function redircite_render($input, $args, &$parser) { // Generate HTML code and add it to the $redirciteMarkerList array // Add "xx-redircite-marker-NUMBER-redircite-xx" to the output, // which will be translated to the HTML stored in $redirciteMarkerList by // redircite_afterTidy() global $redirciteMarkerList; # Verify that $input is a valid title $inputTitle = Title::newFromText($input); if(!$inputTitle) return $input; $link1 = $parser->recursiveTagParse("[[$input]]"); $title1 = Title::newFromText($input); if(!$title1->exists()) // Page doesn't exist // Just output a normal (red) link return $link1; $articleObj = new Article($title1); $title2 = Title::newFromRedirect($articleObj->fetchContent()); if(!$title2) // Page is not a redirect // Just output a normal link return $link1; $link2 = $parser->recursiveTagParse("[[{$title2->getPrefixedText()}|$input]]"); $marker = "xx-redircite-marker-" . count($redirciteMarkerList) . "-redircite-xx"; $onmouseout = 'this.firstChild.innerHTML = "'. Xml::escapeJsString($input) . '";'; $onmouseover = 'this.firstChild.innerHTML = "' . Xml::escapeJsString($title2->getPrefixedText()) . '";'; return Xml::tags('span', array( 'onmouseout' => $onmouseout, 'onmouseover' => $onmouseover), $link2); }
/** * Encode a variable of unknown type to JavaScript. * Arrays are converted to JS arrays, objects are converted to JS associative * arrays (objects). So cast your PHP associative arrays to objects before * passing them to here. * * This is a copy of * @see Xml::encodeJsVar * which fixes incorrect behaviour with floats. * * @since 0.7.1 * * @param mixed $value * * @return tring */ public static function encodeJsVar($value) { if (is_bool($value)) { $s = $value ? 'true' : 'false'; } elseif (is_null($value)) { $s = 'null'; } elseif (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) { $s = $value; } elseif (is_array($value) && array_keys($value) === range(0, count($value) - 1) || count($value) == 0) { $s = '['; foreach ($value as $elt) { if ($s != '[') { $s .= ', '; } $s .= self::encodeJsVar($elt); } $s .= ']'; } elseif (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) { // Objects and associative arrays $s = '{'; foreach ((array) $value as $name => $elt) { if ($s != '{') { $s .= ', '; } $s .= '"' . Xml::escapeJsString($name) . '": ' . self::encodeJsVar($elt); } $s .= '}'; } else { $s = '"' . Xml::escapeJsString($value) . '"'; } return $s; }
/** * AjaxAddScript hook * Adds scripts */ public static function addResources($out) { global $wgExtensionAssetsPath, $wgJsMimeType; global $wgUsabilityInitiativeResourceMode; global $wgEnableJS2system, $wgEditToolbarRunTests; global $wgStyleVersion; wfRunHooks('UsabilityInitiativeLoadModules'); if (!self::$doOutput) { return true; } // Default to raw $mode = $wgUsabilityInitiativeResourceMode; // Just an alias if (!isset(self::$scriptFiles['base_sets'][$mode])) { $mode = 'raw'; } // Include base-set of scripts self::$scripts = array_merge(self::$scriptFiles['base_sets'][$mode], self::$scriptFiles['modules'][$mode], self::$scripts); // Provide enough support to make things work, even when js2 is not // in use (eventually it will be standard, but right now it's not) if (!$wgEnableJS2system) { $out->includeJQuery(); } // Include base-set of styles self::$styles = array_merge(self::$styleFiles['base_sets'][$mode], self::$styles); if ($wgEditToolbarRunTests) { // Include client side tests self::$scripts = array_merge(self::$scripts, self::$scriptFiles['tests']); } // Loops over each script foreach (self::$scripts as $script) { // Add javascript to document if ($script['src'][0] == '/') { // Path is relative to $wgScriptPath global $wgScriptPath; $src = "{$wgScriptPath}{$script['src']}"; } else { // Path is relative to $wgExtensionAssetsPath $src = "{$wgExtensionAssetsPath}/UsabilityInitiative/{$script['src']}"; } $version = isset($script['version']) ? $script['version'] : $wgStyleVersion; $out->addScriptFile($src, $version); } // Transforms messages into javascript object members foreach (self::$messages as $i => $message) { $escapedMessageValue = Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg($message)); $escapedMessageKey = Xml::escapeJsString($message); self::$messages[$i] = "'{$escapedMessageKey}':'{$escapedMessageValue}'"; } // Add javascript to document if (count(self::$messages) > 0) { $out->addScript(Xml::tags('script', array('type' => $wgJsMimeType), 'mw.usability.addMessages({' . implode(',', self::$messages) . '});')); } // Loops over each style foreach (self::$styles as $style) { // Add css for various styles $out->addLink(array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'href' => $wgExtensionAssetsPath . "/UsabilityInitiative/" . "{$style['src']}?{$style['version']}")); } return true; }
/** * Static setup method for input type "menuselect". * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all menuselects. */ private static function setup() { global $wgOut, $wgLang; static $hasRun = false; if (!$hasRun) { $hasRun = true; // set localized messages (use MW i18n, not jQuery i18n) $jstext = "jQuery(function(){mw.loader.using('jquery.ui.datepicker', function(){\n" . "\tjQuery.datepicker.regional['wiki'] = {\n" . "\t\tcloseText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('semanticformsinputs-close')) . "',\n" . "\t\tprevText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('semanticformsinputs-prev')) . "',\n" . "\t\tnextText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('semanticformsinputs-next')) . "',\n" . "\t\tcurrentText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('semanticformsinputs-today')) . "',\n" . "\t\tmonthNames: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('january')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('february')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('march')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('april')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('may_long')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('june')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('july')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('august')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('september')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('october')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('november')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('december')) . "'],\n" . "\t\tmonthNamesShort: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('jan')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('feb')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('mar')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('apr')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('may')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('jun')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('jul')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('aug')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('sep')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('oct')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('nov')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('dec')) . "'],\n" . "\t\tdayNames: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('sunday')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('monday')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('tuesday')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('wednesday')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('thursday')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('friday')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('saturday')) . "'],\n" . "\t\tdayNamesShort: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('sun')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('mon')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('tue')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('wed')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('thu')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('fri')) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('sat')) . "'],\n" . "\t\tdayNamesMin: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString($wgLang->firstChar(wfMsg('sun'))) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString($wgLang->firstChar(wfMsg('mon'))) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString($wgLang->firstChar(wfMsg('tue'))) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString($wgLang->firstChar(wfMsg('wed'))) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString($wgLang->firstChar(wfMsg('thu'))) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString($wgLang->firstChar(wfMsg('fri'))) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString($wgLang->firstChar(wfMsg('sat'))) . "'],\n" . "\t\tweekHeader: '',\n" . "\t\tdateFormat: '" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort')) . "',\n" . "\t\tfirstDay: '" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('semanticformsinputs-firstdayofweek')) . "',\n" . "\t\tisRTL: " . ($wgLang->isRTL() ? "true" : "false") . ",\n" . "\t\tshowMonthAfterYear: false,\n" . "\t\tyearSuffix: ''};\n" . "\tjQuery.datepicker.setDefaults(jQuery.datepicker.regional['wiki']);\n" . "});});\n"; $wgOut->addScript(Html::inlineScript($jstext)); } }
/** * @see MapsBaseMap::addSpecificMapHTML() * */ public function addSpecificMapHTML(Parser $parser) { global $egValidatorErrorLevel; MapsGoogleMaps::addOverlayOutput($this->output, $this->mapName, $this->overlays, $this->controls); if ($egValidatorErrorLevel >= Validator_ERRORS_WARN) { $couldNotGeocodeMsg = Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('ukgeocoding_couldNotGeocode')); $showErrorJs = "document.getElementById( '{$this->mapName}_errors' ).innerHTML = '{$couldNotGeocodeMsg}';"; } else { $showErrorJs = ''; } $this->output .= Html::element('div', array('id' => $this->mapName, 'style' => "width: {$this->width}; height: {$this->height}; background-color: #cccccc;"), wfMsg('maps-loading-map')) . "<div id='{$this->mapName}_errors'></div>"; $parser->getOutput()->addHeadItem(Html::inlineScript(<<<EOT \$(function() { \tvar map = initializeGoogleMap('{$this->mapName}', \t\t{ \t\tlat: 0, \t\tlon: 0, \t\tzoom: {$this->zoom}, \t\ttype: {$this->type}, \t\ttypes: [{$this->types}], \t\tcontrols: [{$this->controls}], \t\tscrollWheelZoom: {$this->autozoom} \t\t}, \t\t[] \t); \tvar localSearch = new GlocalSearch(); \tfunction usePointFromPostcode( marker, callbackFunction ) { \t\tlocalSearch.setSearchCompleteCallback( null, \t\t\tfunction() { \t\t\t\tif ( localSearch.results[0] ) { \t\t\t\t\tcallbackFunction(new GLatLng(localSearch.results[0].lat, localSearch.results[0].lng), marker); \t\t\t\t} else { \t\t\t\t\t{$showErrorJs} \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t} \t\t); \t\tlocalSearch.execute(marker.location + ", UK"); \t} \tfunction updateGoogleMap(point, marker) { \t\tmap.addOverlay(createGMarker(point, marker.title, marker.label, marker.icon)); \t\tbounds.extend(point); \t\tmap.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds)); \t\tif({$this->zoom}!=null) map.setZoom({$this->zoom}); \t} \tvar markers = [{$this->markerString}]; \tvar bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); \tfor(i in markers) { \t\tusePointFromPostcode(markers[i], updateGoogleMap); \t} });\t\t\t\t EOT )); }
static function getJsObject($method_name) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); // remove $method_name from $args $result = '{ '; $firstElem = true; foreach ($args as &$arg) { if ($firstElem) { $firstElem = false; } else { $result .= ', '; } $result .= $arg . ': "' . Xml::escapeJsString(call_user_func(array('self', $method_name), $arg)) . '"'; } $result .= ' }'; return $result; }
function fnWoopraJavascript($out) { global $wgUser, $wgWoopraSitekey; if ( $wgWoopraSitekey === false ) return true; $html = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n"; $html .= "woopra_id = '" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgWoopraSitekey ) . "';\r\n"; if (!$wgUser->isAnon()) { $html .= "var woopra_array = new Array();\r\n"; $html .= "woopra_array['name'] = '" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgUser->getRealName() ) . "';\r\n"; $html .= "woopra_array['Email'] = '" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgUser->getEmail() ) . "';\r\n"; // Add custom tracking code here! } $html .= "</script>\r\n"; $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>"; $out->addScript($html); return true; }
/** * If this request is a redirect view, send "redirected from" subtitle to * the output. Returns true if the header was needed, false if this is not * a redirect view. Handles both local and remote redirects. * * @return boolean */ public function showRedirectedFromHeader() { global $wgRedirectSources; $outputPage = $this->getContext()->getOutput(); $rdfrom = $this->getContext()->getRequest()->getVal('rdfrom'); if (isset($this->mRedirectedFrom)) { // This is an internally redirected page view. // We'll need a backlink to the source page for navigation. if (wfRunHooks('ArticleViewRedirect', array(&$this))) { $redir = Linker::linkKnown($this->mRedirectedFrom, null, array(), array('redirect' => 'no')); $outputPage->addSubtitle(wfMessage('redirectedfrom')->rawParams($redir)); // Set the fragment if one was specified in the redirect if (strval($this->getTitle()->getFragment()) != '') { $fragment = Xml::escapeJsString($this->getTitle()->getFragmentForURL()); $outputPage->addInlineScript("redirectToFragment(\"{$fragment}\");"); } // Add a <link rel="canonical"> tag $outputPage->addLink(array('rel' => 'canonical', 'href' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL())); // Tell the output object that the user arrived at this article through a redirect $outputPage->setRedirectedFrom($this->mRedirectedFrom); return true; } } elseif ($rdfrom) { // This is an externally redirected view, from some other wiki. // If it was reported from a trusted site, supply a backlink. if ($wgRedirectSources && preg_match($wgRedirectSources, $rdfrom)) { $redir = Linker::makeExternalLink($rdfrom, $rdfrom); $outputPage->addSubtitle(wfMessage('redirectedfrom')->rawParams($redir)); return true; } } return false; }
private function doAddJsVar($key, $value) { global $wgOut; $wgOut->addScript('<script type="text/javascript"> var ' . $key . '="' . Xml::escapeJsString($value) . '"; </script>'); }
/** * Returns a string with a HTML represenation of the given page. * $info must be an associative array, containing at least a Title object under the 'title' key. * @param $title Title * @param $cat Category * @param $children int * @param $loadchildren bool * @return string */ function renderNodeInfo($title, $cat, $children = 0, $loadchildren = false) { static $uniq = 0; $mode = $this->getOption('mode'); $load = false; if ($children > 0 && $loadchildren) { $uniq += 1; $load = 'ct-' . $uniq . '-' . mt_rand(1, 100000); } $ns = $title->getNamespace(); $key = $title->getDBkey(); # $trans = $title->getLocalizedText(); $trans = ''; # place holder for when translated titles are available $hideprefix = $this->getOption('hideprefix'); if ($hideprefix == CT_HIDEPREFIX_ALWAYS) { $hideprefix = true; } elseif ($hideprefix == CT_HIDEPREFIX_AUTO) { $hideprefix = $mode == CT_MODE_CATEGORIES; } elseif ($hideprefix == CT_HIDEPREFIX_CATEGORIES) { $hideprefix = $ns == NS_CATEGORY; } else { $hideprefix = true; } # when showing only categories, omit namespace in label unless we explicitely defined the configuration setting # patch contributed by Manuel Schneider <*****@*****.**>, Bug 8011 if ($hideprefix) { $label = htmlspecialchars($title->getText()); } else { $label = htmlspecialchars($title->getPrefixedText()); } if ($trans && $trans != $label) { $label .= ' ' . Xml::element('i', array('class' => 'translation'), $trans); } $labelClass = 'CategoryTreeLabel ' . ' CategoryTreeLabelNs' . $ns; if (!$title->getArticleId()) { $labelClass .= ' new'; $wikiLink = $title->getLocalURL('action=edit&redlink=1'); } else { $wikiLink = $title->getLocalURL(); } if ($ns == NS_CATEGORY) { $labelClass .= ' CategoryTreeLabelCategory'; } else { $labelClass .= ' CategoryTreeLabelPage'; } if ($ns % 2 > 0) { $labelClass .= ' CategoryTreeLabelTalk'; } $count = false; $s = ''; # NOTE: things in CategoryTree.js rely on the exact order of tags! # Specifically, the CategoryTreeChildren div must be the first # sibling with nodeName = DIV of the grandparent of the expland link. $s .= Xml::openElement('div', array('class' => 'CategoryTreeSection')); $s .= Xml::openElement('div', array('class' => 'CategoryTreeItem')); $attr = array('class' => 'CategoryTreeBullet'); # Get counts, with conversion to integer so === works # Note: $allCount is the total number of cat members, # not the count of how many members are normal pages. $allCount = $cat ? intval($cat->getPageCount()) : 0; $subcatCount = $cat ? intval($cat->getSubcatCount()) : 0; $fileCount = $cat ? intval($cat->getFileCount()) : 0; if ($ns == NS_CATEGORY) { if ($cat) { if ($mode == CT_MODE_CATEGORIES) { $count = $subcatCount; } elseif ($mode == CT_MODE_PAGES) { $count = $allCount - $fileCount; } else { $count = $allCount; } } if ($count === 0) { $bullet = wfMsgNoTrans('categorytree-empty-bullet') . ' '; $attr['class'] = 'CategoryTreeEmptyBullet'; } else { $linkattr = array(); if ($load) { $linkattr['id'] = $load; } $linkattr['class'] = "CategoryTreeToggle"; $linkattr['style'] = 'display: none;'; // Unhidden by JS $linkattr['data-ct-title'] = $key; if ($children == 0 || $loadchildren) { $tag = 'span'; $txt = wfMsgNoTrans('categorytree-expand-bullet'); # Don't load this message for ajax requests, so that we don't have to initialise $wgLang $linkattr['title'] = $this->mIsAjaxRequest ? '##LOAD##' : wfMsgNoTrans('categorytree-expand'); $linkattr['data-ct-state'] = 'collapsed'; } else { $tag = 'span'; $txt = wfMsgNoTrans('categorytree-collapse-bullet'); $linkattr['title'] = wfMsgNoTrans('categorytree-collapse'); $linkattr['data-ct-loaded'] = true; $linkattr['data-ct-state'] = 'expanded'; } if ($tag == 'a') { $linkattr['href'] = $wikiLink; } $bullet = Xml::openElement($tag, $linkattr) . $txt . Xml::closeElement($tag) . ' '; } } else { $bullet = wfMsgNoTrans('categorytree-page-bullet'); } $s .= Xml::tags('span', $attr, $bullet) . ' '; $s .= Xml::openElement('a', array('class' => $labelClass, 'href' => $wikiLink)) . $label . Xml::closeElement('a'); if ($count !== false && $this->getOption('showcount')) { $pages = $allCount - $subcatCount - $fileCount; global $wgContLang, $wgLang; $attr = array('title' => wfMsgExt('categorytree-member-counts', 'parsemag', $subcatCount, $pages, $fileCount, $allCount, $count), 'dir' => $wgLang->getDir()); $s .= $wgContLang->getDirMark() . ' '; # Create a list of category members with only non-zero member counts $memberNums = array(); if ($subcatCount) { $memberNums[] = wfMessage('categorytree-num-categories', $wgLang->formatNum($subcatCount))->text(); } if ($pages) { $memberNums[] = wfMessage('categorytree-num-pages', $wgLang->formatNum($pages))->text(); } if ($fileCount) { $memberNums[] = wfMessage('categorytree-num-files', $wgLang->formatNum($fileCount))->text(); } $memberNumsShort = $memberNums ? $wgLang->commaList($memberNums) : wfMessage('categorytree-num-empty')->text(); # Only $5 is actually used in the default message. # Other arguments can be used in a customized message. $s .= Xml::tags('span', $attr, wfMsgExt('categorytree-member-num', array('parsemag', 'escapenoentities'), $subcatCount, $pages, $fileCount, $allCount, $memberNumsShort)); } $s .= Xml::closeElement('div'); $s .= "\n\t\t"; $s .= Xml::openElement('div', array('class' => 'CategoryTreeChildren', 'style' => $children > 0 ? "display:block" : "display:none")); if ($ns == NS_CATEGORY && $children > 0 && !$loadchildren) { $children = $this->renderChildren($title, $children); if ($children == '') { $s .= Xml::openElement('i', array('class' => 'CategoryTreeNotice')); if ($mode == CT_MODE_CATEGORIES) { $s .= wfMsgExt('categorytree-no-subcategories', 'parsemag'); } elseif ($mode == CT_MODE_PAGES) { $s .= wfMsgExt('categorytree-no-pages', 'parsemag'); } elseif ($mode == CT_MODE_PARENTS) { $s .= wfMsgExt('categorytree-no-parent-categories', 'parsemag'); } else { $s .= wfMsgExt('categorytree-nothing-found', 'parsemag'); } $s .= Xml::closeElement('i'); } else { $s .= $children; } } $s .= Xml::closeElement('div'); $s .= Xml::closeElement('div'); if ($load) { $s .= "\n\t\t"; $s .= Xml::openElement('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript')); $s .= 'categoryTreeExpandNode("' . Xml::escapeJsString($key) . '", ' . $this->getOptionsAsJsStructure($children) . ', document.getElementById("' . $load . '"));'; $s .= Xml::closeElement('script'); } $s .= "\n\t\t"; return $s; }
/** * Static setup method for input type "menuselect". * Adds the Javascript code and css used by all menuselects. */ static private function setup() { global $wgOut, $wgLang; global $sfgScriptPath, $sfigSettings; static $hasRun = false; if ( !$hasRun ) { $hasRun = true; $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . '/skins/jquery-ui/base/jquery.ui.datepicker.css' ); $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . '/skins/jquery-ui/base/jquery.ui.theme.css' ); $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfgScriptPath . '/libs/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.min.js"></script> ' ); $wgOut->addScript( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sfigSettings->scriptPath . '/libs/datepicker.js"></script> ' ); // set localized messages (use MW i18n, not jQuery i18n) $jstext = "jQuery(function(){\n" . " jQuery.datepicker.regional['wiki'] = {\n" . " closeText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-close' ) ) . "',\n" . " prevText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-prev' ) ) . "',\n" . " nextText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-next' ) ) . "',\n" . " currentText: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-today' ) ) . "',\n" . " monthNames: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'january' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'february' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'march' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'april' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'may_long' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'june' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'july' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'august' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'september' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'october' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'november' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'december' ) ) . "'],\n" . " monthNamesShort: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jan' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'feb' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'mar' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'apr' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'may' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jun' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'jul' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'aug' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sep' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'oct' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'nov' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'dec' ) ) . "'],\n" . " dayNames: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sunday' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'monday' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'tuesday' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'wednesday' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'thursday' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'friday' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'saturday' ) ) . "'],\n" . " dayNamesShort: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sun' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'mon' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'tue' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'wed' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'thu' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'fri' ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'sat' ) ) . "'],\n" . " dayNamesMin: ['" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'sun' ) ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'mon' ) ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'tue' ) ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'wed' ) ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'thu' ) ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'fri' ) ) ) . "','" . Xml::escapeJsString( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMsg( 'sat' ) ) ) . "'],\n" . " weekHeader: '',\n" . " dateFormat: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-dateformatshort' ) ) . "',\n" . " firstDay: '" . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg( 'semanticformsinputs-firstdayofweek' ) ) . "',\n" . " isRTL: " . ( $wgLang->isRTL() ? "true" : "false" ) . ",\n" . " showMonthAfterYear: false,\n" . " yearSuffix: ''};\n" . " jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults(jQuery.datepicker.regional['wiki']);\n" . "});\n"; $wgOut->addScript( Html::inlineScript( $jstext ) ); } }
function getAjaxPlaceholder($attributes, $pageopt) { global $wgUser, $wgPlayerExtensionPath, $wgUseAjax; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $this->assertAllowedType(); if ($pageopt) { $pagequery = "options=" . urlencode(urlencodeMap($pageopt)); } else { $pagequery = ''; } $sptitle = $this->getPlayerTitle(); $spurl = $sptitle->getLocalURL($pagequery); $ajaxopt = $this->options; $ajaxopt['width'] = $this->width; $ajaxopt['height'] = $this->height; unset($ajaxopt['caption']); $ajaxopt = urlencodeMap($ajaxopt); if ($wgUseAjax) { $js = ' this.href="javascript:void(0);"; loadPlayer("' . Xml::escapeJsString($this->title->getDBkey()) . '", "' . Xml::escapeJsString($ajaxopt) . '", "' . Xml::escapeJsString($this->uniq) . '");'; } else { $js = ''; } $alt = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('player-clicktoplay', $this->title->getText())); $blank = "<img src=\"{$wgPlayerExtensionPath}/blank.gif\" width=\"{$this->width}\" height=\"{$this->height}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$alt}\" class=\"thumbimage\" style=\"width:{$this->width} ! important; height:{$this->height} ! important;\"/>"; $thumbstyle = ''; $thumbimg = null; $thumbname = @$attributes['thumb']; if ($thumbname) { $thumbimg = wfFindFile($thumbname); } if ($thumbimg && $thumbimg->exists()) { $tni = $thumbimg->transform(array('width' => $this->width, 'height' => $this->height), 0); if ($tni) { $thumbstyle = 'background-image:url(' . $tni->getUrl() . '); background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-decoration:none;'; } } $placeholder = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($spurl) . '" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($js) . '" title="' . $alt . '" class="internal" style="display:block; ' . $thumbstyle . '">' . $blank . '</a>'; $overlay = "<a id=\"{$this->uniq}-overlay\" href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($spurl) . "\" onclick=\"" . htmlspecialchars($js) . "\" title=\"{$alt}\" class=\"internal\" style=\"display:block; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:{$this->width}; height:{$this->height}; background-image:url({$wgPlayerExtensionPath}/play.gif); background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-decoration:none; \">" . $blank . "</a>"; return "<div style='position:relative; width:{$this->width}; height:{$this->height};'>{$placeholder} {$overlay}</div>"; }
/** * If this request is a redirect view, send "redirected from" subtitle to * $wgOut. Returns true if the header was needed, false if this is not a * redirect view. Handles both local and remote redirects. * * @return boolean */ public function showRedirectedFromHeader() { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgRedirectSources; $rdfrom = $wgRequest->getVal('rdfrom'); $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); if (isset($this->mRedirectedFrom)) { // This is an internally redirected page view. // We'll need a backlink to the source page for navigation. if (wfRunHooks('ArticleViewRedirect', array(&$this))) { $redir = $sk->link($this->mRedirectedFrom, null, array(), array('redirect' => 'no'), array('known', 'noclasses')); $s = wfMsgExt('redirectedfrom', array('parseinline', 'replaceafter'), $redir); $wgOut->setSubtitle($s); // Set the fragment if one was specified in the redirect if (strval($this->mTitle->getFragment()) != '') { $fragment = Xml::escapeJsString($this->mTitle->getFragmentForURL()); $wgOut->addInlineScript("redirectToFragment(\"{$fragment}\");"); } // Add a <link rel="canonical"> tag $wgOut->addLink(array('rel' => 'canonical', 'href' => $this->mTitle->getLocalURL())); return true; } } elseif ($rdfrom) { // This is an externally redirected view, from some other wiki. // If it was reported from a trusted site, supply a backlink. if ($wgRedirectSources && preg_match($wgRedirectSources, $rdfrom)) { $redir = $sk->makeExternalLink($rdfrom, $rdfrom); $s = wfMsgExt('redirectedfrom', array('parseinline', 'replaceafter'), $redir); $wgOut->setSubtitle($s); return true; } } return false; }
function wfDismissableSiteNotice(&$notice) { global $wgMajorSiteNoticeID, $wgUser; if (!$notice) { return true; } wfLoadExtensionMessages('DismissableSiteNotice'); $encNotice = Xml::escapeJsString($notice); $encClose = Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('sitenotice_close')); $id = intval($wgMajorSiteNoticeID) . "." . intval(wfMsgForContent('sitenotice_id')); // No dismissal for anons if ($wgUser->isAnon()) { $notice = <<<EOT <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- document.writeln("{$encNotice}"); --> </script> EOT; return true; } $notice = <<<EOT <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- var cookieName = "dismissSiteNotice="; var cookiePos = document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName); var siteNoticeID = "{$id}"; var siteNoticeValue = "{$encNotice}"; var cookieValue = ""; var msgClose = "{$encClose}"; if (cookiePos > -1) { \tcookiePos = cookiePos + cookieName.length; \tvar endPos = document.cookie.indexOf(";", cookiePos); \tif (endPos > -1) { \t\tcookieValue = document.cookie.substring(cookiePos, endPos); \t} else { \t\tcookieValue = document.cookie.substring(cookiePos); \t} } if (cookieValue != siteNoticeID) { \tfunction dismissNotice() { \t\tvar date = new Date(); \t\tdate.setTime(date.getTime() + 30*86400*1000); \t\tdocument.cookie = cookieName + siteNoticeID + "; expires="+date.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; \t\tvar element = document.getElementById('siteNotice'); \t\telement.parentNode.removeChild(element); \t} \tdocument.writeln('<table width="100%" id="mw-dismissable-notice"><tr><td width="80%">'+siteNoticeValue+'</td>'); \tdocument.writeln('<td width="20%" align="right">[<a href="javascript:dismissNotice();">'+msgClose+'</a>]</td></tr></table>'); } --> </script> EOT; // Compact the string a bit /* $notice = strtr( $notice, array( "\r\n" => '', "\n" => '', "\t" => '', 'cookieName' => 'n', 'cookiePos' => 'p', 'siteNoticeID' => 'i', 'siteNoticeValue' => 'sv', 'cookieValue' => 'cv', 'msgClose' => 'c', 'endPos' => 'e', ));*/ return true; }
/** * @covers Xml::escapeJsString */ public function testEscapeJsStringSpecialChars() { $this->assertEquals('\\\\\\r\\n', Xml::escapeJsString("\\\r\n"), 'escapeJsString() with special characters'); }
/** * This is the default action of the script: just view the page of * the given title. */ function view() { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgContLang; global $wgEnableParserCache, $wgStylePath, $wgUseRCPatrol, $wgParser; global $wgUseTrackbacks, $wgNamespaceRobotPolicies; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $parserCache =& ParserCache::singleton(); $ns = $this->mTitle->getNamespace(); # shortcut # Get variables from query string $oldid = $this->getOldID(); # getOldID may want us to redirect somewhere else if ($this->mRedirectUrl) { $wgOut->redirect($this->mRedirectUrl); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return; } $diff = $wgRequest->getVal('diff'); $rcid = $wgRequest->getVal('rcid'); $rdfrom = $wgRequest->getVal('rdfrom'); $wgOut->setArticleFlag(true); if (isset($wgNamespaceRobotPolicies[$ns])) { $policy = $wgNamespaceRobotPolicies[$ns]; } else { # The default policy. Dev note: make sure you change the documentation # in DefaultSettings.php before changing it. $policy = 'index,follow'; } $wgOut->setRobotpolicy($policy); # If we got diff and oldid in the query, we want to see a # diff page instead of the article. if (!is_null($diff)) { $wgOut->setPageTitle($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); $de = new DifferenceEngine($this->mTitle, $oldid, $diff, $rcid); // DifferenceEngine directly fetched the revision: $this->mRevIdFetched = $de->mNewid; $de->showDiffPage(); // Needed to get the page's current revision $this->loadPageData(); if ($diff == 0 || $diff == $this->mLatest) { # Run view updates for current revision only $this->viewUpdates(); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return; } if (empty($oldid) && $this->checkTouched()) { $wgOut->setETag($parserCache->getETag($this, $wgUser)); if ($wgOut->checkLastModified($this->mTouched)) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return; } else { if ($this->tryFileCache()) { # tell wgOut that output is taken care of $wgOut->disable(); $this->viewUpdates(); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return; } } } # Should the parser cache be used? $pcache = $wgEnableParserCache && intval($wgUser->getOption('stubthreshold')) == 0 && $this->exists() && empty($oldid); wfDebug('Article::view using parser cache: ' . ($pcache ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n"); if ($wgUser->getOption('stubthreshold')) { wfIncrStats('pcache_miss_stub'); } $wasRedirected = false; if (isset($this->mRedirectedFrom)) { // This is an internally redirected page view. // We'll need a backlink to the source page for navigation. if (wfRunHooks('ArticleViewRedirect', array(&$this))) { $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $redir = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($this->mRedirectedFrom, '', 'redirect=no'); $s = wfMsg('redirectedfrom', $redir); $wgOut->setSubtitle($s); // Set the fragment if one was specified in the redirect if (strval($this->mTitle->getFragment()) != '') { $fragment = Xml::escapeJsString($this->mTitle->getFragmentForURL()); $wgOut->addInlineScript("redirectToFragment(\"{$fragment}\");"); } $wasRedirected = true; } } elseif (!empty($rdfrom)) { // This is an externally redirected view, from some other wiki. // If it was reported from a trusted site, supply a backlink. global $wgRedirectSources; if ($wgRedirectSources && preg_match($wgRedirectSources, $rdfrom)) { $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $redir = $sk->makeExternalLink($rdfrom, $rdfrom); $s = wfMsg('redirectedfrom', $redir); $wgOut->setSubtitle($s); $wasRedirected = true; } } $outputDone = false; if ($pcache) { if ($wgOut->tryParserCache($this, $wgUser)) { wfRunHooks('ArticleViewHeader', array(&$this)); $outputDone = true; } } if (!$outputDone) { $text = $this->getContent(); if ($text === false) { # Failed to load, replace text with error message $t = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText(); if ($oldid) { $t .= ',oldid=' . $oldid; $text = wfMsg('missingarticle', $t); } else { $text = wfMsg('noarticletext', $t); } } # Another whitelist check in case oldid is altering the title if (!$this->mTitle->userCanRead()) { $wgOut->loginToUse(); $wgOut->output(); exit; } # We're looking at an old revision if (!empty($oldid)) { $wgOut->setRobotpolicy('noindex,nofollow'); if (is_null($this->mRevision)) { // FIXME: This would be a nice place to load the 'no such page' text. } else { $this->setOldSubtitle(isset($this->mOldId) ? $this->mOldId : $oldid); if ($this->mRevision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) { if (!$this->mRevision->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('rev-deleted-text-permission')); $wgOut->setPageTitle($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); return; } else { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('rev-deleted-text-view')); // and we are allowed to see... } } } } } if (!$outputDone) { /** * @fixme: this hook doesn't work most of the time, as it doesn't * trigger when the parser cache is used. */ wfRunHooks('ArticleViewHeader', array(&$this)); $wgOut->setRevisionId($this->getRevIdFetched()); # wrap user css and user js in pre and don't parse # XXX: use $this->mTitle->usCssJsSubpage() when php is fixed/ a workaround is found if ($ns == NS_USER && preg_match('/\\/[\\w]+\\.(css|js)$/', $this->mTitle->getDBkey())) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('clearyourcache')); $wgOut->addHTML('<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($this->mContent) . "\n</pre>"); } else { if ($rt = Title::newFromRedirect($text)) { # Display redirect $imageDir = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; $imageUrl = $wgStylePath . '/common/images/redirect' . $imageDir . '.png'; # Don't overwrite the subtitle if this was an old revision if (!$wasRedirected && $this->isCurrent()) { $wgOut->setSubtitle(wfMsgHtml('redirectpagesub')); } $link = $sk->makeLinkObj($rt, $rt->getFullText()); $wgOut->addHTML('<img src="' . $imageUrl . '" alt="#REDIRECT " />' . '<span class="redirectText">' . $link . '</span>'); $parseout = $wgParser->parse($text, $this->mTitle, ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser)); $wgOut->addParserOutputNoText($parseout); } else { if ($pcache) { # Display content and save to parser cache $wgOut->addPrimaryWikiText($text, $this); } else { # Display content, don't attempt to save to parser cache # Don't show section-edit links on old revisions... this way lies madness. if (!$this->isCurrent()) { $oldEditSectionSetting = $wgOut->parserOptions()->setEditSection(false); } # Display content and don't save to parser cache $wgOut->addPrimaryWikiText($text, $this, false); if (!$this->isCurrent()) { $wgOut->parserOptions()->setEditSection($oldEditSectionSetting); } } } } } /* title may have been set from the cache */ $t = $wgOut->getPageTitle(); if (empty($t)) { $wgOut->setPageTitle($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); } # check if we're displaying a [[User talk:x.x.x.x]] anonymous talk page if ($ns == NS_USER_TALK && User::isIP($this->mTitle->getText())) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('anontalkpagetext')); } # If we have been passed an &rcid= parameter, we want to give the user a # chance to mark this new article as patrolled. if ($wgUseRCPatrol && !is_null($rcid) && $rcid != 0 && $wgUser->isAllowed('patrol')) { $wgOut->addHTML("<div class='patrollink'>" . wfMsg('markaspatrolledlink', $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($this->mTitle, wfMsg('markaspatrolledtext'), "action=markpatrolled&rcid={$rcid}")) . '</div>'); } # Trackbacks if ($wgUseTrackbacks) { $this->addTrackbacks(); } $this->viewUpdates(); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
/** * Created and outputs an "add new" button linking to the Special:Install page. * * @since 0.1 */ protected function displayAddNewButton() { global $wgOut; $wgOut->addHTML(Html::element('button', array('type' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'window.location="' . Xml::escapeJsString(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('install')->getFullURL()) . '"'), wfMsg('add-new-extensions'))); }
/** * Special function to transform css output and wrap in js call */ private function transformCssOutput($resourceName, $cssString, $path = '') { global $wgScriptLoaderRelativeCss; // Minify and update paths on cssString: $cssOptions = array(); // Set comments preservation based on debug state $cssOptions['preserveComments'] = $this->debug; // Check for the two ResourceLoader entry points: if ($wgScriptLoaderRelativeCss) { // Using the local mediaWiki entry point we should have our $wgScriptPath global global $wgScriptPath; $prePendPath = $wgScriptPath == '' ? '' : $wgScriptPath . '/'; $cssOptions['prependRelativePath'] = $prePendPath . dirname($path) . '/'; } else { // Get the server URL $serverUri = $this->getResourceLoaderUri(); $cssOptions['prependRelativePath'] = str_replace('ResourceLoader.php', '', $serverUri) . dirname($path) . '/'; } // We always run minify to update css image urls $cssString = Minify_CSS::minify($cssString, $cssOptions); // Check output format ( if format is "css" ) return the css string directly if ($this->outputFormat == 'css') { return $cssString; } // Output Format is "javascript" return the string in an addStyleString call // CSS classes should be of form{className} $cssStyleName = str_replace('', '', $resourceName); return 'mw.addStyleString("' . Xml::escapeJsString($cssStyleName) . '", "' . Xml::escapeJsString($cssString) . '");' . "\n"; }
/** * returns JS function call used to navigate to the next page of this pager * when placeholders = true, empty html placeholder should be generated in pager view instead of link * when placeholders = false, nothing ('') will be generated in pager view instead of link */ function getNextAjaxLink() { $result = (object) array("call" => 'return CategoryBrowser.rootCats(\'' . Xml::escapeJsString($this->sqlCond->getEncodedQueue(false)) . '\',' . $this->getNextOffset() . ($this->limit == CB_PAGING_ROWS ? '' : ',' . $this->limit) . ')', "placeholders" => false); return $result; }
/** * @param Article $article * @param OutputPage $out * @param string $text * @return bool */ function wfAutoPageCreateViewPage($article, $out, &$text) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); global $wgOut; $article->autoPageCreate__content = null; $origText = $text; $title = $article->mTitle; $ns = $title->getNamespace(); $retval = true; switch ($ns) { case NS_MEDIAWIKI: // BugId:15387 - Let's skip user pages too. // BugId:15387 - Let's skip user pages too. case NS_USER: case NS_CATEGORY: case NS_HELP: $text = "<div class=\"noarticletext\">\n{$text}\n</div>"; $retval = false; break; default: $text = $title->isContentPage() ? wfMsgForContent("newpagelayout") : ''; $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-newpage-notice-other"; if ($title->isContentPage()) { $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-newpage-notice-content"; } elseif ($title->isTalkPage()) { $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-newpage-notice-talk"; $wgOut->setRobotPolicy('noindex,nofollow'); } else { switch ($ns) { case NS_USER: // RT #48042 if ($title->isSubpage()) { $overlayMsgKey = false; } else { if (!wfAutoPageCreateIsAnonUserpage($title->getText())) { $text = wfMsgForContent('welcome-user-page', $title->getText()); $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-newpage-notice-user"; } else { $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-empty"; } } break; case NS_PROJECT: $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-newpage-notice-project"; break; case NS_TEMPLATE: $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-newpage-notice-template"; break; case NS_FORUM: $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-newpage-notice-forum"; break; case 502: $overlayMsgKey = "autopagecreate-newpage-notice-blog"; break; } $wgOut->setRobotPolicy('noindex,nofollow'); } if (!empty($overlayMsgKey)) { wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": showing message '{$overlayMsgKey}'\n"); $overlayMsg4JS = Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsgExt($overlayMsgKey, "parseinline")); if ($overlayMsg4JS != "-") { $js = <<<END wgAfterContentAndJS.push( function() { \$( function() { \t\$("#wikia_page").prepend("<div id=\\"NoArticleTextNotice\\">{$overlayMsg4JS}<img id=\\"NoArticleTextNoticeClose\\" src=\\""+wgBlankImgUrl+"\\" class=\\"sprite close\\" /></div>"); \t\$("#NoArticleTextNoticeClose").click( function() { \$(this).parent().slideUp() } ); } ) } ); END; $wgOut->addInlineScript($js); } } else { wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": forced to not show the message\n"); } } if ($text !== $origText) { $article->autoPageCreate__content = $text; } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $retval; }
public function view() { global $wgOut, $wgShowEXIF, $wgRequest, $wgUser; $this->loadFile(); if ($this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_FILE && $this->img->getRedirected()) { if ($this->mTitle->getDBkey() == $this->img->getName()) { // mTitle is the same as the redirect target so ask Article // to perform the redirect for us. return Article::view(); } else { // mTitle is not the same as the redirect target so it is // probably the redirect page itself. Fake the redirect symbol $wgOut->setPageTitle($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); $wgOut->addHTML($this->viewRedirect(Title::makeTitle(NS_FILE, $this->img->getName()), true, true)); $this->viewUpdates(); return; } } $diff = $wgRequest->getVal('diff'); $diffOnly = $wgRequest->getBool('diffonly', $wgUser->getOption('diffonly')); if ($this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_FILE || isset($diff) && $diffOnly) { return Article::view(); } $this->showRedirectedFromHeader(); if ($wgShowEXIF && $this->displayImg->exists()) { // FIXME: bad interface, see note on MediaHandler::formatMetadata(). $formattedMetadata = $this->displayImg->formatMetadata(); $showmeta = $formattedMetadata !== false; } else { $showmeta = false; } if (!$diff && $this->displayImg->exists()) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->showTOC($showmeta)); } if (!$diff) { $this->openShowImage(); } # No need to display noarticletext, we use our own message, output in openShowImage() if ($this->getID()) { Article::view(); } else { # Just need to set the right headers $wgOut->setArticleFlag(true); $wgOut->setPageTitle($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); $this->viewUpdates(); } # Show shared description, if needed if ($this->mExtraDescription) { $fol = wfMsgNoTrans('shareddescriptionfollows'); if ($fol != '-' && !wfEmptyMsg('shareddescriptionfollows', $fol)) { $wgOut->addWikiText($fol); } $wgOut->addHTML('<div id="shared-image-desc">' . $this->mExtraDescription . "</div>\n"); } $this->closeShowImage(); $this->imageHistory(); // TODO: Cleanup the following $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('h2', array('id' => 'filelinks'), wfMsg('imagelinks')) . "\n"); $this->imageDupes(); # TODO! FIXME! For some freaky reason, we can't redirect to foreign images. # Yet we return metadata about the target. Definitely an issue in the FileRepo $this->imageRedirects(); $this->imageLinks(); # Allow extensions to add something after the image links $html = ''; wfRunHooks('ImagePageAfterImageLinks', array($this, &$html)); if ($html) { $wgOut->addHTML($html); } if ($showmeta) { global $wgStylePath, $wgStyleVersion; $expand = htmlspecialchars(Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('metadata-expand'))); $collapse = htmlspecialchars(Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsg('metadata-collapse'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('h2', array('id' => 'metadata'), wfMsg('metadata')) . "\n"); $wgOut->addWikiText($this->makeMetadataTable($formattedMetadata)); $wgOut->addScriptFile('metadata.js'); $wgOut->addHTML("<script type=\"text/javascript\">attachMetadataToggle('mw_metadata', '{$expand}', '{$collapse}');</script>\n"); } }
public static function listDrafts(&$title = null, $user = null) { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgLang; //added twice? $wgOut->addScript('<style type="text/css" media="all">/*<![CDATA[*/ @import "' . wfGetPad('/extensions/min/f/extensions/Drafts/Drafts.css?rev=') . WH_SITEREV . '"; /*]]>*/</style>'); // Get draftID $currentDraft = Draft::newFromID($wgRequest->getIntOrNull('draft')); //based on user preference $adv = $wgUser->getOption('defaulteditor', '') == 'advanced' ? '&advanced=true' : ''; // Output HTML for list of drafts $drafts = Draft::getDrafts($title, $user); if (count($drafts) > 0) { global $egDraftsLifeSpan; // Internationalization wfLoadExtensionMessages('Drafts'); // Add a summary, on Special:Drafts only if (!$title || $title->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL) { $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg('<div class="mw-drafts-summary">$1</div>', array('drafts-view-summary', $wgLang->formatNum($egDraftsLifeSpan))); } // Build XML $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('table', array('cellpadding' => 5, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'border' => 0, 'id' => 'drafts-list-table', 'class' => 'section_text', 'style' => 'margin-top:15px'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('tr')); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('th', array('align' => 'left', 'nowrap' => 'nowrap', 'style' => 'text-align:center;'), wfMsg('drafts-view-article'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('th', array('align' => 'left', 'nowrap' => 'nowrap', 'style' => 'text-align:center;'), wfMsg('drafts-view-saved'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('th', array(), wfMsg('edit'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('th', array(), wfMsg('discard'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('tr')); // Add existing drafts for this page and user $index = 0; foreach ($drafts as $draft) { // Get article title text $htmlTitle = $draft->getTitle()->getEscapedText(); // Build Article Load link if ($draft->getHTML5()) { $params = 'h5e=true&draft=' . urlencode($draft->getID()); if ($draft->getTitle()->getArticleID() == 0) { $params .= "&create-new-article=true"; } $urlLoad = $draft->getTitle()->getFullUrl($params); } else { $urlLoad = $draft->getTitle()->getFullUrl('action=edit' . $adv . '&draft=' . urlencode($draft->getID())); } // Build discard link $urlDiscard = sprintf('%s?discard=%s&token=%s', SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Drafts')->getFullUrl(), urlencode($draft->getID()), urlencode($wgUser->editToken())); // If in edit mode, return to editor if ($wgRequest->getText('action') == 'edit' || $wgRequest->getText('action') == 'submit') { $urlDiscard .= '&returnto=' . urlencode('edit'); } // Append section to titles and links if ($draft->getSection() !== null) { // Detect section name $lines = explode("\n", $draft->getText()); // If there is any content in the section if (count($lines) > 0) { $htmlTitle .= '#' . htmlspecialchars(trim(trim(substr($lines[0], 0, 255), '='))); } // Modify article link and title $urlLoad .= '§ion=' . urlencode($draft->getSection()); $urlDiscard .= '§ion=' . urlencode($draft->getSection()); } // Build XML if ($index % 2 == 1) { $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('tr', array('style' => 'background: #eee;'))); } else { $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('tr', array('style' => ''))); } $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('td', array('align' => 'left', 'class' => 'draftpage'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('a', array('href' => $urlLoad, 'style' => 'font-weight:' . ($currentDraft->getID() == $draft->getID() ? 'bold' : 'normal')), $htmlTitle)); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('td')); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('td', array('align' => 'left', 'nowrap' => 'nowrap', 'class' => 'draftsaved'), $wgLang->timeanddate($draft->getSaveTime(), true))); // edit link $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('td', array('align' => 'left', 'nowrap' => 'nowrap', 'class' => 'draftedit'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('a', array('href' => $urlLoad), wfMsg('edit'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('td')); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('td', array('align' => 'left', 'nowrap' => 'nowrap', 'class' => 'draftdiscard'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('a', array('href' => $urlDiscard, 'onclick' => "if( true || !wgAjaxSaveDraft.insync ) return confirm('" . Xml::escapeJsString(wfMsgHTML('drafts-discard-warn', $draft->getTitle()->getText())) . "')"), wfMsg('drafts-view-discard'))); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('td')); $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('tr')); $index++; } $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('table')); // Return number of drafts return count($drafts); } return 0; }
function doSpecialCreateForm() { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $sfgScriptPath; $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); // Create Javascript to populate fields to let the user input // parameters for the field, based on the input type selected // in the dropdown. $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $url = $skin->makeSpecialUrl( 'CreateForm', "showinputtypeoptions=' + this.val() + '&formfield=' + this.attr('formfieldid') + '" ); foreach ( $wgRequest->getValues() as $param => $value ) { $url .= '¶ms[' . Xml::escapeJsString( $param ) . ']=' . Xml::escapeJsString( $value ); } // Only add 'collapsible' ability if the ResourceLoader exists, // i.e. for MW 1.17 - adding backwards compatibility doesn't // seem worth it for this relatively minor piece of // functionality. if ( method_exists( $wgOut, 'addModules' ) ) { $wgOut->addModules( 'ext.semanticforms.collapsible' ); } $wgOut->addScript("<script> jQuery.fn.displayInputParams = function() { inputParamsDiv = this.closest('.formField').find('.otherInputParams'); jQuery.ajax({ url: '$url', context: document.body, success: function(data){ inputParamsDiv.html(data); } }); }; jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('.inputTypeSelector').change( function() { jQuery(this).displayInputParams(); }); }); </script>"); // Get the names of all templates on this site. $all_templates = array(); $res = $db->select( 'page', 'page_title', array( 'page_namespace' => NS_TEMPLATE, 'page_is_redirect' => 0 ), array( 'ORDER BY' => 'page_title' ) ); if ( $db->numRows( $res ) > 0 ) { while ( $row = $db->fetchRow( $res ) ) { $template_name = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row[0] ); $all_templates[] = $template_name; } } $form_templates = array(); $i = 1; $deleted_template_loc = null; # handle inputs $form_name = $wgRequest->getVal( 'form_name' ); foreach ( $wgRequest->getValues() as $var => $val ) { # ignore variables that are not of the right form if ( strpos( $var, "_" ) != false ) { # get the template declarations and work from there list ( $action, $id ) = explode( "_", $var, 2 ); if ( $action == "template" ) { // If the button was pressed to remove // this template, just don't add it to // the array. if ( $wgRequest->getVal( "del_$id" ) != null ) { $deleted_template_loc = $id; } else { $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create( $val, $wgRequest->getVal( "label_$id" ), $wgRequest->getVal( "allow_multiple_$id" ) ); $form_templates[] = $form_template; } } } } if ( $wgRequest->getVal( 'add_field' ) != null ) { $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create( $wgRequest->getVal( 'new_template' ), "", false ); $new_template_loc = $wgRequest->getVal( 'before_template' ); if ( $new_template_loc === null ) { $new_template_loc = 0; } // @HACK - array_splice() doesn't work for objects, so // we have to first insert a stub element into the // array, then replace that with the actual object. array_splice( $form_templates, $new_template_loc, 0, "stub" ); $form_templates[$new_template_loc] = $form_template; } else { $new_template_loc = null; } // Now cycle through the templates and fields, modifying each // one per the query variables. foreach ( $form_templates as $i => $ft ) { foreach ( $ft->getFields() as $j => $field ) { // handle the change in indexing if a new template was // inserted before the end, or one was deleted $old_i = $i; if ( $new_template_loc != null ) { if ( $i > $new_template_loc ) { $old_i = $i - 1; } elseif ( $i == $new_template_loc ) { // it's the new template; it shouldn't // get any query-string data $old_i = - 1; } } elseif ( $deleted_template_loc != null ) { if ( $i >= $deleted_template_loc ) { $old_i = $i + 1; } } foreach ( $wgRequest->getValues() as $key => $value ) { if ( ( $pos = strpos( $key, '_' . $old_i . '_' . $j ) ) != false ) { $paramName = substr( $key, 0, $pos ); // Spaces got replaced by // underlines in the query. $paramName = str_replace( '_', ' ', $paramName ); } else { continue; } if ( $paramName == 'label' ) { $field->template_field->setLabel( $value ); } elseif ( $paramName == 'input type' ) { $input_type = $wgRequest->getVal( "input_type_" . $old_i . "_" . $j ); if ( $input_type == 'hidden' ) { $field->template_field->setInputType( $input_type ); $field->setIsHidden( true ); } elseif ( substr( $input_type, 0, 1 ) == '.' ) { // It's the default input type - // don't do anything. } else { $field->template_field->setInputType( $input_type ); } } else { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { if ( $value == 'on' ) { $value = true; } $field->setFieldArg( $paramName, $value ); } } } } } $form = SFForm::create( $form_name, $form_templates ); // If a submit button was pressed, create the form-definition // file, then redirect. $save_page = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'wpSave' ); $preview_page = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'wpPreview' ); if ( $save_page || $preview_page ) { // Validate form name if ( $form->getFormName() == "" ) { $form_name_error_str = wfMsg( 'sf_blank_error' ); } else { // Redirect to wiki interface $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly( true ); $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( SF_NS_FORM, $form->getFormName() ); $full_text = $form->createMarkup(); $text = SFUtils::printRedirectForm( $title, $full_text, "", $save_page, $preview_page, false, false, false, null, null ); $wgOut->addHTML( $text ); return; } } $text = "\t" . '<form action="" method="post">' . "\n"; // Set 'title' field, in case there's no URL niceness $text .= SFFormUtils::hiddenFieldHTML( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() ); $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMsg( 'sf_createform_nameinput' ) . ' ' . wfMsg( 'sf_createform_nameinputdesc' ) . ' <input size=25 name="form_name" value="' . $form_name . '" />'; if ( ! empty( $form_name_error_str ) ) $text .= "\t" . Html::element( 'font', array( 'color' => 'red' ), $form_name_error_str ); $text .= "</p>\n"; $text .= $form->creationHTML(); $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMsg( 'sf_createform_addtemplate' ) . "\n"; $select_body = ""; foreach ( $all_templates as $template ) { $select_body .= " " . Html::element( 'option', array( 'value' => $template ), $template ) . "\n"; } $text .= "\t" . Html::rawElement( 'select', array( 'name' => 'new_template' ), $select_body ) . "\n"; // If a template has already been added, show a dropdown letting // the user choose where in the list to add a new dropdown. if ( count( $form_templates ) > 0 ) { $before_template_msg = wfMsg( 'sf_createform_beforetemplate' ); $text .= $before_template_msg; $select_body = ""; foreach ( $form_templates as $i => $ft ) { $select_body .= "\t" . Html::element( 'option', array( 'value' => $i ), $ft->getTemplateName() ) . "\n"; } $final_index = count( $form_templates ); $at_end_msg = wfMsg( 'sf_createform_atend' ); $select_body .= "\t" . Html::element( 'option', array( 'value' => $final_index, 'selected' => 'selected' ), $at_end_msg ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'select', array( 'name' => 'before_template' ), $select_body ) . "\n"; } // Disable 'save' and 'preview' buttons if user has not yet // added any templates. $disabled_text = ( count( $form_templates ) == 0 ) ? "disabled" : ""; $add_button_text = wfMsg( 'sf_createform_add' ); $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $create_template_link = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateTemplate' ); $text .= "\t" . Html::input( 'add_field', $add_button_text, 'submit' ); $text .= <<<END </p> <br /> END; $saveAttrs = array( 'id' => 'wpSave' ); if ( count( $form_templates ) == 0 ) { $saveAttrs['disabled'] = true; } $editButtonsText = "\t" . Html::input( 'wpSave', wfMsg( 'savearticle' ), 'submit', $saveAttrs ) . "\n"; $previewAttrs = array( 'id' => 'wpPreview' ); if ( count( $form_templates ) == 0 ) { $previewAttrs['disabled'] = true; } $editButtonsText .= "\t" . Html::input( 'wpPreview', wfMsg( 'preview' ), 'submit', $previewAttrs ) . "\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::rawElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'editButtons' ), Html::rawElement( 'p', array(), $editButtonsText ) . "\n" ) . "\n"; // Explanatory message if buttons are disabled because no // templates have been added. if ( count( $form_templates ) == 0 ) { $text .= "\t" . Html::element( 'p', null, "(" . wfMsg( 'sf_createtemplate_addtemplatebeforesave' ) . ")" ); } $text .= <<<END </form> <hr /><br /> END; $text .= "\t" . Html::rawElement( 'p', null, $create_template_link . '.' ); $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . "/skins/SemanticForms.css" ); $wgOut->addHTML( $text ); }
/** * Returns a string with a HTML represenation of the given page. * $title must be a Title object */ function renderNode(&$title, $mode = NULL, $children = false, $loadchildren = false, $depth = 1) { global $wgCategoryTreeOmitNamespace, $wgCategoryTreeDefaultMode; static $uniq = 0; if ($mode === NULL) { $wgCategoryTreeDefaultMode; } $load = false; if ($children && $loadchildren) { $uniq += 1; $load = 'ct-' . $uniq . '-' . mt_rand(1, 100000); $children = false; } $ns = $title->getNamespace(); $key = $title->getDBkey(); #$trans = $title->getLocalizedText(); $trans = ''; #place holder for when translated titles are available #when showing only categories, omit namespace in label unless we explicitely defined the configuration setting #patch contributed by Manuel Schneider <*****@*****.**>, Bug 8011 if ($wgCategoryTreeOmitNamespace || $mode == CT_MODE_CATEGORIES) { $label = htmlspecialchars($title->getText()); } else { $label = htmlspecialchars($title->getPrefixedText()); } if ($trans && $trans != $label) { $label .= ' ' . wfElement('i', array('class' => 'translation'), $trans); } $wikiLink = $title->getLocalURL(); $labelClass = 'CategoryTreeLabel ' . ' CategoryTreeLabelNs' . $ns; if ($ns == NS_CATEGORY) { $labelClass .= ' CategoryTreeLabelCategory'; } else { $labelClass .= ' CategoryTreeLabelPage'; } if ($ns % 2 > 0) { $labelClass .= ' CategoryTreeLabelTalk'; } $linkattr = array('href' => '#'); if ($load) { $linkattr['id'] = $load; } if (!$children) { $txt = '+'; $linkattr['onclick'] = "this.href='javascript:void(0)'; categoryTreeExpandNode('" . Xml::escapeJsString($key) . "','" . $mode . "',this);"; # Don't load this message for ajax requests, so that we don't have to initialise $wgLang $linkattr['title'] = $this->mIsAjaxRequest ? '##LOAD##' : self::msg('expand'); } else { $txt = '–'; #NOTE: that's not a minus but a unicode ndash! $linkattr['onclick'] = "this.href='javascript:void(0)'; categoryTreeCollapseNode('" . Xml::escapeJsString($key) . "','" . $mode . "',this);"; $linkattr['title'] = self::msg('collapse'); $linkattr['class'] = 'CategoryTreeLoaded'; } $s = ''; #NOTE: things in CategoryTree.js rely on the exact order of tags! # Specifically, the CategoryTreeChildren div must be the first # sibling with nodeName = DIV of the grandparent of the expland link. $s .= wfOpenElement('div', array('class' => 'CategoryTreeSection')); $s .= wfOpenElement('div', array('class' => 'CategoryTreeItem')); if ($ns == NS_CATEGORY) { $s .= wfOpenElement('span', array('class' => 'CategoryTreeBullet')); $s .= '[' . wfElement('a', $linkattr, $txt) . '] '; $s .= wfCloseElement('span'); } else { $s .= ' '; } $s .= wfOpenElement('a', array('class' => $labelClass, 'href' => $wikiLink)) . $label . wfCloseElement('a'); $s .= wfCloseElement('div'); $s .= "\n\t\t"; $s .= wfOpenElement('div', array('class' => 'CategoryTreeChildren', 'style' => $children ? "display:block" : "display:none")); //HACK here? if ($children) { $s .= $this->renderChildren($title, $mode, $depth); } $s .= wfCloseElement('div'); $s .= wfCloseElement('div'); if ($load) { $s .= "\n\t\t"; $s .= wfOpenElement('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript')); $s .= 'categoryTreeExpandNode("' . Xml::escapeJsString($key) . '", "' . $mode . '", document.getElementById("' . $load . '") );'; $s .= wfCloseElement('script'); } $s .= "\n\t\t"; return $s; }
function getScriptFunctions() { global $wgNoticeFundraisingUrl; $script = <<<JAVASCRIPT function insertBanner( bannerJson ) { \tvar url, targets; \tjQuery( 'div#centralNotice' ).prepend( bannerJson.bannerHtml ); \tif ( bannerJson.autolink ) { JAVASCRIPT; $script .= "\n\t\turl = '" . Xml::escapeJsString($wgNoticeFundraisingUrl) . "';\n"; $script .= <<<JAVASCRIPT \t\tif ( ( bannerJson.landingPages !== null ) && bannerJson.landingPages.length ) { \t\t\ttargets = String( bannerJson.landingPages ).split(','); \t\t\turl += "?" + jQuery.param( { \t\t\t\tlanding_page: targets[Math.floor( Math.random() * targets.length )].replace( /^\\s+|\\s+\$/, '' ) \t\t\t} ); \t\t\turl += "&" + jQuery.param( { \t\t\t\tutm_medium: 'sitenotice', \t\t\t\tutm_campaign: bannerJson.campaign, \t\t\t\tutm_source: bannerJson.bannerName, \t\t\t\tlanguage: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ), \t\t\t\tcountry: \t\t\t} ); \t\t\tjQuery( '#cn-landingpage-link' ).attr( 'href', url ); \t\t} \t} } function setBannerHidingCookie( bannerType ) { \tvar e = new Date(); \te.setTime( e.getTime() + (14*24*60*60*1000) ); // two weeks \tvar work = 'centralnotice_' + bannerType + '=hide; expires=' + e.toGMTString() + '; path=/'; \tdocument.cookie = work; } function hideBanner() { \tjQuery( '#centralNotice' ).hide(); // Hide current banner \tvar bannerType =; \tif ( bannerType === undefined ) { \t\tbannerType = 'default'; \t} \tsetBannerHidingCookie( bannerType ); // Hide future banners of the same type } // This function is deprecated function toggleNotice() { \thideBanner(); } JAVASCRIPT; return $script; }
/** * @param $sk Skin The given Skin * @param $includeStyle Boolean: unused * @return String: The doctype, opening <html>, and head element. */ public function headElement(Skin $sk, $includeStyle = true) { global $wgContLang, $wgUseTrackbacks; $userdir = $this->getLang()->getDir(); $sitedir = $wgContLang->getDir(); if ($sk->commonPrintStylesheet()) { $this->addModuleStyles('mediawiki.legacy.wikiprintable'); } $sk->setupUserCss($this); $ret = Html::htmlHeader(array('lang' => $this->getLang()->getCode(), 'dir' => $userdir, 'class' => 'client-nojs')); if ($this->getHTMLTitle() == '') { $this->setHTMLTitle(wfMsg('pagetitle', $this->getPageTitle())); } $openHead = Html::openElement('head'); if ($openHead) { # Don't bother with the newline if $head == '' $ret .= "{$openHead}\n"; } $ret .= Html::element('title', null, $this->getHTMLTitle()) . "\n"; $ret .= implode("\n", array($this->getHeadLinks($sk, true), $this->buildCssLinks($sk), $this->getHeadScripts($sk), $this->getHeadItems())); if ($wgUseTrackbacks && $this->isArticleRelated()) { $ret .= $this->getTitle()->trackbackRDF(); } $closeHead = Html::closeElement('head'); if ($closeHead) { $ret .= "{$closeHead}\n"; } $bodyAttrs = array(); # Crazy edit-on-double-click stuff $action = $this->getRequest()->getVal('action', 'view'); if ($this->getTitle()->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL && in_array($action, array('view', 'purge')) && $this->getUser()->getOption('editondblclick')) { $editUrl = $this->getTitle()->getLocalUrl($sk->editUrlOptions()); $bodyAttrs['ondblclick'] = "document.location = '" . Xml::escapeJsString($editUrl) . "'"; } # Classes for LTR/RTL directionality support $bodyAttrs['class'] = "mediawiki {$userdir} sitedir-{$sitedir}"; if ($this->getContext()->getLang()->capitalizeAllNouns()) { # A <body> class is probably not the best way to do this . . . $bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' capitalize-all-nouns'; } $bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' ' . $sk->getPageClasses($this->getTitle()); $bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' skin-' . Sanitizer::escapeClass($sk->getSkinName()); $sk->addToBodyAttributes($this, $bodyAttrs); // Allow skins to add body attributes they need wfRunHooks('OutputPageBodyAttributes', array($this, $sk, &$bodyAttrs)); $ret .= Html::openElement('body', $bodyAttrs) . "\n"; return $ret; }
/** * @param $collection MessageCollection * @return string */ public function writeReal( MessageCollection $collection ) { $header = $this->header( $collection->code, $collection->getAuthors() ); $mangler = $this->group->getMangler(); /** * Get and write messages. */ $body = ''; foreach ( $collection as $message ) { if ( strlen( $message->translation() ) === 0 ) { continue; } $key = $mangler->unmangle( $message->key() ); $key = $this->transformKey( Xml::escapeJsString( $key ) ); $translation = Xml::escapeJsString( $message->translation() ); $body .= "\t{$key}: \"{$translation}\",\n"; } if ( strlen( $body ) === 0 ) { return false; } /** * Strip last comma, re-add trailing newlines. */ $body = substr( $body, 0, -2 ); $body .= "\n"; return $header . $body . $this->footer(); }
function buildCleanupScript() { global $wgRestrictionLevels, $wgGroupPermissions; $script = 'var wgCascadeableLevels='; $CascadeableLevels = array(); foreach ($wgRestrictionLevels as $key) { if (isset($wgGroupPermissions[$key]['protect']) && $wgGroupPermissions[$key]['protect'] || $key == 'protect') { $CascadeableLevels[] = "'" . Xml::escapeJsString($key) . "'"; } } $script .= "[" . implode(',', $CascadeableLevels) . "];\n"; $options = (object) array('tableId' => 'mwProtectSet', 'labelText' => wfMsg('protect-unchain-permissions'), 'numTypes' => count($this->mApplicableTypes), 'existingMatch' => 1 == count(array_unique($this->mExistingExpiry))); $encOptions = Xml::encodeJsVar($options); $script .= "ProtectionForm.init({$encOptions})"; return Html::inlineScript("if ( window.mediaWiki ) { {$script} }"); }
function getBodyOptions() { global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgContLang; extract($wgRequest->getValues('oldid', 'redirect', 'diff')); if (0 != $wgTitle->getNamespace()) { $a = array('bgcolor' => '#ffffec'); } else { $a = array('bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF'); } if ($wgOut->isArticle() && $wgUser->getOption('editondblclick') && $wgTitle->quickUserCan('edit')) { $s = $wgTitle->getFullURL($this->editUrlOptions()); $s = 'document.location = "' . Xml::escapeJsString($s) . '";'; $a += array('ondblclick' => $s); } $a['onload'] = $wgOut->getOnloadHandler(); $a['class'] = 'mediawiki' . ' ' . ($wgContLang->isRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr") . ' ' . $this->getPageClasses($wgTitle) . ' skin-' . Sanitizer::escapeClass($this->getSkinName()); return $a; }
/** * @private */ function jstext($str) { echo Xml::escapeJsString($this->data[$str]); }