function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->alternateBasePath = $this->getCurrentAbsolutePath() . "/_fakewebroot"; $this->alternateBaseSavePath = TEMP_FOLDER . '/i18nTextCollectorTest_webroot'; FileSystem::makeFolder($this->alternateBaseSavePath); Director::setBaseFolder($this->alternateBasePath); // Push a template loader running from the fake webroot onto the stack. $templateManifest = new SS_TemplateManifest($this->alternateBasePath, false, true); $templateManifest->regenerate(false); SS_TemplateLoader::instance()->pushManifest($templateManifest); $this->_oldTheme = SSViewer::current_theme(); SSViewer::set_theme('testtheme1'); $classManifest = new SS_ClassManifest($this->alternateBasePath, true, true, false); SS_ClassLoader::instance()->pushManifest($classManifest); $this->originalLocale = i18n::get_locale(); // Override default adapter to avoid cached translations between tests. // Emulates behaviour in i18n::get_translators() $this->origAdapter = i18n::get_translator('core'); $adapter = new Zend_Translate(array( 'adapter' => 'i18nSSLegacyAdapter', 'locale' => i18n::default_locale(), 'disableNotices' => true, )); i18n::register_translator($adapter, 'core'); $adapter->removeCache(); i18n::include_by_locale('en'); }
/** * @param $locale */ public function __construct($locale = null) { $this->defaultLocale = $locale ? $locale : i18n::get_lang_from_locale(i18n::default_locale()); $this->basePath = Director::baseFolder(); $this->baseSavePath = Director::baseFolder(); parent::__construct(); }
/** * @param $locale */ function __construct($locale = null) { $this->defaultLocale = ($locale) ? $locale : i18n::default_locale(); $this->basePath = Director::baseFolder(); $this->baseSavePath = Director::baseFolder(); parent::__construct(); }
/** * getLocaleFromURL * finds the locale of the url passed into the function, and returns the associated locale * * @param string $host URL used to retrieve tld from. * @return locale associated with tld: (.de == de_DE) * */ public function getLocaleFromURL($host) { $locale = i18n::default_locale(); //be able to return default locale if nothing is found. if ($tld = self::getTLD($host)) { $locale = self::$domain_locale_map[$tld]; } return $locale; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); //Setting the locale has to happen in the constructor (using the setUp and tearDown methods doesn't work) //This is because the test relies on the yaml file being interpreted according to a particular date format //and this setup occurs before the setUp method is run $this->local = i18n::default_locale(); i18n::set_default_locale('en_US'); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->alternateBasePath = $this->getCurrentAbsolutePath() . "/_fakewebroot"; $this->alternateBaseSavePath = TEMP_FOLDER . '/i18nTextCollectorTest_webroot'; Filesystem::makeFolder($this->alternateBaseSavePath); Config::inst()->update('Director', 'alternate_base_folder', $this->alternateBasePath); // Replace old template loader with new one with alternate base path $this->_oldLoader = ThemeResourceLoader::instance(); ThemeResourceLoader::set_instance(new ThemeResourceLoader($this->alternateBasePath)); $this->_oldTheme = Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme'); Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme', 'testtheme1'); $classManifest = new SS_ClassManifest($this->alternateBasePath, false, true, false); SS_ClassLoader::instance()->pushManifest($classManifest); $this->originalLocale = i18n::get_locale(); // Override default adapter to avoid cached translations between tests. // Emulates behaviour in i18n::get_translators() $this->origAdapter = i18n::get_translator('core'); $adapter = new Zend_Translate(array('adapter' => 'i18nSSLegacyAdapter', 'locale' => i18n::default_locale(), 'disableNotices' => true)); i18n::register_translator($adapter, 'core'); $adapter->removeCache(); i18n::include_by_locale('en'); }
function testCollectFromFilesystemAndWriteMasterTables() { $defaultlocal = i18n::default_locale(); $local = i18n::get_locale(); i18n::set_locale('en_US'); //set the locale to the US locale expected in the asserts i18n::set_default_locale('en_US'); $c = new i18nTextCollector(); $c->basePath = $this->alternateBasePath; $c->baseSavePath = $this->alternateBaseSavePath; $c->run(); // i18ntestmodule $moduleLangFile = "{$this->alternateBaseSavePath}/i18ntestmodule/lang/" . $c->getDefaultLocale() . '.php'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($moduleLangFile), 'Master language file can be written to modules /lang folder'); $moduleLangFileContent = file_get_contents($moduleLangFile); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestModule']['ADDITION'] = 'Addition';", $moduleLangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestModule']['ENTITY'] = array(\n\t'Entity with \"Double Quotes\"',\n\tPR_LOW,\n\t'Comment for entity'\n);", $moduleLangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestModule']['MAINTEMPLATE'] = 'Main Template';", $moduleLangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestModule']['OTHERENTITY'] = 'Other Entity';", $moduleLangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestModule']['WITHNAMESPACE'] = 'Include Entity with Namespace';", $moduleLangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['']['NONAMESPACE'] = 'Include Entity without Namespace';", $moduleLangFileContent); // i18nothermodule $otherModuleLangFile = "{$this->alternateBaseSavePath}/i18nothermodule/lang/" . $c->getDefaultLocale() . '.php'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($otherModuleLangFile), 'Master language file can be written to modules /lang folder'); $otherModuleLangFileContent = file_get_contents($otherModuleLangFile); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nOtherModule']['ENTITY'] = 'Other Module Entity';", $otherModuleLangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nOtherModule']['MAINTEMPLATE'] = 'Main Template Other Module';", $otherModuleLangFileContent); // testtheme1 $theme1LangFile = "{$this->alternateBaseSavePath}/themes/testtheme1/lang/" . $c->getDefaultLocale() . '.php'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($theme1LangFile), 'Master theme language file can be written to themes/testtheme1 /lang folder'); $theme1LangFileContent = file_get_contents($theme1LangFile); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestTheme1']['MAINTEMPLATE'] = 'Theme1 Main Template';", $theme1LangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestTheme1']['LAYOUTTEMPLATE'] = 'Theme1 Layout Template';", $theme1LangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestTheme1']['SPRINTFNAMESPACE'] = 'Theme1 My replacement: %s';", $theme1LangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['']['LAYOUTTEMPLATENONAMESPACE'] = 'Theme1 Layout Template no namespace';", $theme1LangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['']['SPRINTFNONAMESPACE'] = 'Theme1 My replacement no namespace: %s';", $theme1LangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestTheme1Include']['SPRINTFINCLUDENAMESPACE'] = 'Theme1 My include replacement: %s';", $theme1LangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestTheme1Include']['WITHNAMESPACE'] = 'Theme1 Include Entity with Namespace';", $theme1LangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['']['NONAMESPACE'] = 'Theme1 Include Entity without Namespace';", $theme1LangFileContent); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['']['SPRINTFINCLUDENONAMESPACE'] = 'Theme1 My include replacement no namespace: %s';", $theme1LangFileContent); // testtheme2 $theme2LangFile = "{$this->alternateBaseSavePath}/themes/testtheme2/lang/" . $c->getDefaultLocale() . '.php'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($theme2LangFile), 'Master theme language file can be written to themes/testtheme2 /lang folder'); $theme2LangFileContent = file_get_contents($theme2LangFile); $this->assertContains("\$lang['en_US']['i18nTestTheme2']['MAINTEMPLATE'] = 'Theme2 Main Template';", $theme2LangFileContent); i18n::set_locale($local); //set the locale to the US locale expected in the asserts +i18n::set_default_locale($defaultlocal); }
/** * Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. SilverStripe expects that the given * directory will contain a number of JavaScript files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, * etc. * * @param string $langDir The JavaScript lang directory, relative to the site root, e.g., * 'framework/javascript/lang' * @param bool $return Return all relative file paths rather than including them in * requirements * @param bool $langOnly Only include language files, not the base libraries * * @return array */ public function add_i18n_javascript($langDir, $return = false, $langOnly = false) { $files = array(); $base = Director::baseFolder() . '/'; if (i18n::config()->js_i18n) { // Include i18n.js even if no languages are found. The fact that // add_i18n_javascript() was called indicates that the methods in // here are needed. if (!$langOnly) { $files[] = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js'; } if (substr($langDir, -1) != '/') { $langDir .= '/'; } $candidates = array('en.js', 'en_US.js', i18n::get_lang_from_locale(i18n::default_locale()) . '.js', i18n::default_locale() . '.js', i18n::get_lang_from_locale(i18n::get_locale()) . '.js', i18n::get_locale() . '.js'); foreach ($candidates as $candidate) { if (file_exists($base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $langDir . $candidate)) { $files[] = $langDir . $candidate; } } } else { // Stub i18n implementation for when i18n is disabled. if (!$langOnly) { $files[] = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/i18nx.js'; } } if ($return) { return $files; } else { foreach ($files as $file) { $this->javascript($file); } } }
function setUp() { // Mark test as being run $this->originalIsRunningTest = self::$is_running_test; self::$is_running_test = true; // i18n needs to be set to the defaults or tests fail i18n::set_locale(i18n::default_locale()); i18n::set_date_format(null); i18n::set_time_format(null); // Remove password validation $this->originalMemberPasswordValidator = Member::password_validator(); $this->originalRequirements = Requirements::backend(); Member::set_password_validator(null); Cookie::set_report_errors(false); RootURLController::reset(); Translatable::reset(); Versioned::reset(); DataObject::reset(); SiteTree::reset(); Hierarchy::reset(); if (Controller::has_curr()) { Controller::curr()->setSession(new Session(array())); } $this->originalTheme = SSViewer::current_theme(); // Save nested_urls state, so we can restore it later $this->originalNestedURLsState = SiteTree::nested_urls(); $className = get_class($this); $fixtureFile = eval("return {$className}::\$fixture_file;"); $prefix = defined('SS_DATABASE_PREFIX') ? SS_DATABASE_PREFIX : 'ss_'; // Set up fixture if ($fixtureFile || $this->usesDatabase || !self::using_temp_db()) { if (substr(DB::getConn()->currentDatabase(), 0, strlen($prefix) + 5) != strtolower(sprintf('%stmpdb', $prefix))) { //echo "Re-creating temp database... "; self::create_temp_db(); //echo "done.\n"; } singleton('DataObject')->flushCache(); self::empty_temp_db(); foreach ($this->requireDefaultRecordsFrom as $className) { $instance = singleton($className); if (method_exists($instance, 'requireDefaultRecords')) { $instance->requireDefaultRecords(); } if (method_exists($instance, 'augmentDefaultRecords')) { $instance->augmentDefaultRecords(); } } if ($fixtureFile) { $fixtureFiles = is_array($fixtureFile) ? $fixtureFile : array($fixtureFile); $i = 0; foreach ($fixtureFiles as $fixtureFilePath) { $fixture = new YamlFixture($fixtureFilePath); $fixture->saveIntoDatabase(); $this->fixtures[] = $fixture; // backwards compatibility: Load first fixture into $this->fixture if ($i == 0) { $this->fixture = $fixture; } $i++; } } $this->logInWithPermission("ADMIN"); } // Set up email $this->originalMailer = Email::mailer(); $this->mailer = new TestMailer(); Email::set_mailer($this->mailer); Email::send_all_emails_to(null); // Preserve memory settings $this->originalMemoryLimit = ini_get('memory_limit'); }
/** * Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. Sapphire expects that the given directory * will contain a number of java script files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, etc. * @param $langDir The javascript lang directory, relative to the site root, e.g., 'sapphire/javascript/lang' */ public function add_i18n_javascript($langDir) { if (i18n::get_js_i18n()) { // Include i18n.js even if no languages are found. The fact that // add_i18n_javascript() was called indicates that the methods in // here are needed. $this->javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js'); if (substr($langDir, -1) != '/') { $langDir .= '/'; } $this->javascript($langDir . i18n::default_locale() . '.js'); $this->javascript($langDir . i18n::get_locale() . '.js'); // Stub i18n implementation for when i18n is disabled. } else { $this->javascript[SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/i18nx.js'] = true; } }
public function setUp() { // We cannot run the tests on this abstract class. if (get_class($this) == "SapphireTest") { $this->skipTest = true; } if ($this->skipTest) { $this->markTestSkipped(sprintf('Skipping %s ', get_class($this))); return; } // Mark test as being run $this->originalIsRunningTest = self::$is_running_test; self::$is_running_test = true; // i18n needs to be set to the defaults or tests fail i18n::set_locale(i18n::default_locale()); i18n::config()->date_format = null; i18n::config()->time_format = null; // Set default timezone consistently to avoid NZ-specific dependencies date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // Remove password validation $this->originalMemberPasswordValidator = Member::password_validator(); $this->originalRequirements = Requirements::backend(); Member::set_password_validator(null); Config::inst()->update('Cookie', 'report_errors', false); if (class_exists('RootURLController')) { RootURLController::reset(); } if (class_exists('Translatable')) { Translatable::reset(); } Versioned::reset(); DataObject::reset(); if (class_exists('SiteTree')) { SiteTree::reset(); } Hierarchy::reset(); if (Controller::has_curr()) { Controller::curr()->setSession(Injector::inst()->create('Session', array())); } Security::$database_is_ready = null; // Add controller-name auto-routing Config::inst()->update('Director', 'rules', array('$Controller//$Action/$ID/$OtherID' => '*')); $fixtureFile = static::get_fixture_file(); $prefix = defined('SS_DATABASE_PREFIX') ? SS_DATABASE_PREFIX : 'ss_'; // Set up email $this->originalMailer = Email::mailer(); $this->mailer = new TestMailer(); Email::set_mailer($this->mailer); Config::inst()->remove('Email', 'send_all_emails_to'); // Todo: this could be a special test model $this->model = DataModel::inst(); // Set up fixture if ($fixtureFile || $this->usesDatabase || !self::using_temp_db()) { if (substr(DB::get_conn()->getSelectedDatabase(), 0, strlen($prefix) + 5) != strtolower(sprintf('%stmpdb', $prefix))) { //echo "Re-creating temp database... "; self::create_temp_db(); //echo "done.\n"; } singleton('DataObject')->flushCache(); self::empty_temp_db(); foreach ($this->requireDefaultRecordsFrom as $className) { $instance = singleton($className); if (method_exists($instance, 'requireDefaultRecords')) { $instance->requireDefaultRecords(); } if (method_exists($instance, 'augmentDefaultRecords')) { $instance->augmentDefaultRecords(); } } if ($fixtureFile) { $pathForClass = $this->getCurrentAbsolutePath(); $fixtureFiles = is_array($fixtureFile) ? $fixtureFile : array($fixtureFile); $i = 0; foreach ($fixtureFiles as $fixtureFilePath) { // Support fixture paths relative to the test class, rather than relative to webroot // String checking is faster than file_exists() calls. $isRelativeToFile = strpos('/', $fixtureFilePath) === false || preg_match('/^\\.\\./', $fixtureFilePath); if ($isRelativeToFile) { $resolvedPath = realpath($pathForClass . '/' . $fixtureFilePath); if ($resolvedPath) { $fixtureFilePath = $resolvedPath; } } $fixture = Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture', $fixtureFilePath); $fixture->writeInto($this->getFixtureFactory()); $this->fixtures[] = $fixture; // backwards compatibility: Load first fixture into $this->fixture if ($i == 0) { $this->fixture = $fixture; } $i++; } } $this->logInWithPermission("ADMIN"); } // Preserve memory settings $this->originalMemoryLimit = ini_get('memory_limit'); // turn off template debugging Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'source_file_comments', false); // Clear requirements Requirements::clear(); }
/** * Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. SilverStripe expects that the given directory * will contain a number of java script files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, etc. * * @param String The javascript lang directory, relative to the site root, e.g., 'framework/javascript/lang' * @param Boolean Return all relative file paths rather than including them in requirements * @param Boolean Only include language files, not the base libraries */ public function add_i18n_javascript($langDir, $return = false, $langOnly = false) { $files = array(); if (i18n::get_js_i18n()) { // Include i18n.js even if no languages are found. The fact that // add_i18n_javascript() was called indicates that the methods in // here are needed. if (!$langOnly) { $files[] = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js'; } if (substr($langDir, -1) != '/') { $langDir .= '/'; } $files[] = $langDir . i18n::default_locale() . '.js'; $files[] = $langDir . i18n::get_locale() . '.js'; // Stub i18n implementation for when i18n is disabled. } else { if (!$langOnly) { $files[] = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/i18nx.js'; } } if ($return) { return $files; } else { foreach ($files as $file) { $this->javascript($file); } } }
/** * See {@link default_locale()} for usage. * * * @param String $locale */ static function set_default_locale($locale) { if (!self::validate_locale($locale)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid locale "%s"', $locale)); } self::$default_locale = $locale; }
/** * Automatically includes the necessary lang-files from the module * according to the locale set in {@link i18n::$current_locale}. * Assumes that a subfolder /javascript exists relative to the included * javascript file, with a file named after the locale - * so usually <mymodule>/javascript/lang/en_US.js. */ protected function process_i18n_javascript() { // ensure to include the i18n base library if( count(array_diff_key($this->javascript,$this->blocked)) && !isset($this->javascript[SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js']) ) { $this->javascript[THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/prototype.js'] = true; $this->javascript[SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js'] = true; } // include the specific locale and the master locale for each module foreach(array_diff_key($this->javascript,$this->blocked) as $file => $dummy) { if(preg_match('/^http[s]?/', $file)) continue; $absolutePath = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $file; $absoluteLangPath = dirname($absolutePath) . '/lang/' . i18n::get_locale() . '.js'; $absoluteDefaultLangPath = dirname($absolutePath) . '/lang/' . i18n::default_locale() . '.js'; foreach(array($absoluteDefaultLangPath, $absoluteLangPath) as $path) { if(Director::fileExists($path)) { $langFile = Director::makeRelative($path); // Remove rogue leading slashes from Director::makeRelative() $langFile = preg_replace('/^\//', '', $langFile); $this->javascript[$langFile] = true; } } } }
public function __construct($name = null) { $this->currencyLib = new Zend_Currency(null, i18n::default_locale()); parent::__construct($name); }
/** * Ensure the locale is set to something sensible by default. */ public function populateDefaults() { parent::populateDefaults(); $this->Locale = i18n::default_locale(); }
/** * Returns the configs locale * * @return string * * @author Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 09.03.2012 */ public static function Locale() { if (self::getConfig() === false) { return i18n::default_locale(); } return self::getConfig()->DefaultLocale; }
function setUp() { // We cannot run the tests on this abstract class. if (get_class($this) == "SapphireTest") { $this->skipTest = true; } if ($this->skipTest) { $this->markTestSkipped(sprintf('Skipping %s ', get_class($this))); return; } // Mark test as being run $this->originalIsRunningTest = self::$is_running_test; self::$is_running_test = true; // i18n needs to be set to the defaults or tests fail i18n::set_locale(i18n::default_locale()); i18n::set_date_format(null); i18n::set_time_format(null); // Remove password validation $this->originalMemberPasswordValidator = Member::password_validator(); $this->originalRequirements = Requirements::backend(); Member::set_password_validator(null); Cookie::set_report_errors(false); if (class_exists('RootURLController')) { RootURLController::reset(); } if (class_exists('Translatable')) { Translatable::reset(); } Versioned::reset(); DataObject::reset(); if (class_exists('SiteTree')) { SiteTree::reset(); } Hierarchy::reset(); if (Controller::has_curr()) { Controller::curr()->setSession(new Session(array())); } $this->originalTheme = SSViewer::current_theme(); if (class_exists('SiteTree')) { // Save nested_urls state, so we can restore it later $this->originalNestedURLsState = SiteTree::nested_urls(); } $className = get_class($this); $fixtureFile = eval("return {$className}::\$fixture_file;"); $prefix = defined('SS_DATABASE_PREFIX') ? SS_DATABASE_PREFIX : 'ss_'; // Todo: this could be a special test model $this->model = DataModel::inst(); // Set up fixture if ($fixtureFile || $this->usesDatabase || !self::using_temp_db()) { if (substr(DB::getConn()->currentDatabase(), 0, strlen($prefix) + 5) != strtolower(sprintf('%stmpdb', $prefix))) { //echo "Re-creating temp database... "; self::create_temp_db(); //echo "done.\n"; } singleton('DataObject')->flushCache(); self::empty_temp_db(); foreach ($this->requireDefaultRecordsFrom as $className) { $instance = singleton($className); if (method_exists($instance, 'requireDefaultRecords')) { $instance->requireDefaultRecords(); } if (method_exists($instance, 'augmentDefaultRecords')) { $instance->augmentDefaultRecords(); } } if ($fixtureFile) { $pathForClass = $this->getCurrentAbsolutePath(); $fixtureFiles = is_array($fixtureFile) ? $fixtureFile : array($fixtureFile); $i = 0; foreach ($fixtureFiles as $fixtureFilePath) { // Support fixture paths relative to the test class, rather than relative to webroot // String checking is faster than file_exists() calls. $isRelativeToFile = strpos('/', $fixtureFilePath) === false || preg_match('/^\\.\\./', $fixtureFilePath); if ($isRelativeToFile) { $resolvedPath = realpath($pathForClass . '/' . $fixtureFilePath); if ($resolvedPath) { $fixtureFilePath = $resolvedPath; } } $fixture = new YamlFixture($fixtureFilePath); $fixture->saveIntoDatabase($this->model); $this->fixtures[] = $fixture; // backwards compatibility: Load first fixture into $this->fixture if ($i == 0) { $this->fixture = $fixture; } $i++; } } $this->logInWithPermission("ADMIN"); } // Set up email $this->originalMailer = Email::mailer(); $this->mailer = new TestMailer(); Email::set_mailer($this->mailer); Email::send_all_emails_to(null); // Preserve memory settings $this->originalMemoryLimit = ini_get('memory_limit'); }
/** * See {@link default_locale()} for usage. * * * @param String $locale */ public static function set_default_locale($locale) { self::$default_locale = $locale; }
public function testMultipleTranslators() { // Looping through modules, so we can test the translation autoloading // Load non-exclusive to retain core class autoloading $classManifest = new SS_ClassManifest($this->alternateBasePath, true, true, false); SS_ClassLoader::instance()->pushManifest($classManifest); // Changed manifest, so we also need to unset all previously collected messages. // The easiest way to do this it to register a new adapter. $adapter = new Zend_Translate(array('adapter' => 'i18nRailsYamlAdapter', 'locale' => i18n::default_locale(), 'disableNotices' => true)); i18n::register_translator($adapter, 'core'); i18n::set_locale('en_US'); $this->assertEquals(i18n::_t('i18nTestModule.ENTITY'), 'Entity with "Double Quotes"'); $this->assertEquals(i18n::_t('AdapterEntity1', 'AdapterEntity1'), 'AdapterEntity1', 'Falls back to default string if not found'); // Add a new translator $translator = new Zend_Translate(array('adapter' => 'i18nTest_CustomTranslatorAdapter', 'disableNotices' => true)); i18n::register_translator($translator, 'custom', 11); $this->assertEquals(i18n::_t('i18nTestModule.ENTITY'), 'i18nTestModule.ENTITY CustomAdapter (en_US)', 'Existing entities overruled by adapter with higher priority'); $this->assertEquals(i18n::_t('AdapterEntity1', 'AdapterEntity1'), 'AdapterEntity1 CustomAdapter (en_US)', 'New entities only defined in new adapter are detected'); // Add a second new translator to test priorities $translator = new Zend_Translate(array('adapter' => 'i18nTest_OtherCustomTranslatorAdapter', 'disableNotices' => true)); i18n::register_translator($translator, 'othercustom_lower_prio', 5); $this->assertEquals(i18n::_t('i18nTestModule.ENTITY'), 'i18nTestModule.ENTITY CustomAdapter (en_US)', 'Adapter with lower priority loses'); // Add a third new translator to test priorities $translator = new Zend_Translate(array('adapter' => 'i18nTest_OtherCustomTranslatorAdapter', 'disableNotices' => true)); i18n::register_translator($translator, 'othercustom_higher_prio', 15); $this->assertEquals(i18n::_t('i18nTestModule.ENTITY'), 'i18nTestModule.ENTITY OtherCustomAdapter (en_US)', 'Adapter with higher priority wins'); i18n::unregister_translator('custom'); i18n::unregister_translator('othercustom_lower_prio'); i18n::unregister_translator('othercustom_higher_prio'); SS_ClassLoader::instance()->popManifest(); }