function update_70x_to_706($type = '') { global $sql, $ns, $pref, $e107info, $admin_log, $emessage; $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; if (!$sql->db_Field("plugin", 5)) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed(); } $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "plugin` ADD `plugin_addons` TEXT NOT NULL ;"); catch_error($sql); } //rename plugin_rss field if ($sql->db_Field("plugin", 5) == "plugin_rss") { if ($just_check) { return update_needed(); } $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "plugin` CHANGE `plugin_rss` `plugin_addons` TEXT NOT NULL;"); catch_error($sql); } if ($sql->db_Field("dblog", 5) == "dblog_query") { if ($just_check) { return update_needed(); } $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "dblog` CHANGE `dblog_query` `dblog_title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';"); catch_error($sql); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "dblog` CHANGE `dblog_remarks` `dblog_remarks` TEXT NOT NULL;"); catch_error($sql); } if (!$sql->db_Field("plugin", "plugin_path", "UNIQUE")) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed(); } if (!$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "plugin` ADD UNIQUE (`plugin_path`);")) { $mesg = LAN_UPDATE_12 . " : <a href='" . e_ADMIN . "db.php?plugin'>" . ADLAN_145 . "</a>."; //$ns -> tablerender(LAN_ERROR,$mes); $emessage->add($mesg, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); catch_error($sql); } } if (!$sql->db_Field("online", 6)) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed(); } $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE " . MPREFIX . "online ADD online_active INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); catch_error($sql); } if ($sql->db_Query("SHOW INDEX FROM " . MPREFIX . "tmp")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if (!in_array('tmp_ip', $row)) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed(); } $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "tmp` ADD INDEX `tmp_ip` (`tmp_ip`);"); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "upload` ADD INDEX `upload_active` (`upload_active`);"); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `" . MPREFIX . "generic` ADD INDEX `gen_type` (`gen_type`);"); } } if (!$just_check) { // update new fields require_once e_HANDLER . "plugin_class.php"; $ep = new e107plugin(); $ep->update_plugins_table('update'); $ep->save_addon_prefs('update'); } if (!isset($pref['displayname_maxlength'])) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed(); } $pref['displayname_maxlength'] = 15; save_prefs(); } // If we get to here, in checking mode no updates are required. In update mode, all done. if ($just_check) { return TRUE; } e107::getLog()->add('UPDATE_02', LAN_UPDATE_14 . $e107info['e107_version'], E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); // Log result of actual update return $just_check; // TRUE if no updates needed, FALSE if updates needed and completed }
<?php include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/202-config/connect.php'; AUTH::require_user(); //check if its the latest verison $_SESSION['update_needed'] = update_needed(); //check to see if this user has stats202 enabled $_SESSION['stats202_enabled'] = AUTH::is_valid_app_key('stats202', $_SESSION['user_api_key'], $_SESSION['user_stats202_app_key']); template_top(); ?> <div class="slim"> <div class="welcome"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="section"> <tr> <td class="left" ><h2>Sponsor <a href="" style="font-size: 10px;">(advertise)</span></h2></td> <td><hr></td> </tr> </table> <p><iframe class="advertise" src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="section"> <tr> <td class="left" ><h2>Prosper202 Development Blog</h2></td> <td><hr></td> </tr> </table><?php $rss = fetch_rss(''); if (isset($rss->items) && 0 != count($rss->items)) { $rss->items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, 5); foreach ($rss->items as $item) {