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, $replacement, ['multi' => false] + $options);
Пример #10
  * Constructs an update command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation.
  *  * upsert (boolean): When true, a new document is created if no document
  *    matches the query. The default is false.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $filter         Query by which to filter documents
  * @param array|object $update         Update to apply to the matched documents
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, $update, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($update) && !is_object($update)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$update', $update, 'array or object');
     if (!\MongoDB\is_first_key_operator($update)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('First key in $update argument is not an update operator');
     $this->update = new Update($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, $update, ['multi' => true] + $options);
Пример #11
  * Constructs a new Client instance.
  * This is the preferred class for connecting to a MongoDB server or
  * cluster of servers. It serves as a gateway for accessing individual
  * databases and collections.
  * Supported driver-specific options:
  *  * typeMap (array): Default type map for cursors and BSON documents.
  * Other options are documented in MongoDB\Driver\Manager::__construct().
  * @see http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/connection-string/
  * @see http://php.net/manual/en/mongodb-driver-manager.construct.php
  * @see http://php.net/manual/en/mongodb.persistence.php#mongodb.persistence.typemaps
  * @param string $uri           MongoDB connection string
  * @param array  $uriOptions    Additional connection string options
  * @param array  $driverOptions Driver-specific options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017', array $uriOptions = [], array $driverOptions = [])
     $driverOptions += ['typeMap' => self::$defaultTypeMap];
     if (isset($driverOptions['typeMap']) && !is_array($driverOptions['typeMap'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" driver option', $driverOptions['typeMap'], 'array');
     $this->manager = new Manager($uri, $uriOptions, $driverOptions);
     $this->uri = (string) $uri;
     $this->typeMap = isset($driverOptions['typeMap']) ? $driverOptions['typeMap'] : null;
Пример #12
 * Return whether the first key in the document starts with a "$" character.
 * This is used for differentiating update and replacement documents.
 * @internal
 * @param array|object $document Update or replacement document
 * @return boolean
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException
function is_first_key_operator($document)
    if (is_object($document)) {
        $document = get_object_vars($document);
    if (!is_array($document)) {
        throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$document', $document, 'array or object');
    $firstKey = (string) key($document);
    return isset($firstKey[0]) && $firstKey[0] == '$';
Пример #13
  * Constructs a dropIndexes command.
  * @param string $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string $collectionName Collection name
  * @param string $indexName      Index name (use "*" to drop all indexes)
  * @param array  $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $indexName, array $options = [])
     $indexName = (string) $indexName;
     if ($indexName === '') {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$indexName cannot be empty');
     if (isset($options['typeMap']) && !is_array($options['typeMap'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->indexName = $indexName;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #14
  * Constructs a findAndModify command for deleting a document.
  * Supported options:
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run.
  *  * projection (document): Limits the fields to return for the matching
  *    document.
  *  * sort (document): Determines which document the operation modifies if
  *    the query selects multiple documents.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern. This option
  *    is only supported for server versions >= 3.2.
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $filter         Query by which to filter documents
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($filter) && !is_object($filter)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$filter', $filter, 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['projection']) && !is_array($options['projection']) && !is_object($options['projection'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"projection" option', $options['projection'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['projection'])) {
         $options['fields'] = $options['projection'];
     $this->findAndModify = new FindAndModify($databaseName, $collectionName, ['query' => $filter, 'remove' => true] + $options);
Пример #15
  * Constructs a command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference): The read preference to
  *    use when executing the command. This may be used when issuing the
  *    command to a replica set or mongos node to ensure that the driver sets
  *    the wire protocol accordingly or adds the read preference to the
  *    command document, respectively.
  *  * typeMap (array): Type map for BSON deserialization. This will be
  *    applied to the returned Cursor (it is not sent to the server).
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param array|object $command        Command document
  * @param array        $options        Options for command execution
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $command, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($command) && !is_object($command)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$command', $command, 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['readPreference']) && !$options['readPreference'] instanceof ReadPreference) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readPreference" option', $options['readPreference'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadPreference');
     if (isset($options['typeMap']) && !is_array($options['typeMap'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->command = $command instanceof Command ? $command : new Command($command);
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #16
  * Constructs an insert command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $document       Document to insert
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $document, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($document) && !is_object($document)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$document', $document, 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['bypassDocumentValidation']) && !is_bool($options['bypassDocumentValidation'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bypassDocumentValidation" option', $options['bypassDocumentValidation'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && !$options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->document = $document;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #17
  * Constructs a delete command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $filter         Query by which to delete documents
  * @param integer      $limit          The number of matching documents to
  *                                     delete. Must be 0 or 1, for all or a
  *                                     single document, respectively.
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, $limit, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($filter) && !is_object($filter)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$filter', $filter, 'array or object');
     if ($limit !== 0 && $limit !== 1) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$limit must be 0 or 1');
     if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && !$options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->filter = $filter;
     $this->limit = $limit;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #18
  * Constructs a writable GridFS stream.
  * Supported options:
  *  * _id (mixed): File document identifier. Defaults to a new ObjectId.
  *  * aliases (array of strings): DEPRECATED An array of aliases. 
  *    Applications wishing to store aliases should add an aliases field to
  *    the metadata document instead.
  *  * chunkSizeBytes (integer): The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to
  *    261120 (i.e. 255 KiB).
  *  * contentType (string): DEPRECATED content type to be stored with the
  *    file. This information should now be added to the metadata.
  *  * metadata (document): User data for the "metadata" field of the files
  *    collection document.
  * @param CollectionWrapper $collectionWrapper GridFS collection wrapper
  * @param string            $filename          Filename
  * @param array             $options           Upload options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(CollectionWrapper $collectionWrapper, $filename, array $options = [])
     $options += ['_id' => new ObjectId(), 'chunkSizeBytes' => self::$defaultChunkSizeBytes];
     if (isset($options['aliases']) && !\MongoDB\is_string_array($options['aliases'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"aliases" option', $options['aliases'], 'array of strings');
     if (isset($options['chunkSizeBytes']) && !is_integer($options['chunkSizeBytes'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"chunkSizeBytes" option', $options['chunkSizeBytes'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['contentType']) && !is_string($options['contentType'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"contentType" option', $options['contentType'], 'string');
     if (isset($options['metadata']) && !is_array($options['metadata']) && !is_object($options['metadata'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"metadata" option', $options['metadata'], 'array or object');
     $this->chunkSize = $options['chunkSizeBytes'];
     $this->collectionWrapper = $collectionWrapper;
     $this->buffer = fopen('php://temp', 'w+');
     $this->ctx = hash_init('md5');
     $this->file = ['_id' => $options['_id'], 'chunkSize' => $this->chunkSize, 'filename' => (string) $filename, 'uploadDate' => new UTCDateTime(floor(microtime(true) * 1000))] + array_intersect_key($options, ['aliases' => 1, 'contentType' => 1, 'metadata' => 1]);
Пример #19
  * Constructs a GridFS bucket.
  * Supported options:
  *  * bucketName (string): The bucket name, which will be used as a prefix
  *    for the files and chunks collections. Defaults to "fs".
  *  * chunkSizeBytes (integer): The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to
  *    261120 (i.e. 255 KiB).
  *  * readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference): Read preference.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.
  * @param Manager $manager      Manager instance from the driver
  * @param string  $databaseName Database name
  * @param array   $options      Bucket options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(Manager $manager, $databaseName, array $options = [])
     $options += ['bucketName' => 'fs', 'chunkSizeBytes' => 261120];
     if (isset($options['bucketName']) && !is_string($options['bucketName'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bucketName" option', $options['bucketName'], 'string');
     if (isset($options['chunkSizeBytes']) && !is_integer($options['chunkSizeBytes'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"chunkSizeBytes" option', $options['chunkSizeBytes'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['readPreference']) && !$options['readPreference'] instanceof ReadPreference) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readPreference" option', $options['readPreference'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadPreference');
     if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && !$options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->options = $options;
     $collectionOptions = array_intersect_key($options, ['readPreference' => 1, 'writeConcern' => 1]);
     $this->collectionsWrapper = new GridFSCollectionsWrapper($manager, $databaseName, $options['bucketName'], $collectionOptions);
Пример #20
  * Constructs a createIndexes command.
  * @param string  $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string  $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array[] $indexes        List of index specifications
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, array $indexes)
     if (empty($indexes)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$indexes is empty');
     $expectedIndex = 0;
     foreach ($indexes as $i => $index) {
         if ($i !== $expectedIndex) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('$indexes is not a list (unexpected index: "%s")', $i));
         if (!is_array($index)) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$index[%d]', $i), $index, 'array');
         if (!isset($index['ns'])) {
             $index['ns'] = $databaseName . '.' . $collectionName;
         $this->indexes[] = new IndexInput($index);
         $expectedIndex += 1;
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
Пример #21
  * Constructs new Database instance.
  * This class provides methods for database-specific operations and serves
  * as a gateway for accessing collections.
  * Supported options:
  *  * readConcern (MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern): The default read concern to
  *    use for database operations and selected collections. Defaults to the
  *    Manager's read concern.
  *  * readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference): The default read
  *    preference to use for database operations and selected collections.
  *    Defaults to the Manager's read preference.
  *  * typeMap (array): Default type map for cursors and BSON documents.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): The default write concern
  *    to use for database operations and selected collections. Defaults to
  *    the Manager's write concern.
  * @param Manager $manager      Manager instance from the driver
  * @param string  $databaseName Database name
  * @param array   $options      Database options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(Manager $manager, $databaseName, array $options = [])
     if (strlen($databaseName) < 1) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$databaseName is invalid: ' . $databaseName);
     if (isset($options['readConcern']) && !$options['readConcern'] instanceof ReadConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readConcern" option', $options['readConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadConcern');
     if (isset($options['readPreference']) && !$options['readPreference'] instanceof ReadPreference) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readPreference" option', $options['readPreference'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadPreference');
     if (isset($options['typeMap']) && !is_array($options['typeMap'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array');
     if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && !$options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern');
     $this->manager = $manager;
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->readConcern = isset($options['readConcern']) ? $options['readConcern'] : $this->manager->getReadConcern();
     $this->readPreference = isset($options['readPreference']) ? $options['readPreference'] : $this->manager->getReadPreference();
     $this->typeMap = isset($options['typeMap']) ? $options['typeMap'] : self::$defaultTypeMap;
     $this->writeConcern = isset($options['writeConcern']) ? $options['writeConcern'] : $this->manager->getWriteConcern();
Пример #22
  * Constructs a findAndModify command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation.
  *  * fields (document): Limits the fields to return for the matching
  *    document.
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run.
  *  * new (boolean): When true, returns the modified document rather than
  *    the original. This option is ignored for remove operations. The
  *    The default is false.
  *  * query (document): Query by which to filter documents.
  *  * remove (boolean): When true, removes the matched document. This option
  *    cannot be true if the update option is set. The default is false.
  *  * sort (document): Determines which document the operation modifies if
  *    the query selects multiple documents.
  *  * update (document): Update or replacement to apply to the matched
  *    document. This option cannot be set if the remove option is true.
  *  * upsert (boolean): When true, a new document is created if no document
  *    matches the query. This option is ignored for remove operations. The
  *    default is false.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern. This option
  *    is only supported for server versions >= 3.2.
  * @param string $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array  $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, array $options)
     $options += ['new' => false, 'remove' => false, 'upsert' => false];
     if (isset($options['bypassDocumentValidation']) && !is_bool($options['bypassDocumentValidation'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bypassDocumentValidation" option', $options['bypassDocumentValidation'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['fields']) && !is_array($options['fields']) && !is_object($options['fields'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"fields" option', $options['fields'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && !is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer');
     if (!is_bool($options['new'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"new" option', $options['new'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['query']) && !is_array($options['query']) && !is_object($options['query'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"query" option', $options['query'], 'array or object');
     if (!is_bool($options['remove'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"remove" option', $options['remove'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['sort']) && !is_array($options['sort']) && !is_object($options['sort'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"sort" option', $options['sort'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['update']) && !is_array($options['update']) && !is_object($options['update'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"update" option', $options['update'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && !$options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern');
     if (!is_bool($options['upsert'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"upsert" option', $options['upsert'], 'boolean');
     if (!(isset($options['update']) xor $options['remove'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The "remove" option must be true or an "update" document must be specified, but not both');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #23
  * Constructs a find command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * allowPartialResults (boolean): Get partial results from a mongos if
  *    some shards are inaccessible (instead of throwing an error).
  *  * batchSize (integer): The number of documents to return per batch.
  *  * comment (string): Attaches a comment to the query. If "$comment" also
  *    exists in the modifiers document, this option will take precedence.
  *  * cursorType (enum): Indicates the type of cursor to use. Must be either
  *  * limit (integer): The maximum number of documents to return.
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run. If "$maxTimeMS" also exists in the modifiers document, this
  *    option will take precedence.
  *  * modifiers (document): Meta-operators modifying the output or behavior
  *    of a query.
  *  * noCursorTimeout (boolean): The server normally times out idle cursors
  *    after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
  *    Set this option to prevent that.
  *  * oplogReplay (boolean): Internal replication use only. The driver
  *    should not set this.
  *  * projection (document): Limits the fields to return for the matching
  *    document.
  *  * readConcern (MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern): Read concern.
  *    For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored as read concern is not
  *    available.
  *  * readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference): Read preference.
  *  * skip (integer): The number of documents to skip before returning.
  *  * sort (document): The order in which to return matching documents. If
  *    "$orderby" also exists in the modifiers document, this option will
  *    take precedence.
  *  * typeMap (array): Type map for BSON deserialization. This will be
  *    applied to the returned Cursor (it is not sent to the server).
  * @param string       $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string       $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array|object $filter         Query by which to filter documents
  * @param array        $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, $filter, array $options = [])
     if (!is_array($filter) && !is_object($filter)) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$filter', $filter, 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['allowPartialResults']) && !is_bool($options['allowPartialResults'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"allowPartialResults" option', $options['allowPartialResults'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['batchSize']) && !is_integer($options['batchSize'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"batchSize" option', $options['batchSize'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['comment']) && !is_string($options['comment'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"comment" option', $options['comment'], 'comment');
     if (isset($options['cursorType'])) {
         if (!is_integer($options['cursorType'])) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"cursorType" option', $options['cursorType'], 'integer');
         if ($options['cursorType'] !== self::NON_TAILABLE && $options['cursorType'] !== self::TAILABLE && $options['cursorType'] !== self::TAILABLE_AWAIT) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid value for "cursorType" option: ' . $options['cursorType']);
     if (isset($options['limit']) && !is_integer($options['limit'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"limit" option', $options['limit'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && !is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['modifiers']) && !is_array($options['modifiers']) && !is_object($options['modifiers'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"modifiers" option', $options['modifiers'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['noCursorTimeout']) && !is_bool($options['noCursorTimeout'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"noCursorTimeout" option', $options['noCursorTimeout'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['oplogReplay']) && !is_bool($options['oplogReplay'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"oplogReplay" option', $options['oplogReplay'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['projection']) && !is_array($options['projection']) && !is_object($options['projection'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"projection" option', $options['projection'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['readConcern']) && !$options['readConcern'] instanceof ReadConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readConcern" option', $options['readConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadConcern');
     if (isset($options['readPreference']) && !$options['readPreference'] instanceof ReadPreference) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readPreference" option', $options['readPreference'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadPreference');
     if (isset($options['skip']) && !is_integer($options['skip'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"skip" option', $options['skip'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['sort']) && !is_array($options['sort']) && !is_object($options['sort'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"sort" option', $options['sort'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['typeMap']) && !is_array($options['typeMap'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->filter = $filter;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #24
  * Constructs a create command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * autoIndexId (boolean): Specify false to disable the automatic creation
  *    of an index on the _id field. For replica sets, this option cannot be
  *    false. The default is true.
  *  * capped (boolean): Specify true to create a capped collection. If set,
  *    the size option must also be specified. The default is false.
  *  * flags (integer): Options for the MMAPv1 storage engine only. Must be a
  *    bitwise combination CreateCollection::USE_POWER_OF_2_SIZES and
  *    CreateCollection::NO_PADDING. The default is
  *    CreateCollection::USE_POWER_OF_2_SIZES.
  *  * indexOptionDefaults (document): Default configuration for indexes when
  *    creating the collection.
  *  * max (integer): The maximum number of documents allowed in the capped
  *    collection. The size option takes precedence over this limit.
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run.
  *  * size (integer): The maximum number of bytes for a capped collection.
  *  * storageEngine (document): Storage engine options.
  *  * typeMap (array): Type map for BSON deserialization. This will only be
  *    used for the returned command result document.
  *  * validationAction (string): Validation action.
  *  * validationLevel (string): Validation level.
  *  * validator (document): Validation rules or expressions.
  * @see http://source.wiredtiger.com/2.4.1/struct_w_t___s_e_s_s_i_o_n.html#a358ca4141d59c345f401c58501276bbb
  * @see https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/document-validation/
  * @param string $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array  $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, array $options = [])
     if (isset($options['autoIndexId']) && !is_bool($options['autoIndexId'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"autoIndexId" option', $options['autoIndexId'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['capped']) && !is_bool($options['capped'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"capped" option', $options['capped'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['flags']) && !is_integer($options['flags'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"flags" option', $options['flags'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['indexOptionDefaults']) && !is_array($options['indexOptionDefaults']) && !is_object($options['indexOptionDefaults'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"indexOptionDefaults" option', $options['indexOptionDefaults'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['max']) && !is_integer($options['max'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"max" option', $options['max'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && !is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['size']) && !is_integer($options['size'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"size" option', $options['size'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['storageEngine']) && !is_array($options['storageEngine']) && !is_object($options['storageEngine'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"storageEngine" option', $options['storageEngine'], 'array or object');
     if (isset($options['typeMap']) && !is_array($options['typeMap'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array');
     if (isset($options['validationAction']) && !is_string($options['validationAction'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"validationAction" option', $options['validationAction'], 'string');
     if (isset($options['validationLevel']) && !is_string($options['validationLevel'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"validationLevel" option', $options['validationLevel'], 'string');
     if (isset($options['validator']) && !is_array($options['validator']) && !is_object($options['validator'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"validator" option', $options['validator'], 'array or object');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #25
  * Constructs an aggregate command.
  * Supported options:
  *  * allowDiskUse (boolean): Enables writing to temporary files. When set
  *    to true, aggregation stages can write data to the _tmp sub-directory
  *    in the dbPath directory. The default is false.
  *  * batchSize (integer): The number of documents to return per batch.
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation. This only applies when the $out
  *    stage is specified.
  *    For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored as document level validation
  *    is not available.
  *  * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to
  *    run.
  *  * readConcern (MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern): Read concern. Note that a
  *    "majority" read concern is not compatible with the $out stage.
  *    For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored as read concern is not
  *    available.
  *  * readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference): Read preference.
  *  * typeMap (array): Type map for BSON deserialization. This will be
  *    applied to the returned Cursor (it is not sent to the server).
  *    This is not supported for inline aggregation results (i.e. useCursor
  *    option is false or the server versions < 2.6).
  *  * useCursor (boolean): Indicates whether the command will request that
  *    the server provide results using a cursor. The default is true.
  *    For servers < 2.6, this option is ignored as aggregation cursors are
  *    not available.
  *    For servers >= 2.6, this option allows users to turn off cursors if
  *    necessary to aid in mongod/mongos upgrades.
  * @param string $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array  $pipeline       List of pipeline operations
  * @param array  $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, array $pipeline, array $options = [])
     if (empty($pipeline)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$pipeline is empty');
     $expectedIndex = 0;
     foreach ($pipeline as $i => $operation) {
         if ($i !== $expectedIndex) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('$pipeline is not a list (unexpected index: "%s")', $i));
         if (!is_array($operation) && !is_object($operation)) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$pipeline[%d]', $i), $operation, 'array or object');
         $expectedIndex += 1;
     $options += ['allowDiskUse' => false, 'useCursor' => true];
     if (!is_bool($options['allowDiskUse'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"allowDiskUse" option', $options['allowDiskUse'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['batchSize']) && !is_integer($options['batchSize'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"batchSize" option', $options['batchSize'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['bypassDocumentValidation']) && !is_bool($options['bypassDocumentValidation'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bypassDocumentValidation" option', $options['bypassDocumentValidation'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && !is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer');
     if (isset($options['readConcern']) && !$options['readConcern'] instanceof ReadConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readConcern" option', $options['readConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadConcern');
     if (isset($options['readPreference']) && !$options['readPreference'] instanceof ReadPreference) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readPreference" option', $options['readPreference'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\ReadPreference');
     if (isset($options['typeMap']) && !is_array($options['typeMap'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array');
     if (!is_bool($options['useCursor'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"useCursor" option', $options['useCursor'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['batchSize']) && !$options['useCursor']) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('"batchSize" option should not be used if "useCursor" is false');
     if (isset($options['typeMap']) && !$options['useCursor']) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('"typeMap" option should not be used if "useCursor" is false');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->pipeline = $pipeline;
     $this->options = $options;
Пример #26
  * Returns information for all collections in this database by querying the
  * "system.namespaces" collection (MongoDB <3.0).
  * @param Server $server
  * @return CollectionInfoLegacyIterator
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if filter.name is not a string.
 private function executeLegacy(Server $server)
     $filter = empty($this->options['filter']) ? [] : (array) $this->options['filter'];
     if (array_key_exists('name', $filter)) {
         if (!is_string($filter['name'])) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('filter name for MongoDB <3.0', $filter['name'], 'string');
         $filter['name'] = $this->databaseName . '.' . $filter['name'];
     $options = isset($this->options['maxTimeMS']) ? ['modifiers' => ['$maxTimeMS' => $this->options['maxTimeMS']]] : [];
     $cursor = $server->executeQuery($this->databaseName . '.system.namespaces', new Query($filter, $options));
     $cursor->setTypeMap(['root' => 'array', 'document' => 'array']);
     return new CollectionInfoLegacyIterator($cursor);
Пример #27
  * Writes the contents of a readable stream to a GridFS file.
  * Supported options:
  *  * _id (mixed): File document identifier. Defaults to a new ObjectId.
  *  * chunkSizeBytes (integer): The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to the
  *    bucket's chunk size.
  *  * metadata (document): User data for the "metadata" field of the files
  *    collection document.
  * @param string   $filename Filename
  * @param resource $source   Readable stream
  * @param array    $options  Stream options
  * @return ObjectId ID of the newly created GridFS file
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if $source is not a stream
 public function uploadFromStream($filename, $source, array $options = [])
     if (!is_resource($source) || get_resource_type($source) != "stream") {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$source', $source, 'resource');
     $destination = $this->openUploadStream($filename, $options);
     stream_copy_to_stream($source, $destination);
     return $this->getIdFromStream($destination);
Пример #28
  * Constructs a bulk write operation.
  * Example array structure for all supported operation types:
  *  [
  *    [ 'deleteOne'  => [ $filter ] ],
  *    [ 'deleteMany' => [ $filter ] ],
  *    [ 'insertOne'  => [ $document ] ],
  *    [ 'replaceOne' => [ $filter, $replacement, $options ] ],
  *    [ 'updateMany' => [ $filter, $update, $options ] ],
  *    [ 'updateOne'  => [ $filter, $update, $options ] ],
  *  ]
  * Arguments correspond to the respective Operation classes; however, the
  * writeConcern option is specified for the top-level bulk write operation
  * instead of each individual operations.
  * Supported options for replaceOne, updateMany, and updateOne operations:
  *  * upsert (boolean): When true, a new document is created if no document
  *    matches the query. The default is false.
  * Supported options for the bulk write operation:
  *  * bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
  *    out of document level validation.
  *  * ordered (boolean): If true, when an insert fails, return without
  *    performing the remaining writes. If false, when a write fails,
  *    continue with the remaining writes, if any. The default is true.
  *  * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.
  * @param string  $databaseName   Database name
  * @param string  $collectionName Collection name
  * @param array[] $operations     List of write operations
  * @param array   $options        Command options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, array $operations, array $options = [])
     if (empty($operations)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$operations is empty');
     $expectedIndex = 0;
     foreach ($operations as $i => $operation) {
         if ($i !== $expectedIndex) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('$operations is not a list (unexpected index: "%s")', $i));
         if (!is_array($operation)) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$operations[%d]', $i), $operation, 'array');
         if (count($operation) !== 1) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected one element in $operation[%d], actually: %d', $i, count($operation)));
         $type = key($operation);
         $args = current($operation);
         if (!isset($args[0]) && !array_key_exists(0, $args)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Missing first argument for $operations[%d]["%s"]', $i, $type));
         if (!is_array($args[0]) && !is_object($args[0])) {
             throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$operations[%d]["%s"][0]', $i, $type), $args[0], 'array or object');
         switch ($type) {
             case self::INSERT_ONE:
             case self::DELETE_MANY:
             case self::DELETE_ONE:
                 $operations[$i][$type][1] = ['limit' => $type === self::DELETE_ONE ? 1 : 0];
             case self::REPLACE_ONE:
                 if (!isset($args[1]) && !array_key_exists(1, $args)) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Missing second argument for $operations[%d]["%s"]', $i, $type));
                 if (!is_array($args[1]) && !is_object($args[1])) {
                     throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$operations[%d]["%s"][1]', $i, $type), $args[1], 'array or object');
                 if (\MongoDB\is_first_key_operator($args[1])) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('First key in $operations[%d]["%s"][1] is an update operator', $i, $type));
                 if (!isset($args[2])) {
                     $args[2] = [];
                 if (!is_array($args[2])) {
                     throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$operations[%d]["%s"][2]', $i, $type), $args[2], 'array');
                 $args[2]['multi'] = false;
                 $args[2] += ['upsert' => false];
                 if (!is_bool($args[2]['upsert'])) {
                     throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$operations[%d]["%s"][2]["upsert"]', $i, $type), $args[2]['upsert'], 'boolean');
                 $operations[$i][$type][2] = $args[2];
             case self::UPDATE_MANY:
             case self::UPDATE_ONE:
                 if (!isset($args[1]) && !array_key_exists(1, $args)) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Missing second argument for $operations[%d]["%s"]', $i, $type));
                 if (!is_array($args[1]) && !is_object($args[1])) {
                     throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$operations[%d]["%s"][1]', $i, $type), $args[1], 'array or object');
                 if (!\MongoDB\is_first_key_operator($args[1])) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('First key in $operations[%d]["%s"][1] is not an update operator', $i, $type));
                 if (!isset($args[2])) {
                     $args[2] = [];
                 if (!is_array($args[2])) {
                     throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$operations[%d]["%s"][2]', $i, $type), $args[2], 'array');
                 $args[2]['multi'] = $type === self::UPDATE_MANY;
                 $args[2] += ['upsert' => false];
                 if (!is_bool($args[2]['upsert'])) {
                     throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$operations[%d]["%s"][2]["upsert"]', $i, $type), $args[2]['upsert'], 'boolean');
                 $operations[$i][$type][2] = $args[2];
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown operation type "%s" in $operations[%d]', $type, $i));
         $expectedIndex += 1;
     $options += ['ordered' => true];
     if (isset($options['bypassDocumentValidation']) && !is_bool($options['bypassDocumentValidation'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bypassDocumentValidation" option', $options['bypassDocumentValidation'], 'boolean');
     if (!is_bool($options['ordered'])) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"ordered" option', $options['ordered'], 'boolean');
     if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && !$options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) {
         throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], 'MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern');
     $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName;
     $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName;
     $this->operations = $operations;
     $this->options = $options;