public function run($token) { $env = Environment::where('token', $token)->first(); if (is_null($env)) { return json_encode(['error' => true, 'output' => 'invalid token']); } if (\Storage::exists($token . '.php')) { $tokenFile = \Storage::disk('local')->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix() . "/" . $token . ".php"; $output = null; $error = false; foreach ($this->steps as $step) { $command = "dep --ansi --file={$tokenFile} {$step} " . $env->server->host; $output .= $command . "\n"; $process = new Process($command); $process->run(); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { $output .= $process->getErrorOutput(); $error = true; break; } else { $output .= $process->getOutput(); } } $history = EnvironmentHistory::create(['environment_id' => $env->id, 'status' => $error ? 'fail' : 'success', 'history' => $output]); return json_encode(['error' => $error, 'output' => $output]); } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param StoreMediaRequest $request * @return Response */ public function store(StoreMediaRequest $request) { if ($request->ajax()) { $response = ['error' => 1, 'path' => '']; if ($request->hasFile('file')) { $file = $request->file('file'); $folder = '/public/uploads/' . $request->folder; if (!\Storage::exists($folder)) { \Storage::makeDirectory($folder); } $path = $folder . '/' . date('Y-m-d'); $hashed = sha1(Str::slug($file->getClientOriginalName() . time())) . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); if (!\Storage::exists($path)) { \Storage::makeDirectory($path); } if ($file->move(storage_path('app') . $path, $hashed)) { $path = str_replace('/public', '', $path); $medium = $this->medium->create(['path' => $path . '/' . $hashed]); if ($medium) { $response['error'] = 0; $response['path'] = $path . '/' . $hashed; return response($response, 200); } // TODO: ln -s storage/app/public/uploads /path/to/public_html/public } } } return response('error', 400); }
/** * Checks if the Database Directory exists, * if not, directory will be created. */ private function checkDirectoryExists() { $directory = storage_path($this->directoryPath); if (!$this->storage->exists($directory)) { $this->storage->makeDirectory($directory); } }
/** * Reverse the migrations. * * @return void */ public function down() { // If DB file exists delete it if (Storage::exists(database_path('SPGProfileDB.sqlite'))) { Storage::delete(database_path('SPGProfileDB.sqlite')); } Schema::connection($this->TargetDB)->drop('pass_profiles'); }
private static function getImg(Meeting $meeting) { $name = 'meetings/' . $meeting->id; if (!\Storage::exists($name)) { return false; } return \Storage::get($name); }
public function delete($projectId, $id) { try { $projectFile = $this->repository->find($id); if ($this->storage->exists($projectFile->getFileName())) { $this->storage->delete($projectFile->getFileName()); } $this->repository->delete($id); return ['success' => true, "message" => 'Registro excluído com sucesso.']; } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { return ['error' => true, 'message' => 'Registro não encontrado.', "messageDev" => $e->getMessage()]; } catch (QueryException $e) { return ['error' => true, 'message' => 'Este registro não pode ser excluído, pois existe um ou mais projetos vinculados a ele.', "messageDev" => $e->getMessage()]; } catch (\Exception $e) { return ["error" => true, "message" => 'Falha ao excluir registro.', "messageDev" => $e->getMessage()]; } }
public function verfoto(Request $request) { $public_path = public_path(); //$url = $public_path.'/storage/'.$request->archivo; $url = \Storage::disk('local') . $request->archivo; //verificamos si el archivo existe y lo retornamos if (Storage::exists($archivo)) { return response()->download($url); } //si no se encuentra lanzamos un error 404. abort(404); }
public function setContent($content = null) { if ($content == null || !is_array($content)) { $content = $this->getContent(); } $this->content = $content; \Storage::put($this->file_directory . '/' . $this->file_name . '-' . $this->id . '.json', json_encode($this->content)); if (\Storage::exists($this->file_directory . '/' . $this->file_name . '.json')) { \Storage::delete($this->file_directory . '/' . $this->file_name . '.json'); } \Storage::copy($this->file_directory . '/' . $this->file_name . '-' . $this->id . '.json', $this->file_directory . '/' . $this->file_name . '.json'); return $this->content; }
public function get($id) { // $entry = File::where('filename', '=', $filename)->firstOrFail(); // $file = \Storage::disk('local')->get($entry->filename); // // return (new \Response($file, 200)) // // ->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); // return response($file,200) // ->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); // =============================================================================================== // $entry = File::where('filename', '=', $filename)->firstOrFail(); // if (\Storage::exists($entry->filename)) { // $file = \Storage::disk('local')->get($entry->filename); // // return (new \Response($file, 200)) // // ->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); // return response($file,200) // ->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); // } // else{ // return 'File Rusak atau tidak ditemukan, Silahkan Update Ulang '; // } $entry = File::find(base64_decode($id)); // dd($entry); if ($entry) { $dirfile = empty($entry->nama_baru) ? $entry->filename : $entry->dir . '/' . $entry->nama_baru; // echo $dirfile; // ARSIPPROSESSP2D-UYUYphpFDCC.tmp.pdf // dinas-p/ARSIPPROSESSP2D-UYUYphpF441.tmp.pdf // dd($dirfile); // dd($dirfile); // "SEKWAN-II/164-sp2d-nhl-setwn-09-arsipprosessp2d-164-sp2d-nhl-setwn-09-phpCAC5.tmp.pdf"; // "164-sp2d-nhl-setwn-09-arsipprosessp2d-164-sp2d-nhl-setwn-09-1-php757E.tmp" if (\Storage::exists($dirfile)) { $file = \Storage::get($dirfile); // return (new \Response($file, 200)) // ->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); return response($file, 200)->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); } elseif (!empty($entry->filename) && \Storage::exists($entry->filename)) { $file = \Storage::get($entry->filename); // return (new \Response($file, 200)) // ->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); return response($file, 200)->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); } else { return 'File tidak ditemukan, Silahkan Update Ulang '; } } else { return 'Data File Rusak atau tidak ditemukan, Silahkan Update Ulang '; } }
public function get($filename, $size = null) { // Cut original file name $file = explode('.', $filename); $file_path = ''; if (empty($filename)) { return ''; } if (empty($size) && \Storage::exists($this->basepath . $file[0] . '_L.' . $file[1])) { $file_path = $this->basepath . $file[0] . '_L.' . $file[1]; } else { if (\Storage::exists($this->basepath . $file[0] . '_' . $size . '.' . $file[1])) { $file_path = $this->basepath . $file[0] . '_' . $size . '.' . $file[1]; } else { $file_path = $this->basepath . $filename; } } return url($file_path); }
public function get($filename, $size = null) { if (empty($filename)) { return ''; } // Cut original file name $file = explode('.', $filename); $file_path = ''; if (empty($filename)) { return ''; } if (empty($size) && \Storage::exists($this->basepath . $file[0] . '_L.' . $file[1])) { $file_path = $this->basepath . $file[0] . '_L.' . $file[1]; } elseif (\Storage::exists($this->basepath . $file[0] . '_' . $size . '.' . $file[1])) { $file_path = $this->basepath . $file[0] . '_' . $size . '.' . $file[1]; } else { $file_path = $this->basepath . $filename; } if (\Config::get('filesystems.default') == 's3') { return \Storage::getDriver()->getAdapter()->getClient()->getObjectUrl(\Storage::getDriver()->getAdapter()->getBucket(), $this->basepath . $filename); } else { return url($file_path); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $data_dokumen = Dokumens::find($id); $data_dokumen_pesan = $data_dokumen; // dd($data_dokumen_pesan->nama_skpd); if ($data_dokumen) { $data_dokumen->delete(); $file = $data_dokumen->file; // dd($file); // $file->get()['filename']; if ($file) { $lokasi_baru = $file->dir . '/' . $file->nama_baru; $lokasi_lama = $file->filename; if ($file->nama_baru && $file->dir && \Storage::exists($lokasi_baru)) { # code... // echo $lokasi_baru; \Storage::move($lokasi_baru, 'RecycleBin/' . $file->nama_baru); } if (\Storage::exists($lokasi_lama)) { // echo $lokasi_lama; \Storage::move($lokasi_lama, 'RecycleBin/' . $file->filename); # code... } // $file->delete(); } } $data_dokumenx = Dokumens::find($id); if (!$data_dokumenx) { return 'Sukses data SPPD ' . $data_dokumen_pesan->no_sppd; } else { return 'gagal data SPPD ' . $data_dokumen_pesan->no_sppd; } // return __function__; // }
<th>TAMAÑO</th> <th>CREADO</th> <th>ACCION</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> @foreach($medios as $medio) <tr> <td>{{ $medio->id }}</td> <td> <a href="/medios/{{ $medio->nombre}}" target="newwindow" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="PRESIONE CLICK PARA VER O DESCARGAR SEGUN SEA EL TIPO DE ARCHIVO"> <?php if (Storage::exists($medio->nombre)) { $nombre = $medio->nombre; $tamanio = Storage::size($medio->nombre); $creado = $medio->created_at; $tipo = $medio->tipo; if ($tipo == 'jpg' || $tipo == 'png' || $tipo == 'jpeg' || $tipo == 'gif') { ?> <img class="img_click" src="/medios/{{ $medio->nombre}}"><?php } else { if ($tipo == 'pdf') { ?> <img class="img_click" src="/img/pdf.png"><?php } else { if ($tipo == 'doc' || $tipo == 'dot' || $tipo == 'docx') { ?> <img class="img_click" src="/img/m_word.png"><?php
public function getLoginOk($wxuin) { $file = "user/{$wxuin}.txt"; if (\Storage::exists($file)) { $user = \Storage::get($file); $user = json_decode($user); } else { return '不存在此wxuin'; } //进行post登陆尝试 $url = "" . urlencode($user->pass_ticket) . "&r=-" . rr(); $post = '{"BaseRequest":{"Uin":"' . $user->cookies->wxuin . '","Sid":"' . $user->cookies->wxsid . '","Skey":"' . $user->skey . '","DeviceID":"' . $user->deviceid . '"}}'; $ret = CURL::send($url, ['Cookie' => urldecode(http_build_query($user->cookies, '', '; '))], ['follow_redirects' => false], ['ret' => 'all', 'post' => $post]); $cookies = toCookies($ret->cookies); $cookies = (object) ((array) $cookies + (array) $user->cookies); //判断是否正常 $data_arr = json_decode($ret->body, true); if (count($data_arr)) { if (!isset($data_arr['BaseResponse']['Ret'])) { $data_arr = array(); } else { if ($data_arr['BaseResponse']['Ret'] != 0) { return $data_arr['BaseResponse']['Ret'] . $data_arr['BaseResponse']['ErrMsg'] . ',请从新<a href="/login/">扫描</a>'; } } } else { return '没有获取到内容,请从新<a href="/login/">扫描</a>'; } //开始获取基本信息了 $data['Uin'] = $data_arr['User']['Uin']; $data['UserName'] = $data_arr['User']['UserName']; $data['NickName'] = $data_arr['User']['NickName']; $data['SyncKey'] = json_encode($data_arr['SyncKey']); $data['wxuin'] = $cookies->wxuin; $data['skey'] = urldecode($user->skey); $data['pass_ticket'] = urldecode($user->pass_ticket); $data['deviceid'] = $user->deviceid; $data['cookies'] = json_encode($cookies); //设置状态为可用 $data['status'] = 1; Login::inSave($data); //删除临时文件 \Storage::delete($file); //写入好友信息 $this->ContactList($data_arr); //加入群信息获取队列 $job = (new JobChatroom($data['wxuin']))->onQueue('chatroom'); $this->dispatch($job); //加入监控队列 $job = (new JobCheck($data['wxuin']))->onQueue('check'); $this->dispatch($job); }
public function removeFile($filename, Flash $flash) { $file = "{$filename}.pdf"; if (\Storage::exists($file)) { \Storage::delete($file); $flash->success('File has been deleted.'); } return redirect()->back(); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { return; $links_arr = (include '/var/www/kotik/storage/app/citynature_urls.php'); foreach ($links_arr as $link) { $file_name = 'citynature_pages/' . md5($link) . '.html'; $exists = \Storage::exists($file_name); if (!$exists) { continue; } $file_content = \Storage::get($file_name); preg_match('@<h1>(.+)</h1>@si', $file_content, $product_name); preg_match('@<span class="ean">([^<]+)</span>@si', $file_content, $article); preg_match('@<p>Категория\\: <a href="[/a-z0-9_-]{1,}">([^<]+)</a></p>@si', $file_content, $category); preg_match('@<p class="manufacturer_name">Бренд:[\\s]{0,}<a class = "bolder_cart_product" href = "[/a-z0-9_-]{1,}">([^<]+)</a>[\\s]{0,}, <a href="[/a-z0-9_-]{1,}">([^<]+)</a>[\\s]{0,}</p>@si', $file_content, $brand_country); preg_match('@<p>Линейка товаров: <a href="[/#a-z0-9_-]{1,}">([^<]+)</a></p>@si', $file_content, $products_line); preg_match('@<span>([0-9\\s]+) (мл|мг)+</span>@si', $file_content, $value); preg_match('@<div class="qty_in_stock">В наличии:[\\s]{0,}<span >([0-9]+)</span> [\\s]{0,}Мин. партия: от <span>([0-9]+)</span> шт.[\\s]{0,}</div>@si', $file_content, $part); preg_match('@<div class="jshop_prod_description"style = "margin-top:60px;">(.+?)</div>@si', $file_content, $description); preg_match_all('@<a class="lightbox" id="main_image_full_[\\d]+" href="([^"]+)"@si', $file_content, $images); $product_name = !empty($product_name) ? trim($product_name[1]) : ''; $article = !empty($article) ? trim($article[1]) : ''; $category = !empty($category) ? trim($category[1]) : ''; $brand = !empty($brand_country) ? trim($brand_country[1]) : ''; $country = !empty($brand_country) ? trim($brand_country[2]) : ''; $products_line = !empty($products_line) ? trim($products_line[1]) : ''; $images = !empty($images) ? $images[1] : []; $weight = !empty($value) ? $value[1] : ''; $weight = str_replace(' ', '', $weight); $measure_unit = !empty($value) ? trim($value[2]) : ''; $description = !empty($description) ? $description[1] : ''; $description = str_replace("</p>", "\n", $description); $description = strip_tags($description); $description = preg_replace('/Описание:/', '', $description); $description = trim($description); $in_stock = !empty($part) ? trim($part[1]) : 0; $min_party = !empty($part) ? trim($part[2]) : 0; $product_model = \App\Models\Product::create(['article' => $article, 'name' => $product_name, 'description' => $description, 'source_url' => $link, 'brand' => $brand, 'country_name' => $country, 'weight' => $weight, 'measure_unit' => $measure_unit, 'in_stock' => $in_stock, 'min_party' => $min_party, 'category_name' => $category, 'product_line' => $products_line]); if (!empty($images)) { foreach ($images as $image) { $media_model = new \App\Models\Media(); $media_model->product_id = $product_model->id; $media_model->source_url = $image; $media_model->save(); } } } return; $catalog = \App\Helpers\CitynatureHelper::getCatalogArrayFromCsvFile(base_path('storage/app/price1.csv')); $this->info('Catalog count = ' . count($catalog)); foreach ($catalog as $item) { if (\App\Models\Product::where('code', '=', $item->index)->first()) { continue; } $product = new \App\Models\Product(); $product->name = $item->title; $product->catalog_id = 1; $product->code = $item->index; $product->article = $item->article; $product->save(); $product->setAttributeById(1, $item->volume); // weight $product->setAttributeById(4, $item->article); // article $product->setPriceByColumnId(18, $item->price_1); $product->setPriceByColumnId(19, $item->price_2); $product->setPriceByColumnId(20, $item->price_3); $product->setPriceByColumnId(21, $item->price_4); echo '.'; } echo "\n"; }
<?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ Route: get('/', function () { // check request type if (Request::ajax()) { $file = 'Json/data.json'; // path to Json file $data = ''; // Json data // check that the file is exist if (Storage::exists($file)) { // read data from the file $data = Storage::get($file); } // return Json data return $data; } // return a page return view('index'); });
Route::resource('ubooks_publico', 'UbooksController@publico'); // Rutas protegidas $router->group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function () { Route::resource('inicio', 'IndexController@inicio'); Route::resource('perfil', 'PerfilController'); Route::resource('ubooks', 'UbooksController'); Route::resource('book_vista', 'UbooksController@vista'); Route::resource('favoritos', 'FavoritosController'); Route::resource('cuenta', 'PerfilController@cuenta'); Route::post('gestion_cuenta', 'GestionCuentaController@save'); Route::get('/busqueda', 'BusquedaController@busquedaUsuario'); }); // Rutas protegidas if authenticated $router->group(['middleware' => ['guest']], function () { Route::resource('/', 'IndexController'); Route::get('/buscar', 'BusquedaController@busquedaAnonima'); }); // Rutas de almacenamiento // Ruta para obtener archivos Route::get('storage/{archivo}', function ($archivo) { $public_path = public_path(); $url = $public_path . '/storage/' . $archivo; //verificamos si el archivo existe y lo retornamos if (Storage::exists($archivo)) { return response()->download($url); } //si no se encuentra lanzamos un error 404. abort(404); }); // Ruta para subir archivos //Route::post('storage/create', 'StorageController@save');
/** * Embed a file. * * @param string $local_filename * @param string $cid (optional) * @return string|false */ public function embed($local_filename, $cid = null) { if (!Storage::exists($local_filename)) { return false; } $embedded = \Swift_EmbeddedFile::fromPath($local_filename); if ($cid !== null) { $embedded->setId(preg_replace('/^cid:/i', '', $cid)); } $result = $this->message->embed($embedded); if ($result) { $this->attachments[] = (object) array('type' => 'embed', 'local_filename' => $local_filename, 'display_filename' => null, 'cid' => $result); return $result; } else { return false; } }
Storage::add("DB", $DB); if (!isset($_SESSION['WEB_SERFER'])) { $_SESSION['WEB_SERFER'] = array("IP" => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], "BROWSER" => $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "WEB_ID" => md5(GetRandom(8) . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])); } $_SESSION['WEB_SERFER']["LAST_ACTIVITY"] = time(); $USER = App::USER(); $bIsAdmin = $USER->IsAdmin(); Storage::add("USER", $USER); // [Рудименты] if (Storage::exists("APP_TEMPLATE")) { App::get()->templateName = Storage::get("APP_TEMPLATE"); } if (!Storage::exists("SITE_NAME")) { Storage::add("SITE_NAME", ""); } if (!Storage::exists("SITE_DESCRIPTION")) { Storage::add("SITE_DESCRIPTION", ""); } App::get()->setTitle(Storage::get()->SITE_NAME); App::get()->setDescr(Storage::get()->SITE_DESCRIPTION); // [/Рудименты] // Задаем тип отображения для сессии if (@isset($_REQUEST["sacid_display_mode"]) && $bIsAdmin) { switch (strtoupper($_REQUEST["sacid_display_mode"])) { case 'EDIT': $_SESSION['SACID_DISPLAY_MODE'] = 'EDIT'; break; case 'NORMAL': default: $_SESSION['SACID_DISPLAY_MODE'] = 'NORMAL'; break;
public function descargar($id) { $archivo = Archivo::find($id); $ruta_descarga = env('ARCHIVO_GENERAL', 'archivo') . '/' . $archivo->carpeta_id . '/' . $archivo->name; if (\Storage::exists($archivo->carpeta_id . '/' . $archivo->name)) { $headers = ['Content-Type' => $archivo->mime]; return response()->download($ruta_descarga, $archivo->name, $headers); } else { return redirect()->back()->with(['message' => 'No se puede descargar el archivo. Favor de comunicarse con el administrador del sisetma.', 'alert-class' => 'alert-danger']); } }
public function downloadPlan($id) { $meeting = Meeting::find($id); $public_path = public_path(); $url = $public_path . '/storage/' . $meeting->plan; if (\Storage::exists($meeting->plan)) { return response()->download($url); } return redirect('historial')->with('file_error', 'No se ha encontrado el archivo especificado'); }
public function eliminar(Request $request) { if (\Storage::exists($request->nombreTrabajo)) { \Storage::delete($request->nombreTrabajo); $trabajoId = $request->trabajoId; $trabajo = Trabajo::find($trabajoId); $trabajo->delete(); return view('templates.estudiante.gestionarTrabajos', ['mensaje' => 'Archivo Eliminado']); } else { return view('templates.estudiante.gestionarTrabajos', ['mensaje' => 'Archivo no Eliminado']); } }
/** * */ public function anyDeleteTable(Request $req, $db) { // ECHO $req->get('filename'); // dd(explode('.', $req->get('filename'))[0]); $model = $this->mod($db); // $model->where('filename','=',$req->get('filename'))->delete(); $export = Eksport::where('files_id', $req->get('file_id')); // dd($export->delete()); if (count($export)) { $nama_file = $export->get()[0]->nama_file . '.xlsx'; $dir_export = 'exports/'; // echo $dir_export.$nama_file; // dd(\Storage::disk('local')->exists($dir_export.$nama_file) ); if (\Storage::exists($dir_export . $nama_file) and \Storage::delete($dir_export . $nama_file)) { if ($export->delete()) { $response['code'] = 200; $response['msg'] = "Menghapus export : " . $nama_file . " Sukses"; } } else { $response['code'] = 400; $response['msg'] = " Gagal! File export : " . $nama_file . " Tidak Ada"; } } else { $response['code'] = 400; $response['msg'] = "Terjadi Kesalahan"; } echo json_encode($response); }
public function tidyUp() { $redisKey = config('rediskeys.digitalocean_token') . $this->provision->uuid; $sshKeys = new \App\Fodor\Ssh\Keys($this->provision->uuid); $adapter = new GuzzleHttpAdapter(Redis::get($redisKey)); $digitalocean = new DigitalOceanV2($adapter); // ## REMOVE SSH KEYS FROM DIGITALOCEAN AND OUR LOCAL FILESYSTEM ## $keysFromDo = $digitalocean->key()->getAll(); if (!empty($keysFromDo)) { foreach ($keysFromDo as $key) { if ($key->name == 'fodor-' . $this->provision->uuid) { $digitalocean->key()->delete($key->id); // Remove our fodor SSH key from the users DigitalOcean account $this->log->addInfo("Removed SSH key: {$key->name}: {$key->id} from DigitalOcean"); } } } if (\Storage::exists($sshKeys->getPublicKeyPath())) { try { $this->log->addInfo("Removed local SSH Keys"); $sshKeys->remove(); // uuid is the name of the file } catch (Exception $e) { // TODO: Handle. We should probably be alerted as we don't want these lying around } } Redis::del($redisKey); $this->provision->dateready = (new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')))->format('c'); $this->provision->exitcode = $this->exitCode; $this->provision->status = $this->exitCode === 0 ? 'ready' : 'errored'; //TODO: Other distros or shells? $this->provision->save(); //TODO: If it errored, an alert should be sent out for investigation $this->log->addInfo("Set provision row's status to {$this->provision->status}, we're done here"); }
protected function _getFromCache($url) { $cache_path = 'FullContactCache/'; $cache_file_name = $cache_path . '/' . md5(urldecode($url)) . '.json'; if (\Storage::exists($cache_file_name)) { $json_content = \Storage::get($cache_file_name); return $json_content; } return false; }