Пример #1
 function init($module_name, $subPanelName)
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug("in ParserModifySubPanel: module_name={$module_name} child_module={$subPanelName}");
     $this->moduleName = $module_name;
     $this->subPanelName = $subPanelName;
     global $beanList, $beanFiles;
     // Sometimes we receive a module name which is not in the correct CamelCase, so shift to lower case for all beanList lookups
     $beanListLower = array_change_key_case($beanList);
     // Retrieve the definitions for all the available subpanels for this module
     $class = $beanListLower[strtolower($this->moduleName)];
     require_once $beanFiles[$class];
     $module = new $class();
     require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
     $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($module);
     // Get the lists of fields already in the subpanel and those that can be added in
     // Get the fields lists from an aSubPanel object describing this subpanel from the SubPanelDefinitions object
     $this->originalListViewDefs = array();
     if (array_key_exists(strtolower($this->subPanelName), $spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'])) {
         $originalPanel = $spd->load_subpanel($this->subPanelName, true);
         $this->originalListViewDefs = $originalPanel->get_list_fields();
         $this->panel = $spd->load_subpanel($subPanelName, false);
         $this->listViewDefs = $this->panel->get_list_fields();
         // Retrieve a copy of the bean for the parent module of this subpanel - so we can find additional fields for the layout
         $subPanelParentModuleName = $this->panel->get_module_name();
         $this->subPanelParentModule = null;
         if (!empty($subPanelParentModuleName) && isset($beanListLower[strtolower($subPanelParentModuleName)])) {
             $class = $beanListLower[strtolower($subPanelParentModuleName)];
             if (isset($beanFiles[$class])) {
                 require_once $beanFiles[$class];
                 $this->subPanelParentModule = new $class();
     $this->language_module = $this->panel->template_instance->module_dir;
Пример #2
 public function testHistorySubpanel()
     $subpanelDefs = new SubPanelDefinitions($this->contact);
     $subpanel = $subpanelDefs->load_subpanel('history');
     $prop = $subpanel->get_inst_prop_value('collection_list');
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('notes_parent', $prop, 'Should have notes_parent key defined for history');
Пример #3
 function SubPanel($module, $record_id, $subpanel_id, $subpanelDef, $layout_def_key = '')
     global $theme, $focus, $app_strings;
     $this->subpanel_defs = $subpanelDef;
     $this->subpanel_id = $subpanel_id;
     $this->parent_record_id = $record_id;
     $this->parent_module = $module;
     $this->layout_def_key = $layout_def_key;
     $result = $this->parent_bean = $focus;
     if (empty($result)) {
         $result = $this->parent_bean = BeanFactory::getBean($module, $this->parent_record_id);
     if ($record_id != 'fab4' && $result == null) {
     if (empty($subpanelDef)) {
         //load the subpanel by name.
         if (!class_exists('MyClass')) {
             require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
         $panelsdef = new SubPanelDefinitions($result, $layout_def_key);
         $subpanelDef = $panelsdef->load_subpanel($subpanel_id);
         $this->subpanel_defs = $subpanelDef;
    function loadSubpanel($module_name, $child_module)
        $this->parent_module = $module_name;
        $this->child_module = $child_module;
        global $beanList, $beanFiles;
        $class = $beanList[$module_name];
        require_once $beanFiles[$class];
        require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
        $mod = new $class();
        $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($mod);
        $panel = $spd->load_subpanel($child_module, true);
        $this->panel = $panel;
        $subpanel = new SubPanel($module_name, 'fab4', $child_module, $panel);
        $oldcontents = ob_get_contents();
        $this->curText = ob_get_contents();
        echo $oldcontents;
        $this->subpanel = $subpanel;
        $this->form = <<<EOQ
\t\t<form name='studio' method='POST'>
\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='action' value='saveSubpanel'>
\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='module' value='Studio'>
\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='subpanel' value='{$child_module}'>
Пример #5
 public function testSugarWidgetSubpanelTopButtonQuickCreate()
     $defines = array();
     $defines['focus'] = $this->account;
     $defines['module'] = 'Accounts';
     $defines['action'] = 'DetailView';
     $subpanel_definitions = new SubPanelDefinitions(new Contact());
     $contactSubpanelDef = $subpanel_definitions->load_subpanel('contacts');
     $subpanel = new SubPanel('Accounts', $this->account->id, 'contacts', $contactSubpanelDef, 'Accounts');
     $defines['subpanel_definition'] = $subpanel->subpanel_defs;
     $button = new SugarWidgetSubPanelTopButtonQuickCreate();
     $code = $button->_get_form($defines);
     $this->assertRegExp('/\\<input[^\\>]*?name=\\"return_name\\"/', $code, "Assert that the hidden input field return_name was created");
 function set_subpanel($module_name, $child_module)
     $this->parent_module = $module_name;
     $this->child_module = $child_module;
     global $beanList, $beanFiles;
     $class = $beanList[$module_name];
     require_once $beanFiles[$class];
     require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
     $mod = new $class();
     $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($mod);
     $panel = $spd->load_subpanel($child_module, true);
     $this->panel = $panel;
     $subpanel = new SubPanel($module_name, 'fab4', $child_module, $panel);
     $this->contents = ob_get_contents();
     $this->subpanel = $subpanel;
Пример #7
 function __construct($module, $record_id, $subpanel_id, $subpanelDef, $layout_def_key = '', $collections = array())
     global $beanList, $beanFiles, $focus, $app_strings;
     $this->subpanel_defs = $subpanelDef;
     $this->subpanel_id = $subpanel_id;
     $this->parent_record_id = $record_id;
     $this->parent_module = $module;
     $this->layout_def_key = $layout_def_key;
     $this->collections = $collections;
     $this->parent_bean = $focus;
     $result = $focus;
     if (empty($result)) {
         $parent_bean_name = $beanList[$module];
         $parent_bean_file = $beanFiles[$parent_bean_name];
         require_once $parent_bean_file;
         $this->parent_bean = new $parent_bean_name();
         $result = $this->parent_bean;
     if ($record_id != 'fab4' && $result == null) {
     if (!empty($subpanelDef)) {
         //load the subpanel by name.
         $panelsdef = new SubPanelDefinitions($result, $layout_def_key);
         $subpanelDef = $panelsdef->load_subpanel($subpanel_id, false, false, $this->search_query, $collections);
         $this->subpanel_defs = $subpanelDef;
Пример #8
 private static function identifySubpanel($thisModuleName, $sourceModuleName)
     $module = get_module_info($thisModuleName);
     require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
     $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($module);
     $subpanelNames = $spd->get_available_tabs();
     // actually these are the displayed subpanels
     $subPanels = array();
     foreach ($subpanelNames as $key => $name) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug($thisModuleName . " " . $name);
         $subPanel = $spd->load_subpanel($name);
         if (!isset($subPanel->_instance_properties['collection_list'])) {
             if ($sourceModuleName == $subPanel->_instance_properties['module']) {
                 return $subPanel->_instance_properties['subpanel_name'];
     return null;
Пример #9
  * For a specific module get any existing Subpanel Definitions it may have
  * @param string $moduleName
  * @return array
 public function getSubpanelDefs($moduleName)
     $parent_bean = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleName);
     //Hack to allow the SubPanelDefinitions class to check the correct module dir
     if (!$parent_bean) {
         $parent_bean = (object) array('module_dir' => $moduleName);
     $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($parent_bean, '', '', $this->platforms[0]);
     $layout_defs = $spd->layout_defs;
     if (is_array($layout_defs) && isset($layout_defs['subpanel_setup'])) {
         foreach ($layout_defs['subpanel_setup'] as $name => $subpanel_info) {
             $aSubPanel = $spd->load_subpanel($name, false, false, true);
             if (!$aSubPanel) {
             if ($aSubPanel->isCollection()) {
                 $collection = array();
                 foreach ($aSubPanel->sub_subpanels as $key => $subpanel) {
                     $collection[$key] = $subpanel->panel_definition;
                 $layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$name]['panel_definition'] = $collection;
             } else {
                 $layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$name]['panel_definition'] = $aSubPanel->panel_definition;
     return $layout_defs;
 function __construct($subpanelName, $moduleName)
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . "->__construct({$subpanelName} , {$moduleName})");
     $this->_subpanelName = $subpanelName;
     $this->_moduleName = $moduleName;
     $module = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleName);
     if (empty($module)) {
         sugar_die(get_class($this) . ": Modulename {$moduleName} is not a Deployed Module");
     $this->historyPathname = 'custom/history/modules/' . $moduleName . '/subpanels/' . $subpanelName . '/' . self::HISTORYFILENAME;
     $this->_history = new History($this->historyPathname);
     require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
     // retrieve the definitions for all the available subpanels for this module from the subpanel
     $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($module);
     // Get the lists of fields already in the subpanel and those that can be added in
     // Get the fields lists from an aSubPanel object describing this subpanel from the SubPanelDefinitions object
     $this->_viewdefs = array();
     $this->_fielddefs = array();
     $this->_language = '';
     if (!empty($spd->layout_defs)) {
         if (array_key_exists(strtolower($subpanelName), $spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'])) {
             //First load the original defs from the module folder
             $originalSubpanel = $spd->load_subpanel($subpanelName, false, true);
             $this->_fullFielddefs = $originalSubpanel ? $originalSubpanel->get_list_fields() : array();
             $this->_mergeFielddefs($this->_fielddefs, $this->_fullFielddefs);
             $this->_aSubPanelObject = $spd->load_subpanel($subpanelName);
             // now check if there is a restored subpanel in the history area - if there is, then go ahead and use it
             if (file_exists($this->historyPathname)) {
                 // load in the subpanelDefOverride from the history file
                 $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . ": loading from history");
                 require $this->historyPathname;
                 $this->_viewdefs = $layout_defs;
             } else {
                 $this->_viewdefs = $this->_aSubPanelObject->get_list_fields();
             // don't attempt to access the template_instance property if our subpanel represents a collection, as it won't be there - the sub-sub-panels get this value instead
             if (!$this->_aSubPanelObject->isCollection()) {
                 $this->_language = $this->_aSubPanelObject->template_instance->module_dir;
             // Retrieve a copy of the bean for the parent module of this subpanel - so we can find additional fields for the layout
             $subPanelParentModuleName = $this->_aSubPanelObject->get_module_name();
             $beanListLower = array_change_key_case($GLOBALS['beanList']);
             if (!empty($subPanelParentModuleName) && isset($beanListLower[strtolower($subPanelParentModuleName)])) {
                 $subPanelParentModule = get_module_info($subPanelParentModuleName);
                 // Run through the preliminary list, keeping only those fields that are valid to include in a layout
                 foreach ($subPanelParentModule->field_defs as $key => $def) {
                     $key = strtolower($key);
                     if (AbstractMetaDataParser::validField($def)) {
                         if (!isset($def['label'])) {
                             $def['label'] = $def['name'];
                         $this->_fielddefs[$key] = $def;
             $this->_mergeFielddefs($this->_fielddefs, $this->_viewdefs);
Пример #11
$subpanel = $_REQUEST['subpanel'];
$record = $_REQUEST['record'];
$module = $_REQUEST['module'];
$layout_def_key = $_REQUEST['layout_def_key'];
if (empty($_REQUEST['inline'])) {
// need to load the subpanel definition here and manipulate the 'where clause'
if (($result = BeanFactory::getBean($module, $record)) === FALSE) {
    die("'{$module}' is not a valid module");
if (!class_exists('MyClass')) {
    require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
$panelsdef = new SubPanelDefinitions($result, $layout_def_key);
$subpanelDef = $panelsdef->load_subpanel($subpanel);
// create or append subpanel definition where clause for the filter
if (!isset($subpanelDef->panel_definition['where']) || $subpanelDef->panel_definition['where'] == '') {
    $subpanelDef->panel_definition['where'] = '';
} else {
    $subpanelDef->panel_definition['where'] .= ' AND ';
if ($_REQUEST['search_params'] && $_REQUEST['search_params'] != '') {
    foreach ($subpanelDef->sub_subpanels as $key => $value) {
        $module_name = $subpanelDef->sub_subpanels[$key]->_instance_properties['module'];
        global $beanList, $beanFiles;
        $class_name = $beanList[$module_name];
        $class_name = new $class_name();
        $table = $class_name->table_name;
        //run through every sub_subpanel
Пример #12
  * @group 53223
 public function testOneToManyRelationshipModule2Modult()
     $_REQUEST['relate_id'] = $this->parentAccount->id;
     $_REQUEST['relate_to'] = $this->relationship->getName();
     // create new account
     $objAccount = new Account();
     $objAccount->name = "AccountBug53223" . $_REQUEST['relate_to'] . time();
     // Retrieve new data
     // Getting data of subpanel of parent bean
     $_REQUEST['module'] = 'Accounts';
     $_REQUEST['action'] = 'DetailView';
     $_REQUEST['record'] = $this->parentAccount->id;
     $subpanels = new SubPanelDefinitions($this->parentAccount, 'Accounts');
     $subpanelDef = $subpanels->load_subpanel($this->relationship->getName() . 'accounts_ida');
     $subpanel = new SubPanel('Accounts', $this->parentAccount->id, 'default', $subpanelDef);
     $actual = $this->getActualOutput();
     $this->assertContains($objAccount->name, $actual, 'Account name is not displayed in subpanel of parent account');
     // Getting data of subpanel of child bean
     $_REQUEST['module'] = 'Accounts';
     $_REQUEST['action'] = 'DetailView';
     $_REQUEST['record'] = $objAccount->id;
     $subpanels = new SubPanelDefinitions($objAccount, 'Accounts');
     $subpanelDef = $subpanels->load_subpanel($this->relationship->getName() . 'accounts_ida');
     $subpanel = new SubPanel('Accounts', $objAccount->id, 'default', $subpanelDef);
     $actual = $this->getActualOutput();
     $this->assertNotContains($this->parentAccount->name, $actual, 'Parent account name is displayed in subpanel of child aaccount');
Пример #13
    $_REQUEST['collection_basic'] = explode(',', $_REQUEST['collection_basic'][0]);
    $collection = $_REQUEST['collection_basic'];
if (empty($_REQUEST['inline'])) {
//$focus=new $beanList[$_REQUEST['module']];
include 'include/SubPanel/SubPanel.php';
$layout_def_key = '';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['layout_def_key'])) {
    $layout_def_key = $_REQUEST['layout_def_key'];
require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
// retrieve the definitions for all the available subpanels for this module from the subpanel
$bean = BeanFactory::getBean($module);
$spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($bean);
$aSubPanelObject = $spd->load_subpanel($subpanel);
$subpanel_object = new SubPanel($module, $record, $subpanel, $aSubPanelObject, $layout_def_key, $collection);
echo empty($_REQUEST['inline']) ? $subpanel_object->get_buttons() : '';
$jsAlerts = new jsAlerts();
if (!isset($_SESSION['isMobile'])) {
    echo $jsAlerts->getScript();
if (empty($_REQUEST['inline'])) {
Пример #14
 function get_list_view_data()
     global $app_strings;
     global $mod_strings;
     $field_list = $this->get_list_view_array();
     $bean = BeanFactory::getBean('xeBayOrders');
     require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
     $subpanel_definitions = new SubPanelDefinitions($bean);
     $subpanel_definitions->layout_defs['subpanel_setup']['xebaytransactions']['subpanel_name'] = "ForOrderSimple";
     $thisPanel = $subpanel_definitions->load_subpanel("xebaytransactions");
     include_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanel.php';
     $subpanel_object = new SubPanel('xeBayOrders', $field_list['ID'], 'all', $thisPanel);
     $subpanel_data = ob_get_contents();
     $order_details .= '<p style="margin: 8px 0px 8px 0px;">';
     $order_details .= $field_list['BUYER_USER_ID'];
     $order_details .= '</p>';
     $order_details .= $subpanel_data;
     $field_list['ORDER_DETAILS'] = $order_details;
     if (!empty($field_list['BUYER_CHECKOUT_MESSAGE'])) {
         $message = "<img alt='{$mod_strings['LBL_MESSAGE']}' style='padding: 0px 5px 0px 2px' border='0' onclick=\"SUGAR.util.getStaticAdditionalDetails(this,'";
         $message .= str_replace(array("&#039;"), array("\\'"), $field_list['BUYER_CHECKOUT_MESSAGE']);
         // $message .= $field_list['BUYER_CHECKOUT_MESSAGE'];
         $message .= "','<div style=\\'float:left\\'>{$mod_strings['LBL_MESSAGE']}</div><div style=\\'float: right\\'>";
         $closeVal = "false";
         $message .= "'," . $closeVal . ")\" src='" . SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('AlertEmailTemplates.gif') . "' class='info'>";
         $field_list['BUYER_CHECKOUT_MESSAGE'] = $message;
     if ($field_list['PRINT_STATUS']) {
         $field_list['PRINT_STATUS_ICON'] = "<img alt='Print status' border='0' src='" . SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('Print_Email.gif') . "'>";
     return $field_list;
  * If a subpanel cannot be found in sidecar, try to find it in legacy
  * and convert it
  * @return bool
 protected function fixUpSubpanel()
     // getting here usually means that the link passed in is from an oldschool layoutdef
     // get the name, get the key, get the link, then we work the magic
     $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions(BeanFactory::getBean($this->loadedModule));
     if (!empty($spd->layout_defs)) {
         if (array_key_exists(strtolower($this->linkName), $spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'])) {
             $aSubPanelObject = $spd->load_subpanel($this->linkName);
             $this->_moduleName = $aSubPanelObject->get_module_name();
             $this->bean = BeanFactory::getBean($this->_moduleName);
             // convert the old viewdef on the fly
             return true;
     return false;
Пример #16
 function getTabs($tabs, $showTabs = true, $selectedGroup = 'All')
     //WDong Bug: 12258 "All" tab in the middle of a record's detail view is not localized.
     if ($selectedGroup == 'All') {
         $selectedGroup = translate('LBL_TABGROUP_ALL');
     require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
     $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($this->focus);
     // Set up a mapping from subpanelID, found in the $tabs list, to the source module name
     // As the $GLOBALS['tabStructure'] array holds the Group Tabs by module name we need to efficiently convert between the two
     // when constructing the subpanel tabs
     // Note that we can't use the very similar GroupedTabStructure class as it lacks this mapping, and logically, it is designed
     // for use when constructing the module by module tabs, not the subpanel tabs, as we move away from using module names to represent
     // subpanels, and use unique subpanel IDs instead.
     $moduleNames = array();
     foreach ($tabs as $subpanelID) {
         $subpanel = $spd->load_subpanel($subpanelID);
         if ($subpanel !== false) {
             $moduleNames[$subpanelID] = $subpanel->get_module_name();
     $groups = array();
     $found = array();
     foreach ($GLOBALS['tabStructure'] as $mainTab => $subModules) {
         foreach ($subModules['modules'] as $key => $subModule) {
             foreach ($tabs as $subpanelID) {
                 if (isset($moduleNames[$subpanelID]) && strcasecmp($subModule, $moduleNames[$subpanelID]) === 0) {
                     $groups[translate($mainTab)]['modules'][$key] = $subpanelID;
                     $found[$subpanelID] = true;
     // Put all the remaining subpanels into the 'Other' tab.
     foreach ($tabs as $subpanelID) {
         if (!isset($found[$subpanelID])) {
             $groups[translate('LBL_TABGROUP_OTHER')]['modules'][] = $subpanelID;
     /* Move history to same tab as activities */
     if (in_array('history', $tabs) && in_array('activities', $tabs)) {
         foreach ($groups as $mainTab => $group) {
             if (in_array('activities', array_map('strtolower', $group['modules']))) {
                 if (!in_array('history', array_map('strtolower', $group['modules']))) {
                     /* Move hist from there to here */
                     $groups[$mainTab]['modules'][] = 'history';
             } else {
                 if (false !== ($i = array_search('history', array_map('strtolower', $group['modules'])))) {
                     if (empty($groups[$mainTab]['modules'])) {
     /* Add the 'All' group.
      * Note that if a tab group already exists with the name 'All',
      * it will be overwritten in this union operation.
     if (count($groups) <= 1) {
         $groups = array(translate('LBL_TABGROUP_ALL') => array('label' => translate('LBL_TABGROUP_ALL'), 'modules' => $tabs));
     } else {
         $groups = array(translate('LBL_TABGROUP_ALL') => array('label' => translate('LBL_TABGROUP_ALL'), 'modules' => $tabs)) + $groups;
     /* Note - all $display checking and array_intersects with $tabs
      * are now redundant (thanks to GroupedTabStructure), and could
      * be removed for performance, but for now can stay to help ensure
      * that the tabs get renedered correctly.
     $retTabs = array();
     if ($showTabs) {
         require_once 'include/SubPanel/SugarTab.php';
         $sugarTab = new SugarTab();
         $displayTabs = array();
         $otherTabs = array();
         foreach ($groups as $key => $tab) {
             $display = false;
             foreach ($tab['modules'] as $subkey => $subtab) {
                 if (in_array(strtolower($subtab), $tabs)) {
                     $display = true;
             $selected = '';
             if ($selectedGroup == $key) {
                 $selected = 'current';
             if ($display) {
                 $relevantTabs = SubPanelTilesTabs::applyUserCustomLayoutToTabs($tabs, $key);
                 $sugarTabs[$key] = array('label' => !empty($tab['label']) ? $tab['label'] : $key, 'type' => $selected);
                 $otherTabs[$key] = array('key' => $key, 'tabs' => array());
                 $orderedTabs = array_intersect($relevantTabs, array_map('strtolower', $groups[$key]['modules']));
                 foreach ($orderedTabs as $subkey => $subtab) {
                     $otherTabs[$key]['tabs'][$subkey] = array('key' => $subtab, 'label' => translate($this->subpanel_definitions->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$subtab]['title_key']));
                 if ($selectedGroup == $key) {
                     $displayTabs = $otherTabs[$key]['tabs'];
                     $retTabs = $orderedTabs;
         if (empty($displayTabs) && !empty($otherTabs)) {
             //WDong Bug: 12258 "All" tab in the middle of a record's detail view is not localized.
             $selectedGroup = translate('LBL_TABGROUP_ALL');
             $displayTabs = $otherTabs[$selectedGroup]['tabs'];
             $sugarTabs[$selectedGroup]['type'] = 'current';
             $retTabs = array_intersect($tabs, array_map('strtolower', $groups[$selectedGroup]['modules']));
         if (!empty($sugarTabs) || !empty($otherTabs)) {
             $sugarTab->setup($sugarTabs, $otherTabs, $displayTabs, $selectedGroup);
     } else {
         $tabs = SubPanelTilesTabs::applyUserCustomLayoutToTabs($tabs, $selectedGroup);
         $retTabs = array_intersect($tabs, array_map('strtolower', $groups[$selectedGroup]['modules']));
     return $retTabs;
Пример #17
 protected static function loadSubpanelDefs($bean)
     $module = $bean->module_dir;
     if (!isset(static::$subpanelDefs[$module])) {
         static::$subpanelDefs[$module] = array();
         $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($bean);
         $subpanelNames = $spd->get_available_tabs();
         // actually these are the displayed subpanels
         foreach ($subpanelNames as $key => $name) {
             static::$subpanelDefs[$module][$name] = $spd->load_subpanel($name);
     return static::$subpanelDefs[$module];