public function get_html() { global $post; // v6.76 $params = $this->params; //var_dump($params); Wf_Debug::stash(array('$params' => $params)); $html = "\n<div class='" . $params['style'] . "'>\n"; // v3.51 renamed from $class $html .= extra_markup($params); // v4.2 if ($params['heading']) { $html .= "<div class='hwrap'><h2>" . $params['heading'] . "</h2></div>\n"; // <div class='hwrap'> added for carplus v3.15 } $widg_id = $params['widgnum'] . "_" . $params['region']; // eg: 0_left or __shortcode // v4.3 $params['region'] $args = array('post_type' => $params['post_type'], 'post_status' => $params['status'], 'posts_per_page' => $params['show_posts'], 'order' => strtoupper($params['order']), 'orderby' => $params['orderby'], 'widg_id' => $widg_id, 'list' => true, 'paginate' => $params['paginate']); if ($params['paginate']) { parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $q_array); // eg: ?pgd_0_left=3 if (isset($q_array["pgd_" . $widg_id])) { $args['paged'] = $q_array["pgd_" . $widg_id]; } else { $args['paged'] = 1; } } // v6.63 if ($params['date_field']) { if ($params['orderby'] == 'date') { $args['orderby'] = 'meta_value'; $args['meta_key'] = $params['date_field']; } if ($params['status'] == 'future') { $args['post_status'] = 'publish'; // v6.68 not 'published'! $args['meta_query'] = array(array('key' => $params['date_field'], 'type' => 'DATETIME', 'value' => date("Y-m-d H:i"), 'compare' => '>')); } } if ($params['cat'] !== false) { $args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => $params['post_type'] == 'post' ? 'category' : $params['post_type'] . '_type', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $params['cat'], 'operator' => 'IN')); if ($params['omit_self']) { // v6.76 //$args['post__not_in'] = array($params['host_post']); $args['post__not_in'] = array($post->ID); } } Wf_Debug::stash(array('$args' => $args)); $html .= get_catposts($args, $params); $html .= Wf_Widget::get_endlink($params); //v5.7 $html .= "</div>\n"; // class = 'list' return $html; }
function lib_move_stuff() { // stuff that broke when I moved wf_lib to a plugin // MISCELLANEOUS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Specify users (by login name) who will see debug info... if (class_exists('Wf_Debug')) { //v6.15 Wf_Debug::$users = array('Wingfinger', 'Bill', 'admin'); } if (function_exists('set_up_mimic_content_filter')) { //v6.15 set_up_mimic_content_filter(); } if (!function_exists('widget_html')) { function widget_html($widget_class, $style, $qstring) { return "<p class='not_found'>Class " . $widget_class . " not found. <strong>wf_library</strong> plugin not loaded.</p>"; } } function get_region_html($region) { if (class_exists('Wf_Widget')) { return Wf_Widget::get_region_html($region); } else { return "Wingfinger Widgets plugin not loaded."; } } function new_excerpt_length($length) { return 25; //to change the number of words in an excerpt } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'new_excerpt_length'); function new_excerpt_more($more) { global $post; return ' <a class=more_link href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">» Read more...</a>'; // to make the read more into a link to the post } add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more'); if (function_exists('search_request_filter')) { add_filter('request', 'search_request_filter'); // wf_lib.php } if (function_exists('show_future_posts')) { add_filter('the_posts', 'show_future_posts'); } add_theme_support('post-thumbnails'); add_post_type_support('wf_snippet', 'comments'); add_post_type_support('wf_sitenote', 'comments'); // Specify which pages should be excluded from main menu function get_page_excludes() { // v2.19 $excludes = array(); return implode(',', array_keys($excludes)); } // IMAGE SIZES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// global $content_width; $content_width = 740; // limits width of large size uploads - if (false === get_option("medium_crop")) { // force WP to crop medium images: add_option("medium_crop", "1"); } else { update_option("medium_crop", "1"); } if (false === get_option("large_crop")) { // force WP to crop large images: add_option("large_crop", "1"); } else { update_option("large_crop", "1"); } }
function add_wf_debug_dashboard_box() { // v6.25 if (class_exists('Wf_Debug') && Wf_Debug::output('bottom') != '') { wp_add_dashboard_widget('wf_debug_box_id', 'Wingfinger debugging info', 'wf_debug_dashboard_box'); // NB: same id as metabox version } }
echo get_region_html('left'); ?> </div><!-- wf_lining --> </div><!-- leftcol --> <!--<div id="threecolclearer"></div> --> <!--</div>--><!-- threecols --> <footer id="footer"> <?php if (function_exists('admin_login_link')) { // wf_library admin_login_link(); } ?> <p>Powered by WordPress. <a href="">Web design by Wingfinger Graphics, Leeds</a></p> </footer> <?php wp_footer(); // required for plugins that hook to 'wp_footer' if (class_exists('Wf_Debug')) { // wf_library echo Wf_Debug::output('debug'); // v6.17 } ?> </body> </html>