Пример #1
function _nav_modifier_article_m($input)
    global $articles;
    if (!is_a($articles, 'articles')) {
        $arts = new articles();
    } else {
        $arts =& $articles;
    $data = explode('/', $input, 3);
    $mode = sizeof($data);
    $containers = $arts->getContainers(0);
    switch ($mode) {
        case 1:
            if (!empty($containers[$data[0]])) {
                return array('?module=articles&c=' . urlencode($data[0]), $containers[$data[0]]);
        case 2:
            if ($arts->setWorkContainer($data[0])) {
                $categories = $arts->getCategories(true, false, false);
                if ($data[0] == '#hidden' || $data[0] == '#root' && ($article = $arts->getArticle(0, (int) $data[1], false, false, false, false))) {
                    return array('?module=articles&c=' . urlencode($data[0]) . '&a=' . (int) $data[1], $article['title']);
                } elseif ($categories && !empty($categories[(int) $data[1]])) {
                    return array('?module=articles&c=' . urlencode($data[0]) . '&b=' . (int) $data[1], $categories[$data[1]]);
        case 3:
            if ($arts->setWorkContainer($data[0])) {
                if ($article = $arts->getArticle((int) $data[1], (int) $data[2], false, false, false, false)) {
                    return array('?module=articles&c=' . urlencode($data[0]) . '&b=' . (int) $data[1] . '&a=' . (int) $data[2], $article['title']);
    return false;
        if (!$arrErrors) {
            // присваеваем полученные данные объекту
            $articles->arrBindFields = $arrBindFields;
            $articles->arrNoBindFields = $arrNoBindFields;
            // производим запись в таблицу БД
            !$articles->recArticle() ? $arrErrors[] = db::$message_error ? db::$message_error : ERROR_MISMATCH_FIELDS : messages::messageChangeSaved(MESSAGE_ARTICLE_ADDED, false, CONF_ADMIN_FILE . '?m=manager&s=articles');
        } else {
            $smarty->assign('return_data', $arrBindFields + $arrNoBindFields);
} elseif ($arrActions['edit']) {
    if (!empty($_GET['id']) && ($id = validate::checkNaturalNumber($_GET['id']))) {
        // инициируем "Наименование страницы" отображаемое в форме
        $arrNamePage[] = array('name' => MENU_ACTION_EDIT, 'link' => false);
        // проверяем существование новости
        $article = $articles->getArticle("token IN ('active','archived') AND id=" . secure::escQuoteData($id));
        if (!empty($article) && is_array($article)) {
            $smarty->assignByRef('return_data', $article);
            // передаем новость в шаблон
            // сохраняем изменения
            if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
                // получаем из формы поля обязательные для заполнения
                $arrBindFields = $_POST['arrBindFields'];
                // получаем из формы поля не обязательные для заполнения
                $arrNoBindFields = $_POST['arrNoBindFields'];
                $arrNoBindFields['noComments'] = !empty($_POST['arrNoBindFields']['noComments']) ? 1 : 0;
                // устанавливаем состояние новости
                $arrBindFields['token'] = isset($arrBindFields['token']) ? 'active' : 'archived';
                // устанавливаем дату новости
                $arrBindFields['datetime'] = !$_POST['date'] ? terms::currentDateTime() : $_POST['date'] . ' ' . $_POST['time']['Time_Hour'] . ':' . $_POST['time']['Time_Minute'];
Пример #3
* Perform deletion of articles                                                *
if (!empty($_POST['delete'])) {
    foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $id => $chk) {
        if ($chk && $articles->setWorkContainer($c) && $articles->deleteArticle($b, $id)) {
            rcms_showAdminMessage(__('Article removed') . ': ' . $c . '/' . $b . '/' . $id);
        } else {
            rcms_showAdminMessage($articles->last_error . ': ' . $c . '/' . $b . '/' . $id);
* Perform changing of article                                                 *
if (!empty($_POST['save']) && !empty($c) && (!empty($b) || $c == '#hidden' || $c == '#root') && !empty($a) && $articles->setWorkContainer($c) && ($article = $articles->getArticle($b, $a, false, true, true, false)) !== false) {
    $time = sql_to_unix_time($_POST['time']);
    if ($_POST['mode'] == 'php' && !$system->checkForRight('GENERAL')) {
        return rcms_showAdminMessage(__('Error occurred') . ': ' . __('You are not administrator of this site'));
    if (!@$articles->saveArticle($b, $a, $_POST['title'], $_POST['source'], $_POST['keywords'], $_POST['sef_desc'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['text'], $_POST['mode'], $_POST['comments'], $time)) {
    } else {
        rcms_showAdminMessage(__('Article saved'));
        if (!empty($nb) && $nb != $b) {
            if (!$articles->moveArticle($b, $a, $nb)) {
            } else {
                rcms_showAdminMessage(__('Article moved'));
Пример #4
     } else {
 } elseif ($arrActions['edit']) {
     // инициируем "Наименование страницы" отображаемое в заголовке формы
     $arrNamePage[] = array('name' => constant('FORM_ARTICLES_EDIT'), 'link' => false);
     /** Проверяем id статьи **/
     if (!empty($_GET['id']) && strings::ifInt($_GET['id'])) {
         $id = (int) $_GET['id'];
         /** Проверяем псевдоним пользователя **/
         if (!empty($arrUser['alias'])) {
             // получаем данные статьи
             $strWhere = "id IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($id) . ") AND id_user IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrUser['id']) . ") AND token IN ('active','archived','new','correction')";
             if ($arrArticle = $articles->getArticle($strWhere)) {
                 /** Проверяем токен статьи и права пользователя **/
                 if ($arrArticle['token'] == 'correction' || !empty($_SESSION['sd_' . DB_PREFIX . 'codex']['rights']['edit_articles'])) {
                     /** Сохраняем статью **/
                     if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
                         /** Проверяем на непустые поля **/
                         if (!empty($_POST['arrBindFields']) && !empty($_POST['date']) && !empty($_POST['time'])) {
                             $arrData = $_POST['arrBindFields'] + $_POST['date'] + $_POST['time'];
                             if (validate::arrDataNotEmpty($arrData)) {
                                 $arrBindFields = $_POST['arrBindFields'];
                                 $arrBindFields['datetime'] = $_POST['date']['Date_Year'] . '-' . $_POST['date']['Date_Month'] . '-' . $_POST['date']['Date_Day'] . ' ' . $_POST['time']['Time_Hour'] . ':' . $_POST['time']['Time_Minute'];
                             } else {
                                 $arrErrors[] = ERROR_EMPTY_BIND_FIELDS;
                         } else {
                             $arrErrors[] = ERROR_EMPTY_BIND_FIELDS;
Пример #5
        // печатаем данные о загруженном файле в формате JSON
        echo ajax::sdgJSONencode($_FILES[$inputName]);
    } else {
        echo 'ErrInputFile';
} elseif (isset($_GET['editVisibility']) && !empty($_POST['visibility']) && ('visible' === $_POST['visibility'] || 'visiblehc' === $_POST['visibility'] || 'members' === $_POST['visibility'] || 'membershc' === $_POST['visibility'] || 'hide' === $_POST['visibility']) && (int) $_POST['id'] && 0 < $_POST['id']) {
    $resume = new resume();
    echo !$resume->setVisibility($_POST['visibility'], $_POST['id']) ? 'errSet' : 'success';
} elseif (!empty($_POST['checkAlias']) && !empty($_POST['uID'])) {
    $user = new user();
    echo $user->issetUser("id NOT IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($_POST['uID']) . ") AND alias IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($_POST['checkAlias']) . ") AND token IN ('active','archived','moderate','new')") ? 'true' : 'false';
} elseif (!empty($_POST['getArticleDetail'])) {
    $articles = new articles();
    $arrArticle = $articles->getArticle("id IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($_POST['getArticleDetail']) . ")");
    $smarty->assignByRef('arrArticle', $arrArticle);
} elseif (!empty($_POST['getNewsDetail'])) {
    $news = new news();
    $arrNews = $news->getNews("id=" . secure::escQuoteData($_POST['getNewsDetail']));
    $smarty->assignByRef('arrNews', $arrNews);
} elseif (!empty($_GET['getAnnounceData']) && ('vacancy' === $_GET['getAnnounceData'] || 'resume' === $_GET['getAnnounceData']) && !empty($_POST['unikey'])) {
    $objAnnounce = new $_GET['getAnnounceData']();
    if (empty($_SESSION['sd_user']['data']['id'])) {
        die('{"result":"error", "error":"' . ERROR_DATA . '"}');
        // ошибка: объявление не существует
    } elseif (!$objAnnounce->getAnnounceByUnikey($_POST['unikey'], "id_user IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($_SESSION['sd_user']['data']['id']) . ") AND token IN ('active')")) {
        die('{"result":"error", "error":"' . ERROR_ANNOUNCE_NOT_EXISTS . '"}');
        // ошибка: объявление не существует
Пример #6

//   Copyright (C) ReloadCMS Development Team                                 //
//   http://reloadcms.com                                                     //
//   This product released under GNU General Public License v2                //
$articles = new articles();
$container = empty($articles->config['cpop']) ? 'articles' : $articles->config['cpop'];
if (!$articles->setWorkContainer($container)) {
    return show_window(__('Most commented articles'), __('Error occurred') . ':<br />' . $articles->last_error);
if ($list = $articles->getLimitedStat('ccnt', $system->config['num_of_latest'], true)) {
    $result = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">';
    $i = 2;
    foreach ($list as $id => $time) {
        $id = explode('.', $id);
        if (($article = $articles->getArticle($id[0], $id[1], false, false, false, false)) !== false) {
            $result .= '<tr><td class="row' . $i . '"><a href="index.php?module=articles&amp;c=' . $container . '&amp;b=' . $id[0] . '&amp;a=' . $id[1] . '"><abbr title="' . $article['author_nick'] . ', ' . rcms_format_time('d.m.Y H:i:s', $article['time']) . '">' . $article['title'] . ' (' . $article['comcnt'] . ')</abbr></a></td></tr>';
            if ($i > 3) {
                $i = 2;
    $result .= '</table>';
    show_window(__('Most commented articles'), $result);
Пример #7
         //            var_dump($alert);
         if (!isset($alert)) {
             header('Location: ./?page=unpublished');
 case 'view':
     if (!$id) {
         header('Location: /404.php');
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/stop_words.php';
     $stop_words = new stop_words(hasPermissions('articles'));
     $content = 'content_view.php';
     $article = articles::getArticle($id, $uid);
     $FBShare = array('title' => htmlspecialchars($article['title'], ENT_QUOTES), 'description' => '', 'image' => HTTP_PREFIX . 'www.free-lance.ru/images/free-lance_logo.jpg');
     if (!$article) {
         header('Location: /404.php');
     if ($article['approved'] == 't') {
         $js_file = array('highlight.min.js', 'highlight.init.js', 'comments.all.js', 'banned.js');
     if ($article['title']) {
         $page_title = "{$article['title']} - фриланс, удаленная работа на FL.ru";
         $page_descr = "{$article['title']} - фриланс, удаленная работа на FL.ru";
     $hidden = array();
     if ($article['hidden_threads']) {
         $hidden_db = preg_replace('/[\\{\\}]/', '', $article['hidden_threads']);
  * protected функция считывает данные из таблицы БД
  * @return bool
 protected function pGetCategorys()
         if ($this->getCachingEntrys()) {
             return true;
         } else {
             // записываем в робота дату обновления кеша
             $articles = new articles();
             $strWhere = "token IN ('active') AND datetime>NOW()";
             $arrFields = array('datetime');
             $arrArticle = $articles->getArticle($strWhere, $arrFields);
             $arrRobotData[$this->retTableName()] = !empty($arrArticle['datetime']) ? strtotime($arrArticle['datetime']) : false;
             return !$this->getSubSelectEntrys(false, true, $this->pRetCategoryConf()) ? false : $this->setCachingEntrys();
     } else {
         return !$this->getSubSelectEntrys(false, true, $this->pRetCategoryConf()) ? false : true;
Пример #9
  * Устанавливает/обновляет закладку
  * @param  integer $user_id ид пользователя
  * @param  integer $article_id ид сатьи
  * @param  integer $star тип звезды - число от 0 дл 4
  * @return bool
 function bookmarkArticle($user_id, $article_id, $star)
     global $DB;
     $article = articles::getArticle($article_id, $user_id);
     if ($article['bookmark'] === NULL) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO articles_users (user_id, article_id, bookmark, bookmark_time)\n                                VALUES (?i, ?i, ?i, NOW())";
         if (!$DB->query($sql, $user_id, $article_id, $star)) {
             return false;
     } else {
         $sql = "UPDATE articles_users SET bookmark = ?i, bookmark_time = NOW()\n                           WHERE user_id = ?i AND article_id = ?i";
         if (!$DB->query($sql, $star, $user_id, $article_id)) {
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #10

//   Copyright (C) ReloadCMS Development Team                                 //
//   http://reloadcms.com                                                     //
//   This product released under GNU General Public License v2                //
$articles = new articles();
$c = empty($_GET['c']) || $_GET['c'] == '#hidden' ? null : $_GET['c'];
$b = empty($_GET['b']) ? null : (int) $_GET['b'];
$a = empty($_GET['a']) ? null : (int) $_GET['a'];
if (!empty($a) && (!empty($b) && !empty($c) || $c == '#root')) {
    if (!$articles->setWorkContainer($c)) {
    } elseif (!($article = $articles->getArticle($b, $a, true, true, true, true))) {
    } elseif ($c !== '#root' && !($category = $articles->getCategory($b, false))) {
    } else {
        if (!empty($category)) {
            $article['cat_data'] = $category;
        $containers = $articles->getContainers();
        $com_text = '';
        /* If user posting a comment */
        if (!empty($_POST['comtext']) && $article['comments'] == 'yes') {
            if (isset($system->config['article-guest']) and !LOGGED_IN) {
                show_error(__('You are not logined!'));
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['antispam']) and isset($_POST['captcheckout'])) {
                    $defcatp = substr(md5($_POST['antispam']), 0, 5);
Пример #11
                    $total = $system->config['perpage'];
                    $end = $total + $start;
                    if ($end > sizeof($list)) {
                        $end = sizeof($list);
                } else {
                    $pages = 1;
                    $page = 0;
                    $start = 0;
                    $total = sizeof($list);
                $keys = array_keys($list);
                for ($a = $start; $a < $end; $a++) {
                    $time =& $list[$keys[$a]];
                    $id = explode('.', $keys[$a]);
                    if (($category = $articles->getCategory($id[0], true)) !== false && ($article = $articles->getArticle($id[0], $id[1], true, true, false, false)) !== false) {
                        $result .= rcms_parse_module_template('art-article.tpl', $article + array('showtitle' => true, 'linktext' => $articles->linktextArticle($article['text_nonempty'], $article['comcnt'], $article['views']), 'iconurl' => '?module=articles&amp;c=' . $news_container . '&amp;b=' . $id[0], 'linkurl' => '?module=articles&amp;c=' . $news_container . '&amp;b=' . $id[0] . '&amp;a=' . $article['id'], 'cat_data' => $category));
                $title = isset($category['title']) ? $category['title'] : __(file_get_contents(ARTICLES_PATH . $news_container . '/title'));
                if (!empty($list)) {
                    $result .= '<div align="right">' . rcms_pagination(sizeof($list), $system->config['perpage'], $page + 1, '?module=' . $module) . '</div>';
                } else {
                    $result = __('Nothing founded');
            show_window($title, $result);
        $system->config['pagename'] = __('Latest news');
} elseif ($system->config['index_module'] != 'empty' && !empty($system->modules['main'][$module])) {