Пример #1
 public function testPCHasVariousAttributesAndCanSetSome()
     $char = new Player($this->char_id);
     $this->assertEquals(444, $char->set_bounty(444));
     $char_dup = new Player($this->char_id);
     $this->assertEquals(444, $char_dup->bounty());
     $this->assertEquals(32, $char_dup->turns());
     $this->assertEquals(45, $char_dup->gold());
Пример #2
$private = true;
if ($error = init($private, $alive)) {
} else {
    $turn_cost = 1;
    $health = 1;
    $victim = in('victim');
    $random_encounter = rand(1, 400) == 1;
    $combat_data = array();
    $char_id = self_char_id();
    $player = new Player($char_id);
    $error_template = 'npc.no-one.tpl';
    // Error template also used down below.
    $npc_template = $error_template;
    // Error condition by default.
    $turns = $player->turns();
    $is_villager = false;
    $ninja_str = $player->getStrength();
    $ninja_health = $player->vo->health;
    $static_npcs = array('peasant', 'thief', 'merchant', 'guard', 'samurai');
    $npcs = NpcFactory::npcsData();
    $possible_npcs = array_merge($static_npcs, array_keys($npcs));
    $victim = restrict_to($victim, $possible_npcs);
    // Filter to only the correct options.
    if ($turns > 0 && !empty($victim)) {
        // Strip stealth when attacking samurai or oni
        if ($player->hasStatus('stealth') && (strtolower($victim) == 'samurai' || strtolower($victim) == 'oni')) {
        $attacker_str = $player->getStrength();
        $attacker_health = $player->vo->health;
Пример #3
$private = true;
$alive = false;
if ($error = init($private, $alive)) {
} else {
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/lib_status.php";
    // statuses for quickstats
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/lib_player.php";
    // Player info display pieces.
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/Skill.php";
    $skillsListObj = new Skill();
    $player = new Player(self_char_id());
    $level = $player->level();
    $class = $player->class_display_name();
    // Just to be displayed in the template.
    $starting_turns = $player->turns();
    $starting_ki = $player->ki();
    $status_list = get_status_list();
    $no_skills = true;
    $stealth = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('Stealth');
    if ($stealth) {
        $no_skills = false;
    $stealth_turn_cost = $skillsListObj->getTurnCost('Stealth');
    $unstealth_turn_cost = $skillsListObj->getTurnCost('Unstealth');
    $chi = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('Chi');
    $speed = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('speed');
    $hidden_resurrect = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('hidden resurrect');
    $midnight_heal = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('midnight heal');
    $kampo_turn_cost = $skillsListObj->getTurnCost('Kampo');
    $kampo = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('kampo');
Пример #4
 $classes = classes_info();
 $in_upgrade = in('upgrade');
 // Level up request.
 $dimmak_sequence = in('dimmak_sequence', '');
 $classChangeSequence = in('classChangeSequence');
 $current_class_untrusted = in('current_class');
 // Untrusted courtesy check to prevent doubled class change in the event of a refresh.
 $requested_identity = in('requested_identity');
 // Untrusted class identity request.
 if (is_logged_in()) {
     // Get the character data.
     $char_id = self_char_id();
     $char = $player = new Player($char_id);
     $userLevel = $player->vo->level;
     $userKills = $player->vo->kills;
     $user_turns = $player->turns();
     $userClass = $player->class_identity();
     $user_class_display = $player->class_display_name();
     $user_class_theme = class_theme($userClass);
     // Pull info for the class requested to change to.
     $destination_class_identity = isset($requested_identity) && isset($classes[$requested_identity]) ? $requested_identity : null;
     $destination_class_info = $destination_class_display = $destination_class_theme = null;
     if ($destination_class_identity) {
         $destination_class_info = $classes[$destination_class_identity];
         $destination_class_display = $destination_class_info['class_name'];
         $destination_class_theme = $destination_class_info['theme'];
     // Pull the number of kills required to get to the next level.
     $required_kills = required_kills_to_level($player->level());
     $current_class_untrusted = whichever($current_class_untrusted, $userClass);
     // Initialize the class record to prevent double change on refresh.
Пример #5
 public function testCloneKillKillingWipesHealthAndTurns()
     $char_id = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id();
     $charObj = new Player($char_id);
     $char_id_2 = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id_2();
     $charObj_2 = new Player($char_id_2);
     // Will create characters with ip, but that shouldn't be clone kill able.
     $this->assertFalse(CloneKill::canKill($char_id, $char_id_2));
     $this->syncIps('', $char_id, $char_id_2);
     $this->assertTrue(CloneKill::canKill($char_id, $char_id_2), 'Should be able to clone kill similar and same ip characters!');
     CloneKill::kill($charObj, $charObj, $charObj_2);
     // Obliterate them.
     $pc1 = new Player($char_id);
     $pc2 = new Player($char_id_2);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $pc1->health());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $pc2->health());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $pc1->turns());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $pc2->turns());