function conference()
    global $voice;
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $result = new Result();
    $conference = $result->getValue();
    $tropo->say('<speak>Conference ID <say-as interpret-as=\'vxml:digits\'>' . $conference . '</say-as> accepted.</speak>');
    $tropo->say('You will now be placed into the conference. Please announce yourself. To exit the conference without disconnecting, press pound.');
    $tropo->conference($conference, array('id' => $conference, 'terminator' => '#'));
    $tropo->say('You have left the conference.');
    $tropo->on(array("event" => "continue", "next" => "restart"));
Пример #2
function demo_error()
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $tropo->say("Please try your request again later.");
    return $tropo->renderJSON();
function app_continue()
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    @($result = new Result());
    $userType = $result->getUserType();
    $tropo->say("You are a {$userType}");
Пример #4
 public function voice_continue()
     $tropo = new Tropo();
     @($result = new Result());
     $answer = $result->getValue();
     $tropo->say("You said " . $answer);
function app_error()
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $tropo->say("Something has gone wrong, please call back.");
    return $tropo->RenderJson();

require 'tropo.class.php';
$tropo = new Tropo();
$session = new Session();
$from = $session->getFrom();
$callerID = $from["id"];
$tropo->say("You are about to enter the conference");
$tropo->conference(null, array("id" => "1234", "name" => "joinleave", "joinPrompt" => "{$callerID} has entered the conference", "leavePrompt" => "{$callerID} has left the conference", "voice" => "Kate"));
function zip_error()
    // Step 1. Create a new instance of the Tropo object.
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    // Step 2. This is the last thing the user will be told before the session ends.
    $tropo->say("Please try your request again later.");
    // Step 3. End the session.
    // Step 4. Render the JSON for the Tropo WebAPI to consume.
    return $tropo->renderJSON();
Пример #8
$fsUser = '******';
$fsPass = '******';
require 'TropoClasses.php';
$voice = 'allison';
// set the base URL for the app
$base = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https://" : "http://";
$tropo = new Tropo();
$tropo->voice = 'allison';
// set a default action
$action = isset($_GET['event']) ? $_GET['event'] : '/';
if ($action == '/') {
    // This is a new session, not an event.
    // Set up the event that fires when the next response is sent from Tropo
    $tropo->on(array('event' => 'continue', 'next' => $base . '?event=checkin'));
    $tropo->say('Welcome to the Four Square check in I V R.');
    // Get last FS checkin
    $history = getapi('history', null, 1);
    if (!is_array($history['checkins'])) {
        // Since we have no data, foursquare API must be having issues. Hang up.
        $tropo->say('Could not reach the Four Square API. Try again later.');
        print $tropo;
    // What is the geolocation of my last checkin?
    $lat = $history['checkins'][0]['venue']['geolat'];
    $long = $history['checkins'][0]['venue']['geolong'];
    // Find venues nearby where I've checked in recently.
    $nearby = getapi('venues', array('geolat' => $lat, 'geolong' => $long), 9);
    $dtmf = 1;
    $venues = array();
Пример #9

 * A sample application that demonstrates the use of the TropoPHP package.
 * @copyright 2010 Mark J. Headd (
// Include Tropo classes.
require 'tropo.class.php';
$tropo = new Tropo();
$tropo->say("Hello World!");
Пример #10

include_once 'tropo.class.php';
$token = 'your token here';
$number = 'the number you would like to dial';
$tropo = new Tropo();
try {
    $session = new Session();
    if ($session->getParams("action") == "create") {
        $tropo->say('This is an outbound call.');
    } else {
        $tropo->say('Thank you for calling us.');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    if ($e->getCode() == '1') {
        // The session object threw an exception, so this file wasn't
        // loaded as part of a Tropo session. Launch a Tropo session.
        if ($tropo->createSession($token, array('dial' => $number))) {
            print 'Call launched to ' . $number;
Пример #11

//this example accepts parameters passed to it from an outside REST request (such as a curl app) -
//it extracts the values of the passed parameters and uses it to send, in this case, an outbound text
use Tropo\Action\Session;
require 'tropo.class.php';
//brings in the Tropo library
$session = new Session();
$to = "+" . $session->getParameters("numbertodial");
$name = $session->getParameters("customername");
$msg = $session->getParameters("msg");
//extracts the contents of the passed parameters and assigns them as variables for later use
$tropo = new Tropo();
$tropo->call($to, array('network' => 'SMS'));
$tropo->say("OMG " . $name . ", " . $msg . "!");
//actually creates the call, passed the "to" value and then adds in the other variables for the message
return $tropo->RenderJson();
//defines the response to Tropo in JSON
// Include the library
require 'tropo.class.php';
try {
    // If there is not a session object in the POST body,
    // then this isn't a new session. Tropo will throw
    // an exception, so check for that.
    $session = new Session();
} catch (TropoException $e) {
    // This is a normal case, so we don't really need to
    // do anything if we catch this.
$caller = $session->getFrom();
$tropo = new Tropo();
// $caller now has a hash containing the keys: id, name, channel, and network
$tropo->say("Your phone number is " . $caller['id']);
$called = $session->getTo();
// $called now has a hash containing the keys: id, name, channel, and network
$tropo->say("You called " . $called['id'] . " but you probably already knew that.");
if ($called['channel'] == "TEXT") {
    // This is a text message
    $tropo->say("You contacted me via text.");
    // The first text of the session is going to be queued and applied to the first
    // ask statement you include...
    $tropo->ask("This will catch the first text", array('choices' => '[ANY]'));
    // ... or, you can grab that first text like this straight from the session.
    $messsage = $session->getInitialText();
    $tropo->say("You said " . $message);
} else {
    // This is a phone call
    $tropo->say("Awww. How nice. You cared enough to call.");
Пример #13
 protected function _send_reply_message()
     $tropo = new Tropo();
     $tropo->call($this->_session->from_phone_number, array('network' => 'SMS'));

require 'tropo.class.php';
$tropo = new Tropo();
//Send a whisper array with all of the functions
$whisper = array();
//The next method will be an ask
$choices = new Choices("1", "dtmf");
$a = new Ask(1, true, $choices, NULL, "foo", true, "Press one to accept the call or any other number to decline.", 30, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.01, NULL);
$ask = array("ask" => $a);
//push the ask to the whisper array
array_push($whisper, $ask);
//The first method will be a say
$say = array("say" => new Say("You are now being connected to the call."));
//Push the say to the whisper array
array_push($whisper, $say);
$tropo->say("please hold while you are transferred");
//Create the connect whisper on event for the transfer with a ring event
$on = array("event" => "connect", "whisper" => $whisper, "ring" => "");
//Create the connect whisper on event for the transfer without a ring event
$on = array("event" => "connect", "whisper" => $whisper);
$options = array('on' => $on, 'from' => '14071234321');
//use the connect whisper in the transfer
$tropo->transfer("+14071234321", $options);
$tropo->on(array("event" => "incomplete", "next" => "hangup.php", "say" => "You have opted to not accept this call. Goodbye!"));
echo $tropo->RenderJson();