Пример #1
  * Clear test review, orders and other information
  * @throws \yii\db\Exception
 public function actionClearTests()
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\models\ErrorLog::tableName())->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\models\ErrorUrl::tableName())->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\backend\models\Notification::tableName())->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\modules\shop\models\Order::tableName())->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\modules\shop\models\OrderItem::tableName())->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\modules\shop\models\OrderTransaction::tableName())->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\backend\models\OrderChat::tableName())->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE {{%order_category}}')->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE {{%order_eav}}')->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE {{%order_property}}')->execute();
     //        Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\reviews\models\Review::tableName())->execute(); @todo need to implement correct reviews deleting
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . app\models\Submission::tableName())->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE {{%submission_category}}')->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE {{%submission_eav}}')->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('TRUNCATE TABLE {{%submission_property}}')->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('DELETE FROM ' . app\models\ObjectPropertyGroup::tableName() . ' WHERE `object_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM ' . app\models\Object::tableName() . ' WHERE `object_class` IN (\'app\\models\\Submission\', \'app\\models\\Order\'))')->execute();
     Yii::$app->db->createCommand('DELETE FROM ' . app\models\ObjectStaticValues::tableName() . ' WHERE `object_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM ' . app\models\Object::tableName() . ' WHERE `object_class` IN (\'app\\models\\Submission\', \'app\\models\\Order\'))')->execute();
 public function up()
     // @todo Need to add indexes to all tables below
     $tableOptions = 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE=InnoDB';
     // Order
     $this->renameColumn(Order::tableName(), 'order_status_id', 'order_stage_id');
     $this->addColumn(Order::tableName(), 'assigned_id', 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL AFTER `payment_type_id`');
     $this->addColumn(Order::tableName(), 'tax_id', 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL AFTER `assigned_id`');
     $this->addColumn(Order::tableName(), 'update_date', 'TIMESTAMP AFTER `start_date`');
     $this->addColumn(Order::tableName(), 'shipping_price', 'FLOAT DEFAULT \'0\' AFTER `total_price`');
     $this->addColumn(Order::tableName(), 'total_price_with_shipping', 'FLOAT DEFAULT \'0\' AFTER `shipping_price`');
     $this->addColumn(Order::tableName(), 'total_payed', 'FLOAT DEFAULT \'0\' AFTER `total_price_with_shipping`');
     $this->addColumn(Order::tableName(), 'temporary', 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1');
     $this->addColumn(Order::tableName(), 'show_price_changed_notification', 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
     // OrderItem
     $this->addColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'parent_id', 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `id`');
     $this->addColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'custom_name', 'VARCHAR(255) AFTER `product_id`');
     $this->addColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'price_per_pcs', 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'');
     $this->addColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'total_price_without_discount', 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'');
     $this->addColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'lock_product_price', 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
     $this->addColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'discount_amount', 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'');
     $this->addColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'total_price', 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'');
     $this->alterColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'quantity', 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'1\'');
     $this->dropColumn(OrderItem::tableName(), 'additional_options');
     // OrderStage
     $this->createTable(OrderStage::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'name_frontend' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'name_short' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'is_initial' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'is_buyer_stage' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'become_non_temporary' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'is_in_cart' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'immutable_by_user' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'immutable_by_manager' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'immutable_by_assigned' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'reach_goal_ym' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'reach_goal_ga' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'event_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'view' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     // OrderStageLeaf
     $this->createTable(OrderStageLeaf::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'stage_from_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'stage_to_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'button_label' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'button_css_class' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'notify_buyer' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'buyer_notification_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'notify_manager' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'manager_notification_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'assign_to_user_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'assign_to_role' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'notify_new_assigned_user' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'role_assignment_policy' => "ENUM('random','fair_distribution','last_picked_from_role')", 'event_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     // Update Object model data
     $this->update(Object::tableName(), ['object_class' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\Category'], ['object_class' => 'app\\models\\Category']);
     $this->update(Object::tableName(), ['object_class' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\Product'], ['object_class' => 'app\\models\\Product']);
     $this->update(Object::tableName(), ['object_class' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\Order'], ['object_class' => 'app\\models\\Order']);
     // Update DynamicContent model data
     $this->update(DynamicContent::tableName(), ['route' => 'shop/product/list'], ['route' => 'product/list']);
     $this->update(DynamicContent::tableName(), ['route' => 'shop/product/show'], ['route' => 'product/show']);
     // Update Route model data
     $this->update(Route::tableName(), ['route' => 'shop/product/list'], ['route' => 'product/list']);
     $this->update(Route::tableName(), ['route' => 'shop/product/show'], ['route' => 'product/show']);
Пример #3
  * Возвращает список всех объектов
  * Ключ - ID
  * Значение - name
  * Используется для фильтрации в таблицах и выборе объекта в форме
 public static function getSelectArray()
     if (static::$select_array_cache === null) {
         static::$select_array_cache = Yii::$app->cache->get('ObjectsList');
         if (static::$select_array_cache === false) {
             $rows = (new Query())->select('id, name')->from(Object::tableName())->all();
             static::$select_array_cache = ArrayHelper::map($rows, 'id', 'name');
         Yii::$app->cache->set('ObjectsList', static::$select_array_cache, 86400, new TagDependency(['tags' => [\devgroup\TagDependencyHelper\ActiveRecordHelper::getCommonTag(static::className())]]));
     return static::$select_array_cache;
Пример #4
 public function down()
 public function up()
     $tableOptions = $this->db->driverName === 'mysql' ? 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE=InnoDB' : null;
     //        $lang = 'ru-RU';
     //        Yii::$app->language = $lang;
     //        // drop all
     //        $tables = $this->db->createCommand("SHOW TABLES")->queryAll();
     //        $this->db->createCommand("SET foreign_key_checks = 0")->execute();
     //        foreach ($tables as $table) {
     //            $this->dropTable($table['Tables_in_dotplant2_test']);
     //        }
     // create tables
     $this->createTable(ApiService::tableName(), ['service_id' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', 'access_token' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'token_type' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ', 'expires_in' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ', 'create_ts' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL '], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%session}}', ['id' => 'char(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', 'expire' => 'INT DEFAULT NULL', 'data' => 'BLOB'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Image::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'object_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'filename' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'image_description' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `ix-image-object_id-object_model_id` (`object_id`, `object_model_id`)', 'KEY `ix-image-filename` (`filename`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Navigation::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'parent_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'url' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'route' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'route_params' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'advanced_css_class' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `ix-navigation-parent_id` (`parent_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(DynamicContent::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'route' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'content_block_name' => 'VARCHAR(80) DEFAULT \'content\'', 'content' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'title' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'h1' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'meta_description' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'apply_if_last_category_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL', 'apply_if_params' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'object_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL', 'KEY `object_route` (`object_id`,`route`(80))'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Object::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'object_class' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'object_table_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'column_properties_table_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'eav_table_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'categories_table_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'link_slug_category' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'link_slug_static_value' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'object_slug_attribute' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'KEY `ix-object-object_class` (`object_class`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(ObjectPropertyGroup::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'object_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_group_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'KEY `ix-object_property_group-object_id-object_model_id` (`object_id`,`object_model_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(ObjectStaticValues::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'object_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_static_value_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'KEY `ix-object-static-values-object_id-object_model_id` (`object_id`, `object_model_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(PropertyGroup::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'object_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'is_internal' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'hidden_group_title' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `ix-property_group-object_id` (`object_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(PropertyHandler::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'frontend_render_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'frontend_edit_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'backend_render_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'backend_edit_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'handler_class_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(PropertyStaticValues::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'property_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'value' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'slug' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'title_append' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'dont_filter' => 'TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `ix-property_static_values-property_id` (`property_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%product_category_full_slug}}', ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'category_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'full_slug_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'KEY `category_id` (`category_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%product_static_value_full_slug}}', ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'full_slug_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_static_value_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'KEY `property_static_value_id` (`property_static_value_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%product_eav}}', ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'object_model_id' => 'INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_group_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'key' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'value' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INTEGER DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY  `object_model_id` (`object_model_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Route::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'route' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'url_template' => 'TEXT', 'object_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Property::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'property_group_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'key' => 'VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT \'\'', 'value_type' => 'ENUM(\'STRING\',\'NUMBER\') DEFAULT \'STRING\'', 'property_handler_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'has_static_values' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'has_slugs_in_values' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'is_eav' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'is_column_type_stored' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'multiple' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'handler_additional_params' => 'TEXT NOT NULL', 'display_only_on_depended_property_selected' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'depends_on_property_id' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'depended_property_values' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'depends_on_category_group_id' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'hide_other_values_if_selected' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'dont_filter' => 'TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `ix-property-property_group_id` (`property_group_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Product::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'main_category_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'parent_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'0\'', 'option_generate' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'title' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'h1' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'meta_description' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'breadcrumbs_label' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'slug' => 'VARCHAR(80) DEFAULT \'\'', 'slug_compiled' => 'VARCHAR(180) DEFAULT \'\'', 'slug_absolute' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'content' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'announce' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'active' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'1\'', 'price' => 'FLOAT UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'0\'', 'old_price' => 'FLOAT UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'0\'', 'sku' => 'VARCHAR(70) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', 'unlimited_count' => 'TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'1\'', 'currency_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT \'1\'', 'measure_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'KEY `ix-product-active-slug` (`active`, `slug`)', 'KEY `ix-product-parent_id` (`parent_id`)', 'KEY `sku` (`sku`)', 'KEY `parent_active` (`parent_id`,`active`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%product_property}}', ['object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Layout::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'layout' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(View::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'view' => 'TEXT NOT NULL', 'category' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'internal_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'KEY `ix-view-internal_name-category` (`internal_name`, `category`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(ViewObject::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'object_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'view_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'UNIQUE KEY `uq-view_object-object_id-object_model_id` (`object_id`, `object_model_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Page::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'parent_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'slug' => 'VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL', 'slug_compiled' => 'VARCHAR(180) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', 'slug_absolute' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'0\'', 'content' => 'LONGTEXT', 'show_type' => "ENUM('show','list') DEFAULT 'show'", 'published' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'1\'', 'searchable' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'1\'', 'robots' => 'TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'3\'', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'title' => 'TEXT NOT NULL', 'h1' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'meta_description' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'breadcrumbs_label' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'announce' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'date_added' => 'TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'date_modified' => 'TIMESTAMP NULL', 'subdomain' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'KEY `ix-page-slug_compiled-published` (`slug_compiled`, `published`)', 'KEY `ix-page-parent_id` (`parent_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%page_property}}', ['object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%page_category}}', ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'category_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%page_eav}}', ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_group_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'key' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'value' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INTEGER DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `object_model_id` (`object_model_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(CategoryGroup::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Category::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'category_group_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'parent_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'title' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'h1' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'meta_description' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'breadcrumbs_label' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'slug' => 'VARCHAR(80) DEFAULT \'\'', 'slug_compiled' => 'VARCHAR(180) DEFAULT \'\'', 'slug_absolute' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'content' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'announce' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'title_append' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'active' => 'TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'1\'', 'KEY `ix-category-category_group_id` (`category_group_id`, `parent_id`)', 'KEY `ix-category-parent_id` (`parent_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%category_eav}}', ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_group_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'key' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'value' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `object_model_id` (`object_model_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%property_category}}', ['object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%product_category}}', ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'category_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'object_model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `cat_omid` (`category_id`,`object_model_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(CategoryGroupRouteTemplates::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'category_group_id' => 'int(11) unsigned NOT NULL', 'route_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'template_json' => 'TEXT NOT NULL', 'KEY `ix-category-group-route-templates-category_group_id-route_id` (`category_group_id`, `route_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(SubscribeEmail::tableName(), ['id' => 'INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'email' => 'VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL', 'is_active' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'last_notify' => 'INTEGER DEFAULT \'0\''], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Order::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'user_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'manager_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'0\'', 'start_date' => 'TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'update_date' => 'TIMESTAMP NULL', 'end_date' => "TIMESTAMP NULL", 'cart_forming_time' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'order_stage_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'payment_type_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'0\'', 'assigned_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL', 'tax_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL', 'external_id' => 'VARCHAR(38) DEFAULT NULL', 'items_count' => 'FLOAT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL', 'total_price' => 'FLOAT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'total_payed' => 'FLOAT DEFAULT \'0\'', 'hash' => 'CHAR(32) NOT NULL', 'is_deleted' => 'TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0', 'temporary' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'show_price_changed_notification' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'customer_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'contragent_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'in_cart' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'KEY `ix-order-user_id` (`user_id`)', 'KEY `ix-order-manager_id` (`manager_id`)', 'UNIQUE KEY `uq-order-hash` (`hash`)'], $tableOptions);
     // @todo Set all float fields as unsigned
     $this->createTable(OrderItem::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'parent_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'order_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT \'0\'', 'product_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'custom_name' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'quantity' => 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'1\'', 'price_per_pcs' => 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'', 'total_price_without_discount' => 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'', 'lock_product_price' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'discount_amount' => 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'', 'total_price' => 'FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'', 'KEY `ix-order_item-order_id` (`order_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(OrderTransaction::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'order_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'payment_type_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'start_date' => 'TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'end_date' => 'TIMESTAMP NULL', 'status' => 'TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'total_sum' => 'DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL', 'params' => 'TEXT', 'result_data' => 'TEXT', 'KEY `ix-order_transaction-order_id` (`order_id`)'], $tableOptions);
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     $this->createTable(NotifyMessage::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'task_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'result_status' => 'enum(\'SUCCESS\',\'FAULT\') NOT NULL DEFAULT \'SUCCESS\'', 'result' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'ts' => 'TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'], $tableOptions);
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     $this->createTable(ContentBlock::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', 'key' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', 'value' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT, 'preload' => 'TINYINT DEFAULT \'0\'']);
     $this->createTable(ContentDecorator::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'added_by_ext' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'post_decorator' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'class_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Events::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'owner_class_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'event_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'event_class_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'selector_prefix' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', 'event_description' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' NOT NULL', 'documentation_link' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', 'UNIQUE `event_class_name` (`event_class_name`(50))'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'event_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'handler_class_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'handler_function_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'is_active' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'non_deletable' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'triggering_type' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'KEY `by_event_active` (`event_id`, `is_active`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Extensions::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'is_active' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'force_version' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT \'dev-master\'', 'type' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'latest_version' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', 'current_package_version_timestamp' => Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP . ' NULL', 'latest_package_version_timestamp' => Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP . ' NULL', 'homepage' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', 'namespace_prefix' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(ExtensionTypes::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(CommercemlGuid::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'guid' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'name' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT, 'model_id' => Schema::TYPE_BIGINT, 'type' => 'ENUM(\'PRODUCT\', \'CATEGORY\', \'PROPERTY\') DEFAULT \'PRODUCT\''], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(OrderStage::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'name_frontend' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'name_short' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'is_initial' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'is_buyer_stage' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'become_non_temporary' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'is_in_cart' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'immutable_by_user' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'immutable_by_manager' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'immutable_by_assigned' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'reach_goal_ym' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'reach_goal_ga' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'event_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'view' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(OrderStageLeaf::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'stage_from_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'stage_to_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'button_label' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'button_css_class' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'notify_buyer' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'buyer_notification_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'notify_manager' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'manager_notification_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'assign_to_user_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'assign_to_role' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'notify_new_assigned_user' => 'TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'role_assignment_policy' => "ENUM('random','fair_distribution','last_picked_from_role')", 'event_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Discount::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'appliance' => "ENUM('order_without_delivery','order_with_delivery','products','product_categories','delivery') NOT NULL", 'value' => Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' NOT NULL', 'value_in_percent' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'apply_order_price_lg' => Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT -1']);
     $this->createTable(DiscountCode::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'code' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'discount_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'valid_from' => 'TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL', 'valid_till' => 'TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL', 'maximum_uses' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' DEFAULT NULL']);
     $this->createTable(CategoryDiscount::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'category_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'discount_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL']);
     $this->createTable(UserDiscount::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'user_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'discount_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL']);
     $this->createTable(OrderDiscount::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'order_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'discount_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'applied_date' => Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP]);
     $this->createTable(ProductDiscount::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'product_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'discount_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL']);
     $this->createTable(DiscountType::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'class' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'active' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'checking_class' => "ENUM('Order','OrderItem') NOT NULL", 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'add_view' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL']);
     $this->createTable(SpecialPriceList::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'object_id' => Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT . ' NOT NULL', 'class' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'active' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'params' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT, 'type' => "ENUM('core', 'discount', 'delivery', 'tax' ,'project') DEFAULT 'project'", 'handler' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL']);
     $this->createTable(FilterSets::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'category_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'property_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'is_filter_by_price' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'delegate_to_children' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1']);
     $this->createTable(Customer::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'user_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' DEFAULT 0', 'first_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'middle_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'last_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'email' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'phone' => Schema::TYPE_STRING], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Contragent::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'customer_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'type' => "ENUM('Individual', 'Self-employed', 'Legal entity') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Individual'"], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(DeliveryInformation::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'contragent_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'country_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' DEFAULT 0', 'city_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' DEFAULT 0', 'zip_code' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'address' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(OrderDeliveryInformation::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'order_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'shipping_option_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'shipping_price' => Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'shipping_price_total' => Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'planned_delivery_date' => Schema::TYPE_DATE, 'planned_delivery_time' => Schema::TYPE_TIME, 'planned_delivery_time_range' => Schema::TYPE_STRING], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%customer_eav}}', ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'object_model_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_group_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'key' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'value' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT, 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%contragent_eav}}', ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'object_model_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_group_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'key' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'value' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT, 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable('{{%order_delivery_information_eav}}', ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'object_model_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'property_group_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'key' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'value' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT, 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(Measure::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'symbol' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'nominal' => 'FLOAT NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(SpecialPriceObject::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'special_price_list_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'object_model_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'price' => Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL']);
     $this->createTable(ThemeParts::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'key' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'global_visibility' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'multiple_widgets' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'is_cacheable' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'cache_lifetime' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'cache_tags' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' NULL', 'cache_vary_by_session' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(ThemeWidgets::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'widget' => Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'preview_image' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NULL', 'configuration_model' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NULL', 'configuration_view' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NULL', 'configuration_json' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' NULL', 'is_cacheable' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'cache_lifetime' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'cache_tags' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' NULL', 'cache_vary_by_session' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(ThemeVariation::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NULL', 'by_url' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NULL', 'by_route' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NULL', 'matcher_class_name' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NULL', 'exclusive' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(ThemeWidgetApplying::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'widget_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER, 'part_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER, 'UNIQUE `widget_part` (`widget_id`, `part_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(ThemeActiveWidgets::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'part_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER, 'widget_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER, 'variation_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER, 'sort_order' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'configuration_json' => Schema::TYPE_TEXT, 'KEY `variation` (`variation_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(\app\modules\seo\models\Config::tableName(), ['key' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', 'value' => 'TEXT NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(\app\modules\seo\models\Counter::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'description' => 'TEXT DEFAULT NULL', 'code' => 'TEXT NOT NULL '], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(\app\modules\seo\models\LinkAnchor::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'model_name' => 'VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL', 'model_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'anchor' => 'TEXT NOT NULL', 'sort_order' => 'INT DEFAULT \'0\''], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(\app\modules\seo\models\LinkAnchorBinding::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'link_anchor_id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'view_file' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'params_hash' => 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL', 'model_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'model_id' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'KEY `ix-link_anchor_id` (`link_anchor_id`)', 'KEY `model_name` (`model_name`, `model_id`)'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(\app\modules\seo\models\ModelAnchorIndex::tableName(), ['model_name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', 'model_id' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'next_index' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(\app\modules\seo\models\Redirect::tableName(), ['id' => 'INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT', 'type' => 'enum(\'STATIC\',\'PREG\') NOT NULL DEFAULT \'STATIC\'', 'from' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'to' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'active' => 'TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'1\''], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(\app\modules\seo\models\Meta::tableName(), ['key' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'content' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL '], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(\app\modules\seo\models\Sitemap::tableName(), ['uid' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', 'url' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL'], $tableOptions);
     $this->createTable(OrderCode::tableName(), ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'order_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'discount_code_id' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'status' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 0']);
     // Data
     // Backend menu
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     $rootId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
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     $this->insert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id' => $rootId, 'name' => 'Shop', 'icon' => 'shopping-cart', 'added_by_ext' => 'core', 'rbac_check' => 'shop manage', 'route' => '']);
     $lastId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->batchInsert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id', 'name', 'route', 'icon', 'added_by_ext', 'rbac_check'], [[$lastId, 'Categories', 'shop/backend-category/index', 'tree', 'core', 'category manage'], [$lastId, 'Products', 'shop/backend-product/index', 'list', 'core', 'product manage'], [$lastId, 'Orders', 'shop/backend-order/index', 'list-alt', 'core', 'order manage'], [$lastId, 'Stages', 'shop/backend-stage/index', 'sitemap', 'core', 'order status manage'], [$lastId, 'Payment types', 'shop/backend-payment-type/index', 'info-circle', 'core', 'payment manage'], [$lastId, 'Filter sets', 'shop/backend-filter-sets/index', 'filter', 'core', 'category manage'], [$lastId, 'Shipping options', 'shop/backend-shipping-option/index', 'truck', 'core', 'shipping manage'], [$lastId, 'Categories groups', 'shop/backend-category-group/index', 'folder-o', 'core', 'category manage'], [$lastId, 'Prefiltered pages', 'shop/backend-prefiltered-pages/index', 'tag', 'core', 'shop manage'], [$lastId, 'Currencies', 'shop/backend-currencies/index', 'usd', 'core', 'shop manage'], [$lastId, 'Measures', 'shop/backend-measure/index', 'calculator', 'core', 'shop manage'], [$lastId, 'Discounts', 'shop/backend-discount/index', 'shekel', 'core', 'shop manage'], [$lastId, 'Warehouse', 'shop/backend-warehouse/index', 'cubes', 'core', 'shop manage']]);
     $this->insert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id' => $rootId, 'name' => 'Properties', 'icon' => 'cogs', 'added_by_ext' => 'core', 'rbac_check' => 'property manage', 'route' => '']);
     $lastId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->batchInsert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id', 'name', 'route', 'icon', 'added_by_ext', 'rbac_check'], [[$lastId, 'Properties', 'backend/properties/index', 'cogs', 'core', 'property manage'], [$lastId, 'Views', 'backend/view/index', 'desktop', 'core', 'view manage']]);
     $this->batchInsert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id', 'name', 'route', 'icon', 'added_by_ext', 'rbac_check'], [[$rootId, 'Reviews', 'review/backend-review/index', 'comment', 'core', 'review manage'], [$rootId, 'Rating groups', 'review/backend-rating/index', 'star-half-o', 'core', 'review manage'], [$rootId, 'Navigation', 'backend/navigation/index', 'navicon', 'core', 'navigation manage'], [$rootId, 'Forms', 'backend/form/index', 'list-ul', 'core', 'form manage'], [$rootId, 'Dynamic content', 'backend/dynamic-content/index', 'puzzle-piece', 'core', 'content manage'], [$rootId, 'Content Blocks', 'core/backend-chunk/index', 'file-code-o', 'core', 'content manage'], [$rootId, 'Sliders', 'backend/slider/index', 'arrows-h', 'core', 'content manage'], [$rootId, 'Users', 'user/backend-user/index', 'users', 'core', 'user manage'], [$rootId, 'Rbac', 'user/rbac/index', 'lock', 'core', 'user manage'], [$rootId, 'Seo', 'seo/manage/index', 'search', 'core', 'seo manage']]);
     $this->insert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id' => $rootId, 'name' => 'Images', 'icon' => 'picture-o', 'added_by_ext' => 'core', 'rbac_check' => 'content manage', 'route' => '']);
     $lastId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->batchInsert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id', 'name', 'route', 'added_by_ext', 'rbac_check'], [[$lastId, 'Thumbnails sizes', 'image/backend-thumbnail-size/index', 'core', 'content manage'], [$lastId, 'Create thumbnails', 'image/backend-thumbnail/index', 'core', 'content manage'], [$lastId, 'Watermarks', 'image/backend-watermark/index', 'core', 'content manage'], [$lastId, 'Broken images', 'image/backend-error-images/index', 'core', 'content manage']]);
     $this->insert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id' => $rootId, 'name' => 'Error monitoring', 'icon' => 'flash', 'added_by_ext' => 'core', 'rbac_check' => 'monitoring manage', 'route' => 'backend/error-monitor/index']);
     $this->insert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id' => $rootId, 'name' => 'Settings', 'icon' => 'gears', 'added_by_ext' => 'core', 'rbac_check' => 'setting manage', 'route' => '']);
     $lastId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->batchInsert(BackendMenu::tableName(), ['parent_id', 'name', 'route', 'icon', 'added_by_ext', 'rbac_check'], [[$lastId, 'Tasks', 'background/manage/index', 'tasks', 'core', 'task manage'], [$lastId, 'Config', 'config/backend/index', 'gear', 'core', 'setting manage'], [$lastId, 'I18n', 'backend/i18n/index', 'language', 'core', 'setting manage'], [$lastId, 'Spam Form Checker', 'backend/spam-checker/index', 'send-o', 'core', 'setting manage'], [$lastId, 'Backend menu', 'backend/backend-menu/index', 'list-alt', 'core', 'setting manage'], [$lastId, 'Data', 'data/file/index', 'database', 'core', 'data manage'], [$lastId, 'YML', 'shop/backend-yml/settings', 'code', 'core', 'content manage'], [$lastId, 'Api', 'backend/api/index', 'exchange', 'core', 'api manage']]);
     $this->batchInsert(Object::tableName(), ['name', 'object_class', 'object_table_name', 'column_properties_table_name', 'eav_table_name', 'categories_table_name', 'link_slug_category', 'link_slug_static_value', 'object_slug_attribute'], [['Page', Page::className(), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(Page::tableName()), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%page_property}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%page_eav}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%page_category}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%page_category_full_slug}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%page_static_value_category}}'), 'slug'], ['Category', Category::className(), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(Category::tableName()), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%category_property}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%category_eav}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%category_category}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%category_category_full_slug}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%category_static_value_category}}'), 'slug']]);
     $this->insert(Object::tableName(), ['name' => 'Product', 'object_class' => Product::className(), 'object_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(Product::tableName()), 'column_properties_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%product_property}}'), 'eav_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%product_eav}}'), 'categories_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%product_category}}'), 'link_slug_category' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%product_category_full_slug}}'), 'link_slug_static_value' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%product_static_value_category}}'), 'object_slug_attribute' => 'slug']);
     $lastInsertId = Yii::$app->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->batchInsert(Route::tableName(), ['route', 'url_template', 'object_id', 'name'], [['shop/product/list', Json::encode([["class" => "app\\properties\\url\\StaticPart", "static_part" => "catalog", "parameters" => ["category_group_id" => 1]], ["class" => "app\\properties\\url\\PartialCategoryPathPart", "category_group_id" => 1]]), $lastInsertId, ''], ['shop/product/show', Json::encode([["class" => "app\\properties\\url\\StaticPart", "static_part" => "catalog", "parameters" => ["category_group_id" => 1]], ["class" => "app\\properties\\url\\FullCategoryPathPart", "category_group_id" => 1], ["class" => "app\\properties\\url\\ObjectSlugPart"]]), $lastInsertId, '']]);
     $this->batchInsert(PropertyHandler::tableName(), ['name', 'frontend_render_view', 'frontend_edit_view', 'backend_render_view', 'backend_edit_view', 'handler_class_name'], [['Text', 'frontend-render', 'frontend-edit', 'backend-render', 'backend-edit', 'app\\properties\\handlers\\text\\TextProperty'], ['Select', 'frontend-render', 'frontend-edit', 'backend-render', 'backend-edit', 'app\\properties\\handlers\\select\\SelectProperty'], ['Checkbox', 'frontend-render', 'frontend-edit', 'backend-render', 'backend-edit', 'app\\properties\\handlers\\checkbox\\CheckboxProperty'], ['Text area', 'frontend-render', 'frontend-edit', 'backend-render', 'backend-edit', 'app\\properties\\handlers\\textArea\\TextAreaProperty'], ['File', 'frontend-render', 'frontend-edit', 'backend-render', 'backend-edit', 'app\\properties\\handlers\\fileInput\\FileInputProperty'], ['Hidden', 'frontend-render', 'frontend-edit', 'backend-render', 'backend-edit', 'app\\properties\\handlers\\hidden\\HiddenProperty'], ['Redactor', 'frontend-render', 'frontend-edit', 'backend-render', 'backend-edit', 'app\\properties\\handlers\\redactor\\RedactorProperty']]);
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     $this->insert(Page::tableName(), ['slug' => ':mainpage:', 'content' => 'This is main page!', 'parent_id' => 0, 'title' => 'Main page']);
     $this->insert(CategoryGroup::tableName(), ['name' => 'Shop']);
     $this->insert(Category::tableName(), ['category_group_id' => Yii::$app->db->lastInsertID, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => Yii::t('app', 'Catalog'), 'title' => Yii::t('app', 'Catalog'), 'h1' => Yii::t('app', 'Catalog'), 'meta_description' => Yii::t('app', 'Catalog'), 'breadcrumbs_label' => Yii::t('app', 'Catalog'), 'slug' => 'catalog', 'slug_compiled' => 'catalog']);
     $this->batchInsert(ShippingOption::tableName(), ['name', 'description', 'price_from', 'price_to', 'cost', 'sort', 'active'], [[Yii::t('app', 'Self-pickup'), '', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1'], [Yii::t('app', 'Delivery of mail'), '', '0', '0', '100', '2', '1']]);
     $this->batchInsert(PaymentType::tableName(), ['name', 'class', 'params', 'active', 'sort'], [[Yii::t('app', 'Cash'), app\components\payment\CashPayment::className(), '[]', '1', '1'], ['Robokassa', app\components\payment\RobokassaPayment::className(), Json::encode(['merchantLogin' => '', 'merchantPass1' => '', 'merchantPass2' => '', 'merchantUrl' => '']), '1', '2'], ['PayU', app\components\payment\PayUPayment::className(), Json::encode(['merchantName' => '', 'secretKey' => '']), '0', '3'], ['RBK Money', app\components\payment\RBKMoneyPayment::className(), Json::encode(['eshopId' => '', 'currency' => 'RUR', 'language' => 'ru', 'secretKey' => '', 'serviceName' => '']), '0', '4'], ['IntellectMoney', app\components\payment\IntellectMoneyPayment::className(), Json::encode(['eshopId' => '', 'currency' => 'RUR', 'language' => 'ru', 'secretKey' => '', 'serviceName' => '']), '0', '5'], ['Interkassa', app\components\payment\InterkassaPayment::className(), Json::encode(['checkoutId' => '', 'currency' => 'RUB', 'locale' => 'ru', 'secretKey' => '']), '0', '6'], ['Futubank', app\components\payment\FutubankPayment::className(), Json::encode(['testing' => '1', 'merchant' => '', 'currency' => 'RUB', 'secretKey' => '']), '0', '7'], ['Pay2Pay', app\components\payment\Pay2PayPayment::className(), Json::encode(['hiddenKey' => '', 'currency' => 'RUB', 'language' => 'ru', 'merchantId' => '', 'secretKey' => '', 'testMode' => 0]), '0', '8'], ['SpryPay', app\components\payment\SpryPayPayment::className(), Json::encode(['currency' => 'rur', 'language' => 'ru', 'shopId' => '', 'secretKey' => '']), '0', '9'], ['WalletOne', app\components\payment\WalletOnePayment::className(), Json::encode(['currency' => 643, 'locale' => 'ru-RU', 'merchantId' => '', 'secretKey' => '']), '0', '10'], ['PayOnline', app\components\payment\PayOnlinePayment::className(), Json::encode(['currency' => 'RUB', 'language' => 'ru', 'merchantId' => '', 'privateKey' => '']), '0', '11'], ['LiqPay', app\components\payment\LiqPayPayment::className(), Json::encode(['currency' => 'RUB', 'language' => 'ru', 'privateKey' => '', 'publicKey' => '']), '0', '12'], ['Platron', app\modules\shop\models\PaymentType::tableName(), Json::encode(['merchantId' => '', 'secretKey' => '', 'strCurrency' => 'RUR', 'merchantUrl' => 'www.platron.ru', 'merchantScriptName' => 'payment.php']), 0, 13]]);
     $this->insert(Object::tableName(), ['name' => 'Order', 'object_class' => Order::className(), 'object_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(Order::tableName()), 'column_properties_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%order_property}}'), 'eav_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%order_eav}}'), 'categories_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%order_category}}'), 'link_slug_category' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%order_category_full_slug}}'), 'link_slug_static_value' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%order_static_value_full_slug}}'), 'object_slug_attribute' => 'slug']);
     $this->insert(PropertyGroup::tableName(), ['object_id' => Yii::$app->db->lastInsertID, 'name' => 'Order form', 'hidden_group_title' => 1]);
     $propertyGroupId = Yii::$app->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->batchInsert(Property::tableName(), ['property_group_id', 'name', 'key', 'property_handler_id', 'is_eav', 'handler_additional_params'], [[$propertyGroupId, 'Name', 'name', 1, 1, '{"rules":["required"]}'], [$propertyGroupId, 'Phone', 'phone', 1, 1, '{"rules":["required"]}'], [$propertyGroupId, 'E-mail', 'email', 1, 1, '{"rules":["required"]}'], [$propertyGroupId, 'Address', 'address', 1, 1, '{"rules":["required"]}']]);
     $this->batchInsert(Object::tableName(), ['name', 'object_class', 'object_table_name', 'column_properties_table_name', 'eav_table_name', 'categories_table_name', 'link_slug_category', 'link_slug_static_value', 'object_slug_attribute'], [['Form', \app\models\Form::className(), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(\app\models\Form::tableName()), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%form_property}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%form_eav}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%form_category}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%form_category_full_slug}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%form_static_value_full_sluug}}'), 'slug'], ['Submission', \app\models\Submission::className(), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(\app\models\Submission::tableName()), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%submission_property}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%submission_eav}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%submission_category}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%submission_category_full_slug}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%submission_static_value_full_slug}}'), 'slug']]);
     $this->insert(Object::tableName(), ['name' => 'User', 'object_class' => User::className(), 'object_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(User::tableName()), 'column_properties_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%user_property}}'), 'eav_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%user_eav}}'), 'categories_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%user_category}}'), 'link_slug_category' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%user_category_full_slug}}'), 'link_slug_static_value' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%user_static_value_full_slug}}'), 'object_slug_attribute' => 'slug']);
     $this->insert(PropertyGroup::tableName(), ['object_id' => Yii::$app->db->lastInsertID, 'name' => 'User form']);
     $this->insert(Navigation::tableName(), ['parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Main menu', 'route_params' => '{}']);
     $this->batchInsert('{{%auth_item}}', ['name', 'type', 'description'], [['admin', '1', Yii::t('app', 'Administrator')], ['manager', '1', Yii::t('app', 'Manager')], ['administrate', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Administrate panel')], ['api manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'API management')], ['seo manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'SEO management')], ['task manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Task management')], ['user manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'User management')], ['cache manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Cache management')], ['content manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Content management')], ['shop manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Shop management')], ['order manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Order management')], ['category manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Category management')], ['product manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Product management')], ['property manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Property management')], ['view manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'View management')], ['review manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Review management')], ['navigation manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Navigation management')], ['form manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Form management')], ['media manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Media management')], ['order status manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Order status management')], ['payment manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Payment type management')], ['shipping manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Shipping option management')], ['monitoring manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Monitoring management')], ['data manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Data management')], ['setting manage', '2', Yii::t('app', 'Setting management')]]);
     $this->batchInsert('{{%auth_item_child}}', ['parent', 'child'], [['shop manage', 'category manage'], ['shop manage', 'product manage'], ['shop manage', 'order manage'], ['manager', 'administrate'], ['manager', 'content manage'], ['manager', 'order manage'], ['manager', 'shop manage'], ['manager', 'category manage'], ['manager', 'product manage'], ['manager', 'property manage'], ['manager', 'view manage'], ['manager', 'review manage'], ['manager', 'navigation manage'], ['manager', 'form manage'], ['manager', 'media manage'], ['admin', 'administrate'], ['admin', 'api manage'], ['admin', 'order manage'], ['admin', 'seo manage'], ['admin', 'task manage'], ['admin', 'user manage'], ['admin', 'cache manage'], ['admin', 'content manage'], ['admin', 'shop manage'], ['admin', 'category manage'], ['admin', 'product manage'], ['admin', 'property manage'], ['admin', 'view manage'], ['admin', 'review manage'], ['admin', 'navigation manage'], ['admin', 'form manage'], ['admin', 'media manage'], ['admin', 'order status manage'], ['admin', 'payment manage'], ['admin', 'shipping manage'], ['admin', 'monitoring manage'], ['admin', 'data manage'], ['admin', 'setting manage']]);
     // demo data
     $this->insert(Task::tableName(), ['action' => 'seo/sitemap/generate-sitemap', 'type' => Task::TYPE_REPEAT, 'initiator' => 1, 'name' => 'sitemap', 'cron_expression' => '0-59/15 * * * *']);
     $this->insert(Task::tableName(), ['action' => 'errornotifier/notify', 'type' => Task::TYPE_REPEAT, 'initiator' => 1, 'name' => 'ErrorMonitor notifier', 'cron_expression' => '*/1 * * * *', 'status' => 'ACTIVE']);
     $this->batchInsert(ProductListingSort::tableName(), ['name', 'sort_field', 'asc_desc', 'enabled', 'sort_order'], [['Popularity', 'product.sort_order', 'asc', 1, 0], ['Price 0-9', 'product.price', 'asc', 1, 1], ['Price 9-0', 'product.price', 'desc', 1, 2], ['Name', 'product.name', 'asc', 1, 3], ['Name', 'product.name', 'desc', 1, 4]]);
     $this->batchInsert(SliderHandler::tableName(), ['name', 'slider_widget', 'slider_edit_view_file', 'edit_model'], [['Bootstrap 3 carousel', 'app\\slider\\sliders\\bootstrap3\\Bootstrap3CarouselWidget', '@app/slider/sliders/bootstrap3/views/edit', 'app\\slider\\sliders\\bootstrap3\\models\\EditModel'], ['Slick', 'app\\slider\\sliders\\slick\\SlickCarouselWidget', '@app/slider/sliders/slick/views/edit', 'app\\slider\\sliders\\slick\\models\\EditModel']]);
     $this->batchInsert(Slider::tableName(), ['name', 'slider_handler_id', 'image_width', 'image_height'], [['Example carousel', 1, 900, 350]]);
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     $this->insert(CurrencyRateProvider::tableName(), ['name' => 'Google Finance', 'class_name' => 'Swap\\Provider\\GoogleFinanceProvider']);
     $this->insert(CurrencyRateProvider::tableName(), ['name' => 'Cbr Finance', 'class_name' => 'app\\components\\swap\\provider\\CbrFinanceProvider']);
     $this->insert(Currency::tableName(), ['name' => 'Ruble', 'iso_code' => 'RUB', 'is_main' => 1, 'format_string' => '# руб.', 'intl_formatting' => 0]);
     $this->insert(Currency::tableName(), ['name' => 'US Dollar', 'iso_code' => 'USD', 'convert_nominal' => 1, 'convert_rate' => 62.8353, 'sort_order' => 1, 'format_string' => '$ #', 'thousands_sep' => '.', 'dec_point' => ',']);
     $this->insert(Currency::tableName(), ['name' => 'Euro', 'iso_code' => 'EUR', 'convert_rate' => 71.32429999999999, 'format_string' => '€ #']);
     $this->insert(Task::tableName(), ['action' => 'currency/update', 'type' => 'REPEAT', 'initiator' => 1, 'name' => 'Currency update', 'cron_expression' => '0 0 * * *']);
     $this->insert(Country::tableName(), ['name' => 'Россия', 'iso_code' => 'RUS', 'sort_order' => 0, 'slug' => 'rossiya']);
     $this->insert(Country::tableName(), ['name' => 'USA', 'iso_code' => 'USA', 'sort_order' => 1, 'slug' => 'usa']);
     $this->insert(City::tableName(), ['name' => 'Москва', 'slug' => 'moscow', 'country_id' => 1]);
     $this->insert(City::tableName(), ['name' => 'Санкт-Петербург', 'slug' => 'spb', 'country_id' => 1]);
     $this->insert(City::tableName(), ['name' => 'New York', 'slug' => 'ny', 'country_id' => 2]);
     $this->insert(Warehouse::tableName(), ['name' => 'Main warehouse', 'country_id' => 1, 'city_id' => 1, 'address' => 'Kremlin']);
     $this->insert(WarehousePhone::tableName(), ['name' => 'Sales', 'warehouse_id' => 1, 'phone' => '+7 (495) 123-45-67']);
     $this->insert(WarehouseEmail::tableName(), ['name' => 'Sales', 'warehouse_id' => 1, 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     $this->insert(WarehouseOpeninghours::tableName(), ['warehouse_id' => 1, 'monday' => 1, 'tuesday' => 1, 'wednesday' => 1, 'thursday' => 1, 'friday' => 1, 'saturday' => 1, 'sunday' => 1, 'all_day' => 1, 'opens' => '', 'closes' => '', 'break_from' => '12:00', 'break_to' => '13:00']);
     $this->insert(Warehouse::tableName(), ['name' => 'Second warehouse', 'country_id' => 2, 'city_id' => 3, 'address' => 'The WallStreet hidden warehouse']);
     $this->insert(WarehousePhone::tableName(), ['name' => 'Sales', 'warehouse_id' => 2, 'phone' => '+1 800 1-WAREHOUSE-1']);
     $this->insert(WarehouseEmail::tableName(), ['name' => 'Sales', 'warehouse_id' => 2, 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     $this->insert(WarehouseOpeninghours::tableName(), ['warehouse_id' => 2, 'monday' => 1, 'tuesday' => 1, 'wednesday' => 1, 'thursday' => 1, 'friday' => 0, 'saturday' => 0, 'sunday' => 1, 'all_day' => 0, 'opens' => '9:00', 'closes' => '22:00', 'break_from' => '', 'break_to' => '']);
     $this->batchInsert(Object::tableName(), ['name', 'object_class', 'object_table_name', 'column_properties_table_name', 'eav_table_name', 'categories_table_name', 'link_slug_category', 'link_slug_static_value', 'object_slug_attribute'], [['Property', Property::className(), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(Property::tableName()), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_property}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_eav}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_category}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_category_full_slug}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_static_value_category}}'), 'slug'], ['PropertyStaticValues', PropertyStaticValues::className(), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(PropertyStaticValues::tableName()), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_static_values_properties}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_static_values_eav}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_static_values_category}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_static_values_category_full_slug}}'), Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%property_static_values_static_value_category}}'), 'slug']]);
     $clearTask = new Task();
     $clearTask->setAttributes(['action' => 'background/tasks/clear-old-notifications', 'type' => Task::TYPE_REPEAT, 'initiator' => 1, 'name' => 'Clear old notify messages', 'cron_expression' => '*/1 * * * *', 'status' => 'ACTIVE']);
     $spamTask = new Task();
     $spamTask->setAttributes(['action' => 'submissions/mark-spam', 'type' => Task::TYPE_REPEAT, 'initiator' => 1, 'name' => 'Mark spam submissions as deleted', 'cron_expression' => '* * */1 * *', 'status' => 'ACTIVE']);
     $clearTask = new Task();
     $clearTask->setAttributes(['action' => 'submissions/clear-deleted', 'type' => Task::TYPE_REPEAT, 'initiator' => 1, 'name' => 'Clear deleted submissions', 'cron_expression' => '* * */3 * *', 'status' => 'ACTIVE']);
     $this->batchInsert(SpamChecker::tableName(), ['behavior', 'name', 'author_field', 'content_field'], [['app\\behaviors\\spamchecker\\AkismetSpamChecker', 'Akismet', 'comment_author', 'comment_content']]);
     $this->insert(ThumbnailSize::tableName(), ['width' => 80, 'height' => 80]);
     $this->insert(Task::tableName(), ['action' => 'images/check-broken', 'type' => Task::TYPE_REPEAT, 'initiator' => 1, 'name' => 'Check broken images', 'cron_expression' => '* */1 * * *']);
     $this->insert(ContentDecorator::tableName(), ['added_by_ext' => 'core', 'post_decorator' => 0, 'class_name' => 'app\\modules\\core\\decorators\\ContentBlock']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'product_page_showed', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\ProductPageShowed', 'event_description' => 'Product page is showed to user', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'product_showed_in_list', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\ProductShowedInList', 'event_description' => 'Product is showed in product listing(shop/product/list)', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'product_category_listed', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\ProductCategoryListed', 'event_description' => 'Category is listed by shop/product/list as last_category_id.', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => 1, 'sort_order' => 1, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\LastViewedProducts', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleProductShowed', 'non_deletable' => 1, 'triggering_type' => EventTriggeringHelper::TYPE_APPLICATION]);
     $this->insert(ExtensionTypes::tableName(), ['name' => 'Theme']);
     $this->insert(ExtensionTypes::tableName(), ['name' => 'Module']);
     $this->insert(ExtensionTypes::tableName(), ['name' => 'Frontend widget']);
     $this->insert(ExtensionTypes::tableName(), ['name' => 'Dashboard widget']);
     $this->insert(ExtensionTypes::tableName(), ['name' => 'Backend input widget']);
     $this->batchInsert(DiscountType::tableName(), ['name', 'class', 'checking_class', 'add_view'], [['Discount Code', 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\DiscountCode', 'Order', '@app/modules/shop/views/backend-discount/_discount_code'], ['Category Discount', 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\CategoryDiscount', 'OrderItem', '@app/modules/shop/views/backend-discount/_category_discount'], ['User Discount', 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\UserDiscount', 'Order', '@app/modules/shop/views/backend-discount/_user_discount'], ['Order Discount', 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\OrderDiscount', 'Order', '@app/modules/shop/views/backend-discount/_order_discount'], ['Product Discount', 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\ProductDiscount', 'OrderItem', '@app/modules/shop/views/backend-discount/_product_discount']]);
     $this->batchInsert(SpecialPriceList::tableName(), ['object_id', 'class', 'sort_order', 'type', 'handler'], [[\app\models\Object::getForClass(\app\modules\shop\models\Product::className())->id, 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\PriceHandlers', 5, 'core', 'getCurrencyPriceProduct'], [\app\models\Object::getForClass(\app\modules\shop\models\Order::className())->id, 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\PriceHandlers', 10, 'delivery', 'getDeliveryPriceOrder'], [\app\models\Object::getForClass(\app\modules\shop\models\Product::className())->id, 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\PriceHandlers', 15, 'discount', 'getDiscountPriceProduct'], [\app\models\Object::getForClass(\app\modules\shop\models\Order::className())->id, 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\PriceHandlers', 20, 'discount', 'getDiscountPriceOrder']]);
     $this->insert(Object::tableName(), ['name' => 'Customer', 'object_class' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\Customer', 'object_table_name' => 'customer', 'column_properties_table_name' => 'customer_property', 'eav_table_name' => 'customer_eav', 'categories_table_name' => 'customer_category', 'link_slug_category' => 'customer_category_slug', 'link_slug_static_value' => 'customer_slug_static', 'object_slug_attribute' => 'slug']);
     $this->insert(Object::tableName(), ['name' => 'Contragent', 'object_class' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\Contragent', 'object_table_name' => 'contragent', 'column_properties_table_name' => 'contragent_property', 'eav_table_name' => 'contragent_eav', 'categories_table_name' => 'contragent_category', 'link_slug_category' => 'contragent_category_slug', 'link_slug_static_value' => 'contragent_slug_static', 'object_slug_attribute' => 'slug']);
     $this->insert(Object::tableName(), ['name' => 'OrderDeliveryInformation', 'object_class' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\models\\OrderDeliveryInformation', 'object_table_name' => 'order_delivery_information', 'column_properties_table_name' => 'order_delivery_information_property', 'eav_table_name' => 'order_delivery_information_eav', 'categories_table_name' => 'order_delivery_information_category', 'link_slug_category' => 'order_delivery_information_category_slug', 'link_slug_static_value' => 'order_delivery_information_slug_static', 'object_slug_attribute' => 'slug']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_customer', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageCustomer', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleStageCustomer', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_delivery', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageDelivery', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleStageDelivery', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_payment', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StagePayment', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleStagePayment', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_payment_pay', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StagePaymentPay', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleStagePaymentPay', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stageleaf_customer', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageLeafCustomer', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleCustomer', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stageleaf_payment_choose', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageLeafPayment', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handlePayment', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stageleaf_delivery_choose', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageLeafDelivery', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleDelivery', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stageleaf_payment_pay', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageLeafPaymentPay', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handlePaymentPay', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stageleaf_manager_process', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageLeafManagerProcess', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleManagerProcess', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_calculate', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\OrderCalculateEvent', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\PriceHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleSaveDiscounts', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => -5, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\PriceHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleSaveDelivery', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 0, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(OrderStage::tableName(), ['name' => 'customer', 'name_frontend' => Yii::t('app', 'Your information'), 'name_short' => 'customer', 'is_initial' => 1, 'is_buyer_stage' => 1, 'become_non_temporary' => 0, 'is_in_cart' => 1, 'immutable_by_user' => 0, 'immutable_by_manager' => 0, 'immutable_by_assigned' => 0, 'reach_goal_ym' => '', 'reach_goal_ga' => '', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_customer', 'view' => '@app/modules/shop/views/cart/stages/name.php']);
     $stageCustomer = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(OrderStage::tableName(), ['name' => 'delivery', 'name_frontend' => Yii::t('app', 'Delivery'), 'name_short' => 'delivery', 'is_initial' => 0, 'is_buyer_stage' => 1, 'become_non_temporary' => 0, 'is_in_cart' => 1, 'immutable_by_user' => 0, 'immutable_by_manager' => 0, 'immutable_by_assigned' => 0, 'reach_goal_ym' => '', 'reach_goal_ga' => '', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_delivery', 'view' => '@app/modules/shop/views/cart/stages/delivery.php']);
     $stageDelivery = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(OrderStage::tableName(), ['name' => 'payment', 'name_frontend' => Yii::t('app', 'Payment method selection'), 'name_short' => 'payment', 'is_initial' => 0, 'is_buyer_stage' => 1, 'become_non_temporary' => 0, 'is_in_cart' => 1, 'immutable_by_user' => 0, 'immutable_by_manager' => 0, 'immutable_by_assigned' => 0, 'reach_goal_ym' => '', 'reach_goal_ga' => '', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_payment', 'view' => '@app/modules/shop/views/cart/stages/payment.php']);
     $stagePayment = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(OrderStage::tableName(), ['name' => 'payment pay', 'name_frontend' => Yii::t('app', 'Payment'), 'name_short' => 'payment pay', 'is_initial' => 0, 'is_buyer_stage' => 0, 'become_non_temporary' => 1, 'is_in_cart' => 0, 'immutable_by_user' => 0, 'immutable_by_manager' => 0, 'immutable_by_assigned' => 0, 'reach_goal_ym' => '', 'reach_goal_ga' => '', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_payment_pay', 'view' => '@app/modules/shop/views/cart/stages/pay.php']);
     $stagePaymentPay = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(OrderStageLeaf::tableName(), ['stage_from_id' => $stageCustomer, 'stage_to_id' => $stageDelivery, 'sort_order' => 0, 'button_label' => Yii::t('app', 'Delivery method selection'), 'button_css_class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'notify_manager' => 0, 'notify_new_assigned_user' => 0, 'role_assignment_policy' => 'random', 'event_name' => 'order_stageleaf_customer']);
     $this->insert(OrderStageLeaf::tableName(), ['stage_from_id' => $stageDelivery, 'stage_to_id' => $stagePayment, 'sort_order' => 0, 'button_label' => Yii::t('app', 'Payment method selection'), 'button_css_class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'notify_manager' => 0, 'notify_new_assigned_user' => 0, 'role_assignment_policy' => 'random', 'event_name' => 'order_stageleaf_delivery_choose']);
     $this->insert(OrderStageLeaf::tableName(), ['stage_from_id' => $stagePayment, 'stage_to_id' => $stagePaymentPay, 'sort_order' => 0, 'button_label' => Yii::t('app', 'Go to payment'), 'button_css_class' => 'btn btn-success', 'notify_manager' => 1, 'assign_to_user_id' => 0, 'assign_to_role' => null, 'notify_new_assigned_user' => 0, 'role_assignment_policy' => 'random', 'event_name' => 'order_stageleaf_payment_choose']);
     $this->insert(OrderStage::tableName(), ['name' => 'final', 'name_frontend' => Yii::t('app', 'Order complete'), 'name_short' => 'final', 'is_initial' => 0, 'is_buyer_stage' => 0, 'become_non_temporary' => 0, 'is_in_cart' => 0, 'immutable_by_user' => 1, 'immutable_by_manager' => 1, 'immutable_by_assigned' => 1, 'reach_goal_ym' => '', 'reach_goal_ga' => '', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_final', 'view' => '']);
     $stage = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(OrderStageLeaf::tableName(), ['stage_from_id' => $stage, 'stage_to_id' => $stagePaymentPay, 'sort_order' => 0, 'button_label' => Yii::t('app', 'Order complete'), 'button_css_class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'notify_manager' => 0, 'notify_new_assigned_user' => 0, 'role_assignment_policy' => 'random', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_leaf_final']);
     $this->insert(Measure::tableName(), ['name' => Yii::t('app', 'Pieces'), 'symbol' => Yii::t('app', 'pcs'), 'nominal' => 1]);
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     $this->insert(\app\modules\seo\models\Robots::tableName(), ['key' => 'robots.txt', 'value' => "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /cabinet\n"]);
     $cacheLifetime = 86400;
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     $applying = [['widget_id' => 1, 'part_id' => 2], ['widget_id' => 2, 'part_id' => 2], ['widget_id' => 3, 'part_id' => 4], ['widget_id' => 3, 'part_id' => 6]];
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     $variations = [['name' => Yii::t('app', 'Main page'), 'by_url' => '/'], ['name' => Yii::t('app', 'Non main page'), 'by_url' => '/*'], ['name' => Yii::t('app', 'Product listing'), 'by_route' => 'shop/product/list'], ['name' => Yii::t('app', 'Product page(show)'), 'by_route' => 'shop/product/show'], ['name' => Yii::t('app', 'Content page listing'), 'by_route' => 'page/page/list'], ['name' => Yii::t('app', 'Content page(show)'), 'by_route' => 'page/page/show']];
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     $this->insert('{{%theme_widgets}}', ['name' => Yii::t('app', 'Categories list'), 'widget' => 'app\\extensions\\DefaultTheme\\widgets\\CategoriesList\\Widget', 'configuration_model' => 'app\\extensions\\DefaultTheme\\widgets\\CategoriesList\\ConfigurationModel', 'configuration_view' => '@app/extensions/DefaultTheme/widgets/CategoriesList/views/_config.php', 'configuration_json' => '{}', 'is_cacheable' => 0, 'cache_tags' => \app\modules\shop\models\Category::className()]);
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     $filterSetsWidget = $this->db->lastInsertID;
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     foreach ($allBlocks as $widget_id) {
         // left sidebar
         $this->insert('{{%theme_widget_applying}}', ['widget_id' => $widget_id, 'part_id' => 5]);
         // right sidebar
         $this->insert('{{%theme_widget_applying}}', ['widget_id' => $widget_id, 'part_id' => 8]);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_final', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageFinal', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleStageFinal', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 1, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $this->insert(Events::tableName(), ['owner_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\ShopModule', 'event_name' => 'order_stage_leaf_final', 'event_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\events\\StageLeafFinal', 'selector_prefix' => '', 'event_description' => '', 'documentation_link' => '']);
     $eventId = $this->db->lastInsertID;
     $this->insert(EventHandlers::tableName(), ['event_id' => $eventId, 'sort_order' => 0, 'handler_class_name' => 'app\\modules\\shop\\helpers\\BaseOrderStageHandlers', 'handler_function_name' => 'handleFinal', 'is_active' => 1, 'non_deletable' => 1, 'triggering_type' => 'application_trigger']);
     $propertyHandler = PropertyHandler::findOne(['name' => 'Text']);
     $form = new \app\models\Form();
     $form->name = 'Review form';
     $form->email_notification_addresses = '';
     $form->email_notification_view = '@app/modules/review/views/review-email-template.php';
     $form->save(false, ['name', 'email_notification_addresses', 'email_notification_view']);
     $propertyGroup = new PropertyGroup();
     $propertyGroup->attributes = ['object_id' => $form->object->id, 'name' => 'Review form additional properties', 'hidden_group_title' => 1];
     $propertyGroup->save(true, ['object_id', 'name', 'hidden_group_title']);
     $nameProperty = new Property();
     $nameProperty->attributes = ['property_group_id' => $propertyGroup->id, 'name' => 'Name', 'key' => 'name', 'property_handler_id' => $propertyHandler->id, 'handler_additional_params' => '{}', 'is_eav' => 1];
     $nameProperty->save(true, ['property_group_id', 'name', 'key', 'property_handler_id', 'is_eav', 'handler_additional_params']);
     $phoneProperty = new Property();
     $phoneProperty->attributes = ['property_group_id' => $propertyGroup->id, 'name' => 'Phone', 'key' => 'phone', 'property_handler_id' => $propertyHandler->id, 'handler_additional_params' => '{}', 'is_eav' => 1];
     $phoneProperty->save(true, ['property_group_id', 'name', 'key', 'property_handler_id', 'is_eav', 'handler_additional_params']);
     $objectPropertyGroup = new ObjectPropertyGroup();
     $objectPropertyGroup->attributes = ['object_id' => $form->object->id, 'object_model_id' => $form->id, 'property_group_id' => $propertyGroup->id];
     $objectPropertyGroup->save(true, ['object_id', 'object_model_id', 'property_group_id']);
 public function up()
     $this->insert(Object::tableName(), ['name' => 'Navigation', 'object_class' => Navigation::className(), 'object_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName(Navigation::tableName()), 'column_properties_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%navigation_property}}'), 'eav_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%navigation_eav}}'), 'categories_table_name' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%navigation_category}}'), 'link_slug_category' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%navigation_category_full_slug}}'), 'link_slug_static_value' => Yii::$app->db->schema->getRawTableName('{{%navigation_static_value_category}}'), 'object_slug_attribute' => 'slug']);
 public function down()
     $this->delete(Object::tableName(), ['object_class' => [Property::className(), PropertyStaticValues::className()]]);