Пример #1
        echo CHtml::mailto(Html::fontAwesome('envelope', 'a') . $delegate->user->getAttributeValue('name', true), $delegate->user->email);
} elseif ($competition->isOld() && $competition->old->getAttributeValue('delegate')) {
    echo Yii::t('Competition', 'Delegates');
    echo OldCompetition::formatInfo($competition->old->getAttributeValue('delegate'));
echo Yii::t('Competition', 'Events');
echo implode(Yii::t('common', ', '), array_map(function ($event) use($competition) {
    return Yii::t('event', $competition->getFullEventName($event));
}, array_keys($competition->getRegistrationEvents())));
Пример #2
 public function actionCompetition()
     $provinces = CHtml::listData(Region::getRegionsByPid(1), 'id', 'name_zh');
     $cities = Yii::app()->db->cache(86400)->createCommand()->select('*')->from('region')->where('pid>1')->order('id')->queryAll();
     $allCities = array();
     foreach ($cities as $city) {
         if (!isset($allCities[$city['pid']])) {
             $allCities[$city['pid']] = array();
         $allCities[$city['pid']][$city['id']] = $city['name_zh'];
     $cities = $allCities;
     $db = Yii::app()->db;
     $oldEvents = $db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('cubingchina_mf8.比赛项目')->order('项目顺序')->queryAll();
     $oldEvents = array_combine(array_map(function ($event) {
         return $event['项目顺序'];
     }, $oldEvents), $oldEvents);
     $oldCompetitions = $db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('cubingchina_mf8.比赛事件')->order('比赛id')->queryAll();
     foreach ($oldCompetitions as $oldCompetition) {
         $competition = new Competition();
         $competition->name_zh = str_replace(' ', '', $oldCompetition['比赛名称']);
         $competition->date = strtotime($oldCompetition['比赛日期']);
         if ($oldCompetition['天数'] > 1) {
             $competition->end_date = $competition->date + 86400 * ($oldCompetition['天数'] - 1);
         $competition->reg_end = $competition->date - 86400;
         $competition->old_competition_id = $oldCompetition['比赛id'];
         $location = new CompetitionLocation();
         $detected = false;
         $address = $oldCompetition['地址'] . $oldCompetition['比赛名称'];
         foreach ($provinces as $provinceId => $province) {
             if (strpos($address, $province) !== false) {
                 $location->province_id = $provinceId;
                 $location->city_id = $this->_cityId;
                 foreach ($cities[$provinceId] as $cityId => $city) {
                     if (mb_strlen($city, 'utf-8') > 2) {
                         $city = mb_substr($city, 0, -1, 'utf-8');
                     if (strpos($address, $city) !== false) {
                         $location->city_id = $cityId;
                 $detected = true;
         if (!$detected) {
             $location->province_id = $this->_provinceId;
             $location->city_id = $this->_cityId;
         $location->venue_zh = $oldCompetition['地址'];
         $competition->location = array($location);
         if ($oldCompetition['是否wca']) {
             $competition->type = Competition::TYPE_WCA;
             $wcaCompetitions = Competitions::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('countryId' => 'China', 'year' => date('Y', $competition->date), 'month' => date('m', $competition->date), 'day' => date('d', $competition->date)));
             $wcaCompetition = null;
             if (count($wcaCompetitions) == 1) {
                 $wcaCompetition = $wcaCompetitions[0];
             } else {
                 foreach ($wcaCompetitions as $value) {
                     if (strpos($value->website, '=' . $competition->old_competition_id) !== false) {
                         $wcaCompetition = $value;
             if ($wcaCompetition !== null) {
                 $competition->name = $wcaCompetition->name;
                 $competition->wca_competition_id = $wcaCompetition->id;
                 $location->venue = $wcaCompetition->venueDetails . ', ' . $wcaCompetition->venueAddress;
         } else {
             $competition->type = Competition::TYPE_OTHER;
         $oldComp = new OldCompetition();
         $oldComp->id = $oldCompetition['比赛id'];
         $oldComp->delegate_zh = OldCompetition::generateInfo($this->makeInfo($oldCompetition['监督代表']));
         $organizer = $this->makeInfo($oldCompetition['主办方']);
         if ($oldCompetition['主办电邮']) {
             $organizer[0]['email'] = $oldCompetition['主办电邮'];
         $oldComp->organizer_zh = OldCompetition::generateInfo($organizer);
         $events = array();
         $resultEvents = $db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('cubingchina_mf8.比赛成绩')->leftJoin('cubingchina_mf8.比赛项目', '比赛项目.项目id=比赛成绩.项目id')->where('比赛成绩.事件id=' . $oldCompetition['比赛id'])->group('比赛成绩.项目id, 比赛成绩.第N轮')->queryAll();
         if ($resultEvents !== array()) {
             foreach ($resultEvents as $value) {
                 $eventName = $value['项目名'];
                 $event = isset($this->_eventsMap[$eventName]) ? $this->_eventsMap[$eventName] : 'funny';
                 if (!isset($events[$event])) {
                     $events[$event] = array('round' => 0, 'fee' => 0);
         if ($events === array() && $competition->wca_competition_id !== '') {
             $resultEvents = Results::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('competitionId' => $competition->wca_competition_id), array('group' => 'eventId,roundId'));
             if ($resultEvents !== array()) {
                 foreach ($resultEvents as $value) {
                     $event = $value->eventId;
                     if (!isset($events[$event])) {
                         $events[$event] = array('round' => 0, 'fee' => 0);
         if ($events === array()) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($oldCompetition['比赛项目']); $i++) {
                 if ($oldCompetition['比赛项目'][$i]) {
                     $eventName = $oldEvents[$i + 1]['项目名'];
                     $event = isset($this->_eventsMap[$eventName]) ? $this->_eventsMap[$eventName] : 'funny';
                     $events[$event] = array('round' => 1, 'fee' => 0);
         $competition->events = $events;
         $ret = $competition->save(false);
         $location->competition_id = $competition->id;
Пример #3
 public function getDescription()
     if ($this->_description !== null) {
         return $this->_description;
     $description = '{name} is a speedcubing competition held at {venue} on {date}, organized by {organizers}';
     if ($this->delegate !== array()) {
         $description .= ', and is in the charge of{wca} {delegates}';
     $description .= '.';
     $params = array('{name}' => $this->getAttributeValue('name'), '{date}' => $this->getDisplayDate(), '{wca}' => $this->type == self::TYPE_WCA ? Yii::t('common', ' the WCA delegate') : '');
     if ($this->isMultiLocation()) {
         $venue = '';
         $count = count($this->location);
         foreach ($this->location as $key => $location) {
             $address = $location->getFullAddress(false);
             if ($key == 0) {
                 $venue .= $address;
             } elseif ($key < $count - 1) {
                 $venue .= Yii::t('common', ', ') . $address;
             } else {
                 $venue .= Yii::t('common', ' and ') . $address;
     } else {
         $venue = $this->location[0]->getFullAddress();
     $params['{venue}'] = $venue;
     $organizers = '';
     if ($this->isOld()) {
         $organizers = strip_tags(OldCompetition::formatInfo($this->old->getAttributeValue('organizer')));
     } else {
         $count = count($this->organizer);
         foreach ($this->organizer as $key => $organizer) {
             if ($key == 0) {
                 $organizers .= $organizer->user->getAttributeValue('name', true);
             } elseif ($key < $count - 1) {
                 $organizers .= Yii::t('common', ', ') . $organizer->user->getAttributeValue('name', true);
             } else {
                 $organizers .= Yii::t('common', ' and ') . $organizer->user->getAttributeValue('name', true);
     $params['{organizers}'] = $organizers;
     $delegates = '';
     $count = count($this->delegate);
     foreach ($this->delegate as $key => $delegate) {
         if ($key == 0) {
             $delegates .= $delegate->user->getAttributeValue('name', true);
         } elseif ($key < $count - 1) {
             $delegates .= Yii::t('common', ', ') . $delegate->user->getAttributeValue('name', true);
         } else {
             $delegates .= Yii::t('common', ' and ') . $delegate->user->getAttributeValue('name', true);
     $params['{delegates}'] = $delegates;
     return $this->_description = Yii::t('common', $description, $params);