public function addAction() { $status = $this->getInput('startup_status'); // $config = new PwConfigSet('native'); if (count($_FILES)) { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwStartUpUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwStartUpUpload(); $bhv->filename = 'startup'; // $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if ($upload->check() === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } if (!($data = $bhv->getAttachInfo())) { $this->showError(''); } // $filepath = $upload->getStore()->getAbsolutePath($data['filename'], $data['path']); $filecontent = file_get_contents($filepath); // $config->set('startup.imgmd5', md5($filecontent)); $config->set('startup.img', $data['path'] . $data['filename']); } $config->set('startup.status', $status)->flush(); $this->showMessage('ADMIN:success'); }
/** * 淘宝推广图片 * * @access public * @return void */ public function dotaoAction() { if (!($user = $this->_getUser())) { $this->showError('login.not'); } $fid = $this->getInput('fid', 'post'); // $this->_accpetUploadForH5(); // Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwTaoUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwTaoUpload(); $bhv->filename = date('YmdHis'); // $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } if (!($data = $bhv->getAttachInfo())) { $this->showError(''); } $data['path'] = Pw::getPath($data['path'] . $data['filename']); // $this->setOutput($data, 'data'); $this->showMessage('upload.success'); }
/** * 发存修改一个发现数据 * * @access public * @return void */ public function doAddAction() { list($fid, $title, $href, $des, $vieworder) = $this->getInput(array('fid', 'title', 'href', 'des', 'vieworder')); $title = trim($title); $href = trim($href); $des = trim($des); $vieworder = (int) $vieworder; if (empty($title)) { $this->showError("NATIVE:fresh.title.empty"); } if (empty($href)) { $this->showError(""); } if (Pw::strlen($title) > 5) { $this->showError("名称不能超过5个字符"); } if (Pw::strlen($des) > 9) { $this->showError("备注不能超过9个字符"); } if ($fid) { $fname = $fid; } else { $maxId = $this->_getDao()->getMaxId(); $fname = count($maxId) ? $maxId['fresh_id'] + 1 : 1; } if (!$fid && !$_FILES) { $this->showError('NATIVE:upload.empty'); } if ($_FILES) { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwFreshUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwFreshUpload(); $bhv->filename = $fname; $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if ($upload->check() === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } if (!($data = $bhv->getAttachInfo())) { $this->showError(''); } $img = $data['path'] . $data['filename']; } $data = array('title' => $title, 'href' => $href, 'des' => $des, 'vieworder' => $order); if ($img && $_FILES) { $data['img'] = $img; } if ($fid) { $this->_getDao()->updateFresh($fid, $data); } else { $this->_getDao()->addFresh($data); } $this->showMessage('success'); }
/** * * @access public * @return * @example * */ public function dosetAction() { /* $vd = function() { foreach(func_get_args() as $arg) { error_log(var_export($arg, true)); } }; */ $config = new PwConfigSet('notifier'); /* * 如果form的class是J_ajaxForm,可以只按照count($_FILES)来判断; * 如果不是,需要判断具体的tmp_name是否为空来判断是否选择了文件。 * */ if (count($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'])) { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwStartUpUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwStartUpUpload(); $bhv->filename = 'avatar'; $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if ($upload->check() === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } if (!($data = $bhv->getAttachInfo())) { $this->showError(''); } // 添加进设置项 $config->set('avatar', $data['path'] . $data['filename']); } $nickname = $this->getInput('nickname'); if (empty($nickname)) { $nickname = PwLaiWangSerivce::$defaultNotifier['nickname']; } $usertype = intval($this->getInput('usertype')); if ($usertype != PwLaiWangSerivce::USERTYPE_NAME && $usertype != PwLaiWangSerivce::USERTYPE_ID) { $usertype = PwLaiWangSerivce::USERTYPE_NAME; } $user = $this->getInput('user'); if ($usertype == PwLaiWangSerivce::USERTYPE_NAME) { $userinfo = Wekit::load('user.PwUser')->getUserByName($user, PwUser::FETCH_MAIN); } else { $userinfo = Wekit::load('user.PwUser')->getUserByUid($user, PwUser::FETCH_MAIN); } if (empty($userinfo)) { $this->showError('NATIVE:user.notfound'); } $config->set('nickname', $nickname)->set('usertype', $usertype)->set('username', $userinfo['username'])->set('userid', $userinfo['uid'])->flush(); $this->showMessage('ADMIN:success', 'native/notifier/run/', true); }
public function doAddAction() { list($bid, $title, $clickType, $href, $vieworder, $img) = $this->getInput(array('bid', 'title', 'clickType', 'href', 'vieworder', 'img')); $title = trim($title); $href = trim($href); $vieworder = (int) $vieworder; if (count($this->_getDao()->getBanner(PwBanner::BANNER_TYPE_NATIVE_INDEX)) >= 4 && !$bid) { $this->showError("NATIVE:banner.num.out"); } if (empty($title)) { $this->showError("NATIVE:banner.title.empty"); } if (empty($clickType)) { $this->showError("NATIVE:banner.clickType.empty"); } if (empty($href)) { $this->showError(""); } if ($bid) { $fname = $bid; } else { $maxId = $this->_getDao()->getMaxId(); $fname = count($maxId) ? $maxId['banner_id'] + 1 : 1; } if (count($_FILES)) { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwBannerUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwBannerUpload(); $bhv->filename = $fname; $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if ($upload->check() === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } if (!($data = $bhv->getAttachInfo())) { $this->showError(''); } $img = $data['path'] . $data['filename']; } elseif (empty($bid)) { $this->showError('upload.empty'); } $data = array('banner_type' => PwBanner::BANNER_TYPE_NATIVE_INDEX, 'type' => $clickType, 'title' => $title, 'href' => $href, 'img' => $img, 'vieworder' => $order); if ($bid) { $this->_getDao()->updateBanner($bid, $data); } else { $this->_getDao()->addBanner($data); } $this->showMessage('success'); }
function add($attach) { $upload = array('attname' => 'attachment', 'id' => intval($attach['aid']), 'name' => $attach['name'], 'size' => $attach['size'], 'type' => 'zip', 'ifthumb' => 0, 'fileuploadurl' => ''); $upload['ext'] = strtolower(substr(strrchr($attach['attachurl'], '.'), 1)); if (empty($upload['ext']) || !isset($this->bhv->ftype[$upload['ext']])) { return false; } if ($upload['size'] < 1 || $upload['size'] > $this->bhv->ftype[$upload['ext']] * 1024) { return false; } $dir = dirname($attach['attachurl']); $dir && ($dir .= '/'); $srcfile = PwUpload::savePath($this->bhv->ifftp, basename($attach['attachurl']), $dir); if (!file_exists($srcfile)) { if ($this->bhv->ifftp) { $ftp =& PwUpload::getFtpObj(); PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($srcfile)); if (!$ftp->get($srcfile, $attach['attachurl'])) { return false; } } else { return false; } } list($filename, $savedir) = $this->bhv->getFilePath($upload); $source = PwUpload::savePath($this->bhv->ifftp, $filename, $savedir); PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($source)); if (!copy($srcfile, $source)) { return false; } $upload['fileuploadurl'] = $savedir . $filename; PwUpload::operateAttach($source, $filename, $savedir, $upload, $this->bhv); $this->upload[] = $upload; return true; }
/** * 上传csv文件到服务器端 * */ function _uploadCsv() { L::loadClass('csvupload', 'upload', false); $csvupload = new CsvUpload($this->_uid); PwUpload::upload($csvupload); $this->_filename = $csvupload->pathname; }
/** * 暂时不用 */ public function replaceAction() { $aid = $this->getInput('aid'); Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwAttReplaceUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwAttReplaceUpload($this->loginUser, $aid); $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } $this->setOutput($bhv->getAttachInfo(), 'data'); $this->showMessage('upload.success'); }
private function _uploadFile() { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwDesignImageUpload'); Wind::import('SRV:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwDesignImageUpload(); $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { return $result; } $image = $bhv->getAttachInfo(); if (!$image['filename']) { return ''; } return Pw::getPath($image['path'] . $image['filename']); }
public function updateIcon($uid) { $userBo = Wekit::getLoginUser(); if ($userBo->uid != $uid) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_NOT_LOGIN, "用户未登录"); } Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwAvatarUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwAvatarUpload($userBo); $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_UPDATE_ERROR, "更新头像"); } else { return $this->buildResponse(0, '更新成功'); } }
public function makeThumb(PwImage $image, $thumbInfo, $store) { $quality = Wekit::C('attachment', 'thumb.quality'); foreach ($thumbInfo as $key => $value) { $thumburl = $store->getAbsolutePath($value[0], $value[1]); PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($thumburl)); $result = $image->makeThumb($thumburl, $value[2], $value[3], $quality, $value[4], $value[5]); if ($result === true && $image->filename != $thumburl) { $this->ifthumb |= 1 << $key; $this->_thumb[] = array($thumburl, $value[1] . $value[0]); } } }
/** * @see PwUploadAction.check */ public function check() { if (!$this->user->isExists()) { return new PwError('login.not'); } if (!$this->forum->isForum()) { return new PwError('FORUM_IS_NOT_EXISTS'); } if (($result = $this->forum->allowUpload($this->user)) !== true) { return new PwError('BBS:forum.permissions.upload.allow', array('{grouptitle}' => $this->user->getGroupInfo('name'))); } if (!$this->forum->foruminfo['allow_upload'] && !$this->user->getPermission('allow_upload')) { return new PwError('permission.upload.allow', array('{grouptitle}' => $this->user->getGroupInfo('name'))); } if ($uploadPerday = $this->user->getPermission('uploads_perday')) { $count = PwUpload::countUploadedFile() + count($this->flashatt); $todayupload = $this->user->info['lastpost'] < Pw::getTdtime() ? 0 : $this->user->info['todayupload']; if ($count > 0 && $count + $todayupload > $uploadPerday) { return new PwError('permission.upload.nums.perday', array('{nums}' => $uploadPerday)); } } return true; }
} else { $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_cnalbum SET " . pwSqlSingle(array('aname' => getLangInfo('app', 'defaultalbum'), 'atype' => 0, 'ownerid' => $winduid, 'owner' => $windid, 'lasttime' => $timestamp, 'crtime' => $timestamp))); $aid = $db->insert_id(); } } !$aid && Showmsg('colony_albumclass'); $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT aname,photonum,ownerid,private,lastphoto FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='0' AND aid=" . pwEscape($aid)); if (empty($rt)) { Showmsg('undefined_action'); } elseif ($winduid != $rt['ownerid']) { Showmsg('colony_phototype'); } $o_maxphotonum && $rt['photonum'] >= $o_maxphotonum && Showmsg('colony_photofull'); require_once R_P . 'lib/upload/photoupload.class.php'; $img = new PhotoUpload($aid); PwUpload::upload($img); pwFtpClose($ftp); if (!($photos = $img->getAttachs())) { refreshto("{$basename}a=upload", 'colony_uploadnull'); } $photoNum = count($photos); $pid = $img->getNewID(); $lastpid = getLastPid($aid, 4); array_unshift($lastpid, $pid); if (!$rt['private']) { $feedText = "[url={$db_bbsurl}/{$basename}space=1&a=album&aid={$aid}&u={$winduid}]{$rt[aname]}[/url]\n"; foreach ($photos as $value) { $feedText .= "[url={$db_bbsurl}/{#APPS_BASEURL#}q=photos&space=1&a=view&pid={$pid}&u={$winduid}][img]" . getphotourl($value['path'], $value['ifthumb']) . "[/img][/url] "; } pwAddFeed($winduid, 'photo', $pid, array('num' => $photoNum, 'text' => $feedText)); //会员资讯缓存
} if ($config['width']) { $config['width'] = intval($config['width']) . ($config['width'][strlen($config['width']) - 1] == '%' ? '%' : ''); } if ($config['height']) { $config['height'] = intval($config['height']) . ($config['height'][strlen($config['height']) - 1] == '%' ? '%' : ''); } //广告图片上传 if ($config['type'] == 'img') { //图片上传 $newConfigUrl = $newConfigLink = array(); L::loadClass('advupload', 'upload', false); foreach ($config['imgupload'] as $key => $value) { if ($value != 0) { $img = new AdvUpload($key); $returnImg = PwUpload::upload($img); if (!is_array($returnImg) || count($returnImg) == 0) { continue; } list($newConfigUrl[]) = geturl($returnImg[0]['fileuploadurl'], 'lf'); $newConfigLink[] = $config['link'][$key]; } else { $newConfigUrl[] = $config['url'][$key]; $newConfigLink[] = $config['link'][$key]; } } unset($config['imgupload']); $config['link'] = $newConfigLink; $config['url'] = $newConfigUrl; } foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
/* if ($privacy && is_array($privacy)) { $pwSQL = array(); foreach ($privacy as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $spaceModel)) { $pwSQL[] = array( 'uid' => $winduid, 'type' => 'space', 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value ); } } $pwSQL && $db->update("replace INTO pw_privacy (uid, ptype, pkey, value) values " . S::sqlMulti($pwSQL)); } if ($domain != $space['domain'] && $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM pw_space WHERE domain=" . S::sqlEscape($domain))) { Showmsg('该域名已被使用!'); } */ $pwSQL = array('name' => $name, 'descript' => $descript, 'domain' => $domain, 'spacestyle' => $spacestyle, 'spacetype' => $spacetype, 'skin' => $spaceskin, 'modelset' => serialize($modelset)); $layout && ($pwSQL['layout'] = serialize($layout)); set_time_limit(0); require_once R_P . 'u/lib/spacebannerupload.class.php'; $upload = new spaceBannerUpload($winduid); PwUpload::upload($upload); if ($img = $upload->getImgUrl()) { $pwSQL['banner'] = $img; } $newSpace->updateInfo($pwSQL); refreshto('u.php?a=set', 'operate_success'); }
function sendPost($tid, $uid, $title, $content) { global $winddb, $winduid, $windid, $groupid, $fid, $timestamp, $pwforum, $pwpost, $_G, $db_uploadfiletype, $uploadcredit, $uploadmoney, $manager, $isBM, $_time; $timestamp = time(); $_time = array('hours' => get_date($timestamp, 'G'), 'day' => get_date($timestamp, 'j'), 'week' => get_date($timestamp, 'w')); list($uid, $tid, $title, $content) = array(intval($uid), intval($tid), trim($title), trim($content)); if ($uid < 1 || $tid < 1 || !$content) { return $this->buildResponse(THREAD_INVALID_PARAMS); } ACloud_Sys_Core_Common::setGlobal('customized_current_uid', $uid); $user = $this->getCurrentUser(); if (!$user->isLogin()) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_NOT_LOGIN); } if ($user->groupid == 6 || getstatus($user->info['userstatus'], PW_USERSTATUS_BANUSER)) { return $this->buildResponse(THREAD_USER_NOT_RIGHT); } $user->initRight(); $winduid = $user->uid; $groupid = $user->groupid; $windid = $user->username; $winddb = $user->info; $_G = $user->_G; if ($_G['postlimit'] && $winddb['todaypost'] >= $_G['postlimit']) { return $this->buildResponse(POST_GP_LIMIT); } $tpcarray = $GLOBALS['db']->get_one("SELECT t.tid,t.fid,t.locked,t.ifcheck,,t.authorid,t.postdate,t.lastpost,t.ifmail,t.special,t.subject,t.type,t.ifshield,t.anonymous,t.ptable,t.replies,t.tpcstatus FROM pw_threads t WHERE t.tid=" . pwEscape($tid)); L::loadClass('forum', 'forum', false); $pwforum = new PwForum($tpcarray['fid']); if (!$pwforum->isForum()) { return $this->buildResponse(THREAD_FORUM_NOT_EXIST); } $fid = $tpcarray['fid']; $isBM = $pwforum->isBM($windid); $isGM = S::inArray($windid, $manager); if (!$isGM && $tpcarray['locked'] % 3 != 0 && !pwRights($isBM, 'replylock')) { return $this->buildResponse(THREAD_LOCKED); } L::loadClass('post', 'forum', false); require_once ACLOUD_VERSION_PATH . '/customized/ver.customized.bbscode.php'; $pwpost = new PwPost($pwforum); $pwpost->errMode = true; $pwpost->forumcheck(); $pwpost->postcheck(); L::loadClass('replypost', 'forum', false); $replypost = new replyPost($pwpost); $replypost->setTpc($tpcarray); $replypost->check(); $pw_posts = GetPtable($replypost->tpcArr['ptable']); $postdata = new replyPostData($pwpost); $postdata->setTitle($title); $postdata->setContent($content); $postdata->conentCheck(); if ($pwpost->errMsg && ($msg = reset($pwpost->errMsg))) { return $this->buildResponse(THREAD_SYSTEM_ERROR, $msg); } require_once ACLOUD_VERSION_PATH . '/customized/ver.customized.attupload.php'; if (PwUpload::getUploadNum()) { $_G['uploadtype'] && ($db_uploadfiletype = $_G['uploadtype']); $db_uploadfiletype = !empty($db_uploadfiletype) ? is_array($db_uploadfiletype) ? $db_uploadfiletype : unserialize($db_uploadfiletype) : array(); $postdata->att = new AttUpload($user->uid); $return = $postdata->att->check(); if ($return) { $msginfo = getLangInfo('msg', $return); return $this->errMessage(THREAD_USER_NOT_RIGHT, $msginfo); } list($windVersion) = explode(',', WIND_VERSION); if ($windVersion && $windVersion < '8.5') { $postdata->att->transfer(); PwUpload::upload($postdata->att); } } $replypost->execute($postdata); $pid = $replypost->getNewId(); return $this->buildResponse(0, array('pid' => $pid)); }
/** * 设置附件 * @param array $oldatt_desc * @param array $keep */ function setAttach($flashatt, $oldatt_desc = array()) { global $db_allowupload, $_G; $attachs = $this->attach ? $this->attach : array(); $attachs = $this->_cookOldAttachs($attachs, $oldatt_desc); C::loadClass('articleupload', 'upload', false); $uploaddb = array(); if ($db_allowupload && $_G['allowupload'] && (PwUpload::getUploadNum() || $flashatt)) { $articleUpload = new ArticleUpload(); $articleUpload->setFlashAtt($flashatt, intval($_POST['savetoalbum']), intval($_POST['albumid'])); PwUpload::upload($articleUpload); $uploaddb = $articleUpload->getAttachs(); } $this->attach = (array) $attachs + (array) $uploaddb; }
function insertData($tid, $fid) { /*操作数据库*/ $this->data['tid'] = $tid; $this->data['fid'] = $fid; $topicdb = unserialize($this->data['topic']); unset($this->data['topic']); foreach ($topicdb as $key => $value) { $this->data['field' . $key] = $value; } $tablename = GetTopcitable($this->modelid); $this->db->pw_update("SELECT tid FROM {$tablename} WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid), "UPDATE {$tablename} SET " . S::sqlSingle($this->data) . "WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid), "INSERT INTO {$tablename} SET " . S::sqlSingle($this->data)); /*附件上传*/ require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php'; L::loadClass('pcupload', 'upload', false); $img = new PcUpload($tid, $this->modelid); PwUpload::upload($img); pwFtpClose($GLOBALS['ftp']); }
private function _uploadImage($key = 'image') { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwMedalUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); if ($key == 'image') { $bhv = new PwMedalUpload('image', 80, 80); } else { $bhv = new PwMedalUpload('icon', 30, 30); } $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } return $bhv->getAttachInfo(); }
public function defaultAvatar($uid, $type = 'face') { Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $_avatar = array('.jpg' => '_big.jpg', '_middle.jpg' => '_middle.jpg', '_small.jpg' => '_small.jpg'); $defaultBanDir = Wind::getRealDir('RES:') . 'images/face/'; $store = Wind::getComponent('storage'); $fileDir = 'avatar/' . Pw::getUserDir($uid) . '/'; foreach ($_avatar as $des => $org) { $toPath = $store->getAbsolutePath($uid . $des, $fileDir); $fromPath = $defaultBanDir . $type . $org; PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($toPath)); PwUpload::copyFile($fromPath, $toPath); $store->save($toPath, $fileDir . $uid . $des); } return true; }
$pwSQL = array('cname' => $cname, 'styleid' => $styleid, 'descrip' => $descrip, 'annouce' => $annouce, 'titlefont' => $titlefont); require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php'; require_once A_P . 'groups/lib/imgupload.class.php'; if (empty($q_1)) { $img = new CnimgUpload($cyid); PwUpload::upload($img); pwFtpClose($ftp); if ($cnimg = $img->getImgUrl()) { $pwSQL['cnimg'] = substr(strrchr($cnimg, '/'), 1); } } else { $pwSQL['cnimg'] = ''; } if (empty($q_2)) { $banner = new BannerUpload($cyid); PwUpload::upload($banner); pwFtpClose($ftp); if ($cnbanner = $banner->getImgUrl()) { $pwSQL['banner'] = substr(strrchr($cnbanner, '/'), 1); } } else { $pwSQL['banner'] = ''; } require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php'; $wordsfb = L::loadClass('FilterUtil', 'filter'); foreach (array($cname, $annouce, $descrip) as $key => $value) { if (($banword = $wordsfb->comprise($value)) !== false) { Showmsg('content_wordsfb'); } } //* $db->update("UPDATE pw_colonys SET " . S::sqlSingle($pwSQL) . ' WHERE id=' . S::sqlEscape($cyid));
private function _uploadImage() { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwSpaceUpload'); Wind::import('SRV:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwSpaceUpload($this->loginUser->uid); $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } return $bhv->getAttachInfo(); }
public function doimportAction() { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwWordUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwWordUpload(); $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $error = $result->getError(); if (is_array($error)) { list($error, ) = $error; if ($error == 'upload.ext.error') { $this->showError('WORD:ext.error'); } } $this->showError($result->getError()); } $source = $bhv->getAbsoluteFile(); if (!WindFile::isFile($source)) { $this->showError(''); } $content = WindFile::read($source); pw::deleteAttach($bhv->dir . $bhv->filename, 0, $bhv->isLocal); $content = explode("\n", $content); if (!$content) { $this->showError(''); } $wordService = $this->_getWordService(); $typeMap = $this->_getWordDS()->getTypeMap(); Wind::import(''); foreach ($content as $value) { list($word, $type, $replace) = $this->_parseTextUseInImport($value, $typeMap); if (!$word || !$type || $wordService->isExistWord($word)) { continue; } $dm = new PwWordDm(); /* @var $dm PwWordDm */ $dm->setWord($word)->setWordType($type); $replace = $this->_getWordDS()->isReplaceWord($type) ? $replace ? $replace : '****' : ''; $dm->setWordReplace($replace); $this->_getWordDS()->add($dm); } $this->_getWordFilter()->updateCache(); $this->showMessage('success'); }
require_once R_P . "lib/special/post_{$special}.class.php"; $postSpecial = new postSpecial($pwpost); $postSpecial->modifyData($tid); } if ($postmodify->hasAtt()) { InitGP(array('keep', 'oldatt_special', 'oldatt_needrvrc'), 'P', 2); InitGP(array('oldatt_ctype', 'oldatt_desc'), 'P'); $postmodify->initAttachs($keep, $oldatt_special, $oldatt_needrvrc, $oldatt_ctype, $oldatt_desc); } require_once R_P . 'lib/upload/attupload.class.php'; if (PwUpload::getUploadNum() || $flashatt) { $postdata->att = new AttUpload($winduid, $flashatt); $postdata->att->check(); $postdata->att->transfer(); $postdata->att->setReplaceAtt($postmodify->replacedb); PwUpload::upload($postdata->att); } $postmodify->execute($postdata); if ($postSpecial) { $postSpecial->updateData($tid); } if ($postTopic) { //分类主题 $postTopic->initData(); $postTopic->insertData($tid, $fid); } if ($postCate) { //团购活动 $postCate->initData(); $postCate->insertData($tid, $fid); }
private function _uploadFile($key, $moduleid = 0) { Wind::import('SRV:upload.action.PwDesignDataUpload'); Wind::import('SRV:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new PwDesignDataUpload($key, $moduleid); $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } if ($result !== true) { $this->showError($result->getError()); } $image = $bhv->getAttachInfo(); return $image['filename'] ? Pw::getPath($image['path'] . $image['filename']) : ""; }
function insertData($tid, $fid) { /*操作数据库*/ global $timestamp; $this->data['tid'] = $tid; $this->data['fid'] = $fid; $pcdb = unserialize($this->data['postcate']); unset($this->data['postcate']); foreach ($pcdb as $key => $value) { $this->data[$key] = $value; } $pcvaluetable = GetPcatetable($this->pcid); $this->db->pw_update("SELECT tid FROM {$pcvaluetable} WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid), "UPDATE {$pcvaluetable} SET " . S::sqlSingle($this->data) . "WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid), "INSERT INTO {$pcvaluetable} SET " . S::sqlSingle($this->data)); /*附件上传-淡定*/ require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php'; L::loadClass('pcupload', 'upload', false); $img = new PcUpload($tid, $this->pcid); PwUpload::upload($img); pwFtpClose($GLOBALS['ftp']); }
/** * 上传头像 */ public function doavatarAction() { $uid = (int) $this->getInput('uid', 'get'); Wind::import('WSRV:upload.action.WindidAvatarUpload'); Wind::import('LIB:upload.PwUpload'); $bhv = new WindidAvatarUpload($uid); $upload = new PwUpload($bhv); if (($result = $upload->check()) === true) { $result = $upload->execute(); } else { $this->output($this->errorCode('upload.content.error')); } if ($result instanceof PwError) { $this->output($this->errorCode($result->getError())); } else { $this->_getNotifyService()->send('uploadAvatar', array('uid' => $uid), 0); //服务端发送通知 $this->output(1); } }
'ifcopy' => $diary['ifcopy'], 'ifconvert' => $diary['ifconvert'], 'ifwordsfb' => $diary['ifwordsfb'], 'postdate' => $timestamp, )); $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_diary SET $pwSQL");****/ $pwSQL = array('uid' => $winduid, 'dtid' => $dtid, 'username' => $windid, 'privacy' => $privacy, 'subject' => $diary['subject'], 'copyurl' => $diary['copyurl'], 'ifcopy' => $diary['ifcopy'], 'ifconvert' => $diary['ifconvert'], 'ifwordsfb' => $diary['ifwordsfb'], 'postdate' => $timestamp); pwQuery::insert('pw_diary', $pwSQL); $did = $db->insert_id(); $db->update("UPDATE pw_diarytype SET num=num+1 WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND dtid=" . S::sqlEscape($dtid)); //更新分类日志数 //*=======拷贝图片待优化===========*// $diaryAttachs = $diary['aid'] ? unserialize($diary['aid']) : array(); L::loadClass('upload', '', false); require_once R_P . 'require/imgfunc.php'; $uploadSerivce = new PwUpload(); $ifthumb = 0; if ($o_attachdir) { if ($o_attachdir == 1) { $savedir = "Type_{$attach_ext}"; } elseif ($o_attachdir == 2) { $savedir = 'Mon_' . date('ym'); } elseif ($o_attachdir == 3) { $savedir = 'Day_' . date('ymd'); } } foreach ($diaryAttachs as $at) { if ($at['type'] == 'img') { $a_url = geturl($at['attachurl'], 'show'); $attach_ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($a_url[0], '.'), 1)); $prename = substr(md5($timestamp . randstr(8)), 10, 15);
//抢楼 $robbuildService = L::loadClass("robbuild", 'forum'); $fieldsdata = array('authorid' => $winduid, 'starttime' => $robstarttime, 'endtime' => $robendtime, 'endbuild' => $robendbuild, 'awardbuilds' => $robawardbuilds, 'postdate' => $timestamp); if ($message = $robbuildService->checkAddData($foruminfo['allowrob'], $fieldsdata)) { Showmsg($message); } $robbuildService->initData($fieldsdata); $postdata->setStatus('2'); $postdata->setStatus('7'); } L::loadClass('attupload', 'upload', false); /*上传错误检查 $return = PwUpload::checkUpload(); $return !== true && Showmsg($return); end*/ if (PwUpload::getUploadNum() || $flashatt) { S::gp(array('savetoalbum', 'albumid'), 'P', 2); $postdata->att = new AttUpload($winduid, $flashatt, $savetoalbum, $albumid); $postdata->att->check(); } $postdata->iscontinue = (int) $iscontinue; $topicpost->execute($postdata); $tid = $topicpost->getNewId(); // defend start CloudWind::yunUserDefend('postthread', $winduid, $windid, $timestamp, $cloud_information[1] ? $timestamp - $cloud_information[1] : 0, $tid ? 101 : 102, '', $postdata->data['content'], '', ''); // defend end defined('AJAX') && ($pinfo = $pinfo . $tid); if ($postSpecial) { $postSpecial->insertData($tid); } if ($postTopic) {
function updateIcon($uid) { global $atc_attachment_name, $db_ifftp; $uid = intval($uid); if ($uid < 1 || !S::isArray($_FILES)) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_INVALID_PARAMS); } ACloud_Sys_Core_Common::setGlobal('customized_current_uid', $uid); $user = $this->getCurrentUser(); if (!$user->isLogin()) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_NOT_LOGIN); } $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['icon']['name'], '.'), 1)); L::loadClass('faceupload', 'upload', false); $face = new FaceUpload($user->uid); $icondb = PwUpload::upload($face); require_once R_P . 'require/showimg.php'; $udir = str_pad(substr($user->uid, -2), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); if (!in_array(strtolower($ext), array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp'))) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_UPLOAD_CONTENT_ERROR); } $filename = "{$user->uid}.{$ext}"; $sourceFilename = "{$user->uid}_tmp.{$ext}"; $sourceDir = "upload/{$udir}/"; $middleDir = "upload/middle/{$udir}/"; $smallDir = "upload/small/{$udir}/"; $img_w = $img_h = 0; $sourceFile = PwUpload::savePath($db_ifftp, $sourceFilename, $sourceDir); $middleFile = PwUpload::savePath($db_ifftp, $filename, $middleDir); PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($middleFile)); PwUpload::movefile($sourceFile, $middleFile); require_once R_P . 'require/imgfunc.php'; if (!($img_size = GetImgSize($middleFile))) { P_unlink($middleFile); return $this->buildResponse(USER_UPLOAD_CONTENT_ERROR); } list($img_w, $img_h) = getimagesize($middleFile); $smallFile = PwUpload::savePath($db_ifftp, $filename, $smallDir); $s_ifthumb = 0; PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($smallFile)); if ($ext == 'gif') { L::loadClass('gifdecoder', 'utility', false); L::loadClass('gif', 'utility', false); $gifDecoder = new GIFDecoder($data); $frames = $gifDecoder->GIFGetFrames(); if (!empty($frames)) { foreach ($frames as $key => $value) { $frames[$key] = makeAvatarGifThumb($value, $img_w, $img_h, 48, 48); } $anime = new GIFEncoder($frames, $gifDecoder->GIFGetDelays(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetLoop(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetDisposal(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetTransparentR(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetTransparentG(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetTransparentB(), 'bin'); $newGifData = $anime->getAnimation(); PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($smallFile)); writeover($smallFile, $newGifData); $s_ifthumb = 1; } } elseif (MakeThumb($middleFile, $smallFile, 48, 48)) { $s_ifthumb = 1; } if ($db_ifftp) { PwUpload::movetoftp($middleFile, $middleDir . $filename); $s_ifthumb && PwUpload::movetoftp($smallFile, $smallDir . $filename); } $user_a = explode('|', $user->icon); $user_a[2] = $img_w; $user_a[3] = $img_h; $usericon = setIcon("{$udir}/{$user->uid}.{$ext}", 3, $user_a); $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ $userService->update($user->uid, array('icon' => $usericon)); list($iconurl) = showfacedesign($usericon, 1, 's'); return $this->buildResponse(0, array('icon' => $iconurl)); }