Пример #1
 * Implementing hook_process_page()
function jjamerson_lc_preprocess_page(&$variables)
    $base_theme = 'jjamerson';
    global $base_url, $base_path, $user;
    global $_bss_section_information;
    if (isset($_bss_section_information['tid'])) {
        $site_section_tid = $_bss_section_information['tid'];
    if (isset($node['language'])) {
        $lang = $node['language'];
    } else {
        $lang = 'und';
    // Set a current node variable, because otherwise actions that rely on field data will affect
    // both the draft & published version of the page.
    if (function_exists('workbench_moderation_node_current_load')) {
        if (substr($_GET['q'], -strlen('/draft')) === '/draft') {
            $current_node = workbench_moderation_node_current_load($variables['node']);
        } else {
            $current_node = $variables['node'];
    } else {
        $current_node = $variables['node'];
    // Check to see if this is a stand-alone site section. First we fetch the site section ID, if
    // it's available (if the section menu block exists, then it should be available):
    if (isset($variables['page']['sidebar_first']['berklee_site_section_menu']['#block']->tid)) {
        $site_section = taxonomy_term_load($site_section_tid);
        $section_parent_link = drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $_bss_section_information['parent_node_id']);
    /* If this is a development environment, rebuild the minified JS file.
         For the automatic JS minification to occur:
         1. PHP needs write permissions for /js/jjamerson_lc.min.js
         2. The development_environment variable needs to be defined. You can do this
            either in a local settings file (e.g. settings.local.php) or via a drush command:
            drush vset development_environment 1
    $dev_env = variable_get('development_environment');
    if ($dev_env == 1) {
        //require_once drupal_get_path('theme', $base_theme) . '/third-party/class.JavaScriptPacker.php';
        $source = '';
        if ($directory_handle = opendir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/source')) {
            while (($file = readdir($directory_handle)) !== false) {
                // Only load JS extensions. This prevents issues with the packer loading .DS_Store files, at the least.
                if (substr($file, -3) === '.js') {
                    $source .= file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/source/' . $file) . "\n";
        $packer = new JavaScriptPacker($source, 'None', true, false);
        $packed = $packer->pack();
        file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/jjamerson_lc.min.js', $packed);
    } elseif ($dev_env == 2) {
        /* Alternatively, just add each JS file via drupal_add_js. Better for hunting down errors because
           the console will tell you the offending file & line number: */
        if ($directory_handle = opendir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/source')) {
            while (($file = readdir($directory_handle)) !== false) {
                if (preg_match('/.js$/', $file)) {
                    drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/js/source/' . $file);
    if (drupal_is_front_page()) {
        drupal_add_js('//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=geometry', array('type' => 'external'));
        // VideoJS components:
        drupal_add_js('//vjs.zencdn.net/4.12/video.js', array('type' => 'external', 'scope' => 'footer'));
        drupal_add_css('//vjs.zencdn.net/4.12/video-js.css', array('type' => 'external'));
    /* Allows you to use node-type, and node ID base page templates: */
    if (!empty($variables['node'])) {
        $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__' . $variables['node']->type;
        $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__' . $variables['node']->vid;
    } elseif (drupal_get_http_header('status')) {
        $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__404';
    /* Place logo: */
    if (isset($_GET['render-only']) && isset($_GET['unlink-logo'])) {
        $logo = "<img src='{$variables['logo']}' alt='Berklee logo' id='logo'>";
    } else {
        $logo = l("<img src='{$variables['logo']}' alt='Berklee Logo' title='Berklee Homepage'>", $base_url . $base_path, array('attributes' => array('id' => 'logo', 'rel' => 'home', 'title' => t('Home'), 'tabindex' => '1'), 'html' => TRUE));
    $logo_array = array('logo' => array('#markup' => $logo, '#type' => 'markup', '#weight' => -100));
    $share_links = array('share_links' => array('#markup' => '<div class="share-holder">
          <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
          <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
          <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like at300b" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
          <a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
          <script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":false};</script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-4fbe4da869545ef5"></script>
          <!-- AddThis Button END -->
        </div>', '#type' => 'markup', '#weight' => 1001));
    if (isset($variables['page']['header']) && is_array($variables['page']['header'])) {
        $variables['page']['header'] = $logo_array + $variables['page']['header'] + $share_links;
    /* Add a pretitle page variable, primarily for the sponsorship field */
    $variables['pretitle'] = '';
    if ($variables['page']['#type'] === 'page' && isset($variables['node'])) {
        if (isset($variables['node']->field_sponsorship) && count($variables['node']->field_sponsorship)) {
            $variables['pretitle'] = $variables['node']->field_sponsorship[$lang][0]['safe_value'];
            $variables['pretitle'] = "<span class='pretitle'>{$variables['pretitle']}</span>";
    /* Add a subtitle page variable */
    $variables['subtitle'] = '';
    if (isset($variables['node']) && $variables['node']->type === 'bt_cover') {
        $variables['pretitle'] = "<span class='pretitle previous-link'>";
        $variables['pretitle'] .= "<a href='/alumni'>Alumni Affairs</a>/";
        $variables['pretitle'] .= "<a href='/berklee-today/archives'>See All BT Issues</a>";
        $variables['pretitle'] .= "</span>";
        $variables['subtitle'] = "<span class='subtitle'>A Magazine for Contemporary Music and Musicians</span>";
    if (isset($variables['node']) && $variables['node']->type === 'bt_article') {
        if (isset($variables['page']['sidebar_first']['berklee_site_section_breadcrumb'])) {
            $new_crumb = '<ul class="breadcrumb"><li><a href="/alumni">Alumni Affairs</a></li><li><a href="/berklee-today/archives">All BT Issues</a></li></ul>';
            $variables['page']['sidebar_first']['berklee_site_section_breadcrumb']['#markup'] = $new_crumb;
    if (isset($variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][0]) && $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][0] == 'page__directory') {
        $variables['title'] = 'Berklee Directory';
        $variables['subtitle'] = "<span class='subtitle'>Faculty, Staff, and Departments</span>";
    /* Return unformatted content if notemplate variable is defined */
    if (isset($_GET['content-only'])) {
        /* check if this is an ajax request. if so, return just the page content: */
        if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
            echo drupal_render($variables['page']['content']);
            echo drupal_render($variables['page']['content_bottom']);
    // Check to see if this page can be used as a lead page:
    if (isset($site_section->field_base_url) && isset($site_section->field_banner_image_large[$lang][0]['uri']) && $site_section->description) {
        $site_section_home = $site_section->field_base_url[$lang][0]['value'];
        if (drupal_get_path_alias() == $site_section_home) {
            $header_image = $site_section->field_banner_image_large[$lang][0]['uri'];
            $header_image_src = file_create_url($header_image);
            // store the image source in an array element in the header, to be used by marshall_preprocess_region()
            // to set the background image:
            $variables['page']['header']['#lead-page']['header-image'] = $header_image_src;
            $summary = $site_section->description;
            $header_copy = "<div class='lead-page-intro'><h1>{$site_section->name}</h1><div class='lead-page-summary'>{$summary}</div></div>";
            $header_copy_array = array('lead-page-intro' => array('#markup' => $header_copy, '#type' => 'markup', '#weight' => -100));
            $variables['page']['header'] += $header_copy_array;
 * Implementing hook_process_page()
function jjamerson_preprocess_page(&$variables)
    global $base_url, $base_path, $user;
    if (isset($node['language'])) {
        $lang = $node['language'];
    } else {
        $lang = 'und';
    // Set a current node variable, because otherwise actions that rely on field data will affect
    // both the draft & published version of the page.
    if (function_exists('workbench_moderation_node_current_load')) {
        if (substr($_GET['q'], -strlen('/draft')) === '/draft') {
            $current_node = workbench_moderation_node_current_load($variables['node']);
        } else {
            $current_node = $variables['node'];
    } else {
        $current_node = $variables['node'];
    /* Return unformatted content if notemplate variable is defined */
    if (isset($_GET['notemplate']) && $_GET['notemplate'] === '1') {
        echo render($variables['page']['content']['system_main']['main']);
        // Ich sterbe.
    /* Hide tabs from users that aren't included in workbench moderation */
    if (module_exists('workbench_moderation') && !user_access('view moderation history')) {
        $variables['tabs'] = array();
    /* If this is a development environment, rebuild the minified JS file.
         For the automatic JS minification to occur:
         1. PHP needs write permissions for /js/jjamerson.min.js
         2. The development_environment variable needs to be defined. You can do this
            either in a local settings file (e.g. settings.local.php) or via a drush command:
            drush vset development_environment 1
    $dev_env = variable_get('development_environment');
    if ($dev_env == 1) {
        require dirname(__FILE__) . '/third-party/class.JavaScriptPacker.php';
        $source = '';
        if ($directory_handle = opendir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/source')) {
            while (($file = readdir($directory_handle)) !== false) {
                // Only load JS extensions. This prevents issues with the packer loading .DS_Store files, at the least.
                if (substr($file, -3) === '.js') {
                    $source .= file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/source/' . $file) . "\n";
        $packer = new JavaScriptPacker($source, 'None', true, false);
        $packed = $packer->pack();
        file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/jjamerson.min.js', $packed);
    } elseif ($dev_env == 2) {
        /* Alternatively, just add each JS file via drupal_add_js. Better for hunting down errors because
           the console will tell you the offending file & line number: */
        if ($directory_handle = opendir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js/source')) {
            while (($file = readdir($directory_handle)) !== false) {
                if (preg_match('/.js$/', $file)) {
                    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'jjamerson') . '/js/source/' . $file);
    //drupal_add_css( path_to_theme() . '/third-party/bootstrap/bootstrap-combined.no-icons.min.css');
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'jjamerson') . '/fonts/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css');
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'jjamerson') . '/third-party/html5shiv-printshiv.js');
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'jjamerson') . '/third-party/respond.min.js', array('scope' => 'footer'));
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'jjamerson') . '/third-party/soundcloud-api.js', array('scrope' => 'footer'));
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'jjamerson') . '/third-party/jquery.dataTables.min.js');
    /* Allows you to use node-type, and node ID base page templates: */
    if (!empty($variables['node'])) {
        $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__' . $variables['node']->type;
        $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__' . $variables['node']->vid;
    } elseif (drupal_get_http_header('status')) {
        $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__404';
    /* Add a pretitle page variable */
    $variables['pretitle'] = '';
    if ($variables['page']['#type'] === 'page' && isset($variables['node'])) {
        if (isset($variables['node']->field_pretitle) && count($variables['node']->field_pretitle)) {
            $variables['pretitle'] = $variables['node']->field_pretitle[$lang][0]['safe_value'];
            $variables['pretitle'] = "<span class='pretitle'>{$variables['pretitle']}</span>";
    /* Return unformatted content if notemplate variable is defined */
    if (isset($_GET['content-only'])) {
        /* check if this is an ajax request. if so, return just the page content: */
        if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
            echo drupal_render($variables['page']['content']);
            echo drupal_render($variables['page']['content_bottom']);
    if (isset($_GET['render-only'])) {
        $renderable_regions = explode('--', $_GET['render-only']);
        foreach ($variables['page'] as $page_array_item => $bla) {
            if (strpos($page_array_item, '#') !== 0) {
                $unset_region = true;
                foreach ($renderable_regions as $region_name) {
                    if ($region_name === $page_array_item) {
                        $unset_region = false;
                if ($unset_region) {
        if (!in_array('tabs', $renderable_regions)) {
        if (!in_array('content', $renderable_regions)) {
            $variables['title'] = '';
 * Override or insert variables into the page template.
 * @param $vars
 *   An array of variables to pass to the theme template.
 * @param $hook
 *   The name of the template being rendered ("page" in this case.)
function unity_lab_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    if (isset($vars['node'])) {
        $path = $_GET['q'];
        if (substr($path, -6) === '/draft') {
            $vars['node'] = workbench_moderation_node_current_load($vars['node']);
        //    dpm($wbm);
        $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__sections';
        $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__' . $vars['node']->type;
        $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__node__' . $vars['node']->nid;
        //get hero section from node;
        $hero = field_get_items('node', $vars['node'], 'field_hero_section');
        if ($hero) {
            $heroRender = field_view_value('node', $vars['node'], 'field_hero_section', $hero[0]);
            $vars['page']['banner'] = $heroRender;
        } else {
            //if there is no hero defined, then clear banner.
            $vars['page']['banner'] = '';
        $introduction = field_get_items('node', $vars['node'], 'field_introduction');
        if (!empty($introduction)) {
            $introduction = field_view_value('node', $vars['node'], 'field_introduction', $introduction[0]);
            $vars['page']['introduction'] = render($introduction);
        } else {
            $vars['page']['introduction'] = '';
        $audDisplay = array('label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'textformatter_list', 'settings' => array('textformatter_class' => 'textformatter-list', 'textformatter_comma_and' => 1, 'textformatter_comma_full_stop' => 0, 'textformatter_comma_override' => 0, 'textformatter_comma_tag' => '', 'textformatter_contrib' => array(), 'textformatter_separator_custom' => '', 'textformatter_separator_custom_class' => '', 'textformatter_separator_custom_tag' => 'span', 'textformatter_term_plain' => 1, 'textformatter_type' => 'comma'));
        $audience = field_get_items('node', $vars['node'], 'field_audience');
        $audience = field_view_field('node', $vars['node'], 'field_audience', $audDisplay);
        if (!empty($audience)) {
            $audience = render($audience);
            $vars['page']['introduction'] .= '<p>Audience: ' . $audience . '</p>';
                $audDisplay = array('type'=>'plaintext');
                if(!empty($audience)) {
                    $audienceString = '';
                    foreach($audience as $audienceItem) {
                        $audienceItem = field_view_value('node', $vars['node'], 'field_audience', $audienceItem, $audDisplay);
                        $audienceString .= render($audienceItem) . ", ";
                    $audienceString = rtrim($audienceString, ', ');
        //      $vars['page']['introduction'] .= '<p><strong>Audience:</strong> ' . $audienceString . '</p>';
        //  }
        $jumpMenu = field_get_items('node', $vars['node'], 'field_jump_menu');
        if (!empty($jumpMenu)) {
            $vars['page']['jump-menu']['type'] = $jumpMenu[0]['value'];
        } else {
            $vars['page']['jump-menu'] = '';
    } else {
        if (!empty($vars['page']['main_prefix']) && !empty($vars['page']['main_postfix'])) {
            $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__three_col';
        } else {
            if (!empty($vars['page']['main_postfix'])) {
                $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__postfix';
            } else {
                if (!empty($vars['page']['main_prefix'])) {
                    $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__prefix';
                } else {
                    $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page';

global $language;
if (!($language_prefix = $language->prefix)) {
    $language_prefix = 'und';
if (function_exists('workbench_moderation_node_current_load')) {
    if (substr($_GET['q'], -strlen('/draft')) === '/draft') {
        $current_node = workbench_moderation_node_current_load($node);
    } else {
        $current_node = $node;
$nid = $node->nid;
// Setup the stripes region manually, if it doesn't already exist
if (count($page['stripes']) == 0) {
    $page['stripes'] = array('#sorted' => TRUE, '#theme_wrappers' => array(0 => 'region'), '#region' => 'stripes');
// Wrap HH "block" field content with their respective CSS classes (from the "Block Class" field) and
// move blocks with the class 'width-full' to the stripes region
for ($i = 0; $i < count($current_node->field_block_class[$language_prefix]); $i++) {
    if (isset($current_node->field_block_class[$language_prefix][$i])) {
        $block_classes = $current_node->field_block_class[$language_prefix][$i]['safe_value'];
        if (strpos($block_classes, 'width-full') > -1) {
            $page['stripes']["field_block_{$i}"] = $page['content']['system_main']['nodes'][$nid]['field_block'][$i];
            $page['stripes']["field_block_{$i}"]['#markup'] = "<div class='{$block_classes}'>" . $page['content']['system_main']['nodes'][$nid]['field_block'][$i]['#markup'] . "</div>";
        } else {
            $page['content']['system_main']['nodes'][$nid]['field_block'][$i]['#markup'] = "<div class='{$block_classes}'>" . $page['content']['system_main']['nodes'][$nid]['field_block'][$i]['#markup'] . "</div>";
    } else {