# PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU
# General Public License along with Exponent; if
# not, write to:
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
# $Id: site.structure.php,v 1.14 2005/04/25 15:35:53 filetreefrog Exp $
# 24/08/2005 MaxxCorp
if (!defined('PATHOS')) {
pathos_lang_loadDictionary('config', 'site');
foreach (glob(BASE . "external/editors/*.glue") as $installed_glue_file) {
    $installed_editor = basename($installed_glue_file, ".glue");
    $installed_editors[$installed_editor] = $installed_editor;
$stuff = array(TR_CONFIG_SITE_TITLE, array('SITE_TITLE' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_SITE_TITLE, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_SITE_TITLE_DESC, 'control' => new textcontrol()), 'USE_LANG' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_USE_LANG, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_USE_LANG, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(0, pathos_lang_list())), 'SITE_ALLOW_REGISTRATION' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_ALLOW_REGISTRATION, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_ALLOW_REGISTRATION_DESC, 'control' => new checkboxcontrol()), 'SITE_USE_CAPTCHA' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_USE_CAPTCHA, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_USE_CAPTCHA_DESC, 'control' => new checkboxcontrol()), 'SITE_KEYWORDS' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_KEYWORDS, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_KEYWORDS_DESC, 'control' => new texteditorcontrol('', 10, 30)), 'SITE_DESCRIPTION' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_DESCRIPTION, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_DESCRIPTION_DESC, 'control' => new texteditorcontrol('', 15, 50)), 'SITE_404_HTML' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_404, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_404_DESC, 'control' => new htmleditorcontrol('', '', 15, 50)), 'SITE_403_REAL_HTML' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_403, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_403_DESC, 'control' => new htmleditorcontrol('', '', 15, 50)), 'SITE_DEFAULT_SECTION' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_DEFAULT_SECTION, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_DEFAULT_SECTION_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol('', navigationmodule::hierarchyDropDownControlArray())), 'SITE_WYSIWYG_EDITOR' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_WYSIWYG_EDITOR, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_WYSIWYG_EDITOR_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, $installed_editors)), 'SESSION_TIMEOUT' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_SESSION_TIMEOUT, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_DESC, 'control' => new textcontrol()), 'SESSION_TIMEOUT_HTML' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_TIMEOUT_ERROR_DESC, 'control' => new htmleditorcontrol('', 15, 50)), 'FILE_DEFAULT_MODE_STR' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_FILEPERMS, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_FILEPERMS_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, pathos_config_dropdownData('file_permissions'))), 'DIR_DEFAULT_MODE_STR' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_DIRPERMS, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_DIRPERMS_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, pathos_config_dropdownData('dir_permissions'))), 'ENABLE_SSL' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_ENABLE_SSL, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_ENABLE_SSL_DESC, 'control' => new checkboxcontrol()), 'NONSSL_URL' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_NONSSL_URL, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_NONSSL_URL_DESC, 'control' => new textcontrol()), 'SSL_URL' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_SSL_URL, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_SITE_SSL_URL_DESC, 'control' => new textcontrol()), 'WORKFLOW_REVISION_LIMIT' => array('title' => 'Revision History Limit', 'description' => 'The maximum number of major revisions (excluding the "current" revision) to keep per item of content.  A limit of 0 (zero) means that all revisions will be kept.', 'control' => new textcontrol())));
$info = gd_info();
    $stuff[1]['SITE_USE_CAPTCHA']['control']->disabled = true;
return $stuff;
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Exponent is distributed in the hope that it
# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of
# PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU
# General Public License along with Exponent; if
# not, write to:
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
# $Id: display.structure.php,v 1.4 2005/02/19 00:39:18 filetreefrog Exp $
if (!defined('PATHOS')) {
pathos_lang_loadDictionary('config', 'display');
$t = pathos_core_listThemes();
uasort($t, 'strnatcmp');
return array(TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_TITLE, array('DISPLAY_THEME_REAL' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_THEME_REAL, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_THEME_REAL_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, $t)), 'DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTION' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTION, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTION_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, array('firstlast' => 'John Doe', 'lastfirst' => 'Doe, John', 'first' => 'John', 'username' => 'jdoe'))), 'DISPLAY_DATETIME_FORMAT' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_DATETIME_FORMAT, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_DATETIME_FORMAT_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, pathos_config_dropdownData('datetime_format'))), 'DISPLAY_DATE_FORMAT' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_DATE_FORMAT, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_DATE_FORMAT_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, pathos_config_dropdownData('date_format'))), 'DISPLAY_TIME_FORMAT' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_TIME_FORMAT, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_TIME_FORMAT_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, pathos_config_dropdownData('time_format'))), 'DISPLAY_WEEKS_STARTON' => array('title' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_WEEKS_STARTON, 'description' => TR_CONFIG_DISPLAY_WEEKS_STARTON_DESC, 'control' => new dropdowncontrol(null, pathos_config_dropdownData('weeks_starton')))));