/** * Outputs frontpage HTML * * @param string $option the joomla component name * @param array $rows array of video data * @param array $rowsfeatured array of featured video data * @param object $pageNav page navigation object * @param int $total the total video count * @return Nothing */ function fixVideoDataFormat($videoid=null) { $db = & JFactory::getDBO(); if (isset($videoid)) { $query = 'SELECT id, title, description, tags' . ' FROM #__hwdvidsvideos' . ' WHERE id = '.$videoid ; $db->SetQuery($query); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); } else { $query = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM #__hwdvidsvideos' ; $db->SetQuery($query); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); } for ($i=0, $n=count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; $title = hwd_vs_tools::generatePostTitle($row->title); $description = hwd_vs_tools::generatePostDescription($row->description); $tags = hwd_vs_tools::generatePostTags($row->tags); $thumb_snap = $row->thumb_snap; if ($row->thumb_snap == "0:00:00") { $sec = intval(hwd_vs_tools::hms2sec($row->video_length)); if ($sec < 2) { $thumb_snap = "0:00:02"; } else { $thumb_snap = hwd_vs_tools::sec2hms($sec/2); } } // update sql $db->SetQuery("UPDATE #__hwdvidsvideos SET title = \"$title\", description = \"$description\", tags = \"$tags\", thumb_snap = \"$thumb_snap\" WHERE id = $row->id"); $db->Query(); if ( !$db->query() ) { echo "<script> alert('".$db->getErrorMsg()."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit(); } } return true; }