function standardPage($node, $maindiv = false) { global $hierarchy, $include_path, $live_update; $display =& new jzDisplay(); $blocks = new jzBlocks(); include $include_path . 'frontend/frontends/medialibrary/medialibrary.php'; if ($node->getLevel() > 0) { while ($node->getLevel() > 0 && $hierarchy[$node->getLevel() - 1] == "hidden") { $d = $node->getNaturalDepth(); $node = $node->getParent(); $node->setNaturalDepth($d + 1); } } if (!$maindiv) { if ($node->getName() != "") { $display->preheader($node->getName(), $this->width, $this->align); $this->pageTop($node->getName()); } else { $display->preheader(false, $this->width, $this->align); $this->pageTop(); } } if (!$maindiv) { echo '<div id="mainDiv">'; } drawPage($node); if (!$maindiv) { echo '</div>'; $this->footer($node); } }
public function __construct() { $body = display("pages/search_friends"); $guid = getInput("guid"); $button = "<a class='btn btn-success' href='" . getSiteURL() . "profile/{$guid}'>Return</a>"; $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => "Search Results", "body" => $body, "button" => $button)); }
function __construct() { $invoice_id = pageArray(1); $header = "Invoice Details"; $subheader = "Invoice #" . $invoice_id; $body = display("pages/invoice"); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $header, "subheader" => $subheader, "body" => $body)); }
function __construct() { $order_id = pageArray(1); $header = "Order Details"; $subheader = "Order #: " . $order_id; $body = display("pages/order"); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $header, "subheader" => $subheader, "body" => $body)); }
public function __construct() { $title = $body = $button = NULL; switch (pageArray(1)) { case "all": default: if (loggedIn()) { $admin_groups = Setting::get("admin_groups"); if (!$admin_groups) { $admin_groups = "users"; } if ($admin_groups == "admin" && adminLoggedIn() || $admin_groups == "user") { $button = "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "groups/create' class='btn btn-success'>Create a Group</a>"; } } $title = "Groups"; $body = display("pages/groups"); break; case "create": $admin_groups = Setting::get("admin_groups"); if (!$admin_groups) { $admin_groups = "user"; } if ($admin_groups == "admin" && adminLoggedIn() || $admin_groups == "user") { $title = "Create a Group"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "create_group", "action" => "createGroup", "method" => "post", "files" => true)); } break; case "view": $guid = pageArray(2); $group = getEntity($guid); $edit_url = getSiteURL() . "groups/edit/{$guid}"; $delete_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/deleteGroup/{$guid}"); if ($group->ownerIsLoggedIn()) { $button = "<a href='{$edit_url}' class='btn btn-warning'>Edit Group</a>"; $button .= "<a href='{$delete_url}' class='btn btn-danger confirm'>Delete Group</a>"; } if (GroupsPlugin::loggedInUserCanJoin($group)) { $join_group_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/JoinGroup/" . $group->guid); $button .= "<a href='{$join_group_url}' class='btn btn-success confirm'>Join Group</a>"; } if ($group->loggedInUserIsMember() && $group->owner_guid != getLoggedInUserGuid()) { $leave_group_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/LeaveGroup/" . $group->guid); $button .= "<a href='{$leave_group_url}' class='btn btn-danger confirm'>Leave Group</a>"; } $title = $group->title; $body = display("pages/group"); break; case "edit": $guid = pageArray(2); $group = getEntity($guid); $title = "Edit " . $group->title; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_group", "action" => "editGroup", "method" => "post", "files" => true)); break; } $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $title, "body" => $body, "button" => $button)); }
public function __construct() { $title = $body = $buttons = $breadcrumbs = NULL; switch (pageArray(1)) { default: $body = display("pages/forum"); $title = "Forum Categories"; if (adminLoggedIn()) { $add_category_url = getSiteURL() . "forum/add_category"; $buttons = "<a href='{$add_category_url}' class='btn btn-danger'>Add a Category</a>"; } $breadcrumbs = array(array("link" => getSiteURL() . "forum", "label" => "Categories")); break; case 'add_category': adminGateKeeper(); $body = drawForm(array("name" => "add_category", "method" => "post", "action" => "addCategory")); $title = "Add a Forum Category"; break; case 'category': $guid = pageArray(2); if ($guid) { $category = getEntity($guid); $body = display("forum/category"); if (loggedIn()) { $add_topic_url = getSiteURL() . "forum/add_topic/{$guid}"; $buttons = "<a href='{$add_topic_url}' class='btn btn-success'>Add Topic</a>"; } } $breadcrumbs = array(array("link" => getSiteURL() . "forum", "label" => "Categories"), array("link" => getSiteURL() . "forum/category/" . $category->guid, "label" => $category->title)); break; case "add_topic": gateKeeper(); $category_guid = pageArray(2); $category = getEntity($category_guid); $body = drawForm(array("name" => "add_topic", "method" => "post", "action" => "addTopic")); $title = "Add a topic to {$category->title}"; break; case "topic": $topic = getEntity(pageArray(2)); $category = getEntity($topic->container_guid); $breadcrumbs = array(array("link" => getSiteURL() . "forum", "label" => "Categories"), array("link" => getSiteURL() . "forum/category/" . $category->guid, "label" => $category->title), array("link" => getSiteURL() . "forum/topic/" . $topic->guid, "label" => $topic->title)); $body = display("forum/topic"); break; case "editCategory": adminGateKeeper(); $title = "Edit Forum Category"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_category", "method" => "post", "action" => "editCategory'")); break; case "editTopic": adminGateKeeper(); $title = "Edit Forum Topic"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_topic", "method" => "post", "action" => "editTopic")); break; } $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $title, "body" => $body, "button" => $buttons, "breadcrumbs" => $breadcrumbs)); }
/** * Creates html for admin page */ public function __construct() { adminGateKeeper(); $tab = pageArray(1); if (!$tab) { $tab = "general"; } $body = display("pages/admin", array("tab" => $tab)); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => translate("title:admin_panel"), "body" => $body)); }
public function __construct() { $limit = getInput("limit", 10); $offset = getInput("offset", 0); $count = getEntities(array("type" => "File", "count" => true, "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "title", "value" => "NULL", "operand" => "!=")))); $files = listEntities(array("type" => "File", "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset, "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "title", "value" => "NULL", "operand" => "!=")))); $pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $count, "offset" => $offset, "limit" => $limit, "url" => getSiteURL() . "files")); $page = drawPage(array("header" => "Files", "body" => $files, "footer" => $pagination, "button" => "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "file/upload' class='btn btn-success'>Upload a File</a>")); $this->html = $page; }
function __construct() { $this->html = NULL; $name = pageArray(1); $page = getEntity(array("type" => "Custompage", "metadata_name" => "name", "metadata_value" => $name)); if ($page) { $title = $page->title; $body = display("output/editor", array("value" => $page->body)); $this->html = drawPage($title, $body); } }
public function __construct() { $guid = pageArray(1); if (!$guid) { forward("profile/" . getLoggedInUserGuid()); } $user = getEntity($guid); classGateKeeper($user, "User"); $body = display("pages/profile", array("guid" => $guid)); $this->html = drawPage(NULL, $body); }
/** * Creates notification page html */ public function __construct() { $user_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $access = getIgnoreAccess(); setIgnoreAccess(); $notifications = listEntities(array("type" => "Notification", "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => $user_guid)); setIgnoreAccess($access); $buttons = getSiteURL() . "action/deleteAllNotifications/{$user_guid}"; $buttons = addTokenToURL($buttons); $buttons = "<a href='{$buttons}' class='btn btn-danger'>Dismiss All</a>"; $page = drawPage(array("header" => "Notifications", "body" => $notifications, "button" => $buttons)); $this->html = $page; }
public function __construct() { $title = $buttons = $body = NULL; if (BlogsPlugin::userCanCreateBlog()) { $body = display("page_elements/blogs_tabs"); $buttons = "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "blogs/add' class='btn btn-success'>Add a Blog</a>"; } switch (pageArray(1)) { case "all_blogs": default: $title = "Blogs"; $body .= display("pages/all_blogs"); break; case "friends_blogs": $title = translate("friends_blogs"); $body .= display("pages/friends_blogs"); break; case "my_blogs": $title = "My Blogs"; $body .= display("pages/my_blogs"); break; case "add": if (BlogsPlugin::userCanCreateBlog()) { $title = "Add a Blog"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "add_blog", "method" => "post", "action" => "addBlog")); } break; case "view": $guid = pageArray(2); $blog = getEntity($guid); if ($blog) { $title = $blog->title; } $owner = getEntity($blog->owner_guid); $title .= " <small>by {$owner->full_name}</small>"; $body = display("pages/blog"); if (getLoggedInUserGuid() == $blog->owner_guid) { $edit_url = getSiteURL() . "blogs/edit/{$guid}"; $delete_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/deleteBlog/{$guid}"); $buttons = "<a href='{$edit_url}' class='btn btn-warning'>Edit</a>"; $buttons .= "<a href='{$delete_url}' class='btn btn-danger confirm'>Delete</a>"; } break; case "edit": $buttons = NULL; $title = "Edit your blog"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_blog", "method" => "post", "action" => "addBlog")); break; } $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $title, "body" => $body, "button" => $buttons)); }
/** * Creates html for forgot password page */ public function __construct() { $code = pageArray(1); $email = pageArray(2); if ($code && $email) { $access = getIgnoreAccess(); setIgnoreAccess(); $user = getEntities(array("type" => "User", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "email", "value" => $email), array("name" => "password_reset_code", "value" => $code)))); setIgnoreAccess($access); if ($user) { $user = $user[0]; new Vars("guid", $user->guid); new Vars("code", $code); $form = drawForm(array("name" => "new_password", "method" => "post", "action" => "newPassword")); $header = "Enter your new password."; $this->html = drawPage($header, $form); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $header, "body" => $form)); } } else { $form = drawForm(array("name" => "forgot_password", "method" => "post", "action" => "ForgotPassword")); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => "Reset Your Password", "body" => $form)); } }
/** * Creates html for activity page */ public function __construct() { switch (pageArray(1)) { default: case "all": $this->params = array("type" => "Activity", "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0)); break; case "mine": $this->params = array("type" => "Activity", "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0), "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()); break; case "friends": $this->params = array("type" => "Activity", "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0), "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => "('" . FriendsPlugin::getFriendGuidCSString(getLoggedInUser()) . "')", "operand" => "IN"); break; } $this->params['count'] = true; $this->count = getEntities($this->params); unset($this->params['count']); $this->params['limit'] = 10; $entities = listEntities($this->params); $pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $this->count, "offset" => getInput("offset"), "limit" => $this->limit, "url" => "activity")); $this->tabs = display("page_elements/tabs", array("tabs" => array("All" => getSiteURL() . "activity", "Mine" => getSiteURL() . "activity/mine", "Friends" => getSiteURL() . "activity/friends"))); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => "Activity", "body" => $this->tabs . $entities . $pagination)); }
public function __construct() { $page = pageArray(); switch ($page[1]) { case "upload": $form = drawForm(array("name" => "file/upload", "method" => "post", "action" => "fileUpload", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data")); new Vars("container_guid", pageArray()); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => "Upload File", "body" => $form)); break; default: if (is_numeric($page[1])) { $guid = $page[1]; $file = getEntity($page[1]); $image_url = Image::getImageURL($guid); $image_title = $file->name; $left_content = "<a href='{$image_url}' data-lightbox='image-{$guid}' data-title='{$image_title}'><img src='{$image_url}' class='img-responsive' alt=''/></a>"; $right_content = html_entity_decode($file->description); $comments = display("output/block_comments", array("guid" => $guid, "show_form" => true)); $download_button = "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "views/output/file_download.php?guid={$guid}' class='btn btn-success btn-block' style='margin-top:18px;'>Download</a>"; $body = <<<HTML <div class='col-sm-4'> {$left_content} {$download_button} </div> <div class='col-sm-8'> <div class='well'> {$right_content} </div> {$comments} </div> HTML; $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $file->title, "body" => $body)); } return false; break; } }
function __construct() { $header = $body = NULL; switch (pageArray(1)) { default: gateKeeper(); $header = "Report this page to the site admin."; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "reportThis", "action" => "reportThis", "method" => "post")); break; case "reportSent": $header = "Your report has been sent."; $body = "<p>Thank you for your report. Our community relies on users like you to keep it safe.</p><p>We will review your report, and make a decision within 24 hours.</p>"; break; case "view": switch (pageArray(2)) { default: break; case "": break; } break; } $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $header, "body" => $body)); }
public function __construct() { $body = display("pages/friend_requests"); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => "Friend Requests", "body" => $body)); }
<?php /* * *********************************************************************** * * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL * __________________ * * [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus * and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus. * * Contact Shane Barron for more information. */ namespace SocialApparatus; denyDirect(); adminGateKeeper(); $form = drawForm(array("name" => "add_profile_field", 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => 'add_profile_field')); echo drawPage(array("header" => 'Add Profile Field', "body" => $form));
function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $page = display("pages/messages"); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => NULL, "body" => $page)); }
* * [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus * and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus. * * Contact Shane Barron for more information. */ namespace SocialApparatus; denyDirect(); $home_text = Setting::get("home_page"); if ($home_text) { $body = display("output/editor", array("value" => $home_text)); } else { $left = display("home/left"); $right = display("home/right"); $body = display("page_elements/page_header", array("text" => "Latest Activity")); $body .= <<<HTML <div class='col-lg-9'>{$left}</div> <div class='col-lg-3'>{$right}</div> HTML; } echo drawPage(array("body" => $body));
/* * *********************************************************************** * * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL * __________________ * * [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus * and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus. * * Contact Shane Barron for more information. */ namespace SocialApparatus; denyDirect(); gateKeeper(); $owner = getLoggedInUser(); $limit = 9; $offset = getInput("offset", 0); $filter = getInput("filter", NULL); $friends = FriendsPlugin::getFriends($owner, $offset, $limit, $filter); $body = viewEntityList($friends, "list"); echo drawPage(array("header" => translate("friends"), "body" => $body, "button" => drawForm(array("name" => "friend_search", "method" => "get", "page" => "friends"))));
<?php /* * *********************************************************************** * * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL * __________________ * * [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus * and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus. * * Contact Shane Barron for more information. */ namespace SocialApparatus; denyDirect(); gateKeeper(); $form = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_profile", "method" => "post", "action" => "editProfile", "class" => "edit_profile_form")); echo drawPage(array("header" => "Edit Profile", "body" => $form));
function __construct() { $header = "Billing"; $body = display("pages/billing"); $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $header, "body" => $body)); }
public function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $title = $body = $button = $wrapper_class = NULL; switch (pageArray(1)) { case "view": $guid = pageArray(2); $video = getEntity($guid); if ($video) { if ($video->title) { $title = $video->title; } else { $title = " "; } if (getLoggedInUserGuid() == $video->owner_guid || adminLoggedIn()) { $delete_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/deleteVideo/{$guid}"); $button = "<a class='btn btn-info' href='" . getSiteURL() . "videos/edit/{$guid}'>Edit</a>"; $button .= "<a class='btn btn-danger confirm' href='{$delete_url}'>Delete</a>"; } $body = display("pages/video"); } else { forward(); } break; case "edit": $title = "Edit Video Details"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_video", "method" => "post", "action" => "editVideo")); break; case "add": $title = "Add a Video"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "add_video", "method" => "post", "action" => "AddVideo", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data")); break; default: case "albums": switch (pageArray(2)) { default: $guid = pageArray(1); if (!$guid) { $guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); } $user = getEntity($guid); if ($guid == getLoggedInUserGuid()) { $name = "My"; } else { $name = $user->full_name . "'s"; } $title = $name . " Video Albums"; $body = display("pages/video_albums"); $button = "<a class='btn btn-success' href='" . getSiteURL() . "videos/albums/add'>Create an Album</a>"; break; case "add": $title = "Add a Video Album"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "add_video_album", "method" => "post", "action" => "addVideoalbum", "class" => "add_video_album_form", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data")); break; case "view": $guid = pageArray(3); $album = getEntity($guid); $title = $album->title; $body = display("pages/video_album"); $delete_url = getSiteURL() . "action/deleteVideoalbum/{$guid}"; $delete_url = addTokenToURL($delete_url); if (getLoggedInUserGuid() == $album->owner_guid || adminLoggedIn()) { $button = "<a class='btn btn-info' href='" . getSiteURL() . "videos/albums/edit/{$guid}'>Edit Album</a>"; $button .= "<a class='btn btn-danger' href='{$delete_url}'>Delete Album</a>"; } $button .= "<a class='btn btn-success' href='" . getSiteURL() . "videos/add/{$guid}'>Add Video</a>"; $wrapper_class = "masonry4col"; break; case "edit": $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_video_album", "method" => "post", "action" => "editVideoalbum", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data")); $title = "Edit Album"; break; } } $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $title, "body" => $body, "button" => $button, "wrapper_class" => $wrapper_class)); }
/* * *********************************************************************** * * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL * __________________ * * [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus * and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus. * * Contact Shane Barron for more information. */ namespace SocialApparatus; denyDirect(); $guid = Vars::get('guid'); $lead = translate("verification_email_sent:lead"); $form = drawForm(array("name" => "resend_verification_email", "action" => "ResendEmailVerification", "method" => "post")); $body = <<<HTML <p class="lead">{$lead}</p> <p class="text-center">{$form}</p> HTML; echo drawPage(array("header" => translate("verification_email_sent:heading"), "body" => $body));
<?php /* * *********************************************************************** * * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL * __________________ * * [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus * and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus. * * Contact Shane Barron for more information. */ namespace SocialApparatus; denyDirect(); $header = "Password reset instructions sent."; $body = "<p class='lead'>Instructions to reset your password have been sent to the email address you've entered.</p>"; echo drawPage(array("header" => $header, "body" => $body));
* All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus * and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus. * * Contact Shane Barron for more information. */ namespace SocialApparatus; denyDirect(); gateKeeper(); $owner = getLoggedInUser(); $current_avatar = $owner->icon(EXTRALARGE, "img-responsive"); $form = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_avatar", "action" => "editAvatar", "method" => "post", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data")); $body = <<<HTML <div class='row edit_avatar_form'> <div class="col-sm-4"> {$current_avatar} </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> {$form} </div> </div> HTML; echo drawPage(array("header" => "Edit Avatar", "body" => $body));
* SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL * __________________ * * [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus * and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus. * * Contact Shane Barron for more information. */ namespace SocialApparatus; denyDirect(); $offset = getInput("offset", 0); $limit = 10; $activity = listEntities(array("type" => "Activity", "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true, "offset" => $offset, "limit" => $limit)); $count = getEntities(array("type" => "Activity", "count" => true)); $body = <<<HTML <ul class="timeline clearfix"> {$activity} </ul> HTML; $footer = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $count, "offset" => $offset, "limit" => $limit, "url" => "activity")); echo drawPage(array("header" => translate("header:activity"), "body" => $body, "footer" => $footer));
function __construct() { $guid = NULL; $header = Setting::get("store_name"); $body = $button = NULL; $category = pageArray(1); $category_entity = getEntity(array("type" => "Productcategory", "metadata_name" => "short_name", "metadata_value" => $category)); if ($category_entity) { $guid = $category_entity->guid; } if (!$guid) { $first_category = getEntity(array("type" => "Productcategory")); if ($first_category) { $guid = $first_category->guid; } } if (adminLoggedIn()) { $button = "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "store/create_category' class='btn btn-default'>Create a Category</a>"; $button .= "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "store/create_product/{$guid}' class='btn btn-success'>Create Product</a>"; $button .= "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "store/edit_category/{$guid}' class='btn btn-info'>Edit Category</a>"; } else { $button = NULL; } switch (pageArray(1)) { case "categories": default: $body = display("pages/store"); break; case "create_category": adminGateKeeper(); $header = "Create a Category"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "create_product_category", "method" => "post", "action" => "CreateProductCategory")); break; case "create_product": adminGateKeeper(); $guid = pageArray(2); $category = getEntity($guid); $label = $category->label; $header = "Create a new product in the {$label} category"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "create_product", "method" => "post", "action" => "CreateProduct", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data")); break; case "register": $header = "Please register to continue."; $body = "<h2 class='text-center'>Register</h2>"; $body .= "<div class='row'>"; $body .= "<div class='col-md-4 col-md-offset-4'>"; $body .= drawForm(array("name" => "register", "method" => "post", "action" => "register")); $body .= "</div>"; $body .= "</div>"; $body .= "<h2 class='text-center'>Already have an account? <a href='" . getSiteURL() . "login?referer=cart'>Login</a></h2>"; break; case "edit_category": $header = "Edit Category"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_product_category", "action" => "EditProductCategory", "method" => "post")); break; case "edit_product": $header = "Edit Product"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_product", "action" => "EditProduct", "method" => "post", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data")); break; } $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $header, "body" => $body, "button" => $button)); }
<?php require_once "support.php"; require_once "dbLogin.php"; require_once "sqlconnector.php"; require_once "fileEditor.php"; require_once "personalClassInfo.php"; $fe = new FileEditor('login-info.txt'); $credentials = $fe->readFile(); $user = crypt($credentials[0], "\$2a\$07ausesomesillystringforsalt\$"); $password = crypt($credentials[1], "\$2a\$07ausesomesillystringforsalt\$"); if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) && hash_equals($user, crypt($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], "\$2a\$07ausesomesillystringforsalt\$")) && hash_equals($password, crypt($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'], "\$2a\$07ausesomesillystringforsalt\$"))) { drawPage(); } else { header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Example System\""); header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); exit; } function drawPage() { global $credentials; $body = ""; $login = new Credentials("", $credentials[0], $credentials[1], "tangodb"); $connector = new SQLConnector($login); $connector->connect(); //print_r($result); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $fields = $_POST['field']; $fieldsString = implode(", ", $fields); foreach ($fields as $table) { if ($table == "ConfirmedRegistrants") {