Пример #1
  * @throws \Email\Check
 private function assertValidCommentTitle()
     if (!$this->commentTitle instanceof \Title) {
         throw new Check("Could not find comment for revision ID given by currentRevId");
     if (!$this->commentTitle->exists()) {
         throw new Check("Comment doesn't exist.");
Пример #2
  * @throws \Email\Check
 private function assertValidTitle()
     if (!$this->pageTitle instanceof \Title) {
         throw new Check("Invalid value passed for title");
     if (!$this->pageTitle->exists()) {
         throw new Check("Title doesn't exist.");
  * @throws \Email\Check
 private function assertValidPostTitle()
     if (!$this->postTitle instanceof \Title) {
         $articleID = $this->getVal('childArticleID', false);
         throw new Check("Could not find post for article ID '{$articleID}' given by childArticleID");
     if (!$this->postTitle->exists()) {
         throw new Check("Post doesn't exist.");
  * Returns infobox data
  * @return array in format [ 'data' => [], 'sources' => [] ] or [] will be returned
 public function getData()
     if ($this->title && $this->title->exists()) {
         $parserOutput = Article::newFromTitle($this->title, RequestContext::getMain())->getParserOutput();
         $data = $parserOutput ? $parserOutput->getProperty(self::INFOBOXES_PROPERTY_NAME) : false;
         //return empty [] to prevent false on non existing infobox data
         return $data ? $data : [];
     return [];
 protected function assertUserRolesSet()
     if (empty($this->authorUserName)) {
         throw new Check("Could not determine message author");
     if (empty($this->wallUserName)) {
         throw new Check("Could not determine message owner");
     if (!$this->wallTitle->exists()) {
         throw new Check("Given Message Wall doesn't exist");
  * @throws \Email\Check
 protected function assertValidPageAddedToCategory()
     if (!$this->pageAddedToCategory instanceof \Title) {
         throw new Check("Invalid value passed for pageAddedToCategory (param: pageTitle)");
     if (!$this->pageAddedToCategory->exists()) {
         // Check master DB just in case the page was just created and it
         // hasn't been replicated to the slave yet
         if ($this->pageAddedToCategory->getArticleID(\Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE) == 0) {
             throw new Check("pageAddedToCategory doesn't exist.");
Пример #7
 public function execute($par)
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $target = !is_null($par) ? $par : $request->getVal('target');
     // Yes, the use of getVal() and getText() is wanted, see bug 20365
     $oldTitleText = $request->getVal('wpOldTitle', $target);
     if (is_string($oldTitleText)) {
         $this->oldTitle = Title::newFromText($oldTitleText);
     if ($this->oldTitle === null) {
         // Either oldTitle wasn't passed, or newFromText returned null
         throw new ErrorPageError('notargettitle', 'notargettext');
     if (!$this->oldTitle->exists()) {
         throw new ErrorPageError('nopagetitle', 'nopagetext');
     $newTitleTextMain = $request->getText('wpNewTitleMain');
     $newTitleTextNs = $request->getInt('wpNewTitleNs', $this->oldTitle->getNamespace());
     // Backwards compatibility for forms submitting here from other sources
     // which is more common than it should be..
     $newTitleText_bc = $request->getText('wpNewTitle');
     $this->newTitle = strlen($newTitleText_bc) > 0 ? Title::newFromText($newTitleText_bc) : Title::makeTitleSafe($newTitleTextNs, $newTitleTextMain);
     $user = $this->getUser();
     # Check rights
     $permErrors = $this->oldTitle->getUserPermissionsErrors('move', $user);
     if (count($permErrors)) {
         // Auto-block user's IP if the account was "hard" blocked
         DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate(function () use($user) {
         throw new PermissionsError('move', $permErrors);
     $def = !$request->wasPosted();
     $this->reason = $request->getText('wpReason');
     $this->moveTalk = $request->getBool('wpMovetalk', $def);
     $this->fixRedirects = $request->getBool('wpFixRedirects', $def);
     $this->leaveRedirect = $request->getBool('wpLeaveRedirect', $def);
     $this->moveSubpages = $request->getBool('wpMovesubpages', false);
     $this->deleteAndMove = $request->getBool('wpDeleteAndMove') && $request->getBool('wpConfirm');
     $this->moveOverShared = $request->getBool('wpMoveOverSharedFile', false);
     $this->watch = $request->getCheck('wpWatch') && $user->isLoggedIn();
     if ('submit' == $request->getVal('action') && $request->wasPosted() && $user->matchEditToken($request->getVal('wpEditToken'))) {
     } else {
Пример #8
  * Set up all member variables using a database query.
  * @throws MWException
  * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
 protected function initialize()
     if ($this->mName === null && $this->mID === null) {
         throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ' has both names and IDs null');
     } elseif ($this->mID === null) {
         $where = ['cat_title' => $this->mName];
     } elseif ($this->mName === null) {
         $where = ['cat_id' => $this->mID];
     } else {
         # Already initialized
         return true;
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_REPLICA);
     $row = $dbr->selectRow('category', ['cat_id', 'cat_title', 'cat_pages', 'cat_subcats', 'cat_files'], $where, __METHOD__);
     if (!$row) {
         # Okay, there were no contents.  Nothing to initialize.
         if ($this->mTitle) {
             # If there is a title object but no record in the category table,
             # treat this as an empty category.
             $this->mID = false;
             $this->mName = $this->mTitle->getDBkey();
             $this->mPages = 0;
             $this->mSubcats = 0;
             $this->mFiles = 0;
             # If the title exists, call refreshCounts to add a row for it.
             if ($this->mTitle->exists()) {
                 DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate([$this, 'refreshCounts']);
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
             # Fail
     $this->mID = $row->cat_id;
     $this->mName = $row->cat_title;
     $this->mPages = $row->cat_pages;
     $this->mSubcats = $row->cat_subcats;
     $this->mFiles = $row->cat_files;
     # (bug 13683) If the count is negative, then 1) it's obviously wrong
     # and should not be kept, and 2) we *probably* don't have to scan many
     # rows to obtain the correct figure, so let's risk a one-time recount.
     if ($this->mPages < 0 || $this->mSubcats < 0 || $this->mFiles < 0) {
         $this->mPages = max($this->mPages, 0);
         $this->mSubcats = max($this->mSubcats, 0);
         $this->mFiles = max($this->mFiles, 0);
         DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate([$this, 'refreshCounts']);
     return true;
  * set appropriate status code for deleted pages
  * @author ADi
  * @param Title $title
  * @param Article $article
  * @return bool
 public function onArticleFromTitle(&$title, &$article)
     if (!$title->exists() && $title->isDeleted()) {
     return true;
	 * Do the basic checks whether moving is possible and whether
	 * the input looks anywhere near sane.
	 * @return bool
	protected function doBasicChecks() {
		global $wgOut;
		# Check for database lock
		if ( wfReadOnly() ) {
			return false;

		if ( $this->title === null ) {
			$wgOut->showErrorPage( 'notargettitle', 'notargettext' );
			return false;

		if ( !$this->title->exists() ) {
			$wgOut->showErrorPage( 'nopagetitle', 'nopagetext' );
			return false;

		# Check rights
		$permErrors = $this->title->getUserPermissionsErrors( 'delete', $this->user );
		if ( !empty( $permErrors ) ) {
			$wgOut->showPermissionsErrorPage( $permErrors );
			return false;

		// Let the caller know it's safe to continue
		return true;
  * Render the special page
  * @param string $par parameter as subpage of specialpage
 public function executeWhenAvailable($par = '')
     $out = $this->getOutput();
     $out->addModuleStyles(array('mobile.pagelist.styles', 'mobile.pagesummary.styles'));
     $this->offset = $this->getRequest()->getVal('offset', false);
     if ($par) {
         // enter article history view
         $this->title = Title::newFromText($par);
         if ($this->title && $this->title->exists()) {
             // make sure, the content of the page supports the default history page
             if (!self::shouldUseSpecialHistory($this->title)) {
                 // and if not, redirect to the default history action
                 $out->redirect($this->title->getLocalUrl(array('action' => 'history')));
             $this->getOutput()->addHtml(Html::openElement('div', array('class' => 'history content-unstyled')));
             $res = $this->doQuery();
  * set appropriate status code for deleted pages
  * @author ADi
  * @author Władysław Bodzek <*****@*****.**>
  * @param Title $title
  * @param Article $article
  * @return bool
 public static function onAfterInitialize(&$title, &$article, &$output)
     if (!$title->exists() && $title->isDeleted()) {
         $setDeletedStatusCode = true;
         // handle special cases
         switch ($title->getNamespace()) {
             case NS_CATEGORY:
                 // skip non-empty categories
                 if (Category::newFromTitle($title)->getPageCount() > 0) {
                     $setDeletedStatusCode = false;
             case NS_FILE:
                 // skip existing file with deleted description
                 $file = wfFindFile($title);
                 if ($file && $file->exists()) {
                     $setDeletedStatusCode = false;
         if ($setDeletedStatusCode) {
     return true;
Пример #13
	 * return the page titles of the subpages in an array
	 * @return array all titles
	 * @private
	function getTitles() {
		wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );

		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );

		$conditions = array();
		$options = array();
		$order = strtoupper( $this->order );

		if( $this->ordermethod == 'title' ) {
			$options['ORDER BY'] = 'page_title ' . $order;
		} elseif( $this->ordermethod == 'lastedit' ) {
			$options['ORDER BY'] = 'page_touched ' . $order;
		if( $this->parent !== -1) {
			$this->ptitle = Title::newFromText( $this->parent );
			# note that non-existent pages may nevertheless have valid subpages
			# on the other hand, not checking that the page exists can let input through which causes database errors
			if ( $this->ptitle instanceof Title && $this->ptitle->exists() && $this->ptitle->userCanRead() ) {
				$parent = $this->ptitle->getDBkey();
				$this->parent = $parent;
				$this->namespace = $this->ptitle->getNsText();
				$nsi = $this->ptitle->getNamespace();
			} else {
				$this->error( wfMsg('spl3_debug','parent') );
				return null;
		} else {
			$this->ptitle = $this->title;
			$parent = $this->title->getDBkey();
			$this->parent = $parent;
			$this->namespace = $this->title->getNsText();
			$nsi = $this->title->getNamespace();

		// don't let list cross namespaces
		if ( strlen( $nsi ) > 0 ) {
			$conditions['page_namespace'] = $nsi;
		$conditions['page_is_redirect'] = 0;
		$conditions[] = 'page_title ' . $dbr->buildLike( $parent . '/', $dbr->anyString() );

		$fields = array();
		$fields[] = 'page_title';
		$fields[] = 'page_namespace';
		$res = $dbr->select( 'page', $fields, $conditions, __METHOD__, $options );

		$titles = array();
		foreach ( $res as $row ) {
			$title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title );
			if( $title ) {
				$titles[] = $title;
		wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
		return $titles;
Пример #14
function wfAutoPageCreateTextForImagePlaceholder(Title $title, &$text)
    // this was for RT#45568 - Bartek
    // basic idea is to load the template for ImagePlaceholder to work when the article does not yet exist
    // but on view, not on article edit (on preview the placeholder is blocked by default)
    global $wgRequest;
    if (!$title->exists() && 'edit' != $wgRequest->getVal('action')) {
        $text = wfMsgForContent('newpagelayout');
    return true;
 public static function create(Title $title)
     if (empty($title) || $title->exists()) {
     $article = F::build('Article', array($title));
     $status = $article->doEdit('', 'Article created', EDIT_NEW, false, F::app()->wg->user);
     return self::newFromTitle($article->getTitle());
  * Render the page with a list of languages the page is available in
  * @param string $pagename The name of the page
 public function executeWhenAvailable($pagename)
     if (!is_string($pagename) || $pagename === '') {
         wfHttpError(404, $this->msg('mobile-frontend-languages-404-title')->text(), $this->msg('mobile-frontend-languages-404-desc')->text());
     $this->title = Title::newFromText($pagename);
     $output = $this->getOutput();
     $html = '';
     if ($this->title && $this->title->exists()) {
         $titlename = $this->title->getPrefixedText();
         $pageTitle = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-languages-header-page', $titlename)->text();
         $languages = $this->getLanguages();
         $variants = $this->getLanguageVariants();
         $languagesCount = count($languages);
         $variantsCount = count($variants);
         $html .= Html::element('p', array(), $this->msg('mobile-frontend-languages-text')->params($titlename)->numParams($languagesCount)->text());
         $html .= Html::openElement('p');
         $html .= Html::element('a', array('href' => $this->title->getLocalUrl()), $this->msg('returnto', $titlename)->text());
         $html .= Html::closeElement('p');
         if ($languagesCount > 0 || $variantsCount > 1) {
             // Language variants first
             if ($variantsCount > 1) {
                 $variantHeader = $variantsCount > 1 ? $this->msg('mobile-frontend-languages-variant-header')->text() : '';
                 $html .= Html::element('h2', array('id' => 'mw-mf-language-variant-header'), $variantHeader);
                 $html .= Html::openElement('ul', array('id' => 'mw-mf-language-variant-selection'));
                 foreach ($variants as $val) {
                     $html .= $this->makeLangListItem($val);
                 $html .= Html::closeElement('ul');
             // Then other languages
             if ($languagesCount > 0) {
                 $languageHeader = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-languages-header')->text();
                 $html .= Html::element('h2', array('id' => 'mw-mf-language-header'), $languageHeader) . Html::openElement('ul', array('id' => 'mw-mf-language-selection'));
                 foreach ($languages as $val) {
                     $html .= $this->makeLangListItem($val);
                 $html .= Html::closeElement('ul');
     } else {
         $pageTitle = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-languages-header')->text();
         $html .= Html::element('p', array(), $this->msg('mobile-frontend-languages-nonexistent-title')->params($pagename)->text());
     $html = MobileUI::contentElement($html);
Пример #17
  * @return Title
 private function getRbTitle()
     if ($this->mTitleObj !== null) {
         return $this->mTitleObj;
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     $this->mTitleObj = Title::newFromText($params['title']);
     if (!$this->mTitleObj || $this->mTitleObj->isExternal()) {
         $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title']));
     if (!$this->mTitleObj->exists()) {
     return $this->mTitleObj;
  * Retrieves
  * @param Title $title
  * @return bool|User
 public static function getPageAuthor(Title $title)
     if (!$title->exists()) {
         return false;
     $firstRev = $title->getFirstRevision();
     if (!$firstRev) {
         return false;
     $user = User::newFromId($firstRev->getUser());
     if (!$user) {
         return false;
     return $user;
  * Render the special page
  * @param string $par parameter as subpage of specialpage
 public function executeWhenAvailable($par = '')
     $out = $this->getOutput();
     $this->offset = $this->getRequest()->getVal('offset', false);
     if ($par) {
         // enter article history view
         $this->title = Title::newFromText($par);
         if ($this->title && $this->title->exists()) {
             $res = $this->doQuery();
  * @param Title $title
  * @param WikiPage $article
  * @return bool
 public function onArticleFromTitle(Title &$title, &$article)
     if ($title->exists() && $title->getNamespace() != NS_FILE && $title->getNamespace() != NS_CATEGORY) {
         $key = $this->generateCacheKey($title->getArticleId());
         $this->switches = $this->app->wg->memc->get($key);
         if (empty($this->switches)) {
             $article = F::build('Article', array($title));
             $this->switches = array();
             foreach ($this->magicWords as $wordID) {
                 $magicWord = MagicWord::get($wordID);
                 $this->switches[$wordID] = 0 < $magicWord->match($article->getRawText());
             $this->app->wg->memc->set($key, $this->switches, self::CACHE_DURATION);
     return true;
  * Helper function -- remove files and associated articles by Title
  * @param Title $title Title to be removed
  * @return bool
 public function deleteFileByTitle($title)
     if ($title->exists()) {
         $file = wfFindFile($title, array('ignoreRedirect' => true));
         $noOldArchive = "";
         // yes this really needs to be set this way
         $comment = "removing for test";
         $restrictDeletedVersions = false;
         $status = FileDeleteForm::doDelete($title, $file, $noOldArchive, $comment, $restrictDeletedVersions);
         if (!$status->isGood()) {
             return false;
         $page = WikiPage::factory($title);
         $page->doDeleteArticle("removing for test");
         // see if it now doesn't exist; reload
         $title = Title::newFromText($title->getText(), NS_FILE);
     return !($title && $title instanceof Title && $title->exists());
Пример #22
  * Call the stock "user is blocked" page
 function blockedPage()
     global $wgOut;
     # Standard block notice on the top, don't 'return'
     # If the user made changes, preserve them when showing the markup
     # (This happens when a user is blocked during edit, for instance)
     $first = $this->firsttime || !$this->save && $this->textbox1 == '';
     if ($first) {
         $source = $this->mTitle->exists() ? $this->getContent() : false;
     } else {
         $source = $this->textbox1;
     # Spit out the source or the user's modified version
     if ($source !== false) {
         $wgOut->addHTML('<hr />');
         $wgOut->addWikiMsg($first ? 'blockedoriginalsource' : 'blockededitsource', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText());
         $this->showTextbox1(array('readonly'), $source);
  * Render the special page
  * @param string $par parameter as subpage of specialpage
 public function executeWhenAvailable($par = '')
     $out = $this->getOutput();
     $out->addModuleStyles(array('mobile.pagelist.styles', 'mobile.pagesummary.styles'));
     $this->offset = $this->getRequest()->getVal('offset', false);
     if ($par) {
         // enter article history view
         $this->title = Title::newFromText($par);
         if ($this->title && $this->title->exists()) {
             $this->getOutput()->addHtml(Html::openElement('div', array('class' => 'history content-unstyled')));
             $res = $this->doQuery();
Пример #24
  * @param Title $title
  * @param WikiPage $article
  * @return bool
 public static function onArticleFromTitle(Title &$title, &$article)
     global $wgLandingPagesAsContentMagicWords;
     $app = F::app();
     if ($title->exists() && $title->getNamespace() != NS_FILE && $title->getNamespace() != NS_CATEGORY) {
         $key = self::generateCacheKey($title->getArticleId());
         self::$switches = $app->wg->memc->get($key);
         if (empty(self::$switches)) {
             $article = new Article($title);
             self::$switches = array();
             $magicWords = array_keys($wgLandingPagesAsContentMagicWords);
             foreach ($magicWords as $wordID) {
                 $magicWord = MagicWord::get($wordID);
                 self::$switches[$wordID] = 0 < $magicWord->match($article->getRawText());
             $app->wg->memc->set($key, self::$switches, self::CACHE_DURATION);
     return true;
Пример #25
  * Return HTML to be used when embedding polls from inside parser
  * TODO: replace all this with a hook inside parser
  * @param WikiaPoll $poll
  * @param Title $finalTitle
 public static function generate($poll, $finalTitle)
     if ($finalTitle instanceof Title && $finalTitle->exists() && $finalTitle->getNamespace() == NS_WIKIA_POLL) {
         $app = F::app();
         $ret = $poll->renderEmbedded();
         if (self::$alreadyAddedCSSJS == false) {
             // make sure we don't include twice if there are multiple polls on one page
             self::$alreadyAddedCSSJS = true;
             // add CSS & JS and Poll HTML together
             if ($app->checkSkin('wikiamobile')) {
                 $cssLinks = AssetsManager::getInstance()->getURL('wikiapoll_wikiamobile_scss');
                 $jsLinks = AssetsManager::getInstance()->getURL('wikiapoll_wikiamobile_js');
                 $css = '';
                 $js = '';
                 if (is_array($cssLinks)) {
                     foreach ($cssLinks as $s) {
                         $css .= "<link rel=stylesheet href={$s} />";
                 if (is_array($jsLinks)) {
                     foreach ($jsLinks as $s) {
                         $js .= "<script src={$s}></script>";
                 $js .= JSMessages::printPackages(array('WikiaMobilePolls'));
                 $ret = str_replace("\n", ' ', "{$css}{$ret}{$js}");
             } else {
                 $sassUrl = AssetsManager::getInstance()->getSassCommonURL('/extensions/wikia/WikiaPoll/css/WikiaPoll.scss');
                 $css = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . htmlspecialchars($sassUrl) . ' " />';
                 $jsFile = JSSnippets::addToStack(array('/extensions/wikia/WikiaPoll/js/WikiaPoll.js'), array(), 'WikiaPoll.init');
                 $ret = str_replace("\n", ' ', "{$css} {$ret} {$jsFile}");
         return $ret;
     return '';
Пример #26
  * @param array $params
  * @return Title
 private function getRbTitle(array $params)
     if ($this->mTitleObj !== null) {
         return $this->mTitleObj;
     $this->requireOnlyOneParameter($params, 'title', 'pageid');
     if (isset($params['title'])) {
         $this->mTitleObj = Title::newFromText($params['title']);
         if (!$this->mTitleObj || $this->mTitleObj->isExternal()) {
             $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title']));
     } elseif (isset($params['pageid'])) {
         $this->mTitleObj = Title::newFromID($params['pageid']);
         if (!$this->mTitleObj) {
             $this->dieUsageMsg(array('nosuchpageid', $params['pageid']));
     if (!$this->mTitleObj->exists()) {
     return $this->mTitleObj;
  * Do the basic checks whether moving is possible and whether
  * the input looks anywhere near sane.
  * @throws PermissionsError|ErrorPageError|ReadOnlyError
  * @return bool
 protected function doBasicChecks()
     # Check rights
     if (!$this->userCanExecute($this->getUser())) {
     if ($this->title === null) {
         throw new ErrorPageError('notargettitle', 'notargettext');
     if (!$this->title->exists()) {
         throw new ErrorPageError('nopagetitle', 'nopagetext');
     $permissionErrors = $this->title->getUserPermissionsErrors('delete', $this->getUser());
     if (count($permissionErrors)) {
         throw new PermissionsError('delete', $permissionErrors);
     # Check for database lock
     if (wfReadOnly()) {
         throw new ReadOnlyError();
     // Let the caller know it's safe to continue
     return true;
Пример #28
 public function execute($par)
     if ($this->mTargetID && $this->mDestID && $this->mAction == 'submit' && $this->mMerge) {
     if (!$this->mSubmitted) {
     $errors = [];
     if (!$this->mTargetObj instanceof Title) {
         $errors[] = $this->msg('mergehistory-invalid-source')->parseAsBlock();
     } elseif (!$this->mTargetObj->exists()) {
         $errors[] = $this->msg('mergehistory-no-source', wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText()))->parseAsBlock();
     if (!$this->mDestObj instanceof Title) {
         $errors[] = $this->msg('mergehistory-invalid-destination')->parseAsBlock();
     } elseif (!$this->mDestObj->exists()) {
         $errors[] = $this->msg('mergehistory-no-destination', wfEscapeWikiText($this->mDestObj->getPrefixedText()))->parseAsBlock();
     if ($this->mTargetObj && $this->mDestObj && $this->mTargetObj->equals($this->mDestObj)) {
         $errors[] = $this->msg('mergehistory-same-destination')->parseAsBlock();
     if (count($errors)) {
         $this->getOutput()->addHTML(implode("\n", $errors));
     } else {
Пример #29
  * @param object $row
  * @param Title $title
 protected function moveInconsistentPage($row, $title)
     if ($title->exists() || $title->getInterwiki() || !$title->canExist()) {
         if ($title->getInterwiki() || !$title->canExist()) {
             $prior = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
         } else {
             $prior = $title->getDBkey();
         # Old cleanupTitles could move articles there. See bug 23147.
         $ns = $row->page_namespace;
         if ($ns < 0) {
             $ns = 0;
         # Namespace which no longer exists. Put the page in the main namespace
         # since we don't have any idea of the old namespace name. See bug 68501.
         if (!MWNamespace::exists($ns)) {
             $ns = 0;
         $clean = 'Broken/' . $prior;
         $verified = Title::makeTitleSafe($ns, $clean);
         if (!$verified || $verified->exists()) {
             $blah = "Broken/id:" . $row->page_id;
             $this->output("Couldn't legalize; form '{$clean}' exists; using '{$blah}'\n");
             $verified = Title::makeTitleSafe($ns, $blah);
         $title = $verified;
     if (is_null($title)) {
         $this->error("Something awry; empty title.", true);
     $ns = $title->getNamespace();
     $dest = $title->getDBkey();
     if ($this->dryrun) {
         $this->output("DRY RUN: would rename {$row->page_id} ({$row->page_namespace}," . "'{$row->page_title}') to ({$ns},'{$dest}')\n");
     } else {
         $this->output("renaming {$row->page_id} ({$row->page_namespace}," . "'{$row->page_title}') to ({$ns},'{$dest}')\n");
         $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
         $dbw->update('page', array('page_namespace' => $ns, 'page_title' => $dest), array('page_id' => $row->page_id), __METHOD__);
Пример #30
  * Return the CSS colour of a known link
  * @param Title $t
  * @param int $threshold User defined threshold
  * @return string CSS class
 public static function getLinkColour($t, $threshold)
     $colour = '';
     if ($t->isRedirect()) {
         # Page is a redirect
         $colour = 'mw-redirect';
     } elseif ($threshold > 0 && $t->isContentPage() && $t->exists() && $t->getLength() < $threshold) {
         # Page is a stub
         $colour = 'stub';
     return $colour;