Пример #1
$result = $mysqli->query($query) or showerror();
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
if (!isset($row['rurl']) || strlen($row['rurl']) < 1) {
    header("Location: 404.php", true, 302);
if (strtolower($row['rurl']) == "disabled") {
    require_once 'layout-headerlg.php';
    echo "<h2>The link you are trying to reach has been disabled.</h2><br>" . "Sorry for the inconvienience.";
    require_once 'layout-footerlg.php';
$lkey = @$row['lkey'];
if (strlen($lkey) > 1) {
    // check for key
    $sent_lkey = isset($_GET[$lkey]);
    if ($sent_lkey) {
        // correct key
    } else {
        require_once 'layout-headerlg.php';
        echo "Incorrect Key. (http://{$wsa}/abc?keyhere)";
        require_once 'layout-footerlg.php';
header("Location: {$row['rurl']}", true, 301);
$oldclicks = sqlfetch("redirinfo", "clicks", "baseval", $val);
$newclicks = $oldclicks + 1;
sqlrun("UPDATE redirinfo SET clicks='{$newclicks}' WHERE baseval='{$val}'");
Пример #2
		  `user` tinytext NOT NULL,
		  `country` tinytext NOT NULL,
		  `theme` varchar(65) NOT NULL,
		  `clicks` int(11) NOT NULL,
		  `pw` int(120) NOT NULL,
		  `etc` text,
		  `etc2` text,
		  PRIMARY KEY (`rid`),
		  KEY `baseval` (`baseval`),
		  KEY `ip` (`ip`),
		  KEY `iscustom` (`iscustom`)
    $acctpass = hashpass($_POST['acctpass']);
    $nr = sha1(rstr(50));
    sqlrun("INSERT INTO auth (username,email,password,rkey,valid,role) VALUES ('{$_POST['acct']}','{$_POST['acctemail']}','{$acctpass}','{$nr}','1','adm') ");
    echo "You are now finished Polr Setup. You can now close this window, and login to your account <a href='index.php'>here</a> (login form @ top right). <br><br>If you need help, click <a href=\"http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#polr\">here</a><br>" . "<br><br><b>Clueless? Read the docs. <a href='https://github.com/Cydrobolt/polr/blob/master/README.md'>https://github.com/Cydrobolt/polr/blob/master/README.md</a></b>";
} else {
    include 'version.php';
    echo "<form name=\"Config Creation\" style='margin:0 auto; width: 650px' method=\"post\" action=\"" . 'setup.php' . "\">";
    // DB Config
    echo "<b style=\"text-align:center\">Database Configuration</b><br />";
    echo "Database Host: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"dbserver\" value=\"localhost\"><br>";
    echo "Database User: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"dbuser\" value=\"root\"><br>";
    echo "Database Pass: <input type=\"password\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"dbpass\" value=\"password\"><br>";
    echo "Database Name: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"dbname\" value=\"polr\"><br>";
    // App Config
    echo "<br /><b style=\"text-align:center\">Application Settings</b><br />";
    echo "Application Name: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"appname\" value=\"Polr\"><br>";
    echo "Application URL (path to Polr, no http://, www., or trailing slash) : <input type=\"text\" style='width:650px' class='form-control' name=\"appurl\" value=\"yoursite.com\"><br>";
    echo "Fetch ip through variable: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"ipfetch\" value=\"\$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']\"><br>";
Пример #3
		  `iscustom` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
		  `user` tinytext NOT NULL,
		  `country` tinytext NOT NULL,
		  `clicks` int(11) NOT NULL,
		  `pw` int(120) NOT NULL,
		  `etc` text,
		  `etc2` text,
		  PRIMARY KEY (`rid`),
		  KEY `baseval` (`baseval`),
		  KEY `ip` (`ip`),
		  KEY `iscustom` (`iscustom`)
    $acctpass = hashpass($_POST['acctpass']);
    $nr = sha1(rstr(50));
    sqlrun("INSERT INTO auth (username,email,password,rkey,valid,role,theme,ip) VALUES ('{$_POST['acct']}','{$_POST['acctemail']}','{$acctpass}','{$nr}','1','adm','{$site_theme}','{$ip}') ");
    echo "You are now finished Polr Setup. You can now close this window, and login to your account <a href='index.php'>here</a> (login form @ top right). <br /><br />If you need help, click <a href=\"http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#polr\">here</a><br />" . "<br /><br /><b>Clueless? Read the docs. <a href='https://github.com/Cydrobolt/polr/blob/master/README.md'>https://github.com/Cydrobolt/polr/blob/master/README.md</a></b>";
} else {
    include 'version.php';
    echo "<form name=\"Config Creation\" style='margin:0 auto; width: 650px' method=\"post\" action=\"" . 'setup.php' . "\">";
    // DB Config
    echo "<b style=\"text-align:center\">Database Configuration</b><br />";
    echo "Database Host: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"dbserver\" value=\"localhost\"><br />";
    echo "Database User: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"dbuser\" value=\"root\"><br />";
    echo "Database Pass: <input type=\"password\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"dbpass\" value=\"password\"><br />";
    echo "Database Name: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"dbname\" value=\"polr\"><br />";
    // App Config
    echo "<br /><b style=\"text-align:center\">Application Settings</b><br />";
    echo "Application Name: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"appname\" value=\"Polr\"><br />";
    echo "Application URL (path to Polr, no http://, www., or trailing slash) : <input type=\"text\" style='width:650px' class='form-control' name=\"appurl\" value=\"yoursite.com\"><br />";
    echo "Fetch ip through variable: <input type=\"text\" class='form-control' style='width:650px' name=\"ipfetch\" value=\"\$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']\"><br />";