Пример #1
 * Close the ticket.
print 'Updated ticket status: ' . $ticket;
 * Search for open tickets in departments with (caseless) "printer" inside of title,
 * which were created by user with e-mail anno.ying@example.com.
$tickets = kyTicket::getAll(kyDepartment::getAll()->filterByTitle(array("~", "/printer/i")), kyTicketStatus::getAll()->filterByTitle(array("!=", "Closed")), array(), kyUser::getAll()->filterByEmail("*****@*****.**"));
//print them
print "Searching tickets:\n" . $tickets;
 * Search for tickets with "power cable" text in contents of posts or notes.
$tickets = kyTicket::search("power cable", array(kyTicket::SEARCH_CONTENTS, kyTicket::SEARCH_NOTES));
//print them
print "Searching tickets:\n" . $tickets;
 * Search for open and assigned tickets with no replies in all departments.
 * WARNING: Can be time consuming.
$tickets = kyTicket::getAll(kyDepartment::getAll())->filterByStatusId(kyTicketStatus::getAll()->filterByTitle(array("!=", "Closed"))->collectId())->filterByReplies(array('<=', 1))->filterByOwnerStaffId(array("!=", null));
//print them
print "Searching tickets:\n" . $tickets;
 * Filtering, sorting and paging results.
//print available filter methods for User objects
print "User available filter methods:\n";