/** * Handles the individual Catalog page control. * * @param int $irn * The IRN of the EMu Catalogue record. * * @return view */ public function showCatalog($irn) { $catalog = new Catalog(); $record = $catalog->getRecord($irn); $view = view('catalog-detail', ['record' => $record])->render(); return $view; }
public function searchProduct($query) { $q = substr($query, 2); $this->ViewTemplate['title'] .= ' - Produkty'; $searchView = ['catalog' => Catalog::getProductsLike($q), 'fraza' => $q]; return view('template', $this->ViewTemplate)->nest('content', 'search', $searchView); }
public function addCatalog(Request $request) { log::info('add catalog'); log::info($request); try { if ($request->get("img") != null) { log::info('if'); $base64data = $request->get("img"); $filename = str_random(60); $uri = substr($base64data, strpos($base64data, ",") + 1); $url = public_path() . '/fm_user/images/fm/catalog/' . $request->get('shop_id') . '/'; if (!File::exists($url)) { File::makeDirectory($url, $mode = 0777, true, true); } File::put($url . $filename . '.jpg', base64_decode($uri)); $catalogData = array('media_url' => $url . $filename . '.jpg'); } $catalogData['location_id'] = $request->get('location_id'); $catalogData['description'] = $request->get('description'); $catalogData['name'] = $request->get('name'); $catalogId = Catalog::create($catalogData)->id; return Response::json($catalogId); } catch (Exception $e) { log::info($e); return Response::json('ERROR'); } }
public function index() { $this->ViewTemplate['index'] = true; $recommended = Catalog::getRecommended(0); $view = view('template', $this->ViewTemplate)->nest('content', 'home', ['recommended' => $recommended]); Cookie::queue(Cookie::make('dayProduct', '1', 4800)); return $view; }
public function search() { if (!Request::ajax()) { return Redirect::to('/'); } $q = Request::input('q'); $products = Catalog::searchProduct($q); return view('ajax/ajaxSearch', ['products' => $products]); }
public function productsChangeDisplay() { $this->view['title'] .= 'Panel administracyjny - Produkty'; $categoryId = Request::input('category'); $productsView = ['cID' => $categoryId, 'products' => Catalog::getProductList($categoryId)]; $view = view('admin/template', $this->view)->nest('content', 'admin/products', $productsView); $cookie = Cookie::forever('display', Request::input('category')); return Response::make($view)->withCookie($cookie); }
/** * Parse excel data and insert it in database * * @param array $excelData * @return void */ protected function parseExcelData($excelData) { foreach ($excelData as $key => $data) { /* Skip first row */ if (1 == $key) { continue; } $Category = Category::firstOrCreate(['parent_id' => null, 'name' => $data['A']]); $SubCategory = Category::firstOrCreate(['parent_id' => (int) $Category->id, 'name' => $data['B']]); Catalog::create(['category_id' => $SubCategory->id, 'part_number' => $data['C'], 'description' => $data['D']]); } }
public function isValid($data) { $tamanio = 0; $valor = 1; if ($data['entrada'] == 1) { $campo = 'pk_referencia'; } else { $campo = 'folio_ds'; } $consulta = \DB::connection('users')->table($data['tabla'])->where($campo, $data['referencia'])->get(); if ($consulta != null) { foreach ($consulta as $query) { //============================== Validaciones ================================ if ($data['attr_id'] == 4) { if ($query->{$data}['campos'] == '') { $valor = 0; } } if ($data['attr_id'] == 2) { $campo = explode(",", $data['campos']); if ($data['attr_id'] == 2) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($campo); $i++) { $tamanio += strlen($query->{$campo}[$i]); } if ($tamanio != $data['data_val']) { $valor = 0; } } else { $campos = $campo[0]; } } if ($data['attr_id'] == 6 || $data['attr_id'] == 5) { $catalogo = explode("|", $data['data_val']); $tablaval = $catalogo[0]; $campoval = $catalogo[1]; Session::put('tablacat', $tablaval); if ($data['attr_id'] == 5) { $formula = explode(',', $catalogo[1]); $campobd = $formula[0]; $operador = $formula[1]; $result = $formula[2]; $camposwh = Anexo22::find($result)->relationships->where('origin_id', $data['entrada'])->first(); $campowh = explode(',', $camposwh->field); $val_campo = Catalog::where($catalogo[2], 'LIKE', '%' . $query->{$data}['campos'] . '%')->where($campobd, $query->{$campowh}[0])->count(); } if ($data['attr_id'] == 6) { $campo = explode(',', $data['campos']); $campocat = $campo[0]; $val_campo = Catalog::where($campoval, $query->{$campocat})->count(); } if ($val_campo == 0) { $valor = 0; } } if ($data['attr_id'] == 3) { $camposval = explode(",", $data['data_val']); $valanexo = Anexo22::find($camposval[0]); $campanx = $valanexo->a22_field; if ($query->{$campanx} != $camposval[1]) { $valor = 0; } } if ($data['attr_id'] == 8) { //$camposval = explode(",", $data['campos']); $valores = explode("|", $data['data_val']); $identif = $valores[1]; $docum = $valores[0]; $documentos = \DB::connection('users')->table('opauimg')->where('pk_referencia', $data['referencia'])->where('imgtipodoc', $docum)->count(); if ($query->{$data}['campos'] != $identif && $documentos == 0) { $valor = 0; } } } } return $valor; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy(Request $request, $id) { $catalog = Catalog::find($id); if ($catalog && $catalog->user_id == $request->user()->id) { $catalog->delete(); return response()->json(['result' => 'success', 'message' => 'Запись успешно удалена']); } else { return response(['message' => 'Не найдено записи'], 422)->header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } }