Пример #1
 public function ChangeIndexTabsAction()
     $userModel = new UserModel();
     $user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser();
     $request = Project::getRequest();
     $tabs_map = $this->tabs_map;
     $checkBoxes = $request->checkBoxes;
     if ($user) {
         $old_selected_tabs = unserialize($user->tabs_map);
         foreach ($checkBoxes as $tabActiveId) {
             $tabs_map['selected_tabs'][] = array('id' => $tabActiveId, 'selected' => true);
         foreach ($old_selected_tabs as $old_tab) {
             if (!in_array($old_tab['id'], $checkBoxes)) {
                 $tabs_map['selected_tabs'][] = array('id' => $old_tab['id'], 'selected' => false);
         if (!$checkBoxes) {
             $tabs_map['selected_tabs'][0]['selected'] = true;
         $userModel->saveUserTabsMap($user->id, $tabs_map['selected_tabs']);
     } else {
     $message['tabs_map'] = $tabs_map;
     $message['user_id'] = $user->id;
Пример #2
 function init($autorization)
     if ($autorization->needAutorization() === true) {
         $type = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserType();
     } else {
         $this->_guest = true;
         $type = new UserTypeModel();
     // TODO:: need adding cache
     $right_model = new UserRightModel();
     $list = $right_model->loadByUserType($type->id);
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $controller_id = (int) $item['controller_id'];
         $action_id = (int) $item['action_id'];
         $subaction_id = (int) $item['subaction_id'];
         if (!isset($this->_accessList[$controller_id])) {
             $this->_accessList[$controller_id] = array();
         if (!isset($this->_accessList[$controller_id][$action_id]) && $subaction_id === 0 && (int) $item['access'] > 0) {
             $this->_accessList[$controller_id][$action_id] = true;
         if ($subaction_id > 0) {
             if (!isset($this->_subactions[$action_id])) {
                 $this->_subactions[$action_id] = array();
             if ((int) $item['access'] > 0) {
                 $this->_subactions[$action_id][$subaction_id] = true;
Пример #3
 public function getTabsPages($tabs_map)
     $user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser();
     $htmlStr = "";
     foreach ($tabs_map['selected_tabs'] as $tab) {
         $tab_id = $tab['id'];
         $tab_name = $tabs_map['main_tabs'][$tab_id]['name'];
         switch ($tab_id) {
             case 0:
                 $htmlPage = $this->viewNewsPage($user->id);
             case 1:
                 $htmlPage = $this->viewArticlePage($user->id);
             case 2:
                 $htmlPage = $this->viewAlbumPage($user->id);
             case 3:
                 $htmlPage = $this->viewQuestionPage($user->id);
                 $htmlPage = "";
         $htmlStr .= '
                 <div id="page' . $tab_id . '" class="tab-page">
                 ' . $htmlPage . '
     return $htmlStr;
Пример #4
 public function run()
     $autorize = Project::getSecurityManager()->getAutorize();
     $controller_class = $autorize->getController()->name;
     $controller = new $controller_class();
     $controller->init($autorize->getController(), $autorize->getAction());
     $action_function = $autorize->getAction()->name . 'Action';
     setcookie('PHPSESSID', session_id(), null, null, Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->login . '.next24.ru');
     $this->_request_complete = true;
     // Сохраняем время пользователя на серваке
     $user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser();
     if ($user->id) {
         $userModel = new UserModel();
         if (!$userModel->isUserOnline($user->id)) {
         } else {
         $userModel = new UserModel();
         $user = $userModel->getUserById($user->id);
     // END Сохраняем время пользователя на серваке
     return $controller;
Пример #5
 function add($user_id, $cause)
     if (strlen(trim($cause))) {
         $userModel = new UserModel();
         $currentUser = Project::getUser()->getDbUser();
         if ($userModel->id) {
             $banHistoryModel = new BanHistoryModel();
             $paramModel = new ParamModel();
             $n_warnings_to_ban = $paramModel->getParam("UserController", "N_WARNINGS_TO_BAN");
             $t_ban_time_sec = $paramModel->getParam("UserController", "T_BAN_TIME_SEC");
             $count_user_warnings = $this->getUserWarningCount($user_id);
             $this->user_id = (int) $user_id;
             $this->cause = $cause;
             $warning_id = $this->save();
             if ($userModel->warnings_fromlast_ban + 1 >= $n_warnings_to_ban) {
                 // пора банить
                 $subject = "Ваш аккаун заблокирован в системе Next24.ru";
                 $userModel->warnings_fromlast_ban = 0;
                 $userModel->banned = 1;
                 $userModel->banned_date = time();
                 $banHistoryModel->ban($user_id, $currentUser->id, $warning_id, date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + $t_ban_time_sec));
             } else {
                 $userModel->warnings_fromlast_ban = $userModel->warnings_fromlast_ban + 1;
                 $subject = "Администратор Next24.ru установил Вам предупреждение";
             $url_referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
             $this->sendMessage((int) $user_id, $subject, $cause, $url_referer);
             return $warning_id;
     return 0;
Пример #6
 public function __construct()
     $view_class = "GroupsView";
     $this->request = Project::getRequest()->getKeys();
     $this->session = Project::getSession()->getKeys();
     $this->current_user_id = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
Пример #7
 function SaveAction()
     $request = Project::getRequest();
     $user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
     $model = new UserModel();
     $do_save = true;
     if (!strlen(trim($request->login))) {
         $this->_view->addFlashMessage(FM::ERROR, "Не заполнено поле логин");
         $do_save = false;
     if ($request->unbann) {
         $ban_model = new BanHistoryModel();
         $ban_model->unban($request->id, $user_id);
     if ($request->bann) {
         if (strlen($request->warning)) {
             $ban_date = $request->ban_date;
             if (strlen($ban_date) && strtotime($ban_date) > time()) {
                 $warning_model = new WarningModel();
                 $warning_id = $warning_model->add($request->id, $request->warning);
                 $ban_model = new BanHistoryModel();
                 $ban_model->ban($request->id, $user_id, $warning_id, $request->ban_date);
             } else {
                 $this->_view->addFlashMessage(FM::ERROR, "Неверная дата бана");
                 $do_save = false;
         } else {
             $this->_view->addFlashMessage(FM::ERROR, "Не заполнено предупреждение");
             $do_save = false;
     if ($do_save) {
         $model->login = $request->login;
         $model->user_type_id = $request->user_group;
         if ($request->bann) {
             $model->banned = 1;
             $model->banned_date = strtotime($request->ban_date);
         } else {
             $model->banned = 0;
         $ban_date = $request->ban_date;
         if (strlen($ban_date)) {
             //$ban_model = new Ban
         $id = $model->save();
         $model = new UserTypeModel();
         $info = array();
         $info['group_list'] = $model->loadAll();
         $info['edit_controller'] = null;
         $info['edit_action'] = 'Edit';
Пример #8
 protected function BaseAdminData()
     $router = Project::getRequest();
     // TODO:: hardcoded menu
     $this->_view->assign('main_menu', array(array('link' => $router->createUrl('Admin', 'Desktop'), 'name' => 'Рабочий стол'), array('link' => $router->createUrl('AdminParameter', 'GroupList'), 'name' => 'Параметры системы'), array('link' => $router->createUrl('AdminUser', 'List'), 'name' => 'Пользователи'), array('link' => $router->createUrl('UserType', 'List'), 'name' => 'Группы и права доступа'), array('link' => $router->createUrl('BlogAdmin', 'CatalogList'), 'name' => 'Блоги')));
     $this->_view->assign('title', $this->_action_model->page_title);
     $this->_view->assign('current_user', Project::getUser()->getDbUser());
     // TODO:: read logged user information
Пример #9
 function __construct($view_class = null)
     if ($view_class === null) {
         $view_class = "PlacesView";
     $this->session = Project::getSession();
     $this->_view->assign('tab_list', TabController::getOwnTabs(true));
     $this->user = Project::getUser()->getShowedUser();
     $this->_view->assign('user_profile', $this->user->data());
     $this->_view->assign('session', $this->session);
     $this->_view->assign('user_default_avatar', $this->user->getUserAvatar($this->user->id));
Пример #10
 function __construct()
     $user = Project::getUser()->getShowedUser();
     $this->assign('showed_user_profile', $user->data());
     $this->_base_dir = 'site';
     //	$this -> _js_files=array('sys.js', 'tab.js','jquery-1.3.2.js','ui.core.js','ui.draggable.js','ui.droppable.js','dropdown.js');
     //	$this -> _js_files=array('jquery-1.3.2.js','ui.core.js','ui.draggable.js','ui.droppable.js');
     //	$this -> _js_files=array('dropdown.js');
     //	$this -> _js_files=array('sys.js');
     //	$this -> _js_files=array('jquery.js','dropdown.js');
     //	$this -> _js_files=array('sys.js', 'tab.js','jquery-1.3.2.min.js','ui.core.js','ui.draggable.js','ui.droppable.js','dropdown.js');
     $this->_js_files = array('jquery.min.js', 'dropdown.js');
     $this->_css_files = array('screen.css');
Пример #11
    public function viewSelectSecureUserList($name, $key, $section, $style = '')
        $user_id = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
        $users = $this->_stack['users'];
        $result = '<form ' . $style . ' name="usr_list' . $key . '" method="post" action="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('GTD', 'GTDAddSecureUser') . '">';
        $result .= '<select name="' . $name . '" onchange="usr_list' . $key . '.submit();">';
        $result .= '<option>Добавить пользователя...</option>';
        foreach ($users as $id => $user) {
            if ($id != $user_id) {
                $result .= '<option value="' . $id . '">' . $user['full_name'] . '</option>';
        $result .= '</select><input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $key . '" />
		<input type="hidden" name="section" value="' . $section . '" />
		<input type="hidden" name="cid" value="' . $this->category_id . '" />
		<input type="hidden" name="fid" value="' . $this->folder_id . '" /></form>';
        return $result;
Пример #12
    public function showUserAvator($userAvator, $imgUrl)
        $user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserById($userAvator['user_id']);
        echo '<div class="avatar">';
        echo '<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('User', 'Profile', null, $user['login']) . '">';
        if ($userAvator['path'] && $userAvator['path'] != 'no.png') {
            $src = $userAvator['path'] ? $imgUrl . 'avatar/' . $userAvator['path'] : $imgUrl . 'avatar/' . $userAvator['sys_path'];
            echo '<img src="' . $src . '" />';
        } else {
            echo '<img src="' . $imgUrl . 'avatar/no90.jpg" />';
        echo '<span class="member-name">' . $user['login'] . '</span>';
        echo '</a>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<ul class="controll clearfix"> 
				<li><a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('User', 'Profile', null, $user['login']) . '" title="Написать сообщение"><i class="icon mail-icon"></i></a></li> 
				<li><a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('User', 'Profile', null, $user['login']) . '" title="Статьи"><i class="icon mbook-icon"></i></a></li> 
				<li><a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('User', 'Profile', null, $user['login']) . '" title="Добавить"><i class="icon adduser-icon"></i></a></li> 
				<li><a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('User', 'Profile', null, $user['login']) . '" title="Комментарии"><i class="icon mcomm-icon"></i></a></li> 
Пример #13
 public function AddComplaintAction()
     $messagesModel = new MessagesModel();
     $user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser();
     $userModel = new UserModel();
     $arbitrationModel = new ArbitrationModel();
     $request = Project::getRequest();
     $user_login = $request->user_login;
     $complaint_on_user = $userModel->getUserByLogin($user_login);
     if ($complaint_on_user) {
         $arbitrationModel->user_id = $user->id;
         $arbitrationModel->complaint_on_user = $complaint_on_user['id'];
         $arbitrationModel->complaint_text = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . " " . htmlspecialchars($request->complaint_text);
         $arbitrationModel->arbitration_group_id = $request->arbitration_group_id;
         $message['item_id'] = (int) $request->item_id;
Пример #14
 function loadAll($userid, $logged_user_id, $sortName = 'a.creation_date', $sortOrder = 'DESC', $defaultSortName = "id", $filter_ids = array())
     $userid = (int) $userid;
     if (is_null($sortName)) {
         $sortName = $defaultSortName;
     $DE = Project::getDatabase();
     $sortOrder = $this->getSortDirection($sortOrder);
     if ($userid > 0) {
         $om = 1;
     } else {
         $om = "a.is_onmain = 1";
     if ($userid > 0) {
         $u = "a.user_id = " . $userid;
     } else {
         $u = 1;
     $sql = "SELECT " . "a.id as id," . "a.name as name," . "a.creation_date as creation_date," . "u.login as login," . "p.thumbnail as thumbnail," . "IF (rate.voices > 0, rate.rating/rate.voices, 0) as album_rating," . "a.user_id as user_id," . "a.access as access," . "a.is_onmain as is_onmain " . " FROM album as a " . " LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id=a.user_id " . " LEFT JOIN photo p ON p.id=a.thumbnail_id AND p.album_id=a.id " . " LEFT JOIN photo rate ON rate.album_id = a.id AND rate.is_rating > 0 " . " WHERE " . " " . $om . " " . " AND " . $u . " " . " AND ( (a.access=" . ACCESS::ALL . ") OR (?d AND a.access=" . ACCESS::FRIEND . ") OR (a.user_id=?d AND a.access=" . ACCESS::MYSELF . ") )" . " GROUP BY id " . " ORDER BY {$sortName} {$sortOrder}  LIMIT ?d, ?d ";
     $result = $DE->selectPage($this->_countRecords, $sql, (int) Project::getUser()->isFriend(), $logged_user_id, $this->_pager->getStartLimit(), $this->_pager->getPageSize());
     return $result;
Пример #15
    public function createGroupsTree()
        $groups = $this->_stack['groups'];
        $current_user_id = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
            if ($group['access_rule']) {
                if ($group['access_read']) {
                    if ($group['id_user'] == $current_user_id) {
                        $result .= '<br /><a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'subGroupView') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">' . $group['full_name'] . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'subGroupView') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'groupsDelete') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">удалить</a>&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'groupsAlter') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">изменить</a>
									<br />Метка группы : ' . $group['group_name'] . '<br />';
                    } else {
                        $result .= '<br /><a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'subGroupView') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">' . $group['full_name'] . '</a>
									<br />Метка группы : ' . $group['group_name'] . '<br />';
                } else {
                    if ($group['id_user'] == $current_user_id) {
                        $result .= '<br /><a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'subGroupView') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">' . $group['full_name'] . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'subGroupView') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'groupsDelete') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">удалить</a>&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'groupsAlter') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">изменить</a>
									<br />Метка группы : ' . $group['group_name'] . '<br />';
                    } else {
                        $result .= '<br />' . $group['full_name'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'subGroupView') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">подать заявку</a>
									<br />Метка группы : ' . $group['group_name'] . '<br />';
            } else {
                $result .= '<br /><a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'subGroupView') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">' . $group['full_name'] . '</a>';
                if ($group['id_user'] == $current_user_id) {
                    $result .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'groupsDelete') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">удалить</a>&nbsp;<a href="' . Project::getRequest()->createUrl('Groups', 'groupsAlter') . '/id:' . $group['id'] . '">изменить</a>';
                $result .= '<br />Метка группы : ' . $group['group_name'] . '<br />';
        return $result;
Пример #16
<?php include($this -> _include('../header.tpl.php')); ?>
<?php include($this -> _include('../profile_line.tpl.php')); ?>
<?php $user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserById($this->showed_user_profile['id']); ?>
				<div class="columns-page clearfix">
					<div class="main"><div class="wrap">
						<h2 class="page-ttl"><a href="#">Фотоальбомы <?$name_usr = implode(' ',array($user['first_name'],$user['middle_name']));
					if(!trim($name_usr)) echo 'Нет имени';
					else echo $name_usr;?></a> <span class="spr">»</span> <?=$this->current_album_name;?></h2>
						<?php if ($this -> can_edit) { ?>
							<form class="main-form" action="<?php echo $this -> createUrl('Photo', 'Save'); ?>" method="post">
						<?php } ?>						
								<div class="item-edit-list">
								<?php if(count($this->photo_list)) { ?>
									<ul class="clearfix">
									<?php foreach($this->photo_list as $key => $item){ ?>
										<li class="it">
											<div class="nm">
												<?php if ($this -> can_edit) { ?>
													<input type="hidden" name="photo_id[<?php echo $item['id'];?>]" value="<?php echo $item['id'];?>" />
													<input type="text" name="photo_name[<?php echo $item['id'];?>]" value="<?php echo $item['name'];?>" />
												<?php } else { ?>
													<a href="<?php echo PhotoController::getPhotoUrl($item['id'], $item['login']);?>"><?php echo $item['name'];?></a>
												<?php } ?>											
											<div class="av">
												<a href="<?php echo PhotoController::getPhotoUrl($item['id'], $item['login']);?>">
													<img class="avatar" src="<?php echo ($item['thumbnail'] ===false)?$this -> image_url.'noimage.gif' :$item['thumbnail'];?>" />
											<div class="meta">
Пример #17
  * Action: Оценка соц.позиции
 public function SocialVoteAddAction()
     $v_request = Project::getRequest();
     $v_sp_id = $v_request->getKeyByNumber(0);
     if ((int) $v_sp_id > 0) {
         $this->_SetVote($v_sp_id, $v_request->inp_criteria_id_1, $v_request->inp_select_1);
         $this->_SetVote($v_sp_id, $v_request->inp_criteria_id_2, $v_request->inp_select_2);
         $this->_SetVote($v_sp_id, $v_request->inp_criteria_id_3, $v_request->inp_select_3);
         // = Запись в таблицу локировки голосования
         $v_sp_votes_model = new SocialVotesModel();
         $v_sp_votes_model->social_pos_id = $v_sp_id;
         $v_sp_votes_model->user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
         $v_sp_votes_model->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     Project::getResponse()->redirect($v_request->createUrl('Social', 'SocialView', array($v_sp_id)));
Пример #18
  * Обработка файла импорта
 protected function _ImportProcess($p_tmp_file_name)
     if (file_exists($p_tmp_file_name)) {
         $v_fhandle = fopen($p_tmp_file_name, 'r');
         // -- Проверка заголовка
         if ($this->_CheckCaptionFile($v_fhandle) == -1) {
             return 1;
             // -- Заголовок не верен - файл не закладки
         // -- Получение кодировки файла с которой работаем
         $v_encoding_charset = $this->_GetEncodingFile($v_fhandle);
         fseek($v_fhandle, 0);
         while ($str = fgets($v_fhandle)) {
             if (mb_strpos(mb_strtolower($str), '<a href') !== false) {
                 $v_href = mb_strtolower($str);
                 $v_href = mb_substr($v_href, mb_strpos($v_href, '<a href') + 9);
                 $v_href = trim(mb_substr($v_href, 0, mb_strpos($v_href, '"')));
                 $v_name = $str;
                 $v_name = mb_substr($v_name, mb_strpos(mb_strtolower($v_name), '<a href') + 10);
                 $v_name = mb_substr($v_name, mb_strpos($v_name, '>') + 1);
                 if (strtolower($v_encoding_charset) == 'utf-8') {
                     $v_name = trim(mb_substr($v_name, 0, mb_strpos($v_name, '<')));
                 } else {
                     // Win-1251
                     $v_name = trim(substr($v_name, 0, strpos($v_name, '<')));
                     $v_name = mb_convert_encoding($v_name, "UTF-8", $v_encoding_charset);
                 if ($v_name == '') {
                     $v_name = '[Заполнить]';
                 // -- INSERT закладок
                 $v_bm_model = new BookmarksModel();
                 $v_bm_model->user_id = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
                 // ID залогиненного пользователя
                 $v_bm_model->bookmarks_tree_id = 0;
                 $v_bm_model->url = $v_href;
                 $v_bm_model->title = $v_name;
                 $v_bm_model->description = $v_name;
                 $v_bm_model->is_public = 0;
                 $v_bm_model->creation_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 $v_bm_id = $v_bm_model->save();
     return 0;
Пример #19
									$avatar = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserAvatar($user['id']);
									$avPath = $avatar['path'];
									if(!$avPath || $avPath == 'no.png') $avPath = 'no25.jpg';
									<td class="qv"><a href="<?=$this->createUrl('Social', 'SocialView', array($item['id']))?>" title="<?=$item['name'];?>"><?=$item['name_cut'];?></a>
               							<?php if($item['id_product']) {?>
               								<?php echo '('.$item['full_name'].')'; ?>
               								<span style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;" onclick="Ycoord = <?=$item['Ycoord'];?>; Xcoord = <?=$item['Xcoord'];?>; window.open('http://next24.home/popup.html','map','toolbar=0,width=520,height=350,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,status=map'); return false;">посмотреть на карте</span>
               							<?php }?>																		
									<td class="av"><a href="<?=$request->createUrl('Index','Index', null, $item['login']);?>" class="avatar-link"><img src="<?=$this->image_url.'avatar/'.$avPath;?>" alt="" style="width:25px;height:25px;" class="avatar" /><span class="t"><?=$item['login']; ?></span></a></td>
									<td class="an alt-an"><?=number_format($item['avg_rating'], 2, '.',' '); ?></td>
									<td class="an"><?=$item['count_comments']; ?></td>
									<td class="date"><?=date_format(new DateTime($item['creation_date']),'d.m.y H:i'); ?></td>
									<?php if($item['user_id'] == Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id) { ?>
              								<a href=<?=$this->createUrl('Social','SocialDelete',array($item['id']))?>>[Удалить]</a> 
            						<?php } else { ?>
            						<? } ?>								
								<? } ?>							
  						<?php if (count($this->category_row) > 0) { ?>
          			<!--  	<b>Позиции категории:</b> &nbsp;<?=$this->category_row[0]['name']; ?>	-->
          					<?php if ($this->tag_name_selected !== null) { ?>
Пример #20
 function getPost($post_id, $user_id, $request_user_id)
     $isFriend = (int) Project::getUser()->isFriend();
     $sql = "SELECT " . " blog_post.*, " . " blog.user_id as user_id" . " FROM blog_post " . " INNER JOIN ub_tree ubt ON ubt.id = blog_post.ub_tree_id " . " INNER JOIN blog ON blog.id = ubt.blog_id  " . " LEFT JOIN blog_subscribe bs ON bs.user_id=" . (int) $user_id . " AND bs.ub_tree_id=ubt.id " . " WHERE " . " blog_post.id = " . (int) $post_id . " " . " AND ( " . " (blog.user_id = " . (int) $user_id . ") " . " OR (blog_post.access = " . ACCESS::ALL . ") " . " OR (" . $isFriend . " AND blog_post.access=" . ACCESS::FRIEND . ") " . " OR (ubt.id = bs.ub_tree_id  AND blog_post.access=" . ACCESS::SUBSCRIBE . ") " . "     )";
     return Project::getDatabase()->selectRow($sql);
Пример #21
							<!-- /info-entry -->
						<div class="profile-info">
							<div class="info-title">
								<div class="more-act">[ <a href="<?php echo $this -> createUrl('Messages', 'Friend');?>">все друзья</a> ]</div>
								<i class="arrow-icon up-arrow"></i><strong>В друзьях</strong> <!--  (112)	 -->
							<!-- /info-title -->
							<div class="info-entry">							
								<ul class="friends-profile-view clearfix">
								<? if (is_array($this->in_friend_list_model)) { ?>
								<?php foreach ($this->in_friend_list_model as $value) { ?>
								<?php $loop_user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserById($value['user_id']); 
									  $avatar = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserAvatar($value['user_id']);
									  $avPath = $avatar['path'];
									  if(!$avPath || $avPath == 'no.png') $avPath = 'no25.jpg';
										<span class="av"><a href="<?php echo $this->createUrl('User','Profile',null,$loop_user['login']);?>"><img src="<?=$this->image_url.'avatar/'.$avPath;?>" alt="" style="width:25px;height:25px;" /></a></span>
										<a href="<?php echo $this->createUrl('User','Profile',null,$loop_user['login']);?>" class="nm"><?=$loop_user['first_name']; ?> <?=$loop_user['last_name']; ?></a>
										<span class="where"><?=$loop_user['country']?$loop_user['country'].' , ':''; ?><?=$loop_user['city'] ?></span>
								<?php } ?>
								<? } ?>									
							<!-- /info-entry -->
						<!-- /profile-info -->
Пример #22

include $this->_include('../header.tpl.php');
$user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserById($this->current_user->id);
			<ul class="view-filter clearfix"> 
					<li><a href="<?php 
echo $this->createUrl('User', 'Profile');
					<? $name_usr = implode(' ',array($user['last_name'],$user['first_name'],$user['middle_name']));
					if(!trim($name_usr)) echo 'Нет имени';
					else echo $name_usr;?></a></li> 
					<li><strong>Настройки профиля<span></span></strong></li> 
				<!-- /view-filter --> 
				<div class="user-profile"> 
					<div class="clearfix"> 
						<dl class="main-info"> 
							<dt><span class="user-status"><span class="online">online</span></span> <strong>
							<?if(!trim($name_usr)) echo 'Нет имени';
								else echo $name_usr;?></strong>  / <span class="nick"><?php 
echo $this->current_user->login;
</span> /</dt> 
$avator_path = $this->user_default_avatar['sys_av_id'] ? $this->user_default_avatar['sys_path'] : $this->user_default_avatar['path'];
if (!$avator_path || $avator_path == 'no.png') {
    $avator_path = $this->image_url . 'avatar/no90.jpg';
} else {
Пример #23
 public function GTDAddSecureUserAction()
     $model = new GTDModel();
     $user_id = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
     $v_request = Project::getRequest();
     $v_session = Project::getSession();
     $request_keys = $v_request->getKeys();
     $model->addSecureUser($request_keys['id'], $request_keys['section'], $request_keys['addusr']);
     switch ($request_keys['section']) {
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
Пример #24
		<td class="av"><a href="<?php 
echo $this->createUrl('User', 'Profile', null, $item['login']);
" class="avatar-link"><img src="<?php 
echo $this->image_url . 'avatar/' . $avPath;
" style="width:25px;height:25px;" alt="" class="avatar" /><span class="t"><?php 
echo $item['login'];
		<td class="an"><?php 
echo $item['votes'];
		<td class="date"><?php 
echo $item['creation_date'];
			<? if($this->can_vote && $item['user_id'] != Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id) {
					echo "<a href=".$this->createUrl('Article', 'SubjectVote', array($item['id'])).">Голосовать за тему</a></td>";
				} else {
					echo " - ";
			} ?>		
Пример #25
 public function SaveSubjectAction()
     $request = Project::getRequest();
     $article_model = new ArticleModel();
     if (count($article_model->loadByParentId(0, array(ARTICLE_COMPETITION_STATUS::NEW_ARTICLE), Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id)) < 5) {
         $article_model->title = $request->title;
         $article_model->articles_tree_id = $request->parent_id;
         $article_model->user_id = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
         $article_model->rate_status = ARTICLE_COMPETITION_STATUS::NEW_ARTICLE;
         $article_model->creation_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     Project::getResponse()->redirect($request->createUrl('Article', 'CompetitionCatalog'));
Пример #26
 public function SocialUserListAction()
     $v_request = Project::getRequest();
     $data = array();
     $data['action'] = 'SocialUserList';
     $v_current_userID = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
     // Номер выводимой страницы, определяется адресом bookmarks_list/0/1/ ...bookmarks_list/0/0/
     // где bookmarks_list/{id_категории}/{номер страницы}/
     $v_categoryID = $v_request->getKeyByNumber(0);
     $v_n_page = $v_request->getKeyByNumber(1);
     $this->_getData($data, 'SocialUserList', $v_categoryID, $v_n_page, $v_current_userID);
Пример #27
						<!-- /display-filter -->
						<table class="stat-table">
									<th class="main-row">Вопросы</th>
									<th><a class="script-link" href="<?php echo $this->createUrl('QuestionAnswer', 'ListStat', null, false).((($request->inp_sort=='asc')&&($request->type=='author'))?'/inp_sort:desc/type:author':'/inp_sort:asc/type:author'); ?>"><span class="t">Кто спрашивает</span></a></th>
									<th><span class="sort-by-this"><a class="script-link" href="<?php echo $this->createUrl('QuestionAnswer', 'ListStat', null, false).((($request->inp_sort=='asc')&&($request->type=='answer'))?'/inp_sort:desc/type:answer':'/inp_sort:asc/type:answer'); ?>"><span class="t">Ответы</span><i class="arrow-icon"></i></a></span></th>
									<th><a class="script-link" href="<?php echo $this->createUrl('QuestionAnswer', 'ListStat', null, false).((($request->inp_sort=='asc')&&($request->type=='create'))?'/inp_sort:desc/type:create':'/inp_sort:asc/type:create'); ?>"><span class="t">Дата создания</span></a></th>
							<?php foreach($this->question_list as $key => $item) { ?>
								$user = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserByLogin($item['login']);
								$avatar = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->getUserAvatar($user['id']);
								$avPath = $avatar['path'];
								if(!$avPath || $avPath == 'no.png') $avPath = 'no25.jpg';
									<td class="qv">
										<a href="<?=$this->createUrl('QuestionAnswer', 'ViewQuestion', array($item['id']))?>"><?=$item['q_text']?></a>
									<td class="av"><a href="<?=$request->createUrl('Index','Index', null, $item['login']);?>" class="avatar-link"><img src="<?=$this->image_url.'avatar/'.$avPath;?>" style="width:25px;height:25px;" alt="" class="avatar" /><span class="t"><?=$item['login'];?></span></a></td>
									<td class="an"><?=$item['a_count']?></td>
									<td class="date"><?=date_format(new DateTime($item['creation_date']),'Y.m.d H:i:s')?></td>
							<?php } ?>								
						<ul class="pages-list clearfix">
Пример #28
 public function checkAccessMessagesMod($id_group, $pid_group, $id_topic)
     $current_user_id = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
     $sql = "SELECT id_user FROM groups WHERE pid=0 AND id={$id_group}";
     $user_id = $this->db->selectCell($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT id_user FROM groups_topics WHERE id={$id_topic}";
     $user_topic_id = $this->db->selectCell($sql);
     if ($current_user_id == $user_id || $current_user_id == $user_topic_id) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT mod_subgroup FROM groups_user_access WHERE id_group = {$pid_group} AND id_user = {$id_user}";
         $result = $this->db->selectCell($sql);
         if ($result) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
Пример #29
 function LastListAction($info = array())
     $info['tab_list'] = TabController::getMainAlbumTabs(false, true, false);
     $request_user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getShowedUser()->id;
     $user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
     $album_id = isset($album_id) && (int) $album_id > 0 ? $album_id : (int) Project::getRequest()->getKeyByNumber(0);
     $this->BaseAlbumData($info, $album_id);
     $photo_model = new PhotoModel();
     $pager = new DbPager(Project::getRequest()->getValueByNumber(1), $this->getParam('last_photo_per_page', self::DEFAULT_PHOTO_PER_PAGE));
     $list = $photo_model->loadAll($request_user_id, $album_id);
     $info['photo_list'] = $list;
     $info['list_pager'] = $photo_model->getPager();
     $info['list_controller'] = 'Photo';
     $info['list_action'] = 'Album';
     $info['list_user'] = null;
Пример #30
 protected function BaseAlbumData(&$info, $album_id, $album_list = false)
     $request_user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getShowedUser()->id;
     $user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id;
     if (Project::getUser()->isMyArea()) {
         $v = new AlbumView();
         $info['control_panel'] = $v->parse();
     } else {
         $info['control_panel'] = null;
     if ($request_user_id > 0) {
         //	$info['tab_list'] = TabController::getOwnTabs(false, true);
         $info['tab_list'] = TabController::getOwnTabs(false, false, true);
     $tmp = array();
     $album_model = new AlbumModel();
     $tmp['album_menu_list'] = $album_model->loadByUser($request_user_id, $user_id);
     $tmp['album_id'] = $album_id;
     if (Project::getUser()->isMyArea()) {
         $tmp['album_owner'] = true;
     $v = new AlbumView();
     $info['album_menu'] = $v->parse();
     if ($album_list !== false) {
         $info[$album_list] = $tmp['album_menu_list'];