private function workspace_toxml(Project $ws, $activeProjects)
     $parentIds = '';
     $i = 1;
     $pid = $ws->getPID($i);
     while ($pid != $ws->getId() && $pid != 0 && $i <= 10) {
         $coma = $parentIds == '' ? '' : ',';
         if (in_array($pid, $activeProjects)) {
             $parentIds .= $coma . $pid;
         $pid = $ws->getPID($i);
  * Renders the chart
  * @param IUser $logged_user
  * @return string
 function render(IUser $logged_user)
     $db_result = DB::execute("SELECT milestone_id, COUNT(*) as count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_objects WHERE project_id = ? AND type='Task' AND state >= ? AND visibility >= ? GROUP BY milestone_id", $this->project->getId(), STATE_VISIBLE, $logged_user->getMinVisibility());
     $array_result = $db_result instanceof DBResult ? $db_result->toArrayIndexedBy('milestone_id') : false;
     if (is_foreachable($array_result)) {
         $pie_chart = new PieChart('400px', '400px', 'milestone_eta_report_pie_chart_placeholder');
         $this->serie_array = array();
         $this->milestones = array();
         // Set data for the rest
         foreach ($array_result as $serie_data) {
             $point = new ChartPoint('1', $serie_data['count']);
             $serie = new ChartSerie($point);
             if (intval($serie_data['milestone_id'])) {
                 $milestone = new RemediaMilestone(intval($serie_data['milestone_id']));
                 $label = PieChart::makeShortForPieChart($milestone->getName());
                 $this->milestones[] = $milestone;
             } else {
                 $label = lang('No Milestone');
             $serie->setOption('label', $label);
             $this->serie_array[] = $serie;
         return $pie_chart->render();
     } else {
         return '<p class="empty_slate">' . lang('There are no milestones in this project.') . '</p>';
Пример #3
 private function getAlreadyExistingTracker()
     foreach ($this->reserved_names as $itemname) {
         if ($this->tracker_factory->isShortNameExists($itemname, $this->project->getId())) {
             return $itemname;
  * Prepare search conditions string based on input params
  * @param string $search_for Search string
  * @param Project $project Search in this project
  * @return array
 function getSearchConditions($search_for, Project $project, $include_private = false)
     if ($include_private) {
         return DB::prepareString('MATCH (`content`) AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND `project_id` = ?', array($search_for, $project->getId()));
     } else {
         return DB::prepareString('MATCH (`content`) AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND `project_id` = ? AND `is_private` = ?', array($search_for, $project->getId(), false));
     // if
Пример #5
  * Check if this user is part of specific project
  * @param Project $project
  * @return boolean
 function isProjectUser(Project $project)
     if (!isset($this->is_project_user_cache[$project->getId()])) {
         $project_user = ProjectUsers::findById(array('project_id' => $project->getId(), 'user_id' => $this->getId()));
         // findById
         $this->is_project_user_cache[$project->getId()] = $project_user instanceof ProjectUser;
     // if
     return $this->is_project_user_cache[$project->getId()];
  * Return project messages that are marked as important for specific project
  * @param Project $project
  * @param boolean $include_private Include private messages
  * @return array
 static function getImportantProjectMessages(Project $project, $include_private = false)
     if ($include_private) {
         $conditions = array('`project_id` = ? AND `is_important` = ?', $project->getId(), true);
     } else {
         $conditions = array('`project_id` = ? AND `is_important` = ? AND `is_private` = ?', $project->getId(), true, false);
     // if
     return self::findAll(array('conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => '`created_on` DESC'));
     // findAll
Пример #7
  * Return closed tickets for specific project
  * @param Project $project
  * @param boolean $include_private Include private tickets
  * @return array
 static function getClosedProjectTickets(Project $project, $include_private = false)
     if ($include_private) {
         $conditions = array('`project_id` = ? AND `closed_on` > ?', $project->getId(), EMPTY_DATETIME);
     } else {
         $conditions = array('`project_id` = ? AND `closed_on` > ? AND `is_private` = ?', $project->getId(), EMPTY_DATETIME, false);
     // if
     return self::findAll(array('conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => '`created_on` DESC'));
     // findAll
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $root
  * Export in XML the list of tracker with a cardwall
 public function export(SimpleXMLElement $root)
     $cardwall_node = $root->addChild(CardwallConfigXml::NODE_CARDWALL);
     $trackers_node = $cardwall_node->addChild(CardwallConfigXml::NODE_TRACKERS);
     $trackers = $this->tracker_factory->getTrackersByGroupId($this->project->getId());
     foreach ($trackers as $tracker) {
         $this->addTrackerChild($tracker, $trackers_node);
     $rng_path = realpath(CARDWALL_BASE_DIR . '/../www/resources/xml_project_cardwall.rng');
     $this->xml_validator->validate($cardwall_node, $rng_path);
Пример #9
 public function toJSON()
     $json = array();
     $json['fields'] = array();
     $json['fields']['project'] = array("id" => $this->project->getId());
     $json['fields']['summary'] = $this->summary;
     $json['fields']['issuetype'] = array("id" => $this->issueType->getId());
     $json['fields']['assignee'] = array("name" => $this->assignee->getName());
     $json['fields']['reporter'] = array("name" => $this->reporter->getName());
     $json['fields']['labels'] = $this->labels;
     $json['fields']['description'] = $this->description;
     return $json;
Пример #10
 protected function adminGitAdminsView($is_admin_mass_change_allowed)
     $params = $this->getData();
     $presenter = new GitPresenters_AdminGitAdminsPresenter($this->groupId, $is_admin_mass_change_allowed, $this->ugroup_manager->getStaticUGroups($this->project), $this->git_permissions_manager->getCurrentGitAdminUgroups($this->project->getId()));
     $renderer = TemplateRendererFactory::build()->getRenderer(dirname(GIT_BASE_DIR) . '/templates');
     echo $renderer->renderToString('admin', $presenter);
 public function addUserAsProjectAdmin(Project $project, PFUser $user)
     $project_id = $this->da->escapeInt($project->getId());
     $user_id = $this->da->escapeInt($user->getId());
     $sql = "UPDATE user_group\n                SET admin_flags = 'A'\n                WHERE group_id = {$project_id}\n                  AND user_id = {$user_id}";
     return $this->update($sql);
Пример #12
  * @param SmartyHelper $smartyHelper
  * @param Command $prj
  * @param int $userid
 public static function dashboardSettings(SmartyHelper $smartyHelper, Project $prj, $userid, $teamid)
     $pluginDataProvider = PluginDataProvider::getInstance();
     $pluginDataProvider->setParam(PluginDataProviderInterface::PARAM_ISSUE_SELECTION, $prj->getIssueSelection());
     $pluginDataProvider->setParam(PluginDataProviderInterface::PARAM_TEAM_ID, $teamid);
     $pluginDataProvider->setParam(PluginDataProviderInterface::PARAM_SESSION_USER_ID, $userid);
     $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($teamid);
     $startT = $team->getDate();
     $now = time();
     $endT = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m', $now), date('d', $now), date('Y', $now));
     if ($startT > $endT) {
         $startT = strtotime('today midnight');
     //echo "start $startT end $endT<br>";
     // Calculate a nice day interval
     $nbWeeks = ($endT - $startT) / 60 / 60 / 24;
     $interval = ceil($nbWeeks / 20);
     $pluginDataProvider->setParam(PluginDataProviderInterface::PARAM_START_TIMESTAMP, $startT);
     $pluginDataProvider->setParam(PluginDataProviderInterface::PARAM_END_TIMESTAMP, $endT);
     $pluginDataProvider->setParam(PluginDataProviderInterface::PARAM_INTERVAL, $interval);
     // save the DataProvider for Ajax calls
     $_SESSION[PluginDataProviderInterface::SESSION_ID] = serialize($pluginDataProvider);
     // create the Dashboard
     $dashboard = new Dashboard('Project' . $prj->getId());
     $dashboard->setCategories(array(IndicatorPluginInterface::CATEGORY_QUALITY, IndicatorPluginInterface::CATEGORY_ACTIVITY, IndicatorPluginInterface::CATEGORY_ROADMAP, IndicatorPluginInterface::CATEGORY_PLANNING, IndicatorPluginInterface::CATEGORY_RISK));
     $data = $dashboard->getSmartyVariables($smartyHelper);
     foreach ($data as $smartyKey => $smartyVariable) {
         $smartyHelper->assign($smartyKey, $smartyVariable);
Пример #13
 public function getMatchingArtifacts(PFUser $user, Project $project, array $tracker_ids, Tracker_Hierarchy $hierarchy, Tracker_CrossSearch_Query $query, $excluded_artifact_ids = array())
     $shared_fields = $this->shared_field_factory->getSharedFields($query->getSharedFields());
     $semantic_fields = $query->getSemanticCriteria();
     $artifacts_info = $this->dao->searchMatchingArtifacts($user, $project->getId(), $query, $tracker_ids, $shared_fields, $semantic_fields, $this->artifact_link_field_ids_for_column_display, $excluded_artifact_ids);
     return $this->result_sorter->buildTreeWithMissingChildren($user, $artifacts_info, $excluded_artifact_ids);
 * Handle on_project_user_removed event
 * @param Project $project
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function resources_handle_on_project_user_removed($project, $user)
    $rows = db_execute('SELECT id FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'project_objects WHERE project_id = ?', $project->getId());
    if (is_foreachable($rows)) {
        $object_ids = array();
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $object_ids[] = (int) $row['id'];
        // foreach
        $user_id = $user->getId();
        // Assignments cleanup
        db_execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'assignments WHERE user_id = ? AND object_id IN (?)', $user_id, $object_ids);
        cache_remove('object_starred_by_' . $user_id);
        // Starred objects cleanup
        db_execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'starred_objects WHERE user_id = ? AND object_id IN (?)', $user_id, $object_ids);
        cache_remove('object_starred_by_' . $user_id);
        // Subscriptions cleanup
        db_execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'subscriptions WHERE user_id = ? AND parent_id IN (?)', $user_id, $object_ids);
        cache_remove('user_subscriptions_' . $user_id);
        // remove pinned project
        PinnedProjects::unpinProject($project, $user);
    // if
Пример #15
  * Return array of all pages for project
  * @param Project
  * @return ProjectLinks
 static function getAllProjectPages(Project $project)
     trace(__FILE__, 'getAllProjectPages():begin');
     $conditions = array('`project_id` = ?', $project->getId());
     return self::findAll(array('conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => '`id` ASC'));
     // findAll
     trace(__FILE__, 'getAllProjectPages():end');
Пример #16
 * Handle on prepare project overview event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param Project $project
 * @return null
function files_handle_on_project_tabs(&$tabs, &$logged_user, &$project)
    $tabs->add('attachments', array('text' => lang('Attachments'), 'url' => assemble_url('attachments_list', array('project_id' => $project->getId()))));
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('file', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('files', array('text' => lang('Files'), 'url' => files_module_url($project)));
    // if
Пример #17
	 * Return charts that belong to specific project
	 * @param Project $project
	 * @return array
	static function getProjectCharts($project) {
		$conditions = array(self::getWorkspaceString(), $project->getId());

		return self::findAll(array(
			'conditions' => $conditions,
			'order' => '`created_on` DESC',
		)); // findAll
	} // getProjectCharts
Пример #18
 public function getId()
     if ($this->__isInitialized__ === false) {
         return (int) $this->_identifier["id"];
     return parent::getId();
Пример #19
 public function __construct(PFUser $current_user, Project $project, $milestone_id)
     $this->user_id = $current_user->getId();
     $this->lang = $this->getLanguageAbbreviation($current_user);
     $this->project_id = $project->getId();
     $this->milestone_id = $milestone_id;
     $this->view_mode = $current_user->getPreference('agiledashboard_planning_item_view_mode_' . $this->project_id);
  * Return repository which was first added and last commit info
  * @param Project $project
  * @return array
 function findByPortalProject($project)
     $repository = ProjectObjects::find(array('conditions' => array('project_id = ? AND type = ? AND state >= ?', $project->getId(), 'Repository', STATE_VISIBLE), 'order' => 'created_on ASC', 'one' => true));
     if (instance_of($repository, 'Repository')) {
         $repository->last_commit = $repository->getLastCommit();
     // if
     return $repository;
Пример #21
 * Return upload files URL
 * @param Project $project
 * @param Category $category
 * @return string
function files_module_upload_url($project, $additional_params = null)
    $params = array('project_id' => $project->getId());
    if (is_array($additional_params)) {
        $params = array_merge($params, $additional_params);
    // if
    return assemble_url('project_files_upload', $params);
Пример #22
 * Return add ticket URL
 * @param Project $project
 * @param array $additional_params
 * @return string
function tickets_module_add_ticket_url($project, $additional_params = null)
    $params = array('project_id' => $project->getId());
    if ($additional_params !== null) {
        $params = array_merge($params, $additional_params);
    // if
    return assemble_url('project_tickets_add', $params);
  * Find all tasks in project, and prepare them for objects list
  * @param Project $project
  * @param User $user
  * @param int $state
  * @return array
 static function findForObjectsList(Project $project, User $user, $state = STATE_VISIBLE)
     $result = array();
     $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
     $tasks = DB::execute("SELECT,,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.category_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.milestone_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.completed_on,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.integer_field_1 as task_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.label_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.assignee_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.priority,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.delegated_by_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.state,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.visibility,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.created_on,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.updated_on,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\to.due_on,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\trec.tracked_time\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_objects o \r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN (SELECT parent_id, sum(value) tracked_time FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "time_records WHERE state = ? GROUP BY(parent_id)) rec ON(\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE o.type = 'Task' AND o.project_id = ? AND o.state = ? AND o.visibility >= ? ORDER BY DESC", $state, $project->getId(), $state, $user->getMinVisibility());
     if (is_foreachable($tasks)) {
         $task_url = Router::assemble('project_task', array('project_slug' => $project->getSlug(), 'task_id' => '--TASKID--'));
         $project_id = $project->getId();
         $labels = Labels::getIdDetailsMap('AssignmentLabel');
         foreach ($tasks as $task) {
             list($total_subtasks, $open_subtasks) = ProjectProgress::getObjectProgress(array('project_id' => $project_id, 'object_type' => 'Task', 'object_id' => $task['id']));
             $taskObj = new Task($task['id']);
             $result[] = array('id' => $task['id'], 'name' => $task['name'], 'project_id' => $project_id, 'category_id' => $task['category_id'], 'milestone_id' => $task['milestone_id'], 'task_id' => $task['task_id'], 'is_completed' => $task['completed_on'] ? 1 : 0, 'permalink' => str_replace('--TASKID--', $task['task_id'], $task_url), 'label_id' => $task['label_id'], 'label' => $task['label_id'] ? $labels[$task['label_id']] : null, 'assignee_id' => $task['assignee_id'], 'priority' => $task['priority'], 'delegated_by_id' => $task['delegated_by_id'], 'total_subtasks' => $total_subtasks, 'open_subtasks' => $open_subtasks, 'estimated_time' => $taskObj->tracking()->canAdd($user) && $taskObj->tracking()->getEstimate() ? $taskObj->tracking()->getEstimate()->getValue() : 0, 'tracked_time' => $taskObj->tracking()->canAdd($user) ? $task['tracked_time'] : 0, 'is_favorite' => Favorites::isFavorite(array('Task', $task['id']), $user), 'is_archived' => $task['state'] == STATE_ARCHIVED ? 1 : 0, 'visibility' => $task['visibility'], 'created_on' => $task['created_on'] ? $task['created_on'] : $task['updated_on'], 'updated_on' => $task['updated_on'], 'has_attachments' => $taskObj->attachments()->has() ? true : false, 'due_on' => $task['due_on'] ? $task['due_on'] : lang('No due date set'));
         // foreach
     // if
     return $result;
Пример #24
  * @return Tracker[]
 public function getTrackersUsedAsKanban(Project $project)
     $trackers = array();
     foreach ($this->dao->getKanbansForProject($project->getId()) as $row) {
         $tracker = $this->tracker_factory->getTrackerById($row['tracker_id']);
         if ($tracker) {
             $trackers[] = $tracker;
     return $trackers;
 public function __construct(PFUser $current_user, Project $project, $milestone_id, $milestone_representation, $paginated_backlog_items_representations, $paginated_milestones_representations)
     $this->user_id = $current_user->getId();
     $this->lang = $this->getLanguageAbbreviation($current_user);
     $this->project_id = $project->getId();
     $this->milestone_id = $milestone_id;
     $this->view_mode = $current_user->getPreference('agiledashboard_planning_item_view_mode_' . $this->project_id);
     $this->milestone_representation = json_encode($milestone_representation);
     $this->paginated_backlog_items_representations = json_encode($paginated_backlog_items_representations);
     $this->paginated_milestones_representations = json_encode($paginated_milestones_representations);
 private function filterWikiPagePermissionsAccordingToService(Project $project, array $wiki_page_ugroup_ids)
     $wiki_service_ugroup_ids = $this->getWikiServicePermissions($project->getId());
     foreach ($wiki_service_ugroup_ids as $wiki_service_ugroup_id) {
         $this->checkServiceOverridesPagePermission($wiki_page_ugroup_ids, $wiki_service_ugroup_id);
     if (empty($wiki_page_ugroup_ids)) {
         $wiki_page_ugroup_ids = $wiki_service_ugroup_ids;
     return array_merge($wiki_page_ugroup_ids, $this->getWikiAdminsGroups());
  * Return all attachments of a certain type for a specific project
  * @param array
  * @param Project $project
  * @return array
 function getAttachmentsByTypeAndProject($types, Project $project)
     if (!$project instanceof Project) {
         return null;
     // if
     if (!is_array($types)) {
         $types = array($types);
     // if
     return self::findAll(array('conditions' => array('`rel_object_manager` IN (?) AND `project_id` = ?', $types, $project->getId()), 'order' => '`order` ASC'));
 * Add sidebars to project overview page
 * @param array $sidebars
 * @param Project $project
 * @param User $user
function frosso_estimated_cost_handle_on_project_overview_sidebars(&$sidebars, Project &$project, User &$user)
    if (($user->canUseReports() || $project->isLeader($user)) && $project->canEdit($user)) {
        $arguments = array('conditions' => array('project_id = ? AND type = ? AND state >= ? AND visibility >= ? AND completed_on IS NULL', $project->getId(), 'Milestone', STATE_VISIBLE, VISIBILITY_NORMAL));
        $milestones = DataManager::find($arguments, TABLE_PREFIX . 'project_objects', DataManager::CLASS_NAME_FROM_TABLE, 'RemediaMilestone');
        if (is_foreachable($milestones)) {
            $result = array();
            $view = SmartyForAngie::getInstance()->createTemplate(AngieApplication::getViewPath('eta_project_sidebar', 'sidebar', FROSSO_EC_MODULE, AngieApplication::INTERFACE_DEFAULT));
            $view->assign(array('milestones' => $milestones, 'logged_user' => $user));
            $sidebars[] = array('label' => lang('ETA for this project'), 'is_important' => false, 'id' => 'project_milestones_complete', 'body' => $view->fetch());
 function eventAddFeed($coworkerid, $projectid)
     $do_project = new Project();
     $this->project_name = $do_project->getProjectName();
     $user = array($coworkerid);
     $this->iduser = $_SESSION["do_User"]->iduser;
     $do_user = new User();
     $this->user_full_name = $do_user->getFullName();
     $this->idcontact = $coworkerid;
     $this->idproject = $projectid;
Пример #30
 public function executeUpdate()
     $jira = new sfJiraPlugin($this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraLogin(), $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraPassword());
     $aProjects = $jira->getProjects();
     foreach ($aProjects as $project) {
         #var_dump( $project );
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(ProjectPeer::USER_ID, $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getId());
         $c->add(ProjectPeer::KEY, $project->key);
         $p = ProjectPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(UserPeer::JIRA_LOGIN, $project->lead);
         $u = UserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (empty($p)) {
             $p = new Project();
             $p->setLeadId(!empty($u) ? $u->getId() : null);
         $issues = $jira->getIssuesForProject($p->getKey());
         foreach ($issues as $issue) {
             if ($issue->assignee == $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraLogin()) {
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $c->add(TaskPeer::KEY, $issue->key);
                 $t = TaskPeer::doSelectOne($c);
                 if (empty($t)) {
                     $c = new Criteria();
                     $c->add(UserPeer::JIRA_LOGIN, $issue->reporter);
                     $u = UserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
                     $t = new Task();
                     $t->setLeadId(!empty($u) ? $u->getId() : null);
     return sfView::NONE;