isInfocomOption() статический публичный Метод

Is the search item related to infocoms
static public isInfocomOption ( $itemtype, $searchID ) : boolean
$itemtype item type
$searchID ID of the element in $SEARCHOPTION
Результат boolean
Пример #1
  * @see CommonDBTM::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype()
 static function processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype(MassiveAction $ma, CommonDBTM $item, array $ids)
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     $action = $ma->getAction();
     switch ($action) {
         case 'delete':
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 if ($item->can($id, DELETE)) {
                     if ($item->delete(array("id" => $id))) {
                         $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_OK);
                     } else {
                         $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                 } else {
                     $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_NORIGHT);
         case 'restore':
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 if ($item->can($id, PURGE)) {
                     if ($item->restore(array("id" => $id))) {
                         $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_OK);
                     } else {
                         $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                 } else {
                     $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_NORIGHT);
         case 'purge_item_but_devices':
         case 'purge_but_item_linked':
         case 'purge':
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 if ($item->can($id, PURGE)) {
                     $force = 1;
                     // Only mark deletion for
                     if ($item->maybeDeleted() && $item->useDeletedToLockIfDynamic() && $item->isDynamic()) {
                         $force = 0;
                     $delete_array = array('id' => $id);
                     if ($action == 'purge_item_but_devices') {
                         $delete_array['keep_devices'] = true;
                     if ($item instanceof CommonDropdown) {
                         if ($item->haveChildren()) {
                             if ($action != 'purge_but_item_linked') {
                                 $force = 0;
                                 $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                                 $ma->addMessage(__("You can't delete that item by massive actions, because it has sub-items"));
                                 $ma->addMessage(__("but you can do it by the form of the item"));
                         if ($item->isUsed()) {
                             if ($action != 'purge_but_item_linked') {
                                 $force = 0;
                                 $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                                 $ma->addMessage(__("You can't delete that item, because it is used for one or more items"));
                                 $ma->addMessage(__("but you can do it by the form of the item"));
                     if ($item->delete($delete_array, $force)) {
                         $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_OK);
                     } else {
                         $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                 } else {
                     $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_NORIGHT);
         case 'update':
             if (!isset($ma->POST['search_options']) || !isset($ma->POST['search_options'][$item->getType()])) {
                 return false;
             $index = $ma->POST['search_options'][$item->getType()];
             $searchopt = Search::getCleanedOptions($item->getType(), UPDATE);
             $input = $ma->POST;
             if (isset($searchopt[$index])) {
                 /// Infocoms case
                 if (!isPluginItemType($item->getType()) && Search::isInfocomOption($item->getType(), $index)) {
                     $ic = new Infocom();
                     $link_entity_type = -1;
                     /// Specific entity item
                     if ($searchopt[$index]["table"] == "glpi_suppliers") {
                         $ent = new Supplier();
                         if ($ent->getFromDB($input[$input["field"]])) {
                             $link_entity_type = $ent->fields["entities_id"];
                     foreach ($ids as $key) {
                         if ($item->getFromDB($key)) {
                             if ($link_entity_type < 0 || $link_entity_type == $item->getEntityID() || $ent->fields["is_recursive"] && in_array($link_entity_type, getAncestorsOf("glpi_entities", $item->getEntityID()))) {
                                 $input2["items_id"] = $key;
                                 $input2["itemtype"] = $item->getType();
                                 if ($ic->can(-1, CREATE, $input2)) {
                                     // Add infocom if not exists
                                     if (!$ic->getFromDBforDevice($item->getType(), $key)) {
                                         $input2["items_id"] = $key;
                                         $input2["itemtype"] = $item->getType();
                                         $ic->getFromDBforDevice($item->getType(), $key);
                                     $id = $ic->fields["id"];
                                     if ($ic->update(array('id' => $id, $input["field"] => $input[$input["field"]]))) {
                                         $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_OK);
                                     } else {
                                         $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                                 } else {
                                     $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_NORIGHT);
                             } else {
                                 $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                         } else {
                             $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                 } else {
                     /// Not infocoms
                     $link_entity_type = array();
                     /// Specific entity item
                     $itemtable = getTableForItemType($item->getType());
                     $itemtype2 = getItemTypeForTable($searchopt[$index]["table"]);
                     if ($item2 = getItemForItemtype($itemtype2)) {
                         if ($index != 80 && $searchopt[$index]["table"] != $itemtable && $item2->isEntityAssign() && $item->isEntityAssign()) {
                             if ($item2->getFromDB($input[$input["field"]])) {
                                 if (isset($item2->fields["entities_id"]) && $item2->fields["entities_id"] >= 0) {
                                     if (isset($item2->fields["is_recursive"]) && $item2->fields["is_recursive"]) {
                                         $link_entity_type = getSonsOf("glpi_entities", $item2->fields["entities_id"]);
                                     } else {
                                         $link_entity_type[] = $item2->fields["entities_id"];
                     foreach ($ids as $key) {
                         if ($item->canEdit($key) && $item->canMassiveAction($action, $input['field'], $input[$input["field"]])) {
                             if (count($link_entity_type) == 0 || in_array($item->fields["entities_id"], $link_entity_type)) {
                                 if ($item->update(array('id' => $key, $input["field"] => $input[$input["field"]]))) {
                                     $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_OK);
                                 } else {
                                     $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                             } else {
                                 $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_KO);
                         } else {
                             $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $key, MassiveAction::ACTION_NORIGHT);
         case 'add_transfer_list':
             $itemtype = $item->getType();
             if (!isset($_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'])) {
                 $_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'] = array();
             if (!isset($_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'][$itemtype])) {
                 $_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'][$itemtype] = array();
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 $_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'][$itemtype][$id] = $id;
                 $ma->itemDone($item->getType(), $id, MassiveAction::ACTION_OK);
             $ma->setRedirect($CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/front/transfer.action.php');
         $items_in_group = 0;
         $newgroup = "";
         if (!$first_group) {
             $newgroup .= "</optgroup>";
         $newgroup .= "<optgroup label=\"{$val}\">";
     } else {
         // No id and no entities_id massive action and no first item
         if ($val["field"] != 'id' && $key != 1 && ($val["linkfield"] != 'entities_id' || isset($val['massiveaction']) && $val['massiveaction'])) {
             if (!isset($val['massiveaction']) || $val['massiveaction']) {
                 if ($show_all) {
                     $newgroup .= "<option value='{$key}'>" . $val["name"] . "</option>";
                 } else {
                     // Do not show infocom items
                     if ($show_infocoms && Search::isInfocomOption($_POST["itemtype"], $key) || !$show_infocoms && !Search::isInfocomOption($_POST["itemtype"], $key)) {
                         $newgroup .= "<option value='{$key}'>" . $val["name"] . "</option>";
 if (!empty($newgroup) && $items_in_group > 0) {
     echo $newgroup;
 if (!$first_group) {
     echo "</optgroup>";
 echo "</select>";
Пример #3
             $item->delete(array("id" => $key), 1);
 case "restore":
     foreach ($_POST["item"] as $key => $val) {
         if ($val == 1) {
             $item->restore(array("id" => $key));
 case "update":
     $searchopt = Search::getCleanedOptions($_POST["itemtype"], 'w');
     if (isset($searchopt[$_POST["id_field"]])) {
         /// Infocoms case
         if (!isPluginItemType($_POST["itemtype"]) && Search::isInfocomOption($_POST["itemtype"], $_POST["id_field"])) {
             $ic = new Infocom();
             $link_entity_type = -1;
             /// Specific entity item
             if ($searchopt[$_POST["id_field"]]["table"] == "glpi_suppliers") {
                 $ent = new Supplier();
                 if ($ent->getFromDB($_POST[$_POST["field"]])) {
                     $link_entity_type = $ent->fields["entities_id"];
             foreach ($_POST["item"] as $key => $val) {
                 if ($val == 1) {
                     if ($item->getFromDB($key)) {
                         if ($link_entity_type < 0 || $link_entity_type == $item->getEntityID() || $ent->fields["is_recursive"] && in_array($link_entity_type, getAncestorsOf("glpi_entities", $item->getEntityID()))) {
                             // Add infocom if not exists
                             if (!$ic->getFromDBforDevice($_POST["itemtype"], $key)) {
Пример #4
  * Do the standard massive actions
  * @since version 0.84
  * This must not be overloaded in Class
  * @param $input array of input datas
  * @return an array of results (ok, ko, noright counts, may include REDIRECT field to set REDIRECT page)
 function doMassiveActions($input = array())
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!isset($input["item"]) || count($input["item"]) == 0) {
         return false;
     $res = array('ok' => 0, 'ko' => 0, 'noright' => 0);
     switch ($input['action']) {
         case 'add_document':
         case 'remove_document':
             $doc = new Document();
             return $doc->doSpecificMassiveActions($input);
         case "add_transfer_list":
             if (!isset($_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'])) {
                 $_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'] = array();
             if (!isset($_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'][$input["itemtype"]])) {
                 $_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'][$input["itemtype"]] = array();
             foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                 if ($val == 1) {
                     $_SESSION['glpitransfer_list'][$input["itemtype"]][$key] = $key;
             $res['REDIRECT'] = $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/front/transfer.action.php';
         case "delete":
             foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                 if ($val == 1) {
                     if ($this->can($key, 'd')) {
                         if ($this->delete(array("id" => $key))) {
                         } else {
                     } else {
         case "purge":
             foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                 if ($val == 1) {
                     if ($this->can($key, 'd')) {
                         $force = 1;
                         // Only mark deletion for
                         if ($this->maybeDeleted() && $this->useDeletedToLockIfDynamic() && $this->isDynamic()) {
                             $force = 0;
                         if ($this->delete(array("id" => $key), $force)) {
                         } else {
                     } else {
         case "restore":
             foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                 if ($val == 1) {
                     if ($this->can($key, 'd')) {
                         if ($this->restore(array("id" => $key))) {
                         } else {
                     } else {
         case "update":
             $searchopt = Search::getCleanedOptions($input["itemtype"], 'w');
             if (isset($searchopt[$input["id_field"]])) {
                 /// Infocoms case
                 if (!isPluginItemType($input["itemtype"]) && Search::isInfocomOption($input["itemtype"], $input["id_field"])) {
                     $ic = new Infocom();
                     $link_entity_type = -1;
                     /// Specific entity item
                     if ($searchopt[$input["id_field"]]["table"] == "glpi_suppliers") {
                         $ent = new Supplier();
                         if ($ent->getFromDB($input[$input["field"]])) {
                             $link_entity_type = $ent->fields["entities_id"];
                     foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                         if ($val == 1) {
                             if ($this->getFromDB($key)) {
                                 if ($link_entity_type < 0 || $link_entity_type == $this->getEntityID() || $ent->fields["is_recursive"] && in_array($link_entity_type, getAncestorsOf("glpi_entities", $this->getEntityID()))) {
                                     $input2["items_id"] = $key;
                                     $input2["itemtype"] = $input["itemtype"];
                                     if ($ic->can(-1, 'w', $input2)) {
                                         // Add infocom if not exists
                                         if (!$ic->getFromDBforDevice($input["itemtype"], $key)) {
                                             $input2["items_id"] = $key;
                                             $input2["itemtype"] = $input["itemtype"];
                                             $ic->getFromDBforDevice($input["itemtype"], $key);
                                         $id = $ic->fields["id"];
                                         if ($ic->update(array('id' => $id, $input["field"] => $input[$input["field"]]))) {
                                         } else {
                                     } else {
                                 } else {
                             } else {
                 } else {
                     /// Not infocoms
                     $link_entity_type = array();
                     /// Specific entity item
                     $itemtable = getTableForItemType($input["itemtype"]);
                     $itemtype2 = getItemTypeForTable($searchopt[$input["id_field"]]["table"]);
                     if ($item2 = getItemForItemtype($itemtype2)) {
                         if ($input["id_field"] != 80 && $searchopt[$input["id_field"]]["table"] != $itemtable && $item2->isEntityAssign() && $this->isEntityAssign()) {
                             if ($item2->getFromDB($input[$input["field"]])) {
                                 if (isset($item2->fields["entities_id"]) && $item2->fields["entities_id"] >= 0) {
                                     if (isset($item2->fields["is_recursive"]) && $item2->fields["is_recursive"]) {
                                         $link_entity_type = getSonsOf("glpi_entities", $item2->fields["entities_id"]);
                                     } else {
                                         $link_entity_type[] = $item2->fields["entities_id"];
                     foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                         if ($val == 1) {
                             if ($this->can($key, 'w') && $this->canMassiveAction($input['action'], $input['field'], $input[$input["field"]])) {
                                 if (count($link_entity_type) == 0 || in_array($this->fields["entities_id"], $link_entity_type)) {
                                     if ($this->update(array('id' => $key, $input["field"] => $input[$input["field"]]))) {
                                     } else {
                                 } else {
                             } else {
         case "activate_infocoms":
             $ic = new Infocom();
             if ($ic->canCreate()) {
                 foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                     $input = array('itemtype' => $input['itemtype'], 'items_id' => $key);
                     if (!$ic->getFromDBforDevice($input['itemtype'], $key)) {
                         if ($ic->can(-1, 'w', $input)) {
                             if ($ic->add($input)) {
                             } else {
                         } else {
                     } else {
         case "add_contract_item":
             $contractitem = new Contract_Item();
             foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                 if (isset($input['items_id'])) {
                     // Add items to contracts
                     $input = array('itemtype' => $input["item_itemtype"], 'items_id' => $input["items_id"], 'contracts_id' => $key);
                 if (isset($input['contracts_id'])) {
                     // Add contract to item
                     $input = array('itemtype' => $input["itemtype"], 'items_id' => $key, 'contracts_id' => $input['contracts_id']);
                 } else {
                     return false;
                 if ($contractitem->can(-1, 'w', $input)) {
                     if ($contractitem->add($input)) {
                     } else {
                 } else {
         case "remove_contract_item":
             foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) {
                 if (isset($input['items_id'])) {
                     // Remove item to contracts
                     $input = array('itemtype' => $input["item_itemtype"], 'items_id' => $input["items_id"], 'contracts_id' => $key);
                 } else {
                     // Remove contract to items
                     $input = array('itemtype' => $input["itemtype"], 'items_id' => $key, 'contracts_id' => $input['contracts_id']);
                 $contractitem = new Contract_Item();
                 if ($contractitem->can(-1, 'w', $input)) {
                     if ($item = getItemForItemtype($input["itemtype"])) {
                         if ($item->getFromDB($input['items_id'])) {
                             $contract = new Contract();
                             if ($contract->getFromDB($input['contracts_id'])) {
                                 if ($contractitem->getFromDBForItems($contract, $item)) {
                                     if ($contractitem->delete(array('id' => $contractitem->getID()))) {
                                     } else {
                                 } else {
                             } else {
                         } else {
                     } else {
                 } else {
             //Lock management
         //Lock management
         case 'unlock_Printer':
         case 'unlock_Monitor':
         case 'unlock_NetworkPort':
         case 'unlock_NetworkName':
         case 'unlock_IPAddress':
         case 'unlock_ComputerDisk':
         case 'unlock_ComputerVirtualMachine':
         case 'unlock_Peripheral':
         case 'unlock_SoftwareVersion':
             $itemtype = Lock::getItemTypeForMassiveAction($input["action"]);
             if ($itemtype) {
                 $res = Lock::unlockItems($itemtype, $this->getType(), $input["item"]);
         case 'unlock_Device':
             foreach (Item_Devices::getDeviceTypes() as $itemtype) {
                 $res = Lock::unlockItems($itemtype, $this->getType(), $input["item"]);
             // Plugin specific actions
             $split = explode('_', $input["action"]);
             $res = '';
             if ($split[0] == 'plugin' && isset($split[1])) {
                 // Normalized name plugin_name_action
                 // Allow hook from any plugin on any (core or plugin) type
                 $res = Plugin::doOneHook($split[1], 'MassiveActionsProcess', $input);
                 //            } else if ($plug=isPluginItemType($input["itemtype"])) {
                 // non-normalized name
                 // hook from the plugin defining the type
                 //               $res = Plugin::doOneHook($plug['plugin'], 'MassiveActionsProcess', $input);
             } else {
                 $res = $this->doSpecificMassiveActions($input);
     return $res;