Пример #1
 protected static function _modify(Wpjb_Model_Job $job)
     $arr = $job->allToArray();
     foreach (Wpjb_Utility_Registry::getCategories() as $category) {
         if ($category->id == $job->job_category) {
     foreach (Wpjb_Utility_Registry::getJobTypes() as $type) {
         if ($type->id == $job->job_type) {
     $public = array("id", "company_name", "company_website", "job_type", "job_category", "job_country", "job_state", "job_zip_code", "job_location", "job_limit_to_country", "job_title", "job_slug", "job_created_at", "job_expires_at", "job_description", "is_active", "is_filled", "is_featured", "stat_view", "stat_unique", "stat_apply");
     $publish = new stdClass();
     foreach ($public as $k) {
         $publish->{$k} = $job->{$k};
     $arr = $job->allToArray();
     foreach ($arr as $k => $a) {
         if (substr($k, 0, 6) == "field_") {
             $publish->{$k} = $a;
     $publish->url = wpjb_link_to("job", $job);
     $publish->image = $job->getImageUrl();
     $publish->formatted_created_at = wpjb_date("M, d", $job->job_created_at);
     $publish->location = $job->locationToString();
     $publish->category = $category->toArray();
     $publish->type = $type->toArray();
     $publish->is_new = $job->isNew();
     $publish->is_free = $job->isFree();
     return $publish;
Пример #2
 public function addAction()
     $this->view->current_step = 1;
     $canPost = $this->_canPost();
     if (!$canPost) {
         return false;
     if (!is_user_logged_in() && Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->conf("posting_encourage_reg")) {
         $eUrl = wpjb_link_to("employer_new");
         $m = __("<b>Quick Tip</b>: If you login before posting a job, you will be able to manage all your jobs from <a href=\"{url}\">employer account</a>.", WPJB_DOMAIN);
         $m = str_replace("{url}", $eUrl, $m);
     $query = new Daq_Db_Query();
     $l = $query->select("*")->from("Wpjb_Model_Listing t")->execute();
     $listing = array();
     foreach ($l as $li) {
         $listing[$li->getId()] = $li;
     $this->view->listing = $listing;
     $form = new Wpjb_Form_AddJob();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.job_id", null);
     $job = new Wpjb_Model_Job($this->getRequest()->get("republish", null));
     $empId = Wpjb_Model_Employer::current()->getId();
     $arr = array();
     if ($request->session("wpjb.reset_job", false)) {
         $ext = $request->session("wpjb.job_logo_ext");
         $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.job", null);
         $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.reset_job", null);
         $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.job_logo_ext", null);
         $file = Wpjb_List_Path::getPath("tmp_images") . "/temp_" . session_id() . "." . $ext;
         if (is_file($file)) {
     } elseif ($empId > 0 && $job->employer_id == $empId || current_user_can("manage_options")) {
         $arr = $job->allToArray();
         if ($job->hasImage()) {
             $ext = $job->company_logo_ext;
             $path = Wpjb_List_Path::getPath("tmp_images");
             copy($job->getImagePath(), $path . "/temp_" . session_id() . "." . $ext);
             $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.job_logo_ext", $ext);
     } elseif ($empId > 0 && wp_get_current_user()->ID > 0 && $request->session("wpjb.job") == null) {
         $emp = Wpjb_Model_Employer::current();
         $arr = $emp->toArray();
         $arr['company_email'] = wp_get_current_user()->user_email;
         $arr['job_location'] = $emp->company_location;
         $arr['job_country'] = $emp->company_country;
         $arr['job_state'] = $emp->company_state;
         $arr['job_zip_code'] = $emp->company_zip_code;
         $m = __("<b>Note</b>: Data from your company profile is being used to fill 'Company Information' fields.", WPJB_DOMAIN);
         if ($emp->hasImage()) {
             $ext = $emp->company_logo_ext;
             $path = Wpjb_List_Path::getPath("tmp_images");
             copy($emp->getImagePath(), $path . "/temp_" . session_id() . "." . $ext);
             $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.job_logo_ext", $ext);
     $jobArr = $request->session("wpjb.job", null);
     if (is_array($jobArr)) {
         if (!$form->isValid($jobArr)) {
             $this->view->_flash->addError(__("There are errors in your form. Please correct them before proceeding", WPJB_DOMAIN));
     } else {
     $this->view->form = $form;