public function install($path) { $module = @(include path::decode($path . DS . 'module.php')); if (is_array($module)) { $module['path'] = $path; $module['url'] = $path; if (!isset($module['icon'])) { if (file::exists($path . '/icon.png')) { $module['icon'] = $module['url'] . '/icon.png'; } } $module['type'] = empty($module['type']) ? 'plugin' : $module['type']; $module['status'] = 0; $module['order'] = $this->max('order') + 1; $module['installtime'] = TIME; $module['updatetime'] = TIME; $insert = $this->insert($module); } if ($insert) { $driver = $this->db()->config('driver'); $sqls = file::read($path . DS . 'install' . DS . $driver . '.sql'); if ($sqls) { $this->db()->run($sqls); } } return true; }
public function actionLicense($path) { $module = zotop::model('zotop.module'); $modules = $module->getUnInstalled(); if (empty($path) || !dir::exists($path)) { msg::error(array('content' => zotop::t('模块不存在,请确认是否已经上传该模块?'), 'description' => zotop::t("路径:{$path}"))); } $licenseFile = $path . DS . 'license.txt'; if (!file::exists($licenseFile)) { zotop::redirect('zotop/module/install', array('path' => url::encode($path))); exit; } $license = file::read($licenseFile); $page = new dialog(); $page->set('title', '许可协议'); $page->set('license', html::decode($license)); $page->set('next', zotop::url('zotop/module/install', array('path' => url::encode($path)))); $page->display(); }
public function onEdit($file) { if (form::isPostBack()) { $content = request::post('source'); msg::success('保存测试', '测试,继续编辑或者返回' . zotop::dump($content, true), 'reload'); } $source = file::read(ROOT . $file); $page['title'] = '文件编辑器'; page::header($page); page::top(); page::navbar($this->navbar()); form::header(array('class' => 'sourceEditor')); form::field(array('type' => 'label', 'label' => zotop::t('文件名称'), 'name' => 'filename', 'value' => $file, 'valid' => '', 'description' => zotop::t(''))); form::field(array('type' => 'source', 'label' => zotop::t('文件内容'), 'name' => 'source', 'value' => $source, 'valid' => 'required:true', 'description' => zotop::t(''))); form::buttons(array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => '保存文件'), array('type' => 'back')); form::footer(); page::bottom(); page::footer(); }
public function licenseAction($id) { $module = zotop::model('zotop.module'); $modules = $module->getUnInstalled(); if (empty($id) || !isset($modules[$id])) { msg::error(zotop::t('ID为<b>{$id}</b>的模块不存在,请确认是否已经上传该模块?')); } $licenseFile = $modules[$id]['path'] . DS . 'license.txt'; if (!file::exists($licenseFile)) { zotop::redirect('zotop/module/install', array('id' => $id)); exit; } $license = file::read($licenseFile); $page = new dialog(); $page->set('title', '许可协议'); $page->set('license', html::decode($license)); $page->set('next', zotop::url('zotop/module/install', array('id' => $id))); $page->display(); }
public function actionEditor($file = '') { $file = empty($file) ? zotop::get('file') : $file; $file = trim(url::decode($file), '/'); $filepath = site::template($file); if (form::isPostBack()) { $filecontent = zotop::post('filecontent'); if (file::write($filepath, $filecontent)) { msg::success('保存成功'); } msg::error('保存失败'); } $filecontent = file::read($filepath); $page = new dialog(); $page->title = zotop::t('模板编辑器'); $page->set('file', $file); $page->set('filepath', $filepath); $page->set('filecontent', $filecontent); $page->display(); }
static function family_name($real_name) { if (strlen($real_name) >= 6 && strlen($real_name) <= 15) { if (regexp::match($real_name, 'chinese')) { $first_name = substr($real_name, 0, 3); $odd_family_name = file::read('family_name', 1); $odd_data = str_split($odd_family_name[0], 3); if (in_array($first_name, $odd_data)) { return true; } $first_name = substr($real_name, 0, 6); $even_family_name = file::read('family_name', 2); $even_data = explode(',', $even_family_name); if (in_array($first_name, $even_data)) { return true; } } } return false; }
public function actionEdit($file = '') { $file = empty($file) ? zotop::get('file') : $file; $file = trim(url::decode($file), '/'); $filepath = ZOTOP_PATH_ROOT . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $file); if (form::isPostBack()) { $content = request::post('source'); $content = trim($content); if (empty($content)) { msg::error('内容为空,无法保存!'); } file::write($filepath, trim($content)); msg::success('内容保存成功!'); } $filecontent = file::read($filepath); $page = new dialog(); $page->title = '文件编辑器'; $page->set('file', $file); $page->set('filepath', $filepath); $page->set('filecontent', $filecontent); $page->display(); }
public function actionEdit($file) { $filepath = realpath(ZOTOP_PATH_ROOT . DS . trim($file, '/')); if (empty($file)) { return false; } if (form::isPostBack()) { $content = request::post('source'); $content = trim($content); if (empty($content)) { msg::error('内容为空,无法保存!'); } file::write($filepath, trim($content)); msg::success('内容保存成功!'); } $content = file::read($filepath); $page = new dialog(); $page->title = '文件编辑器'; $page->set('file', $file); $page->set('filepath', $filepath); $page->set('content', $content); $page->display(); }
/** * Get the body content * * @param string|null $headers Header to edit or null to add the header in the email * @return string */ protected function getBody(&$headers = null) { $body = null; //$text = $this->quotePrintable($this->cfg->text); $text = $this->cfg->text; if ($this->cfg->html) { if (empty($this->cfg->text)) { //$text = $this->quotePrintable(utils::html2Text($this->cfg->html)); $text = utils::html2Text($this->cfg->html); } $boundary = '------------' . $this->getBoundary(); if ($headers) { $headers .= $this->headerLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/alternative;' . $this->cfg->crlf . ' boundary="' . $boundary . '"'); //$headers.= $this->textLine(' boundary="'.$boundary.'"'); } else { $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/alternative;' . $this->cfg->crlf . ' boundary="' . $boundary . '"'); //$body.= $this->textLine(' boundary="'.$boundary.'"'); $body .= $this->textLine(''); } // Text part $body .= $this->textLine('This is a multi-part message in MIME format.'); $body .= $this->textLine('--' . $boundary); } $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=' . $this->cfg->charset); //$body.= $this->textLine(' charset="'.$this->cfg->charset.'"'); $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding', $this->cfg->encoding); //$body.= $this->headerLine('Content-Disposition', 'inline'); $body .= $this->textLine(null); $body .= $this->textLine($this->encode($this->wrapText($text))); if ($this->cfg->html) { // HTML part $body .= $this->textLine('--' . $boundary); $html = $this->cfg->html; $inlineImages = false; if ($this->cfg->htmlInlineImage) { $rootUri = request::get('rootUri'); preg_match_all('@src="(' . $rootUri . '|/)(.+)"@siU', $html, $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { $images = array_unique($matches[2]); $inlineImages = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($images as $img) { if (file::webExists($img)) { $file = WEBROOT . str_replace('/', DS, $img); $cid = 'part' . $i . '.' . $this->getBoundary(16) . '@' . $this->cfg->serverName; $inlineImages[] = array('cid' => $cid, 'file' => $file, 'name' => file::name($file), 'type' => file::getType($file)); $i++; $html = preg_replace('@src="(' . $rootUri . '|/)(' . $img . ')"@siU', 'src="cid:' . $cid . '"', $html); } } } } if (!empty($inlineImages)) { $boundaryRel = '------------' . $this->getBoundary(); $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/related;' . $this->cfg->crlf . ' boundary="' . $boundaryRel . '"'); //$body.= $this->textLine(' boundary="'.$boundaryRel.'"'); $body .= $this->textLine(null); $body .= $this->textLine(null); $body .= $this->textLine('--' . $boundaryRel); } $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=' . $this->cfg->charset . ''); //$body.= $this->textLine(' charset="'.$this->cfg->charset.'"'); $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding', $this->cfg->encoding); //$body.= $this->headerLine('Content-Disposition', 'inline'); $body .= $this->textLine(null); //$body.= $this->textLine($this->quotePrintable($html)); $body .= $this->textLine($this->encode($this->wrapText($html))); if (!empty($inlineImages)) { foreach ($inlineImages as $img) { $body .= $this->textLine('--' . $boundaryRel); $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-Type', $img['type']); //.'; name="'.$img['name'].'"'); $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding', $this->cfg->fileEncoding); $body .= $this->headerLine('Content-ID', '<' . $img['cid'] . '>'); //$body.= $this->headerLine('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="'.$img['name'].'"'); $body .= $this->textLine(null); $body .= $this->encode(file::read($img['file']), $this->cfg->fileEncoding); } $body .= $this->textLine('--' . $boundaryRel . '--'); $body .= $this->textLine(null); } $body .= '--' . $boundary . '--'; } return $body; }
/** * Try to get an output cached. If not found, information will be stored * and used with the next call from end. * The cache id is made with 5 kinds : * - the $id passed to the function * - the get, post, session or cookie variable if set * - the class and function name where the cache is call * - the tags if set * - 'cache' is added (to differenciate from variable caching) * * @param array $prm Parameter for the cached variable: * - int ttl: Time to live, in minutes, 0 for eternal (default: 60) * - string id: Cache id (required) * - array tags: Optionnal tags for the id * - array request: Array for build the request ID (@see cache::idRequest) * @return bool True if cache found and content printed * @see end */ public function start(array $prm) { if ($this->isEnabled() && config::initTab($prm, array('ttl' => $this->cfg->ttl, 'id' => null, 'tags' => $this->cfg->tags, 'request' => $this->cfg->request))) { $prm['file'] = $this->file(array_merge($prm, array('callFrom' => debug::callFrom(2), 'type' => 'cache'))); if (file::exists($prm['file']) && ($prm['ttl'] == 0 || file::date($prm['file']) + $prm['ttl'] * 60 > time())) { echo file::read($prm['file']); return true; } else { $this->obSave = ''; /* if (ob_get_length()) { $this->obSave = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } // */ ob_start(); $this->prmOut = $prm; } } return false; }
public static function compile($file) { $content = file::read($file); $content = trim($content); //strip <?php $content = substr($content, 5); //strip <?php if (strtolower(substr($content, -2)) == '?>') { $content = substr($content, 0, -2); } return $content; }
/** * Show a file to the client * * @param string $file File Path */ public function showFile($file) { if (file::exists($file)) { $type = file::getType($file); if (strpos($type, 'audio') === 0 || strpos($type, 'video') === 0) { $this->mediaDownload($file); } else { $this->cfg->compress = false; $this->neverExpire(); $this->addHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s', filemtime($file)).' GMT', true); $this->addHeader('Content-Type', $type, true); $this->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'public', false); $this->addHeader('Pragma', null, false); $this->addHeader('Content-length', file::size($file), true); $this->sendText(file::read($file)); } } }
/** * Add an include file * * @param array $prm Same parameter as addCss or addJs, with adding: * - string type File type (js or css) (required) * @return bool True if addedor already added, False if not found * @throws nExecption if type or file not provided * @see addJs, addCss */ public function add(array $prm) { if (config::initTab($prm, array( 'type'=>null, 'file'=>null, 'dir'=>'nyro', 'media'=>'screen', 'condIE'=>false, 'verifExists'=>true ))) { $ret = false; $firstFile = $prm['file']; if (strpos($firstFile, 'jquery') === 0 && $firstFile != 'jquery') $this->addJS('jquery'); foreach($this->getDepend($prm['file'], $prm['type']) as $d) { if (is_array($d)) $this->add(array_merge($prm, $d)); else $this->add(array_merge($prm, array('file'=>$d))); } foreach($this->cfg->getInArray($prm['type'], 'alias') as $k=>$a) { if (strtolower($prm['file']) == strtolower($k)) $prm['file'] = $a; } $prmType = $this->cfg->get($prm['type']); $locDir = $prm['dir']; if (!array_key_exists($locDir, $this->incFiles[$prm['type']])) $locDir = 'nyro'; $fileExt = $prm['file'].'.'.$prm['type']; if ($prm['verifExists']) $fileExists = $locDir == 'web' ? file::webExists($prmType['dirWeb'].DS.$fileExt) : file::nyroExists(array( 'name'=>'module_'.nyro::getCfg()->compressModule.'_'.$prm['type'].'_'.$prm['file'], 'type'=>'tpl', 'tplExt'=>$prm['type'] )); else $fileExists = true; if ($fileExists) { if (!isset($this->incFiles[$prm['type']][$locDir][$prm['media']])) $this->incFiles[$prm['type']][$locDir][$prm['media']] = array(); $this->incFiles[$prm['type']][$locDir][$prm['media']][$prm['file']] = $prm; if ($prm['type'] == 'css') { $c = file::read($fileExists); preg_match_all('`@import (url\()?"(.+).css"\)?;`', $c, $matches); if (!empty($matches[2])) { $prefix = substr($prm['file'], 0, strpos($prm['file'], '_')+1); foreach($matches[2 ] as $m) $this->add(array_merge($prm, array('file'=>$prefix.$m))); } } $ret = true; } foreach($this->getDepend($firstFile, $prm['type'], true) as $d) { if (is_array($d)) $this->add(array_merge($prm, $d)); else $this->add(array_merge($prm, array('file'=>$d))); } return $ret; } else throw new nException('reponse::add: parameters file and/or type not provied'); }
<?php require_once "inc/class.file.php"; require_once "inc/class.gabarito.php"; $gaboficial = new file("gabaritos/gabaritooficial-1-a.dat"); $gabstr = $gaboficial->read(); $gabaritooficial = new gabarito(); $gabaritooficial->getFromStr($gabstr); $lines = file('gabaritos/cobaia.dat'); // Percorre o array, mostrando o fonte HTML com numeração de linhas. foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { $dados = substr($line, 0, 50); $gab = substr($line, 50, strlen($line) - 50); $gabarito = new gabarito(); $gabarito->setDados($dados); $gabarito->getFromStr($gab); $gabarito->comparaComOficial($gabaritooficial); $html = $gabarito->getResultado(); echo $html . "<br>"; //echo "Linha #<b>{$line_num}</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br>\n"; /* echo "$gab<br>\n"; echo "<pre>"; var_dump($gabarito); echo "</pre>"; */ }
function file_data($filename) { $file = new file($filename); $data = $file->read(); return $data; }
/** * Compress the file requested, using MoxieCompressor library * * @param string $type File type (css or js) * @param array $prm Files to compress */ protected function compress($type, $prm) { $resp = response::getInstance(); if ($type == 'js') { $conf = $this->cfg->all; factory::mergeCfg($conf, $this->cfg->js); } else if ($type == 'css') { $conf = $this->cfg->all; factory::mergeCfg($conf, $this->cfg->css); } $key = $type.'--'.md5(serialize($prm)).'--'.md5(serialize($conf)); $supportsGzip = false; if ($conf['compress']) { $encodings = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) ? explode(',', strtolower(preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']))) : array(); if ($conf['gzip_compress'] && (in_array('gzip', $encodings) || in_array('x-gzip', $encodings) || isset($_SERVER['---------------'])) && function_exists('gzencode') && !ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { $enc = in_array('x-gzip', $encodings) ? 'x-gzip' : 'gzip'; $supportsGzip = true; $key = 'gzip-'.$key; } } $content = null; $cache = cache::getInstance($this->cfg->cache); $cacheDate = $cache->get($content, array('id'=>$key)); if (!$conf['disk_cache'] || !$cacheDate) { foreach($prm as $file) { $f = file::nyroExists(array( 'name'=>'module_'.nyro::getCfg()->compressModule.'_'.$type.'_'.$file, 'type'=>'tpl', 'tplExt'=>$type )); if ($f) { if ($conf['php']) $content.= file::fetch($f); else $content.= file::read($f); } } if ($conf['compress']) { if ($type == 'js') { lib::load('jsMin'); $content = JSMin::minify($content); } else if ($type == 'css') { lib::load('cssMin'); $content = CssMin::minify($content, $conf['filters'], $conf['plugins']); } if ($supportsGzip) $content = gzencode($content, 9, FORCE_GZIP); } $cache->save(); } else if ($cacheDate) { $resp->addHeader('Age', time() - $cacheDate); } /* @var $resp response_http */ if ($conf['compress']) { $resp->setCompress(false); $resp->addHeader('Vary', 'Accept-Encoding'); // Handle proxies if ($conf['etags'] || preg_match('/MSIE/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { // We need to use etags on IE since it will otherwise always load the contents $resp->addHeader('ETag', md5($content)); } $parseTime = $this->_parseTime($conf['expires_offset']); $resp->addHeader('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $parseTime).' GMT'); $resp->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age='.$parseTime); if ($type == 'js') { // Output explorer workaround or compressed file if (!isset($_GET['gz']) && $supportsGzip && $conf['patch_ie'] && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false) { // Build request URL $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) $url.= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&gz=1'; else $url.= '?gz=1'; // This script will ensure that the gzipped script gets loaded on IE versions with the Gzip request chunk bug echo 'var gz;try {gz = new XMLHttpRequest();} catch(gz) { try {gz = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}'; echo 'catch (gz) {gz = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");}}'; echo '"GET", "'.$url.'", false);gz.send(null);eval(gz.responseText);'; die(); } } if ($supportsGzip) $resp->addHeader('Content-Encoding', $enc); } $resp->sendText($content); }