Пример #1
 function actionSelector()
     // Redirect to the main if no field in the url
     if (empty($_GET['field'])) {
     // Get the list of images in the current directory
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory();
     // Start with no items
     $items = array();
     // Add the list of images to the template
     if ($_GET['tag'] == 'img') {
         $pattern = '*.jpg';
     if ($_GET['tag'] == 'url') {
         $pattern = '*.php';
     // Get the item list
     foreach ($dir->getContents($pattern) as $item) {
         array_push($items, $item->getBaseName());
     // Add the items to the template
     $this->template->assign('items', $items);
     // Output the template
Пример #2
 function actionEdit()
     // Get the configuration
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     // Get the list of skins
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . $this->dir_skins);
     $items = $dir->getContents('!.*', '', array('YDFSDirectory'));
     $skins = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $skins[$item] = $item;
     // Get the list of languages
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../include/languages/');
     $items = $dir->getContents('language_*.php', '', array('YDFSFile'));
     $languages = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $item = substr($item, 9, -4);
         $languages[$item] = $item;
     // Create the configuration form
     $form = new YDWeblogForm('configForm');
     // Add the fields
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_host', t('cfg_db_host'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_name', t('cfg_db_name'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_user', t('cfg_db_user'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_pass', t('cfg_db_pass'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_prefix', t('cfg_db_prefix'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_title', t('cfg_weblog_title'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_description', t('cfg_weblog_description'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_entries_fp', t('cfg_weblog_entries_fp'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('select', 'weblog_skin', t('cfg_weblog_skin'), array('class' => 'tfM', 'style' => 'width: 100%'), $skins);
     $form->addElement('select', 'weblog_language', t('cfg_weblog_language'), array('class' => 'tfM', 'style' => 'width: 100%'), $languages);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'email_new_comment', t('cfg_notification_email_comment'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'max_syndicated_items', t('cfg_rss_max_syndicated_items'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('submit', '_cmdSubmit', t('OK'), array('class' => 'button'));
     // Set the defaults
     // Add the rules
     $form->addRule('db_host', 'required', t('err_db_host'));
     $form->addRule('db_name', 'required', t('err_db_name'));
     $form->addRule('db_user', 'required', t('err_db_user'));
     $form->addRule('weblog_title', 'required', t('err_weblog_title'));
     $form->addRule('weblog_entries_fp', 'required', t('err_weblog_entries_fp'));
     $form->addRule('weblog_entries_fp', 'numeric', t('err_weblog_entries_fp_num'));
     $form->addRule('max_syndicated_items', 'required', t('err_max_syndicated_items'));
     $form->addRule('max_syndicated_items', 'numeric', t('err_max_syndicated_items_num'));
     // Process the form
     if ($form->validate() === true) {
         // Get the form values
         $values = $form->getValues();
         // Save the config
         // Redirect to the default acton
     // Add it to the template
     $this->tpl->assignForm('form', $form);
     // Display the template
Пример #3
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the file object for the current file
     $file = new YDFSFile(__FILE__);
     // Dump the object
     echo __FILE__;
     // Dump the object
     echo '<br>Basename: ' . $file->getBasename();
     echo '<br>Extension: ' . $file->getExtension();
     echo '<br>Path: ' . $file->getPath();
     echo '<br>LastModified: ' . $file->getLastModified();
     echo '<br>File size: ' . $file->getSize();
     // Get the contents
     YDDebugUtil::dump($file->getContents(), '$file->getContents()');
     // Get the partial contents
     YDDebugUtil::dump($file->getContents(2, 3), '$file->getContents( 2, 3 )');
     // Create a dummy file
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory('.');
     $file = $dir->createFile('dummy.txt', 'initial contents');
     // Update the contents
     $file->setContents('new contents');
     // Get the contents
     YDDebugUtil::dump($file->getContents(), '$file->getContents() after update');
     // Append the contents
     $file->setContents(YD_CRLF . 'appended contents', true);
     // Get the contents
     YDDebugUtil::dump($file->getContents(), '$file->getContents() after append');
     // Delete the file
     // Get the file object for the current file
     $file = new YDFSFile('nofile.php');
Пример #4
 function _deleteCacheFiles($pattern)
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(YD_DIR_TEMP);
     $filesToDelete = $dir->getContents($pattern, null);
     foreach ($filesToDelete as $file) {
 function actionAdd()
     // We return to the default action
     $action = 'default';
     // Process the form
     if ($this->form->validate()) {
         // Move the uploaded file
         $file = $this->form->getElement('image');
         if ($file->isUploaded()) {
             // Get the new filename
             $filename = YDStringUtil::stripSpecialCharacters($file->getBaseName());
             // Move the upload
             if (!is_dir($this->dir_rel)) {
             @$file->moveUpload($this->dir_rel, $filename);
             // Convert it to an object
             $fileObj = new YDFSFile($this->dir_rel . $file->getBaseName());
             // Check if it's a ZIP file
             if (strtolower($fileObj->getExtension() == 'zip')) {
                 // Include the unzip library
                 include YD_DIR_HOME . '/3rdparty/zip/unzip.lib.php';
                 // Convert it to a ZIP object
                 $zip = new SimpleUnzip($fileObj->getAbsolutePath());
                 // Get the directory as a path
                 $dir = new YDFSDirectory($this->dir_rel);
                 // Extract the images
                 foreach ($zip->Entries as $entry) {
                     // Save it as a filee
                     $entryFile = $dir->createFile($entry->Name, $entry->Data);
                     // Delete it if it's not an image
                     if (!$entryFile->isImage()) {
                     } else {
                         $entryFile = $this->weblog->resizeUploadedImage($entryFile);
             // Check if it's an image
             if (!$fileObj->isImage()) {
             } else {
                 $fileObj = $this->weblog->resizeUploadedImage($fileObj);
             // Delete the thumbnails
             @unlink($this->dir_rel . 's_' . $file->getBaseName());
             @unlink($this->dir_rel . 'm_' . $file->getBaseName());
     // Redirect to the list view
     $this->redirect(YD_SELF_SCRIPT . '?id=' . $this->item['id']);
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the pagesize and current page from the query string
     $page = @$_GET['page'];
     $size = @$_GET['size'];
     // Get the list of files in the current directory
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory();
     $files = $dir->getContents('*.*', null, 'YDFSFile');
     // Create the YDRecordSet object
     $recordset = new YDRecordSet($files, $page, $size);
     // Setup the template
     $this->template->assign('recordset', $recordset);
     // Display the template
Пример #7
 function actionSelector()
     // Redirect to the main if no field in the url
     if (empty($_GET['field'])) {
     // Get the list of images in the current directory
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory();
     // Add the list of images to the template
     if ($_GET['tag'] == 'img') {
         $this->setVar('items', $dir->getContents('*.jpg'));
     if ($_GET['tag'] == 'url') {
         $this->setVar('items', $dir->getContents('*.php'));
     // Output the template
  *  This private function returns all filenames of a directory
  *  @returns    Array of filenames, eg: array( 'default' => 'Default', 'orange' => ... )
 function __getFiles($dir)
     // init directories
     $directories = array();
     // init template directory
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory($dir);
     // compute directories array
     foreach ($dir->getContents('!.*', '', 'YDFSDirectory') as $d) {
         $directories[$d] = $d;
     return $directories;
  *	Function to emulate the fnmatch function from UNIX which is not available on all servers.
  *	@remark
  *		This function is a reformatted version of the function found on:
  *		http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fnmatch.php#31353
  *	@param $pattern	Pattern to match the file against.
  *	@param $file	File name that needs to be checked.
  *	@return	Boolean indicating if the file matched the pattern or not.
  *	@internal
 function _match($pattern, $file)
     // Loop over the characters of the pattern
     for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pattern); $i++) {
         // Character is a *
         if ($pattern[$i] == '*') {
             for ($c = $i; $c < max(strlen($pattern), strlen($file)); $c++) {
                 if (YDFSDirectory::_match(substr($pattern, $i + 1), substr($file, $c))) {
                     return true;
             return false;
         // Pattern is a [
         if ($pattern[$i] == '[') {
             $letter_set = array();
             for ($c = $i + 1; $c < strlen($pattern); $c++) {
                 if ($pattern[$c] != ']') {
                     array_push($letter_set, $pattern[$c]);
                 } else {
             foreach ($letter_set as $letter) {
                 if (YDFSDirectory::_match($letter . substr($pattern, $c + 1), substr($file, $i))) {
                     return true;
             return false;
         // Pattern is a ?
         if ($pattern[$i] == '?') {
         // Pattern not the same as the file character
         if ($pattern[$i] != $file[$i]) {
             return false;
     // All the rest returns positive
     return true;
  *	This function will save the XML data to the specified file.
  *	@remark
  *		The default format is "RSS2.0". If you specify no argument indicating the requested format, the "RSS2.0"
  *	format will be used.
  *	@param $path	The path to save the XML data to.
  *	@param $format	(optional) The format in which the items should be converted.
 function saveXml($path, $format = 'RSS2.0')
     // Get the XML data
     $xml = $this->toXml($format);
     // Get the directory information
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(YDPath::getDirectoryName($path));
     // Create the file
     $dir->createFile(YDPath::getFileName($path), $xml);
 function _fixItem($item, $order = 'created desc, title')
     // Return false if no item
     if (!$item) {
         return $item;
     // Get the item indexes for the indicated weblog (cached to minimize the number of SQL queries)
     $cacheName = 'YD_CACHE_WEBLOG_ITEMIDS_' . md5(strtolower($order));
     if (!isset($GLOBALS[$cacheName])) {
         $sql = $this->_prepareQuery('SELECT id FROM ' . YDConfig::get('db_prefix', '') . 'items', $order);
         $item_ids = $this->db->getValuesByName($sql, 'id');
         $GLOBALS[$cacheName] = $item_ids;
     // Get the ID of the previous and the next item
     $pos = array_search($item['id'], $GLOBALS[$cacheName]);
     $item['newer_id'] = $pos == 0 ? false : $GLOBALS[$cacheName][$pos - 1];
     $item['older_id'] = $pos == sizeof($GLOBALS[$cacheName]) - 1 ? false : $GLOBALS[$cacheName][$pos + 1];
     // Add the year, month and yearmonth fields
     $item['yearmonth'] = ucwords(strftime('%B %Y', $item['created']));
     $item['month'] = ucwords(strftime('%B', $item['created']));
     $item['year'] = ucwords(strftime('%Y', $item['created']));
     // Get the list of images related to this item
     $imgPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/item_' . $item['id'] . '/';
     // Get the list of pictures if any
     if (is_dir($imgPath)) {
         // Get a handle to the directory
         $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/item_' . $item['id'] . '/');
         // Get the list of files
         $images = $dir->getContents(array('!index.html', '!index.php', '!m_*.*', '!s_*.*'), null, array('YDFSImage'));
         // Make the relative path for each file
         foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
             // Generate the thumbnails if not there yet
             if (!is_file($dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/s_' . $image->getBasename())) {
                 $image->saveThumbnail(48, 48, $dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/s_' . $image->getBasename());
             if (!is_file($dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/m_' . $image->getBasename())) {
                 $image->saveThumbnail(100, 100, $dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/m_' . $image->getBasename());
             // Set the relative path
             $dir_uploads = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads');
             $dir_uploads = new YDFSDirectory($dir_uploads);
             $image->relative_path = str_replace($dir_uploads->getAbsolutePath(), '', $image->getAbsolutePath());
             // Update the backslashes
             $image->relative_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $image->relative_path);
             // Remove the leading slash
             if (substr($image->relative_path, 0, 1) == '/') {
                 $image->relative_path = substr($image->relative_path, 1);
             // Make links to the thumbnails
             $image->relative_path_s = dirname($image->relative_path) . '/s_' . basename($image->relative_path);
             $image->relative_path_m = dirname($image->relative_path) . '/m_' . basename($image->relative_path);
             // Update the original image
             $images[$key] = $image;
         // Add it to the item
         $item['images'] = $images;
     } else {
         // No images for this item
         $item['images'] = array();
     // Get the count of images
     $item['num_images'] = sizeof($item['images']);
     // Return the fixed item
     return $item;
  *	Function to recursively delete a directory.
  *	@param $dirname	Directory to be removed.
  *	@return	Boolean indicating if the directory could be deleted or not.
  *	@internal
 function _delete($dirname)
     // Simple delete for a file
     if (is_file($dirname)) {
         return unlink($dirname);
     // Loop through the folder
     $dir = dir($dirname);
     while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
         // Skip pointers
         if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') {
         // Deep delete directories
         if (is_dir("{$dirname}/{$entry}")) {
         } else {
     // Clean up
     return rmdir($dirname);
Пример #13
  *	Function to get the contents of the URL. It will get the contents using Gzip compression if possible in
  *	order to save bandwidth. It uses the HTTP Client class from Simon Willison to do the dirty work.
  *	More information about the HTTP client class can be found on: http://scripts.incutio.com/httpclient/
  *	If it fails to retrieve the data, it will raise a fatal error.
  *	By default, it will cache the downloaded data based on the etag and last-modified headers. The cache files
  *	are stored in the temp directory of the Yellow Duck framework and have the extension "wch". You can delete
  *	these automatically as they will be recreated on the fly if needed.
  *	For configuring the cache, there are two configuration variables you can redefine if needed:
  *	YD_HTTP_CACHE_TIMEOUT: the lifetime of the cache in seconds (default: 3600).
  *	YD_HTTP_CACHE_USEHEAD: if a HEAD HTTP request should be used to verify the cache validity (default: 1).
  *	@param $cache	(optional) Indicate if the web content should be cached or not. By default, caching is
  *					turned on.
  *  @param $fail    (optional) Whether to fail or not if the contents cannot be downloaded. Defaults to true.
  *	@returns	Returns the contents of the URL.
 function getContents($cache = true, $fail = true)
     // Check if caching is enabled
     $cacheFName = null;
     // Check the cache
     if ($cache == true) {
         // Include the filesystem library
         include_once YD_DIR_HOME_CLS . '/YDFileSystem.php';
         // Check if we need to use the HTTP HEAD function
         if (YDConfig::get('YD_HTTP_CACHE_USEHEAD') == 1) {
             // Get the headers
             $headers = $this->getHeaders();
             // Check if we have etag or last modified
             if (isset($headers['etag']) || isset($headers['last-modified'])) {
                 $cacheFName = $this->getUrl();
                 if (isset($headers['etag'])) {
                     $cacheFName .= $headers['etag'];
                 if (isset($headers['last-modified'])) {
                     $cacheFName .= $headers['last-modified'];
                 if (isset($headers['content-length'])) {
                     $cacheFName .= $headers['content-length'];
                 $cacheFName = YD_TMP_PRE . 'W_' . md5($cacheFName) . '.wch';
                 $cacheFName = YD_DIR_TEMP . '/' . $cacheFName;
         // If the cache filename is null, use the default one
         if ($cacheFName == null) {
             $cacheFName = YD_DIR_TEMP . '/' . YD_TMP_PRE . 'W_' . md5($this->getUrl()) . '.wch';
         // Use the cache file if any
         if (is_file($cacheFName)) {
             $file = new YDFSFile($cacheFName);
             $cacheValidTime = $file->getLastModified() + YDConfig::get('YD_HTTP_CACHE_TIMEOUT');
             if (time() < $cacheValidTime) {
                 return $file->getContents();
     // Create a new HTTP client
     $client = $this->_getHttpClient();
     // Now send the request
     $result = @$client->doRequest();
     // Check if there was a result
     if ($result == false) {
         if ($fail) {
             trigger_error('Failed to retrieve the data from the url "' . $this->getUrl() . '". ' . $client->getError(), YD_ERROR);
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         $data = @$client->getContent();
     // Check if caching is enabled
     if ($cache == true) {
         // Save the cached data
         if ($cacheFName != null) {
             $dir = new YDFSDirectory(YD_DIR_TEMP);
             $dir->createFile($cacheFName, $data);
     // Return the data
     return $data;
 function _fixItem($item, $order = 'created desc, title')
     // Return false if no item
     if (!$item) {
         return $item;
     // Get the item indexes for the indicated weblog (cached to minimize the number of SQL queries)
     $cacheName = 'YD_CACHE_WEBLOG_ITEMIDS_' . md5(strtolower($order));
     if (!isset($GLOBALS[$cacheName])) {
         $sql = $this->_prepareQuery('SELECT id FROM #_items', $order);
         $item_ids = $this->db->getValuesByName($sql, 'id');
         $GLOBALS[$cacheName] = $item_ids;
     // Get the ID of the previous and the next item
     $pos = array_search($item['id'], $GLOBALS[$cacheName]);
     $item['newer_id'] = $pos == 0 ? false : $GLOBALS[$cacheName][$pos - 1];
     $item['older_id'] = $pos == sizeof($GLOBALS[$cacheName]) - 1 ? false : $GLOBALS[$cacheName][$pos + 1];
     // Add the year, month and yearmonth fields
     $item['yearmonth'] = ucwords(strftime('%B %Y', $item['created']));
     $item['month'] = ucwords(strftime('%B', $item['created']));
     $item['year'] = ucwords(strftime('%Y', $item['created']));
     // Get the list of images related to this item
     $imgPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/item_' . $item['id'] . '/';
     // Get the list of pictures if any
     if (is_dir($imgPath)) {
         // Get a handle to the directory
         $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/item_' . $item['id'] . '/');
         // Get the list of files
         $images = $dir->getContents(array('!index.html', '!index.php', '!m_*.*', '!s_*.*'), null, array('YDFSImage'));
         // Make the relative path for each file
         foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
             // Generate the thumbnails if not there yet
             if (!is_file($dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/s_' . $image->getBasename())) {
                 $image->saveThumbnail(48, 48, $dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/s_' . $image->getBasename());
             if (!is_file($dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/m_' . $image->getBasename())) {
                 $image->saveThumbnail(100, 100, $dir->getAbsolutePath() . '/m_' . $image->getBasename());
             // Set the relative path
             $dir_uploads = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads');
             $dir_uploads = new YDFSDirectory($dir_uploads);
             $image->relative_path = str_replace($dir_uploads->getAbsolutePath(), '', $image->getAbsolutePath());
             // Update the backslashes
             $image->relative_path = ltrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $image->relative_path), '/');
             // Merge the title and description if any
             $image = $this->getItemImageMetaData($image);
             // Create the full title, including item title, image title and description if any
             $image->full_description = $item['title'] . ' &raquo; ' . $image->title;
             if ($image->description) {
                 $image->full_description .= '<p class="img_description">' . YDTemplate_modifier_bbcode($image->description) . '</p>';
             $image->full_description_html = htmlspecialchars($image->full_description, ENT_QUOTES);
             // Make links to the thumbnails
             $image->relative_path_s = dirname($image->relative_path) . '/s_' . basename($image->relative_path);
             $image->relative_path_m = dirname($image->relative_path) . '/m_' . basename($image->relative_path);
             // Add the thumbnails as objects
             $image->relative_path_s_obj = new YDFSImage($dir_uploads->getAbsolutePath() . '/' . $image->relative_path_s);
             $image->relative_path_m_obj = new YDFSImage($dir_uploads->getAbsolutePath() . '/' . $image->relative_path_m);
             // Update the original image
             $images[$key] = $image;
         // Add it to the item
         $item['images'] = $images;
     } else {
         // No images for this item
         $item['images'] = array();
     // Fix the image paths
     if (strtolower(basename(dirname(YD_SELF_FILE))) != 'manage') {
         $uploads = YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads');
         $item['body'] = str_replace('../' . $uploads, $uploads, $item['body']);
         $item['body_more'] = str_replace('../' . $uploads, $uploads, $item['body_more']);
     // Get the count of images
     $item['num_images'] = sizeof($item['images']);
     // Return the fixed item
     return $item;
 function actionUpdate()
     // Check if a software update is going on
     // Download the needed files
     foreach ($this->changed_files as $file => $action) {
         if ($action != 'D') {
     // Lock the weblog application
     // Install the new files
     foreach ($this->changed_files as $file => $action) {
         YDUpdateTools::installFile($file, $action);
     // Update the init file
     if ($this->updateDb->isUpdated('%YD_WEBLOG_HOME%/include/YDWeblog_init.php')) {
         YDUpdateTools::replaceInFile('%YD_WEBLOG_HOME%/include/YDWeblog_init.php', '\'/../../../YDFramework2/YDF2_init.php\' );', '\'/YDFramework2/YDF2_init.php\' );');
     // Update the database if needed
     foreach ($this->changed_files as $file => $action) {
         if (YDStringUtil::startsWith(YDUpdateTools::shortPath($file), '%YD_WEBLOG_HOME%/include/dbupdates/')) {
     // Save the new version number
     // Unlock the weblog application
     // Delete the downloaded files
     YDUpdateLog::info('Cleaning up the file downloads...');
     foreach ($this->changed_files as $file => $action) {
     // Clear the weblog cache
     YDUpdateLog::info('Clearing the weblog cache...');
     $cachePatterns = array(YD_WEBLOG_CACHE_PREFIX . '*.' . YD_WEBLOG_CACHE_SUFFIX, YD_TMP_PRE . 'N_*.*', '*.wch', '*.tpl.php', YD_TMP_PRE . 'U_*.upd');
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(YD_DIR_TEMP);
     foreach ($cachePatterns as $pattern) {
         $filesToDelete = $dir->getContents($pattern, null);
         foreach ($filesToDelete as $file) {
     // Show a message
     echo '</p><p class="title">Software is now updated to version ' . $this->updateDb->getLastRevision() . '</p>';
Пример #16
 function _getFileList($pattern)
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(YD_DIR_TEMP);
     return $dir->getContents($pattern, null);
 function actionDefault()
     // Get the directory object for the current directory
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__));
     // Directorties in the directory
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', null, array('YDFSDirectory')), '$dir->getContents( \'\', null, array( \'YDFSDirectory\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', '', array('YDFSDirectory')), '$dir->getContents( \'\', \'\', array( \'YDFSDirectory\' ) )');
     // Files in the directory
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', null, array('YDFSFile')), '$dir->getContents( \'\', null, array( \'YDFSFile\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', '', array('YDFSFile')), '$dir->getContents( \'\', \'\', array( \'YDFSFile\' ) )');
     // Images in the directory
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', null, array('YDFSImage')), '$dir->getContents( \'\', null, array( \'YDFSImage\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', '', array('YDFSImage')), '$dir->getContents( \'\', \'\', array( \'YDFSImage\' ) )');
     // Images in the directory
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', null, 'YDFSImage'), '$dir->getContents( \'\', null, \'YDFSImage\' )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', '', 'YDFSImage'), '$dir->getContents( \'\', \'\', \'YDFSImage\' )');
     // Images and directories in the directory
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', null, array('YDFSImage', 'YDFSDirectory')), '$dir->getContents( \'\', null, array( \'YDFSImage\', \'YDFSDirectory\' ) )');
     YDDebugUtil::dump($dir->getContents('', '', array('YDFSImage', 'YDFSDirectory')), '$dir->getContents( \'\', \'\', array( \'YDFSImage\', \'YDFSDirectory\' ) )');
Пример #18
 function actionDefault()
     // Check for the config file
     if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/config.php')) {
     // Get the list of skins
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $this->dir_skins);
     $items = $dir->getContents('!.*', '', array('YDFSDirectory'));
     $skins = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $skins[$item] = $item;
     // Get the list of languages
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/languages/');
     $items = $dir->getContents('language_*.php', '', array('YDFSFile'));
     $languages = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $item = substr($item, 9, -4);
         $languages[$item] = $item;
     // Create the configuration form
     $form = new YDForm('configForm');
     // Add the fields
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_host', 'Database host', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_name', 'Database name', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_user', 'Database user', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('password', 'db_pass', 'Database password', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_prefix', 'Database table prefix', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_title', 'Weblog title', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_description', 'Weblog description', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('select', 'weblog_skin', 'Weblog skin', array('class' => 'tfM', 'style' => 'width: 100%'), $skins);
     $form->addElement('select', 'weblog_language', 'Weblog language', array('class' => 'tfM', 'style' => 'width: 100%'), $languages);
     $form->addElement('text', 'name', 'User name', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'email', 'User email', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('password', 'password', 'Password', array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('submit', '_cmdSubmit', 'Install', array('class' => 'button'));
     // Add the rules
     $form->addRule('db_host', 'required', 'Database host is required');
     $form->addRule('db_name', 'required', 'Database name is required');
     $form->addRule('db_user', 'required', 'Database user is required');
     $form->addRule('weblog_title', 'required', 'Weblog title is required');
     $form->addRule('name', 'required', 'User name is required');
     $form->addRule('email', 'email', 'User email is required');
     $form->addRule('password', 'required', 'Password is required');
     $form->addFormRule(array(&$this, 'checkInstallParams'));
     // Set the defaults
     $form->setDefault('db_host', 'localhost');
     $form->setDefault('db_name', 'ydweblog');
     $form->setDefault('db_user', 'root');
     $form->setDefault('db_prefix', 'ydw_');
     $form->setDefault('weblog_title', 'My Weblog');
     $form->setDefault('weblog_description', 'Description of my Weblog');
     // Process the form
     if ($form->validate() === true) {
         // Get the form values
         $values = $form->getValues();
         // Connect to the database
         $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('mysql', $values['db_name'], $values['db_user'], $values['db_pass'], $values['db_host']);
         // Create the tables
         $db->executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'categories;');
         $db->executeSql('CREATE TABLE ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'categories ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\', created int(11) default NULL, modified int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;');
         $db->executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'comments;');
         $db->executeSql('CREATE TABLE ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'comments (
                   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                   item_id int(11) NOT NULL default \'1\',
                   username varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   useremail varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   userwebsite varchar(255) default NULL,
                   userip varchar(20) default NULL,
                   comment longtext NOT NULL,
                   created int(11) default NULL,
                   modified int(11) default NULL,
                   PRIMARY KEY  (id),
                   KEY item_id (item_id)
                 ) TYPE=MyISAM;');
         $db->executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'items;');
         $db->executeSql('CREATE TABLE ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'items (
                   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                   category_id int(11) default \'1\',
                   user_id int(11) NOT NULL default \'1\',
                   title varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   body longtext NOT NULL,
                   body_more longtext NOT NULL,
                   num_comments int(11) NOT NULL default \'0\',
                   created int(11) default NULL,
                   modified int(11) default NULL,
                   PRIMARY KEY  (id),
                   KEY category_id (category_id),
                   KEY user_id (user_id)
                 ) TYPE=MyISAM;');
         $db->executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'links;');
         $db->executeSql('CREATE TABLE ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'links (
                   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                   title varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   url varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   num_visits int(11) default \'0\',
                   created int(11) default NULL,
                   modified int(11) default NULL,
                   PRIMARY KEY  (id),
                   UNIQUE KEY url (url)
                 ) TYPE=MyISAM;');
         $db->executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'pages;');
         $db->executeSql('CREATE TABLE ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'pages (
                   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                   user_id int(11) NOT NULL default \'1\',
                   title varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   body longtext,
                   created int(11) default NULL,
                   modified int(11) default NULL,
                   PRIMARY KEY  (id),
                   KEY user_id (user_id)
                 ) TYPE=MyISAM;');
         $db->executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'statistics;');
         $db->executeSql('CREATE TABLE ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'statistics (
                   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                   date date NOT NULL default \'0000-00-00\',
                   uri varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'0\',
                   browser varchar(10) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   platform varchar(10) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   hits int(11) NOT NULL default \'0\',
                   PRIMARY KEY  (id)
                 ) TYPE=MyISAM;');
         $db->executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'statistics_init;');
         $db->executeSql('CREATE TABLE ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'statistics_init (
                   created varchar(10) NOT NULL default \'\'
                 ) TYPE=MyISAM;');
         $db->executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'users;');
         $db->executeSql('CREATE TABLE ' . $values['db_prefix'] . 'users (
                   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                   name varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   email varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\',
                   password varchar(50) default NULL,
                   created int(11) default NULL,
                   modified int(11) default NULL,
                   PRIMARY KEY  (id),
                   UNIQUE KEY email (email)
                 ) TYPE=MyISAM;');
         $db->executeInsert($values['db_prefix'] . 'statistics_init', array('created' => $db->getDate('__NOW__')));
         // Include the weblog API
         YDInclude(dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/YDWeblogAPI.php');
         // Save the config file
         // Include the config file
         YDInclude(dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/config.php');
         // Create the weblog object
         $weblog = new YDWeblogAPI();
         // Add the user
         $user = array();
         $user['name'] = $values['name'];
         $user['email'] = $values['email'];
         $user['password'] = $values['password'];
         // Add a category
         $category = array();
         $category['title'] = 'General';
         // Create a first post
         $item = array();
         $item['category_id'] = 1;
         $item['user_id'] = 1;
         $item['title'] = 'Your first post';
         $item['body'] = 'Welcome to your weblog';
         $item['body_more'] = 'Your extended body';
         // Create a second post
         $item = array();
         $item['category_id'] = 1;
         $item['user_id'] = 1;
         $item['title'] = 'Your second post';
         $item['body'] = 'Without an extended body';
         $item['created'] = time() + 100;
         // Add a comment
         $comment = array();
         $comment['item_id'] = 1;
         $comment['username'] = '******';
         $comment['useremail'] = '*****@*****.**';
         $comment['userwebsite'] = YD_FW_HOMEPAGE;
         $comment['comment'] = 'A first comment';
         // Add a sample page
         $page = array();
         $page['user_id'] = 1;
         $page['title'] = 'Your first page';
         $page['body'] = 'The contents of your first page';
         // Add a link
         $link = array();
         $link['title'] = 'Yellow Duck Framework';
         $link['url'] = 'http://ydframework.berlios.de/';
         // Redirect to the finish action
     // Add it to the template
     $this->tpl->assignForm('form', $form);
     // Display the template
  *  This function deletes a file or an array of files using a pattern
  *  from the target directory.
  *  @param  $files  The file pattern or an array of file patterns
  *                  relative to the target directory.
  *  @returns     An array with the results.
 function deleteFileByPattern($files)
     if (!is_array($files)) {
         $files = array($files);
     $res = array();
     foreach ($files as $key => $pattern) {
         // Get the directory out of the pattern
         $pattern = str_replace('/', YDPath::getDirectorySeparator(), $pattern);
         $pattern = str_replace('\\', YDPath::getDirectorySeparator(), $pattern);
         $pos = strrpos($pattern, YDPath::getDirectorySeparator());
         $dir = '';
         if ($pos) {
             $dir = substr($pattern, 0, $pos + 1);
             $pattern = substr($pattern, $pos + 1, strlen($pattern) - $pos);
         // Get the files based on the pattern
         $d = new YDFSDirectory(YDPath::join($this->_target_dir, $dir));
         $fs = $d->getContents($pattern, '', 'YDFSFile');
         // Delete the files
         foreach ($fs as $file) {
             $res = array_merge($res, $this->deleteFile(YDPath::join($dir, $file)));
     return $res;
Пример #20
 function getImages($as_class = true)
     // Get the list of files
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory($this->dir_rel);
     $images = @$dir->getContents(array('!index.html', '!index.php'), null, array('YDFSImage'), true, 'desc');
     // Make the relative path for each file
     foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
         // Set the relative path
         $image->relative_path = str_replace($dir->getAbsolutePath(), '', $image->getAbsolutePath());
         // Update the backslashes
         $image->relative_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $image->relative_path);
         // Remove the leading slash
         if (substr($image->relative_path, 0, 1) == '/') {
             $image->relative_path = substr($image->relative_path, 1);
         // Update the original image
         $images[$key] = $image;
     // Convert to a plain array if needed
     if ($as_class === false) {
         foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
             $images[$key] = $image->relative_path;
     // Return the list
     return $images;
Пример #21
 function actionEdit()
     // Get the configuration
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     // Get the list of skins
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . $this->dir_skins);
     $items = $dir->getContents(null, '', array('YDFSDirectory'));
     $skins = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $skins[$item] = $item;
     // Get the list of languages
     $dir = new YDFSDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../include/languages/');
     $items = $dir->getContents('language_*.php', '', array('YDFSFile'));
     $languages = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $item = substr($item, 9, -4);
         $languages[$item] = $item;
     // Create the configuration form
     $form = new YDWeblogForm('configForm');
     // Add the fields
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_host', t('cfg_db_host'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_name', t('cfg_db_name'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_user', t('cfg_db_user'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('password', 'db_pass', t('cfg_db_pass'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'db_prefix', t('cfg_db_prefix'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_title', t('cfg_weblog_title'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_description', t('cfg_weblog_description'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_entries_fp', t('cfg_weblog_entries_fp'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('select', 'weblog_skin', t('cfg_weblog_skin'), array('class' => 'tfM', 'style' => 'width: 100%'), $skins);
     $form->addElement('select', 'weblog_language', t('cfg_weblog_language'), array('class' => 'tfM', 'style' => 'width: 100%'), $languages);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'include_debug_info', t('cfg_include_debug_info'), array('style' => 'border: none;'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'google_analytics', t('cfg_weblog_google_analytics'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'weblog_title', t('cfg_weblog_title'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'max_img_size_x', t('cfg_max_img_size'), array('class' => 'tfXS'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'max_img_size_y', t('cfg_max_img_size'), array('class' => 'tfXS'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'email_new_comment', t('cfg_notification_email_comment'), array('style' => 'border: none;'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'email_new_item', t('cfg_notification_email_item'), array('style' => 'border: none;'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'max_syndicated_items', t('cfg_rss_max_syndicated_items'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'use_cache', t('cfg_use_cache_comment'), array('style' => 'border: none;'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'friendly_urls', t('cfg_friendly_urls'), array('style' => 'border: none;'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'dflt_is_draft', t('is_draft'), array('style' => 'border: none;'));
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'blocked_ips', t('cfg_blocked_ips'), array('class' => 'tfMNoMCE'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'akismet_key', t('cfg_akismet_key'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'comment_interval', t('cfg_comment_interval'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'max_comment_length', t('max_comment_length'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'max_comment_links', t('max_comment_links'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('submit', '_cmdSubmit', t('OK'), array('class' => 'button'));
     // Set the defaults
     // Add the rules
     $form->addRule('db_host', 'required', t('err_db_host'));
     $form->addRule('db_name', 'required', t('err_db_name'));
     $form->addRule('db_user', 'required', t('err_db_user'));
     $form->addRule('weblog_title', 'required', t('err_weblog_title'));
     $form->addRule('weblog_entries_fp', 'required', t('err_weblog_entries_fp'));
     $form->addRule('weblog_entries_fp', 'numeric', t('err_weblog_entries_fp_num'));
     $form->addRule('max_syndicated_items', 'required', t('err_max_syndicated_items'));
     $form->addRule('max_syndicated_items', 'numeric', t('err_max_syndicated_items_num'));
     $form->addRule('comment_interval', 'numeric', t('err_comment_interval_num'));
     $form->addRule('max_comment_length', 'numeric', t('err_max_comment_length'));
     $form->addRule('max_comment_links', 'numeric', t('err_max_comment_links'));
     // Add the filters
     $form->addFilters(array('db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user', 'db_prefix', 'weblog_title', 'weblog_description'), 'strip_html');
     // Process the form
     if ($form->validate() === true) {
         // Get the form values
         $values = $form->getValues();
         // Format the list of blocked IP numbers
         $values['blocked_ips'] = YDFormatStringWithListValues($values['blocked_ips']);
         // Save the config
         // Redirect to the default acton
     // Add it to the template
     $this->tpl->assignForm('form', $form);
     // Display the template