/** * If we have disabled an account, it should not appear in {@link get_supported_wallets()}. */ function testDisabledAccountsArentWallets() { $account_data_grouped = account_data_grouped(); $wallets = get_supported_wallets(); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($account_data_grouped['Mining pools'])); foreach ($account_data_grouped['Mining pools'] as $key => $data) { if ($data['disabled']) { $this->assertFalse(isset($wallets[$key]), "Did not expect disabled mining pool wallet '{$key}' in supported wallets"); } } $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($account_data_grouped['Exchanges'])); foreach ($account_data_grouped['Exchanges'] as $key => $data) { if ($data['disabled']) { $this->assertFalse(isset($wallets[$key]), "Did not expect disabled exchange wallet '{$key}' in supported wallets"); } } $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($account_data_grouped['Securities'])); foreach ($account_data_grouped['Securities'] as $key => $data) { if ($data['disabled']) { $this->assertFalse(isset($wallets[$key]), "Did not expect disabled mining pool wallet '{$key}' in supported wallets"); } } }
$res = curl_exec($ch); if ($res === false) { throw new ExternalAPIException('Could not get reply: ' . curl_error($ch)); } $dec = crypto_json_decode($res, "in request"); if (isset($dec['errno']) && $dec['errno']) { throw new ExternalAPIException("Error in reply: " . htmlspecialchars($dec['msg'])); } if (!isset($dec['data'])) { throw new ExternalAPIException("No data in reply"); } return $dec['data']; } $balance = xchange796_query($account['api_app_id'], $account['api_key'], $account['api_secret'], 'https://796.com/v1/user/get_balance'); crypto_log(print_r($balance, true)); $get_supported_wallets = get_supported_wallets(); $currencies = $get_supported_wallets['796']; // btc, usd foreach ($currencies as $currency) { if (!isset($balance['main_wallet'][$currency])) { crypto_log("No main_wallet {$exchange} balance for {$currency}"); continue; } if (!isset($balance['futures_wallet'][$currency])) { crypto_log("No futures_wallet {$exchange} balance for {$currency}"); // continue; $balance['futures_wallet'][$currency] = 0; } // also $currency_reserved and $currency_available; we use $currency_balance $b = $balance['main_wallet'][$currency] + $balance['futures_wallet'][$currency]; crypto_log($exchange . " balance for " . $currency . ": " . $b);
/** * Calculate all of the different types of managed graphs that * may be provided to a given user, in each category of managed * graphs (see get_managed_graph_categories()). */ function calculate_all_managed_graphs($user) { $result = array(); $summaries = get_all_summary_currencies(); $all_summaries = get_all_summaries(); $currencies = get_all_currencies(); $accounts = account_data_grouped(); $wallets = get_supported_wallets(); $order_currency = array(); foreach (get_all_currencies() as $c) { $order_currency[$c] = count($order_currency); } $order_exchange = array(); foreach (get_all_exchanges() as $key => $label) { $order_exchange[$key] = count($order_exchange) * 10; } $default_order = array('btc_equivalent' => -1000, 'composition_pie' => 0, 'balances_table' => 1000, 'exchange_daily' => 2000, 'total_daily' => 3000, 'all_daily' => 4000, 'composition_daily' => 5000, 'hashrate_daily' => 6000); $result['summary'] = array(); $result['all_summary'] = array(); $result['summary']['balances_table'] = array('order' => $default_order['balances_table'], 'width' => get_site_config('default_user_graph_height'), 'free' => true, 'priority' => 1); if (count($summaries) >= 2 && isset($summaries['btc'])) { $result['summary']['btc_equivalent'] = array('order' => $default_order['btc_equivalent'], 'width' => get_site_config('default_user_graph_height'), 'free' => true, 'priority' => 2); } foreach (get_all_cryptocurrencies() as $cur) { if (isset($summaries[$cur])) { $result['summary']["composition_" . $cur . "_pie"] = array('order' => $default_order['composition_pie'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'width' => get_site_config('default_user_graph_height'), 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'] ? 100 : 300 + $order_currency[$cur]); $result['summary']["composition_" . $cur . "_daily"] = array('order' => $default_order['composition_daily'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'] ? 105 : 200 + $order_currency[$cur]); $result['summary']['total_' . $cur . '_daily'] = array('order' => $default_order['total_daily'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'source' => $cur, 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => 100 + $order_currency[$cur]); } } foreach (get_all_commodity_currencies() as $cur) { if (isset($summaries[$cur])) { $result['summary']['total_' . $cur . '_daily'] = array('order' => $default_order['total_daily'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'source' => $cur, 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => 100 + $order_currency[$cur]); } } $result['currency'] = array(); $result['all_currency'] = array(); foreach (get_exchange_pairs() as $exchange => $pairs) { foreach ($pairs as $pair) { // we are interested in both of these currencies if (isset($summaries[$pair[0]]) && isset($summaries[$pair[1]])) { // and one of these currencies are a preferred currency if ($pair[0] == $user['preferred_crypto'] || $pair[0] == $user['preferred_fiat'] || $pair[1] == $user['preferred_crypto'] || $pair[1] == $user['preferred_fiat']) { // and we have a summary instance for this pair somewhere $possible_summaries = array('summary_' . $pair[0] . '_' . $exchange, 'summary_' . $pair[1] . '_' . $exchange); if (in_array($pair[0], get_all_cryptocurrencies())) { $possible_summaries[] = "summary_" . $pair[0]; } if (in_array($pair[1], get_all_cryptocurrencies())) { $possible_summaries[] = "summary_" . $pair[1]; } foreach ($possible_summaries as $p) { if (isset($all_summaries[$p])) { $is_default = is_fiat_currency($pair[0]) && get_default_currency_exchange($pair[0]) == $exchange || is_fiat_currency($pair[1]) && get_default_currency_exchange($pair[1]) == $exchange; $result['all_currency'][$exchange . "_" . $pair[0] . $pair[1] . "_daily"] = array('order' => $default_order['exchange_daily'] + $order_exchange[$exchange] + $order_currency[$pair[0]], 'source' => $p, 'priority' => 150 + $order_currency[$pair[0]]); if ($is_default) { $result['currency'][$exchange . "_" . $pair[0] . $pair[1] . "_daily"] = array('order' => $default_order['exchange_daily'] + $order_exchange[$exchange] + $order_currency[$pair[0]], 'source' => $p, 'free' => true, 'priority' => 150 + $order_currency[$pair[0]]); } // don't display all2btc etc if (!in_array(substr($p, strlen("summary_")), get_all_cryptocurrencies())) { $result['all_summary']['all2' . substr($p, strlen("summary_")) . '_daily'] = array('order' => $default_order['all_daily'] + $order_exchange[$exchange] + $order_currency[$pair[0]], 'source' => $p, 'priority' => 50 + $order_currency[$pair[0]]); if ($is_default) { $result['summary']['all2' . substr($p, strlen("summary_")) . '_daily'] = array('order' => $default_order['all_daily'] + $order_exchange[$exchange] + $order_currency[$pair[0]], 'source' => $p, 'free' => $pair[0] == $user['preferred_crypto'] || $pair[0] == $user['preferred_fiat'], 'priority' => 5 + $order_currency[$pair[0]]); } } break; } } } } } } $result['securities'] = array(); // no graphs to put in here yet... // TODO in the future: securities composition graphs? e.g. composition_litecoinglobal_daily $result['mining'] = array(); foreach (get_all_hashrate_currencies() as $cur) { if (isset($summaries[$cur])) { // we need to have at least one pool that supports reporting hashrate $has_hashing_account = false; foreach ($accounts['Mining pools'] as $key => $account) { if (!isset($wallets[$key])) { continue; } $instances = get_all_user_account_instances($key); if ($instances) { if (in_array('hash', $wallets[$key])) { $has_hashing_account = $key; } } } if (!$has_hashing_account) { continue; } $result['mining']["hashrate_" . $cur . "_daily"] = array('order' => $default_order['hashrate_daily'] + $order_currency[$cur], 'source' => $has_hashing_account, 'free' => $cur == $user['preferred_crypto'], 'priority' => 150 + $order_currency[$cur]); } } // all 'summary' are also 'all_summary' etc foreach ($result['summary'] as $key => $value) { $result['all_summary'][$key] = $value; } foreach ($result['currency'] as $key => $value) { $result['all_currency'][$key] = $value; } // go through each category and sort by order foreach ($result as $key => $value) { uasort($result[$key], '_sort_by_order_key'); } return $result; }