Пример #1
 public function __construct($uri = "")
     // Uri passed?
     if (empty($uri)) {
         // HTTPS?
         $this->protocol = array_key_exists("HTTPS", $_SERVER) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? "https" : "http";
         // Use server data to form url
         $this->uri = $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         // And get some other info at the same time
         $this->method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
         $this->domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
         $this->fullPath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         $this->accept = Format::FromHTTPAcceptHeader($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']);
         $this->acceptLanguage = explode(",", substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], ";")));
     } else {
         // Parse url
         $this->uri = $uri;
         throw new Exception("Parsing of url not implemented", 1);
     // Check base path
     $this->path = $this->fullPath;
     if (StringUtil::startsWith($this->path, BASE_PATH)) {
         // Remove it from path
         $basePath = BASE_PATH;
         if (StringUtil::endsWith($basePath, "/")) {
             $basePath = substr($basePath, 0, -1);
         $this->path = substr($this->path, strlen($basePath));
     // Check path for ?querystring
     $qPos = strpos($this->path, '?');
     if ($qPos > 0) {
         $this->path = substr($this->path, 0, $qPos);
     // Check path for extension
     preg_match_all("/(.+)\\.([a-z]+)\$/i", $this->path, $matches);
     if (count($matches[0]) == 1 && !is_null(Format::FromExtension($matches[2][0]))) {
         // Extension found
         $this->extension = $matches[2][0];
         $this->path = $matches[1][0];
         // Now look for format that matches this one (if extension overrides Accept headers)
         if (ChickenWire::get("extensionOverridesAcceptHeaders") !== false || is_null($this->accept)) {
             // Find format
             $format = Format::FromExtension($this->extension);
             if (!is_null($format)) {
                 $this->accept = array($format);
     // Store format
     $this->format = $this->accept[0];
Пример #2
 public static function Create($link)
     // Is it already a complete url?
     if (strstr($link, "://")) {
         return $link;
     // Include domain?
     if (ChickenWire::get("useAbsoluteUrls") == true) {
         // Prefix with url
         return BASE_URL . $link;
     } else {
         // Prefix with path
         return BASE_PATH . $link;
 public function Stylesheet($filename, array $options = null)
     // No options?
     if (is_null($options)) {
         $options = array();
     // Check filename's extension
     if (pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == "") {
         $filename .= ".css";
     // Add static path and create URL
     if (strstr($filename, "://")) {
         $link = $filename;
     } else {
         $link = Url::Create(Path::Construct(ChickenWire::get("pathCSS")) . $filename);
     // Create the tag
     return $this->SingleTag("link", ArrayUtil::Defaults($options, array("src" => $link, "rel" => "stylesheet", "type" => "text/css")));
Пример #4
function __autoload($class_name)
    // Convert namespaces to file path
    $parts = explode("\\", strtolower($class_name));
    // A ChickenWire class?
    if (count($parts) > 0 && $parts[0] == "chickenwire") {
        // Look for it one level up (I'm in chickenwire/core/)
        $filename = __DIR__ . "/../" . implode("/", $parts) . ".class.php";
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
            require_once $filename;
    } elseif (count($parts) > 0 && $parts[0] == strtolower(ChickenWire::get("applicationNamespace"))) {
        // Look for it in the application directory
        $filename = APPLICATION_DIR . "/" . implode("/", $parts) . ".class.php";
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
            require_once $filename;
Пример #5

use ChickenWire\Core\ChickenWire;
// Detect environment
switch ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
    case "admin.wipkip.com":
        ChickenWire::set("environment", "production");
    case 'admin.wipkip.dev':
        ChickenWire::set("environment", "development");
Пример #6

use ChickenWire\Core\ChickenWire;
use ChickenWire\Request\Format;
// Set application namespace
ChickenWire::set("applicationNamespace", "WipkipAdmin");
// Set PHP extension
ChickenWire::set("phpExtension", "php");
// Make it so that extensions in urls are more important than accept headers
ChickenWire::set("extensionOverridesAcceptHeaders", true);
// Set the default output format
ChickenWire::set("defaultFormat", Format::HTML());
ChickenWire::set("defaultCharset", "utf-8");
// Set the default output formats for routes
ChickenWire::set("defaultRouteFormats", array(Format::HTML(), Format::JSON()));
// Set locations for static assets
ChickenWire::set("pathCSS", "static/css");
ChickenWire::set("pathJavascript", "static/js");
ChickenWire::set("pathImages", "static/images");
// Set whether to use absolute URLs
ChickenWire::set("useAbsoluteUrls", false);
// Memory cache (http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.memcache.php)
ChickenWire::set("memCache", "localhost:11211");
// Logging
if (ChickenWire::get("environment") == "development") {
    ChickenWire::set("log", "FireBug");
Пример #7
 private function getFormats()
     // No formats given?
     if (is_null($this->formats)) {
         // Use the default formats
         $formats = ChickenWire::get("defaultRouteFormats");
         // Still empty?
         if (is_null($formats)) {
             // That's no good
             throw new \Exception("ChickenWire could not determine a format for Route '" . $this->pattern . "`. Either define formats for each Route, or use ChickenWire::set(\"defaultRouteFormats\", ...) in your configuration.", 1);
         return $formats;
     } else {
         return $this->formats;
Пример #8

use ChickenWire\Core\ChickenWire;
// Set database connections
ChickenWire::set("database::connections", array("development" => "mysql://*****:*****@localhost/wipkip_admin", "production" => ""));
// Set default
ChickenWire::set("database::default", ChickenWire::get("environment"));
  * Execute a raw SQL query on the database
  * @param string $sql    SQL query string
  * @param array  $values Optional values array to bind in query
  * @return mixed A result set object
 public function Query($sql, &$values = array())
     // Log it
     if (count($values) > 0) {
         ChickenWire::Log($sql . " ==> " . implode(", ", $values), "SQL Query");
     } else {
         ChickenWire::Log($sql, "SQL Query");
     // Store query
     $this->lastQuery = $sql;
     // Try to prepare the query
     try {
         if (!($sth = $this->pdo->prepare($sql))) {
             throw new DBException($this);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         throw new DBException($this);
     // Set fetch mode
     // Execute query
     try {
         if (!$sth->execute($values)) {
             throw new DBException($sth);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         throw new DBException($e);
     return $sth;
 public static function DB($connection = "")
     // No connection given?
     if (empty($connection)) {
         // Get default connection
         $connection = ChickenWire::get("database::default");
         // Null?
         if (is_null($connection)) {
             throw new Exception("No default database has been selected. Use ChickenWire::set('database::default').", 1);
     // Is the connection already made?
     if (array_key_exists($connection, self::$_databases)) {
         // Return it now
         return self::$_databases[$connection];
     // Look up settings
     $dbs = ChickenWire::get("database::connections");
     if (is_null($dbs) || !array_key_exists($connection, $dbs)) {
         throw new Exception("No database connection found for '{$connection}'.", 1);
     // Create
     $conn = Connection::Create($dbs[$connection]);
     // Store and return
     self::$_databases[$connection] = $conn;
     return $conn;
Пример #11
  * Find the appropriate DB connection for this model
 protected function initConnection()
     // Check connection property on the model
     if ($connection = $this->class->getStaticPropertyValue('connection', null)) {
         // Get that connection
         $this->connection = ChickenWire::DB($connection);
     } else {
         // Get default connection
         $this->connection = ChickenWire::DB();
Пример #12
  * Use an abstract location to find an actual file
  * @param string $file Abstract filename, as used in views, layout, etc. E.g.: "views/news/index", or "layout/main", or "views/news/index.txt"
  * @param boolean &$php If you pass a variable, this will be set to true, when the extension is a PHP extension, and should be parsed.
  * @return string The file location, or false when not found
 private function lookForFile($file, &$php = null)
     //TODO: The Request should have a FORMAT that it requests, based on the extension in the URL or the HTTP-accept header. This should be linked to an extension of a file to look for (.html, .txt, .json, etc.)
     // Split up in parts on /
     $dirparts = explode("/", $file);
     // Check filename for extensions
     $filename = array_pop($dirparts);
     // Loop through the request format's extensions
     $extensions = $this->request->format->extensions;
     foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
         // No extension at all?
         $fileparts = explode(".", $filename);
         if (count($fileparts) == 1) {
             // Add format's extensions
             array_push($fileparts, $extension);
         // Look for file now
         $completeFilename = APPLICATION_DIR . implode($dirparts, "/") . "/" . implode($fileparts, ".");
         if (file_exists($completeFilename)) {
             // PHP?
             $php = ArrayUtil::LastItem($fileparts) == ChickenWire::get("phpExtension");
             // Found it!
             return $completeFilename;
         // Should we look for the PHP variant?
         if (ArrayUtil::LastItem($fileparts) != ChickenWire::get("phpExtension")) {
             // Add php too
             array_push($fileparts, ChickenWire::get("phpExtension"));
             $completeFilename = APPLICATION_DIR . implode($dirparts, "/") . "/" . implode($fileparts, ".");
             if (file_exists($completeFilename)) {
                 // PHP!
                 $php = true;
                 // Found it!
                 return $completeFilename;
     // Nothing :(
     return false;
Пример #13

use ChickenWire\Core\ChickenWire;
use ChickenWire\Request\Format;
ChickenWire::AddRoute("/", array("controller" => "Hours", "action" => "Index", "alias" => "/index"));