Пример #1
function create_tracking_table($substatus, $textstat)
    global $status, $login_id;
    $action = "";
    $issue['id'] = "Bug ID";
    $issue['title'] = "Bug Title";
    $issue['status'] = "Status";
    $issue['login_id'] = "Submitted By";
    $issue['action'] = "Action(s)";
    $out = make_table($issue, "WIDTH=55%");
    $counter = 0;
    db("SELECT id, title, login_id FROM server_issuetracking WHERE status= " . $status . $substatus);
    while ($issues = dbr(1)) {
        $action = "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=view'>View</a>";
        if ($login_id == OWNER_ID) {
            //server admin only
            if ($status == 1) {
                $action .= " - <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?&status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=forward'>Outstanding</a>";
                $action .= " - <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?&status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=resolve'>Close</a>";
            } elseif ($status == 2) {
                $action .= " - <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?&status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=forward'>Close</a>";
                $action .= " - <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?&status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=up'>Up</a>";
                $action .= " - <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?&status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=down'>Down</a>";
            } elseif ($status == 3) {
                $action .= " - <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?&status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=reopen'>Reopen</a>";
                $action .= " - <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?&status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=up'>Up</a>";
                $action .= " - <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?&status={$status}&id={$issues['id']}&action=down'>Down</a>";
        //end of admin only.
        $issue['id'] = $issues['id'];
        $issue['title'] = $issues['title'];
        $issue['status'] = $textstat;
        db2("select login_name from user_accounts where login_id = '{$issues['login_id']}'");
        $temp_store = dbr2(1);
        $issue['login_id'] = $temp_store['login_name'];
        $issue['action'] = $action;
        $out .= make_row($issue);
    if ($counter == 0) {
        //if no bugs
        $issue['id'] = "NONE";
        $issue['title'] = "";
        $issue['status'] = "";
        $issue['login_id'] = "";
        $issue['action'] = "";
        $out .= make_row($issue);
    $out .= "</table>";
    return " - {$counter} Entries<br />" . $out;
Пример #2
    if (!$show_galaxies) {
        echo '<p>Vous êtes en mode vacances, pour revenir en mode normal allez au menu <a href="user_extra.php">compte & parrainage</a>.</p>';

	<div id="accueilColonne2" style="width: 400px;">
    $alpha_text = "";
    $beta_text = "";
    if (!$p_user['ban'] && $show_galaxies) {
        //cycle through the games that are running.
        db2("select name, db_name, paused, game_id, days_left, description from se_games where status = '1' order by last_reset asc");
        while ($game_stat = dbr2(1)) {
            $stat = " - " . popup_help("game_info.php?db_name={$game_stat['db_name']}", 600, 450);
            if ($game_stat['paused'] == 1) {
                $stat .= " - (" . $cw['paused'] . ")";
            db("select {$game_stat['db_name']}_value as value from se_db_vars where name = 'sudden_death'");
            $sd = dbr(1);
            if ($sd['value'] == 1) {
                $stat .= " - (" . $cw['sudden_death'] . ")";
            db("select {$game_stat['db_name']}_value as value from se_db_vars where name = 'new_logins'");
            $sd = dbr(1);
            if ($sd['value'] == 0) {
                $stat .= " - (" . $st[810] . ")";
            db("select {$game_stat['db_name']}_value as value from se_db_vars where name = 'game_length'");
Пример #3
    //done with the text
    $text = mcit($text);
//send messages
// if there are more than 100 characters in a line with no spaces, then complain.
if (preg_match("/\\S{100,}/", $text)) {
    print_page($cw['error'], $st[908] . " ;-)");
//send a message to each of the clan mates.
if ($target_id == -2) {
    db2("select login_id from {$db_name}_users where clan_id='{$clan_id}' && clan_id > 0");
    $target_member = dbr2(1);
    while ($target_member) {
        send_message($target_member['login_id'], $text);
        send_templated_email($target_member['login_id'], 'message');
        $target_member = dbr2(1);
    $error_str = $st[909];
    //send message to all players in the game
} elseif ($target_id == -4) {
    $error_str = message_all_players($text, $db_name, $st[910], "<b class=\"b1\">" . $cw['admin'] . "</b>");
    //send message to clan forum
} elseif ($target_id == -5 && $clan_id > 0) {
    send_message($target_id, $text, $clan_id);
    $error_str = $cw['message_sent'] . ".";
    //send message to central forum
} elseif ($target_id == -99 || $target_id == -50) {
    if ($user['login_id'] == OWNER_ID) {
        //server admin
        $sender_name = "<b class=\"b1\">" . $p_user['login_name'] . "</b> (" . $cw['server_admin'] . ")";
    } elseif ($user['login_id'] == 1) {
Пример #4
function scramble_explored(&$target)
    global $db_name, $cw, $st;
    $new_array = array();
    if ($target['explored_sys'] != -1) {
        //loop through all system explored (if not explored whole universe).
        foreach (explode(",", $target['explored_sys']) as $value) {
            //delete value if not sys 1, not present location, and randomly says so.
            if ($value == 1 || $value == $target['location'] || mt_rand(0, 6) < 4) {
                $new_array[] = $value;
        //user has explored whole universe, so going to have to do this the hard way. :)
    } else {
        db2("select count(star_id) from {$db_name}_stars");
        $total_num_stars = dbr2();
        //loop through all existing system
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_num_stars[0]; $i++) {
            //delete value if not sys 1, not present location, and randomly says so.
            if ($i == 1 || $i == $target['location'] || mt_rand(0, 6) < 4) {
                $new_array[] = $i;
    $target['explored_sys'] = implode(",", $new_array);
    dbn("update {$db_name}_users set explored_sys = '{$target['explored_sys']}' where login_id = '{$target['login_id']}'");
Пример #5
while ($data = dbr()) {
    $out .= $data['login_name'] . ' - ' . $data['nb'] . '<br />';
    mysql_query("update user_accounts set ban=1, raison='Multi-compte interdit' where last_ip='" . $data['last_ip'] . "' AND passwd = '" . $data['passwd'] . "' ORDER BY `signed_up` DESC LIMIT " . ($data['nb'] - 1));
    //	$out .= "<br/>update user_accounts set ban=0, raison='Multi-compte interdit' where last_ip='" . $data['last_ip'] ."' AND passwd = '" . $data['passwd'] ."' ORDER BY `signed_up` DESC LIMIT ".($data['nb'] - 1)."<br/>";
//Moriarty's Multi Checker
$pass_check = array();
//store for all passwords
$dup_pass = array();
//Store for duplicate passwords
$ip_check = array();
//store for all passwords
$ip_pass = array();
//Store for duplicate passwords
db2("select a.login_name,a.login_id,a.passwd,a.last_ip,a.email_address,s.login_id from user_accounts a, {$db_name}_users s where a.login_id > 5 && s.login_id = a.login_id order by last_ip");
while ($m_check = dbr2()) {
    $x_pa = $pass_check;
    //This loop finds same pass's
    while ($var = each($x_pa)) {
        if ($var['value'] == $m_check['passwd']) {
            //A duplicate password
            $dup_pass[$m_check['login_id']] = $m_check['passwd'];
            $dup_pass[$var['key']] = $var['value'];
    $pass_check[$m_check['login_id']] = $m_check['passwd'];
    $x_ip = $ip_check;
    //this loop finds same IP's
    if ($m_check['last_ip']) {
        while ($var = each($ip_check)) {
            if ($var['value'] == $m_check['last_ip']) {
Пример #6
function calc_values()
    global $db_name, $final_str, $GAME_VARS, $mining_drone_cost, $research_fac_cost, $st, $cw;
    //work out the value of all extra equip.
    //delta bomb costs MINIMUM of 15 regular bombs
    db2("select sum(cash + (genesis * {$GAME_VARS['cost_genesis_device']}) + ((alpha + gamma + (delta * 15)) * {$GAME_VARS['bomb_cost']})) as value, login_id from {$db_name}_users group by login_id");
    //loop through all players
    while ($p_val = dbr2(1)) {
        $t_value = $p_val['value'];
        $l_id = $p_val['login_id'];
        //work out value of ships
        db("select sum(s.cost + (u.fighters * {$GAME_VARS['fighter_cost_earth']}) + (u.metal * {$GAME_VARS['buy_metal']}) + (u.fuel * {$GAME_VARS['buy_fuel']}) + (u.elect * {$GAME_VARS['buy_elect']}) + (u.colon * {$GAME_VARS['cost_colonist']})) as value from {$db_name}_ships u, se_ship_types s where u.login_id = '{$l_id}' && u.shipclass = s.type_id");
        $temp = dbr(1);
        $t_value += $temp['value'];
        //value of planets
        db("select sum(cash + (fighters * {$GAME_VARS['fighter_cost_earth']}) + (metal * {$GAME_VARS['buy_metal']}) + (fuel * {$GAME_VARS['buy_fuel']}) + (elect * {$GAME_VARS['buy_elect']}) + (colon * {$GAME_VARS['cost_colonist']}) + (research_fac * {$research_fac_cost}) + (mining_drones * {$mining_drone_cost})) as value from {$db_name}_planets where login_id = '{$l_id}'");
        $temp = dbr(1);
        $t_value += $temp['value'];
        dbn("update {$db_name}_users set approx_value = '{$t_value}' where login_id = '{$p_val['login_id']}'");
Пример #7
                } else {
                    db("select ship_id from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$ships['login_id']}' && location='{$user['location']}' && config REGEXP 'ls' limit 1");
                    $to_attack = dbr(1);
                    $error_str .= " - <a href='attack.php?target={$to_attack['ship_id']}'>" . $cw['attack'] . "</a><br />";
                //cloaked ships are all grouped together.
            } else {
                $cloaked_ships += $ships['total'];
                if (config_check("sc", $user_ship) && config_check("hs", $ships)) {
                    $cloaked_figs += $ships['fighters'];
                    db("select ship_id from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$ships['login_id']}' && location='{$user['location']}' && config REGEXP 'hs' limit 1");
                    $to_attack = dbr(1);
                    $cloaked_attack_link = " - <a href='attack.php?target={$to_attack['ship_id']}'>" . $cw['attack'] . "</a>";
            $ships = dbr2(1);
        # end of loop of other players ships.
        #cloaked ships the player cannot tell many details about.
        //these are at the bottom of the page, and are all grouped together.
        if ($cloaked_figs) {
            $error_str .= sprintf($st[66], $cloaked_ships, $cloaked_figs) . $cloaked_attack_link . "<br />";
        } elseif ($cloaked_ships) {
            $error_str .= "<b class=cloak><b>{$cloaked_ships}</b> " . $cw['cloaked_ships'] . "</b><br />";
//ensure everything is outputed for this frame
$error_str .= "<br />{$temp_str}";
//end the cell that has the data in it, and create a cell for minimap and such data
Пример #8
         $new_page .= "<p />" . $st[940] . " <input type=radio name=what_to_do value=1 CHECKED /> / " . $st[941] . "<input type='radio' name='what_to_do' value='2' /><p /><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></form>";
         print_page($cw['retiring'], $new_page);
         //disbanding the clan
     } elseif ($clan['members'] < 2 || isset($_POST['what_to_do']) && $_POST['what_to_do'] == 1) {
         dbn("update {$db_name}_users set clan_id = 0 where clan_id = '{$user['clan_id']}'");
         dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set clan_id = -1 where clan_id = '{$user['clan_id']}'");
         dbn("delete from {$db_name}_clans where clan_id = '{$user['clan_id']}'");
         dbn("delete from {$db_name}_messages where clan_id = '{$user['clan_id']}'");
         //choosing a new leader
     } elseif (isset($_POST['what_to_do']) && $_POST['what_to_do'] == 2 && !isset($_POST['leader_id'])) {
         $new_page = $st[942];
         $new_page .= "<form action='options.php' method='POST' name='retiring2'>";
         db2("select login_id,login_name from {$db_name}_users where clan_id = '{$user['clan_id']}' && login_id != '{$user['login_id']}'");
         $new_page .= "<select name='leader_id'>";
         while ($member_name = dbr2(1)) {
             $new_page .= "<option value='{$member_name['login_id']}'>{$member_name['login_name']}</option>";
         $new_page .= "</select>";
         foreach ($_POST as $var => $value) {
             $new_page .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$var}' value='{$value}' />";
         $new_page .= "<p /><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></form>";
         print_page($st[943], $new_page);
 $rs = "<p /><a href='game_listing.php'>" . $st[944] . "</a>";
 insert_history($user['login_id'], $cw['retired_from_game']);
 echo $st[945];
Пример #9
function load_unload_planet($selected_ships, $load_or_unload, $do_ship = 0)
    global $user, $user_ship, $db_name, $tech_mat, $text_mat, $planet, $sure, $type, $dump_all, $cw, $st;
    $extra_where = "";
    $captaining = 0;
    if ($selected_ships == 1) {
        foreach ($do_ship as $ship_id) {
            $extra_where .= "ship_id = '{$ship_id}' || ";
            if ($ship_id == $user['ship_id']) {
                $captaining = 1;
        $extra_where = preg_replace("/\\|\\| \$/", "", $extra_where);
        $extra_where = "&& ({$extra_where})";
    if ($load_or_unload == 2) {
        //unloading the ship
        //select all ships that are valid
        db("select sum({$tech_mat}) as goods, count(ship_id) as ship_count from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' && {$tech_mat} > 0 " . $extra_where);
        $results = dbr(1);
        $turn_cost = ceil($results['ship_count'] * 0.75);
        $max_reached = "";
        if (!isset($results['goods'])) {
            //no goods on any ships
            return sprintf($st[1535], $text_mat);
        } elseif ($user['turns'] < $turn_cost && !isset($dump_all)) {
            //insufficient turns
            return sprintf($st[1536], $turn_cost);
        } elseif ($results['goods'] + $planet['colon'] > $planet['max_population'] && $type == 1) {
            $max_reached = "<b class='b1'>" . $cw['warning'] . "</b>: " . $st[1537];
        } elseif (!isset($sure) && $selected_ships == 0 && !isset($dump_all)) {
            get_var($st[1538] . " {$text_mat}", 'planet.php', sprintf($st[1539], $text_mat, $results[goods], $results[ship_count], $turn_cost) . $max_reached, 'sure', 'yes');
        } else {
            //finish unloading the planets.
            $t_cost_str = "";
            dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set {$tech_mat} = {$tech_mat} + '{$results['goods']}' where planet_id = '{$user['on_planet']}'");
            dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set {$tech_mat} = 0 where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' && {$tech_mat} > 0 " . $extra_where);
            if (!isset($dump_all)) {
                $t_cost_str = " pour un coût total de <b>{$turn_cost}</b> cycles.";
            if ($captaining == 1 || $selected_ships == 0 && $user_ship[$tech_mat] > 0) {
                $user_ship[$tech_mat] = 0;
            $planet[$tech_mat] += $results['goods'];
            return "<b>{$results['goods']}</b> " . sprintf($st[1540], $text_mat, $results[ship_count]) . $t_cost_str;
    } else {
        //loading the ship
        $taken = 0;
        //goods taken from planet so far.
        $ship_counter = 0;
        if ($planet[$tech_mat] < 1) {
            //can't take stuff if there isn't any to take
            return sprintf($st[1541], $text_mat);
        } elseif ($type == 0) {
            db2("select ship_id,(max_fighters - fighters) as free,ship_name, {$tech_mat} from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' && (max_fighters - fighters) > 0 {$extra_where} order by free desc");
        } elseif ($type != 0) {
            db2("select ship_id, (cargo_bays - metal - fuel - elect - colon) as free, ship_name, {$tech_mat} from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' && (cargo_bays - metal - fuel - elect - colon) > 0 {$extra_where} order by free desc");
        $ships = dbr2(1);
        $first_mess = "";
        $sec_mess = "";
        $turns_txt = "";
        $out = "";
        if ($type == 0 && $planet['allocated_to_fleet'] > 0) {
            //warning about fighter allocation
            $first_mess = $cw['warning'] . ".<br /> " . $st[1542];
            $sec_mess = $cw['warning'] . ":<br />" . $st[1543];
        if (!isset($ships['ship_id']) && $selected_ships == 0) {
            //check to see if there are any ships
            return $st[1544] . " <b class='b1'>{$text_mat}</b>.";
        } elseif (!isset($ships['ship_id']) && $selected_ships == 1) {
            //check to see if there are any ships
            return $st[1545] . " <b class='b1'>{$text_mat}</b>.";
        } else {
            while ($ships) {
                //planet can load ship w/ spare fighters.
                if ($ships['free'] < $planet[$tech_mat] - $taken) {
                    if (isset($sure) || $selected_ships == 1) {
                        //only run during the real thing.
                        dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set {$tech_mat} = {$tech_mat} + '{$ships['free']}' where ship_id = '{$ships['ship_id']}'");
                        $out .= "<br /><b class='b1'>{$ships['ship_name']}</b> : " . sprintf($st[1546], $ships[free], $text_mat);
                        if ($ships['ship_id'] == $user_ship['ship_id'] && $type == 0) {
                            #update user ship
                            $user_ship['fighters'] = $user_ship['max_fighters'];
                        } elseif ($ships['ship_id'] == $user_ship['ship_id'] && $type > 0) {
                            #update user ship
                            $user_ship[$tech_mat] += $ships['free'];
                            $user_ship['empty_bays'] -= $ships['free'];
                    $taken += $ships['free'];
                    //ensure user has enough turns, or stop the loop where the user is.
                    if ($user['turns'] <= ceil($ship_counter * 0.75)) {
                        $turns_txt = $st[1547];
                        $out .= $st[1548];
                    //planet will run out of fighters.
                } elseif ($ships['free'] >= $planet[$tech_mat] - $taken) {
                    $t868 = $ships[$tech_mat] + ($planet[$tech_mat] - $taken);
                    if (isset($sure) || $selected_ships == 1) {
                        #only run during the real thing.
                        dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set {$tech_mat} = '{$t868}' where ship_id = '{$ships['ship_id']}'");
                        $out .= "<br /><b class='b1'>{$ships['ship_name']}</b>s " . $st[1549] . " <b>{$t868}</b> <b class='b1'>{$text_mat}</b>";
                        if ($ships['ship_id'] == $user_ship['ship_id'] && $type == 0) {
                            #update user ship
                            $user_ship['fighters'] = $t868;
                        } elseif ($ships['ship_id'] == $user_ship['ship_id'] && $type > 0) {
                            #update user ship
                            $user_ship[$tech_mat] = $t868;
                    $taken += $t868 - $ships[$tech_mat];
                $ships = dbr2(1);
            #end loop of ships
            $turn_cost = ceil($ship_counter * 0.75);
            if (!isset($sure) && $selected_ships == 0) {
                get_var($st[1550], 'planet.php', $turns_txt . sprintf($st[1551], $ship_counter, $taken, $text_mat, $turn_cost) . "<p />" . $first_mess, 'sure', 'yes');
            } else {
                dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set {$tech_mat} = {$tech_mat} - '{$taken}' where planet_id = '{$user['on_planet']}'");
                $planet[$tech_mat] -= $taken;
                if ($planet['allocated_to_fleet'] > 0 && $type == 0) {
                    dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set allocated_to_fleet = 0 where planet_id = '{$user['on_planet']}'");
                if ($type == 1) {
                    $planet['alloc_fight'] = 0;
                    $planet['alloc_elect'] = 0;
                    dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set alloc_fight = 0, alloc_elect=0 where planet_id = '{$user['on_planet']}'");
                    $out .= $st[1552];
                return "<b>{$ship_counter}</b>" . sprintf($st[1553], $taken, $text_mat) . " <b class='b1'>{$planet['planet_name']}</b>:<br />" . $out . "<p />" . $st[1554] . " <b>{$turn_cost}</b>.<p />" . $sec_mess;
Пример #10
function backup_db()
    global $db_name, $final_str, $directories, $comp, $db_func_query;
    //this could take time (get's done inside 1 sec on my comp, but servers arn't that dedicated. Plus they have more db entries. :)
    //can compress the files.
    if (extension_loaded("zlib")) {
        $ext = ".gz";
        $comp = true;
    } else {
        //unable to compress
        $ext = ".sql";
        $comp = false;
    //specify, and open the file.
    $file_name = DATABASE . "_db_backup-" . date("G.i-M.d.Y") . $ext;
    $fp = fopen("../{$directories['backups']}/{$file_name}", "wb");
    $counter = 0;
    //select all tables from DB and loop through them
    while ($tables = dbr2(1)) {
        $tab_str = "\n\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tables['Name']};\nCREATE TABLE {$tables['Name']} (";
        $col_count = 0;
        //create table structure for table
        db("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$tables['Name']}");
        while ($cols = dbr(1)) {
            $tab_str .= "\n{$cols['Field']} {$cols['Type']} ";
            if (!isset($cols['null'])) {
                //set not null
                $tab_str .= "NOT NULL";
            } else {
                $tab_str .= "NULL";
            if ($cols['Default'] != '') {
                //place default
                $tab_str .= " default '{$cols['Default']}'";
            if ($cols['Extra'] == 'auto_increment') {
                //place auto incremement
                $tab_str .= " auto_increment";
            $tab_str .= ",";
            //end row
        //end looping through columns
        $keys_array = array();
        //work out what the keys are for the table.
        db("SHOW INDEX FROM {$tables['Name']}");
        while ($keys = dbr(1)) {
            if ($keys['Non_unique'] == 0 && $keys['Key_name'] != "PRIMARY") {
                //a unique key.
                $keys_array['UNIQUE'] = (isset($keys_array['UNIQUE']) ? $keys_array['UNIQUE'] : "") . "UNIQUE KEY {$keys['Key_name']} ({$keys['Column_name']}), ";
            } else {
                //non primary (foreign?)
                $keys_array[$keys['Key_name']] = (isset($keys_array[$keys['Key_name']]) ? $keys_array[$keys['Key_name']] : "") . "{$keys['Column_name']}, ";
        //end collecting key info
        //loop through the array of keys, and list the keys at the bottom
        foreach ($keys_array as $key_type => $val) {
            $tab_str .= "\n";
            if ($key_type != "UNIQUE") {
                if ($key_type != "PRIMARY") {
                    $tab_str .= "KEY ";
                } else {
                    $key_type .= " KEY";
                    //apend "key" to "primary"
                $tab_str .= "{$key_type} (" . preg_replace("/, \$/", "", $val) . "),";
            } else {
                $tab_str .= $val;
        //end sorting out key info
        //remove trailing comma, and end table creation.
        $tab_str = preg_replace("/, \$/", "", $tab_str) . "\n)ENGINE={$tables['Engine']};";
        if ($comp) {
            //compress before writing
            $tab_str = gzencode($tab_str . "\n\n");
        //save table structure to file now.
        fwrite($fp, $tab_str);
        $tab_str = "";
        $ins_count = 0;
        //get the table's actual data for the inserts
        //MUST use numerical array (rather than associative)
        db("select * from {$tables['Name']}");
        while ($rows = dbr()) {
            $tab_str .= "\nINSERT INTO {$tables['Name']} VALUES (";
            //increment row counter
            //create the values for the insert statement
            for ($i = 0; $i < $col_count; $i++) {
                $tab_str .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($rows[$i]) . "', ";
            $tab_str = preg_replace("/, \$/", "", $tab_str) . ");";
            //remove trailing comma
            //every 100 rows, dump them to the file (save memory, and stops from crashing).
            //100 seems to be the optimal number.
            Do it every 1000, it takes about 5 times as long.
            do it every 10, it takes about 3 times as long.
            But 90-100 seems to be a magic number. At least one my PC.
            if ($ins_count == 100) {
                if ($comp) {
                    //compress before writing
                    $tab_str = gzencode($tab_str);
                //save table structure to file now.
                fwrite($fp, $tab_str);
                $tab_str = "";
                $tab_str = "";
                //clear tab_str. otherwise might have major issues.
                $ins_count = 0;
                //reset counter
        if ($comp) {
            //compress before writing
            $tab_str = gzencode($tab_str . "\n\n");
        //save table structure to file now.
        fwrite($fp, $tab_str);
        $tab_str = "";
    //end table loop
    //all done
    $final_str .= "\n<br />{$counter} tables backed up to '{$file_name}'...<br />\n";
Пример #11
     //something went wrong and there were no ships to update?!?!?!
     if (empty($update_ships_sql_friends) || isset($updated_friends_1) && $updated_friends_1 < 1) {
 * Enemy ships into array
 //no need to collect foes ships if attacking a planet.
 if ($planet_attack == 0) {
     //select all Enemy ships and dump them into an array.
     db2("select s.*" . $enemy_ship_counter_sql . " group by s.ship_id order by fighters {$dir_foe_ships}");
     $update_ships_sql_enemies = "";
     //loop through friendlies and put them all into a array
     while ($loop_enemies = dbr2(1)) {
         $loop_enemies['approx_damage'] = $loop_enemies['shields'] + $loop_enemies['fighters'] + $loop_enemies['armour'] * $armour_multiplier;
         $loop_enemies['ship_allocated'] = 0;
         $loop_enemies['friend_foe'] = 2;
         if ($loop_enemies['approx_damage'] < 1) {
             //ship has no damage absorb cap. So kill it outright.
             $loop_enemies['ship_destroyed'] = 1;
         } else {
             $loop_enemies['ship_destroyed'] = 0;
         $target_ships[$loop_enemies['ship_id']] = $loop_enemies;
         $update_ships_sql_enemies .= "ship_id = '{$loop_enemies['ship_id']}' || ";
         $players_array[$loop_enemies['login_id']]['total_fighters'] += $loop_enemies['fighters'];
     if ($simulate_attack == 0) {
         //replace only the last '|| ' from the string so it can be used as a viable sql string.
Пример #12
function black_hole($user, $star)
    global $db_name, $user_ship;
    $bh_text = "Attention ! Attention ! Un trou noir a été détecté dans le systéme <b{$star['star_id']}</b>.<br />Vous manquez de peu d'être aspiré dedans mais vous parvenez à vous échapper au dernier moment. Vous prenez la fuite mais votre flotte à été dispersée dans la galaxie !";
    db("select count(star_id) from {$db_name}_stars");
    $total1 = dbr();
    $total = $total1[0];
    if ($user_ship['ship_id']) {
        $n_text = "";
        db2("select ship_id,shields,fighters,ship_name from {$db_name}_ships where fleet_id = '{$user_ship['fleet_id']}' and location = '{$user_ship['location']}' && login_id = '{$user['login_id']}'");
        while ($tow_ship = dbr2()) {
            $rand_star = random_system_num();
            dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set location = '{$rand_star}', mine_mode=0 where ship_id = {$tow_ship['ship_id']}");
            $totaldefs = $tow_ship['shields'] + $tow_ship['fighters'];
            if ($totaldefs > 9) {
                $damtodo = round($totaldefs / 100 * 5);
                $damtodo2 = $damtodo;
                $shield_damage = $damtodo;
                if ($shield_damage > $tow_ship['shields']) {
                    $shield_damage = $tow_ship['shields'];
                $damtodo -= $shield_damage;
                dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set fighters = fighters - {$damtodo}, shields = shields - {$shield_damage} where ship_id = '{$tow_ship['ship_id']}'");
                $n_text .= "<br />The <b class=b1>{$tow_ship['ship_name']}</b> took <b>{$damtodo2}</b> damage and was thrown to system #<b>{$rand_star}</b>.";
        $rand_star = mt_rand(2, $total);
        if ($star['star_id'] == $rand_star) {
            if ($rand_star != $total) {
            } else {
                $rand_star = $rand_star - 1;
        dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set location = {$rand_star}, mine_mode=0 where ship_id = {$user_ship['ship_id']}");
        $totaldefs = $user_ship['shields'] + $user_ship['fighters'];
        if ($totaldefs > 9) {
            $damtodo = round($totaldefs / 100 * 5);
            $damtodo2 = $damtodo;
            $shield_damage = $damtodo;
            if ($shield_damage > $user_ship['shields']) {
                $shield_damage = $user_ship['shields'];
            $damtodo -= $shield_damage;
            dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set fighters = fighters - {$damtodo}, shields = shields - {$shield_damage} where ship_id = '{$user_ship['ship_id']}'");
            $m_text .= "<p />The <b class=b1>{$user_ship['ship_name']}</b> took <b>{$damtodo2}</b> damage and was thrown to system #<b>{$rand_star}</b>.";
            $user_ship['shields'] -= $shield_damage;
            $user_ship['fighters'] -= $damtodo;
        $bh_text .= $m_text;
        if (!empty($n_text)) {
            $bh_text .= "<p />Reports from the rest of the Fleet Follow:<br />";
            $bh_text .= $n_text;
        $tow_ship = $user_ship;
        dbn("update {$db_name}_users set location = {$rand_star} where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}'");
        dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set location = {$rand_star} where ship_id = '{$user['ship_id']}'");
    post_news("Mayday, Mayday. Ici le capitaine <b class=b1>{$user['login_name']}</b>. Nous avons rencontré un trou noir...... *crackle* ..... besoin d'aide.... *static*", "random_event, ship");
    print_page("Location", $bh_text);
Пример #13
function mail_ood_users()
    global $db_name, $final_str, $cw, $st;
    //get galaxy name
    db2("select name from se_games where db_name='{$db_name}' LIMIT 1");
    $galaxy_name = dbr2(1);
    $galaxy_name = $galaxy_name['name'];
    //select users who have been inactive in a game for a while.
    $time = time() - 7 * 86400;
    $q = "select {$db_name}_users.login_id, {$db_name}_users.login_name,\r\n\tuser_accounts.last_reminder,\r\n\tuser_accounts.email_address\r\n\tfrom {$db_name}_users\r\n\tleft join user_accounts on {$db_name}_users.login_id = user_accounts.login_id\r\n\twhere {$db_name}_users.login_id > 5\r\n\t&& {$db_name}_users.joined_game < '{$time}'\r\n\t&& {$db_name}_users.last_request < '{$time}'\r\n\t&& ({$db_name}_users.banned_time < " . time() . " || {$db_name}_users.banned_time = 0)\r\n\t&& user_accounts.last_reminder = 0\r\n\t";
    //	echo 'a ajuns';
    //	var_dump($q);
    while ($users = dbr(1)) {
        //		echo 'a intrat';
        if (filter_var($users['email_address'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
            $contactname = $users['login_name'];
            $contactemail = $users['email_address'];
            include '../includes/email_templates/days7.php';
            $message = str_replace(array("{nickname}", "{galaxy_name}"), array($contactname, $galaxy_name), $message);
            //the line bellow is for testing only
            //$contactemail = '*****@*****.**';
            $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
            $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
            $headers .= "X-Priority: 1\n";
            $headers .= "X-MSMail-Priority: High\n";
            $headers .= "X-Mailer: php\n";
            $headers .= "From: \"" . SERVER_NAME . "\" <*****@*****.**>\n";
            mail("\"" . $contactname . "\" <" . $contactemail . ">", $subject, $message, $headers);
            dbn("update user_accounts set last_reminder = '" . time() . "' where login_id = '{$users['login_id']}'");
            $final_str .= "\n<br />{$users['login_name']} Reminded through email";
Пример #14
        $text .= $st[151];
    $text .= $st[160];
} else {
    if ($num_ent[0] < $max) {
        $text .= "<p /><br /><a href='{$filename}?add=1'>" . $cw['add_entry'] . "</a>";
    } else {
        $text .= $st[161];
    $text .= $st[162];
    $text .= make_table(array($cw['date_entered'], $cw['entry']));
    if ($num_ent[0] > 1) {
        $text .= "<FORM method=POST action=diary.php name=quick_del><input type=hidden name=del_select value=1 />";
    db2("select * from {$db_name}_diary where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' order by timestamp desc");
    while ($entry = dbr2(1)) {
        //list entries
        $entry['entry'] = stripslashes($entry['entry']);
        $entry['entry'] = mcit($entry['entry']);
        $e_num = $entry['entry_id'];
        $entry['entry_id'] = "- <a href='{$filename}?edit={$e_num}'>" . $cw['edit'] . "</a> - <a href='{$filename}?delete={$e_num}'>" . $cw['delete'] . "</a>";
        if ($num_ent[0] > 1) {
            $entry['entry_id'] .= "- <input type=checkbox name=del_ent[{$e_num}] value={$e_num} />";
        $text .= make_row(array("<b>" . date("M d - H:i", $entry['timestamp']) . "</b>", $entry['entry'], $entry['entry_id']));
    $text .= "</table><br />";
if ($num_ent[0] > 1) {
    //show the big delete options
    $text .= "<br /><input type='submit' value='" . $cw['delete_selected_entries'] . "' />  - <a href=javascript:TickAll(\"quick_del\")>" . $cw['invert_entry_selection'] . "</a></form><br />";
Пример #15
 $graph = new PHPlot();
 $data_array = array();
 $data_array[] = "";
 $legend_array = array();
 $cheap_counter = 0;
 //select the values from the db, and put them into an array.
 db2("select login_name, {$element} from {$db} where {$element} > 0 && login_id > 5 order by {$element} desc limit {$players_selected}");
 while ($temp_store = dbr2(1)) {
     $cheap_counter += $temp_store[$element];
     $data_array[] = $temp_store[$element];
     $legend_array[] = $temp_store['login_name'];
 if ($remaining == 1) {
     //include remaining players, only if wanted
     db2("select sum({$element}) as all_users from {$db} where {$element} > 0 && login_id > 5");
     $temp_store2 = dbr2(1);
     $data_array[] = $temp_store2['all_users'] - $cheap_counter;
     $legend_array[] = $cw['all_other_players'];
 if (count($data_array) < 2) {
     //don't bother trying to make a graph, if no users.
 //Set some data
 if ($graph_type == 1) {
     //text-data (no time)
     $example_data = array($data_array, $data_array);
 } else {
     //data-data (any extra entries are time).
     $example_data = array($data_array);
Пример #16
            if (is_dir($file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") {
                $dir_array[] = $dir_value . $file . "/";
            } elseif (is_file($file)) {
                $file_size += filesize($file);
    $out_str .= "<p>SE File Installation size: " . number_format($file_size / 1024) . " KBytes";
    print_page("Server Details", $out_str);
    //List information about each of the games.
} elseif (isset($_GET['game_details'])) {
    $out_str .= "<p />Game Details:";
    //loop through games
    db2("select * from se_games order by name");
    while ($game = dbr2()) {
        $db_name = $game['db_name'];
        db("select count(login_id),sum(cash),sum(turns),sum(turns_run),sum(ships_killed), sum(fighters_lost) as lost_fighters, sum(fighters_killed) as killed_fighters from {$db_name}_users where login_id > 5");
        $ct = dbr();
        db("select count(login_id) from {$db_name}_users where ship_id != 1 && login_id > 5");
        $ct2 = dbr();
        db("select count(login_id),sum(fighters) from {$db_name}_ships where login_id > 5");
        $ct3 = dbr();
        db("select count(planet_id),sum(fighters),sum(colon),sum(elect),sum(metal),sum(fuel) from {$db_name}_planets where login_id != 1");
        $ct4 = dbr();
        db("select count(distinct clan_id),count(login_id) from {$db_name}_users where clan_id > 0 && login_id > 5");
        $ct5 = dbr();
        db("select count(*) from {$db_name}_news");
        $ct6 = dbr();
        db("select count(message_id) from {$db_name}_messages where login_id = -1");
        $forum_posts = dbr();
Пример #17
function load_admin_vars()
    global $GAME_VARS, $db_name;
    $GAME_VARS = array();
    db2("select {$db_name}_value as value, name from se_db_vars");
    while ($result = dbr2(1)) {
        $GAME_VARS[$result['name']] = $result['value'];
Пример #18
                $last = $player[$order_by_sql];
                if ($ct2 > 1) {
                    $ct1 = $ct2;
            $option = "";
            if ($user['clan_id'] == 0 && $clan['members'] < $GAME_VARS['clan_member_limit'] || $user['login_id'] == 1) {
                $option = "<a href='clan.php?join={$clan['clan_id']}'>Rejoindre</a>";
            } elseif ($clan['members'] >= $GAME_VARS['clan_member_limit']) {
                $option = "Full";
            } elseif ($clan['clan_id'] == $user['clan_id']) {
                $option = "<a href='clan.php'>" . $cw['view'] . "</a>";
            $error_str .= make_row(array($ct1, "<b class='b1'>{$clan['clan_name']}</b>(<b><font color={$clan['sym_color']}>{$clan['symbol']}</font></b>)", $clan['members'], $clan['fkilled'], $clan['flost'], $clan['skilled'], $clan['slost'], $clan['trun'], $clan['score'], $option, "<a href='clan.php?clan_info=1&target={$clan['clan_id']}'>" . $cw['details'] . "</a>"));
            $clan = dbr2(1);
        $error_str .= "</table>";
    } else {
        $error_str .= sprintf($st[547], $GAME_VARS[clans_max]);
    if ($user['clan_id'] == 0 && $clan_count[0] < $GAME_VARS['clans_max'] || $user['login_id'] == 1) {
        $error_str .= $st[548];
        if ($user['cash'] >= 10000) {
            $error_str .= "<p /><a href='clan.php?create=1'>" . $cw['create_a_new_clan'] . "</a><br />";
    } elseif ($clan_count[0] >= $GAME_VARS['clans_max']) {
        $error_str .= sprintf($st[549], $GAME_VARS[clans_max]);
    print_page($cw['clan_rankings'], $error_str);
Пример #19
} elseif ($user_ship['shipclass'] < 3) {
    print_page($cw['Error'], $st[736]);
if (isset($do_ship)) {
    //user has selected stuff to transfer
    $num_ships = count($do_ship);
    $target_ship_count = ship_counter($target['login_id']);
    $estimated_cost = $num_ships * $cost_per_transfer;
    $loop_txt = "";
    $rs .= "<p /><a href='send_ship.php?target={$target['login_id']}'>" . $cw['tranfer_another_ship'] . "</a><br />";
    db2("select * from user_accounts where login_id = '" . $target['login_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
    $user_transferto = dbr2();
    db2("select * from user_accounts where login_id = '" . $user['login_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
    $user_transferfrom = dbr2();
    if ($user['cash'] < $estimated_cost) {
        # ensure have enough cash
        $text .= sprintf($st[737], $estimated_cost, $estimated_cost) . $cw['credits'] . ".";
    } elseif ($num_ships < 1) {
        $text .= $st[738];
    } elseif ($target_ship_count['other_reached'] == 1 && $target_ship_count['war_reached'] == 1) {
        $text .= "<b class='b1'>{$target['login_name']}</b> " . $st[739];
    } elseif ($user_transferfrom['last_ip'] == $user_transferto['last_ip']) {
        $text .= sprintf($st[1890], $user_transferto['login_name']);
    } else {
        //can transfer ships.
        $transfer_counter = 0;
        //loops through the ships.
        foreach ($do_ship as $ship_id) {
            if ($ship_id == 1) {
Пример #20
function get_cost($lookup)
    db2("select cost, tech_cost from se_config_list where config_id = '{$lookup}'");
    return dbr2(1);
Пример #21
            $out .= make_row($planet_listing);
            $planet_listing = dbr(1);
        $out .= "</table>";
        print_page("Planet List", $out);
    } else {
        $out .= "There are no planets in the game.<p />";
    //give listing of all players in game to admin, and some of their details.
} elseif (isset($_GET['player_list'])) {
    db("select login_id, cash, turns, turns_run, tech, game_login_count, genesis, one_brob, alpha, gamma, delta from {$db_name}_users where login_id > 5");
    while ($player_info = dbr(1)) {
        db2("select count(planet_id), sum(fighters), sum(cash), sum(tech), sum(colon), sum(mining_drones), sum(metal), sum(fuel), sum(elect) from {$db_name}_planets where login_id = '{$player_info['login_id']}'");
        $planet_info = dbr2(1);
        db2("select count(ship_id), sum(fighters), sum(shields), sum(armour), sum(cargo_bays), sum(metal), sum(fuel), sum(elect), sum(colon), sum(point_value), count(distinct location) from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$player_info['login_id']}'");
        $ship_info = dbr2(1);
        $out .= "<center><hr width = '200'></center><table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2' border='0' bgcolor='#111111'><tr><th align='left'>" . print_name($player_info) . "</th></tr><tr><td>";
        $player_info['one_brob'] = num_flagships($player_info['one_brob']);
        //player info
        $out .= make_table(array("Account Cash", "Turns", "Turns Run", "Account Tech", "Logins to game", "Genesis", "Flagship Count", "Alphas", "Gammas", "Delta"));
        $out .= make_row($player_info);
        //planet info
        $out .= "</table><br />Planets<br />" . make_table(array("Planet Count", "Planet Fighters", "Planet Cash", "Tech", "Colonists", "Mining Drones", "Metal", "Fuel", "Electronics"));
        $out .= make_row($planet_info);
        //ship info
        $out .= "</table><br />Ships<br />" . make_table(array("Ship<br />Count", "Ship<br />Fighters", "Shields", "Armour", "Cargo<br />Bays", "Metal", "Fuel", "Electronics", "Colonists", "Point<br />Value", "# Systems <br />with ships"));
        $out .= make_row($ship_info);
        $out .= "</table></td></tr></table>";
    print_page("Player Info", $out);
Пример #22
        $text .= "</table>";
if ($show_won) {
    #Show items user has won.
    db2("select item_name,item_type,item_id from {$db_name}_bilkos where active=0 && bidder_id='{$user['login_id']}'");
    $collect = dbr2(1);
    if ($collect) {
        $text .= "<p />";
        $text .= $st[360];
        $text .= make_table(array("Item Name", "Item Type"));
        while ($collect) {
            if ($collect[item_type] == 1) {
                $collect[item_type] = $cw['ship'];
            } elseif ($collect[item_type] == 2) {
                $collect[item_type] = $cw['equipment'];
            } elseif ($collect[item_type] == 3) {
                $collect[item_type] = $cw['upgrade'];
            } elseif ($collect[item_type] == 4) {
                $collect[item_type] = $cw['misc'];
            } elseif ($collect[item_type] == 5) {
                $collect[item_type] = $cw['planetary'];
            $collect[item_id] = " - <a href='bilkos.php?show_won=1&collect={$collect['item_id']}'>Collect</a>";
            $text .= make_row($collect);
            $collect = dbr2(1);
        $text .= "</table>";
print_page($st[361], $text);