public static function create_compiler_mask(&$test_install_request) { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { // XXX: Using the compiler-mask causes a number of tests to fail to properly install due to compiler issues with at least PC-BSD 10.0 return false; } // or pass false to $test_install_request to bypass the test checks $compilers = array(); $external_dependencies = $test_install_request != false ? $test_install_request->test_profile->get_external_dependencies() : false; if ($test_install_request === false || in_array('build-utilities', $external_dependencies)) { // Handle C/C++ compilers for this external dependency $compilers['CC'] = array(pts_strings::first_in_string(pts_client::read_env('CC'), ' '), 'gcc', 'clang', 'icc', 'pcc'); $compilers['CXX'] = array(pts_strings::first_in_string(pts_client::read_env('CXX'), ' '), 'g++', 'clang++', 'cpp'); } if ($test_install_request === false || in_array('fortran-compiler', $external_dependencies)) { // Handle Fortran for this external dependency $compilers['F9X'] = array(pts_strings::first_in_string(pts_client::read_env('F9X'), ' '), pts_strings::first_in_string(pts_client::read_env('F95'), ' '), 'gfortran', 'f90', 'f95', 'fortran'); } if (empty($compilers)) { // If the test profile doesn't request a compiler external dependency, probably not compiling anything return false; } foreach ($compilers as $compiler_type => $possible_compilers) { // Compilers to check for, listed in order of priority $compiler_found = false; foreach ($possible_compilers as $i => $possible_compiler) { // first check to ensure not null sent to executable_in_path from env variable if ($possible_compiler && (($compiler_path = is_executable($possible_compiler)) || ($compiler_path = pts_client::executable_in_path($possible_compiler, 'ccache')))) { // Replace the array of possible compilers with a string to the detected compiler executable $compilers[$compiler_type] = $compiler_path; $compiler_found = true; break; } } if ($compiler_found == false) { unset($compilers[$compiler_type]); } } if (!empty($compilers)) { // Create a temporary directory that will be at front of PATH and serve for masking the actual compiler if ($test_install_request instanceof pts_test_install_request) { $mask_dir = pts_client::temporary_directory() . '/pts-compiler-mask-' . $test_install_request->test_profile->get_identifier_base_name() . $test_install_request->test_profile->get_test_profile_version() . '/'; } else { $mask_dir = pts_client::temporary_directory() . '/pts-compiler-mask-' . rand(100, 999) . '/'; } pts_file_io::mkdir($mask_dir); $compiler_extras = array('CC' => array('safeguard-names' => array('gcc', 'cc'), 'environment-variables' => 'CFLAGS'), 'CXX' => array('safeguard-names' => array('g++', 'c++'), 'environment-variables' => 'CXXFLAGS'), 'F9X' => array('safeguard-names' => array('gfortran', 'f95'), 'environment-variables' => 'F9XFLAGS')); foreach ($compilers as $compiler_type => $compiler_path) { $compiler_name = basename($compiler_path); $main_compiler = $mask_dir . $compiler_name; // take advantage of environment-variables to be sure they're found in the string $env_var_check = PHP_EOL; /* foreach(pts_arrays::to_array($compiler_extras[$compiler_type]['environment-variables']) as $env_var) { // since it's a dynamic check in script could probably get rid of this check... if(true || getenv($env_var)) { $env_var_check .= 'if [[ $COMPILER_OPTIONS != "*$' . $env_var . '*" ]]' . PHP_EOL . 'then ' . PHP_EOL . 'COMPILER_OPTIONS="$COMPILER_OPTIONS $' . $env_var . '"' . PHP_EOL . 'fi' . PHP_EOL; } } */ // Write the main mask for the compiler file_put_contents($main_compiler, '#!/bin/bash' . PHP_EOL . 'COMPILER_OPTIONS="$@"' . PHP_EOL . $env_var_check . PHP_EOL . 'echo $COMPILER_OPTIONS >> ' . $mask_dir . $compiler_type . '-options-' . $compiler_name . PHP_EOL . $compiler_path . ' "$@"' . PHP_EOL); // Make executable chmod($main_compiler, 0755); // The two below code chunks ensure the proper compiler is always hit if ($test_install_request instanceof pts_test_install_request && !in_array($compiler_name, pts_arrays::to_array($compiler_extras[$compiler_type]['safeguard-names'])) && getenv($compiler_type) == false) { // So if e.g. clang becomes the default compiler, since it's not GCC, it will ensure CC is also set to clang beyond the masking below $test_install_request->special_environment_vars[$compiler_type] = $compiler_name; } // Just in case any test profile script is statically always calling 'gcc' or anything not CC, try to make sure it hits one of the safeguard-names so it redirects to the intended compiler under test foreach (pts_arrays::to_array($compiler_extras[$compiler_type]['safeguard-names']) as $safe_name) { if (!is_file($mask_dir . $safe_name)) { symlink($main_compiler, $mask_dir . $safe_name); } } } if ($test_install_request instanceof pts_test_install_request) { $test_install_request->compiler_mask_dir = $mask_dir; // Appending the rest of the path will be done automatically within call_test_script $test_install_request->special_environment_vars['PATH'] = $mask_dir; } return $mask_dir; } return false; }
public static function create_temporary_directory($prefix = null) { $tmpdir = pts_client::temporary_directory(); do { $randname = '/pts-' . $prefix . rand(0, 9999); } while (is_dir($tmpdir . $randname)); mkdir($tmpdir . $randname); return $tmpdir . $randname . '/'; }
public function call_test_runs() { // Create a lock $lock_path = pts_client::temporary_directory() . '/'; pts_client::create_lock($lock_path); if ($this->pre_run_message != null) { pts_client::$display->display_interrupt_message($this->pre_run_message); } // Hook into the module framework self::$test_run_process_active = true; pts_module_manager::module_process('__pre_run_process', $this); pts_file_io::unlink(PTS_USER_PATH . 'halt-testing'); pts_file_io::unlink(PTS_USER_PATH . 'skip-test'); $continue_test_flag = true; $tests_to_run_count = $this->get_test_count(); pts_client::$display->test_run_process_start($this); $total_loop_count = ($t = pts_client::read_env('TOTAL_LOOP_COUNT')) && is_numeric($t) && $t > 0 ? $t : 1; $total_loop_time = ($t = pts_client::read_env('TOTAL_LOOP_TIME')) && is_numeric($t) && $t > 9 ? $t * 60 : -1; $loop_end_time = $total_loop_time != -1 ? time() + $total_loop_time : false; $this->test_run_count = $tests_to_run_count * $total_loop_count; for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $total_loop_count && $continue_test_flag; $loop++) { for ($i = 0; $i < $tests_to_run_count && $continue_test_flag; $i++) { $this->test_run_pos = $i; $continue_test_flag = $this->process_test_run_request($i); if (pts_config::read_bool_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Testing/RemoveTestInstallOnCompletion', 'FALSE')) { // Remove the installed test if it's no longer needed in this run queue $this_test_profile_identifier = $this->get_test_to_run($this->test_run_pos)->test_profile->get_identifier(); $still_in_queue = false; for ($j = $this->test_run_pos + 1; $j < $tests_to_run_count && $still_in_queue == false; $j++) { if ($this->get_test_to_run($j)->test_profile->get_identifier() == $this_test_profile_identifier) { $still_in_queue = true; } } if ($still_in_queue == false) { pts_client::remove_installed_test($this->get_test_to_run($this->test_run_pos)->test_profile); } } if ($loop_end_time) { if (time() > $loop_end_time) { $continue_test_flag = false; } else { if ($this->test_run_count == $i + 1) { // There's still time remaining so increase the run count.... $this->test_run_count += $tests_to_run_count; } } } } } pts_file_io::unlink(PTS_SAVE_RESULTS_PATH . $this->get_file_name() . '/active.xml'); foreach ($this->tests_to_run as &$run_request) { // Remove cache shares foreach (pts_file_io::glob($run_request->test_profile->get_install_dir() . 'cache-share-*.pt2so') as $cache_share_file) { unlink($cache_share_file); } } if ($this->post_run_message != null) { pts_client::$display->display_interrupt_message($this->post_run_message); } self::$test_run_process_active = -1; pts_module_manager::module_process('__post_run_process', $this); pts_client::release_lock($lock_path); // Report any tests that failed to properly run if (pts_client::is_debug_mode() || $this->get_test_count() > 3) { if (count($this->failed_tests_to_run) > 0) { echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'The following tests failed to properly run:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->failed_tests_to_run as &$run_request) { echo "\t- " . $run_request->test_profile->get_identifier() . ($run_request->get_arguments_description() != null ? ': ' . $run_request->get_arguments_description() : null) . PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL; } } }
public function custom_test_support_check() { /* As of Phoronix Test Suite 4.4, the software will check for the presence of a 'support-check' file. Any test profile can optionally include a file to check for arbitrary commands not covered by the rest of the PTS testing architecture, e.g. to check for the presence of systemd on the target system. If the script finds that the system is incompatible with the test, it can write a custom error message to the file specified by the $TEST_CUSTOM_ERROR environment variable. If the $TEST_CUSTOM_ERROR target is written to, the PTS client will abort the test installation with the specified error message. */ $support_check_file = $this->get_resource_dir() . ''; if (PTS_IS_CLIENT && is_file($support_check_file)) { $environment['TEST_CUSTOM_ERROR'] = pts_client::temporary_directory() . '/PTS-' . $this->get_identifier_base_name() . '-' . rand(1000, 9999); $support_check = pts_tests::call_test_script($this, 'support-check', null, null, $environment, false); if (is_file($environment['TEST_CUSTOM_ERROR'])) { $support_result = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($environment['TEST_CUSTOM_ERROR']); pts_file_io::delete($environment['TEST_CUSTOM_ERROR']); return $support_result; } } return true; }
public static function run($r) { $render_dir = pts_client::temporary_directory() . '/pts-render-test-310815/'; if (!is_file($render_dir . 'mega-render-test.tar.bz2')) { pts_file_io::mkdir($render_dir); pts_network::download_file('', $render_dir . 'mega-render-test.tar.bz2'); pts_compression::archive_extract($render_dir . 'mega-render-test.tar.bz2'); } define('PATH_TO_EXPORTED_PHOROMATIC_DATA', $render_dir . 'mega-render-test-310815/'); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M'); $export_index_json = file_get_contents(PATH_TO_EXPORTED_PHOROMATIC_DATA . 'export-index.json'); $export_index_json = json_decode($export_index_json, true); $dump_size = 0; $start = microtime(true); foreach (array_keys($export_index_json['phoromatic']) as $REQUESTED) { $this_render_test = time(); $tracker =& $export_index_json['phoromatic'][$REQUESTED]; $triggers = $tracker['triggers']; echo PHP_EOL . 'STARTING RENDER TEST ON: ' . $REQUESTED . ' (' . count($triggers) . ' Triggers)' . PHP_EOL; $length = count($tracker['triggers']); $result_files = array(); foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $results_for_trigger = glob(PATH_TO_EXPORTED_PHOROMATIC_DATA . '/' . $REQUESTED . '/' . $trigger . '/*/composite.xml'); echo '.'; if ($results_for_trigger == false) { continue; } foreach ($results_for_trigger as $composite_xml) { // Add to result file $system_name = basename(dirname($composite_xml)) . ': ' . $trigger; array_push($result_files, new pts_result_merge_select($composite_xml, null, $system_name)); } } echo 'STARTING MERGE; '; $result_file = new pts_result_file(null, true); $result_file->merge($result_files); echo 'MAKING NEW RESULT FILE; '; $extra_attributes = array('reverse_result_buffer' => true, 'force_simple_keys' => true, 'force_line_graph_compact' => true, 'force_tracking_line_graph' => true); //$extra_attributes['normalize_result_buffer'] = true; $intent = null; //$table = new pts_ResultFileTable($result_file, $intent); //echo '<p style="text-align: center; overflow: auto;" class="result_object">' . pts_render::render_graph_inline_embed($table, $result_file, $extra_attributes) . '</p>'; echo 'STARTING RESULT LOOP; '; $html_dump = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body>'; foreach ($result_file->get_result_objects(isset($_POST['show_only_changed_results']) ? 'ONLY_CHANGED_RESULTS' : -1) as $i => $result_object) { echo $result_object->test_profile->get_title() . ' '; $html_dump .= '<h3>' . $result_object->get_arguments_description() . '</h3>'; $html_dump .= pts_render::render_graph_inline_embed($result_object, $result_file, $extra_attributes); unset($result_object); } $table = new pts_ResultFileSystemsTable($result_file); $html_dump .= pts_render::render_graph_inline_embed($table, $result_file, $extra_attributes); echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'RENDER TEST ON: ' . $REQUESTED . ' TOOK ' . (time() - $this_render_test) . PHP_EOL; $dump_size += strlen($html_dump); file_put_contents(PATH_TO_EXPORTED_PHOROMATIC_DATA . $REQUESTED . '.html', $html_dump . '</body></html>'); } echo PHP_EOL . 'RENDER TEST TOOK: ' . (time() - $start) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL . 'PEAK MEMORY USAGE: ' . round(memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1048576, 3) . ' MB'; echo PHP_EOL . 'PEAK MEMORY USAGE (emalloc): ' . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1048576, 3) . ' MB'; echo PHP_EOL . 'TOTAL FILE SIZE: ' . ceil($dump_size / 1000) . ' KB'; echo PHP_EOL; }