Пример #1
                    $total = $system->config['perpage'];
                    $end = $total + $start;
                    if ($end > sizeof($list)) {
                        $end = sizeof($list);
                } else {
                    $pages = 1;
                    $page = 0;
                    $start = 0;
                    $total = sizeof($list);
                $keys = array_keys($list);
                for ($a = $start; $a < $end; $a++) {
                    $time =& $list[$keys[$a]];
                    $id = explode('.', $keys[$a]);
                    if (($category = $articles->getCategory($id[0], true)) !== false && ($article = $articles->getArticle($id[0], $id[1], true, true, false, false)) !== false) {
                        $result .= rcms_parse_module_template('art-article.tpl', $article + array('showtitle' => true, 'linktext' => $articles->linktextArticle($article['text_nonempty'], $article['comcnt'], $article['views']), 'iconurl' => '?module=articles&amp;c=' . $news_container . '&amp;b=' . $id[0], 'linkurl' => '?module=articles&amp;c=' . $news_container . '&amp;b=' . $id[0] . '&amp;a=' . $article['id'], 'cat_data' => $category));
                $title = isset($category['title']) ? $category['title'] : __(file_get_contents(ARTICLES_PATH . $news_container . '/title'));
                if (!empty($list)) {
                    $result .= '<div align="right">' . rcms_pagination(sizeof($list), $system->config['perpage'], $page + 1, '?module=' . $module) . '</div>';
                } else {
                    $result = __('Nothing founded');
            show_window($title, $result);
        $system->config['pagename'] = __('Latest news');
} elseif ($system->config['index_module'] != 'empty' && !empty($system->modules['main'][$module])) {
Пример #2
//   Copyright (C) ReloadCMS Development Team                                 //
//   http://reloadcms.com                                                     //
//   This product released under GNU General Public License v2                //
$articles = new articles();
$c = empty($_GET['c']) || $_GET['c'] == '#hidden' ? null : $_GET['c'];
$b = empty($_GET['b']) ? null : (int) $_GET['b'];
$a = empty($_GET['a']) ? null : (int) $_GET['a'];
if (!empty($a) && (!empty($b) && !empty($c) || $c == '#root')) {
    if (!$articles->setWorkContainer($c)) {
    } elseif (!($article = $articles->getArticle($b, $a, true, true, true, true))) {
    } elseif ($c !== '#root' && !($category = $articles->getCategory($b, false))) {
    } else {
        if (!empty($category)) {
            $article['cat_data'] = $category;
        $containers = $articles->getContainers();
        $com_text = '';
        /* If user posting a comment */
        if (!empty($_POST['comtext']) && $article['comments'] == 'yes') {
            if (isset($system->config['article-guest']) and !LOGGED_IN) {
                show_error(__('You are not logined!'));
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['antispam']) and isset($_POST['captcheckout'])) {
                    $defcatp = substr(md5($_POST['antispam']), 0, 5);
                    $intcapt = $_POST['captcheckout'];
Пример #3
if (!empty($_POST['new'])) {
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', '&lt;&lt;&lt; ' . __('Back'));
    $frm->hidden('c', $_POST['c']);
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Submit'), '', '', 'multipart/form-data', 'mainfrm');
    $frm->addbreak(__('Create new category'));
    $frm->hidden('newsave', '1');
    $frm->hidden('c', $_POST['c']);
    $frm->addrow(__('Title'), $frm->text_box('ctitle', ''), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Description'), $frm->textarea('cdesc', '', 70, 5), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Minimum access level'), $frm->text_box('caccess', '0'), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Icon for category'), $frm->file('cicon'), 'top');
} elseif (!empty($_POST['b']) && !empty($_POST['c']) && $articles->setWorkContainer($_POST['c']) && ($category = $articles->getCategory($_POST['b'], false))) {
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', '&lt;&lt;&lt; ' . __('Back'));
    $frm->hidden('c', $_POST['c']);
    $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Submit'), '', '', 'multipart/form-data', 'mainfrm');
    $frm->addbreak(__('Edit category'));
    $frm->hidden('save', '1');
    $frm->hidden('b', $_POST['b']);
    $frm->hidden('c', $_POST['c']);
    $frm->addrow(__('Title'), $frm->text_box('ctitle', $category['title']), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Description'), $frm->textarea('cdesc', $category['description'], 70, 5), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Minimum access level'), $frm->text_box('caccess', $category['accesslevel']), 'top');
    if (!$category['icon']) {
        $frm->addrow(__('Icon for category'), $frm->file('cicon'));
    } else {