Пример #1
 public static function partially_installed_tests()
     $cleaned_tests = array();
     $repo = '*';
     $install_root_path = pts_client::test_install_root_path();
     $install_root_path_length = strlen($install_root_path);
     foreach (pts_file_io::glob($install_root_path . $repo . '/*') as $identifier_path) {
         array_push($cleaned_tests, substr($identifier_path, $install_root_path_length));
     return $cleaned_tests;
 public static function standard_install($items_to_install, $force_install = false, $no_prompts = false, $skip_tests_with_missing_dependencies = false)
     // Refresh the pts_client::$display in case we need to run in debug mode
     if (pts_client::$display == false || !pts_client::$display instanceof pts_websocket_display_mode) {
     // Create a lock
     $lock_path = pts_client::temporary_directory() . '/phoronix-test-suite.active';
     // Get the test profiles
     $unknown_tests = array();
     $test_profiles = pts_types::identifiers_to_test_profile_objects($items_to_install, true, true, $unknown_tests);
     // Any external dependencies?
     pts_external_dependencies::install_dependencies($test_profiles, $no_prompts, $skip_tests_with_missing_dependencies);
     // Install tests
     if (!is_writable(pts_client::test_install_root_path())) {
         trigger_error('The test installation directory is not writable.' . PHP_EOL . 'Location: ' . pts_client::test_install_root_path(), E_USER_ERROR);
         return false;
     pts_test_installer::start_install($test_profiles, $unknown_tests, $force_install, $no_prompts);
     return $test_profiles;
 public static function file_lookaside_test_installations(&$test_file_download)
     // Check to see if the same package name with the same package check-sum is already present in another test installation
     $package_match = false;
     foreach (pts_file_io::glob(pts_client::test_install_root_path() . '*/*/' . $test_file_download->get_filename()) as $possible_package_match) {
         // Check to see if the same package name with the same package check-sum is already present in another test installation
         if ($test_file_download->check_file_hash($possible_package_match)) {
             $package_match = $possible_package_match;
     return $package_match;
 public function get_install_dir()
     return pts_client::test_install_root_path() . $this->identifier . '/';
 public function initial_checks(&$to_run, $override_display_mode = false)
     // Refresh the pts_client::$display in case we need to run in debug mode
     if (pts_client::$display == false || !pts_client::$display instanceof pts_websocket_display_mode) {
     $to_run = pts_types::identifiers_to_objects($to_run);
     if ($this->batch_mode && $this->batch_mode['Configured'] == false && !$this->auto_mode) {
         trigger_error('The batch mode must first be configured.' . PHP_EOL . 'To configure, run phoronix-test-suite batch-setup', E_USER_ERROR);
         return false;
     if (!is_writable(pts_client::test_install_root_path())) {
         trigger_error('The test installation directory is not writable.' . PHP_EOL . 'Location: ' . pts_client::test_install_root_path(), E_USER_ERROR);
         return false;
     // Cleanup tests to run
     if (pts_test_run_manager::cleanup_tests_to_run($to_run) == false) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if (count($to_run) == 0) {
             trigger_error('You must enter at least one test, suite, or result identifier to run.', E_USER_ERROR);
             return false;
     return true;
 public static function sw_filesystem()
     // Determine file-system type
     $fs = null;
     if (phodevi::is_macosx()) {
         $fs = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSerialATADataType', 'FileSystem');
         if ($fs == null && pts_client::executable_in_path('mount')) {
             $mount = shell_exec('mount 2>&1');
             if (stripos($mount, ' on / (hfs, local, journaled)') !== false) {
                 $fs = 'Journaled HFS+';
             } else {
                 if (stripos($mount, ' on / (hfs') !== false) {
                     $fs = 'HFS+';
     } else {
         if (phodevi::is_bsd()) {
             if (pts_client::executable_in_path('mount')) {
                 $mount = shell_exec('mount 2>&1');
                 if (($start = strpos($mount, 'on / (')) != false) {
                     // FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD mount formatting
                     -bash-4.0$ mount
                     ROOT on / (hammer, local)
                     /dev/da0s1a on /boot (ufs, local)
                     /pfs/@@-1:00001 on /var (null, local)
                     /pfs/@@-1:00002 on /tmp (null, local)
                     /pfs/@@-1:00003 on /usr (null, local)
                     /pfs/@@-1:00004 on /home (null, local)
                     /pfs/@@-1:00005 on /usr/obj (null, local)
                     /pfs/@@-1:00006 on /var/crash (null, local)
                     /pfs/@@-1:00007 on /var/tmp (null, local)
                     procfs on /proc (procfs, local)
                     // TODO: improve this in case there are other partitions, etc
                     $fs = substr($mount, $start + 6);
                     $fs = substr($fs, 0, strpos($fs, ','));
                 } else {
                     if (($start = strpos($mount, 'on / type')) != false) {
                         // OpenBSD 5.0 formatting is slightly different from above FreeBSD example
                         // TODO: improve this in case there are other partitions, etc
                         $fs = substr($mount, $start + 10);
                         $fs = substr($fs, 0, strpos($fs, ' '));
         } else {
             if (phodevi::is_hurd()) {
                 // Very rudimentary Hurd filesystem detection support but works for at least a clean Debian GNU/Hurd EXT2 install
                 if (pts_client::executable_in_path('mount')) {
                     $mount = shell_exec('mount 2>&1');
                     if (($start = strpos($mount, 'on / type')) != false) {
                         $fs = substr($mount, $start + 10);
                         $fs = substr($fs, 0, strpos($fs, ' '));
                         if (substr($fs, -2) == 'fs') {
                             $fs = substr($fs, 0, -2);
             } else {
                 if (phodevi::is_linux() || phodevi::is_solaris()) {
                     $fs = trim(shell_exec('stat ' . pts_client::test_install_root_path() . ' -L -f -c %T 2> /dev/null'));
                     switch ($fs) {
                         case 'ext2/ext3':
                             if (isset(phodevi::$vfs->mounts)) {
                                 $fstab = phodevi::$vfs->mounts;
                                 $fstab = str_replace('/boot ', 'IGNORE', $fstab);
                                 $using_ext2 = strpos($fstab, ' ext2') !== false;
                                 $using_ext3 = strpos($fstab, ' ext3') !== false;
                                 $using_ext4 = strpos($fstab, ' ext4') !== false;
                                 if (!$using_ext2 && !$using_ext3 && $using_ext4) {
                                     $fs = 'ext4';
                                 } else {
                                     if (!$using_ext2 && !$using_ext4 && $using_ext3) {
                                         $fs = 'ext3';
                                     } else {
                                         if (!$using_ext3 && !$using_ext4 && $using_ext2) {
                                             $fs = 'ext2';
                                         } else {
                                             if (is_dir('/proc/fs/ext4/')) {
                                                 $fs = 'ext4';
                                             } else {
                                                 if (is_dir('/proc/fs/ext3/')) {
                                                     $fs = 'ext3';
                         case 'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+':
                             $fs = 'HFS+';
                         case 'MS-DOS FAT32':
                             $fs = 'FAT32';
                         case 'UFSD_NTFS_COMPR':
                             $fs = 'NTFS';
                         case 'ecryptfs':
                             if (isset(phodevi::$vfs->mounts)) {
                                 // An easy attempt to determine what file-system is underneath ecryptfs if being compared
                                 // For now just attempt to figure out the root file-system.
                                 if (($s = strrpos(phodevi::$vfs->mounts, ' / ')) !== false) {
                                     $s = substr(phodevi::$vfs->mounts, $s + 3);
                                     $s = substr($s, 0, strpos($s, ' '));
                                     if ($s != null && !isset($s[18]) && $s != 'rootfs' && pts_strings::string_only_contains($s, pts_strings::CHAR_LETTER | pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC)) {
                                         $fs = $s . ' (ecryptfs)';
                             if (substr($fs, 0, 9) == 'UNKNOWN (') {
                                 $magic_block = substr($fs, 9, -1);
                                 $known_magic_blocks = array('0x9123683e' => 'Btrfs', '0x2fc12fc1' => 'zfs', '0x482b' => 'HFS+', '0x65735546' => 'FUSE', '0x565a4653' => 'ReiserFS', '0x52345362' => 'Reiser4', '0x3434' => 'NILFS2', '0x5346414f' => 'OpenAFS', '0x47504653' => 'GPFS', '0x5941ff53' => 'YAFFS', '0xff534d42' => 'CIFS', '0x24051905' => 'UBIFS', '0x1021994' => 'TMPFS', '0x73717368' => 'SquashFS', '0xc97e8168' => 'LogFS', '0x5346544E' => 'NTFS', '0xf15f' => 'eCryptfs', '0x61756673' => 'AuFS', '0xbd00bd0' => 'Lustre', '0xaad7aaea' => 'PanFS', '0xf2f52010' => 'F2FS', '0xc36400' => 'CephFS');
                                 foreach ($known_magic_blocks as $hex => $name) {
                                     if ($magic_block == $hex) {
                                         $fs = $name;
                     if (strpos($fs, 'UNKNOWN') !== false && isset(phodevi::$vfs->mounts)) {
                         $mounts = phodevi::$vfs->mounts;
                         $fs_r = array();
                         $fs_checks = array('squashfs' => 'SquashFS', 'aufs' => 'AuFS', 'unionfs' => 'UnionFS');
                         foreach ($fs_checks as $fs_module => $fs_name) {
                             if (strpos($mounts, $fs_module) != false) {
                                 array_push($fs_r, $fs_name);
                         if (count($fs_r) > 0) {
                             $fs = implode(' + ', $fs_r);
                 } else {
                     if (phodevi::is_windows()) {
                         return null;
     if (empty($fs)) {
         $fs = 'Unknown';
     return $fs;
 public static function evaluate_string_to_qualifier($supplied, $bind_version = true, $check_only_type = false)
     $qualified = false;
     $c_repo = null;
     $repos = self::linked_repositories();
     if (($c = strpos($supplied, '/')) !== false) {
         // A repository was explicitly defined
         $c_repo = substr($supplied, 0, $c);
         $test = substr($supplied, $c + 1);
         // If it's in the linked repo list it should have refreshed when starting client
         if (!in_array($c_repo, $repos)) {
             // Pull in this repository's index
         $repos = array($c_repo);
     } else {
         // If it's in the linked repo list it should have refreshed when starting client
         $test = $supplied;
     if (($c = strrpos($test, '-')) !== false) {
         $version = substr($test, $c + 1);
         // TODO: functionalize this and read against types.xsd
         if (isset($version[2]) && !isset($version[8]) && pts_strings::string_only_contains($version, pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_DECIMAL)) {
             $test = substr($test, 0, $c);
         } else {
             $version = null;
     } else {
         $version = null;
     if ($test == null) {
         return false;
     foreach ($repos as $repo) {
         if ($repo == 'local') {
             if (self::check_only_type_compare($check_only_type, 'test')) {
                 if (is_file(PTS_TEST_PROFILE_PATH . $repo . '/' . $test . '/test-definition.xml')) {
                     return $repo . '/' . $test;
                     // ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null)
                 } else {
                     if (is_file(PTS_TEST_PROFILE_PATH . $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version . '/test-definition.xml')) {
                         return $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version;
                         // ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null)
             if (self::check_only_type_compare($check_only_type, 'suite')) {
                 if (is_file(PTS_TEST_SUITE_PATH . $repo . '/' . $test . '/suite-definition.xml')) {
                     return $repo . '/' . $test;
                     // ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null)
                 } else {
                     if (is_file(PTS_TEST_SUITE_PATH . $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version . '/suite-definition.xml')) {
                         return $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version;
                         // ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null)
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
         if (is_array($repo_index) && isset($repo_index['tests'][$test]) && self::check_only_type_compare($check_only_type, 'test')) {
             // The test profile at least exists
             // Looking for a particular test profile version?
             if ($version != null) {
                 if (!in_array($version, $repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'])) {
                     // Grep to see if the version passed was e.g. 1.3 instead of 1.3.3
                     $versions = $repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'];
                     foreach (array_reverse($versions) as $check_version) {
                         if (strstr($check_version, $version) != false) {
                             $version = $check_version;
                 if (in_array($version, $repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'])) {
                     pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_profile($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
                     return $repo . '/' . $test . ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null);
             } else {
                 // Assume to use the latest version unless something else is installed
                 $available_versions = $repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'];
                 $version = $available_versions[0];
                 // the latest version available
                 if (pts_c::$test_flags & pts_c::is_run_process) {
                     // Check to see if an older version of the test profile is currently installed
                     foreach ($available_versions as $i => $v) {
                         if (is_file(pts_client::test_install_root_path() . $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $v . '/pts-install.xml')) {
                             $version = $v;
                             if ($i > 0 && pts_c::$test_flags ^ pts_c::batch_mode) {
                                 // It's not the latest test profile version available
                                 trigger_error($repo . '/' . $test . ': The latest test profile version available for upgrade is ' . $available_versions[0] . ' but version ' . $version . ' is the latest currently installed.', E_USER_WARNING);
                 pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_profile($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
                 return $repo . '/' . $test . ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null);
         if (is_array($repo_index) && isset($repo_index['suites'][$test]) && self::check_only_type_compare($check_only_type, 'suite')) {
             // The test profile at least exists
             // Looking for a particular test profile version?
             if ($version != null) {
                 if (!in_array($version, $repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions'])) {
                     // Grep to see if the version passed was e.g. 1.3 instead of 1.3.3
                     $versions = $repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions'];
                     foreach (array_reverse($versions) as $check_version) {
                         if (strstr($check_version, $version) != false) {
                             $version = $check_version;
                 if (in_array($version, $repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions'])) {
                     pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_suite($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
                     return $repo . '/' . $test . ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null);
             } else {
                 // Assume to use the latest version
                 $version = array_shift($repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions']);
                 pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_suite($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
                 return $repo . '/' . $test . ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null);
     return false;
 public static function hdd_string()
     $disks = array();
     if (phodevi::is_macosx()) {
         // TODO: Support reading non-SATA drives and more than one drive
         $capacity = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSerialATADataType', 'Capacity');
         $model = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSerialATADataType', 'Model');
         if (($cut = strpos($capacity, ' (')) !== false) {
             $capacity = substr($capacity, 0, $cut);
         if (($cut = strpos($capacity, ' ')) !== false) {
             if (is_numeric(substr($capacity, 0, $cut))) {
                 $capacity = floor(substr($capacity, 0, $cut)) . substr($capacity, $cut);
         $capacity = str_replace(' GB', 'GB', $capacity);
         if (!empty($capacity) && !empty($model)) {
             $disks = array($capacity . ' ' . $model);
     } else {
         if (phodevi::is_bsd()) {
             $i = 0;
             do {
                 $disk = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.ad.' . $i . '.%desc');
                 if ($disk != false && strpos($disk, 'DVD') === false && strpos($disk, 'ATAPI') === false) {
                     array_push($disks, $disk);
             } while (($disk != false || $i < 9) && $i < 128);
             // On some systems, the first drive seems to be at dev.ad.8 rather than starting at dev.ad.0
             if (empty($disks) && pts_client::executable_in_path('camcontrol')) {
                 $camcontrol = trim(shell_exec('camcontrol devlist 2>&1'));
                 foreach (explode(PHP_EOL, $camcontrol) as $line) {
                     if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '<' && ($model_end = strpos($line, '>')) !== false && strpos($line, 'DVD') === false && strpos($line, 'ATAPI') === false) {
                         $disk = self::prepend_disk_vendor(substr($line, 1, $model_end - 1));
                         array_push($disks, $disk);
         } else {
             if (phodevi::is_solaris()) {
                 if (is_executable('/usr/ddu/bin/i386/hd_detect')) {
                     $hd_detect = explode(PHP_EOL, trim(shell_exec('/usr/ddu/bin/i386/hd_detect -l 2>&1')));
                     foreach ($hd_detect as $hd_line) {
                         if (isset($hd_line) && ($hd_pos = strpos($hd_line, ':/')) != false) {
                             $disk = trim(substr($hd_line, 0, $hd_pos));
                             $disk = self::prepend_disk_vendor($disk);
                             if ($disk != 'blkdev') {
                                 array_push($disks, $disk);
             } else {
                 if (phodevi::is_linux()) {
                     $disks_formatted = array();
                     $disks = array();
                     foreach (array_merge(pts_file_io::glob('/sys/block/sd*'), pts_file_io::glob('/sys/block/mmcblk*')) as $sdx) {
                         if (strpos($sdx, 'boot') !== false) {
                             // Don't include devices like /sys/block/mmcblk0boot[0,1] as it's repeat of /sys/block/mmcblk0
                         if ((is_file($sdx . '/device/name') || is_file($sdx . '/device/model')) && is_file($sdx . '/size')) {
                             $disk_size = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sdx . '/size');
                             $disk_model = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sdx . (is_file($sdx . '/device/model') ? '/device/model' : '/device/name'));
                             $disk_removable = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sdx . '/removable');
                             if ($disk_removable == '1') {
                                 // Don't count removable disks
                             $disk_size = round($disk_size * 512 / 1000000000) . 'GB';
                             $disk_model = self::prepend_disk_vendor($disk_model);
                             if (strpos($disk_model, $disk_size . ' ') === false && strpos($disk_model, ' ' . $disk_size) === false && $disk_size != '1GB') {
                                 $disk_model = $disk_size . ' ' . $disk_model;
                             if ($disk_size > 0) {
                                 array_push($disks_formatted, $disk_model);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($disks_formatted); $i++) {
                         if (!empty($disks_formatted[$i])) {
                             $times_found = 1;
                             for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($disks_formatted); $j++) {
                                 if ($disks_formatted[$i] == $disks_formatted[$j]) {
                                     $disks_formatted[$j] = '';
                             $disk = ($times_found > 1 ? $times_found . ' x ' : null) . $disks_formatted[$i];
                             array_push($disks, $disk);
     if (count($disks) == 0) {
         $root_disk_size = ceil(disk_total_space('/') / 1073741824);
         $pts_disk_size = ceil(disk_total_space(pts_client::test_install_root_path()) / 1073741824);
         if ($pts_disk_size > $root_disk_size) {
             $root_disk_size = $pts_disk_size;
         if ($root_disk_size > 1) {
             $disks = $root_disk_size . 'GB';
         } else {
             $disks = null;
     } else {
         $disks = implode(' + ', $disks);
     return $disks;