function index($params) { $tpl = new template("includes/v"); $tpl->load("configs.html", true, true); $tpl->setv("formtitle", "Редактирование настроек"); $json = new Services_JSON(); $config = $json->decode(file::load("data/config.ini")); $tpl->setv(array("itemnum" => $config->itemnum, "daynum" => $config->daynum, "email" => $config->email, "emailpassword" => $config->emailpassword, "emailserver" => $config->emailserver, "outputdir" => $config->outputdir, "numthumbs" => $config->numthumbs, "logemail" => $config->logemail)); $tpl->show(); }
function proc($params) { require_once "MailGrabber.php"; print "<pre>"; if (str::isempty($params["id"])) { die("<b>Ошибка: Фильтр не выбран</b>\n"); } set_time_limit(0); $json = new Services_JSON(); $mailgrabber = new MailGrabber(); $mailgrabber->run($json->decode(file::load("data/config.ini")), true, $params["id"]); }
function items_form($item) { global $user; global $DB; global $website; global $layout; global $theme; global $events; global $current_version; $navibars = new navibars(); $naviforms = new naviforms(); $layout->navigate_media_browser(); // we can use media browser in this function $extra_actions = array(); if (empty($item->id)) { $navibars->title(t(22, 'Items') . ' / ' . t(38, 'Create')); } else { $navibars->title(t(22, 'Items') . ' / ' . t(170, 'Edit') . ' [' . $item->id . ']'); } $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="#" onclick="javascript: navigate_media_browser();" title="Ctrl+M"> <img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/images.png"> ' . t(36, 'Media') . ' </a>')); if (empty($item->id)) { $navibars->add_actions(array($user->permission('items.create') == 'true' ? '<a href="#" onclick="navigate_items_tabform_submit(1);" title="Ctrl+S"> <img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/accept.png"> ' . t(34, 'Save') . ' </a>' : "")); } else { $navibars->add_actions(array($user->permission('items.edit') == 'true' || $item->author == $user->id ? '<a href="#" onclick="navigate_items_tabform_submit(1);" title="Ctrl+S"> <img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/accept.png"> ' . t(34, 'Save') . ' </a>' : "", $user->permission("items.delete") == 'true' ? '<a href="#" onclick="navigate_delete_dialog();"> <img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/cancel.png"> ' . t(35, 'Delete') . ' </a>' : "")); $extra_actions[] = '<a href="#" onclick="navigate_items_preview();"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/monitor.png"> ' . t(274, 'Preview') . '</a>'; if ($user->permission("items.create") != 'false') { $extra_actions[] = '<a href="?fid=items&act=duplicate&id=' . $item->id . '"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/page_copy.png"> ' . t(477, 'Duplicate') . '</a>'; } $layout->add_script(' function navigate_delete_dialog() { navigate_confirmation_dialog( function() { window.location.href = "?fid=items&act=delete&id=' . $item->id . '"; }, null, null, "' . t(35, 'Delete') . '" ); } '); } if (!empty($item->id)) { $notes = grid_notes::comments('item', $item->id); $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="#" onclick="javascript: navigate_display_notes_dialog();"> <span class="navigate_grid_notes_span" style=" width: 20px; line-height: 16px; ">' . count($notes) . '</span> <img src="img/skins/badge.png" width="20px" height="18px" style="margin-top: -2px;" class="grid_note_edit" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(168, 'Notes') . ' </a>')); } if (!empty($item->id)) { // we attach an event to "items" which will be fired by navibars to put an extra button $events->add_actions('items', array('item' => &$item, 'navibars' => &$navibars), $extra_actions); } if (!empty($item->id)) { $layout->navigate_notes_dialog('item', $item->id); } $navibars->add_actions(array(!empty($item->id) ? '<a href="?fid=items&act=edit"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/add.png"> ' . t(38, 'Create') . '</a>' : '', '<a href="?fid=items&act=list"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/application_view_list.png"> ' . t(39, 'List') . '</a>', 'search_form')); // languages $ws_languages = $website->languages(); $navibars->form('', 'fid=items&act=edit&id=' . $item->id); $layout->add_script("\r\n \$(document).on('keydown.ctrl_s', function (evt) { navigate_items_tabform_submit(1); return false; } );\r\n \$(document).on('keydown.ctrl_m', function (evt) { navigate_media_browser(); return false; } );\r\n "); $layout->add_script(' var template_sections = []; '); $navibars->add_tab(t(43, "Main")); // tab #0 $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('form-sent', 'true')); $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('id', $item->id)); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>ID</label>', '<span>' . (!empty($item->id) ? $item->id : t(52, '(new)')) . '</span>')); if (empty($item->id)) { $item->date_to_display = core_time(); } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(551, 'Date to display') . '</label>', $naviforms->datefield('date_to_display', $item->date_to_display, true))); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(85, 'Date published') . '</label>', $naviforms->datefield('date_published', $item->date_published, true))); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(90, 'Date unpublished') . '</label>', $naviforms->datefield('date_unpublish', $item->date_unpublish, true))); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(364, 'Access') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('access', array(0 => 0, 1 => 2, 2 => 1, 3 => 3), array(0 => t(254, 'Everybody'), 1 => t(362, 'Not signed in'), 2 => t(361, 'Web users only'), 3 => t(512, 'Selected web user groups')), $item->access, 'navigate_webuser_groups_visibility($(this).val());', false, array(1 => t(363, 'Users who have not yet signed in'))))); $webuser_groups = webuser_group::all_in_array(); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(506, "Groups") . '</label>', $naviforms->multiselect('groups', array_keys($webuser_groups), array_values($webuser_groups), $item->groups)), 'webuser-groups-field'); $layout->add_script(' function navigate_webuser_groups_visibility(access_value) { if(access_value==3) $("#webuser-groups-field").show(); else $("#webuser-groups-field").hide(); } navigate_webuser_groups_visibility(' . $item->access . '); '); $permission_options = array(0 => t(69, 'Published'), 1 => t(70, 'Private'), 2 => t(81, 'Hidden')); if ($user->permission("items.publish") == 'false') { if (!isset($item->permission)) { $item->permission = 1; } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(68, 'Status') . '</label>', $permission_options[$item->permission], $naviforms->hidden("permission", $item->permission))); } else { $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(68, 'Status') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('permission', array_keys($permission_options), array_values($permission_options), $item->permission, '', false, array(0 => t(360, 'Visible to everybody'), 1 => t(359, 'Visible only to Navigate CMS users'), 2 => t(358, 'Hidden to everybody'))), '<span id="status_info" class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" data-message="' . t(618, 'Change the status to Published to see the item on the future publication date currently assigned', false, true) . '" style="display: none; float: none; vertical-align: middle; "></span>')); } if (empty($item->id)) { $item->author = $user->id; } $author_webuser = $DB->query_single('username', 'nv_users', ' id = ' . $item->author); $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('item-author', $item->author)); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(266, 'Author') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('item-author-text', $author_webuser))); // script#1 if ($item->date_modified > 0) { $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(227, 'Date modified') . '</label>', core_ts2date($item->date_modified, true))); } if ($item->date_created > 0) { $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(226, 'Date created') . '</label>', core_ts2date($item->date_created, true))); } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(280, 'Page views') . '</label>', $item->views), "div_page_views"); $navibars->add_tab(t(87, "Association")); // tab #1 $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(87, "Association") . '</label>', $naviforms->buttonset('association', array('free' => t(100, 'Free'), 'category' => t(78, 'Category')), empty($item->id) ? 'category' : $item->association, "navigate_change_association(this);"))); $hierarchy = structure::hierarchy(0); $categories_list = structure::hierarchyList($hierarchy, $item->category); if (empty($categories_list)) { $categories_list = '<ul><li value="0">' . t(428, '(no category)') . '</li></ul>'; } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(78, 'Category') . '</label>', $naviforms->dropdown_tree('category', $categories_list, $item->category, 'navigate_item_category_change')), 'div_category_tree'); $layout->add_script(' function navigate_item_category_change(id) { $.ajax( { url: NAVIGATE_APP + "?fid=" + navigate_query_parameter("fid") + "&act=96&id=" + id, dataType: "json", data: {}, success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) { item_category_path = data; } }); } '); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(162, 'Embedding') . '</label>', $naviforms->buttonset('embedding', array('1' => t(163, 'Embedded'), '0' => t(164, 'Own path')), empty($item->id) ? '1' : intval($item->embedding), "navigate_change_association();"), '<span id="embedding_info" class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" data-message-title-1="' . t(163, 'Embedded', false, true) . '" data-message-content-1="' . t(165, 'Full content is shown on category page. Ex. "Who we are?"', false, true) . '" data-message-title-2="' . t(164, 'Own path', false, true) . '" data-message-content-2="' . t(166, 'The content is accessed through its own url. Ex. "News"', false, true) . '" style="float: left; margin-left: -4px;"> </span>'), 'div_category_embedded'); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(22, 'Elements') . '</label>', '<button style="float: left;">' . t(171, 'Order') . '</button>', '<span id="order_info" class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" data-message="' . t(425, 'Order elements of a category (unless the template forces other sorting)', false, true) . '" style="float: left; margin-left: 2px;"> </span>', '<div id="items_order_window" style="display: none;"></div>'), 'div_category_order'); $layout->add_script(' $("#div_category_order button").button( { icons: { primary: "ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s" } }).on("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); navigate_status(navigate_t(6, "Loading") + "...", "loader"); $("#items_order_window").load("?fid=items&act=items_order&category=" + $("#category").val() + "&_bogus=" + new Date().getTime(), function() { navigate_status(navigate_t(42, "Ready"), "ready"); $("#items_order_window").dialog({ modal: true, title: "' . t(171, 'Order') . '", width: 600, height: 500, buttons: { "' . t(58, 'Cancel') . '": function() { $(this).dialog("destroy"); }, "' . t(190, 'Ok') . '": function() { var dialog = this; // save $.post( "?fid=items&act=items_order&category=" + $("#category").val() + "&_bogus=" + new Date().getTime(), { "items-order": $("#items-order").val() }, function(response) { if(response=="true") { $(dialog).dialog("destroy"); } else { $("<div>"+response+"</div>").dialog({ modal: true, title: "' . t(56, "Unexpected error") . '" }); } } ); } } }); }); }); '); $templates = template::elements('element'); $template_select = $naviforms->select_from_object_array('template', $templates, 'id', 'title', $item->template); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(79, 'Template') . '</label>', $template_select, '<span id="template_info" class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" data-message="' . t(619, "Template changed, please Save now to see the changes in the next tabs", false, true) . '" style="display: none; float: none; vertical-align: middle; "></span>'), 'div_template_select'); $layout->add_script(' var last_check = []; var active_languages = ["' . implode('", "', array_keys($ws_languages)) . '"]; $("#div_template_select").hide(); '); // script#3 if (!empty($item->id)) { $navibars->add_tab(t(9, "Content")); // tab #2 $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(63, 'Languages') . '</label>', $naviforms->buttonset('language_selector', $ws_languages, $website->languages_list[0], "navigate_items_select_language(this);"))); $template = $item->load_template(); $translate_extensions = extension::list_installed('translate', false); foreach ($website->languages_list as $lang) { $navibars->add_tab_content('<div class="language_fields" id="language_fields_' . $lang . '" style=" display: none; ">'); $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(67, 'Title') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('title-' . $lang, @$item->dictionary[$lang]['title']))); $open_live_site = ''; if (!empty($item->paths[$lang])) { $open_live_site = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $website->absolute_path(true) . $item->paths[$lang] . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/world_go.png" align="absmiddle" /></a>'; } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(75, 'Path') . $open_live_site . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('path-' . $lang, @$item->paths[$lang], NULL, 'navigate_items_path_check(this, event);'), '<span> </span>'), 'div_path_' . $lang); if (!isset($template->sections)) { $template->sections[] = array(0 => array('id' => 'main', 'name' => '#main#', 'editor' => 'tinymce', 'width' => '960px')); } if (!is_array($template->sections)) { $template->sections = array(); } // compatibility fix: auto-correct template sections with missing ID (only "code" provided) for ($s = 0; $s < count($template->sections); $s++) { if (!isset($template->sections[$s]['id'])) { $template->sections[$s]['id'] = $template->sections[$s]['code']; } } foreach ($template->sections as $section) { if (is_object($section)) { $section = (array) $section; } // ignore empty sections if (empty($section)) { continue; } if ($section['editor'] == 'tinymce') { $translate_menu = ''; if (!empty($translate_extensions)) { $translate_extensions_titles = array(); $translate_extensions_actions = array(); foreach ($translate_extensions as $te) { if ($te['enabled'] == '0') { continue; } $translate_extensions_titles[] = $te['title']; $translate_extensions_actions[] = 'javascript: navigate_tinymce_translate_' . $te['code'] . '(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $lang . '\');'; } if (!empty($translate_extensions_actions)) { $translate_menu = $naviforms->splitbutton('translate_' . $lang, '<img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(188, 'Translate'), $translate_extensions_actions, $translate_extensions_titles); } } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . template::section_name($section['name']) . '<span class="editor_selector" for="section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '">' . '<i class="fa fa-border fa-fw fa-lg fa-file-text-o active" data-action="tinymce" title="' . t(614, "Edit with TinyMCE") . '"></i> ' . '<i class="fa fa-border fa-fw fa-lg fa-code" data-action="html" title="' . t(615, "Edit as source code") . '"></i> ' . '<i class="fa fa-border fa-fw fa-lg fa-eraser" data-action="clear" title="' . t(208, "Remove all content") . '"></i>' . '</span>' . '</label>', $naviforms->editorfield('section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang, @$item->dictionary[$lang]['section-' . $section['id']], $section['width'] + 48 . 'px', $lang), '<div style="clear:both; margin-top:5px; float:left; margin-bottom: 10px;">', '<label> </label>', $translate_menu, '<button onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_dialog(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\'); return false;"><img src="img/icons/silk/page_white_copy.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(189, 'Copy from') . '...</button> ', '<button onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_history_dialog(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['id'] . '\', \'' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['editor'] . '\'); return false;"><img src="img/icons/silk/time_green.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(40, 'History') . '</button> ', !empty($theme->content_samples) ? '<button onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['id'] . '\', \'' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['editor'] . '\'); return false;"><img src="img/icons/silk/rainbow.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(553, 'Fragments') . ' | ' . $theme->title . '</button> ' : '', '</div>', '<br />'), '', 'lang="' . $lang . '"'); } else { if ($section['editor'] == 'html') { $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . template::section_name($section['name']) . '</label>', $naviforms->scriptarea('section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang, @$item->dictionary[$lang]['section-' . $section['id']], 'html', ' width: ' . $section['width'] . 'px'), '<div style="clear:both; margin-top:5px; float:left; margin-bottom: 10px;">', '<label> </label>', '<button onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_history_dialog(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['id'] . '\', \'' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['editor'] . '\'); return false;"><img src="img/icons/silk/time_green.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(40, 'History') . '</button> ', !empty($theme->content_samples) ? '<button onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['id'] . '\', \'' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['editor'] . '\'); return false;"><img src="img/icons/silk/rainbow.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(553, 'Fragments') . ' | ' . $theme->title . '</button> ' : '', '</div>', '<br />'), '', 'lang="' . $lang . '"'); } else { $translate_menu = ''; if (!empty($translate_extensions)) { $translate_extensions_titles = array(); $translate_extensions_actions = array(); foreach ($translate_extensions as $te) { if ($te['enabled'] == '0') { continue; } $translate_extensions_titles[] = $te['title']; $translate_extensions_actions[] = 'javascript: navigate_textarea_translate_' . $te['code'] . '(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $lang . '\');'; } if (!empty($translate_extensions_actions)) { $translate_menu = $naviforms->splitbutton('translate_' . $lang, '<img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(188, 'Translate'), $translate_extensions_actions, $translate_extensions_titles); } } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . template::section_name($section['name']) . '</label>', $naviforms->textarea('section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang, @$item->dictionary[$lang]['section-' . $section['id']], 8, 48, ' width: ' . $section['width'] . 'px'), '<div style="clear:both; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom: 10px; ">', '<label> </label>', $translate_menu, '<button onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_history_dialog(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['id'] . '\', \'' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['editor'] . '\'); return false;"><img src="img/icons/silk/time_green.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(40, 'History') . '</button> ', !empty($theme->content_samples) ? '<button onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples(\'section-' . $section['id'] . '-' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['id'] . '\', \'' . $lang . '\', \'' . $section['editor'] . '\'); return false;"><img src="img/icons/silk/rainbow.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . t(553, 'Fragments') . ' | ' . $theme->title . '</button> ' : '', '</div>'), '', 'lang="' . $lang . '"'); } } } if ($template->tags == 1 || $template->tags == 'true') { $tags_copy_select = ''; $tags_copy_select_pre = ''; $tags_copy_select_after = ''; // allow copying tags between languages? if (count($website->languages_list) > 1) { $tags_copy_select = $naviforms->selectfield('', array_keys($ws_languages), array_values($ws_languages), '', '', false, '', ' width: auto; position: absolute; margin-top: 1px; ', false); $tags_copy_select = ' <div style=" position: relative; margin-left: 600px; margin-top: -57px; width: 200px; height: 68px; "> <a href="#" class="uibutton" title="' . t(189, "Copy from") . '…" onclick=" navigate_items_tags_copy_from_language($(this).next().val(), \'' . $lang . '\'); return false; "> <img src="img/icons/silk/page_white_copy.png" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" style=" cursor: pointer; " /> </a> ' . $tags_copy_select . ' </div> '; } $tags_top_list = ' <div style=" position: relative; margin-left: 600px; margin-top: -93px; width: 200px; height: 92px; "> <a href="#" class="uibutton" onclick=" navigate_items_tags_ranking(\'' . $lang . '\', this); return false; "> <img src="img/icons/silk/award_star_gold_3.png" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" style=" cursor: pointer; " /> ' . t(613, "Most used") . ' </a> </div> '; $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(265, 'Tags') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('tags-' . $lang, @$item->dictionary[$lang]['tags']), $tags_top_list, $tags_copy_select)); } $layout->add_script(' $("#tags-' . $lang . '").tagit({ removeConfirmation: true, allowSpaces: true, singleField: true, singleFieldDelimiter: ",", placeholderText: "+", autocomplete: { delay: 0, minLength: 1, source: "?fid=items&act=json_tags_search&lang=' . $lang . '" }, afterTagAdded: function(event, ui) { var tags = $(this).tagit("assignedTags"); if(tags.length > 0) tags = tags.join(","); else tags = ""; $("#tags-' . $lang . '") .val(tags) .trigger("change"); }, afterTagRemoved: function(event, ui) { var tags = $(this).tagit("assignedTags"); if(tags.length > 0) tags = tags.join(","); else tags = ""; $("#tags-' . $lang . '") .val(tags) .trigger("change"); } }); $("#tags-' . $lang . '").next().sortable({ items: ">li:not(.tagit-new)", update: function(ui, event) { var tags = []; $("#tags-' . $lang . '").next().find("span.tagit-label").each(function() { if($(this).text() != "") tags.push($(this).text()); }); if(tags.length > 0) tags = tags.join(","); else tags = ""; $("#tags-' . $lang . '").val(tags); $("#tags-' . $lang . '").trigger("change"); } }); '); // script#4 $navibars->add_tab_content('</div>'); } // translate content_samples titles if (is_array($theme->content_samples)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($theme->content_samples); $i++) { $theme->content_samples[$i]->title = $theme->t($theme->content_samples[$i]->title); } } $layout->add_script(' var template_sections = ' . json_encode($template->sections) . '; var theme_content_samples = ' . json_encode($theme->content_samples) . '; var website_theme = "' . $website->theme . '"; '); $category = new structure(); $category->paths = array(); if (!empty($item->category)) { $category->load($item->category); } $layout->add_script(' var item_category_path = ' . json_encode($category->paths) . '; var item_id = "' . $item->id . '"; '); // script#5 // select the first language of the website as the default origin when copying content $default_language = array_keys($ws_languages); $default_language = $default_language[0]; $layout->add_content(' <div id="navigate_items_copy_from" style=" display: none; "> <div class="navigate-form-row"> <label>' . t(191, 'Source') . '</label> ' . $naviforms->buttonset('navigate_items_copy_from_type', array('language' => t(46, 'Language'), 'item' => t(180, 'Item')), '0', "navigate_items_copy_from_change_origin(this);") . ' </div> <div class="navigate-form-row" style=" display: none; "> <label>' . t(46, 'Language') . '</label> ' . $naviforms->selectfield('navigate_items_copy_from_language_selector', array_keys($ws_languages), array_values($ws_languages), $default_language) . ' </div> <div class="navigate-form-row" style=" display: none; "> <label>' . t(79, 'Template') . '</label> ' . $naviforms->select_from_object_array('navigate_items_copy_from_template', $templates, 'id', 'title', '', '') . ' </div> <div class="navigate-form-row" style=" display: none; "> <label>' . t(67, 'Title') . '</label> ' . $naviforms->textfield('navigate_items_copy_from_title') . ' ' . $naviforms->hidden('navigate_items_copy_from_item_id', '') . ' </div> <div class="navigate-form-row" style=" display: none; "> <label>' . t(239, 'Section') . '</label> ' . $naviforms->select_from_object_array('navigate_items_copy_from_section', array(), 'id', 'name', '') . ' </div> </div> <div id="navigate_items_copy_from_history" style=" display: none; "> <div class="navigate-form-row"> <label>' . t(196, 'Date & time') . '</label> <select id="navigate_items_copy_from_history_options" name="navigate_items_copy_from_history_options" onchange="navigate_items_copy_from_history_preview(this.value, $(this).attr(\'type\'));"> </select> <a href="#" onclick="navigate_items_copy_from_history_remove();"><img src="img/icons/silk/cancel.png" align="absmiddle"></a> </div> <div class="navigate-form-row"> <!--<div id="navigate_items_copy_from_history_text" name="navigate_items_copy_from_history_text" style="border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; float: left; height: auto; min-height: 20px; overflow: auto; width: 97%; padding: 3px; background: #f7f7f7;"> </div> --> <textarea style="display: none;" id="navigate_items_copy_from_history_stylesheets">' . $website->content_stylesheets('link_tag') . '</textarea> <iframe id="navigate_items_copy_from_history_text" name="navigate_items_copy_from_history_text" src="about:blank" style="border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; float: left; height: 300px; min-height: 20px; overflow: auto; width: 97%; padding: 3px; "> </iframe> <div id="navigate_items_copy_from_history_text_raw" style=" display: none; "></div> </div> </div> <div id="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples" style=" display: none; "> <div class="navigate-form-row"> <label>' . t(79, 'Template') . '</label> <select id="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples_options" name="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples_options" onchange="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples_preview(this.value, $(this).attr(\'type\'), $(this).find(\'option:selected\').attr(\'source\'));"> </select> </div> <div class="navigate-form-row"> <div id="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples_text" name="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples_text" style="border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; float: left; height: auto; min-height: 20px; overflow: auto; width: 97%; padding: 3px; background: #f7f7f7;"> </div> <div id="navigate_items_copy_from_theme_samples_text_raw" style=" display: none; "></div> </div> </div> '); // script will be bound to onload event at the end of this php function (after getScript is done) $onload_language = $_REQUEST['tab_language']; if (empty($onload_language)) { $onload_language = $website->languages_list[0]; } $layout->add_script(' function navigate_items_onload() { navigate_items_select_language("' . $onload_language . '"); navigate_change_association("' . (empty($item->id) ? 'category' : $item->association) . '"); setTimeout(function() { $(navigate_codemirror_instances).each(function() { this.refresh(); } ); }, 500); }; '); /* IMAGE GALLERIES */ if ($template->gallery === 'true' || $template->gallery > 0) { $navibars->add_tab(t(210, "Gallery")); // tab #3 $access = array(0 => '', 1 => '<img src="img/icons/silk/lock.png" align="absmiddle" title="' . t(361, 'Web users only') . '" />', 2 => '<img src="img/icons/silk/user_gray.png" align="absmiddle" title="' . t(363, 'Users who have not yet signed up or signed in') . '" />', 3 => '<img src="img/icons/silk/group_key.png" align="absmiddle" title="' . t(512, "Selected web user groups") . '" />'); $permissions = array(0 => '', 1 => '<img src="img/icons/silk/world_dawn.png" align="absmiddle" title="' . t(70, 'Private') . '" />', 2 => '<img src="img/icons/silk/world_night.png" align="absmiddle" title="' . t(81, 'Hidden') . '" />'); if (!is_array($item->galleries[0])) { $item->galleries[0] = array(); } $gallery_elements_order = implode('#', array_keys($item->galleries[0])); $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('items-gallery-elements-order', $gallery_elements_order)); $gallery = '<ul id="items-gallery-elements" class="items-gallery">'; $ids = array_keys($item->galleries[0]); //$default_img = ''; // transparent pixel $default_img = 'img/icons/ricebowl/mimetypes/image.png'; for ($g = 0; $g < count($ids); $g++) { $f = new file(); $f->load($ids[$g]); $gallery .= ' <li> <div id="items-gallery-item-' . $ids[$g] . '-droppable" class="navigate-droppable ui-corner-all" data-file-id="' . $f->id . '"> <div class="file-access-icons">' . $access[$f->access] . $permissions[$f->permission] . '</div> <img title="' . $ids[$g] . '" src="' . $default_img . '" data-src="' . NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&id=' . $ids[$g] . '&disposition=inline&width=75&height=75" width="75" height="75" /> </div> <div class="navigate-droppable-cancel" style="display: block;"><img src="img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></div> </li> '; } // empty element $gallery .= ' <li class="gallery-item-empty-droppable"> <div id="items-gallery-item-empty-droppable" class="navigate-droppable ui-corner-all"> <img src="img/icons/misc/dropbox.png" vspace="18" /> </div> </li> '; $gallery .= '</ul>'; // now the image captions foreach ($item->galleries[0] as $image_id => $image_dictionary) { if (!is_array($image_dictionary)) { $image_dictionary = array(); } foreach ($website->languages_list as $lang) { $gallery .= $naviforms->hidden('items-gallery-item-' . $image_id . '-dictionary-' . $lang, $image_dictionary[$lang]); } } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(210, 'Gallery') . '</label>', '<div>' . $gallery . '</div>')); $layout->add_content(' <ul id="contextmenu-gallery-items" style="display: none" class="ui-corner-all"> <li id="contextmenu-gallery-items-properties"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-contact"></span>' . t(213, "Image caption") . '</a></li> <li id="contextmenu-gallery-items-permissions"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-key"></span>' . t(17, "Permissions") . '</a></li> <li id="contextmenu-gallery-items-focalpoint"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-image"></span>' . t(540, "Focal point") . '</a></li> <li id="contextmenu-gallery-items-description"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-comment"></span>' . t(334, 'Description') . '</a></li> <li><!--divider--></li> <li id="contextmenu-gallery-items-remove"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-minus"></span>' . t(627, 'Remove') . '</a></li> <li id="contextmenu-gallery-items-move-beginning"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-n"></span>' . t(628, 'Move to the beginning') . '</a></li> <li id="contextmenu-gallery-items-move-end"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-s"></span>' . t(629, 'Move to the end') . '</a></li> </ul> '); // script#6 $layout->add_script(' $(window).on("load", function() { new LazyLoad({ threshold: 200, container: $("#items-gallery-elements-order").parent()[0], elements_selector: "#items-gallery-elements img", throttle: 40, data_src: "src", show_while_loading: true }); }); '); $captions_form = ' <div id="navigate_items_gallery_captions_form" style=" display: none; "> <div class="navigate-form-row"> <label>' . t(157, 'Image') . '</label> ' . $naviforms->dropbox('navigate_items_gallery_captions_form_image', '', 'image', true) . ' </div> '; $caption_langs = array_values($website->languages_list); foreach ($caption_langs as $caption_language) { $captions_form .= ' <div class="navigate-form-row"> <label>' . language::name_by_code($caption_language) . '</label> ' . $naviforms->textfield('navigate_items_gallery_captions_form_image_' . $caption_language, '') . ' </div> '; } $captions_form .= ' </div> '; $layout->add_content($captions_form); } // Properties TAB (only if needed) $properties_html = ''; if ($item->association == 'free' && !empty($item->template) && $item->template != '0') { // we already know the properties to show: template is set on item $properties_html = navigate_property_layout_form('item', $item->template, 'item', $item->id); } else { if ($item->association == 'category' && $item->embedding == 0 && !empty($item->template)) { // we already know the properties to show: template is set on item $properties_html = navigate_property_layout_form('item', $item->template, 'item', $item->id); } else { if ($item->association == 'category' && $item->category > 0) { // we have to get the template set in the category of the item $template_id = $DB->query_single('template', 'nv_structure', ' id = ' . protect($item->category) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id); $properties_html = navigate_property_layout_form('item', $template_id, 'item', $item->id); } } } if (!empty($properties_html)) { $navibars->add_tab(t(77, "Properties")); // tab #4 $navibars->add_tab_content($properties_html); } if ($template->comments > 0 || $template->comments == 'true' || $template->comments === true || is_object($template->comments)) { $navibars->add_tab(t(250, "Comments")); // tab #5 $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(252, 'Comments enabled to') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('item-comments_enabled_to', array(0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2), array(0 => t(253, 'Nobody'), 1 => t(24, 'Registered users'), 2 => t(254, 'Everyone')), $item->comments_enabled_to))); $moderator_id = ''; if (!empty($item->comments_moderator)) { $moderator_username = $DB->query_single('username', 'nv_users', ' id = ' . $item->comments_moderator); if (!empty($moderator_username)) { $moderator_username = array($moderator_username); $moderator_id = array($item->comments_moderator); } } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(255, 'Moderator') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('item-comments_moderator', $moderator_id, $moderator_username, $item->comments_moderator, null, false, null, null, false), '<span style="display: none;" id="item-comments_moderator-helper">' . t(535, "Find user by name") . '</span>', '<div class="subcomment"><img align="absmiddle" src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/information.png" /> ' . t(256, 'Leave blank to accept all comments') . '</div>')); // script#7 // comments list // removed filter: AND = ... reason: the webuser could be from another website if sharing webusers is enabled // TODO: retrieve comments by AJAX call to avoid memory issues. right now we just retrieve the first 500 comments $DB->query('SELECT nvc.*, nvwu.username, nvwu.avatar FROM nv_comments nvc LEFT OUTER JOIN nv_webusers nvwu ON = nvc.user WHERE = ' . protect($website->id) . ' AND nvc.item = ' . protect($item->id) . ' ORDER BY nvc.date_created ASC LIMIT 500'); $comments = $DB->result(); $comments_total = count($comments); for ($c = 0; $c < $comments_total; $c++) { if ($comments[$c]->status == 2) { $comment_status = 'hidden'; } else { if ($comments[$c]->status == 1) { $comment_status = 'private'; } else { if ($comments[$c]->status == -1) { $comment_status = 'new'; } else { $comment_status = 'public'; } } } $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<span class="items-comment-label">' . core_ts2date($comments[$c]->date_created, true) . '<br />' . '<strong>' . (empty($comments[$c]->username) ? $comments[$c]->name : $comments[$c]->username) . '</strong>' . '<br />' . $comments[$c]->ip . '</span>', '<div id="items-comment-' . $comments[$c]->id . '" class="items-comment-message items-comment-status-' . $comment_status . '">' . nl2br($comments[$c]->message) . '</div>', empty($comments[$c]->avatar) ? '' : '<img style=" margin-left: 5px; " src="' . NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&id=' . $comments[$c]->avatar . '&disposition=inline&width=46&height=46" />')); } $navibars->add_tab_content(' <div id="items-comments-toolbar"> <img id="items-comments-toolbar-publish" src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/accept.png" title="' . t(258, 'Publish') . '" /> <img id="items-comments-toolbar-unpublish" src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/delete.png" title="' . t(259, 'Unpublish') . '" /> <img id="items-comments-toolbar-delete" src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/decline.png" title="' . t(35, 'Delete') . '" /> </div> '); // script#8 // comments moderation } if ($item->votes > 0) { $navibars->add_tab(t(352, "Votes")); // tab #6 $score = $item->score / $item->votes; $navibars->add_tab_content_panel('<img src="img/icons/silk/chart_pie.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(337, 'Summary'), array('<div class="navigate-panels-summary ui-corner-all"><h2>' . $item->votes . '</h2><br />' . t(352, 'Votes') . '</div>', '<div class="navigate-panels-summary ui-corner-all""><h2>' . $score . '</h2><br />' . t(353, 'Score') . '</div>', '<div style=" float: left; margin-left: 8px; "><a href="#" class="uibutton" id="items_votes_webuser">' . t(15, 'Users') . '</a></div>', '<div style=" float: right; margin-right: 8px; "><a href="#" class="uibutton" id="items_votes_reset">' . t(354, 'Reset') . '</a></div>', '<div id="items_votes_webuser_window" style=" display: none; width: 600px; height: 350px; "></div>'), 'navigate-panel-web-summary', '385px', '200px'); $layout->add_script(' $("#items_votes_reset").on("click", function() { navigate_confirmation_dialog( function() { $.post("?fid=items&act=votes_reset&id=' . $item->id . '", function(data) { $("#navigate-panel-web-summary").addClass("ui-state-disabled"); navigate_notification("' . t(355, 'Votes reset') . '"); }); }, "' . t(497, "Do you really want to erase this data?") . '", null, "' . t(354, 'Reset') . '" ); }); $("#items_votes_webuser").on("click", function() { $( "#items_votes_webuser_window" ).dialog( { title: "' . t(357, 'User votes') . '", width: 700, height: 400, modal: true, open: function() { $( "#items_votes_webuser_window" ).html("<table id=\\"items_votes_webuser_grid\\"></table>"); $( "#items_votes_webuser_window" ).append("<div id=\\"items_votes_webuser_grid_pager\\"></div>"); jQuery("#items_votes_webuser_grid").jqGrid( { url: "?fid=' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . '&act=votes_by_webuser&id=' . $item->id . '", editurl: "?fid=' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . '&act=votes_by_webuser&id=' . $item->id . '", datatype: "json", mtype: "GET", pager: "#items_votes_webuser_grid_pager", colNames:["ID", "' . t(86, 'Date') . '", "' . t(1, 'Username') . '"], colModel:[ {name:"id", index:"id", width: 75, align: "left", sortable:true, editable:false, hidden: true}, {name:"date",index:"date", width: 180, align: "center", sortable:true, editable:false}, {name:"username", index:"username", align: "left", width: 380, sortable:true, editable:false} ], scroll: 1, loadonce: false, autowidth: true, forceFit: true, rowNum: 12, rowList: [12], viewrecords: true, multiselect: true, sortname: "date", sortorder: "desc" }); $("#items_votes_webuser_grid").jqGrid( "navGrid", "#items_votes_webuser_grid_pager", { add: false, edit: false, del: true, search: false } ); } }); }); '); $navibars->add_tab_content_panel('<img src="img/icons/silk/chart_line.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(353, 'Score'), array('<div id="navigate-panel-web-score-graph" style=" margin: 8px; height: 150px; width: 360px; "></div>'), 'navigate-panel-web-score', '385px', '200px'); $votes_by_score = webuser_vote::object_votes_by_score('item', $item->id); $gdata = array(); $colors = array('#0a2f42', '#62bbe8', '#1d8ec7', '#44aee4', '#bbe1f5'); foreach ($votes_by_score as $vscore) { $gdata[] = (object) array('label' => $vscore->value, 'data' => (int) $vscore->votes, 'color' => $colors[$vscore->value % count($colors)]); } $navibars->add_tab_content(' <div class="hidden" id="navigate-panel-web-data-score">' . json_encode($gdata) . '</div> '); $navibars->add_tab_content_panel('<img src="img/icons/silk/chart_line.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(352, 'Votes') . ' (' . t(356, 'last 90 days') . ')', array('<div id="navigate-panel-web-votes-graph" style=" margin: 8px; height: 150px; width: 360px; "></div>'), 'navigate-panel-web-votes', '385px', '200px'); $votes_by_date = webuser_vote::object_votes_by_date('item', $item->id, 90); $navibars->add_tab_content(' <div class="hidden" id="navigate-panel-web-data-votes_by_date">' . json_encode($votes_by_date) . '</div> '); // script#9 } $nvweb_preview = NAVIGATE_PARENT . NAVIGATE_FOLDER . '/web/nvweb.php?preview=true&wid=' . $website->id . '&route='; $layout->add_script(' function navigate_items_preview() { // navigate_items_disable_spellcheck(); not needed in tinymce 4? navigate_periodic_event_delegate(); // force saving current data in history var url = "' . $nvweb_preview . '"; var active_language = $("input[name=\'language_selector[]\']:checked").val(); if($("#template").parent().css("display")=="block") url = url + "node/' . $item->id . '&lang=" + active_language + "&template=" + $("#template").val(); else // category URL url = url + item_category_path[active_language].slice(1); setTimeout(function() {; }, 1000); } '); $events->trigger('items', 'edit', array('item' => &$item, 'navibars' => &$navibars, 'naviforms' => &$naviforms)); } $layout->add_script(' $.getScript("lib/packages/items/items.js?r=' . $current_version->revision . '", function() { if(typeof navigate_items_onload == "function") navigate_items_onload(); }); '); return $navibars->generate(); }
// output content header('Connection: close'); //$image = core_http_request($_REQUEST['image']); $image = file_get_contents($_REQUEST['image']); file_put_contents($targetDir . '/' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '.pixlr', $image); if (file_exists($targetDir . '/' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '.pixlr')) { if (filesize($targetDir . '/' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '.pixlr') != $size) { @unlink($targetDir . '/' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '.pixlr'); } else { unlink($targetDir . '/' . $_REQUEST['id']); rename($targetDir . '/' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '.pixlr', $targetDir . '/' . $_REQUEST['id']); // update file info and remove old thumbnails $DB = new database(); $DB->connect(); $file = new file(); $file->load($_REQUEST['id']); $file->refresh(); $DB->disconnect(); core_terminate(); } } } } echo false; core_terminate(); } else { if ($_REQUEST['engine'] == 'tinymce') { $DB = new database(); $DB->connect(); $file = file::register_upload($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name'], 0, NULL, true); if (!empty($file)) {
<?php require_once "prepend.php"; require_once "PagesGenerator.php"; require_once "JSON.php"; $json = new Services_JSON(); PagesGenerator::run($json->decode(file::load("data/config.ini")));
public static function export_sample($a_categories, $a_items, $a_block_groups, $a_blocks, $a_comments, $folder) { global $website; global $theme; global $DB; @set_time_limit(0); $categories = array(); $items = array(); $blocks = array(); $block_groups = array(); $comments = array(); $properties = array(); $files = array(); $settings = array(); // structure for ($c = 0; $c < count($a_categories); $c++) { $tmp = new structure(); $tmp->load($a_categories[$c]); //$properties['structure'][$tmp->id] = property::load_properties_associative('structure', $tmp->template, 'structure', $tmp->id); $properties['structure'][$tmp->id] = property::load_properties('structure', $tmp->template, 'structure', $tmp->id); $categories[$tmp->id] = $tmp; // add files referenced in properties if (is_array($properties['structure'][$tmp->id])) { foreach ($properties['structure'][$tmp->id] as $property) { if ($property->type == 'image' || $property->type == 'file') { $files[] = $property->value; } } } } // comments for ($c = 0; $c < count($a_comments); $c++) { $tmp = new comment(); $tmp->load($a_comments[$c]); $comments[$tmp->id] = $tmp; } // items for ($i = 0; $i < count($a_items); $i++) { $tmp = new item(); $tmp->load($a_items[$i]); $template_id = $tmp->template; if ($tmp->association != "free" && $tmp->embedding == 1) { // we have to get the template set in the category of the item $template_id = $DB->query_single('template', 'nv_structure', ' id = ' . protect($tmp->category) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id); } $properties['item'][$tmp->id] = property::load_properties('item', $template_id, 'item', $tmp->id); list($tmp->dictionary, $files) = theme::export_sample_parse_dictionary($tmp->dictionary, $files); // add files referenced in properties if (is_array($properties['item'][$tmp->id])) { foreach ($properties['item'][$tmp->id] as $property) { if ($property->type == 'image' || $property->type == 'file') { $files[] = $property->value; } } } // add files referenced in gallery if (is_array($tmp->galleries[0])) { $gallery_images = array_keys($tmp->galleries[0]); $files = array_merge($files, $gallery_images); } $items[$tmp->id] = $tmp; } // block_groups for ($i = 0; $i < count($a_block_groups); $i++) { $tmp = new block_group(); $tmp->load($a_block_groups[$i]); $block_groups[$tmp->id] = $tmp; if (is_array($tmp->blocks)) { foreach ($tmp->blocks as $bgb) { if ($bgb['type'] == 'block_group_block') { $properties['block_group_block'][$a_block_groups[$i]][$bgb['uid']] = property::load_properties($bgb['id'], $tmp->code, 'block_group_block', $bgb['id'], $bgb['uid']); } else { if ($bgb['type'] == 'extension') { $properties['block_group_block'][$a_block_groups[$i]][$bgb['uid']] = property::load_properties(NULL, $bgb['id'], "extension_block", NULL, $bgb['uid']); } } } } // note: maybe not all blocks in the group have been selected in the "blocks" tab // here we only export the block group definition, the block group blocks properties and the extension blocks properties, not adding anything else to export } // blocks for ($i = 0; $i < count($a_blocks); $i++) { $tmp = new block(); $tmp->load($a_blocks[$i]); $properties['block'][$tmp->id] = property::load_properties('block', $tmp->type, 'block', $tmp->id); list($tmp->dictionary, $files) = theme::export_sample_parse_dictionary($tmp->dictionary, $files); list($tmp->trigger['trigger-content'], $files) = theme::export_sample_parse_array($tmp->trigger['trigger-content'], $files); list($tmp->trigger['trigger-html'], $files) = theme::export_sample_parse_array($tmp->trigger['trigger-html'], $files); if (!empty($tmp->trigger['trigger-image'])) { $files = array_merge($files, array_values($tmp->trigger['trigger-image'])); } if (!empty($tmp->trigger['trigger-rollover'])) { $files = array_merge($files, array_values($tmp->trigger['trigger-rollover'])); } if (!empty($tmp->trigger['trigger-rollover-active'])) { $files = array_merge($files, array_values($tmp->trigger['trigger-rollover-active'])); } if (!empty($tmp->trigger['trigger-flash'])) { $files = array_merge($files, array_values($tmp->trigger['trigger-flash'])); } if (!empty($tmp->action['action-image'])) { $files = array_merge($files, array_values($tmp->action['action-image'])); } if (!empty($tmp->action['action-file'])) { $files = array_merge($files, array_values($tmp->action['action-file'])); } // add files referenced in properties if (is_array($properties['block'][$tmp->id])) { foreach ($properties['block'][$tmp->id] as $property) { if ($property->type == 'image' || $property->type == 'file') { $files[] = $property->value; } } } $blocks[$tmp->id] = $tmp; } // folders // save references and get their files list $folders = array(); $folders_to_check = array(); if (!empty($folder)) { array_push($folders_to_check, $folder); while (!empty($folders_to_check)) { $f = array_shift($folders_to_check); $f = file::filesOnPath($f); foreach ($f as $file) { if ($file->type == 'folder') { array_push($folders_to_check, $file->id); array_push($folders, $file); } else { $files[] = $file->id; } } } } // add files selected as theme_options foreach ($theme->options as $to) { if ($to->type == 'image' || $to->type == 'file') { $to_value = $website->theme_options->{$to->id}; if (is_array($to_value)) { $files = array_merge($files, $to_value); } else { $files[] = $to_value; } } } // include favicon in file list if (!empty($website->favicon)) { $files[] = $website->favicon; } // files $files = array_unique($files); for ($f = 0; $f < count($files); $f++) { $file = new file(); $file->load($files[$f]); $files[$f] = $file; } // settings $settings['homepage'] = $website->homepage; $settings['favicon'] = $website->favicon; $zip = new zipfile(); $zip->addFile(var_export($website->languages, true), 'languages.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($website->theme_options, true), 'theme_options.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($categories, true), 'structure.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($items, true), 'items.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($block_groups, true), 'block_groups.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($blocks, true), 'blocks.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($comments, true), 'comments.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($files, true), 'files.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($folders, true), 'folders.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($properties, true), 'properties.var_export'); $zip->addFile(var_export($settings, true), 'settings.var_export'); foreach ($files as $file) { $zip->addFile(file_get_contents($file->absolute_path()), 'files/' . $file->id); } $contents = $zip->file(); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $website->theme . '"'); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($contents)); echo $contents; }
public static function embed($provider, $reference, $extra = "") { $out = ''; if (($provider == 'file' || empty($provider)) && is_numeric($reference)) { $file = new file(); $file->load($reference); $reference = $file; } if (is_object($reference)) { $vsrc = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $reference->id . '&disposition=inline'; $out = ' <video id="video-file-' . $reference->id . '" ' . $extra . ' controls="controls" preload="metadata" poster=""> <source src="' . $vsrc . '" type="' . $reference->mime . '" /> <p>Error loading video</p> </video> '; } else { if ($provider == 'youtube') { $out = '<iframe src="' . $reference . '?feature=oembed&rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ' . $extra . '></iframe>'; } else { if ($provider == 'vimeo') { $out = '<iframe src="' . $reference . '?" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ' . $extra . '></iframe>'; } } } return $out; }
function nvweb_gallery_image_caption($image, $gallery) { global $current; $image_title = ""; $image_description = ""; if (is_array($gallery)) { $image_title = $gallery[$image][$current['lang']]; $image_description = $gallery[$image][$current['lang']]; } if (empty($image_title)) { // retrieve title and description from file $image_selected_obj = new file(); $image_selected_obj->load($image); if (isset($image_selected_obj->description[$current['lang']])) { $image_description = $image_selected_obj->description[$current['lang']]; } if (isset($image_selected_obj->title[$current['lang']])) { $image_title = $image_selected_obj->title[$current['lang']]; } } return array($image_title, $image_description); }
function isNew($msg) { static $sanswered = ""; if (strlen($sanswered) == 0) { $sanswered = file_exists("data/answered") ? file::load("data/answered") : ""; } return !preg_match("{" . preg_quote($msg->message_id) . "}s", $sanswered); }
if (empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { exit; } // create database connection $DB = new database(); if (!$DB->connect()) { exit; } if (empty($_SESSION['APP_USER#' . APP_UNIQUE])) { exit; } $item = new file(); $id = $_REQUEST['id']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { if (is_int($id)) { $item->load($id); } else { $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); } } if (!$item->id) { echo 'Error: no item found with id ' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '.'; session_write_close(); $DB->disconnect(); // we don't need the database anymore (we'll see) exit; } $website = new Website(); if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) { $website->load(intval($_GET['wid'])); } else {
<?php require_once "prepend.php"; require_once "MailGrabber.php"; require_once "JSON.php"; set_time_limit(0); $json = new Services_JSON(); $mailgrabber = new MailGrabber(); $mailgrabber->run($json->decode(file::load("data/config.ini")), true);
function nvweb_list_parse_tag($tag, $item, $source = 'item', $item_relative_position, $item_absolute_position, $total) { global $current; global $website; global $structure; global $DB; $out = ''; switch ($tag['attributes']['source']) { // special condition, return direct query result values case 'query': $out = $item->_query->{$tag}['attributes']['value']; break; // special: return element position in list // special: return element position in list case 'position': $position = $item_relative_position; if ($tag['attributes']['absolute'] == 'true') { $position = $item_absolute_position; } switch ($tag['attributes']['type']) { case 'alphabetic': $out = number2alphabet($position); break; case 'numeric': default: $out = $position + 1; // first element is 1, but in list is zero break; } break; // NOTE: the following refers to structure information of an ITEM, useless if the source are categories! // NOTE: the following refers to structure information of an ITEM, useless if the source are categories! case 'structure': case 'category': nvweb_menu_load_dictionary(); // load menu translations if not already done nvweb_menu_load_routes(); // load menu paths if not already done switch ($tag['attributes']['value']) { case 'title': if ($source == 'structure' || $source == 'category') { $out = $structure['dictionary'][$item->id]; } else { $out = $structure['dictionary'][$item->category]; } if (!empty($tag['attributes']['length'])) { $out = core_string_cut($out, $tag['attributes']['length'], '…'); } break; case 'slug': if ($source == 'structure' || $source == 'category') { $out = $structure['dictionary'][$item->id]; } else { $out = $structure['dictionary'][$item->category]; } // remove spaces, special chars, etc. $out = core_string_clean($out); $out = slug($out); break; case 'property': $id = $item->id; if ($source != 'structure' && $source != 'category') { $id = $item->category; } $nvweb_properties_parameters = array_replace($tag['attributes'], array('mode' => !isset($tag['attributes']['mode']) ? 'structure' : $tag['attributes']['mode'], 'id' => $id, 'property' => !empty($tag['attributes']['property']) ? $tag['attributes']['property'] : $tag['attributes']['name'])); $out = nvweb_properties($nvweb_properties_parameters); break; case 'url': case 'path': if ($source == 'structure' || $source == 'category') { $out = $structure['routes'][$item->id]; } else { $out = $structure['routes'][$item->category]; } $out = nvweb_prepare_link($out); break; case 'id': if ($source == 'structure' || $source == 'category') { $out = $item->id; } else { // source = 'item'? $out = $item->category; } break; default: break; } break; // ITEM comments // ITEM comments case 'comment': case 'comments': switch ($tag['attributes']['value']) { case 'id': $out = $item->id; break; case 'avatar': $size = '48'; $extra = ''; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['size'])) { $size = intval($tag['attributes']['size']); } if (!empty($tag['attributes']['border'])) { $extra .= '&border=' . $tag['attributes']['border']; } if (!empty($item->avatar)) { $out = '<img class="' . $tag['attributes']['class'] . '" src="' . NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=image' . $extra . '&id=' . $item->avatar . '" width="' . $size . 'px" height="' . $size . 'px"/>'; } else { if (!empty($tag['attributes']['default'])) { // the comment creator has not an avatar, but the template wants to show a default one // 3 cases: // numerical -> ID of the avatar image file in Navigate CMS // absolute path (http://www...) // relative path (/img/avatar.png) -> path to the avatar file included in the THEME used if (is_numeric($tag['attributes']['default'])) { $out = '<img class="' . $tag['attributes']['class'] . '" src="' . NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=image' . $extra . '&id=' . $tag['attributes']['default'] . '" width="' . $size . 'px" height="' . $size . 'px"/>'; } else { if (strpos($tag['attributes']['default'], 'http://') === 0) { $out = '<img class="' . $tag['attributes']['class'] . '" src="' . $tag['attributes']['default'] . '" width="' . $size . 'px" height="' . $size . 'px"/>'; } else { if ($tag['attributes']['default'] == 'none') { $out = ''; } else { $out = '<img class="' . $tag['attributes']['class'] . '"src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/themes/' . $website->theme . '/' . $tag['attributes']['default'] . '" width="' . $size . 'px" height="' . $size . 'px"/>'; } } } } else { $gravatar_hash = ""; $gravatar_default = 'blank'; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['gravatar_default'])) { $gravatar_default = $tag['attributes']['gravatar_default']; } if (!empty($item->email)) { $gravatar_hash = md5(strtolower(trim($item->email))); } else { if (!empty($item->user)) { $email = $DB->query_single('email', 'nv_webusers', 'id = ' . protect($item->user)); if (!empty($email)) { $gravatar_hash = md5(strtolower(trim($item->email))); } } } if (!empty($gravatar_hash) && $gravatar_default != 'none') { // gravatar real url: // we use libravatar to get more userbase $gravatar_url = '' . $gravatar_hash . '?s=' . $size . '&d=' . $gravatar_default; $out = '<img class="' . $tag['attributes']['class'] . '" src="' . $gravatar_url . '" width="' . $size . 'px" height="' . $size . 'px"/>'; } else { $out = '<img class="' . $tag['attributes']['class'] . '" src="" width="' . $size . 'px" height="' . $size . 'px"/>'; } } } if ($tag['attributes']['linked'] == 'true' && !empty($out)) { if (!empty($item->url)) { $comment_link = $item->url; } else { if (!empty($item->user)) { $wu = new webuser(); $wu->load($item->user); $comment_link = $wu->social_website; } } if (!empty($comment_link)) { $out = '<a href="' . $comment_link . '" target="_blank">' . $out . '</a>'; } } break; case 'username': $out = !empty($item->username) ? $item->username : $item->name; if ($tag['attributes']['linked'] == 'true' && !empty($out)) { if (!empty($item->url)) { $comment_link = $item->url; } else { if (!empty($item->user)) { $wu = new webuser(); $wu->load($item->user); $comment_link = $wu->social_website; } } if (!empty($comment_link)) { $out = '<a href="' . $comment_link . '" target="_blank">' . $out . '</a>'; } } break; case 'website': if (!empty($item->url)) { $out = $item->url; } else { if (!empty($item->user)) { $wu = new webuser(); $wu->load($item->user); $out = $wu->social_website; } } if (empty($out)) { $out = '#'; } break; case 'message': if (!empty($tag['attributes']['length'])) { $out = core_string_cut($item->message, $tag['attributes']['length'], '…'); } else { $out = nl2br($item->message); } break; case 'date': // Navigate CMS 1.6.6 compatibility if (empty($tag['attributes']['format']) && !empty($tag['attributes']['date_format'])) { $tag['attributes']['format'] = $tag['attributes']['date_format']; } if (!empty($tag['attributes']['format'])) { // custom date format $out = nvweb_content_date_format($tag['attributes']['format'], $item->date_created); } else { $out = date($website->date_format . ' H:i', $item->date_created); } break; case 'item_url': $out = nvweb_source_url('item', $item->item, $current['lang']); break; case 'item_title': $out = $item->item_title; break; case 'reply_to': $out = $item->reply_to; break; case 'depth': $c = new comment(); $c->load_from_resultset(array($item)); $out = $c->depth(); break; case 'property': $c = new comment(); $c->load_from_resultset(array($item)); // pass all nvlist tag parameters to properties nvweb, but some attribute/values take preference $nvweb_properties_parameters = array_replace($tag['attributes'], array('mode' => 'comment', 'id' => $c->id, 'template' => $c->element_template(), 'property' => !empty($tag['attributes']['property']) ? $tag['attributes']['property'] : $tag['attributes']['name'])); $out = nvweb_properties($nvweb_properties_parameters); break; } break; case 'block': switch ($tag['attributes']['value']) { case 'id': $out = $item->id; break; // only for blocks in a block group! // only for blocks in a block group! case 'uid': $out = $item->uid; break; case 'block': // generate the full block code if ($item->type == "extension") { if (function_exists('nvweb_' . $item->extension . '_' . $item->id)) { // load extension block property values $item->properties = property::load_properties(NULL, $item->id, "extension_block", NULL, $item->uid); $out = call_user_func('nvweb_' . $item->extension . '_' . $item->id, $item); } } else { $out = nvweb_blocks_render($item->type, $item->trigger, $item->action, NULL, NULL, $tag['attributes']); } break; // not for extension_blocks // not for extension_blocks case 'title': $out = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['title']; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['length'])) { $out = core_string_cut($out, $tag['attributes']['length'], '…'); } break; case 'content': if ($item->type == "extension") { if (function_exists('nvweb_' . $item->extension . '_' . $item->id)) { // load extension block property values $item->properties = property::load_properties(NULL, $item->id, "extension_block", NULL, $item->uid); $out = call_user_func('nvweb_' . $item->extension . '_' . $item->id, $item); } } else { $out = nvweb_blocks_render($item->type, $item->trigger, $item->action, 'content', $item, $tag['attributes']); } break; // not for extension_blocks // not for extension_blocks case 'url': case 'path': $out = nvweb_blocks_render_action($item->action, '', $current['lang'], true); if (empty($out)) { $out = '#'; } else { $out = nvweb_prepare_link($out); } break; // not for extension_blocks // not for extension_blocks case 'target': if ($item->action['action-type'][$current['lang']] == 'web-n') { $out = '_blank'; } else { $out = '_self'; } break; // not for extension_blocks (only for standard blocks and block group blocks) // not for extension_blocks (only for standard blocks and block group blocks) case 'property': $properties_mode = 'block'; if (!is_numeric($item->id)) { $properties_mode = 'block_group_block'; } $nvweb_properties_parameters = array_replace($tag['attributes'], array('mode' => !isset($tag['attributes']['mode']) ? $properties_mode : $tag['attributes']['mode'], 'id' => $item->id, 'property' => !empty($tag['attributes']['property']) ? $tag['attributes']['property'] : $tag['attributes']['name'], 'uid' => @$item->uid)); $out = nvweb_properties($nvweb_properties_parameters); break; // not for extension_blocks // not for extension_blocks case 'poll_answers': $out = nvweb_blocks_render_poll($item); break; default: break; } break; case 'block_link': switch ($tag['attributes']['value']) { case 'id': $out = $item->id; break; case 'title': $out = $item->title; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['length'])) { $out = core_string_cut($out, $tag['attributes']['length'], '…'); } break; case 'url': case 'path': $out = $item->link; if (empty($out)) { $out = '#'; } else { $out = nvweb_prepare_link($out); } break; case 'target': if ($item->new_window == 1) { $out = '_blank'; } else { $out = '_self'; } break; case 'icon': $out = @$item->icon; break; default: break; } break; case 'block_type': switch ($tag['attributes']['value']) { case 'title': $title_obj = json_decode($item->title, true); if (empty($title_obj)) { // not json $out = $item->title; } else { $out = $title_obj[$current['lang']]; } break; } break; case 'gallery': switch ($tag['attributes']['value']) { case 'url': case 'path': $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&id=' . $item['file'] . '&disposition=inline'; break; case 'thumbnail': case 'thumbnail_url': $thumbnail_url = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&id=' . $item['file'] . '&disposition=inline&width=' . $tag['attributes']['width'] . '&height=' . $tag['attributes']['height'] . '&border=' . $tag['attributes']['border']; if ($tag['attributes']['value'] == 'thumbnail_url' || @$tag['attributes']['return'] == 'url') { $out = $thumbnail_url; } else { $out = '<img src="' . $thumbnail_url . '" alt="' . $item[$current['lang']] . '" title="' . $item[$current['lang']] . '" />'; } break; case 'title': $f = new file(); $f->load($item['file']); $out = $f->title[$current['lang']]; break; case 'alt': case 'description': $f = new file(); $f->load($item['file']); $out = $f->description[$current['lang']]; break; default: $out = '<a href="' . NVWEB_OBJECT . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&id=' . $item['file'] . '&disposition=inline"> <img src="' . NVWEB_OBJECT . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&id=' . $item['file'] . '&disposition=inline&width=' . $tag['attributes']['width'] . '&height=' . $tag['attributes']['height'] . '&border=' . $tag['attributes']['border'] . '" alt="' . $item[$current['lang']] . '" title="' . $item[$current['lang']] . '" /> </a>'; break; } break; case 'item': // useful also for source="structure" (but some are nonsense: title, comments, etc) // useful also for source="structure" (but some are nonsense: title, comments, etc) default: switch ($tag['attributes']['value']) { case 'id': $out = $item->id; break; case 'slug': $lang = $current['lang']; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['lang'])) { $lang = $tag['attributes']['lang']; } $out = $item->dictionary[$lang]['title']; // remove spaces, special chars, etc. $out = core_string_clean($out); $out = slug($out); break; case 'title': $lang = $current['lang']; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['lang'])) { $lang = $tag['attributes']['lang']; } $out = $item->dictionary[$lang]['title']; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['length'])) { $out = core_string_cut($out, $tag['attributes']['length'], '…', $tag['attributes']['length']); } break; case 'author': if (!empty($item->author)) { $nu = new user(); $nu->load($item->author); $out = $nu->username; unset($nu); } if (empty($out)) { $out = $website->name; } break; case 'date': case 'date_post': if (!empty($tag['attributes']['format'])) { // custom date format $out = nvweb_content_date_format($tag['attributes']['format'], $item->date_to_display); } else { $out = date($website->date_format, $item->date_to_display); } break; case 'content': case 'section': if ($source == 'structure' && $tag['attributes']['source'] == 'item') { $items = nvweb_content_items($item->id, true, 1, false, 'priority'); // we force finding the first non-embedded item ordered by priority if (empty($items)) { $items = nvweb_content_items($item->id, true, 1, true, 'priority'); } // find the first embedded item ordered by priority $item = $items[0]; } $section = $tag['attributes']['section']; if (empty($section)) { $section = 'main'; } $out = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['section-' . $section]; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['length'])) { $allowed_tags = ''; if (!empty($tag['attributes']['allowed_tags'])) { $allowed_tags = explode(',', $tag['attributes']['allowed_tags']); } $out = core_string_cut($out, $tag['attributes']['length'], '…', $allowed_tags); } break; case 'comments': $out = nvweb_content_comments_count($item->id); break; case 'gallery': $params = array('item' => $item->id); $params = array_merge($params, $tag['attributes']); $out = nvweb_gallery($params); break; case 'image': case 'photo': $photo = @array_shift(array_keys($item->galleries[0])); if (empty($photo)) { $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=transparent'; } else { $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&id=' . $photo . '&disposition=inline&width=' . $tag['attributes']['width'] . '&height=' . $tag['attributes']['height'] . '&border=' . $tag['attributes']['border']; } break; case 'url': case 'path': // rss -> full url // item -> relative url // embedded item -> category url if ($item->embedding == 1 && $item->association == 'category') { nvweb_menu_load_routes(); // load menu paths if not already done $out = nvweb_prepare_link($structure['routes'][$item->category]); } else { $path = $item->paths[$current['lang']]; if (empty($path)) { $path = '/node/' . $item->id; } $out = nvweb_prepare_link($path); } break; case 'tags': // pass all nvlist tag parameters to the content nvweb, but some attribute/values take preference $nvweb_parameters = array_replace($tag['attributes'], array('mode' => 'tags', 'id' => $item->id)); $out = nvweb_content($nvweb_parameters); break; case 'score': $out = nvweb_votes_calc($item, $tag['attributes']['round'], $tag['attributes']['half'], $tag['attributes']['min'], $tag['attributes']['max']); break; case 'votes': $out = intval($item->votes); break; case 'views': $out = intval($item->views); break; case 'property': if ($source == 'structure' && $tag['attributes']['source'] == 'item') { $items = nvweb_content_items($item->id, true, 1, false, 'priority'); // we force finding the first non-embedded item ordered by priority if (empty($items)) { $items = nvweb_content_items($item->id, true, 1, true, 'priority'); } // find the first embedded item ordered by priority $item = $items[0]; $source = "item"; } // pass all nvlist tag parameters to properties nvweb, but some attribute/values take preference $nvweb_properties_parameters = array_replace($tag['attributes'], array('mode' => $source == 'structure' || $source == 'category' ? 'structure' : 'item', 'id' => $item->id, 'template' => $item->template, 'property' => !empty($tag['attributes']['property']) ? $tag['attributes']['property'] : $tag['attributes']['name'])); $out = nvweb_properties($nvweb_properties_parameters); break; default: // maybe a special tag not related to a source? (unimplemented) } break; } return $out; }
function nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars) { global $website; global $current; global $DB; global $session; global $theme; global $structure; $out = ''; setlocale(LC_ALL, $website->languages[$session['lang']]['system_locale']); // if this property is null (no value assigned (null), (empty) is a value!) // get the default value if (!isset($property->value)) { $property->value = $property->dvalue; } // check multilanguage properties, where the value can be saved in a language but may be (null) in another language if (in_array($property->type, array("text", "textarea", "rich_textarea", "link")) || $property->multilanguage == 'true') { // cast variable as array if (is_object($property->value)) { $property->value = (array) $property->value; } if (!isset($property->value) || !isset($property->value[$current['lang']])) { if (isset($property->dvalue->{$current['lang']})) { $property->value[$current['lang']] = $property->dvalue->{$current['lang']}; } else { if (!is_array($property->value)) { $property->value = array(); } $property->value[$current['lang']] = $property->dvalue; } } } switch ($property->type) { case 'value': $out = $property->value; break; case 'decimal': $out = $property->value; if (isset($vars['precision'])) { $out = number_format($property->value, $vars['precision']); } break; case 'boolean': $out = $property->value; break; case 'option': $options = mb_unserialize($property->options); $options = (array) $options; switch (@$vars['return']) { case 'value': $out = $property->value; break; default: $out = $theme->t($options[$property->value]); } break; case 'moption': $options = mb_unserialize($property->options); $selected = explode(",", $property->value); switch (@$vars['return']) { case 'value': case 'values': $out = $property->value; break; default: $buffer = array(); foreach ($selected as $seloption) { $buffer[] = '<span>' . $theme->t($options[$seloption]) . '</span>'; } $out .= implode(', ', $buffer); } break; case 'text': $out = htmlspecialchars($property->value[$current['lang']]); break; case 'textarea': $out = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($property->value[$current['lang']])); break; case 'rich_textarea': $out = $property->value[$current['lang']]; break; case 'source_code': if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') { $out = $property->value[$current['lang']]; } else { $out = $property->value; } break; case 'date': if (!empty($vars['format'])) { $out = Encoding::toUTF8(strftime($vars['format'], $property->value)); } else { $out = date($website->date_format, $property->value); } break; case 'datetime': if (!empty($vars['format'])) { $out = Encoding::toUTF8(strftime($vars['format'], $property->value)); } else { $out = date($website->date_format . ' H:i', $property->value); } break; case 'link': // split title and link $link = explode('##', $property->value[$current['lang']]); if (is_array($link)) { $target = @$link[2]; $title = @$link[1]; $link = $link[0]; if (empty($title)) { $title = $link; } } else { $title = $property->value[$current['lang']]; $link = $property->value[$current['lang']]; $target = '_self'; } if (strpos($link, '://') === false) { $link = $website->absolute_path() . $link; } if ($vars['link'] === 'false') { $out = $link; } else { if (isset($vars['return'])) { if ($vars['return'] == 'title') { $out = $title; } else { if ($vars['return'] == 'link' || $vars['return'] == 'url') { $out = $link; } else { if ($vars['return'] == 'target') { $out = $target; } } } } else { $out = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="' . $target . '">' . $title . '</a>'; } } break; case 'image': $add = ''; $extra = ''; if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') { $image_id = $property->value[$session['lang']]; } else { $image_id = $property->value; } if (isset($vars['width'])) { $add .= ' width="' . $vars['width'] . '" '; $extra .= '&width=' . $vars['width']; } if (isset($vars['height'])) { $add .= ' height="' . $vars['height'] . '" '; $extra .= '&height=' . $vars['height']; } if (isset($vars['border'])) { $extra .= '&border=' . $vars['border']; } if (isset($vars['quality'])) { $extra .= '&quality=' . $vars['quality']; } $img_url = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=image&id=' . $image_id . $extra; if (empty($image_id)) { $out = ''; } else { if ($vars['return'] == 'url') { $out = $img_url; } else { // retrieve additional info (title/alt), if available if (is_numeric($image_id)) { $f = new file(); $f->load($image_id); $ftitle = $f->title[$current['lang']]; $falt = $f->description[$current['lang']]; if (!empty($ftitle)) { $add .= ' title="' . $ftitle . '" '; } if (!empty($falt)) { $add .= ' alt="' . $falt . '" '; } } $out = '<img class="' . $vars['class'] . '" src="' . $img_url . '" ' . $add . ' />'; } } break; case 'file': if (!empty($property->value)) { $file = $DB->query_single('name', 'nv_files', ' id = ' . protect($property->value) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id); if ($vars['return'] == 'url' || $vars['return'] == 'url-download') { $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=attachment'; } else { if ($vars['return'] == 'url-inline') { $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=inline'; } else { $out = '<a href="' . NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=attachment">' . $file . '</a>'; } } } break; case 'comment': $out = $property->value; break; case 'coordinates': $coordinates = explode('#', $property->value); $out = implode(',', $coordinates); break; case 'rating': // half stars are always enabled (ratings fixed to 0..10) $out = $property->value; // we want nearest integer down if ($vars['option'] == 'floor') { $out = floor($out / 2); } break; case 'color': $out = $property->value; break; case 'video': // value may be a numeric file ID or a provider#id structure, f.e. youtube#3MteSlpxCpo // compatible providers: file,youtube,vimeo if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') { $video_id = $property->value[$session['lang']]; } else { $video_id = $property->value; } $provider = ''; $reference = ''; $add = ''; if (isset($vars['width'])) { $add .= ' width="' . $vars['width'] . '" '; } if (isset($vars['height'])) { $add .= ' height="' . $vars['height'] . '" '; } $url_add = '&type=image'; if (isset($vars['width'])) { $url_add .= '&width=' . $vars['width'] . ''; } if (isset($vars['height'])) { $url_add .= '&height=' . $vars['height'] . ''; } if (isset($vars['border'])) { $url_add .= '&border=' . $vars['border'] . ''; } if (strpos($video_id, '#') !== false) { list($provider, $reference) = explode("#", $video_id); } if ($provider == 'file') { $video_id = $reference; } $file = new file(); if (is_numeric($video_id)) { $file->load($video_id); $embed = file::embed('file', $file, $add); } else { if ($provider == 'youtube') { $embed = file::embed('youtube', $reference, $add); if (!empty($vars['part']) || $vars['part'] != 'embed') { $file->load_from_youtube($reference); } } else { if ($provider == 'vimeo') { $embed = file::embed('vimeo', $reference, $add); if (!empty($vars['part']) || $vars['part'] != 'embed') { $file->load_from_vimeo($reference); } } } } switch (@$vars['return']) { case 'title': $out = $file->title; break; case 'mime': $out = $file->mime; break; case 'author': if (is_numeric($file->uploaded_by)) { $out = $website->name; } else { $out = $file->uploaded_by; } break; case 'path': case 'url': $out = $file->extra['link']; break; case 'thumbnail_url': $out = file::file_url($file->extra['thumbnail_cache']) . $url_add; break; case 'thumbnail': $out = '<img src="' . file::file_url($file->extra['thumbnail_cache']) . $url_add . '" class="' . $vars['class'] . '" ' . $add . ' />'; break; case 'reference': $out = $reference; break; case 'provider': $out = $provider; break; case 'embed': default: $out = $embed; } break; case 'article': // TO DO break; case 'category': $return = @$vars['return']; switch ($return) { case 'title': case 'name': nvweb_menu_load_dictionary(); $out = $structure['dictionary'][$property->value]; break; case 'url': case 'link': $out = nvweb_source_url('structure', $property->value); break; default: $out = $property->value; } break; case 'categories': $return = @$vars['return']; $value = explode(",", $property->value); $position = intval(@vars['position']) + 0; switch ($return) { case 'title': case 'name': nvweb_menu_load_dictionary(); $out = $structure['dictionary'][$value[$position]]; break; case 'url': case 'link': $out = nvweb_source_url('structure', $value[$position]); break; default: $out = $property->value; } break; case 'country': $return = @$vars['return']; switch ($return) { case 'name': $countries = property::countries(); $out = $countries[$property->value]; break; case 'id': case 'code': default: $out = $property->value; break; } break; case 'elements': $out = $property->value; break; case 'element': case 'item': // deprecated $return = @$vars['return']; switch ($return) { case 'title': $item = new item(); $item->load($property->value); $out = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['title']; break; case 'url': case 'path': $out = nvweb_source_url('item', $property->value, $current['lang']); break; case 'section': $item = new item(); $item->load($property->value); $out = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['section-' . $vars['section']]; break; case 'property': $params = array(); foreach ($vars as $attr_name => $attr_value) { if (strpos($attr_name, 'element-property-') === 0) { $attr_name = str_replace('element-property-', '', $attr_name); $params[$attr_name] = $attr_value; } else { if ($attr_name == 'element-property') { $params['property'] = $attr_value; } } } // default parameters $params['mode'] = 'item'; $params['id'] = $property->value; $out = nvweb_properties($params); break; case 'id': default: $out = $property->value; break; } break; default: } return $out; }
public function dropbox($name, $value = 0, $media = "", $disabled = false, $default_value = null, $options = array(), $website_id = null) { global $layout; global $website; global $theme; if (empty($website_id)) { $website_id = $website->id; } $out = array(); $out[] = '<div id="' . $name . '-droppable-wrapper" class="navigate-droppable-wrapper">'; $out[] = '<input type="hidden" id="' . $name . '" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" />'; $out[] = '<div id="' . $name . '-droppable" class="navigate-droppable ui-corner-all" data-media="' . $media . '">'; if (!empty($value)) { if ($media == 'image') { $f = new file(); $f->load($value); $out[] = '<img title="' . $f->name . '" src="' . NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD . '?wid=' . $website_id . '&id=' . $f->id . '&disposition=inline&width=75&height=75" />'; } else { if ($media == 'video') { $layout->add_script(' $(window).load(function() { navigate_dropbox_load_video("' . $name . '", "' . $value . '"); }); '); $out[] = '<figure class="navigatecms_loader"></figure>'; } else { $f = new file(); $f->load($value); $out[] = '<img title="' . $f->name . '" src="' . navibrowse::mimeIcon($f->mime, $f->type) . '" width="50" height="50" /><br />' . $f->name; } } } else { $out[] = ' <img src="img/icons/misc/dropbox.png" vspace="18" />'; } $out[] = '</div>'; // set parent row as overflow:visible to let the whole contextmenu appear $layout->add_script(' $(".navigate-droppable-wrapper").parent().css("overflow", "visible"); '); $contextmenu = false; if (!$disabled) { $out[] = '<div class="navigate-droppable-cancel"><img src="img/icons/silk/cancel.png" /></div>'; if ($media == 'image') { if ($options == 'a:0:{}') { $options = array(); } if (empty($options) && !empty($default_value)) { $options = array($default_value => t(199, "Default value")); } else { $options = (array) $options; } if (!empty($options)) { $out[] = ' <div class="navigate-droppable-create"> <img src="img/icons/silk/add.png" /> </div> '; // "create" context menu actions (image picker) $ws = new website(); if ($website_id == $website->id) { $ws = $website; } else { $ws->load($website_id); } $ws_theme = new theme(); if ($website_id == $website->id) { $ws_theme = $theme; } else { $ws_theme->load($ws->theme); } $layout->add_content(' <ul id="' . $name . '-image_picker" class="navigate-image-picker navi-ui-widget-shadow"> ' . implode("\n", array_map(function ($k, $v) use($website_id, $ws_theme) { if (!empty($ws_theme)) { $v = $ws_theme->t($v); } return ' <li data-value="' . $k . '" data-src="' . NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD . '?wid=' . $website_id . '&id=' . $k . '&disposition=inline&width=75&height=75"> <a href="#"> <img title="' . $v . '" src="' . NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD . '?wid=' . $website_id . '&id=' . $k . '&disposition=inline&width=48&height=48" /> <span>' . $v . '</span> </a> </li> '; }, array_keys($options), array_values($options))) . ' </ul> '); $layout->add_script(' $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create").on( "click", function(ev) { navigate_hide_context_menus(); setTimeout(function() { $("#' . $name . '-image_picker").menu(); $("#' . $name . '-image_picker").css({left: ev.pageX, top: ev.pageY}); $("#' . $name . '-image_picker").show(); if($("#' . $name . '-image_picker").position().top + $("#' . $name . '-image_picker").height() > $(window).height()) $("#' . $name . '-image_picker").css("top", $(window).height() - $("#' . $name . '-image_picker").height() - 8); $("#' . $name . '-image_picker li").off().on("click", function() { $("#' . $name . '").val($(this).data("value")); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").html("<img src=\\"" + $(this).data("src") + "\\" />"); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-cancel").show(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create").hide(); }); }, 100); }); '); $contextmenu = true; } // images: add context menu over the image itself to define focal point, description and title... $out[] = ' <ul class="navigate-droppable-edit-contextmenu" style="display: none;"> <li action="permissions"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-key"></span>' . t(17, "Permissions") . '</a></li> <li action="focalpoint"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-image"></span>' . t(540, "Focal point") . '</a></li> <li action="description"><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-comment"></span>' . t(334, 'Description') . '</a></li> </ul> '; $layout->add_script(' $("#' . $name . '-droppable").on("contextmenu", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); navigate_hide_context_menus(); var file_id = $("#' . $name . '").val(); if(!file_id || file_id=="" || file_id==0) return; setTimeout(function() { var menu_el = $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-edit-contextmenu"); var menu_el_clone = menu_el.clone(); menu_el_clone.appendTo("body");; menu_el_clone.css({ "z-index": 100000, "position": "absolute", "left": ev.clientX, "top": ev.clientY }).addClass("navi-ui-widget-shadow").show(); menu_el_clone.find("a").on("click", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var action = $(this).parent().attr("action"); var file_id = $("#' . $name . '").val(); switch(action) { case "permissions": navigate_contextmenu_permissions_dialog(file_id); break; case "focalpoint": navigate_media_browser_focalpoint(file_id); break; case "description": $.get( NAVIGATE_APP + "?fid=files&act=json&op=description&id=" + file_id, function(data) { data = $.parseJSON(data); navigate_contextmenu_description_dialog(file_id, $("#' . $name . '-droppable"), data.title, data.description); } ); break; } }); }, 100); }); '); } else { if ($media == 'video') { $out[] = ' <div class="navigate-droppable-create"> <img src="img/icons/silk/add.png" /> <ul class="navigate-droppable-create-contextmenu" data-field-id="' . $name . '"> <li action="default" value="' . $default_value . '"><a href="#"><span class="fa fa-lg fa-eraser"></span> ' . t(199, "Default value") . '</a></li> <li action="youtube_url"><a href="#"><span class="fa fa-lg fa-youtube-square fa-align-center"></span> Youtube URL</a></li> <li action="vimeo_url"><a href="#"><span class="fa fa-lg fa-vimeo-square fa-align-center"></span> Vimeo URL</a></li> </ul> </div> '; // context menu actions $layout->add_script(' if(' . (empty($default_value) ? 'true' : 'false') . ') $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create-contextmenu li[action=default]").remove(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent() .find(".navigate-droppable-create") .find(".navigate-droppable-create-contextmenu li") .on("click", function() { setTimeout(function() { navigate_hide_context_menus(); }, 100); switch($(this).attr("action")) { case "default": $("#' . $name . '-droppable").html(\'<figure class="navigatecms_loader"></figure>\'); navigate_dropbox_load_video("' . $name . '", "' . $default_value . '"); break; case "youtube_url": $("<div><form action=\\"#\\" onsubmit=\\"return false;\\"><input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"url\\" value=\\"\\" style=\\"width: 100%;\\" /></form></div>").dialog({ "title": "Youtube URL", "modal": true, "width": 500, "height": 120, "buttons": { "' . t(190, "Ok") . '": function(e, ui) { var reference = navigate_youtube_reference_from_url($(this).find("input").val()); if(reference && reference!="") { $("#' . $name . '-droppable").html(\'<figure class="navigatecms_loader"></figure>\'); navigate_dropbox_load_video("' . $name . '", "youtube#" + reference); } $(this).dialog("close"); }, "' . t(58, "Cancel") . '": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); break; case "vimeo_url": $("<div><form action=\\"#\\" onsubmit=\\"return false;\\"><input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"url\\" value=\\"\\" style=\\"width: 100%;\\" /></form></div>").dialog({ "title": "Vimeo URL", "modal": true, "width": 500, "height": 120, "buttons": { "' . t(190, "Ok") . '": function(e, ui) { var reference = navigate_vimeo_reference_from_url($(this).find("input").val()); if(reference && reference!="") { $("#' . $name . '-droppable").html(\'<figure class="navigatecms_loader"></figure>\'); navigate_dropbox_load_video("' . $name . '", "vimeo#" + reference); } $(this).dialog("close"); }, "' . t(58, "Cancel") . '": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); break; } } ); '); $contextmenu = true; } } $layout->add_script(' $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-cancel").on("click", function() { $("#' . $name . '").val("0"); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").html(\'<img src="img/icons/misc/dropbox.png" vspace="18" />\'); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-cancel").hide(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create").show(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable-info").children().html(""); navigate_media_browser_refresh_files_used(); }); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create").on("click", function(ev) { navigate_hide_context_menus(); $("ul[data-context-menu-temporary-clone=true]").remove(); setTimeout(function() { var menu_el = $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create-contextmenu");; menu_el.css({ "z-index": 100000, "position": "absolute" }).addClass("navi-ui-widget-shadow").show(); }, 100); }); '); if (!empty($media)) { $accept = 'accept: ".draggable-' . $media . '",'; } $layout->add_script(' $("#' . $name . '-droppable").droppable( { ' . $accept . ' hoverClass: "navigate-droppable-hover", drop: function(event, ui) { var file_id = $(ui.draggable).attr("id").substring(5); $("#' . $name . '").val(file_id); var draggable_content = $(ui.draggable); if($(draggable_content).find(".file-image-wrapper").length > 0) { draggable_content = $(draggable_content).find(".file-image-wrapper").html(); } else { draggable_content = $(ui.draggable).html(); } $(this).html(draggable_content); $(this).find("div.file-access-icons").remove(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-cancel").show(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create").hide(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable-info").find(".navigate-droppable-info-title").html(""); $("#' . $name . '-droppable-info").find(".navigate-droppable-info-provider").html(""); $("#' . $name . '-droppable-info").find(".navigate-droppable-info-extra").html(""); } }); '); if (empty($value) && $contextmenu) { $layout->add_script(' $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create").show(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-cancel").hide(); '); } else { if (!empty($value)) { $layout->add_script(' $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-cancel").show(); $("#' . $name . '-droppable").parent().find(".navigate-droppable-create").hide(); '); } } } $out[] = '<div id="' . $name . '-droppable-info" class="navigate-droppable-info">'; $out[] = ' <div class="navigate-droppable-info-title"></div>'; $out[] = ' <div class="navigate-droppable-info-extra"></div>'; $out[] = ' <div class="navigate-droppable-info-provider"></div>'; $out[] = '</div>'; $out[] = '</div>'; // close droppable wrapper return implode("\n", $out); }
function run() { global $user; global $layout; global $DB; global $website; $out = ''; $item = new file(); switch ($_REQUEST['act']) { case 1: // json retrieval & operations // json retrieval & operations case "json": if ($_REQUEST['op'] == 'upload') { $tmp_name = $_REQUEST['tmp_name']; if ($tmp_name == "{{BASE64}}") { $tmp_name = base64_encode($_REQUEST['name']); } $file = file::register_upload($tmp_name, $_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['parent']); if (!empty($file)) { echo json_encode(array('id' => $file->id, 'name' => $file->name)); } else { echo json_encode(false); } } switch ($_REQUEST['op']) { case 'create_folder': file::create_folder($_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['mime'], $_REQUEST['parent']); echo json_encode(true); break; case 'edit_folder': $f = new file(); $f->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); $f->name = $_REQUEST['name']; $f->mime = $_REQUEST['mime']; $ok = $f->save(); echo json_encode($ok); break; case 'edit_file': $f = new file(); $f->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); $f->name = $_REQUEST['name']; $ok = $f->save(); echo json_encode($ok); break; case 'duplicate_file': //error_reporting(~0); //ini_set('display_errors', 1); $status = false; $f = new file(); $f->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); $f->id = 0; $f->insert(); if (!empty($f->id)) { $done = copy(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website->id . '/files/' . intval($_REQUEST['id']), NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website->id . '/files/' . $f->id); $status = "true"; if (!$done) { $f->delete(); $status = t(56, "Unexpected error"); } } echo $status; break; case 'move': if (is_array($_REQUEST['item'])) { $ok = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($_REQUEST['item']); $i++) { unset($item); $item = new file(); $item->load($_REQUEST['item'][$i]); $item->parent = $_REQUEST['folder']; $ok = $ok & $item->update(); } echo json_encode($ok ? true : false); } else { $item->load($_REQUEST['item']); $item->parent = $_REQUEST['folder']; echo json_encode($item->update()); } break; case 'delete': try { $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); $status = $item->delete(); echo json_encode($status); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } break; case 'permissions': $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); if (!empty($_POST)) { $item->access = intval($_POST['access']); $item->permission = intval($_POST['permission']); $item->enabled = intval($_POST['enabled']); $item->groups = $_POST['groups']; if ($item->access < 3) { $item->groups = array(); } $status = $item->save(); echo json_encode($status); } else { echo json_encode(array('access' => $item->access, 'groups' => $item->groups, 'permission' => $item->permission, 'enabled' => $item->enabled)); } break; case 'description': $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); if (!empty($_POST)) { $item->title = array(); $item->description = array(); foreach ($website->languages as $language) { $lcode = $language['code']; if (!isset($_REQUEST['titles'][$lcode])) { break; } $item->title[$lcode] = $_REQUEST['titles'][$lcode]; $item->description[$lcode] = $_REQUEST['descriptions'][$lcode]; } $status = $item->save(); echo json_encode($status); } else { // return file title and description (alt) $data = array('title' => $item->title, 'description' => $item->description); echo json_encode($data); } break; case 'focalpoint': $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); if (!empty($_POST)) { $item->focalpoint = $_REQUEST['top'] . '#' . $_REQUEST['left']; $status = $item->save(); // remove cached thumbnails file::thumbnails_remove($item->id); echo json_encode($status); } else { if (empty($item->focalpoint)) { $item->focalpoint = '50#50'; $item->save(); // remove cached thumbnails file::thumbnails_remove($item->id); } echo $item->focalpoint; } break; case 'video_info': if ($_REQUEST['provider'] == 'youtube') { $item->load_from_youtube($_REQUEST['reference'], false); // force cache reload } else { if ($_REQUEST['provider'] == 'vimeo') { $item->load_from_vimeo($_REQUEST['reference'], false); // force cache reload } else { if (!empty($_REQUEST['reference']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['reference'])) { $item->load($_REQUEST['reference']); } else { if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['provider'])) { $item->load($_REQUEST['provider']); } else { unset($item); } } if (!empty($item)) { // add some extra data $item->extra = array('reference' => $item->id, 'link' => '', 'thumbnail' => 'img/icons/ricebowl/mimetypes/video.png', 'thumbnail_big' => 'img/icons/ricebowl/mimetypes/video.png', 'thumbnail_url' => 'img/icons/ricebowl/mimetypes/video.png', 'duration' => '', 'embed_code' => '<video src="' . file::file_url($item->id, 'inline') . '></video>'); } } } if (!empty($item)) { echo json_encode($item); } else { echo false; } break; } session_write_close(); $DB->disconnect(); exit; break; case 2: // show/edit item properties // show/edit item properties case "edit": $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); if (isset($_REQUEST['form-sent'])) { $item->load_from_post(); try { $item->save(); unset($item); $item = new file(); $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); $layout->navigate_notification(t(53, "Data saved successfully."), false, false, 'fa fa-check'); } catch (Exception $e) { $layout->navigate_notification($e->getMessage(), true, true); } } $out = files_item_properties($item); break; case 10: case 'media_browser': files_media_browser($_GET['limit'], $_GET['offset']); break; case 92: // pixlr (image editor) overlay remover // pixlr (image editor) overlay remover case 'pixlr_exit': ob_clean(); file::thumbnails_remove(intval($_GET['id'])); echo ' <html> <head></head> <body> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //window.parent.eval("$(\'#thumbnail-cache\').attr(\'src\', $(\'#thumbnail-cache\').attr(\'src\') + \'&refresh=\' + new Date().getTime());"); window.parent.eval(\'$("#image-preview").attr("src", $("#image-preview").attr("src") + "&refresh=" + new Date().getTime());\'); window.parent.eval("pixlr.overlay.hide();"); </script> </body> </html> '; core_terminate(); break; /* case 91: // picnik editing ob_clean(); // $strPicnikUrl is the URL that we use to launch Picnik. $strPicnikUrl = ""; // $aPicnikParams collects together all the params we'll give Picnik. Start with an API key $aPicnikParams['_apikey'] = $website->picnik_api_key; // tell Picnik where to send the exported image $aPicnikParams['_export'] = NAVIGATE_URL.'/navigate_upload.php?wid='.$website->id.'&engine=picnik&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&engine=picnik&session_id='.session_id(); // give the export button a title $aPicnikParams['_export_title'] = t(34, 'Save'); // turn on the close button, and tell it to come back here //$aPicnikParams['_close_target'] = $strRoot; // send in the previous "king" image in case the user feels like decorating it $aPicnikParams['_import'] = NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD.'?wid='.$website->id.'&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&disposition=attachment&sid='.session_id(); // tell Picnik to redirect the user to the following URL after the HTTP POST instead of just redirecting to _export $aPicnikParams['_redirect'] = NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD.'?wid='.$website->id.'&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&disposition=inline&ts='.core_time(); //'javascript: return false;'; // tell Picnik our name. It'll use it in a few places as appropriate $aPicnikParams['_host_name'] = 'Navigate'; // turn off the "Save & Share" tab so users don't get confused $aPicnikParams['_exclude'] = "out"; echo '<html><head></head><body>'; echo '<form id="picnik_form" method="POST" action="'.$strPicnikUrl.'" style=" visibility: hidden; ">'; // put all the API parameters into the form as hidden inputs foreach( $aPicnikParams as $key => $value ) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='$key' value='$value'/>\n"; } //echo "<input type='text' name='address' value='Your Majesty'/>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' value='Picnik'/>\n"; echo "</form>"; echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].submit(); </script>'; echo '</body></html>'; core_terminate(); break; */ /* case 91: // picnik editing ob_clean(); // $strPicnikUrl is the URL that we use to launch Picnik. $strPicnikUrl = ""; // $aPicnikParams collects together all the params we'll give Picnik. Start with an API key $aPicnikParams['_apikey'] = $website->picnik_api_key; // tell Picnik where to send the exported image $aPicnikParams['_export'] = NAVIGATE_URL.'/navigate_upload.php?wid='.$website->id.'&engine=picnik&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&engine=picnik&session_id='.session_id(); // give the export button a title $aPicnikParams['_export_title'] = t(34, 'Save'); // turn on the close button, and tell it to come back here //$aPicnikParams['_close_target'] = $strRoot; // send in the previous "king" image in case the user feels like decorating it $aPicnikParams['_import'] = NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD.'?wid='.$website->id.'&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&disposition=attachment&sid='.session_id(); // tell Picnik to redirect the user to the following URL after the HTTP POST instead of just redirecting to _export $aPicnikParams['_redirect'] = NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD.'?wid='.$website->id.'&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&disposition=inline&ts='.core_time(); //'javascript: return false;'; // tell Picnik our name. It'll use it in a few places as appropriate $aPicnikParams['_host_name'] = 'Navigate'; // turn off the "Save & Share" tab so users don't get confused $aPicnikParams['_exclude'] = "out"; echo '<html><head></head><body>'; echo '<form id="picnik_form" method="POST" action="'.$strPicnikUrl.'" style=" visibility: hidden; ">'; // put all the API parameters into the form as hidden inputs foreach( $aPicnikParams as $key => $value ) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='$key' value='$value'/>\n"; } //echo "<input type='text' name='address' value='Your Majesty'/>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' value='Picnik'/>\n"; echo "</form>"; echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].submit(); </script>'; echo '</body></html>'; core_terminate(); break; */ case 0: // list / search result // list / search result default: // show requested folder or search $out = files_browser($_REQUEST['parent'], $_REQUEST['navigate-quicksearch']); users_log::action($_REQUEST['fid'], intval($_REQUEST['parent']), 'list', '', json_encode($_REQUEST)); break; } return $out; }
function nvweb_object($ignoreEnabled = false, $ignorePermissions = false) { global $website; global $DB; session_write_close(); ob_end_clean(); $item = new file(); header('Cache-Control: private'); header('Pragma: private'); $type = @$_REQUEST['type']; $id = @$_REQUEST['id']; if (!empty($id)) { if (is_numeric($id)) { $item->load($id); } else { $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); } } if (empty($type) && !empty($item->type)) { $type = $item->type; } // if the type requested is not a special type, check its access permissions if (!in_array($type, array("blank", "transparent", "flag"))) { $enabled = nvweb_object_enabled($item); if (!$enabled && !$ignorePermissions) { $type = 'not_allowed'; } } switch ($type) { case 'not_allowed': header("HTTP/1.0 405 Method Not Allowed"); break; case 'blank': case 'transparent': $path = NAVIGATE_PATH . '/img/transparent.gif'; header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="transparent.gif"'); header('Content-Type: image/gif'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="transparent.gif"'); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"); $etag = base64_encode($path . filemtime($path)); header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"'); // check the browser cache and stop downloading again the file $cached = file::cacheHeaders(filemtime($path), $etag); if (!$cached) { readfile($path); } break; case 'flag': if ($_REQUEST['code'] == 'ca') { $_REQUEST['code'] = 'catalonia'; } header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $_REQUEST['code'] . '.png"'); header('Content-Type: image/png'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $_REQUEST['code'] . '.png"'); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"); $path = NAVIGATE_PATH . '/img/icons/flags/' . $_REQUEST['code'] . '.png'; if (!file_exists($path)) { $path = NAVIGATE_PATH . '/img/transparent.gif'; } $etag = base64_encode($path . filemtime($path)); header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"'); // check the browser cache and stop downloading again the file $cached = file::cacheHeaders(filemtime($path), $etag); if (!$cached) { readfile($path); } break; case 'image': case 'img': if (!$item->enabled && !$ignoreEnabled) { nvweb_clean_exit(); } $path = $item->absolute_path(); $etag_add = ''; // calculate aspect ratio if width or height are given... $width = intval(@$_REQUEST['width']) + 0; $height = intval(@$_REQUEST['height']) + 0; // check size requested and ignore the empty values (or equal to zero) if (empty($width)) { $width = ""; } if (empty($height)) { $height = ""; } // get target quality (only for jpeg thumbnails!) $quality = $_REQUEST['quality']; if (empty($quality)) { $quality = 95; } $resizable = true; if ($item->mime == 'image/gif') { $resizable = !file::is_animated_gif($path); } if ((!empty($width) || !empty($height)) && ($resizable || @$_REQUEST['force_resize'] == 'true')) { $border = $_REQUEST['border'] == 'false' ? false : true; $path = file::thumbnail($item, $width, $height, $border, NULL, $quality); if (empty($path)) { die; } $etag_add = '-' . $width . '-' . $height . '-' . $border . '-' . $quality; $item->name = $width . 'x' . $height . '-' . $item->name; $item->size = filesize($path); $item->mime = 'image/png'; if (strpos(basename($path), '.jpg') !== false) { $item->mime = 'image/jpeg'; } } $etag = base64_encode($item->id . '-' . $item->name . '-' . $item->date_added . '-' . filesize($path) . '-' . filemtime($path) . '-' . $item->permission . $etag_add); header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"'); header('Content-type: ' . $item->mime); header("Content-Length: " . $item->size); if (empty($_REQUEST['disposition'])) { $_REQUEST['disposition'] = 'inline'; } header('Content-Disposition: ' . $_REQUEST['disposition'] . '; filename="' . $item->name . '"'); // check the browser cache and stop downloading again the file $cached = file::cacheHeaders(filemtime($path), $etag); if (!$cached) { readfile($path); } break; case 'archive': case 'video': case 'file': default: if (!$item->enabled && !$ignoreEnabled) { nvweb_clean_exit(); } $path = NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website->id . '/files/' . $item->id; $etag_add = ''; clearstatcache(); $etag = base64_encode($item->id . '-' . $item->name . '-' . $item->date_added . '-' . filemtime($path) . '-' . $item->permission . $etag_add); header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"'); header('Content-type: ' . $item->mime); header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); if (empty($_REQUEST['disposition'])) { $_REQUEST['disposition'] = 'attachment'; } header('Content-Disposition: ' . $_REQUEST['disposition'] . '; filename="' . $item->name . '"'); // check the browser cache and stop downloading again the file $cached = file::cacheHeaders(filemtime($path), $etag); if (!$cached) { $range = 0; $size = filesize($path); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { list($a, $range) = explode("=", $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']); str_replace($range, "-", $range); $size2 = $size - 1; $new_length = $size - $range; header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content"); header("Content-Length: {$new_length}"); header("Content-Range: bytes {$range}{$size2}/{$size}"); } else { $size2 = $size - 1; header("Content-Range: bytes 0-{$size2}/{$size}"); header("Content-Length: " . $size); } $fp = fopen($path, "rb"); if (is_resource($fp)) { @fseek($fp, $range); while (!@feof($fp) && connection_status() == 0) { set_time_limit(0); print @fread($fp, 1024 * 1024); // 1 MB per second flush(); ob_flush(); sleep(1); } fclose($fp); } } break; } session_write_close(); if ($DB) { $DB->disconnect(); } exit; }