/* category, forum, manager, new messages */ while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $forum = $line['forum']; $category = $line['category']; $forum_title = $line['forum_title']; $manager = $line['manager']; $members = $line['members']; if (!empty($members) && $name != 'admin') { continue; } print "<TR>\n"; print "<TD>{$category}\n"; print "<TD><A HREF={$mainfile}?forum={$forum}&name={$name}&data={$data}>{$forum_title}</A>\n"; $alias = GetAlias($manager); print "<TD>{$alias}\n"; $new = GetNewMessages($forum); print "<TD>{$new}\n"; } print "</TABLE>\n"; print "</CENTER>\n"; if (empty($name)) { print "<BR><BR><P dir=RTL>\n"; print "<A HREF={$loginscript}?forum={$table}&url={$mainfile}>{$l10nstr['10']}</A><BR>\n"; /* system registration */ print "<BR>{$l10nstr['11']}\n"; /* must register to system in order to write messages */ print "{$l10nstr['12']}\n"; /* reading is possible without registering */ } else { print "<BR><BR><P dir=RTL>\n"; ShowUserSex();
public function GetAllInfo($session, $lastprj, $get, $filter, $lastmes) { $DB = new DB('master'); $id = array(); $login = array(); $uname = array(); $usurname = array(); $text = array(); $picname = array(); $thread = array(); $pro = array(); $online = array(); $time = array(); $head = array(); $budget = array(); $b_type = array(); $type = array(); $role = array(); if ($sess_ar = Session($session, $error)) { $mescount = 0; $money = 0; $log = fopen('sql.log', 'a'); $res = $DB->query('select users.hits, users.rating + 0.5*(CURRENT_DATE-reg_date) + freelancer.portf_rating as rating, account.sum from users LEFT JOIN account ON account.uid=users.uid LEFT JOIN freelancer ON freelancer.fid=users.uid where users.uid=? LIMIT 1', $sess_ar['uid']); //fwrite($log,"\n".date("Y.m.d h:i:s")." ".join(" ",$filter)); list($hits, $rating, $money) = @pg_fetch_row($res); if ($get[0]) { $result_mess = GetNewMessages($sess_ar['uid'], $id, $login, $uname, $usurname, $text, $picname, $thread, $pro, $online, $time, $head, $budget, $b_type, $type, $role, $lastmes); } if ($get[1]) { $result_prj = GetNewProjects($sess_ar['uid'], $filter, $id, $login, $uname, $usurname, $text, $picname, $thread, $pro, $online, $time, $head, $budget, $b_type, $type, $role, $lastprj); } return array('result' => '', 'id' => $id, 'login' => $login, 'uname' => $uname, 'usurname' => $usurname, 'text' => $text, 'picname' => $picname, 'thread' => $thread, 'pro' => $pro, 'online' => $online, 'time' => $time, 'head' => $head, 'budget' => $budget, 'b_type' => $b_type, 'money' => $money, 'lastprj' => $lastprj, 'rating' => round($rating * 10), 'hits' => $hits, 'type' => $type, 'role' => $role, 'lastmes' => $lastmes); } else { return array('result' => mb_convert_encoding('Ошибка: ' . $error, 'UTF-8', 'windows-1251'), 'id' => $id, 'login' => $login, 'uname' => $uname, 'usurname' => $usurname, 'text' => $text, 'picname' => $picname, 'thread' => $thread, 'pro' => $pro, 'online' => $online, 'time' => $time, 'head' => $head, 'budget' => $budget, 'b_type' => $b_type, 'money' => 0, 'lastprj' => 0, 'rating' => 0, 'hits' => 0, 'type' => $type, 'role' => $role, 'lastmes' => $lastmes); } }