protected static function _modify(Wpjb_Model_Job $job) { $arr = $job->allToArray(); foreach (Wpjb_Utility_Registry::getCategories() as $category) { if ($category->id == $job->job_category) { break; } } foreach (Wpjb_Utility_Registry::getJobTypes() as $type) { if ($type->id == $job->job_type) { break; } } $public = array("id", "company_name", "company_website", "job_type", "job_category", "job_country", "job_state", "job_zip_code", "job_location", "job_limit_to_country", "job_title", "job_slug", "job_created_at", "job_expires_at", "job_description", "is_active", "is_filled", "is_featured", "stat_view", "stat_unique", "stat_apply"); $publish = new stdClass(); foreach ($public as $k) { $publish->{$k} = $job->{$k}; } $arr = $job->allToArray(); foreach ($arr as $k => $a) { if (substr($k, 0, 6) == "field_") { $publish->{$k} = $a; } } $publish->url = wpjb_link_to("job", $job); $publish->image = $job->getImageUrl(); $publish->formatted_created_at = wpjb_date("M, d", $job->job_created_at); $publish->location = $job->locationToString(); $publish->category = $category->toArray(); $publish->type = $type->toArray(); $publish->is_new = $job->isNew(); $publish->is_free = $job->isFree(); return $publish; }
public function render() { $router = Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->getApplication("frontend")->getRouter(); /* @var $router Daq_Router */ $notify = Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->getUrl() . "/" . $router->linkTo("step_notify", $this->_data); $complete = Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->getUrl() . "/" . $router->linkTo("step_complete", $this->_data); $amount = $this->_data->payment_sum - $this->_data->payment_paid; $currency = self::$_currency[$this->_data->payment_currency]['code']; $product = str_replace("{num}", $this->_data->getId(), __("Job Board order #{num} at: ", WPJB_DOMAIN)); $product .= get_bloginfo("name"); $html = ""; $html .= '<form action="' . $this->getUrl() . '" method="post">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="business" value="' . $this->getEmail() . '">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="' . $notify . '">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . $complete . '">'; $html .= '<!--input type="hidden" name="rm" value="2"-->'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="' . $product . '">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="' . $amount . '">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="' . $currency . '">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF:btn_buynowCC_LG.gif:NonHostedGuest">'; $html .= '<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="">'; $html .= '<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">'; $html .= '</form>'; return $html; }
protected function _delete() { extract($this->_virtual[__FUNCTION__]); if ($this->isPost() && $this->hasParam("delete")) { $id = $this->_request->post("id", 0); try { $model = new $model($id); $job = new Wpjb_Model_Job($model->job_id); $model->delete(); $job->stat_apply--; $job->save(); $this->_addInfo($info); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_addError($e->getMessage()); // @todo: logging } } }
public function editAction() { $id = $this->_request->get("id"); $job = new Wpjb_Model_Job($id); if ($job->employer_id != Wpjb_Model_Employer::current()->getId()) { $this->_addError(__("You do not have access to this page.", WPJB_DOMAIN)); $this->view->revoke_access = true; return; } if (!Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->conf("front_allow_edition")) { $this->_addError(__("Administrator does not allow job postings edition.", WPJB_DOMAIN)); $this->view->revoke_access = true; return; } if ($this->_request->post("remove_image") == 1) { $job->deleteImage(); $job->save(); $form = new Wpjb_Form_Admin_AddJob($id); $this->view->form = $form; } else { parent::editAction(); } }
protected function _import($xml) { $id = null; if ($xml->id > 0) { $id = (int) $xml->id; } $job = new Wpjb_Model_Job($id); $job->company_name = (string) $xml->company_name; $job->company_email = (string) $xml->company_email; $job->company_website = (string) $xml->company_website; $job->job_title = (string) $xml->job_title; $job->job_description = (string) $xml->job_description; $job->job_slug = $this->_getUniqueSlug($job->job_title); if (strlen($xml->company_logo_ext) >= 3) { $job->company_logo_ext = (string) $xml->company_logo_ext; $logo = base64_decode((string) $xml->company_logo); } $job->job_category = $this->_getCategoryId($xml->category); $job->job_type = $this->_getJobTypeId($xml->job_type); $c = Wpjb_List_Country::getByAlpha2((string) $xml->job_country); $job->job_country = $c["code"]; $job->job_state = (string) $xml->job_state; $job->job_zip_code = (string) $xml->job_zip_code; $job->job_location = (string) $xml->job_location; $job->job_created_at = (string) $xml->job_created_at; if (!(string) $xml->job_modified_at) { $job->job_modified_at = (string) $xml->job_modified_at; } else { $job->job_modified_at = (string) $xml->job_created_at; } $job->job_visible = (int) $xml->job_visible; $stt = "{$job->job_created_at} +{$job->job_visible} DAYS"; $job->job_expires_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($stt)); $job->is_approved = (int) $xml->is_approved; $job->is_active = (int) $xml->is_approved; $job->is_featured = (int) $xml->is_featured; $job->is_filled = (int) $xml->is_filled; $job->payment_sum = (double) $xml->payment_sum; $job->payment_paid = (double) $xml->payment_paid; $job->payment_currency = (double) $xml->payment_currency; $job->payment_discount = (double) $xml->payment_discount; $job->save(); if ($logo) { $baseDir = Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->getProjectBaseDir(); $baseDir = "/environment/images/job_" . $job->getId() . "." . $job->company_logo_ext; file_put_contents($baseDir, $file); } }
public static function parse(Wpjb_Model_Email $mail, Wpjb_Model_Job $job, array $append) { $active = "active"; if (!$job->is_active && !$job->is_approved) { $active = "inactive"; } $time = strtotime($job->job_created_at); $newdate = strtotime('+' . $job->job_visible . ' day', $time); $expiration = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $newdate); /* @var $job Wpjb_Model_Job */ $exchangeArray = array("id" => $job->getId(), "created" => $job->job_created_at, "visible" => $job->job_visible, "price" => $job->paymentAmount(), "paid" => $job->paymentPaid(), "discount" => $job->paymentDiscount(), "company" => $job->company_name, "location" => $job->locationToString(), "email" => $job->company_email, "position_title" => $job->job_title, "listing_type" => $job->getType(true)->title, "category" => $job->getCategory(true)->title, "active" => $active, "url" => Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->getUrl() . "/" . Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->router()->linkTo("job", $job), "expiration" => $expiration); foreach ($append as $k => $v) { $exchangeArray[$k] = $v; } $body = $mail->mail_body; $mail_title = $mail->mail_title; foreach ($exchangeArray as $key => $value) { //$v = esc_html($value, false); $v = $value; $body = str_replace('{$' . $key . '}', $v, $body); $mail_title = str_replace('{$' . $key . '}', $v, $mail_title); } return array($mail_title, $body); }
protected function _setStatus($status) { $application = $this->getObject(); $job = new Wpjb_Model_Job($application->job_id); $emp = $job->getEmployer(true); if ($emp->user_id < 1 || $emp->user_id != wp_get_current_user()->ID) { $this->view->_flash->addError(__("You are not allowed to access this page.", WPJB_DOMAIN)); return false; } $application->is_rejected = $status; $application->save(); if ($status == 1) { $this->view->_flash->addInfo(__("Application was moved to archive.", WPJB_DOMAIN)); } else { $this->view->_flash->addInfo(__("Application was accepted.", WPJB_DOMAIN)); } wp_redirect(wpjb_link_to("job_application", $application)); exit; }
public function _filter() { $query = new Daq_Db_Query(); $this->view->jobList = Wpjb_Model_Job::activeSelect()->where("t1.is_featured = 1")->limit($this->_get("count", 5))->execute(); }
protected function _multiApprove($id) { $object = new Wpjb_Model_Job($id); $object->is_approved = 1; $object->save(); return true; }
public static function search($params) { $category = null; $type = null; $posted = null; $query = null; $field = array(); $location = null; $page = null; $count = null; $order = null; $sort = null; extract($params); $select = Wpjb_Model_Job::activeSelect(); if (isset($is_featured)) { $select->where("t1.is_featured = 1"); } if (isset($employer_id)) { $select->where("t1.employer_id IN(?)", $employer_id); } if (isset($country)) { $select->where("t1.job_country = ?", $country); } if (is_array($category)) { $category = array_map("intval", $category); $select->join("t1.category t2", " IN (" . join(",", $category) . ")"); } elseif (!empty($category)) { $select->join("t1.category t2", " = " . (int) $category); } else { $select->join("t1.category t2"); } if (is_array($type)) { $type = array_map("intval", $type); $select->join("t1.type t3", " IN (" . join(",", $type) . ")"); } elseif (!empty($type)) { $select->join("t1.type t3", "" . (int) $type); } else { $select->join("t1.type t3"); } $days = $posted; if ($days == 1) { $time = date("Y-m-d"); $select->where("DATE(job_created_at) = ?", date("Y-m-d")); } elseif ($days == 2) { $time = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("yesterday")); $select->where("DATE(job_created_at) = ?", date("Y-m-d", strtotime("now -1 day"))); } elseif (is_numeric($days)) { $select->where("job_created_at >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)", (int) $days); } if (is_array($field)) { foreach ($field as $k => $v) { $k = intval($k); $v = trim($v); if ($k < 1 || empty($v)) { continue; } $custom = new Wpjb_Model_AdditionalField($k); if ($custom->field_for != 1) { continue; } $q = new Daq_Db_Query(); $q->select("COUNT(*) AS c"); $q->from("Wpjb_Model_FieldValue tf{$k}"); $q->where("tf{$k}"); if ($custom->type == 3 || $custom->type == 4) { $q->where("tf{$k}.value = ?", $v); } else { $q->where("tf{$k}.value LIKE ?", "%{$v}%"); } $select->where("({$q})>0"); } } $searchString = $search = $query; $q = "MATCH(t4.title, t4.description, t4.location,"; $q .= "AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; $select->select("COUNT(*) AS `cnt`"); $itemsFound = 0; if ($searchString && strlen($searchString) <= 3) { $select->join(" t4"); $select->where("(t4.title LIKE ?", '%' . $searchString . '%'); $select->orWhere("t4.description LIKE ?)", '%' . $searchString . '%'); $itemsFound = $select->fetchColumn(); $search = false; } elseif ($searchString) { foreach (array(1, 2, 3) as $t) { $test = clone $select; $test->join(" t4"); if ($t == 1) { $test->where(str_replace("?", '\'"' . mysql_real_escape_string($search) . '"\'', $q)); } elseif ($t == 2) { $test->where($q, "+" . str_replace(" ", " +", $search)); } else { $test->where($q, $search); } $itemsFound = $test->fetchColumn(); if ($itemsFound > 0) { break; } } } else { $itemsFound = $select->fetchColumn(); } if ($search) { $select->join(" t4"); if ($t == 1) { $select->where(str_replace("?", '\'"' . mysql_real_escape_string($search) . '"\'', $q)); } elseif ($t == 2) { $select->where($q, "+" . str_replace(" ", " +", $search)); } else { $select->where($q, $search); } } if ($searchString && $location) { $select->where("t4.location LIKE ?", "%{$location}%"); } elseif ($location) { $select->join(" t4"); $select->where("t4.location LIKE ?", "%{$location}%"); } $select->select("*"); if ($page && $count) { $select->limitPage($page, $count); } $ord = array("id", "job_created_at", "job_title"); if (!in_array($order, $ord)) { $order = null; } if ($sort != "desc") { $sort = "asc"; } if ($order) { $select->order("t1.is_featured DESC, t1.{$order} {$sort}"); } $jobList = $select->execute(); $response = new stdClass(); $response->job = $jobList; $response->page = $page; $response->perPage = $count; $response->count = count($jobList); $response->total = $itemsFound; $link = wpjb_link_to("feed_custom"); $link2 = wpjb_link_to("search"); $p2 = $params; unset($p2["page"]); unset($p2["count"]); $q2 = http_build_query($p2); $glue = "?"; if (stripos($link, "?")) { $glue = "&"; } $response->url = new stdClass(); $response->url->feed = $link . $glue . $q2; $response->url->search = $link2 . $glue . $q2; return $response; }
protected function _locate($asyncSave = false) { $country = Wpjb_List_Country::getByCode($this->job_country); $country = trim($country['name']); $addr = array($this->job_location, $this->job_zip_code, $this->job_state, $country); $query = http_build_query(array("address" => join(", ", $addr), "sensor" => "false")); $url = "" . $query; $response = wp_remote_get($url); if ($response instanceof WP_Error) { $geo = null; } else { $geo = json_decode($response["body"]); } if (!$geo || $geo->status != "OK") { $this->geo_status = self::GEO_MISSING; $this->geo_latitude = 0; $this->geo_longitude = 0; } elseif ($geo->status == "OK") { $this->geo_status = self::GEO_FOUND; $this->geo_latitude = $geo->results[0]->geometry->location->lat; $this->geo_longitude = $geo->results[0]->geometry->location->lng; } if ($this->id > 0 && $asyncSave) { $job = new Wpjb_Model_Job($this->id); $job->geo_status = $this->geo_status; $job->geo_latitude = $this->geo_latitude; $job->geo_longitude = $this->geo_longitude; $job->_saveGeo(); } }
private function _jobs() { return Wpjb_Model_Job::activeSelect(); }
public function init() { $this->_perPage = Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->conf("front_jobs_per_page", 20); $this->_query = Wpjb_Model_Job::activeSelect(); }
public function saveAction() { if (!$this->_canPost()) { wp_redirect($this->_stepAdd); } $this->view->current_step = 3; $form = new Wpjb_Form_AddJob(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $id = $request->session("wpjb.job_id"); if ($id < 1) { if ($form->isValid($request->session("wpjb.job", array()))) { $paymentMethod = $form->getElement("payment_method")->getValue(); $form->save(); $job = $form->getObject(); if (strlen($request->session("wpjb.job_logo_ext")) > 0) { $ext = $request->session("wpjb.job_logo_ext"); $path1 = Wpjb_List_Path::getPath("tmp_images"); $path2 = Wpjb_List_Path::getPath("user_images"); $oldName = $path1 . "/temp_" . session_id() . "." . $ext; $newName = $path2 . "/job_" . $job->getId() . "." . $ext; $job->company_logo_ext = $ext; $job->save(); rename($oldName, $newName); } if ($job->payment_sum > 0) { $uid = null; if (wp_get_current_user()->ID > 0) { $uid = wp_get_current_user()->ID; } $payment = new Wpjb_Model_Payment(); $payment->user_id = $uid; $payment->object_id = $job->getId(); $payment->object_type = Wpjb_Model_Payment::FOR_JOB; $payment->engine = $paymentMethod; $payment->payment_currency = $job->payment_currency; $payment->payment_sum = $job->payment_sum; $payment->payment_paid = 0; $payment->save(); } $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.job", null); $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.job_logo_ext", null); $request->setSessionParam("wpjb.job_id", $job->getId()); } else { wp_redirect(Wpjb_Project::getInstance()->getUrl() . "/" . $this->_getRouter()->linkTo("step_add")); } } else { $job = new Wpjb_Model_Job($id); } if ($job->payment_sum > 0) { if ($job->payment_sum != $job->payment_paid) { $action = "payment_form"; } else { $action = "payment_already_sent"; } } else { $action = "job_online"; if ($job->is_active && $job->is_approved) { $online = true; } else { $online = false; } $this->view->online = $online; } if ($action == "payment_form") { $payment = Wpjb_Payment_Factory::factory($job->getPayment(true)); $this->view->payment = $payment->render(); } $this->view->action = $action; $this->view->job = $job; }
function wpjb_panel_features(Wpjb_Model_Job $job) { if ($job->expired()) { echo " wpjb-expired"; } elseif (time() - strtotime($job->job_expires_at) > 24 * 3600 * 3) { echo " wpjb-expiring"; } }
protected static function _insertIndeedJob($job) { $request = Daq_Request::getInstance(); $category = new Wpjb_Model_Category($request->post("category_id")); $sTime = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $eTime = strtotime("now +30 day"); $visible = (int) (($eTime - $sTime) / (24 * 3600)); if (count(explode(",", (string) $job->jobType)) > 0) { $type = explode(",", (string) $job->jobType); $jobTypeId = self::_getJobTypeId($type[0]); } else { $jobTypeId = self::_getJobTypeId((string) $job->jobType); } $import = new Wpjb_Model_Job(); $import->company_name = (string) $job->company; $import->company_website = (string) $job->url; $import->company_email = ""; $import->company_logo_ext = ""; $import->job_category = $category->getId(); $import->job_type = $jobTypeId; $import->job_source = 3; $country = Wpjb_List_Country::getByAlpha2((string) $job->country); $import->job_country = $country['code']; $import->job_state = (string) $job->state; $import->job_zip_code = ""; $import->job_location = (string) $job->city; $import->job_limit_to_country = 0; $import->job_title = (string) $job->jobtitle; $import->job_slug = self::_getUniqueSlug((string) $job->jobtitle); $import->job_description = html_entity_decode((string) $job->snippet, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8"); $import->job_visible = $visible; $import->job_created_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $import->job_modified_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $import->job_expires_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("now +{$visible} days")); $import->is_approved = 1; $import->is_active = 1; $import->is_filled = 0; $import->payment_sum = 0; $import->payment_paid = 0; $import->payment_currency = 0; $import->payment_discount = 0; $import->save(); /* $log = new Wpjb_Model_CareerBuilderLog(); $log->did = $job->Job->DID; $log->save(); * */ }
public function _filter() { $query = new Daq_Db_Query(); $this->view->jobList = Wpjb_Model_Job::activeSelect()->order("t1.job_created_at DESC")->limit($this->_get("count", 5))->execute(); }
public static function scheduleEvent() { $query = Wpjb_Model_Job::activeSelect(); $query->select("t1.job_category AS category_id, COUNT(*) AS cnt"); $query->group("t1.job_category"); $cAll = array(); foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $row) { $cAll[$row->category_id] = $row->cnt; } $query = Wpjb_Model_Job::activeSelect(); $query->select("t1.job_type AS type_id, COUNT(*) AS cnt"); $query->group("t1.job_type"); $tAll = array(); foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $row) { $tAll[$row->type_id] = $row->cnt; } $conf = self::getInstance(); $conf->setConfigParam("count", array("category" => $cAll, "type" => $tAll)); $conf->saveConfig(); }