/** * Add or update a product * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function submitAddProduct($token = NULL) { global $cookie, $currentIndex, $link; $className = 'Product'; $rules = call_user_func(array($this->className, 'getValidationRules'), $this->className); $defaultLanguage = new Language((int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); $languages = Language::getLanguages(false); /* Check required fields */ foreach ($rules['required'] as $field) { if (($value = Tools::getValue($field)) == false and $value != '0') { if (Tools::getValue('id_' . $this->table) and $field == 'passwd') { continue; } $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className) . '</b> ' . $this->l('is required'); } } /* Check multilingual required fields */ foreach ($rules['requiredLang'] as $fieldLang) { if (!Tools::getValue($fieldLang . '_' . $defaultLanguage->id)) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className) . '</b> ' . $this->l('is required at least in') . ' ' . $defaultLanguage->name; } } /* Check fields sizes */ foreach ($rules['size'] as $field => $maxLength) { if ($value = Tools::getValue($field) and Tools::strlen($value) > $maxLength) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className) . '</b> ' . $this->l('is too long') . ' (' . $maxLength . ' ' . $this->l('chars max') . ')'; } } if (isset($_POST['description_short'])) { $saveShort = $_POST['description_short']; $_POST['description_short'] = strip_tags($_POST['description_short']); } /* Check description short size without html */ $limit = (int) Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCT_SHORT_DESC_LIMIT'); if ($limit <= 0) { $limit = 400; } foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($value = Tools::getValue('description_short_' . $language['id_lang'])) { if (Tools::strlen(strip_tags($value)) > $limit) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), 'description_short') . ' (' . $language['name'] . ')</b> ' . $this->l('is too long') . ' : ' . $limit . ' ' . $this->l('chars max') . ' (' . $this->l('count now') . ' ' . Tools::strlen(strip_tags($value)) . ')'; } } } /* Check multilingual fields sizes */ foreach ($rules['sizeLang'] as $fieldLang => $maxLength) { foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($value = Tools::getValue($fieldLang . '_' . $language['id_lang']) and Tools::strlen($value) > $maxLength) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className) . ' (' . $language['name'] . ')</b> ' . $this->l('is too long') . ' (' . $maxLength . ' ' . $this->l('chars max') . ')'; } } } if (isset($_POST['description_short'])) { $_POST['description_short'] = $saveShort; } /* Check fields validity */ foreach ($rules['validate'] as $field => $function) { if ($value = Tools::getValue($field)) { if (!Validate::$function($value)) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className) . '</b> ' . $this->l('is invalid'); } } } /* Check multilingual fields validity */ foreach ($rules['validateLang'] as $fieldLang => $function) { foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($value = Tools::getValue($fieldLang . '_' . $language['id_lang'])) { if (!Validate::$function($value)) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className) . ' (' . $language['name'] . ')</b> ' . $this->l('is invalid'); } } } } /* Categories */ $productCats = ''; if (!Tools::isSubmit('categoryBox') or !sizeof(Tools::getValue('categoryBox'))) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('product must be in at least one Category'); } if (!is_array(Tools::getValue('categoryBox')) or !in_array(Tools::getValue('id_category_default'), Tools::getValue('categoryBox'))) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('product must be in the default category'); } /* Tags */ foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($value = Tools::getValue('tags_' . $language['id_lang'])) { if (!Validate::isTagsList($value)) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('Tags list') . ' (' . $language['name'] . ') ' . $this->l('is invalid'); } } } if (!sizeof($this->_errors)) { $id = (int) Tools::getValue('id_' . $this->table); $tagError = true; /* Update an existing product */ if (isset($id) and !empty($id)) { $object = new $this->className($id); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object)) { $this->_removeTaxFromEcotax(); $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); if ($object->update()) { if ($id_reason = (int) Tools::getValue('id_mvt_reason') and (int) Tools::getValue('mvt_quantity') > 0 and $id_reason > 0) { $reason = new StockMvtReason((int) $id_reason); $qty = Tools::getValue('mvt_quantity') * $reason->sign; if (!$object->addStockMvt($qty, (int) $id_reason, NULL, NULL, (int) $cookie->id_employee)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating qty.'); } } $this->updateAccessories($object); $this->updateDownloadProduct($object); if (!$this->updatePackItems($object)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while adding products to the pack.'); } elseif (!$object->updateCategories($_POST['categoryBox'], true)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while linking object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> ' . Tools::displayError('To categories'); } elseif (!$this->updateTags($languages, $object)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while adding tags.'); } elseif ($id_image = $this->addProductImage($object, Tools::getValue('resizer'))) { $currentIndex .= '&image_updated=' . (int) Tools::getValue('id_image'); Hook::updateProduct($object); Search::indexation(false, $object->id); if (Tools::getValue('resizer') == 'man' && isset($id_image) and is_int($id_image) and $id_image) { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_product=' . $object->id . '&id_category=' . (!empty($_REQUEST['id_category']) ? $_REQUEST['id_category'] : '1') . '&edit=' . strval(Tools::getValue('productCreated')) . '&id_image=' . $id_image . '&imageresize&toconf=4&submitAddAndStay=' . ((Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay') or Tools::getValue('productCreated') == 'on') ? 'on' : 'off') . '&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } // Save and preview if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAddProductAndPreview')) { $preview_url = $link->getProductLink($this->getFieldValue($object, 'id'), $this->getFieldValue($object, 'link_rewrite', (int) $cookie->id_lang), Category::getLinkRewrite($this->getFieldValue($object, 'id_category_default'), (int) $cookie->id_lang)); if (!$object->active) { $admin_dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $admin_dir = substr($admin_dir, strrpos($admin_dir, '/') + 1); $token = Tools::encrypt('PreviewProduct' . $object->id); if (strpos($preview_url, '?') === false) { $preview_url .= '?'; } else { $preview_url .= '&'; } $preview_url .= 'adtoken=' . $token . '&ad=' . $admin_dir; } Tools::redirectAdmin($preview_url); } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay') or $id_image and $id_image !== true) { // Save and stay on same form // Save and stay on same form if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay')) { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_product=' . $object->id . '&id_category=' . (!empty($_REQUEST['id_category']) ? $_REQUEST['id_category'] : '1') . '&addproduct&conf=4&tabs=' . (int) Tools::getValue('tabs') . '&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } } // Default behavior (save and back) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_category=' . (!empty($_REQUEST['id_category']) ? $_REQUEST['id_category'] : '1') . '&conf=4&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token) . '&onredirigeici'); } } else { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> (' . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError() . ')'; } } else { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> (' . Tools::displayError('Cannot load object') . ')'; } } else { $object = new $this->className(); $this->_removeTaxFromEcotax(); $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); if ($object->add()) { $this->updateAccessories($object); if (!$this->updatePackItems($object)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while adding products to the pack.'); } $this->updateDownloadProduct($object); if (!sizeof($this->_errors)) { if (!$object->updateCategories($_POST['categoryBox'])) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while linking object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> ' . Tools::displayError('To categories'); } elseif (!$this->updateTags($languages, $object)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while adding tags.'); } elseif ($id_image = $this->addProductImage($object)) { Hook::addProduct($object); Search::indexation(false, $object->id); // Save and preview if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAddProductAndPreview')) { $preview_url = $link->getProductLink($this->getFieldValue($object, 'id'), $this->getFieldValue($object, 'link_rewrite', (int) $cookie->id_lang), Category::getLinkRewrite($this->getFieldValue($object, 'id_category_default'), (int) $cookie->id_lang)); if (!$object->active) { $admin_dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $admin_dir = substr($admin_dir, strrpos($admin_dir, '/') + 1); $token = Tools::encrypt('PreviewProduct' . $object->id); $preview_url .= '&adtoken=' . $token . '&ad=' . $admin_dir; } Tools::redirectAdmin($preview_url); } if (Tools::getValue('resizer') == 'man' && isset($id_image) and is_int($id_image) and $id_image) { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_product=' . $object->id . '&id_category=' . (!empty($_REQUEST['id_category']) ? $_REQUEST['id_category'] : '1') . '&id_image=' . $id_image . '&imageresize&toconf=3&submitAddAndStay=' . (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay') ? 'on' : 'off') . '&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } // Save and stay on same form if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay')) { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_product=' . $object->id . '&id_category=' . (!empty($_REQUEST['id_category']) ? $_REQUEST['id_category'] : '1') . '&addproduct&conf=3&tabs=' . (int) Tools::getValue('tabs') . '&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } // Default behavior (save and back) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_category=' . (!empty($_REQUEST['id_category']) ? $_REQUEST['id_category'] : '1') . '&conf=3&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } } else { $object->delete(); } } else { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b>'; } } } }
public function setProducts($array) { Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_tag WHERE id_tag = ' . (int) $this->id); if (is_array($array)) { $array = array_map('intval', $array); $result1 = Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product SET indexed = 0 WHERE id_product IN (' . implode(',', array_map('intval', $array)) . ')'); $ids = array(); foreach ($array as $id_product) { $ids[] = '(' . (int) $id_product . ',' . (int) $this->id . ')'; } return $result1 && Db::getInstance()->Execute('INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_tag (id_product, id_tag) VALUES ' . implode(',', $ids)) && Search::indexation(false); } return $result1; }
/** * Object creation */ public function processAdd() { if (!Tools::getValue('categoryBox') || !in_array(Tools::getValue('id_category'), Tools::getValue('categoryBox'))) { $this->errors[] = $this->l('You need to select at least the root category.'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('id_category_default')) { $_POST['id_category'] = (int) Tools::getValue('id_category_default'); } /* Checking fields validity */ $this->validateRules(); if (!count($this->errors)) { $object = new $this->className(); $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); $this->beforeAdd($object); if (!$object->add()) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating an object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . ' (' . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError() . ')</b>'; } else { if (($_POST[$this->identifier] = $object->id) && $this->postImage($object->id) && !count($this->errors) && $this->_redirect) { $parent_id = (int) Tools::getValue('id_parent', 1); $this->afterAdd($object); $this->updateAssoShop($object->id); // Save and stay on same form if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay')) { $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . '&' . $this->identifier . '=' . $object->id . '&conf=3&update' . $this->table . '&token=' . $this->token; } // Save and back to parent if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndBackToParent')) { $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . '&' . $this->identifier . '=' . $parent_id . '&conf=3&token=' . $this->token; } // Default behavior (save and back) if (empty($this->redirect_after)) { $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . ($parent_id ? '&' . $this->identifier . '=' . $object->id : '') . '&conf=3&token=' . $this->token; } } } } $this->errors = array_unique($this->errors); if (count($this->errors) > 0) { $this->display = 'add'; return; } // specific import for stock if (isset($import_data['stock_available']) && isset($import_data['product']) && Tools::isSubmit('useImportData')) { $id_src_shop = (int) Tools::getValue('importFromShop'); if ($object->getGroup()->share_stock == false) { StockAvailable::copyStockAvailableFromShopToShop($id_src_shop, $object->id); } } $categories = Tools::getValue('categoryBox'); array_unshift($categories, Configuration::get('PS_ROOT_CATEGORY')); Category::updateFromShop($categories, $object->id); Search::indexation(true); return $object; }
/** * PROCESS : installFixtures * Install fixtures (E.g. demo products) */ public function installFixtures($entity = null, array $data = array()) { $fixtures_path = _PS_INSTALL_FIXTURES_PATH_ . 'fashion/'; $fixtures_name = 'fashion'; $zip_file = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/download/fixtures.zip'; $temp_dir = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/download/fixtures/'; // Load class (use fixture class if one exists, or use InstallXmlLoader) if (file_exists($fixtures_path . '/install.php')) { require_once $fixtures_path . '/install.php'; $class = 'InstallFixtures' . Tools::toCamelCase($fixtures_name); if (!class_exists($class, false)) { $this->setError($this->translator->trans('Fixtures class "%class%" not found', array('%class%' => $class), 'Install')); return false; } $xml_loader = new $class(); if (!$xml_loader instanceof InstallXmlLoader) { $this->setError($this->translator->trans('"%class%" must be an instance of "InstallXmlLoader"', array('%class%' => $class), 'Install')); return false; } } else { $xml_loader = new InstallXmlLoader(); } // Install XML data (data/xml/ folder) $xml_loader->setFixturesPath($fixtures_path); if (isset($this->xml_loader_ids) && $this->xml_loader_ids) { $xml_loader->setIds($this->xml_loader_ids); } $languages = array(); foreach (Language::getLanguages(false) as $lang) { $languages[$lang['id_lang']] = $lang['iso_code']; } $xml_loader->setLanguages($languages); if ($entity) { $xml_loader->populateEntity($entity); } else { $xml_loader->populateFromXmlFiles(); Tools::deleteDirectory($temp_dir, true); @unlink($zip_file); } if ($errors = $xml_loader->getErrors()) { $this->setError($errors); return false; } // IDS from xmlLoader are stored in order to use them for fixtures $this->xml_loader_ids = $xml_loader->getIds(); unset($xml_loader); // Index products in search tables Search::indexation(true); return true; }
/** * PROCESS : installFixtures * Install fixtures (E.g. demo products) */ public function installFixtures($entity = null, array $data = array()) { $fixtures_path = _PS_INSTALL_FIXTURES_PATH_ . 'apple/'; $fixtures_name = 'apple'; $zip_file = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/download/fixtures.zip'; $temp_dir = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/download/fixtures/'; // try to download fixtures if no low memory mode if ($entity === null) { if (Tools::copy('http://api.prestashop.com/fixtures/' . $data['shop_country'] . '/' . $data['shop_activity'] . '/fixtures.zip', $zip_file)) { Tools::deleteDirectory($temp_dir, true); if (Tools::ZipTest($zip_file)) { if (Tools::ZipExtract($zip_file, $temp_dir)) { $files = scandir($temp_dir); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (!preg_match('/^\\./', $file) && is_dir($temp_dir . $file . '/')) { $fixtures_path = $temp_dir . $file . '/'; $fixtures_name = $file; break; } } } } } } } // Load class (use fixture class if one exists, or use InstallXmlLoader) if (file_exists($fixtures_path . '/install.php')) { require_once $fixtures_path . '/install.php'; $class = 'InstallFixtures' . Tools::toCamelCase($fixtures_name); if (!class_exists($class, false)) { $this->setError($this->language->l('Fixtures class "%s" not found', $class)); return false; } $xml_loader = new $class(); if (!$xml_loader instanceof InstallXmlLoader) { $this->setError($this->language->l('"%s" must be an instane of "InstallXmlLoader"', $class)); return false; } } else { $xml_loader = new InstallXmlLoader(); } // Install XML data (data/xml/ folder) $xml_loader->setFixturesPath($fixtures_path); if (isset($this->xml_loader_ids) && $this->xml_loader_ids) { $xml_loader->setIds($this->xml_loader_ids); } $languages = array(); foreach (Language::getLanguages(false) as $lang) { $languages[$lang['id_lang']] = $lang['iso_code']; } $xml_loader->setLanguages($languages); if ($entity) { $xml_loader->populateEntity($entity); } else { $xml_loader->populateFromXmlFiles(); Tools::deleteDirectory($temp_dir, true); @unlink($zip_file); } if ($errors = $xml_loader->getErrors()) { $this->setError($errors); return false; } // IDS from xmlLoader are stored in order to use them for fixtures $this->xml_loader_ids = $xml_loader->getIds(); unset($xml_loader); // Index products in search tables Search::indexation(true); return true; }
public function processUpdate() { $existing_product = $this->object; $this->checkProduct(); if (!empty($this->errors)) { $this->display = 'edit'; return false; } $id = (int) Tools::getValue('id_' . $this->table); /* Update an existing product */ if (isset($id) && !empty($id)) { $object = new $this->className((int) $id); $this->object = $object; if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object)) { $this->_removeTaxFromEcotax(); $product_type_before = $object->getType(); $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); $object->indexed = 0; if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP) { $object->setFieldsToUpdate((array) Tools::getValue('multishop_check')); } // Duplicate combinations if not associated to shop if ($this->context->shop->getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP && !$object->isAssociatedToShop()) { $is_associated_to_shop = false; $combinations = Product::getProductAttributesIds($object->id); if ($combinations) { foreach ($combinations as $id_combination) { $combination = new Combination((int) $id_combination['id_product_attribute']); $default_combination = new Combination((int) $id_combination['id_product_attribute'], null, (int) $this->object->id_shop_default); $def = ObjectModel::getDefinition($default_combination); foreach ($def['fields'] as $field_name => $row) { $combination->{$field_name} = ObjectModel::formatValue($default_combination->{$field_name}, $def['fields'][$field_name]['type']); } $combination->save(); } } } else { $is_associated_to_shop = true; } if ($object->update()) { // If the product doesn't exist in the current shop but exists in another shop if (Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP && !$existing_product->isAssociatedToShop($this->context->shop->id)) { $out_of_stock = StockAvailable::outOfStock($existing_product->id, $existing_product->id_shop_default); $depends_on_stock = StockAvailable::dependsOnStock($existing_product->id, $existing_product->id_shop_default); StockAvailable::setProductOutOfStock((int) $this->object->id, $out_of_stock, $this->context->shop->id); StockAvailable::setProductDependsOnStock((int) $this->object->id, $depends_on_stock, $this->context->shop->id); } PrestaShopLogger::addLog(sprintf($this->l('%s edition', 'AdminTab', false, false), $this->className), 1, null, $this->className, (int) $this->object->id, true, (int) $this->context->employee->id); if (in_array($this->context->shop->getContext(), array(Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP, Shop::CONTEXT_ALL))) { if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Shipping')) { $this->addCarriers(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Associations')) { $this->updateAccessories($object); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Suppliers')) { $this->processSuppliers(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Features')) { $this->processFeatures(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Combinations')) { $this->processProductAttribute(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Prices')) { $this->processPriceAddition(); $this->processSpecificPricePriorities(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Customization')) { $this->processCustomizationConfiguration(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Attachments')) { $this->processAttachments(); } $this->updatePackItems($object); // Disallow avanced stock management if the product become a pack if ($product_type_before == Product::PTYPE_SIMPLE && $object->getType() == Product::PTYPE_PACK) { StockAvailable::setProductDependsOnStock((int) $object->id, false); } $this->updateDownloadProduct($object, 1); $this->updateTags(Language::getLanguages(false), $object); if ($this->isProductFieldUpdated('category_box') && !$object->updateCategories(Tools::getValue('categoryBox'))) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while linking the object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> ' . Tools::displayError('To categories'); } } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Warehouses')) { $this->processWarehouses(); } if (empty($this->errors)) { if (in_array($object->visibility, array('both', 'search')) && Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION')) { Search::indexation(false, $object->id); } // Save and preview if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAddProductAndPreview')) { $this->redirect_after = $this->getPreviewUrl($object); } else { // Save and stay on same form if ($this->display == 'edit') { $this->confirmations[] = $this->l('Update successful'); $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . '&id_product=' . (int) $this->object->id . (Tools::getIsset('id_category') ? '&id_category=' . (int) Tools::getValue('id_category') : '') . '&updateproduct&conf=4&key_tab=' . Tools::safeOutput(Tools::getValue('key_tab')) . '&token=' . $this->token; } else { // Default behavior (save and back) $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . (Tools::getIsset('id_category') ? '&id_category=' . (int) Tools::getValue('id_category') : '') . '&conf=4&token=' . $this->token; } } } else { $this->display = 'edit'; } } else { if (!$is_associated_to_shop && $combinations) { foreach ($combinations as $id_combination) { $combination = new Combination((int) $id_combination['id_product_attribute']); $combination->delete(); } } $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating an object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> (' . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError() . ')'; } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating an object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> (' . Tools::displayError('The object cannot be loaded. ') . ')'; } return $object; } }
public function postProcess() { // die('<pre>' . print_r($_POST, true)); $this->object->is_virtual = 1; $_POST["id_seller"] = AgileSellerManager::getLinkedSellerID($this->context->customer->id); // echo '<pre>', print_r($_POST) , '</pre>'; $this->object->indexed = 0; if (Tools::isSubmit("submitProduct")) { $this->processSaveProduct(); if ($_FILES['qqfile']['size'] != 0) { $this->ProcessAddImage(); } if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitAddImage")) { $this->ProcessAddImage(); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitFeatures")) { $this->processFeatures(); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitAssociations")) { $this->updateAccessories(); $this->object->updateCategories(Tools::getValue("categoryBox"), true); ${${"GLOBALS"}["qiymoeuqk"]} = $this->addNewCategory($this->object->id, intval(Tools::getValue("id_category_default"))); ${"GLOBALS"}["xgllsk"] = "newid"; $this->object->id_category_default = ${${"GLOBALS"}["qiymoeuqk"]} > 0 ? ${${"GLOBALS"}["xgllsk"]} : intval(Tools::getValue("id_category_default")); if (intval($this->object->id_category_default) <= 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError("Default category is required"); return; } $this->object->save(); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitSpecificPrices")) { $this->object->wholesale_price = floatval(Tools::getValue("wholesale_price")); $this->object->price = floatval(Tools::getValue("price")); if (floatval(Tools::getValue("unit_price")) != 0) { $this->object->unit_price = (double) Tools::getValue("unit_price"); $this->object->unit_price_ratio = $this->object->price / floatval(Tools::getValue("unit_price")); } $this->object->unity = Tools::getValue("unity"); $this->object->on_sale = Tools::getValue("on_sale"); $this->object->id_tax_rules_group = Tools::getValue("id_tax_rules_group"); $this->object->save(); $this->processPriceAddition(); $this->processSpecificPricePriorities(); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitQuantities")) { $this->copyFromPost($this->object, $this->table); $this->object->save(); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitCombinations")) { $this->processCombinations(); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitVirtualProduct")) { $this->object->is_virtual = Tools::getValue("is_virtual_good") == "true" ? 1 : 0; $this->object->save($this->object); if ($this->object->is_virtual and intval(Tools::getValue("is_virtual_file"))) { $this->updateDownloadProduct($this->object); } if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitShipping")) { $this->processShipping(); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitAddAttachments")) { $this->processAddAttachments(); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("submitAttachments")) { $this->processAttachments(); $this->object->cache_has_attachments = (bool) Db::getInstance()->getValue("SELECT id_attachment FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product_attachment WHERE id_product=" . (int) $this->object->id); if (empty($this->errors)) { self::$smarty->assign("cfmmsg_flag", 1); } } } } } } } } } } } } Hook::exec("actionProductUpdate", array("product" => $this->object)); if (empty($this->errors)) { if (Validate::isLoadedObject($this->object) && $this->object->update()) { if (in_array($this->object->visibility, array("both", "search")) && Configuration::get("PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION")) { Search::indexation(false, $this->object->id); } } } }
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ if (!defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_')) { define('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_', getcwd()); } include _PS_ADMIN_DIR_ . '/../config/config.inc.php'; Context::getContext()->shop->setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_ALL); if (substr(_COOKIE_KEY_, 34, 8) != Tools::getValue('token')) { die; } ini_set('max_execution_time', 7200); Search::indexation(Tools::getValue('full')); if (Tools::getValue('redirect')) { Tools::redirectAdmin($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '&conf=4'); }
public function updateWs($nullValues = false) { $success = parent::update($nullValues); if ($success) { Search::indexation(false, $this->id); } return $success; }
public function productImport() { $this->receiveTab(); $handle = $this->openCsvFile(); $default_language_id = (int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); AdminImportController::setLocale(); for ($current_line = 0; $line = fgetcsv($handle, MAX_LINE_SIZE, $this->separator); $current_line++) { if (Tools::getValue('convert')) { $line = $this->utf8EncodeArray($line); } $info = AdminImportController::getMaskedRow($line); if (Tools::getValue('forceIDs') && isset($info['id']) && (int) $info['id']) { $product = new Product((int) $info['id']); } else { if (array_key_exists('id', $info) && (int) $info['id'] && Product::existsInDatabase((int) $info['id'], 'product')) { $product = new Product((int) $info['id']); } else { $product = new Product(); } } if (array_key_exists('id', $info) && (int) $info['id'] && Product::existsInDatabase((int) $info['id'], 'product')) { $product->loadStockData(); $category_data = Product::getProductCategories((int) $product->id); foreach ($category_data as $tmp) { $product->category[] = $tmp; } } AdminImportController::setEntityDefaultValues($product); AdminImportController::arrayWalk($info, array('AdminImportController', 'fillInfo'), $product); if (!Shop::isFeatureActive()) { $product->shop = 1; } elseif (!isset($product->shop) || empty($product->shop)) { $product->shop = implode($this->multiple_value_separator, Shop::getContextListShopID()); } if (!Shop::isFeatureActive()) { $product->id_shop_default = 1; } else { $product->id_shop_default = (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id; } // link product to shops $product->id_shop_list = array(); foreach (explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $product->shop) as $shop) { if (!is_numeric($shop)) { $product->id_shop_list[] = Shop::getIdByName($shop); } else { $product->id_shop_list[] = $shop; } } if ((int) $product->id_tax_rules_group != 0) { if (Validate::isLoadedObject(new TaxRulesGroup($product->id_tax_rules_group))) { $address = $this->context->shop->getAddress(); $tax_manager = TaxManagerFactory::getManager($address, $product->id_tax_rules_group); $product_tax_calculator = $tax_manager->getTaxCalculator(); $product->tax_rate = $product_tax_calculator->getTotalRate(); } else { $this->addProductWarning('id_tax_rules_group', $product->id_tax_rules_group, Tools::displayError('Invalid tax rule group ID, you first need a group with this ID.')); } } if (isset($product->manufacturer) && is_numeric($product->manufacturer) && Manufacturer::manufacturerExists((int) $product->manufacturer)) { $product->id_manufacturer = (int) $product->manufacturer; } else { if (isset($product->manufacturer) && is_string($product->manufacturer) && !empty($product->manufacturer)) { if ($manufacturer = Manufacturer::getIdByName($product->manufacturer)) { $product->id_manufacturer = (int) $manufacturer; } else { $manufacturer = new Manufacturer(); $manufacturer->name = $product->manufacturer; if (($field_error = $manufacturer->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && ($lang_field_error = $manufacturer->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && $manufacturer->add()) { $product->id_manufacturer = (int) $manufacturer->id; } else { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (ID: %2$s) cannot be saved'), $manufacturer->name, isset($manufacturer->id) ? $manufacturer->id : 'null'); $this->errors[] = ($field_error !== true ? $field_error : '') . ($lang_field_error !== true ? $lang_field_error : '') . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError(); } } } } if (isset($product->supplier) && is_numeric($product->supplier) && Supplier::supplierExists((int) $product->supplier)) { $product->id_supplier = (int) $product->supplier; } else { if (isset($product->supplier) && is_string($product->supplier) && !empty($product->supplier)) { if ($supplier = Supplier::getIdByName($product->supplier)) { $product->id_supplier = (int) $supplier; } else { $supplier = new Supplier(); $supplier->name = $product->supplier; $supplier->active = true; if (($field_error = $supplier->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && ($lang_field_error = $supplier->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && $supplier->add()) { $product->id_supplier = (int) $supplier->id; $supplier->associateTo($product->id_shop_list); } else { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (ID: %2$s) cannot be saved'), $supplier->name, isset($supplier->id) ? $supplier->id : 'null'); $this->errors[] = ($field_error !== true ? $field_error : '') . ($lang_field_error !== true ? $lang_field_error : '') . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError(); } } } } if (isset($product->price_tex) && !isset($product->price_tin)) { $product->price = $product->price_tex; } else { if (isset($product->price_tin) && !isset($product->price_tex)) { $product->price = $product->price_tin; // If a tax is already included in price, withdraw it from price if ($product->tax_rate) { $product->price = (double) number_format($product->price / (1 + $product->tax_rate / 100), 6, '.', ''); } } else { if (isset($product->price_tin) && isset($product->price_tex)) { $product->price = $product->price_tex; } } } if (isset($product->category) && is_array($product->category) && count($product->category)) { $product->id_category = array(); // Reset default values array foreach ($product->category as $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { if (Category::categoryExists((int) $value)) { $product->id_category[] = (int) $value; } else { $category_to_create = new Category(); $category_to_create->id = (int) $value; $category_to_create->name = AdminImportController::createMultiLangField($value); $category_to_create->active = 1; $category_to_create->id_parent = Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'); // Default parent is home for unknown category to create $category_link_rewrite = Tools::link_rewrite($category_to_create->name[$default_language_id]); $category_to_create->link_rewrite = AdminImportController::createMultiLangField($category_link_rewrite); if (($field_error = $category_to_create->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && ($lang_field_error = $category_to_create->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && $category_to_create->add()) { $product->id_category[] = (int) $category_to_create->id; } else { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (ID: %2$s) cannot be saved'), $category_to_create->name[$default_language_id], isset($category_to_create->id) ? $category_to_create->id : 'null'); $this->errors[] = ($field_error !== true ? $field_error : '') . ($lang_field_error !== true ? $lang_field_error : '') . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError(); } } } else { if (is_string($value) && !empty($value)) { $category = Category::searchByName($default_language_id, trim($value), true); if ($category['id_category']) { $product->id_category[] = (int) $category['id_category']; } else { $category_to_create = new Category(); if (!Shop::isFeatureActive()) { $category_to_create->id_shop_default = 1; } else { $category_to_create->id_shop_default = (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id; } $category_to_create->name = AdminImportController::createMultiLangField(trim($value)); $category_to_create->active = 1; $category_to_create->id_parent = (int) Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'); // Default parent is home for unknown category to create $category_link_rewrite = Tools::link_rewrite($category_to_create->name[$default_language_id]); $category_to_create->link_rewrite = AdminImportController::createMultiLangField($category_link_rewrite); if (($field_error = $category_to_create->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && ($lang_field_error = $category_to_create->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && $category_to_create->add()) { $product->id_category[] = (int) $category_to_create->id; } else { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (ID: %2$s) cannot be saved'), $category_to_create->name[$default_language_id], isset($category_to_create->id) ? $category_to_create->id : 'null'); $this->errors[] = ($field_error !== true ? $field_error : '') . ($lang_field_error !== true ? $lang_field_error : '') . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError(); } } } } } } $product->id_category_default = isset($product->id_category[0]) ? (int) $product->id_category[0] : ''; $link_rewrite = is_array($product->link_rewrite) && count($product->link_rewrite) ? trim($product->link_rewrite[$default_language_id]) : ''; $valid_link = Validate::isLinkRewrite($link_rewrite); if (isset($product->link_rewrite[$default_language_id]) && empty($product->link_rewrite[$default_language_id]) || !$valid_link) { $link_rewrite = Tools::link_rewrite($product->name[$default_language_id]); if ($link_rewrite == '') { $link_rewrite = 'friendly-url-autogeneration-failed'; } } if (!$valid_link) { $this->warnings[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Rewrite link for %1$s (ID: %2$s) was re-written as %3$s.'), $link_rewrite, isset($info['id']) ? $info['id'] : 'null', $link_rewrite); } $product->link_rewrite = AdminImportController::createMultiLangField($link_rewrite); // replace the value of separator by coma if ($this->multiple_value_separator != ',') { foreach ($product->meta_keywords as &$meta_keyword) { if (!empty($meta_keyword)) { $meta_keyword = str_replace($this->multiple_value_separator, ',', $meta_keyword); } } } $res = false; $field_error = $product->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true); $lang_field_error = $product->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true); if ($field_error === true && $lang_field_error === true) { // check quantity if ($product->quantity == null) { $product->quantity = 0; } // If match ref is specified && ref product && ref product already in base, trying to update if (Tools::getValue('match_ref') == 1 && $product->reference && $product->existsRefInDatabase($product->reference)) { $datas = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT product_shop.`date_add`, p.`id_product` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ' . Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p') . ' WHERE p.`reference` = "' . $product->reference . '" '); $product->id = (int) $datas['id_product']; $product->date_add = pSQL($datas['date_add']); $res = $product->update(); } else { if ($product->id && Product::existsInDatabase((int) $product->id, 'product')) { $datas = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT product_shop.`date_add` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ' . Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p') . ' WHERE p.`id_product` = ' . (int) $product->id); $product->date_add = pSQL($datas['date_add']); $res = $product->update(); } } // If no id_product or update failed if (!$res) { if (isset($product->date_add) && $product->date_add != '') { $res = $product->add(false); } else { $res = $product->add(); } } } $shops = array(); $product_shop = explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $product->shop); foreach ($product_shop as $shop) { $shop = trim($shop); if (!is_numeric($shop)) { $shop = ShopGroup::getIdByName($shop); } $shops[] = $shop; } if (empty($shops)) { $shops = Shop::getContextListShopID(); } // If both failed, mysql error if (!$res) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (ID: %2$s) cannot be saved'), $info['name'], isset($info['id']) ? $info['id'] : 'null'); $this->errors[] = ($field_error !== true ? $field_error : '') . ($lang_field_error !== true ? $lang_field_error : '') . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError(); } else { // Product supplier if (isset($product->id_supplier) && isset($product->supplier_reference)) { $id_product_supplier = ProductSupplier::getIdByProductAndSupplier((int) $product->id, 0, (int) $product->id_supplier); if ($id_product_supplier) { $product_supplier = new ProductSupplier((int) $id_product_supplier); } else { $product_supplier = new ProductSupplier(); } $product_supplier->id_product = $product->id; $product_supplier->id_product_attribute = 0; $product_supplier->id_supplier = $product->id_supplier; $product_supplier->product_supplier_price_te = $product->wholesale_price; $product_supplier->product_supplier_reference = $product->supplier_reference; $product_supplier->save(); } // SpecificPrice (only the basic reduction feature is supported by the import) if (isset($info['reduction_price']) && $info['reduction_price'] > 0 || isset($info['reduction_percent']) && $info['reduction_percent'] > 0) { $specific_price = new SpecificPrice(); $specific_price->id_product = (int) $product->id; // @todo multishop specific price import $specific_price->id_shop = $this->context->shop->id; $specific_price->id_currency = 0; $specific_price->id_country = 0; $specific_price->id_group = 0; $specific_price->price = -1; $specific_price->id_customer = 0; $specific_price->from_quantity = 1; $specific_price->reduction = isset($info['reduction_price']) && $info['reduction_price'] ? $info['reduction_price'] : $info['reduction_percent'] / 100; $specific_price->reduction_type = isset($info['reduction_price']) && $info['reduction_price'] ? 'amount' : 'percentage'; $specific_price->from = isset($info['reduction_from']) && Validate::isDate($info['reduction_from']) ? $info['reduction_from'] : '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $specific_price->to = isset($info['reduction_to']) && Validate::isDate($info['reduction_to']) ? $info['reduction_to'] : '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; if (!$specific_price->add()) { $this->addProductWarning($info['name'], $product->id, $this->l('Discount is invalid')); } } if (isset($product->tags) && !empty($product->tags)) { // Delete tags for this id product, for no duplicating error Tag::deleteTagsForProduct($product->id); if (!is_array($product->tags)) { $product->tags = AdminImportController::createMultiLangField($product->tags); foreach ($product->tags as $key => $tags) { $is_tag_added = Tag::addTags($key, $product->id, $tags, $this->multiple_value_separator); if (!$is_tag_added) { $this->addProductWarning($info['name'], $product->id, $this->l('Tags list is invalid')); break; } } } else { foreach ($product->tags as $key => $tags) { $str = ''; foreach ($tags as $one_tag) { $str .= $one_tag . $this->multiple_value_separator; } $str = rtrim($str, $this->multiple_value_separator); $is_tag_added = Tag::addTags($key, $product->id, $str, $this->multiple_value_separator); if (!$is_tag_added) { $this->addProductWarning($info['name'], $product->id, 'Invalid tag(s) (' . $str . ')'); break; } } } } //delete existing images if "delete_existing_images" is set to 1 if (isset($product->delete_existing_images)) { if ((bool) $product->delete_existing_images) { $product->deleteImages(); } else { if (isset($product->image) && is_array($product->image) && count($product->image)) { $product->deleteImages(); } } } if (isset($product->image) && is_array($product->image) && count($product->image)) { $product_has_images = (bool) Image::getImages($this->context->language->id, (int) $product->id); foreach ($product->image as $key => $url) { $url = trim($url); $error = false; if (!empty($url)) { $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url); $image = new Image(); $image->id_product = (int) $product->id; $image->position = Image::getHighestPosition($product->id) + 1; $image->cover = !$key && !$product_has_images ? true : false; // file_exists doesn't work with HTTP protocol if (@fopen($url, 'r') == false) { $error = true; } else { if (($field_error = $image->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && ($lang_field_error = $image->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true && $image->add()) { // associate image to selected shops $image->associateTo($shops); if (!AdminImportController::copyImg($product->id, $image->id, $url)) { $image->delete(); $this->warnings[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Error copying image: %s'), $url); } } else { $error = true; } } } else { $error = true; } if ($error) { $this->warnings[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Product n°%1$d: the picture cannot be saved: %2$s'), $image->id_product, $url); } } } if (isset($product->id_category)) { $product->updateCategories(array_map('intval', $product->id_category)); } // Features import $features = get_object_vars($product); if (isset($features['features']) && !empty($features['features'])) { foreach (explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $features['features']) as $single_feature) { $tab_feature = explode(':', $single_feature); $feature_name = trim($tab_feature[0]); $feature_value = trim($tab_feature[1]); $position = isset($tab_feature[2]) ? $tab_feature[2] : false; $id_feature = Feature::addFeatureImport($feature_name, $position); $id_feature_value = FeatureValue::addFeatureValueImport($id_feature, $feature_value); Product::addFeatureProductImport($product->id, $id_feature, $id_feature_value); } } // clean feature positions to avoid conflict Feature::cleanPositions(); } // stock available if (Shop::isFeatureActive()) { foreach ($shops as $shop) { StockAvailable::setQuantity((int) $product->id, 0, $product->quantity, (int) $shop); } } else { StockAvailable::setQuantity((int) $product->id, 0, $product->quantity, $this->context->shop->id); } } if (Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION')) { Search::indexation(true); } $this->closeCsvFile($handle); }
public static function execImport($pdt) { if ($pdt->id_product > 0) { $product = new Product($pdt->id_product); } else { $product = new Product(); } if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>=')) { foreach (Product::$definition['fields'] as $field => $value) { if (isset($pdt->{$field})) { if (is_object($pdt->{$field})) { $fields = array(); foreach ($pdt->{$field} as $key => $value) { $fields[$key] = $value; } $product->{$field} = $fields; } else { $product->{$field} = $pdt->{$field}; } } } } else { $product->id_manufacturer = $pdt->id_manufacturer; $product->id_supplier = $pdt->id_supplier; if ($pdt->reference) { $product->reference = $pdt->reference; } $product->supplier_reference = $pdt->supplier_reference; $product->weight = $pdt->weight; $product->id_category_default = $pdt->id_category_default; if ($pdt->id_tax_rules_group) { $product->id_tax_rules_group = $pdt->id_tax_rules_group; } if ($pdt->price) { $product->price = $pdt->price; } if ($pdt->wholesale_price) { $product->wholesale_price = $pdt->wholesale_price; } if ($pdt->active) { $product->active = $pdt->active; } if ($pdt->date_add) { $product->date_add = $pdt->date_add; } $product->date_upd = $pdt->date_upd; if ($pdt->link_rewrite) { foreach ($pdt->link_rewrite as $key => $value) { $product->link_rewrite[$key] = $value; } } if ($pdt->name) { foreach ($pdt->name as $key => $value) { $product->name[$key] = $value; } } if ($pdt->description) { foreach ($pdt->description as $key => $value) { $product->description[$key] = $value; } } if ($pdt->description_short) { foreach ($pdt->description_short as $key => $value) { $product->description_short[$key] = $value; } } if ($pdt->ean13) { $product->ean13 = $pdt->ean13; } } if ($pdt->upd_index == 1) { $product->indexed = 1; } if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>=')) { $product->id_shop_list[] = $pdt->shop; } $product->id_category[] = $pdt->categories; $product->id_category[] = $pdt->sscategories; if ($pdt->id_product) { $category_data = Product::getProductCategories((int) $product->id); foreach ($category_data as $tmp) { $product->id_category[] = $tmp; } } $product->id_category = array_unique($product->id_category); $product->save(); if ($pdt->upd_img == 1 || !$pdt->id_product) { self::execImages($pdt, $product); self::cleanUploadedImages($pdt, $product); } if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>=')) { if (!$pdt->id_product) { self::insertSupplierRef($product->id, 0, $pdt->id_supplier, $pdt->supplier_reference); } } if ($pdt->upd_index == 1) { Search::indexation(false, $pdt->id_product); } $product->updateCategories(array_map('intval', $product->id_category)); return $product->id; }
protected function importProducts() { $this->truncateTables(array('product', 'product_lang', 'product_shop', 'product_sale', 'product_supplier', 'product_tag', 'feature_product', 'category_product', 'product_carrier', 'compare_product', 'product_attachment', 'product_country_tax', 'product_download', 'product_group_reduction_cache', 'scene_products', 'warehouse_product_location', 'customization', 'customization_field', 'customization_field_lang', 'supply_order_detail', 'attribute_impact', 'pack')); $handle = $this->openCsvFile('products.csv'); $languages = Language::getLanguages(false); for ($current_line = 0; $line = fgetcsv($handle, MAX_LINE_SIZE, ';'); $current_line++) { $res = false; $product = new Product((int) $line[0]); $product->id = (int) $line[0]; $product->active = $line[1]; foreach ($languages as $lang) { $product->name[$lang['id_lang']] = $line['2']; } $categories = explode(',', $line[3]); $product->id_category_default = $categories[0] ? $categories[0] : Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'); if (isset($categories) && $categories && count($categories)) { $product->addToCategories($categories); } if (isset($line[4])) { $product->price_tex = $line[4]; } if (isset($line[5])) { $product->price_tin = $line[5]; } $product->id_tax_rules_group = trim($line[6]) ? $line[6] : 0; $product->wholesale_price = trim($line[7]) ? $line[7] : 0; $product->on_sale = trim($line[8]) ? $line[8] : 0; if (trim($line[13])) { $product->reference = $line[13]; } if (trim($line[14])) { $product->supplier_reference = trim($line[14]); } if (trim($line[15])) { $product->id_supplier = (int) $line[15]; } if (isset($product->id) && $product->id && isset($product->id_supplier) && property_exists($product, 'supplier_reference')) { $id_product_supplier = (int) ProductSupplier::getIdByProductAndSupplier((int) $product->id, 0, (int) $product->id_supplier); if ($id_product_supplier) { $product_supplier = new ProductSupplier($id_product_supplier); } else { $product_supplier = new ProductSupplier(); } $product_supplier->id_product = (int) $product->id; $product_supplier->id_product_attribute = 0; $product_supplier->id_supplier = (int) $product->id_supplier; $product_supplier->product_supplier_price_te = $product->wholesale_price; $product_supplier->product_supplier_reference = $product->supplier_reference; $product_supplier->save(); } if (trim($line[16])) { $product->id_manufacturer = $line[16]; } if (!Tools::isEmpty(trim($line[17]))) { $product->ean13 = $line[17]; } if (trim($line[18])) { $product->upc = $line[18]; } if (trim($line[19])) { $product->ecotax = $line[19]; } $product->width = $line[20]; $product->height = $line[21]; $product->depth = $line[22]; $product->weight = $line[23]; if ($line[24]) { StockAvailable::setQuantity((int) $product->id, 0, (int) $line[24], (int) $this->context->shop->id); } $product->minimal_quantity = $line[25]; $product->visibility = $line[26]; $product->additional_shipping_cost = $line[27]; if (trim($line[28])) { $product->unity = $line[28]; } if (trim($line[29])) { $product->unit_price = $line[29]; } foreach ($languages as $lang) { $product->description_short[$lang['id_lang']] = $line[30]; $product->description[$lang['id_lang']] = $line[31]; } if ($line[32]) { foreach ($languages as $lang) { Tag::addTags($lang['id_lang'], $product->id, $line[32]); } } foreach ($languages as $lang) { $product->meta_title[$lang['id_lang']] = $line[33]; $product->meta_keywords[$lang['id_lang']] = $line[34]; $product->meta_description[$lang['id_lang']] = $line[35]; $product->link_rewrite[$lang['id_lang']] = $line[36]; $product->available_now[$lang['id_lang']] = $line[37]; $product->available_later[$lang['id_lang']] = $line[38]; } $product->available_for_order = $line[39]; $product->available_date = $line[40]; $product->date_add = $line[41]; $product->show_price = $line[42]; // Features import $features = explode(',', $line[45]); if ($features) { foreach ($features as $feature) { $value = explode(':', $feature); if ($value[0] && $value[1]) { Product::addFeatureProductImport((int) $product->id, (int) $value[0], (int) $value[1]); SpecificPriceRule::applyAllRules(array((int) $product->id)); } } } $product->online_only = trim($line[46]) ? $line[46] : 0; $product->condition = $line[47]; $product->customizable = trim($line[48]) ? $line[48] : 0; $product->uploadable_files = trim($line[49]) ? $line[49] : 0; $product->text_fields = trim($line[50]) ? $line[50] : 0; if ($product->getType() == Product::PTYPE_VIRTUAL) { StockAvailable::setProductOutOfStock((int) $product->id, 1); } else { StockAvailable::setProductOutOfStock((int) $product->id, (int) $line[51]); } $product->id_shop_default = $line[52]; // add product accessories if ($line[56]) { $accessories = explode(',', $line[56]); foreach ($accessories as $accessory) { $a[]['id'] = $accessory; } $product->setWsAccessories($a); } // add product carriers if ($line[57]) { $carriers = explode(',', $line[57]); $product->setCarriers($carriers); } // add costomisation fields if (!Tools::isEmpty($line[58]) && class_exists('CustomizationField')) { $customisation_fields_ids = explode(',', $line[58]); foreach ($customisation_fields_ids as $customisation_field) { $result = false; $customisation_data = explode(':', $customisation_field); $cf = new CustomizationField(); $cf->id_product = $product->id; $cf->type = $customisation_data[1]; $cf->required = $customisation_data[2]; foreach ($languages as $lang) { $cf->name[$lang['id_lang']] = $customisation_data[3] ? $customisation_data[3] : ' '; } $cf->force_id = 1; if (!$result) { $result = $cf->add(); } } } // add attachments if ($line[59]) { $attachments = explode(',', $line[59]); if (isset($attachments) && count($attachments)) { Attachment::attachToProduct($product->id, $attachments); } } if ($line[60]) { $product->date_upd = $line[60]; } $product->price = $line[61]; $product->force_id = 1; if (!$res) { $res = $product->add(); } } $this->closeCsvFile($handle); Search::indexation(true); return true; }
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2007-2014 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ if (!defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_')) { define('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_', getcwd()); } include _PS_ADMIN_DIR_ . '/../config/config.inc.php'; Context::getContext()->shop->setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_ALL); if (substr(_COOKIE_KEY_, 34, 8) != Tools::getValue('token')) { die; } ini_set('max_execution_time', 7200); $id_product = 16623; Search::indexation(false, $id_product); if (Tools::getValue('redirect')) { Tools::redirectAdmin($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '&conf=4'); }
public function updateWs($null_values = false) { $success = parent::update($null_values); if ($success && Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION')) { Search::indexation(false, $this->id); } return $success; }
public function processDuplicate() { if (!Module::isInstalled('agilemultipleseller')) { parent::processDuplicate(); } else { if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product = new Product((int) Tools::getValue('id_product')))) { $id_product_old = $product->id; if (empty($product->price) && Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP) { $shops = ShopGroup::getShopsFromGroup(Shop::getContextShopGroupID()); foreach ($shops as $shop) { if ($product->isAssociatedToShop($shop['id_shop'])) { $product_price = new Product($id_product_old, false, null, $shop['id_shop']); $product->price = $product_price->price; } } } unset($product->id); unset($product->id_product); $product->indexed = 0; $product->active = 0; if ($product->add() && Category::duplicateProductCategories($id_product_old, $product->id) && ($combination_images = Product::duplicateAttributes($id_product_old, $product->id)) !== false && GroupReduction::duplicateReduction($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateAccessories($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateFeatures($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateSpecificPrices($id_product_old, $product->id) && Pack::duplicate($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateCustomizationFields($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateTags($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateDownload($id_product_old, $product->id)) { if ($product->hasAttributes()) { Product::updateDefaultAttribute($product->id); } AgileSellerManager::assignObjectOwner('product', $product->id, AgileSellerManager::getObjectOwnerID('product', $id_product_old)); if (!Tools::getValue('noimage') && !Image::duplicateProductImages($id_product_old, $product->id, $combination_images)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while copying images.'); } else { Hook::exec('actionProductAdd', array('product' => $product)); if (in_array($product->visibility, array('both', 'search')) && Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION')) { Search::indexation(false, $product->id); } $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . (Tools::getIsset('id_category') ? '&id_category=' . (int) Tools::getValue('id_category') : '') . '&conf=19&token=' . $this->token; } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating an object.'); } } } }
/** * PROCESS : installFixtures * Install fixtures (E.g. demo products) */ public function installFixtures($entity = null) { // Load class (use fixture class if one exists, or use InstallXmlLoader) if (file_exists(_PS_INSTALL_FIXTURES_PATH_ . 'apple/install.php')) { require_once _PS_INSTALL_FIXTURES_PATH_ . 'apple/install.php'; $class = 'InstallFixtures' . Tools::toCamelCase('apple'); if (!class_exists($class, false)) { $this->setError($this->language->l('Fixtures class "%s" not found', $class)); return false; } $xml_loader = new $class(); if (!$xml_loader instanceof InstallXmlLoader) { $this->setError($this->language->l('"%s" must be an instane of "InstallXmlLoader"', $class)); return false; } } else { $xml_loader = new InstallXmlLoader(); } // Install XML data (data/xml/ folder) $xml_loader->setFixturesPath(); if (isset($this->xml_loader_ids) && $this->xml_loader_ids) { $xml_loader->setIds($this->xml_loader_ids); } $languages = array(); foreach (Language::getLanguages(false) as $lang) { $languages[$lang['id_lang']] = $lang['iso_code']; } $xml_loader->setLanguages($languages); if ($entity) { $xml_loader->populateEntity($entity); } else { $xml_loader->populateFromXmlFiles(); } if ($errors = $xml_loader->getErrors()) { $this->setError($errors); return false; } // IDS from xmlLoader are stored in order to use them for fixtures $this->xml_loader_ids = $xml_loader->getIds(); unset($xml_loader); // Index products in search tables Search::indexation(true); return true; }
public function processUpdate() { $this->checkProduct(); if (!empty($this->errors)) { $this->display = 'edit'; return false; } $id = (int) Tools::getValue('id_' . $this->table); /* Update an existing product */ if (isset($id) && !empty($id)) { $object = new $this->className((int) $id); $this->object = $object; if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object)) { $this->_removeTaxFromEcotax(); $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); $object->indexed = 0; if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP) { $object->setFieldsToUpdate((array) Tools::getValue('multishop_check')); } if ($object->update()) { if (in_array($this->context->shop->getContext(), array(Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP, Shop::CONTEXT_ALL))) { if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Shipping')) { $this->addCarriers(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Associations')) { $this->updateAccessories($object); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Suppliers')) { $this->processSuppliers(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Features')) { $this->processFeatures(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Combinations')) { $this->processProductAttribute(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Prices')) { $this->processPriceAddition(); $this->processSpecificPricePriorities(); $this->object->id_tax_rules_group = (int) Tools::getValue('id_tax_rules_group'); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Customization')) { $this->processCustomizationConfiguration(); } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Attachments')) { $this->processAttachments(); } $this->updatePackItems($object); $this->updateDownloadProduct($object, 1); $this->updateTags(Language::getLanguages(false), $object); if ($this->isProductFieldUpdated('category_box') && !$object->updateCategories(Tools::getValue('categoryBox'))) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while linking object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> ' . Tools::displayError('To categories'); } } if ($this->isTabSubmitted('Warehouses')) { $this->processWarehouses(); } if (empty($this->errors)) { Hook::exec('actionProductUpdate', array('product' => $object)); if (in_array($object->visibility, array('both', 'search')) && Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION')) { Search::indexation(false, $object->id); } // Save and preview if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAddProductAndPreview')) { $preview_url = $this->context->link->getProductLink($this->getFieldValue($object, 'id'), $this->getFieldValue($object, 'link_rewrite', $this->context->language->id), Category::getLinkRewrite($this->getFieldValue($object, 'id_category_default'), $this->context->language->id), null, null, Context::getContext()->shop->id, 0, (bool) Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS')); if (!$object->active) { $admin_dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $admin_dir = substr($admin_dir, strrpos($admin_dir, '/') + 1); if (strpos($preview_url, '?') === false) { $preview_url .= '?'; } else { $preview_url .= '&'; } $preview_url .= 'adtoken=' . $this->token . '&ad=' . $admin_dir . '&id_employee=' . (int) $this->context->employee->id; } $this->redirect_after = $preview_url; } else { // Save and stay on same form if ($this->display == 'edit') { $this->confirmations[] = $this->l('Update successful'); $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . '&id_product=' . (int) $this->object->id . (Tools::getIsset('id_category') ? '&id_category=' . (int) Tools::getValue('id_category') : '') . '&updateproduct&conf=4&key_tab=' . Tools::safeOutput(Tools::getValue('key_tab')) . '&token=' . $this->token; } else { // Default behavior (save and back) $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . (Tools::getIsset('id_category') ? '&id_category=' . (int) Tools::getValue('id_category') : '') . '&conf=4&token=' . $this->token; } } } else { $this->display = 'edit'; } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> (' . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError() . ')'; } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> (' . Tools::displayError('Cannot load object') . ')'; } return $object; } }
$product->price = $product_price->price; } } } if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) { $id_product_old = $product->id; for ($i = 1; $i <= $quantity; $i++) { echo $i; unset($product->id); unset($product->id_product); $product->indexed = 0; $product->active = 0; if ($product->add() && Category::duplicateProductCategories($id_product_old, $product->id) && ($combination_images = Product::duplicateAttributes($id_product_old, $product->id)) !== false && GroupReduction::duplicateReduction($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateAccessories($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateFeatures($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateSpecificPrices($id_product_old, $product->id) && Pack::duplicate($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateCustomizationFields($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateTags($id_product_old, $product->id) && Product::duplicateDownload($id_product_old, $product->id)) { if ($product->hasAttributes()) { Product::updateDefaultAttribute($product->id); } if (!Tools::getValue('noimage') && !Image::duplicateProductImages($id_product_old, $product->id, $combination_images)) { echo 'An error occurred while copying images.'; } else { Hook::exec('actionProductAdd', array('product' => $product)); if (in_array($product->visibility, array('both', 'search')) && Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION')) { Search::indexation(false, $product->id); } echo ' Duplication, ProductAddHook and re-index done. '; } } else { echo 'An error occurred while duplicating some object properties.'; } } } }
public function postProcess() { global $currentIndex; /* PrestaShop demo mode */ if (_PS_MODE_DEMO_) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('This functionnality has been disabled.'); return; } /* PrestaShop demo mode*/ if (Tools::isSubmit('submitFileUpload')) { if (isset($_FILES['file']) and !empty($_FILES['file']['error'])) { switch ($_FILES['file']['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini. If your server configuration allows it, you may add a directive in your .htaccess, for example:') . '<br/><a href="?tab=AdminGenerator&token=' . Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminGenerator') . '" >' . '<code>php_value upload_max_filesize 20M</code> ' . Tools::displayError('(clic to open Generator tab)') . '</a>'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('The uploaded file exceeds the post_max_size directive in php.ini. If your server configuration allows it, you may add a directive in your .htaccess, for example:') . '<br/><a href="?tab=AdminGenerator&token=' . Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminGenerator') . '" >' . '<code>php_value post_max_size 20M</code> ' . Tools::displayError('(clic to open Generator tab)') . '</a>'; break; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.'); break; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('No file was uploaded'); break; break; } } elseif (!file_exists($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) or !@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/../import/' . $_FILES['file']['name'] . '.' . date('Ymdhis'))) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('an error occurred while uploading and copying file'); } else { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&conf=18'); } } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitImportFile')) { $this->displayCSV(); } elseif (Tools::getValue('import')) { if (Tools::getValue('truncate')) { $this->truncateTables((int) Tools::getValue('entity')); } $start_time = microtime(true); switch ((int) Tools::getValue('entity')) { case $this->entities[$this->l('Categories')]: $lines_imported = $this->categoryImport(); break; case $this->entities[$this->l('Products')]: $lines_imported = $this->productImport(); if ($lines_imported) { Search::indexation(); } break; case $this->entities[$this->l('Customers')]: $lines_imported = $this->customerImport(); break; case $this->entities[$this->l('Addresses')]: $lines_imported = $this->addressImport(); break; case $this->entities[$this->l('Combinations')]: $lines_imported = $this->attributeImport(); break; case $this->entities[$this->l('Manufacturers')]: $lines_imported = $this->manufacturerImport(); break; case $this->entities[$this->l('Suppliers')]: $lines_imported = $this->supplierImport(); break; default: $this->_errors[] = $this->l('no entity selected'); } $end_time = microtime(true); } parent::postProcess(); if (Tools::getValue('import') && !count($this->_errors)) { echo ' <div class="conf confirm"> <img src="../img/admin/ok.gif" alt="" /> ' . $this->l('Import successfully performed in') . ' ' . sprintf('%.02f', $end_time - $start_time) . ' ' . $this->l('seconds') . ' - ' . (int) $lines_imported . ' ' . $this->l('line(s) imported') . ' </div>'; } }
function run_indexer() { $iCartType = getCartType(); // MAGENTO if ($iCartType == 3) { require_once 'app/Mage.php'; umask(0); Mage::app("default"); $_processesCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('index/process_collection'); foreach ($_processesCollection as $process) { $processes[] = $process; } foreach ($processes as $process) { try { $process->reindexEverything(); echo $process->getIndexer()->getName() . " index was rebuilt successfully\n"; echo "<br>"; } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; echo "<br>"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $process->getIndexer()->getName() . " index process unknown error:\n"; echo $e . "\n"; echo "<br>"; } } // PRESTASHOP } elseif ($iCartType == 5) { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/config.inc.php'; ini_set('max_execution_time', 7200); Search::indexation(1); exit; } }
/** * Object creation */ public function processAdd() { if (!Tools::getValue('categoryBox') || !in_array(Tools::getValue('id_category'), Tools::getValue('categoryBox'))) { $this->errors[] = $this->l('You need to select at least the root category.'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('id_category_default')) { $_POST['id_category'] = (int) Tools::getValue('id_category_default'); } /* Checking fields validity */ $this->validateRules(); if (!count($this->errors)) { /** @var Shop $object */ $object = new $this->className(); $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); $this->beforeAdd($object); if (!$object->add()) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating an object.') . ' <b>' . $this->table . ' (' . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError() . ')</b>'; } elseif (($_POST[$this->identifier] = $object->id) && $this->postImage($object->id) && !count($this->errors) && $this->_redirect) { $parent_id = (int) Tools::getValue('id_parent', 1); $this->afterAdd($object); $this->updateAssoShop($object->id); // Save and stay on same form if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay')) { $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . '&shop_id=' . (int) $object->id . '&conf=3&update' . $this->table . '&token=' . $this->token; } // Save and back to parent if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndBackToParent')) { $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . '&shop_id=' . (int) $parent_id . '&conf=3&token=' . $this->token; } // Default behavior (save and back) if (empty($this->redirect_after)) { $this->redirect_after = self::$currentIndex . ($parent_id ? '&shop_id=' . $object->id : '') . '&conf=3&token=' . $this->token; } } } $this->errors = array_unique($this->errors); if (count($this->errors) > 0) { $this->display = 'add'; return; } $object->associateSuperAdmins(); $categories = Tools::getValue('categoryBox'); array_unshift($categories, Configuration::get('PS_ROOT_CATEGORY')); Category::updateFromShop($categories, $object->id); if (Tools::getValue('useImportData') && ($import_data = Tools::getValue('importData')) && is_array($import_data) && isset($import_data['product'])) { ini_set('max_execution_time', 7200); // like searchcron.php Search::indexation(true); } return $object; }
public function setProducts($array) { $result = Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_tag WHERE id_tag = ' . (int) $this->id); if (is_array($array)) { $array = array_map('intval', $array); $result &= ObjectModel::updateMultishopTable('Product', array('indexed' => 0), 'a.id_product IN (' . implode(',', $array) . ')'); $ids = array(); foreach ($array as $id_product) { $ids[] = '(' . (int) $id_product . ',' . (int) $this->id . ')'; } if ($result) { $result &= Db::getInstance()->execute('INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_tag (id_product, id_tag) VALUES ' . implode(',', $ids)); if (Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION')) { $result &= Search::indexation(false); } } } return $result; }
public function updateWs($null_values = false) { $success = parent::update($null_values); if ($success && Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION')) { Search::indexation(false, $this->id); } Hook::exec('updateProduct', array('id_product' => (int) $this->id)); return $success; }
/** * Add or update a product * * @global string $currentIndex Current URL in order to keep current Tab */ public function submitAddproduct($token = NULL) { global $currentIndex; $className = 'Product'; $rules = call_user_func(array($this->className, 'getValidationRules'), $this->className); $defaultLanguage = new Language(intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))); $languages = Language::getLanguages(); /* Check required fields */ foreach ($rules['required'] as $field) { if (($value = Tools::getValue($field)) == false and $value != '0') { if (Tools::getValue('id_' . $this->table) and $field == 'passwd') { continue; } $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className) . '</b> ' . $this->l('is required'); } } /* Check multilingual required fields */ foreach ($rules['requiredLang'] as $fieldLang) { if (!Tools::getValue($fieldLang . '_' . $defaultLanguage->id)) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className) . '</b> ' . $this->l('is required at least in') . ' ' . $defaultLanguage->name; } } /* Check fields sizes */ foreach ($rules['size'] as $field => $maxLength) { if ($value = Tools::getValue($field) and Tools::strlen($value) > $maxLength) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className) . '</b> ' . $this->l('is too long') . ' (' . $maxLength . ' ' . $this->l('chars max') . ')'; } } if (isset($_POST['description_short'])) { $saveShort = $_POST['description_short']; $_POST['description_short'] = strip_tags($_POST['description_short']); } /* Check description short size without html */ foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($value = Tools::getValue('description_short_' . $language['id_lang'])) { if (Tools::strlen(strip_tags($value)) > 400) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), 'description_short') . ' (' . $language['name'] . ')</b> ' . $this->l('is too long') . ' : 400 ' . $this->l('chars max') . ' (' . $this->l('count now') . ' ' . Tools::strlen(strip_tags($value)) . ')'; } } } /* Check multilingual fields sizes */ foreach ($rules['sizeLang'] as $fieldLang => $maxLength) { foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($value = Tools::getValue($fieldLang . '_' . $language['id_lang']) and Tools::strlen($value) > $maxLength) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className) . ' (' . $language['name'] . ')</b> ' . $this->l('is too long') . ' (' . $maxLength . ' ' . $this->l('chars max') . ')'; } } } if (isset($_POST['description_short'])) { $_POST['description_short'] = $saveShort; } /* Check fields validity */ foreach ($rules['validate'] as $field => $function) { if ($value = Tools::getValue($field)) { if (!Validate::$function($value)) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $field, $className) . '</b> ' . $this->l('is invalid'); } } } /* Check multilingual fields validity */ foreach ($rules['validateLang'] as $fieldLang => $function) { foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($value = Tools::getValue($fieldLang . '_' . $language['id_lang'])) { if (!Validate::$function($value)) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('the field') . ' <b>' . call_user_func(array($className, 'displayFieldName'), $fieldLang, $className) . ' (' . $language['name'] . ')</b> ' . $this->l('is invalid'); } } } } $productCats = ''; if (!isset($_POST['categoryBox']) or !sizeof($_POST['categoryBox'])) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('product must be in at least one Category'); } foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($value = Tools::getValue('tags_' . $language['id_lang'])) { if (!Validate::isTagsList($value)) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('Tags list') . ' (' . $language['name'] . ') ' . $this->l('is invalid'); } } } if (!sizeof($this->_errors)) { $id = intval(Tools::getValue('id_' . $this->table)); $tagError = true; /* Update an existing product */ if (isset($id) and !empty($id)) { $object = new $this->className($id); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($object)) { $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); if ($object->update()) { $this->updateAccessories($object); $this->updateDownloadProduct($object); if (!$this->updatePackItems($object)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while adding products to the pack'); } elseif (!$object->updateCategories($_POST['categoryBox'], true)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while linking object') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> ' . Tools::displayError('to categories'); } elseif (!$this->updateTags($languages, $object)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while adding tags'); } elseif ($id_image = $this->addProductImage($object, Tools::getValue('resizer'))) { Hook::updateProduct($object); Search::indexation(false); if (Tools::getValue('resizer') == 'man' && isset($id_image) and is_int($id_image) and $id_image) { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_product=' . $object->id . '&id_category=' . intval(Tools::getValue('id_category')) . '&edit=' . strval(Tools::getValue('productCreated')) . '&id_image=' . $id_image . '&imageresize&toconf=4&submitAddAndStay=' . ((Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay') or Tools::getValue('productCreated') == 'on') ? 'on' : 'off') . '&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } // Save and stay on same form if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay') or $id_image and $id_image !== true) { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_product=' . $object->id . '&id_category=' . intval(Tools::getValue('id_category')) . '&addproduct&conf=4&tabs=' . intval(Tools::getValue('tabs')) . '&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } // Default behavior (save and back) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_category=' . intval(Tools::getValue('id_category')) . '&conf=4&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } } else { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while updating object') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> (' . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError() . ')'; } } else { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while updating object') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> (' . Tools::displayError('cannot load object') . ')'; } } else { $object = new $this->className(); $this->copyFromPost($object, $this->table); if ($object->add()) { $this->updateAccessories($object); if (!$this->updatePackItems($object)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while adding products to the pack'); } $this->updateDownloadProduct($object); if (!sizeof($this->_errors)) { if (!$object->updateCategories($_POST['categoryBox'])) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while linking object') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b> ' . Tools::displayError('to categories'); } else { if (!$this->updateTags($languages, $object)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while adding tags'); } elseif ($id_image = $this->addProductImage($object)) { Hook::addProduct($object); Search::indexation(false); if (Tools::getValue('resizer') == 'man' && isset($id_image) and is_int($id_image) and $id_image) { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_product=' . $object->id . '&id_category=' . intval(Tools::getValue('id_category')) . '&id_image=' . $id_image . '&imageresize&toconf=3&submitAddAndStay=' . (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay') ? 'on' : 'off') . '&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } // Save and stay on same form if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay')) { Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_product=' . $object->id . '&id_category=' . intval(Tools::getValue('id_category')) . '&addproduct&conf=3&tabs=' . intval(Tools::getValue('tabs')) . '&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } // Default behavior (save and back) Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex . '&id_category=' . intval(Tools::getValue('id_category')) . '&conf=3&token=' . ($token ? $token : $this->token)); } } } else { $object->delete(); } } else { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('an error occurred while creating object') . ' <b>' . $this->table . '</b>'; } } } }
public function createDummyDataForProject() { //delete privious products of prestashop $all_products = Product::getSimpleProducts(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); foreach ($all_products as $key_pro => $value_pro) { $obj_product = new Product($value_pro['id_product']); $obj_product->delete(); } // first add a hotel................. $def_cont_id = Country::getDefaultCountryId(); $obj_hotel_info = new HotelBranchInformation(); $obj_hotel_info->active = 1; $obj_hotel_info->hotel_name = "The Hotel Prime"; $obj_hotel_info->phone = 01234567; $obj_hotel_info->email = "*****@*****.**"; $obj_hotel_info->check_in = '12:00'; $obj_hotel_info->check_out = '12:00'; $obj_hotel_info->short_description = $this->l('Nice place to stay'); $obj_hotel_info->description = $this->l('Nice place to stay'); $obj_hotel_info->rating = 3; $obj_hotel_info->city = 'Nainital'; $states = State::getStatesByIdCountry($def_cont_id); $state_id = $states[0]['id_state']; $obj_hotel_info->state_id = $state_id; $obj_hotel_info->country_id = $def_cont_id; $obj_hotel_info->zipcode = 263001; $obj_hotel_info->policies = $this->l('1. intelligentsia tattooed pop-up salvia asymmetrical mixtape meggings tousled ramps VHS cred. 2. intelligentsia tattooed pop-up salvia asymmetrical mixtape meggings tousled ramps VHS cred. 3. intelligentsia tattooed pop-up salvia asymmetrical mixtape meggings tousled ramps VHS cred. 4. intelligentsia tattooed pop-up salvia asymmetrical mixtape meggings tousled ramps VHS cred.'); $obj_hotel_info->address = 'Near post office, Mallital, Nainital'; $obj_hotel_info->save(); $htl_id = $obj_hotel_info->id; $grp_ids = array(); $obj_grp = new Group(); $data_grp_ids = $obj_grp->getGroups(1, $id_shop = false); foreach ($data_grp_ids as $key => $value) { $grp_ids[] = $value['id_group']; } $country_name = (new Country())->getNameById(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'), $def_cont_id); $cat_country = $this->addCategory($country_name, false, $grp_ids); if ($cat_country) { $states = State::getStatesByIdCountry($def_cont_id); $state_name = $states[0]['name']; $cat_state = $this->addCategory($state_name, $cat_country, $grp_ids); } if ($cat_state) { $cat_city = $this->addCategory('DefCity', $cat_state, $grp_ids); } if ($cat_city) { $cat_hotel = $this->addCategory('The Hotel Prime', $cat_city, $grp_ids, 1, $htl_id); } if ($cat_hotel) { $obj_hotel_info = new HotelBranchInformation($htl_id); $obj_hotel_info->id_category = $cat_hotel; $obj_hotel_info->save(); } $branch_ftr_ids = array(1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21); foreach ($branch_ftr_ids as $key_ftr => $value_ftr) { $htl_ftr_obj = new HotelBranchFeatures(); $htl_ftr_obj->id_hotel = $htl_id; $htl_ftr_obj->feature_id = $value_ftr; $htl_ftr_obj->save(); } $prod_arr = array('Delux Rooms', 'Executive Rooms', 'luxury Rooms'); $img_num = 1; foreach ($prod_arr as $key_prod => $value_prod) { // Add Product $product = new Product(); $product->name = array(); $product->description = array(); $product->description_short = array(); $product->link_rewrite = array(); foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { $product->name[$lang['id_lang']] = $value_prod; $product->description[$lang['id_lang']] = $this->l('Fashion axe kogi yuccie, ramps shabby chic direct trade before they sold out distillery bicycle rights. Slow-carb +1 quinoa VHS. +1 brunch trust fund, meggings chartreuse sustainable everyday carry tumblr hoodie tacos tilde ramps post-ironic fixie.'); $product->description_short[$lang['id_lang']] = $this->l('Fashion axe kogi yuccie, ramps shabby chic direct trade before they sold out distillery bicycle rights. Slow-carb +1 quinoa VHS. +1 brunch trust fund, meggings chartreuse sustainable everyday carry tumblr hoodie tacos tilde ramps post-ironic fixie.'); $product->link_rewrite[$lang['id_lang']] = Tools::link_rewrite('Super Delux Rooms'); } $product->id_shop_default = Context::getContext()->shop->id; $product->id_category_default = 2; $product->price = 1000; $product->active = 1; $product->quantity = 99999999; $product->is_virtual = 1; $product->indexed = 1; $product->save(); $product_id = $product->id; Search::indexation(Tools::link_rewrite($value_prod), $product_id); $product->addToCategories(2); StockAvailable::updateQuantity($product_id, null, 99999999); //image upload for products $count = 0; $have_cover = false; $old_path = _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/img/prod_imgs/' . $img_num . 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'-10' . $k; $htl_room_info_obj->id_status = 1; $htl_room_info_obj->floor = 'first'; $htl_room_info_obj->save(); } $htl_rm_type = new HotelRoomType(); $htl_rm_type->id_product = $product_id; $htl_rm_type->id_hotel = $htl_id; $htl_rm_type->adult = 2; $htl_rm_type->children = 2; $htl_rm_type->save(); $img_num++; // Add features to the product $ftr_arr = array(0 => 8, 1 => 9, 2 => 10, 3 => 11); $ftr_val_arr = array(0 => 34, 1 => 35, 2 => 36, 3 => 37); foreach ($ftr_arr as $key_htl_ftr => $val_htl_ftr) { $product->addFeaturesToDB($val_htl_ftr, $ftr_val_arr[$key_htl_ftr]); } } return true; }