if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/account/view_title/' . $title_id)->withInput()->withErrors($validator)->with('message', '輸入錯誤,請檢查'); } else { $data = Input::all(); $title = Title::find($titleId); if ($title->update($data)) { $message = '更新職稱《' . $data['title_name'] . '》完成'; } else { $message = '資料寫入錯誤'; } return Redirect::to('/account/view_title/' . $titleId)->with('message', $message); } }); // 執行刪除職稱 Route::get('/delete_title/{titleId}', function ($titleId) { $title = Title::find($titleId); $message = '刪除《' . $title->title_name . '》完成'; $title->delete(); return Redirect::to('account/')->with('message', $message); }); }); /** * 班級、年級管理 */ Route::group(array('prefix' => 'class_year', 'before' => 'auth'), function () { // 讀取年級列表 $GLOBALS['yearList'] = Year::orderBy('year_name')->get(); // 顯示年級列表、年級新增表單 Route::get('/', function () { return View::make('class_year')->with(array('yearList' => $GLOBALS['yearList'], 'year' => NULL)); });
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/includes/root.php"; must_allow("modify titles"); $title = Title::find($_REQUEST["id"]); if ($title == NULL) { $renderer->flash_alert("Unable to find the requested title"); header("Location: title-list.php"); exit; } $renderer->variable("pub", $title); $renderer->variable("title", sprintf("Editing %s", $title->title)); $renderer->render("title-form");
public function updateMovieBrokenLink() { $id = Input::get('id'); $movie = Title::find($id); $movie->reindexed = 'Broken Link'; $respuesta = $movie->save(); $rows[] = array('id' => '1', 'value' => trans('main.errorMessageBrokenLink')); return json_encode($rows); }
Route::get('typeahead-actor/{query}', array('uses' => 'SearchController@castTypeAhead', 'as' => 'typeahead-cast')); //homepage and footer Route::get('/', array('as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'HomeController@index')); Route::get(Str::slug(trans('main.privacyUrl')), array('uses' => 'HomeController@privacy', 'as' => 'privacy')); Route::get(Str::slug(trans('main.tosUrl')), array('uses' => 'HomeController@tos', 'as' => 'tos')); Route::get(Str::slug(trans('main.contactUrl')), array('uses' => 'HomeController@contact', 'as' => 'contact')); Route::post(Str::slug(trans('main.contactUrl')), array('uses' => 'HomeController@submitContact', 'as' => 'submit.contact')); //news Route::resource(Str::slug(trans('main.news')), 'NewsController'); Route::post('news/external', array('uses' => 'NewsController@updateFromExternal', 'as' => 'news.ext')); //movies/series // Move this to MoviesController@updateMovieBrokenLink // Route::get(Str::slug(trans('main.movies')) . '/updateMovieBrokenLink', 'MoviesController@updateMovieBrokenLink'); Route::get(Str::slug(trans('main.movies')) . '/updateMovieBrokenLink', function () { $id = Input::get('id'); $movie = Title::find($id); $movie->reindexed = 'Broken Link'; $respuesta = $movie->save(); $rows[] = array('id' => '1', 'value' => trans('main.errorMessageBrokenLink')); return json_encode($rows); // return Input::get('id'); }); Route::resource(Str::slug(trans('main.movies')), 'MoviesController'); //lists(watchlist/favorites) Route::controller('lists', 'ListsController'); //reviews Route::resource(Str::slug(trans('main.movies')) . '.reviews', 'ReviewController', array('only' => array('store', 'destroy'))); Route::post(Str::slug(trans('main.movies')) . '/{title}/reviews', 'ReviewController@store'); //people Route::resource(Str::slug(trans('main.people')), 'ActorController'); Route::get('actors', array('uses' => 'ActorController@index'));
public function postFinaltitlestage() { $new_title_id = Input::get("title_id"); // Gets this from a hidden input element if ($mode = Input::has('publish_title')) { $title = Title::find($new_title_id); $title->status_id = 3; // active status in statuses table $title->save(); return Redirect::to('/title/list'); } else { return Redirect::to('/title/list'); } }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/includes/root.php"; must_allow("modify titles"); $id = $_POST["id"]; if ($id == NULL || $id == "") { $title = new Title(); $action = "new title"; } else { $title = Title::find($id); if ($title == NULL) { $renderer->flash_alert("Unable to find requested title; aborting edit"); header("Location: title-list.php"); exit(0); } $action = "edit title"; } $audit_changes = array(); $fields = array("title", "embargoed", "rights", "is_historic"); if (!$title->validlccn || permitted(get_user(), "modify validated lccns")) { array_push($fields, "lccn"); } if (permitted(get_user(), "modify title sftp")) { $fields = array_merge($fields, array("sftpdir", "sftpuser", "sftppass")); } $lccn_changed = FALSE; foreach ($fields as $field) { $orig = $title->{$field}; $new = $_POST[$field]; if ($orig == $new) { continue;