Пример #1
  * Deprecated methods (to be removed)
 public static function unfold_flowed($text)
     return rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($text);
Пример #2
  * Workhorse function that does actual conversion.
  * @param string Plain text
 protected function _converter($text)
     // make links and email-addresses clickable
     $attribs = array('link_attribs' => array('rel' => 'noreferrer', 'target' => '_blank'));
     $replacer = new $this->config['replacer']($attribs);
     if ($this->config['flowed']) {
         $flowed_char = 0x1;
         $text = rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($text, chr($flowed_char));
     // search for patterns like links and e-mail addresses and replace with tokens
     if ($this->config['links']) {
         $text = $replacer->replace($text);
     // split body into single lines
     $text = preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $text);
     $quote_level = 0;
     $last = null;
     // wrap quoted lines with <blockquote>
     for ($n = 0, $cnt = count($text); $n < $cnt; $n++) {
         $flowed = false;
         if ($this->config['flowed'] && ord($text[$n][0]) == $flowed_char) {
             $flowed = true;
             $text[$n] = substr($text[$n], 1);
         if ($text[$n][0] == '>' && preg_match('/^(>+ {0,1})+/', $text[$n], $regs)) {
             $q = substr_count($regs[0], '>');
             $text[$n] = substr($text[$n], strlen($regs[0]));
             $text[$n] = $this->_convert_line($text[$n], $flowed || $this->config['wrap']);
             $_length = strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $text[$n]));
             if ($q > $quote_level) {
                 if ($last !== null) {
                     $text[$last] .= (!$length ? "\n" : '') . $replacer->get_replacement($replacer->add(str_repeat('<blockquote>', $q - $quote_level))) . $text[$n];
                 } else {
                     $text[$n] = $replacer->get_replacement($replacer->add(str_repeat('<blockquote>', $q - $quote_level))) . $text[$n];
                     $last = $n;
             } else {
                 if ($q < $quote_level) {
                     $text[$last] .= (!$length ? "\n" : '') . $replacer->get_replacement($replacer->add(str_repeat('</blockquote>', $quote_level - $q))) . $text[$n];
                 } else {
                     $last = $n;
         } else {
             $text[$n] = $this->_convert_line($text[$n], $flowed || $this->config['wrap']);
             $q = 0;
             $_length = strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $text[$n]));
             if ($quote_level > 0) {
                 $text[$last] .= (!$length ? "\n" : '') . $replacer->get_replacement($replacer->add(str_repeat('</blockquote>', $quote_level))) . $text[$n];
             } else {
                 $last = $n;
         $quote_level = $q;
         $length = $_length;
     if ($quote_level > 0) {
         $text[$last] .= $replacer->get_replacement($replacer->add(str_repeat('</blockquote>', $quote_level)));
     $text = join("\n", $text);
     // colorize signature (up to <sig_max_lines> lines)
     $len = strlen($text);
     $sig_sep = "--" . $this->config['space'] . "\n";
     $sig_max_lines = rcube::get_instance()->config->get('sig_max_lines', 15);
     while (($sp = strrpos($text, $sig_sep, $sp ? -$len + $sp - 1 : 0)) !== false) {
         if ($sp == 0 || $text[$sp - 1] == "\n") {
             // do not touch blocks with more that X lines
             if (substr_count($text, "\n", $sp) < $sig_max_lines) {
                 $text = substr($text, 0, max(0, $sp)) . '<span class="sig">' . substr($text, $sp) . '</span>';
     // insert url/mailto links and citation tags
     $text = $replacer->resolve($text);
     // replace line breaks
     $text = str_replace("\n", $this->config['break'], $text);
     return $this->config['begin'] . $text . $this->config['end'];
Пример #3
  * Test format=flowed unfolding (#1490284)
 function test_unfold_flowed2()
     $flowed = "> culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\r\n" . "> \r\n" . "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error \r\nsit voluptatem";
     $unfolded = "> culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\r\n" . "> \r\n" . "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem";
     $this->assertEquals($unfolded, rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($flowed), "Test correct unfolding of quoted lines [2]");
Пример #4
  * Test format=flowed unfolding
 function test_unfold_flowed()
     $flowed = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/format-flowed.txt');
     $unfolded = file_get_contents(TESTS_DIR . 'src/format-flowed-unfolded.txt');
     $this->assertEquals($unfolded, rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($flowed), "Test correct unfolding of quoted lines");
Пример #5
  * Handler for message signing
  * @param Mail_mime Original message
  * @param int       Encryption mode
  * @return enigma_error On error returns error object
 function sign_message(&$message, $mode = null)
     $mime = new enigma_mime_message($message, enigma_mime_message::PGP_SIGNED);
     $from = $mime->getFromAddress();
     // find private key
     $key = $this->find_key($from, true);
     if (empty($key)) {
         return new enigma_error(enigma_error::KEYNOTFOUND);
     // check if we have password for this key
     $passwords = $this->get_passwords();
     $pass = $passwords[$key->id];
     if ($pass === null) {
         // ask for password
         $error = array('missing' => array($key->id => $key->name));
         return new enigma_error(enigma_error::BADPASS, '', $error);
     $key->password = $pass;
     // select mode
     switch ($mode) {
         case self::SIGN_MODE_BODY:
             $pgp_mode = Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR;
         case self::SIGN_MODE_MIME:
             $pgp_mode = Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_DETACHED;
                     case self::SIGN_MODE_SEPARATE:
                         $pgp_mode = Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_NORMAL;
                 case self::SIGN_MODE_SEPARATE:
                     $pgp_mode = Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_NORMAL;
             if ($mime->isMultipart()) {
                 $pgp_mode = Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_DETACHED;
             } else {
                 $pgp_mode = Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR;
     // get message body
     if ($pgp_mode == Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR) {
         // in this mode we'll replace text part
         // with the one containing signature
         $body = $message->getTXTBody();
         $text_charset = $message->getParam('text_charset');
         $line_length = $this->rc->config->get('line_length', 72);
         // We can't use format=flowed for signed messages
         if (strpos($text_charset, 'format=flowed')) {
             list($charset, $params) = explode(';', $text_charset);
             $body = rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($body);
             $body = rcube_mime::wordwrap($body, $line_length, "\r\n", false, $charset);
             $text_charset = str_replace(";\r\n format=flowed", '', $text_charset);
     } else {
         // here we'll build PGP/MIME message
         $body = $mime->getOrigBody();
     // sign the body
     $result = $this->pgp_sign($body, $key, $pgp_mode);
     if ($result !== true) {
         if ($result->getCode() == enigma_error::BADPASS) {
             // ask for password
             $error = array('bad' => array($key->id => $key->name));
             return new enigma_error(enigma_error::BADPASS, '', $error);
         return $result;
     // replace message body
     if ($pgp_mode == Crypt_GPG::SIGN_MODE_CLEAR) {
         $message->setParam('text_charset', $text_charset);
     } else {
         $message = $mime;