function _fixItem($item, $order = 'created desc, title')
     // Return false if no item
     if (!$item) {
         return $item;
     // Get the item indexes for the indicated weblog (cached to minimize the number of SQL queries)
     $cacheName = 'YD_CACHE_WEBLOG_ITEMIDS_' . md5(strtolower($order));
     if (!isset($GLOBALS[$cacheName])) {
         $sql = $this->_prepareQuery('SELECT id FROM ' . YDConfig::get('db_prefix', '') . 'items', $order);
         $item_ids = $this->db->getValuesByName($sql, 'id');
         $GLOBALS[$cacheName] = $item_ids;
     // Get the ID of the previous and the next item
     $pos = array_search($item['id'], $GLOBALS[$cacheName]);
     $item['newer_id'] = $pos == 0 ? false : $GLOBALS[$cacheName][$pos - 1];
     $item['older_id'] = $pos == sizeof($GLOBALS[$cacheName]) - 1 ? false : $GLOBALS[$cacheName][$pos + 1];
     // Add the year, month and yearmonth fields
     $item['yearmonth'] = ucwords(strftime('%B %Y', $item['created']));
     $item['month'] = ucwords(strftime('%B', $item['created']));
     $item['year'] = ucwords(strftime('%Y', $item['created']));
     // Get the list of images related to this item
     $imgPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/item_' . $item['id'] . '/';
     // Get the list of pictures if any
     if (is_dir($imgPath)) {
         // Get a handle to the directory
         $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/item_' . $item['id'] . '/');
         // Get the list of files
         $images = $dir->getContents(array('!index.html', '!index.php', '!m_*.*', '!s_*.*'), null, array('YDFSImage'));
         // Make the relative path for each file
         foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
             // Generate the thumbnails if not there yet
             if (!is_file($dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/s_' . $image->getBasename())) {
                 $image->saveThumbnail(48, 48, $dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/s_' . $image->getBasename());
             if (!is_file($dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/m_' . $image->getBasename())) {
                 $image->saveThumbnail(100, 100, $dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/m_' . $image->getBasename());
             // Set the relative path
             $dir_uploads = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads');
             $dir_uploads = new YDFSDirectory($dir_uploads);
             $image->relative_path = str_replace($dir_uploads->getAbsolutePath(), '', $image->getAbsolutePath());
             // Update the backslashes
             $image->relative_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $image->relative_path);
             // Remove the leading slash
             if (substr($image->relative_path, 0, 1) == '/') {
                 $image->relative_path = substr($image->relative_path, 1);
             // Make links to the thumbnails
             $image->relative_path_s = dirname($image->relative_path) . '/s_' . basename($image->relative_path);
             $image->relative_path_m = dirname($image->relative_path) . '/m_' . basename($image->relative_path);
             // Update the original image
             $images[$key] = $image;
         // Add it to the item
         $item['images'] = $images;
     } else {
         // No images for this item
         $item['images'] = array();
     // Get the count of images
     $item['num_images'] = sizeof($item['images']);
     // Return the fixed item
     return $item;
 function _fixItem($item, $order = 'created desc, title')
     // Return false if no item
     if (!$item) {
         return $item;
     // Get the item indexes for the indicated weblog (cached to minimize the number of SQL queries)
     $cacheName = 'YD_CACHE_WEBLOG_ITEMIDS_' . md5(strtolower($order));
     if (!isset($GLOBALS[$cacheName])) {
         $sql = $this->_prepareQuery('SELECT id FROM #_items', $order);
         $item_ids = $this->db->getValuesByName($sql, 'id');
         $GLOBALS[$cacheName] = $item_ids;
     // Get the ID of the previous and the next item
     $pos = array_search($item['id'], $GLOBALS[$cacheName]);
     $item['newer_id'] = $pos == 0 ? false : $GLOBALS[$cacheName][$pos - 1];
     $item['older_id'] = $pos == sizeof($GLOBALS[$cacheName]) - 1 ? false : $GLOBALS[$cacheName][$pos + 1];
     // Add the year, month and yearmonth fields
     $item['yearmonth'] = ucwords(strftime('%B %Y', $item['created']));
     $item['month'] = ucwords(strftime('%B', $item['created']));
     $item['year'] = ucwords(strftime('%Y', $item['created']));
     // Get the list of images related to this item
     $imgPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/item_' . $item['id'] . '/';
     // Get the list of pictures if any
     if (is_dir($imgPath)) {
         // Get a handle to the directory
         $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/item_' . $item['id'] . '/');
         // Get the list of files
         $images = $dir->getContents(array('!index.html', '!index.php', '!m_*.*', '!s_*.*'), null, array('YDFSImage'));
         // Make the relative path for each file
         foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
             // Generate the thumbnails if not there yet
             if (!is_file($dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/s_' . $image->getBasename())) {
                 $image->saveThumbnail(48, 48, $dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/s_' . $image->getBasename());
             if (!is_file($dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/m_' . $image->getBasename())) {
                 $image->saveThumbnail(100, 100, $dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/m_' . $image->getBasename());
             // Set the relative path
             $dir_uploads = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads');
             $dir_uploads = new YDFSDirectory($dir_uploads);
             $image->relative_path = str_replace($dir_uploads->getAbsolutePath(), '', $image->getAbsolutePath());
             // Update the backslashes
             $image->relative_path = ltrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $image->relative_path), '/');
             // Merge the title and description if any
             $image = $this->getItemImageMetaData($image);
             // Create the full title, including item title, image title and description if any
             $image->full_description = $item['title'] . ' » ' . $image->title;
             if ($image->description) {
                 $image->full_description .= '<p class="img_description">' . YDTemplate_modifier_bbcode($image->description) . '</p>';
             $image->full_description_html = htmlspecialchars($image->full_description, ENT_QUOTES);
             // Make links to the thumbnails
             $image->relative_path_s = dirname($image->relative_path) . '/s_' . basename($image->relative_path);
             $image->relative_path_m = dirname($image->relative_path) . '/m_' . basename($image->relative_path);
             // Add the thumbnails as objects
             $image->relative_path_s_obj = new YDFSImage($dir_uploads->getAbsolutePath() . '/' . $image->relative_path_s);
             $image->relative_path_m_obj = new YDFSImage($dir_uploads->getAbsolutePath() . '/' . $image->relative_path_m);
             // Update the original image
             $images[$key] = $image;
         // Add it to the item
         $item['images'] = $images;
     } else {
         // No images for this item
         $item['images'] = array();
     // Fix the image paths
     if (strtolower(basename(dirname(YD_SELF_FILE))) != 'manage') {
         $uploads = YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads');
         $item['body'] = str_replace('../' . $uploads, $uploads, $item['body']);
         $item['body_more'] = str_replace('../' . $uploads, $uploads, $item['body_more']);
     // Get the count of images
     $item['num_images'] = sizeof($item['images']);
     // Return the fixed item
     return $item;
Пример #3
 function getImages($as_class = true)
     // Get the list of files
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory($this->dir_rel);
     $images = @$dir->getContents(array('!index.html', '!index.php'), null, array('YDFSImage'), true, 'desc');
     // Make the relative path for each file
     foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
         // Set the relative path
         $image->relative_path = str_replace($dir->getAbsolutePath(), '', $image->getAbsolutePath());
         // Update the backslashes
         $image->relative_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $image->relative_path);
         // Remove the leading slash
         if (substr($image->relative_path, 0, 1) == '/') {
             $image->relative_path = substr($image->relative_path, 1);
         // Update the original image
         $images[$key] = $image;
     // Convert to a plain array if needed
     if ($as_class === false) {
         foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
             $images[$key] = $image->relative_path;
     // Return the list
     return $images;
  *  This function copies a directory or an array of directories from the
  *  source directory to the target directory.
  *  @param  $directories  The directory name or an array of directories
  *                        relative to the source directory.
  *  @param  $overwrite    (optional) If true, overwrite the files. Default: true.
  *  @param  $recursive    (optional) Copies all subdirectories as well. Default: true.
  *  @returns     An array with the results.
 function copyDirectory($directories, $overwrite = true, $recursive = true)
     $res = array();
     if (!is_array($directories)) {
         $directories = array($directories);
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         // Source directory path
         $source = YDPath::join($this->_source_dir, $directory);
         // Target directory path
         $target = YDPath::join($this->_target_dir, $directory);
         // Source directory
         $d = new YDFSDirectory($source);
         // Source directory files
         $files = $d->getContents('', '', array('YDFSFile', 'YDFSImage'));
         foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
             $files[$k] = YDPath::join($directory, $file);
         // Copy source directory files to target
         $res = array_merge($res, $this->copyFile($files, $overwrite));
         if ($recursive) {
             // Get source subdirectories
             $dirs = $d->getContents('', '', 'YDFSDirectory');
             // Cycle through all source subdirectories
             foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
                 $res = array_merge($res, $this->copyDirectory(str_replace($this->_source_dir, '', YDPath::join($d->getAbsolutePath(), $dir)), $overwrite, $recursive));
     return $res;