/** * Generates a thumbnail image * * @param int $video_id the video sql id * @param string $video_code the video uid * @param string $video_type the video type * @param int $k the css variable * @param int $width(optional) the width of the thumbnail image * @param int $height(optional) the height of the thumbnail image * @param string $class(optional) the class of the thumbnail image * @return $code */ function generateThumbnail( $video_id, $video_code, $video_type, $video_thumbnail, $k, $width=null, $height=null, $class=null, $tooltip_data=null, $video_duration=null) { global $hwdvsItemid, $mainframe, $hwdvsTemplateOverride; $c = hwd_vs_Config::get_instance(); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $doc = & JFactory::getDocument(); if (!isset($width)) { $width = $c->thumbwidth; } if (!isset($height)) { $height = $width*$c->tar_fb; } if (!isset($class) || empty($class)) { $class = "thumb".$k; } if ($tooltip_data[0]) { JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'); $tt_title = $tooltip_data[1]." :: ".$tooltip_data[2]; $thumb_title = ""; $thumb = "<span class=\"hasTip\" title=\"".$tt_title."\">"; } else { $thumb = ""; $thumb_title = $tooltip_data[1]; } if ($c->thumb_ts == 1) { $thumb.= "<div class=\"watermark_box\">"; } $thumbnailURL = hwd_vs_tools::generateThumbnailURL( $video_id, $video_code, $video_type, $video_thumbnail ); // assume local for following variables $path_ext = (!empty($video_thumbnail) ? $video_thumbnail : "jpg"); $path_thumb = PATH_HWDVS_DIR.DS."thumbs".DS.$video_code.".".$path_ext; $path_thumbd = PATH_HWDVS_DIR.DS."thumbs".DS.$video_code.".gif"; if (($video_type == "local" || $video_type == "mp4" || $video_type == "swf") && (file_exists($path_thumb) && (filesize($path_thumb) > 0))) { if ($c->udt == 1 && file_exists($path_thumbd) && (filesize($path_thumbd) > 0)) { if (!defined( '_HWD_VS_DTFLAG' )) { define( '_HWD_VS_DTFLAG', 1 ); $doc->addCustomTag("<script type='text/javascript'>function roll_over(img_name, img_src) { document[img_name].src = img_src; }</script>"); } $url_thumbd = URL_HWDVS_DIR."/thumbs/".$video_code.".gif"; $rand = rand(); $thumb.= "<img src=\"".$thumbnailURL."\" border=\"0\" alt=\""._HWDVIDS_DETAILS_VIEWVID."\" width=\"".$width."\" height=\"".$height."\" title=\"".$thumb_title."\" class=\"".$class."\" name=\"".$video_code.$rand."\" onmouseover=\"roll_over('".$video_code.$rand."', '".$url_thumbd."')\" onmouseout=\"roll_over('".$video_code.$rand."', '".$thumbnailURL."')\" />"; } else { $thumb.= "<img src=\"".$thumbnailURL."\" border=\"0\" alt=\""._HWDVIDS_DETAILS_VIEWVID."\" width=\"".$width."\" height=\"".$height."\" title=\"".$thumb_title."\" class=\"".$class."\" />"; } } else { $thumb.= "<img src=\"".$thumbnailURL."\" alt=\""._HWDVIDS_DETAILS_VIEWVID."\" border=\"0\" width=\"".$width."\" height=\"".$height."\" title=\"".$thumb_title."\" class=\"".$class."\" />"; } if ($c->thumb_ts == 1) { if (!isset($video_duration)) { $video_duration = "N/A"; } else { $video_duration = hwd_vs_tools::validateDuration($video_duration); } $thumb.= "<img src=\"".URL_HWDVS_IMAGES."overlay.png\" class=\"watermark\" alt=\"Watermark image\" /> <span class=\"timestamp\">".$video_duration."</span> </div>"; } if ($tooltip_data[0]) { $thumb.= "</span>"; } return $thumb; }