Пример #1
  * __construct
  * Provide a uid, and parse message structure.
  * @param string $uid    The message UID.
  * @param string $folder Folder name
  * @see self::$app, self::$storage, self::$opt, self::$parts
 function __construct($uid, $folder = null)
     $this->uid = $uid;
     $this->app = rcube::get_instance();
     $this->storage = $this->app->get_storage();
     $this->folder = strlen($folder) ? $folder : $this->storage->get_folder();
     $this->storage->set_options(array('all_headers' => true));
     // Set current folder
     $this->headers = $this->storage->get_message($uid);
     if (!$this->headers) {
     $this->mime = new rcube_mime($this->headers->charset);
     $this->subject = $this->mime->decode_mime_string($this->headers->subject);
     list(, $this->sender) = each($this->mime->decode_address_list($this->headers->from, 1));
     $this->set_safe(intval($_GET['_safe']) || $_SESSION['safe_messages'][$uid]);
     $this->opt = array('safe' => $this->is_safe, 'prefer_html' => $this->app->config->get('prefer_html'), 'get_url' => $this->app->url(array('action' => 'get', 'mbox' => $this->storage->get_folder(), 'uid' => $uid)));
     if (!empty($this->headers->structure)) {
     } else {
         $this->body = $this->storage->get_body($uid);
     // notify plugins and let them analyze this structured message object
     $this->app->plugins->exec_hook('message_load', array('object' => $this));
Пример #2
  * Test decoding of header values
  * Uses rcube_mime::decode_mime_string()
 function test_header_decode_qp()
     $test = array('quoted-printable (1)' => array('in' => '=?utf-8?Q?Certifica=C3=A7=C3=A3??=', 'out' => 'Certifica=C3=A7=C3=A3?'), 'quoted-printable (2)' => array('in' => '=?utf-8?Q?Certifica=?= =?utf-8?Q?C3=A7=C3=A3?=', 'out' => 'Certifica=C3=A7=C3=A3'), 'quoted-printable (3)' => array('in' => '=?utf-8?Q??= =?utf-8?Q??=', 'out' => ''), 'quoted-printable (4)' => array('in' => '=?utf-8?Q??= a =?utf-8?Q??=', 'out' => ' a '), 'quoted-printable (5)' => array('in' => '=?utf-8?Q?a?= =?utf-8?Q?b?=', 'out' => 'ab'), 'quoted-printable (6)' => array('in' => '=?utf-8?Q?   ?= =?utf-8?Q?a?=', 'out' => '   a'), 'quoted-printable (7)' => array('in' => '=?utf-8?Q?___?= =?utf-8?Q?a?=', 'out' => '   a'));
     foreach ($test as $idx => $item) {
         $res = rcube_mime::decode_mime_string($item['in'], 'UTF-8');
         $res = quoted_printable_encode($res);
         $this->assertEquals($item['out'], $res, "Header decoding for: " . $idx);
Пример #3
  * Recursive method to convert a Mail_mimeDecode part into a rcube_message_part object
  * @param object  A message part struct
  * @param int     Part count
  * @param string  Parent MIME ID
  * @return object rcube_message_part
 private static function structure_part($part, $count = 0, $parent = '')
     $struct = new rcube_message_part();
     $struct->mime_id = $part->mime_id ? $part->mime_id : (empty($parent) ? (string) $count : "{$parent}.{$count}");
     $struct->headers = $part->headers;
     $struct->ctype_primary = $part->ctype_primary;
     $struct->ctype_secondary = $part->ctype_secondary;
     $struct->mimetype = $part->ctype_primary . '/' . $part->ctype_secondary;
     $struct->ctype_parameters = $part->ctype_parameters;
     if ($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']) {
         $struct->encoding = $part->headers['content-transfer-encoding'];
     if ($part->ctype_parameters['charset']) {
         $struct->charset = $part->ctype_parameters['charset'];
     $part_charset = $struct->charset ? $struct->charset : self::get_charset();
     // determine filename
     if (($filename = $part->d_parameters['filename']) || ($filename = $part->ctype_parameters['name'])) {
         $struct->filename = rcube_mime::decode_mime_string($filename, $part_charset);
     // copy part body and convert it to UTF-8 if necessary
     $struct->body = $part->ctype_primary == 'text' || !$part->ctype_parameters['charset'] ? rcube_charset::convert($part->body, $part_charset) : $part->body;
     $struct->size = strlen($part->body);
     $struct->disposition = $part->disposition;
     foreach ((array) $part->parts as $child_part) {
         $struct->parts[] = self::structure_part($child_part, ++$count, $struct->mime_id);
     return $struct;
  * Given a header, this function will decode it according to RFC2047.
  * Probably not *exactly* conformant, but it does pass all the given
  * examples (in RFC2047).
  * @param string $input Input header value to decode
  * @return string Decoded header value
 protected function decodeHeader($input)
     return rcube_mime::decode_mime_string($input, $this->params['default_charset']);
Пример #5
 public static function decode_mime_string($input, $fallback = null)
     return rcube_mime::decode_mime_string($input, $fallback);
Пример #6
  * Helper method to packs all the given messages into a zip archive
  * @param array List of message UIDs to download
 private function _download_messages($uids)
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     $imap = $rcmail->storage;
     $temp_dir = $rcmail->config->get('temp_dir');
     $tmpfname = tempnam($temp_dir, 'zipdownload');
     $tempfiles = array($tmpfname);
     // open zip file
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $zip->open($tmpfname, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE);
     foreach ($uids as $uid) {
         $headers = $imap->get_message_headers($uid);
         $subject = rcube_mime::decode_mime_string((string) $headers->subject);
         $subject = $this->_convert_filename($subject);
         $subject = substr($subject, 0, 16);
         if (isset($subject) && $subject != "") {
             $disp_name = $subject . ".eml";
         } else {
             $disp_name = "message_rfc822.eml";
         $disp_name = $uid . "_" . $disp_name;
         $tmpfn = tempnam($temp_dir, 'zipmessage');
         $tmpfp = fopen($tmpfn, 'w');
         $imap->get_raw_body($uid, $tmpfp);
         $tempfiles[] = $tmpfn;
         $zip->addFile($tmpfn, $disp_name);
     $this->_deliver_zipfile($tmpfname, $imap->get_folder() . '.zip');
     // delete temporary files from disk
     foreach ($tempfiles as $tmpfn) {
Пример #7
  * Helper method to packs all the given messages into a zip archive
  * @param array List of message UIDs to download
 private function _download_messages($messageset)
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     $imap = $rcmail->get_storage();
     $mode = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_mode', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST);
     $temp_dir = $rcmail->config->get('temp_dir');
     $tmpfname = tempnam($temp_dir, 'zipdownload');
     $tempfiles = array($tmpfname);
     $folders = count($messageset) > 1;
     // @TODO: file size limit
     // open zip file
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $zip->open($tmpfname, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE);
     if ($mode == 'mbox') {
         $tmpfp = fopen($tmpfname . '.mbox', 'w');
     foreach ($messageset as $mbox => $uids) {
         $path = $folders ? str_replace($imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter(), '/', $mbox) . '/' : '';
         foreach ($uids as $uid) {
             $headers = $imap->get_message_headers($uid);
             if ($mode == 'mbox') {
                 $from = rcube_mime::decode_address_list($headers->from, null, true, $headers->charset, true);
                 $from = array_shift($from);
                 // Mbox format header
                 // @FIXME: \r\n or \n
                 // @FIXME: date format
                 $header = sprintf("From %s %s\r\n", $from ? preg_replace('/\\s/', '-', $from) : 'MAILER-DAEMON', $headers->internaldate);
                 fwrite($tmpfp, $header);
                 // Use stream filter to quote "From " in the message body
                 stream_filter_register('mbox_filter', 'zipdownload_mbox_filter');
                 $filter = stream_filter_append($tmpfp, 'mbox_filter');
                 $imap->get_raw_body($uid, $tmpfp);
                 fwrite($tmpfp, "\r\n");
             } else {
                 // maildir
                 $subject = rcube_mime::decode_mime_string((string) $headers->subject);
                 $subject = $this->_convert_filename($subject);
                 $subject = substr($subject, 0, 16);
                 $disp_name = ($subject ? $subject : 'message_rfc822') . ".eml";
                 $disp_name = $path . $uid . "_" . $disp_name;
                 $tmpfn = tempnam($temp_dir, 'zipmessage');
                 $tmpfp = fopen($tmpfn, 'w');
                 $imap->get_raw_body($uid, $tmpfp);
                 $tempfiles[] = $tmpfn;
                 $zip->addFile($tmpfn, $disp_name);
     $filename = $folders ? 'messages' : $imap->get_folder();
     if ($mode == 'mbox') {
         $tempfiles[] = $tmpfname . '.mbox';
         $zip->addFile($tmpfname . '.mbox', $filename . '.mbox');
     $this->_deliver_zipfile($tmpfname, $filename . '.zip');
     // delete temporary files from disk
     foreach ($tempfiles as $tmpfn) {
Пример #8
 private function archive($uids, $verbose = true)
     global $E_SESSION;
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     $path = getcwd();
     chdir(str_replace(array('/modules/CRM/Roundcube/RC', '\\modules\\CRM\\Roundcube\\RC'), '', $path));
     $msgs = array();
     if (!is_array($uids)) {
         $uids = $uids->get();
     foreach ($uids as $uid) {
         $msg = new rcube_message($uid);
         if ($msg === null || empty($msg->headers)) {
             if ($verbose) {
                 $rcmail->output->command('display_message', 'messageopenerror', 'error');
             return false;
         } else {
             $msgs[$uid] = $msg;
     $map = array();
     foreach ($msgs as $k => $msg) {
         $sends = $rcmail->storage->decode_address_list($msg->headers->to);
         $map[$k] = array();
         foreach ($sends as $send) {
             $addr = $send['mailto'];
             $ret = $this->look_contact($addr);
             $map[$k] = array_merge($map[$k], $ret);
         $addr = $rcmail->storage->decode_address_list($msg->headers->from);
         if ($addr) {
             $addr = array_shift($addr);
         if (!isset($addr['mailto']) || !$addr['mailto']) {
             $map[$k] = false;
         $ret = $this->look_contact($addr['mailto']);
         $map[$k] = array_merge($map[$k], $ret);
     if (!isset($_SESSION['force_archive'])) {
         $_SESSION['force_archive'] = array();
     foreach ($map as $k => $ret) {
         if (!$ret && !isset($_SESSION['force_archive'][$k]) && $verbose) {
             $_SESSION['force_archive'][$k] = 1;
             $rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('contactnotfound'), 'error');
             return false;
     $attachments_dir = DATA_DIR . '/CRM_Roundcube/attachments/';
     $epesi_mails = array();
     if (!file_exists($attachments_dir)) {
     foreach ($msgs as $k => $msg) {
         $contacts = $map[$k];
         $mime_map = array();
         foreach ($msg->mime_parts as $mid => $m) {
             $mime_map[$m->mime_id] = md5($k . microtime(true) . $mid);
         if ($msg->has_html_part()) {
             //            $body = $msg->first_html_part();
             foreach ($msg->mime_parts as $mime_id => $part) {
                 $mimetype = strtolower($part->ctype_primary . '/' . $part->ctype_secondary);
                 if ($mimetype == 'text/html') {
                     $body = $rcmail->storage->get_message_part($msg->uid, $mime_id, $part);
                     if (isset($part->replaces)) {
                         $cid_map = $part->replaces;
                     } else {
                         $cid_map = array();
             foreach ($cid_map as $k => &$v) {
                 if (preg_match('/_part=(.*?)&/', $v, $matches)) {
                     $mid = $matches[1];
                     if (isset($mime_map[$mid])) {
                         $v = 'get.php?' . http_build_query(array('mail_id' => '__MAIL_ID__', 'mime_id' => $mime_map[$mid]));
                 } else {
             $body = rcmail_wash_html($body, array('safe' => true, 'inline_html' => true), $cid_map);
         } else {
             $body = '<pre>' . $msg->first_text_part() . '</pre>';
         $date = rcube_imap_generic::strToTime($msg->get_header('DATE'));
         $headers = array();
         foreach ($msg->headers as $k => $v) {
             if (is_string($v) && $k != 'from' && $k != 'to' && $k != 'body_structure') {
                 $headers[] = $k . ': ' . rcube_mime::decode_mime_string((string) $v);
         $message_id = str_replace(array('<', '>'), '', $msg->get_header('MESSAGE-ID'));
         if (Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records_count('rc_mails', array('message_id' => $message_id)) > 0) {
             $rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('archived_duplicate'), 'warning');
             return false;
         $employee = DB::GetOne('SELECT id FROM contact_data_1 WHERE active=1 AND f_login=%d', array($E_SESSION['user']));
         $data = array('message_id' => $message_id, 'references' => $msg->get_header('REFERENCES'), 'contacts' => $contacts, 'date' => $date, 'subject' => substr($msg->subject, 0, 256), 'body' => $body, 'headers_data' => implode("\n", $headers), 'from' => $rcmail->storage->decode_header($msg->headers->from), 'to' => $rcmail->storage->decode_header($msg->headers->to), 'employee' => $employee);
         $id = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::new_record('rc_mails', $data);
         $epesi_mails[] = $id;
         foreach ($contacts as $c) {
             list($rs, $con_id) = explode(':', $c);
             if ($rs == 'P') {
                 Utils_WatchdogCommon::new_event('contact', $con_id, 'N_New mail');
             } else {
                 Utils_WatchdogCommon::new_event('company', $con_id, 'N_New mail');
         Utils_WatchdogCommon::new_event('contact', $employee, 'N_New mail');
         /*DB::Execute('INSERT INTO rc_mails_data_1(created_on,created_by,f_contacts,f_date,f_employee,f_subject,f_body,f_headers_data,f_direction) VALUES(%T,%d,%s,%T,%d,%s,%s,%s,%b)',array(
           $id = DB::Insert_ID('rc_mails_data_1','id');*/
         foreach ($msg->mime_parts as $mid => $m) {
             if (!$m->disposition) {
             if (isset($cid_map['cid:' . $m->content_id])) {
                 $attachment = 0;
             } else {
                 $attachment = 1;
             DB::Execute('INSERT INTO rc_mails_attachments(mail_id,type,name,mime_id,attachment) VALUES(%d,%s,%s,%s,%b)', array($id, $m->mimetype, $m->filename, $mime_map[$m->mime_id], $attachment));
             if (!file_exists($attachments_dir . $id)) {
                 mkdir($attachments_dir . $id);
             $fp = fopen($attachments_dir . $id . '/' . $mime_map[$m->mime_id], 'w');
             $msg->get_part_content($m->mime_id, $fp);
     $E_SESSION['rc_mails_cp'] = $epesi_mails;
     return true;
Пример #9
  * Set attachment filename from message part structure
  * @param rcube_message_part $part    Part object
  * @param string             $headers Part's raw headers
 protected function set_part_filename(&$part, $headers = null)
     if (!empty($part->d_parameters['filename'])) {
         $filename_mime = $part->d_parameters['filename'];
     } else {
         if (!empty($part->d_parameters['filename*'])) {
             $filename_encoded = $part->d_parameters['filename*'];
         } else {
             if (!empty($part->ctype_parameters['name*'])) {
                 $filename_encoded = $part->ctype_parameters['name*'];
             } else {
                 if (!empty($part->d_parameters['filename*0'])) {
                     $i = 0;
                     while (isset($part->d_parameters['filename*' . $i])) {
                         $filename_mime .= $part->d_parameters['filename*' . $i];
                     // some servers (eg. dovecot-1.x) have no support for parameter value continuations
                     // we must fetch and parse headers "manually"
                     if ($i < 2) {
                         if (!$headers) {
                             $headers = $this->conn->fetchPartHeader($this->folder, $this->msg_uid, true, $part->mime_id);
                         $filename_mime = '';
                         $i = 0;
                         while (preg_match('/filename\\*' . $i . '\\s*=\\s*"*([^"\\n;]+)[";]*/', $headers, $matches)) {
                             $filename_mime .= $matches[1];
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($part->d_parameters['filename*0*'])) {
                         $i = 0;
                         while (isset($part->d_parameters['filename*' . $i . '*'])) {
                             $filename_encoded .= $part->d_parameters['filename*' . $i . '*'];
                         if ($i < 2) {
                             if (!$headers) {
                                 $headers = $this->conn->fetchPartHeader($this->folder, $this->msg_uid, true, $part->mime_id);
                             $filename_encoded = '';
                             $i = 0;
                             $matches = array();
                             while (preg_match('/filename\\*' . $i . '\\*\\s*=\\s*"*([^"\\n;]+)[";]*/', $headers, $matches)) {
                                 $filename_encoded .= $matches[1];
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($part->ctype_parameters['name*0'])) {
                             $i = 0;
                             while (isset($part->ctype_parameters['name*' . $i])) {
                                 $filename_mime .= $part->ctype_parameters['name*' . $i];
                             if ($i < 2) {
                                 if (!$headers) {
                                     $headers = $this->conn->fetchPartHeader($this->folder, $this->msg_uid, true, $part->mime_id);
                                 $filename_mime = '';
                                 $i = 0;
                                 $matches = array();
                                 while (preg_match('/\\s+name\\*' . $i . '\\s*=\\s*"*([^"\\n;]+)[";]*/', $headers, $matches)) {
                                     $filename_mime .= $matches[1];
                         } else {
                             if (!empty($part->ctype_parameters['name*0*'])) {
                                 $i = 0;
                                 while (isset($part->ctype_parameters['name*' . $i . '*'])) {
                                     $filename_encoded .= $part->ctype_parameters['name*' . $i . '*'];
                                 if ($i < 2) {
                                     if (!$headers) {
                                         $headers = $this->conn->fetchPartHeader($this->folder, $this->msg_uid, true, $part->mime_id);
                                     $filename_encoded = '';
                                     $i = 0;
                                     $matches = array();
                                     while (preg_match('/\\s+name\\*' . $i . '\\*\\s*=\\s*"*([^"\\n;]+)[";]*/', $headers, $matches)) {
                                         $filename_encoded .= $matches[1];
                             } else {
                                 if (!empty($part->ctype_parameters['name'])) {
                                     $filename_mime = $part->ctype_parameters['name'];
                                 } else {
                                     if (!empty($part->headers['content-description'])) {
                                         $filename_mime = $part->headers['content-description'];
                                     } else {
     // decode filename
     if (!empty($filename_mime)) {
         if (!empty($part->charset)) {
             $charset = $part->charset;
         } else {
             if (!empty($this->struct_charset)) {
                 $charset = $this->struct_charset;
             } else {
                 $charset = rcube_charset::detect($filename_mime, $this->default_charset);
         $part->filename = rcube_mime::decode_mime_string($filename_mime, $charset);
     } else {
         if (!empty($filename_encoded)) {
             // decode filename according to RFC 2231, Section 4
             if (preg_match("/^([^']*)'[^']*'(.*)\$/", $filename_encoded, $fmatches)) {
                 $filename_charset = $fmatches[1];
                 $filename_encoded = $fmatches[2];
             $part->filename = rcube_charset::convert(urldecode($filename_encoded), $filename_charset);
Пример #10
  * Helper method to packs all the given messages into a zip archive
  * @param array List of message UIDs to download
 private function _download_messages($messageset)
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     $imap = $rcmail->get_storage();
     $mode = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_mode', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST);
     $temp_dir = $rcmail->config->get('temp_dir');
     $tmpfname = tempnam($temp_dir, 'zipdownload');
     $tempfiles = array($tmpfname);
     $folders = count($messageset) > 1;
     // @TODO: file size limit
     // open zip file
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $zip->open($tmpfname, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE);
     if ($mode == 'mbox') {
         $tmpfp = fopen($tmpfname . '.mbox', 'w');
     $start = time();
     if (!is_array($_SESSION['zipdownload_uids'])) {
         $_SESSION['zipdownload_uids'] = array();
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($messageset as $mbox => $uids) {
         $path = $folders ? str_replace($imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter(), '/', $mbox) . '/' : '';
         if ($uids === '*') {
             $index = $imap->index($mbox, null, null, true);
             $uids = $index->get();
         foreach ($uids as $uid) {
             if (isset($_SESSION['zipdownload_uids'][$mbox . '|' . $uid])) {
             $headers = $imap->get_message_headers($uid);
             if ($mode == 'mbox') {
                 $from = rcube_mime::decode_address_list($headers->from, null, true, $headers->charset, true);
                 $from = array_shift($from);
                 // Mbox format header
                 // @FIXME: \r\n or \n
                 // @FIXME: date format
                 $header = sprintf("From %s %s\r\n", $from ? preg_replace('/\\s/', '-', $from) : 'MAILER-DAEMON', $headers->internaldate);
                 fwrite($tmpfp, $header);
                 // Use stream filter to quote "From " in the message body
                 stream_filter_register('mbox_filter', '_zipdownload_mbox_filter');
                 $filter = stream_filter_append($tmpfp, 'mbox_filter');
                 $imap->get_raw_body($uid, $tmpfp);
                 fwrite($tmpfp, "\r\n");
             } else {
                 // maildir
                 $subject = rcube_mime::decode_mime_string((string) $headers->subject);
                 $subject = $this->_convert_filename($subject);
                 $subject = substr($subject, 0, 16);
                 $disp_name = ($subject ? $subject : 'message_rfc822') . ".eml";
                 $disp_name = $path . $uid . "_" . $disp_name;
                 $tmpfn = tempnam($temp_dir, 'zipmessage');
                 $tmpfp = fopen($tmpfn, 'w');
                 $imap->get_raw_body($uid, $tmpfp);
                 $tempfiles[] = $tmpfn;
                 $zip->addFile($tmpfn, $disp_name);
             $_SESSION['zipdownload_uids'][$mbox . '|' . $uid] = 1;
             if ($to = $rcmail->config->get('zipdownload_resume', 25)) {
                 if (time() > $start + $to) {
                     if (isset($_SESSION['zipdownload_count'])) {
                     } else {
                         $_SESSION['zipdownload'] = 0;
     $filename = $folders ? 'messages' : $imap->get_folder();
     if ($mode == 'mbox') {
         $tempfiles[] = $tmpfname . '.mbox';
         $zip->addFile($tmpfname . '.mbox', $filename . '.mbox');
     if ($count > 0) {
         $this->_deliver_zipfile($tmpfname, $filename . ($_SESSION['zipdownload_count'] > 0 ? '(' . $_SESSION['zipdownload_count'] . ')' : '') . '.zip');
         // delete temporary files from disk
         foreach ($tempfiles as $tmpfn) {
     } else {
         echo html::tag('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript'), 'parent.rcmail.http_post("plugin.zipdownload.abort", "_mbox' . $mbox . '");' . "\r\n" . 'parent.rcmail.set_busy(false, "loading", parent.lock);');