
require 'tropo.class.php';
$tropo = new Tropo();
//Send a whisper array with all of the functions
$whisper = array();
//The next method will be an ask
$choices = new Choices("1", "dtmf");
$a = new Ask(1, true, $choices, NULL, "foo", true, "Press one to accept the call or any other number to decline.", 30, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.01, NULL);
$ask = array("ask" => $a);
//push the ask to the whisper array
array_push($whisper, $ask);
//The first method will be a say
$say = array("say" => new Say("You are now being connected to the call."));
//Push the say to the whisper array
array_push($whisper, $say);
$tropo->say("please hold while you are transferred");
//Create the connect whisper on event for the transfer with a ring event
$on = array("event" => "connect", "whisper" => $whisper, "ring" => "http://www.phono.com/audio/holdmusic.mp3");
//Create the connect whisper on event for the transfer without a ring event
$on = array("event" => "connect", "whisper" => $whisper);
$options = array('on' => $on, 'from' => '14071234321');
//use the connect whisper in the transfer
$tropo->transfer("+14071234321", $options);
$tropo->on(array("event" => "incomplete", "next" => "hangup.php", "say" => "You have opted to not accept this call. Goodbye!"));
echo $tropo->RenderJson();