Пример #1
 public function getContent($section)
     if (!class_exists('\\CPUInfo')) {
         include dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes/CPUInfo.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('\\TimeUtils')) {
         include dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes/TimeUtils.class.php';
     $cpu = new \CPUInfo();
     $time = \TimeUtils::getReadable($this->getUptimeSecs());
     return load_view(dirname(__DIR__) . '/views/sections/uptime.php', array("cpu" => $cpu->getAll(), "time" => $time));
Пример #2
function testGetTodayMeals()
    $date = TimeUtils::getCurrentDate();
    $getTodayMealsFlag = MealAction::getTodayMeals($date);
    if ($getTodayMealsFlag === MealAction::$GET_MEALS_FAIL) {
        $result = new Response(false, "get today meals failed");
        return $result;
    } elseif (isset($getTodayMealsFlag)) {
        $result = new mealsRes(true, "", $getTodayMealsFlag, sizeof($getTodayMealsFlag));
        return $result;
    return new Response(false, "服务器故障");
Пример #3
 public function responseError($start_time, $error_msg, $error_code, $link)
     $over_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
     $data["message"] = $error_msg;
     $data["error_code"] = $error_code;
     $data["result"] = false;
     $data["start_time"] = $start_time;
     $data["over_time"] = $over_time;
     $res["data"] = $data;
     echo json_encode($res);
     if ($link) {
Пример #4
function testOrderSubmit()
    $userId = $_SESSION['user']->userId;
    if (TimeUtils::isTimeAvailable()) {
        $orderFlag = OrderAction::orderMeal($userId);
        if ($orderFlag === OrderAction::$ORDER_MEAL_FAIL) {
            $result = new Response(false, "抱歉,订餐失败。");
            return $result;
        } elseif ($orderFlag === true) {
            $result = new Response(true);
            return $result;
    } else {
        $result = new Response(false, "下午三点到五点才是订餐时间呦");
        return $result;
    return new Response(false, "服务器故障");
Пример #5
  * @param $date String
  * @return array|Integer get orders success or error code
 public static function getOrders($date = "")
     if ($date == "") {
         $date = TimeUtils::getCurrentDate();
     $connection = Database::getInstance()->getConnection();
     static $query = "select * from `order` natural join user where date = ? order by createTime desc";
     $result = $connection->prepare($query);
     $result->bind_param("s", $date);
     $execute = $result->execute();
     if (!$execute) {
         return self::$GET_ORDERS_FAIL;
     $result->bind_result($userId, $orderId, $date, $createTime, $email, $password, $username, $nickname, $department, $location, $description);
     $orders = [];
     while ($result->fetch()) {
         $orders[] = new Order($orderId, new User($userId, $email, $username, $nickname, $department, $location, $description), $date, $createTime);
     return $orders;
Пример #6
function testCancelFavor()
    $date = TimeUtils::getCurrentDate();
    $userId = $_SESSION['user']->userId;
    $meal = MealAction::getTodayMeal($date);
    $favorite = MealAction::cancelFavor($userId, $meal->mealId);
    if ($favorite === MealAction::$CANCEL_FAVOR_FAIL) {
        $result = new Response(false, "cancel favor failed");
        return $result;
    } elseif ($favorite === MealAction::$CANCEL_FAVOR_NOT_ORDER_MEAL) {
        $result = new Response(false, "you haven't ordered yet");
        return $result;
    } elseif ($favorite === MealAction::$CANCEL_FAVOR_NOT_FAVOR_BEFORE) {
        $result = new Response(false, "you haven't liked it ");
        return $result;
    } elseif ($favorite === true) {
        $result = new Response(true);
        return $result;
    return new Response(false, "服务器错误");
Пример #7
 private function getNotifications($showall = false)
     if (!class_exists('TimeUtils')) {
         include dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes/TimeUtils.class.php';
     $final['nots'] = array();
     $items = \FreePBX::create()->Notifications->list_all($showall);
     $allItems = \FreePBX::create()->Notifications->list_all(true);
     $final['showAllMessage'] = count($items) != count($allItems);
     // This is where we map the Notifications priorities to Bootstrap priorities.
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CRITICAL", 100) -> 'danger' (red)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SECURITY", 200) -> 'danger' (red)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_UPDATE",   300) -> 'warning' (orange)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR",    400) -> 'danger' (red)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_WARNING" , 500) -> 'warning' -> (orange)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOTICE",   600) -> 'success' -> (green)
     $alerts = array(100 => "danger", 200 => "danger", 250 => 'warning', 300 => "warning", 400 => "danger", 500 => "warning", 600 => "success");
     foreach ($items as $notification) {
         $final['nots'][] = array("id" => $notification['id'], "rawlevel" => $notification['level'], "level" => !isset($alerts[$notification['level']]) ? 'danger' : $alerts[$notification['level']], "candelete" => $notification['candelete'], "title" => $notification['display_text'], "time" => \TimeUtils::getReadable(time() - $notification['timestamp']), "text" => nl2br($notification['extended_text']), "module" => $notification['module'], "link" => $notification['link'], "reset" => $notification['reset']);
     return $final;
Пример #8
 public function getGraphDataUptime($period)
     $si = FreePBX::create()->Dashboard->getSysInfoPeriod($period);
     if (!class_exists('TimeUtils')) {
         include 'TimeUtils.class.php';
     $tooltips = array();
     $sysuptime = array();
     $astuptime = array();
     $astreload = array();
     foreach ($si as $key => $row) {
         if (!isset($row['ast.uptime.system-seconds'])) {
             $us = 0;
             $rs = 0;
             $ut = 0;
         } else {
             $us = $row['ast.uptime.system-seconds'];
             $rs = $row['ast.uptime.reload-seconds'];
             $ut = $row['*****@*****.**'];
         $ttip = date('c', $key) . "<br>";
         $ttip .= _("System") . ":<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; " . TimeUtils::getReadable($ut, 3) . "<br>";
         $ttip .= "Asterisk:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; " . TimeUtils::getReadable($us, 3) . "<br>";
         $ttip .= _("Since Reload") . ":<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; " . TimeUtils::getReadable($rs, 3);
         $tooltips[] = $ttip;
         $sysuptime[] = $ut;
         $astuptime[] = $us;
         $astreload[] = $rs;
     $retarr['template'] = 'aststat';
     $retarr['tooltips'] = $tooltips;
     $retarr['values'] = array("sysuptime" => $sysuptime, "astuptime" => $astuptime, "astreload" => $astreload);
     $retarr['series'] = array("sysuptime" => array("color" => "red", "axis" => "l"), "astuptime" => array("color" => "green", "axis" => "l"), "astreload" => array("color" => "blue", "axis" => "r"));
     $retarr['axis'] = array("r" => array("title" => _("Reload"), "titleDistance" => 8), "l" => array("title" => _("System"), "titleDistance" => 8));
     $retarr['legend'] = array("sysuptime" => _('System Uptime'), "astuptime" => _('Asterisk Uptime'), "astreload" => _('Since Reload'));
     return $retarr;
Пример #9
function testFavor($arr)
    $date = TimeUtils::getCurrentDate();
    $userId = $_SESSION['user']->userId;
    $meal = MealAction::getTodayMeal($date);
    $favorite = MealAction::favor($userId, $meal->mealId);
    if ($favorite === MealAction::$FAVOR_FAIL) {
        $result = new Response(false, "favor failed");
        return $result;
    } elseif ($favorite === MealAction::$FAVOR_NOT_FOUND_MEAL_ID) {
        $result = new Response(false, "can't find this meal");
        return $result;
    } elseif ($favorite === MealAction::$FAVOR_NOT_ORDER_MEAL) {
        $result = new Response(false, "can't find this order");
        return $result;
    } elseif ($favorite === MealAction::$FAVOR_DUPLICATE) {
        $result = new Response(false, "you have favorited this meal");
        return $result;
    } elseif ($favorite === true) {
        $result = new Response(true);
        return $result;
    return new Response(false, "服务器故障");
Пример #10
  * @param $userId String
  * @param $mealId String
  * @return bool|Integer success or error code
 public static function cancelFavor($userId, $mealId)
     $connection = Database::getInstance()->getConnection();
     static $queryTodayOrder = "select orderId from `order` where userId = ? and `date` = ?";
     $result = $connection->prepare($queryTodayOrder);
     $date = TimeUtils::getCurrentDate();
     $result->bind_param("ss", $userId, $date);
     $execute = $result->execute();
     if (!$execute) {
         return self::$CANCEL_FAVOR_FAIL;
     if (!$result->fetch()) {
         return self::$CANCEL_FAVOR_NOT_ORDER_MEAL;
     static $query = "delete from mealfavor where orderId = ? and mealId = ?";
     $result = $connection->prepare($query);
     $result->bind_param("ss", $orderId, $mealId);
     $execute = $result->execute();
     if (!$execute) {
         return self::$CANCEL_FAVOR_NOT_FAVOR_BEFOR;
     return true;
Пример #11
 public function get_uptime()
     $output = array('system' => 'Unknown', 'reload' => 'Unknown', 'system-seconds' => '-2', 'reload-seconds' => '-2');
     // If we can't connect to astman for some reason..
     if (!$this->astman) {
         return $output;
     $response = $this->astman->send_request('Command', array('Command' => "core show uptime seconds"));
     $astout = explode("\n", $response['data']);
     if (!class_exists('TimeUtils')) {
         include 'TimeUtils.class.php';
     // Second line:
     // System uptime: 922134
     $words = explode(" ", $astout[1]);
     $output['system'] = TimeUtils::getReadable($words[2]);
     $output['system-seconds'] = $words[2];
     // Third line:
     // Last reload: 4157
     $words = explode(" ", $astout[2]);
     $output['reload'] = TimeUtils::getReadable($words[2]);
     $output['reload-seconds'] = $words[2];
     return $output;
Пример #12
    if ($detailNum > 0) {
        $selectRoot = $db_utils->selectTableAnd($user_link, TableName::getOrderTable, $select_array);
        if (!$selectRoot) {
            $db_utils->responseError($start_time, mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), $user_link);
        $rootfetch = mysql_fetch_array($selectRoot);
        $wordNum = (int) $rootfetch["wordNum"];
        if ($detailNum >= $wordNum) {
            $db_utils->responseError($start_time, "無法加入,單字已經達上限!", 300, $user_link);
        } else {
            $detailID = TimeUtils::getId();
            $obj["detailID"] = $detailID;
            $obj["create_time"] = $update_time;
            $obj["update_time"] = $update_time;
            $db_utils->addOrderDetailTable($user_link, $obj, "", 2);
            $res["message"] = "加入成功!";
            $db_utils->response($start_time, $res, $user_link);
    } else {
        $detailID = TimeUtils::getId();
        $obj["detailID"] = $detailID;
        $obj["create_time"] = $update_time;
        $obj["update_time"] = $update_time;
        $db_utils->addOrderDetailTable($user_link, $obj, "", 2);
        $res["message"] = "加入成功!";
        $db_utils->response($start_time, $res, $user_link);
} else {
    $db_utils->responseError($start_time, mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), $user_link);
Пример #13
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8');
include "../../../database/DatabaseUtils.php";
include "../../../utils/TimeUtils.php";
include "../../../utils/tokenUtils.php";
$data = $_POST["data"];
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $data = stripslashes($_POST['data']);
} else {
    $data = $_POST['data'];
$obj = json_decode($data, true);
$list = $obj["list"];
$db_utils = new DatabaseUtils();
$update_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$start_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$user_link = $db_utils->initUserDatabase();
if (mysql_select_db(DBName::getUserDB)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) {
        $enTypeDiry = $list[$i];
        $enTypeDiry["enTypeID"] = TimeUtils::getId();
        $enTypeDiry["create_time"] = $update_time;
        $enTypeDiry["update_time"] = $update_time;
        $db_utils->addENTypeTable($user_link, $enTypeDiry);
    $res["message"] = "加入成功!";
    $db_utils->response($start_time, $res, $user_link);
} else {
    $db_utils->responseError($start_time, mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), $user_link);
Пример #14

header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8');
include "../../database/DatabaseUtils.php";
include "../../utils/TimeUtils.php";
include "../../utils/tokenUtils.php";
$data = $_POST["data"];
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $data = stripslashes($_POST['data']);
} else {
    $data = $_POST['data'];
$obj = json_decode($data, true);
$db_utils = new DatabaseUtils();
$update_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$start_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$user_link = $db_utils->initUserDatabase();
if (mysql_select_db(DBName::getUserDB)) {
    $orderID = TimeUtils::getId();
    $obj["orderID"] = $orderID;
    $obj["create_time"] = $update_time;
    $obj["update_time"] = $update_time;
    $db_utils->addOrderTable($user_link, $obj, 1, 0);
    $res["orderID"] = $orderID;
    $res["message"] = "加入成功!";
    $db_utils->response($start_time, $res, $user_link);
} else {
    $db_utils->responseError($start_time, mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), $user_link);
Пример #15
 private function fetch_modpack($slug)
     $response = array();
     if (Cache::has('modpack.' . $slug) && empty($this->client)) {
         $modpack = Cache::get('modpack.' . $slug);
     } else {
         $modpack = Modpack::with('Builds')->where("slug", "=", $slug)->first();
         if (empty($this->client)) {
             Cache::put('modpack.' . $slug, $modpack, 5);
     if (empty($modpack)) {
         return array("error" => "Modpack does not exist");
     $response['name'] = $modpack->slug;
     $response['display_name'] = $modpack->name;
     $response['url'] = $modpack->url;
     $resourcePath = URL::to_asset('resources/' . $modpack->slug);
     if ($modpack->icon == 0 && !empty($modpack->icon_md5)) {
         $response['icon'] = Config::get('solder.mirror_url') . $modpack->slug . "/resources/icon.png";
     } else {
         if ($modpack->icon == 0 && empty($modpack->icon_md5)) {
             $response['icon'] = URL::to_asset('resources/default/icon.png');
             $modpack->icon_md5 = md5_file(path('public') . 'resources/default/icon.png');
         } else {
             if (Config::get('solder.use_s3')) {
                 $response['icon'] = Config::get('solder.s3_url') . 'resources/' . $modpack->slug . '/icon.png?' . TimeUtils::getTimestampDate($modpack->updated_at);
             } else {
                 $response['icon'] = $resourcePath . "/icon.png";
     $response['icon_md5'] = $modpack->icon_md5;
     if ($modpack->logo == 0 && !empty($modpack->logo_md5)) {
         $response['logo'] = Config::get('solder.mirror_url') . $modpack->slug . "/resources/logo.png";
     } else {
         if ($modpack->logo == 0 && empty($modpack->logo_md5)) {
             $response['logo'] = URL::to_asset('resources/default/logo.png');
             $modpack->logo_md5 = md5_file(path('public') . 'resources/default/logo.png');
         } else {
             if (Config::get('solder.use_s3')) {
                 $response['logo'] = Config::get('solder.s3_url') . 'resources/' . $modpack->slug . '/logo.png?' . TimeUtils::getTimestampDate($modpack->updated_at);
             } else {
                 $response['logo'] = $resourcePath . "/logo.png";
     $response['logo_md5'] = $modpack->logo_md5;
     if ($modpack->background == 0 && !empty($modpack->background_md5)) {
         $response['background'] = Config::get('solder.mirror_url') . $modpack->slug . "/resources/background.png";
     } else {
         if ($modpack->background == 0 && empty($modpack->background_md5)) {
             $response['background'] = URL::to_asset('resources/default/background.png');
             $modpack->background_md5 = md5_file(path('public') . 'resources/default/background.png');
         } else {
             if (Config::get('solder.use_s3')) {
                 $response['background'] = Config::get('solder.s3_url') . 'resources/' . $modpack->slug . '/background.png?' . TimeUtils::getTimestampDate($modpack->updated_at);
             } else {
                 $response['background'] = $resourcePath . "/background.png";
     $response['background_md5'] = $modpack->background_md5;
     $response['recommended'] = $modpack->recommended;
     $response['latest'] = $modpack->latest;
     $response['builds'] = array();
     foreach ($modpack->builds as $build) {
         if ($build->is_published) {
             if (!$build->private) {
                 array_push($response['builds'], $build->version);
             } else {
                 if (isset($this->client)) {
                     foreach ($this->client->modpacks as $pmodpack) {
                         if ($modpack->id == $pmodpack->id) {
                             array_push($response['builds'], $build->version);
     return $response;
Пример #16
$db_utils = new DatabaseUtils();
$update_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$start_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$user_link = $db_utils->initUserDatabase();
if (mysql_select_db(DBName::getUserDB)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($wordList); $i++) {
        $enWordDiry = $wordList[$i];
        $enWordID = TimeUtils::getId();
        $enWordDiry["enWordID"] = $enWordID;
        $enWordDiry["create_time"] = $update_time;
        $enWordDiry["update_time"] = $update_time;
        $db_utils->addENWordTable($user_link, $enWordDiry);
        $configList = $enWordDiry["configList"];
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($configList); $x++) {
            $configDiry = $configList[$x];
            $configDiry["enExampleID"] = TimeUtils::getId();
            $configDiry["enDefinitionID"] = TimeUtils::getId();
            $configDiry["enTranslateID"] = TimeUtils::getId();
            $configDiry["enWordID"] = $enWordID;
            $configDiry["create_time"] = $update_time;
            $configDiry["update_time"] = $update_time;
            $db_utils->addWordDefinitionTable($user_link, $configDiry);
            $db_utils->addWordTranslateTable($user_link, $configDiry);
            $db_utils->addWordExampleTable($user_link, $configDiry);
    $res["message"] = "加入成功!";
    $db_utils->response($start_time, $res, $user_link);
} else {
    $db_utils->responseError($start_time, mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), $user_link);
Пример #17
  * @param $userId Integer
  * @param string $date
  * @return bool|int is ordered or error code
 public static function isOrdered($userId, $date = "")
     $connection = Database::getInstance()->getConnection();
     static $query = "select * from `order` where userId=? and date=?";
     $result = $connection->prepare($query);
     if ($date == "") {
         $date = TimeUtils::getCurrentDate();
     $result->bind_param("ss", $userId, $date);
     $execute = $result->execute();
     if (!$execute) {
         return self::$IS_ORDERED_FAIL;
     while ($result->fetch()) {
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #18
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8');
include "../../../database/DatabaseUtils.php";
include "../../../utils/TimeUtils.php";
include "../../../utils/tokenUtils.php";
$data = $_POST["data"];
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $data = stripslashes($_POST['data']);
} else {
    $data = $_POST['data'];
$obj = json_decode($data, true);
$db_utils = new DatabaseUtils();
$start_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$user_link = $db_utils->initUserDatabase();
if (mysql_select_db(DBName::getUserDB)) {
    $select_array = array();
    $select_obj = $db_utils->selectTableAnd($user_link, TableName::getENTypeTable, $select_array);
    if (!$select_obj) {
        $db_utils->responseError($start_time, mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), $user_link);
    $list = array();
    while ($record = mysql_fetch_array($select_obj)) {
        $get["enTypeID"] = $record['enTypeID'];
        $get["enTypeName"] = $record['enTypeName'];
        $get["create_time"] = $record['create_time'];
        $get["update_time"] = $record['update_time'];
        array_push($list, $get);
Пример #19
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Administrator
 * Date: 2015/7/16
 * Time: 17:36
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
require_once "../entity/User.php";
require_once "../config.php";
require_once "../provider/Database.php";
require_once "../action/OrderAction.php";
require_once "../util/TimeUtils.php";
$type = $_POST["type"];
$userId = $_POST["userId"];
if ($type == 0) {
    if (TimeUtils::isTimeAvailable()) {
        $result = OrderAction::orderMeal($userId);
        if ($result === true) {
            echo json_encode(['success' => true]);
        } else {
            if ($result === OrderAction::$ORDER_MEAL_FAIL) {
                echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'errorMessage' => "服务器连接错误"]);
    } else {
        echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'errorMessage' => "还没到点餐时间呢"]);
} else {
    if ($type == 1) {
        $result = OrderAction::cancelOrder($userId);
        if ($result === true) {
Пример #20
include "../../../utils/tokenUtils.php";
$data = $_POST["data"];
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $data = stripslashes($_POST['data']);
} else {
    $data = $_POST['data'];
$obj = json_decode($data, true);
$enWord = $obj["enWord"];
$enWordID = $obj["enWordID"];
$definitionList = $obj["definitionList"];
$exampleList = $obj["exampleList"];
$translateList = $obj["translateList"];
$db_utils = new DatabaseUtils();
$start_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$update_time = TimeUtils::getNowTime();
$user_link = $db_utils->initUserDatabase();
if (mysql_select_db(DBName::getUserDB)) {
    $enWordObj = array("enWord" => $enWord);
    if (!$db_utils->updateData($user_link, TableName::getENWordTable, $enWordObj, "enWordID", $enWordID)) {
        $db_utils->responseError($start_time, mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), $user_link);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($definitionList); $i++) {
        $definitionItem = $definitionList[$i];
        $enDefinition = $definitionItem["enDefinition"];
        $enDefinitionID = $definitionItem["enDefinitionID"];
        $enDefObj = array("enDefinition" => $enDefinition);
        if (!$db_utils->updateData($user_link, TableName::getWordDefinitionTable, $enDefObj, "enDefinitionID", $enDefinitionID)) {
            $db_utils->responseError($start_time, mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), $user_link);
        $exampleItem = $exampleList[$i];
Пример #21
  * @param string $userId
  * @param string $date
  * @return bool|int ,mealId fail or error code
 public static function isFavored($userId, $date = "")
     $connection = Database::getInstance()->getConnection();
     if ($date == "") {
         $date = TimeUtils::getCurrentDate();
     static $queryTodayOrder = "select orderId from `order` where userId = ? and `date` = ?";
     $result = $connection->prepare($queryTodayOrder);
     $result->bind_param("ss", $userId, $date);
     $execute = $result->execute();
     if (!$execute) {
         return self::$IS_FAVORED_FAIL;
     if (!$result->fetch()) {
         return self::$IS_FAVORED_NOT_ORDER_MEAL;
     static $query = "select mealId from mealfavor where orderId = ?";
     $result = $connection->prepare($query);
     $result->bind_param("s", $orderId);
     $execute = $result->execute();
     if (!$execute) {
         return self::$IS_FAVORED_FAIL;
     if (!$result->fetch()) {
         return false;
     return $mealId;